高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module5《Newspapers and Magazines》 (外研版必修2)

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《高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module5《Newspapers and Magazines》 (外研版必修2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module5《Newspapers and Magazines》 (外研版必修2)(138页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、. 句式填空句式填空1. the first (second. . . last)+ n. +动词不定式作后置定语动词不定式作后置定语When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became the third nation to send a man into space (把人送入太空的第三个国家把人送入太空的第三个国家). 2. while 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句While he was travelling in space (他他在在太太空空飞飞行行时时), Yang

2、 spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth. 3. now that引导的原因状语从句引导的原因状语从句Now that I have made this first visit (既然我开始了第一次访既然我开始了第一次访问问), I hope I can come many more times. 4. 过去分词作后置定语过去分词作后置定语The Sun, founded in 1964 (创办于创办于1964年的年的), is the most su

3、ccessful of the popular newspapers. . 教材设题教材设题1. When he _ in the capsule, he _ photographs of planet earth. A. orbited; tookB. was orbiting; was takingC. was orbiting; tookD. orbited; was taking【解解析析】选选C。考考查查时时态态。句句意意:当当他他在在太太空空舱舱中中绕绕轨轨道道飞飞行行时时, 他他拍拍了了地地球球的的照照片片。根根据据句句意意可可知知when引引导导的的时时间间状状语语从从句句中中

4、要要用用过过去去进进行行时时强强调调动动作作的的延延续续性性, 而而主主句句中中的的动动作是在这个延续性的动作发生的过程中的另一个短暂的动作。作是在这个延续性的动作发生的过程中的另一个短暂的动作。2. Yang is the 431st person _ in space, _ astronauts from 32 countries. A. to travel; included B. to travel; includingC. travelling; included D. travelling; including【解解析析】选选B。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。表表示示“做做的的第第

5、一一、二二”要要用用the first/second. . . +n. +to do的的结结构构。第第二二个个空空指指前前面面提提到到的的431位位宇宇航航员员包包括括来来自自32个个国国家家的的宇宇航航员员, 所所以以要要用用including。including+n. =n. +included。3. _ no one else saw the aliens, not many people believe Mr Bates. A. Until B. Unless C. Though D. Since【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:因因为为没没有有其其他他人人见见过过外外星星人人, 所所以以

6、没没有有很很多多人人相相信信贝贝茨茨先先生生。since在在此此处处表表示示“既既然然, 因因为为”, 引引导导原因状语从句。原因状语从句。4. There are probably aliens living here on earth. Oh, _ ! I cant believe you said that! A. no problem B. I cant agree moreC. you can say that again D. come on【解解析析】选选D。考考查查交交际际用用语语。no problem没没问问题题; I cant agree more我我完完全全同同意意; y

7、ou can say that again你你完完全全正正确确; come on加加油油!得得了了吧吧。根根据据I cant believe you said that! 可可知第二个说话者不相信第一个说话者说的话。知第二个说话者不相信第一个说话者说的话。5. The US also has a lot of tabloid newspapers, such as The New York Daily News, _ British tabloids. A. which is similar to B. which is similar withC. which are similar to

8、D. which are similar with【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句和和固固定定短短语语。此此处处是是一一个个由由which引引导导的的非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句, which代代指指前前面面的的tabloid newspapers, 所所以以谓谓语语动动词词要要用用复复数数形形式式。be similar to与与相似。相似。1. The two sportsmen congratulated each other _ winning the match by shaking hands. 2008上海上海, 25A. with B. on C. in D. t

9、o【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词与与介介词词的的搭搭配配。congratulate sb. on doing sth. 祝祝贺贺某某人人做做了了某某事事。句句意意:两两名名运运动动员员通通过过握握手手的的方式互相祝贺赢得了这次比赛。方式互相祝贺赢得了这次比赛。2. A _ holiday can make the students full of stress feel _ . A. delightful; delightful B. delighted; delightedC. delightful; delighted D. delighted; delightful【解解析析】选选

10、C。句句意意:一一个个令令人人愉愉快快的的假假期期可可以以使使充充满满压压力力的的学学生生们们感感到到高高兴兴。根根据据句句意意可可知知第第一一个个空空填填delightful(令令人愉快的人愉快的), 第二个空填第二个空填delighted(内心愉快的内心愉快的)。3. Hi, Zhang Hua, Liu Mei has come back from abroad. Lets have a get-together this weekend, shall we? _ . 2011重庆模拟重庆模拟A. Youre welcome B. Sounds like a good ideaC. It

11、s quite all right D. Its very kind of you【解解析析】选选B。考考查查交交际际用用语语。根根据据Lets have a get-together this weekend, shall we? 可可知知, 第第一一个个说说话话者者提提出出了了建建议议, 所所以以第第二二个个说说话话者者应应对对此此建建议议做做出出评评论论。Sounds like a good idea表示表示“你的建议听起来很好你的建议听起来很好”。4. When you have finished the book, please _ it on the shelf. 2011杭州模拟

12、杭州模拟A. replace B. devote C. consider D. equip【解解析析】选选A。句句意意为为:你你读读完完后后请请把把书书放放回回架架子子上上。replace sth. +prep. /adv. 意为意为“把某物放回把某物放回”。5. 用用aboard, abroad, congratulate, celebrate填空填空1)We can get news home and abroad on the Internet. 2)How many people aboard survived after the plane crash? 3)I intended t

13、o celebrate my birthday at my home. 4)I observed them congratulate the student on being admitted into his ideal university. 完成下面的句子完成下面的句子1. 既然你忙既然你忙, 就让我替你做吧。就让我替你做吧。Now that you are busy , let me do it for you. 2. 既然我已经结婚了既然我已经结婚了, 晚上我就不频繁地出去了。晚上我就不频繁地出去了。Now that Im married , I dont go out in the

14、 evenings so often. 3. 总共有一百多人参加了我的生日晚会。总共有一百多人参加了我的生日晚会。 In total over 100 people attended my birthday party. 1. “You _ have a wrong number, ” she said. “Theres no one of that name here. ”2010浙江浙江, 17A. need B. can C. must D. would【解解析析】选选C。考考查查情情态态动动词词表表猜猜测测。根根据据Theres no one of that name here. 可可

15、知知此此处处应应表表示示“你你一一定定弄弄错错号号码码了了”, 所所以以选选C。need与与can表表猜猜测测时时不不能能用用于于肯肯定定句句。would不不表表示示猜测。猜测。2. Im afraid Mr. Harding _ see you now. Hes busy. 2010全国卷全国卷, 17A. cant B. mustntC. shouldnt D. neednt【解解析析】选选A。考考查查情情态态动动词词表表猜猜测测。根根据据Hes busy. 可可以以猜猜测测出出此此处处想想表表示示“恐恐怕怕现现在在Mr. Harding一一定定不不会会见见你你”。 cant do一一定定

16、不不会会; shouldnt do不不应应该该做做; neednt do没没必必要要做。做。must表猜测时表猜测时, 不能用于否定句与疑问句。不能用于否定句与疑问句。3. The second _ the bus was a student with a bag of books. A. getting on B. getting intoC. to get on D. to get into【解解析析】选选C。表表示示“做做某某事事的的第第一一/二二/三三个个人人/物物或或做做某某事事的的最最后后一一个个人人/物物”, 要要用用动动词词不不定定式式作作定定语语。get on表表示示“上上公

17、公交交车车、火火车车等等大大车车”, get into表表示示“上上小小轿轿车车、出出租车租车”。. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空orbit, congratulate, achieve, replace, delight, politics, believe, culture, found, produce 1. The film to be produced for the New Year is said to be good. 2. The invention of the computer is a great achievement . 3. The plane i

18、s orbiting over the field, waiting for the signal to land. 4. I was delighted to see my old friends again. 5. Congratulations on your success! 6. I havent much belief in his honesty. 7. The cultural traditions of our society are different from the ones of the US. 8. Politicians are busy near electio

19、n time. 9. Weve replaced the old adding machine with a computer. 10. The business, founded by Dawn and Nigel, suffered financial setbacks. . 完成句子完成句子1. 这起事故与这起事故与2008年发生的那一起事故相似。年发生的那一起事故相似。The accident was similar to the one that happened in 2008. 2. 我们班总共有我们班总共有10人没有通过这次英语测试。人没有通过这次英语测试。In total 1

20、0 students in our class failed in this English test. 3. 既然你不能帮助我既然你不能帮助我, 我只能向他人求助。我只能向他人求助。Now that you cant help me , I have to turn to others. 4. 恭喜你获得这样一个极好的机会。恭喜你获得这样一个极好的机会。I congratulate you on this great opportunity. 5. 当影迷们在旅馆的前门等候时当影迷们在旅馆的前门等候时, 那位影星到达了后门。那位影星到达了后门。While the fans were wait

21、ing in the front of the hotel, the film star arrived at the back. 6. 当我听到当我听到“嫦娥二号嫦娥二号”, 中国的第二个月球探测器中国的第二个月球探测器, 已进已进入地月转移轨道时入地月转移轨道时, 我正在吃饭。我正在吃饭。When I heard the news that Change-2, Chinas second moon probe, had entered the Earth-moon transfer orbit, I was having dinner . 7. 根据她对约翰的了解根据她对约翰的了解, 她肯

22、定那个偷袭者一定不是约翰。她肯定那个偷袭者一定不是约翰。From her knowledge of Johns habits, she feels sure that the attacker cant have been John. 8. 世界上真有鬼。世界上真有鬼。得了吧!我不相信你说的。得了吧!我不相信你说的。 There are really ghosts in the world. Come on! I cant believe what you said . . 单项填空单项填空1. So far no life has been found outside the earth,

23、but while some scientists are actively searching for living things in outer space, others firmly believe there _ . 2011上海模拟上海模拟A. mustnt be B. may not beC. cant be D. wont be【解解析析】选选C。考考查查情情态态动动词词表表猜猜测测。句句意意:到到目目前前为为止止在在地地球球以以外外没没有有发发现现生生命命, 但但是是有有些些科科学学家家积积极极地地在在外外太太空空寻寻找找生生物物, 有有些些科科学学家家却却坚坚信信在在外外

24、太太空空一一定定没没有有生生物物。根根据据句句意意可可知知选选C。cant 一一定定不不, 语语气气很很强强; may not可可能能不不, 语语气气较较弱弱。must表表猜猜测测时时, 不不能能用用于于否否定定句句。will不不表表示示猜猜测测。根根据句中的据句中的firmly可知猜测的语气很强。故选可知猜测的语气很强。故选C。 【举一反三举一反三】Im sure he _ have forgotten about the wedding! A. cant B. may notC. neednt D. mustnt【解解析析】选选A。考考查查情情态态动动词词表表猜猜测测。句句意意:我我确确信

25、信他他一一定定没没有有忘忘记记这这场场婚婚礼礼!根根据据Im sure可可知知猜猜测测的的可可能能性性较较强强, 又又根根据据句句意意可可知知选选A。cant have done一一定定不不会会做做某某事事; may not have done可可能能不不会会做做某某事事; neednt have done本本来来不不必必做做某事。某事。must表猜测时表猜测时, 不能用于否定句。不能用于否定句。2. Were all ready to put it into operation. _ , were going to take action as fast as possible. 2011淄

26、博模拟淄博模拟A. In total B. In generalC. In conclusion D. In other words【解解析析】选选D。考考查查固固定定短短语语。in total总总共共; in general一一般般来来说说; in conclusion总总之之; in other words换换句句话话说说。句句意意:我我们已经准备好使它生效。换句话说们已经准备好使它生效。换句话说, 我们打算尽快采取行动。我们打算尽快采取行动。3. The growth of GDP in China will be largely slowed down in the next few

27、years _ it mainly relies on the exploration of the resources available. A. because of B. due toC. thanks to D. now that【解解析析】选选D。because of= due to= thanks to由由于于, 是是介介词词短短语语, 后后面面跟跟名名词词、代代词词、what引引导导的的从从句句。now that=since既既然然, 因因为为, 是是连连词词, 引引导导状状语语从从句句。根根据据句句子子结结构构可可知知此此处处需需要连词。故选要连词。故选D。 【举一反三举一反三

28、】The college education system should be reformed _ it can follow the pace of the economic development. 2011常州模拟常州模拟A. now that B. so thatC. only if D. even if【解解析析】选选B。考考查查连连词词。now that既既然然, 因因为为; so that以以至至于于, 为为了了; only if只只有有; even if即即使使。句句意意:为为了了能能跟跟上上经经济济发发展的步伐展的步伐, 应改革大学教育体制。应改革大学教育体制。4. Ple

29、ase _ your minds _ the following problems. 2011抚顺模拟抚顺模拟A. pay; to B. concentrate; onC. focus; at D. center; in 【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:请请把把你你的的心心思思集集中中到到下下面面的的问问题题上上。pay付付款款; center集集中中于于, 与与on搭搭配配, 所所以以可可以以排排除除A、D两两项项, 若选若选C, 应把应把C项中的项中的at改为改为on。故选。故选B。5. _ to the delight of the schoolchildren, they will ha

30、ve a longer winter holiday which falls a week earlier than they have expected. 2011鹤岗模拟鹤岗模拟A. Many B. Much C. Plenty D. Lots【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。much to ones delight令令某某人人极其高兴的是。极其高兴的是。6. Goodbye! Im going back to my hometown this afternoon. _2011台州模拟台州模拟A. Have a nice trip. B. Congratulations! C.

31、 Take your time. D. I couldnt agree more. 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查交交际际用用语语。因因为为第第一一个个人人说说要要回回家家乡乡, 所以第二个人应说所以第二个人应说“旅途愉快旅途愉快”。7. The world should be full of peace so we must _ conflict with harmony. A. replace B. place C. replay D. play【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。replace代代替替, 放放回回; place放放置置; replay重重新新进进行行, 重重播播,

32、 重重演演; play玩玩, 播播放放。句句意意:世世界界应应该充满和平该充满和平, 所以我们必须用和谐代替冲突。所以我们必须用和谐代替冲突。8. There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in _ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _ earth. A. the; the B. /; theC. the; / D. a; the【解解析析】选选B。考考查查冠冠词词。in space“在在太太空空中中”, 中中间间没没有有冠词冠词; earth前面要加定冠词前面要加定冠词, 因为地球是独一无二的东西。因

33、为地球是独一无二的东西。 【方法技巧方法技巧】冠词用法冠词用法ABC 英英语语中中冠冠词词虽虽然然不不多多, 但但考考试试中中总总是是少少不不了了。从从近近五五年年的的高高考考试试题题来来看看, 每每年年都都有有一一道道关关于于冠冠词词的的单单选选题题。因因此此, 同同学学们们在在复复习习中中不不可可忽忽视视它它。近近几几年年来来, 主主要要考考查查一一些些冠冠词词的基本用法。的基本用法。 可可数数名名词词单单数数表表泛泛指指时时, 其其前前面面需需用用不不定定冠冠词词; 表表示示某某一一类类别别时时, 可可数数名名词词前前面面需需用用不不定定冠冠词词; 表表示示数数量量为为“一一”时时, 可

34、可数数名名词词前前面面用用不不定定冠冠词词; 表表示示“每每一一”概概念念时时, 可可数数名名词词前前面也需用不定冠词面也需用不定冠词; 一些固定短语前需用不定冠词。一些固定短语前需用不定冠词。 名名词词被被用用来来特特指指某某一一个个或或某某一一类类时时, 前前面面用用定定冠冠词词; 世世界界上上独独一一无无二二的的事事物物前前面面用用定定冠冠词词; 重重复复前前面面已已出出现现过过的的名名词词前前面面用用定定冠冠词词; 形形容容词词最最高高级级、序序数数词词前前面面用用定定冠冠词词; 在在江江河河、湖湖泊泊、山山脉脉、岛岛屿屿、建建筑筑物物前前面面用用定定冠冠词词; 在在一一些些习习惯惯用

35、用语语中用定冠词中用定冠词, 如如play the piano, in the way等。等。 名名词词前前有有指指示示代代词词、疑疑问问代代词词、形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词、名名词词所所有有格格修修饰饰时时, 用用零零冠冠词词; 名名词词的的复复数数形形式式表表示示类类别别时时, 前前面面用用零零冠冠词词; 专专有有名名词词前前一一般般用用零零冠冠词词; 官官衔衔、职职称称名名词词前前面面一一般般用用零零冠冠词词; 节节假假日日、球球类类、三三餐餐等等名名词词前前面面一一般般用用零零冠冠词词; 一些习惯用语中名词前面用零冠词。一些习惯用语中名词前面用零冠词。9. Their situa

36、tion seems to have been very similar _ ours. A. with B. to C. as D. in【解解析析】选选B。考考查查介介词词与与固固定定搭搭配配。be similar to sb. /sth. in sth. 表示表示“在在方面与某人或某物相似方面与某人或某物相似”。10. Her voice _ a more serious tone. A. took away B. took outC. took on D. took off【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词词词组组辨辨析析。句句意意:她她使使用用了了更更为为严严肃肃的的声声调调。ta

37、ke on“呈呈现现; 具具有有”; take away“拿拿走走”; take out“拿出拿出”; take off“脱掉脱掉, 起飞起飞”。由句意可知。由句意可知C正确。正确。11. Dont worry if you dont understand everything. The teacher will _ the main point at the end. A. recover B. reviewC. require D. remember【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。recover恢恢复复, 康康复复; review复复习习; require要要求求; reme

38、mber记记住住。句句意意:如如果果你你不不能能理理解解所所有的东西有的东西, 不要担心。老师在这节课结束时会复习要点的。不要担心。老师在这节课结束时会复习要点的。12. Sorry for what I have said to you. _ . 2011重庆模拟重庆模拟A. Forget it B. Come onC. Got it D. Go ahead【解解析析】选选A。考考查查交交际际用用语语。forget it没没关关系系, 别别提提它它了了; come on表表示示鼓鼓励励、催催促促或或不不同同意意; got it=Ive got it表表示示“我我明明白白了了”; go ahe

39、ad表表示示允允许许, 意意思思是是“请请说说/做做吧吧”。根根据据语语境境可可知知, 第第一一个个人人是是道道歉歉, 所所以以第第二二个个人人应应表表示示“没没关关系系”。由此可知选。由此可知选A。13. Friendship has to be _ trust, as we all know. A. found on B. believed inC. founded on D. believed【解解析析】选选C。考考查查固固定定短短语语。found. . . on把把建建立立在在上上; believe in相相信信。句句意意:正正如如我我们们所所知知, 友友谊谊是是建建立立在在信任的基础

40、上的。信任的基础上的。14. The front part of the bus was destroyed and nine people _ were killed _ the spot. A. aboard; on B. on board; inC. abroad; on D. on the board; in【解解析析】选选A。考考查查介介词词。句句意意:公公共共汽汽车车的的前前部部被被毁毁了了, 车车上上的的九九个个人人当当场场死死亡亡。aboard= on board在在船船(火火车车、飞飞机机、公共汽车公共汽车)上上; on the spot在现场在现场, 当场。当场。15. I

41、 shall have to appear in court to give _ for the accused. A. achievement B. evidenceC. effect D. development【 解解 析析 】 选选 B。 考考 查查 名名 词词 辨辨 析析 。 achievement“成成 就就 ”; evidence“证证据据”; effect“影影响响; 作作用用”; development“发发展展”。句意:我将出庭为被告提供证据。句意:我将出庭为被告提供证据。. 阅读理解阅读理解(A) The Change-2 probe, named for the cha

42、racter in the legend of a Chinese fairy who flew to the moon, is expected to test parts of key technologies for Change-3, which is expected to land on the moon in about 2013. Change-2 will also refine scientific research findings conducted by its predecessor, Change-1, the spokesman said. Chinas lun

43、ar exploration program, which has been designed to eventually land a Chinese craft on the moon, calls for the launch of three satellites at the second stage: Change-2, Change-3 and Change-4. Change-4 will be a backup satellite for Change-3. Chinas first lunar probe circled around the Earth before en

44、tering the Earth-moon transfer orbit. The second lunar probe will be directly sent into the Earth-moon transfer orbit at 200 km perigee (the point closest to Earth) and 380, 000 km apogee (the point farthest from Earth). Without the need to circle Earth first this time, the travel time for Change-2

45、is expected to be shortened from the previous 12 days to only 112 hours, or less than five days, the spokesman said. When the probe is close to the moon, it will be made to slow down to enter an orbit 100 km away from the moons surface. The circumlunar satellite will then orbit the moon in an orbit

46、at a distance of 15 km closest to the moon and at 100 km at its farthest distance from the moon. At 15 km from the moons surface, the Change-2 probe will take photographs of the area around the moons Bay of Rainbows, where Change-3 is expected to land during Chinas next lunar mission. Change-2 then

47、will return to the 100km orbit to conduct other scientific exploration experiments, the space authority said. During Chinas first lunar mission, the cameras aboard Change-1 captured lunar images with a resolution(分分辨辨率率; 清清晰晰度度) of 120 meters. Change-2, with improved cameras on board, will take phot

48、ographs with a resolution of 10 meters. “Photos taken 15 km from the moons surface can be very clear with a resolution of 1 meter, ” Wu Weiren, chief designer of Chinas lunar probe program, said in an interview with China Central Television on Tuesday. 【文文章章大大意意】本本文文是是一一篇篇新新闻闻, 主主要要报报道道了了嫦嫦娥娥二二号号月月球

49、球探探测器以及探月情况。测器以及探月情况。 1. Whats the main purpose of the Change-2 probe? A. To explore the truth of a Chinese fairy. B. To test parts of key technologies for Change-3. C. To continue to do scientific research. D. To test environment of the moon. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第一一段段的的第第一一句句The Change-2 prob

50、e, named for the character in the legend of a Chinese fairy who flew to the moon, is expected to test parts of key technologies for Change-3. . . 可知。可知。2. According to Paragraphs 3 and 4, we can conclude that _ . A. Chinas lunar exploration program is aimed at landing a Chinese craft on the moon fin

51、allyB. Chinas lunar exploration program will come to an end in 2013C. the second stage of Chinas lunar exploration program refers to the launch of four satellitesD. Change-3 is attached to Change-4【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三段段的的Chinas lunar exploration program, which has been designed to eventuall

52、y land a Chinese craft on the moon. . . 可知。可知。3. Which of the following statements is right? A. Change-1 circled around the Earth without entering the Earth-moon transfer orbit. B. Change-2 doesnt need to circle around the Earth. C. The travel time for Change-2 is expected to be 12 days. D. Change-2

53、 will speed up to enter an orbit 100 km away from the moons surface. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第七七段段的的Without the need to circle Earth first this time, the travel time for Change-2 is expected to be shortened from the previous 12 days to only 112 hours. . . 可知。可知。4. Whats the main idea of the passag

54、e? A. Chinas second lunar probe. B. Chinas lunar exploration program. C. The differences between Change-1 and Change-2. D. Photos taken by lunar probes. 【解解析析】选选A。主主旨旨大大意意题题。本本文文主主要要介介绍绍了了“嫦嫦娥娥二二号号”, 其其中中也也提提到到了了探探月月计计划划, 以以及及“嫦嫦娥娥一一号号”的的情情况况, 但但这这些些都是围绕都是围绕“嫦娥二号嫦娥二号”展开的。所以选展开的。所以选A。(B)Should touris

55、ts go into space? Man has been travelling into space for more than 40 years. Even today, though, very few people get the chance to be an astronaut, about 30 per year. This is mainly because of the expense. It costs millions of yuan to train and send astronauts into space. Very few countries can affo

56、rd this. This is why American businessman Dennis Tito paid 20, 000, 000 US dollars to the Russian space agency to go into space. He visited the International Space Station. His trip, making him the first ever space tourist, took eight days in total. He spent most of his time taking photos, looking a

57、t Earth and listening to music on his once-in-a-lifetime trip. After landing safely back on earth, Mr Tito thought the trip was worth the money. The only difficulty he had was walking but this is normal for anyone whos been in zero gravity. Some people, especially in the American space agency, argue

58、 that you must be professional to go into space. They worry about the safety of other astronauts. However, Mr Tito received training before he left. He also helped to prepare food for the others while in space. They told him what to do and where he was allowed to go. A survey carried out soon after

59、Tito landed showed that 75 of Americans supported space tourism. Some people are bored of all the places on earth. They are looking for a new adventure and space is the place. The money Mr Tito gave the Russians paid for 20 of their annual budget. If we want to see men on Mars and other planets, we

60、may need rich people like Mr Tito to help us pay for it. The Russians have more rich people who want to become space tourists. They should take them. 【文文章章大大意意】本本文文主主要要讲讲了了自自从从人人类类第第一一次次到到太太空空, 已已有有四四十十多多年年, 但但成成为为宇宇航航员员到到太太空空去去的的机机会会太太少少了了。这这主主要要是是因因为为训训练练宇宇航航员员并并送送他他们们到到太太空空去去的的费费用用太太高高。文文章章以以第第一一

61、个个到到太太空空的的游游客客美美国国商商人人Dennis Tito为为例例, 说说明明俄俄国国的的太太空空局局需要这样的富人。需要这样的富人。5. How many people have flown into space? A. About 30. B. More than 1, 200. C. Thousands. D. About 12, 000. 【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第一一段段的的前前两两句句可可知知人人类类到到太太空空已已有有40多多年年了了, 然然而而, 每每年年平平均均只只有有30个个宇宇航航员员到到太太空空。据据此此可可以以计计算算出出到到目目前

62、前为为止止有有1, 200多多人人到到过过太太空空。故故选选B。6. Why did the Russians want Dennis Tito to go into space? A. They wanted to work with an American. B. They wanted him to have a once-in-a-lifetime trip. C. They wanted him to take photos of Earth. D. They wanted his money. 【解解析析】选选D。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据最最后后一一段段可可知知Mr Tito

63、的的这这次次太太空空之之旅旅支支付付的的钱钱足足够够俄俄国国年年度度预预算算的的20%。然然后后根根据据本本文文最最后后两两句句The Russians have more rich people who want to become space tourists. They should take them. 也可知选也可知选D。7. Dennis Tito did the following in space except _ . A. take photosB. enjoy the EarthC. walk as usualD. listen to music【解解析析】选选C。细细节节

64、理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段的的最最后后一一句句可可知知A、B、D三三项项Dennis Tito在在太太空空都都做做到到了了。根根据据第第三三段段的的The only difficulty he had was walking. . . 可可知知Dennis Tito在在太太空空不能像往常那样走路。故选不能像往常那样走路。故选C。8. We can conclude from the passage that _ . A. some Americans want to follow the example of Dennis TitoB. Dennis Tito could do wha

65、tever he liked in spaceC. Dennis Tito was the richest in the world when he travelled in spaceD. more countries will send astronauts into space【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第五五段段可可知知75的的美美国国人人支持太空旅游。一些人想到太空去。所以选支持太空旅游。一些人想到太空去。所以选A。 . 单词单词拼写拼写1. The film to be produced(创创作)作) for the New Year is said to

66、be good. 2. The invention of the computer is a great achievement(成(成就)就). 3. The plane is orbiting(绕轨绕轨道道飞飞行)行) over the field, waiting for the signal to land. 4. I was delighted(高(高兴兴的)的) to see my old friends again. 5. Congratulations(祝(祝贺贺) on your success! 6. I havent much belief(信念)(信念) in his

67、honesty. 7. The cultural(文化的)(文化的) traditions of our society are different from the ones of the US. 8. Politicians(政治家)(政治家) are busy near election time. 9. Weve replaced(代替,取代)(代替,取代) the old adding machine with a computer. 10. The business, founded(创创立)立) by Dawn and Nigel, suffered financial setb

68、acks. . 完成句子完成句子1. 这这起事故与起事故与2008年年发发生的那一起事故相似。生的那一起事故相似。The accident was similar to the one that happened in 2008. 2. 我我们们班班总总共有共有10人没有通人没有通过这过这次英次英语测试语测试。In total 10 students in our class failed in this English test. 3. 既然你不能帮助我,我只能向他人求助。既然你不能帮助我,我只能向他人求助。Now that you cant help me , I have to turn

69、 to others. 4. 恭喜你恭喜你获获得得这样这样一个极好的机会。一个极好的机会。I congratulate you on this great opportunity. 5. 当影迷当影迷们们在旅在旅馆馆的前的前门门等候等候时时,那位影星到达了后,那位影星到达了后门门。While the fans were waiting in the front of the hotel, the film star arrived at the back. 6. 当我听到当我听到“嫦娥二号嫦娥二号”,中国的第二个月球探,中国的第二个月球探测测器,已器,已进进入入地月地月转转移移轨轨道道时时,我

70、正在吃,我正在吃饭饭。When I heard the news that Change-2, Chinas second moon probe, had entered the Earth-moon transfer orbit, I was having dinner . 7. 根据她根据她对约对约翰的了解,她肯定那个翰的了解,她肯定那个偷袭偷袭者一定不是者一定不是约约翰。翰。From her knowledge of Johns habits, she feels sure that the attacker cant have been John. 8. 世界上真有鬼。世界上真有鬼。得

71、了吧!我不相信你得了吧!我不相信你说说的。的。There are really ghosts in the world. Come on! I cant believe what you said . . 语语法和法和词汇词汇知知识识1. So far no life has been found outside the earth, but while some scientists are actively searching for living things in outer space, others firmly believe there _ . 2011上海模上海模拟拟A. m

72、ustnt be B. may not beC. cant be D. wont be【解解析析】选选C。考考查查情情态态动动词词表表猜猜测测。句句意意:到到目目前前为为止止在在地地球球以以外外没没有有发发现现生生命命,但但是是有有些些科科学学家家积积极极地地在在外外太太空空寻寻找找生生物物,有有些些科科学学家家却却坚坚信信在在外外太太空空一一定定没没有有生生物物。根根据据句句意意可可知知选选C。cant 一一定定不不,语语气气很很强强;may not可可能能不不,语语气气较较弱弱。must表表猜猜测测时时,不不能能用用于于否否定定句句。will不不表表示示猜猜测测。根据句中的根据句中的fir

73、mly可知猜可知猜测测的的语语气很气很强强。故。故选选C。 【举举一反三一反三】Im sure he _ have forgotten about the wedding! A. cant B. may not C. neednt D. mustnt【解解析析】选选A。考考查查情情态态动动词词表表猜猜测测。句句意意:我我确确信信他他一一定定没没有有忘忘记记这这场场婚婚礼礼!根根据据Im sure可可知知猜猜测测的的可可能能性性较较强强,又又根根据据句句意意可可知知选选A。cant have done一一定定不不会会做做某某事事;may not have done可可能能不不会会做做某某事事;n

74、eednt have done本本来来不不必必做某事。做某事。must表猜表猜测时测时,不能用于否定句。,不能用于否定句。2. Were all ready to put it into operation. _ , were going to take action as fast as possible. 2011淄博模淄博模拟拟A. In total B. In generalC. In conclusion D. In other words【解解析析】选选D。考考查查固固定定短短语语。in total总总共共;in general一一般般来来说说;in conclusion总总之之;

75、in other words换换句句话话说说。句句意意:我我们们已已经经准准备备好好使使它它生生效效。换换句句话话说说,我我们们打打算算尽尽快快采采取取行行动动。3. The growth of GDP in China will be largely slowed down in the next few years _ it mainly relies on the exploration of the resources available. A. because of B. due toC. thanks to D. now that【解解析析】选选D。because of= due

76、to= thanks to由由于于,是是介介词词短短语语,后后面面跟跟名名词词、代代词词、what引引导导的的从从句句。now that=since既既然然,因因为为,是是连连词词,引引导导状状语语从从句句。根根据据句句子子结结构构可可知知此此处处需要需要连词连词。故。故选选D。 【举举一反三一反三】The college education system should be reformed _ it can follow the pace of the economic development. 2011常州模常州模拟拟A. now that B. so thatC. only if D.

77、 even if【解解析析】选选B。考考查查连连词词。now that既既然然,因因为为;so that以以至至于于,为为了了;only if只只有有;even if即即使使。句句意意:为为了了能能跟跟上上经经济发济发展的步伐,展的步伐,应应改革大学教育体制。改革大学教育体制。4. Please _ your minds _ the following problems. 2011抚顺抚顺模模拟拟A. pay; to B. concentrate; onC. focus; at D. center; in 【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:请请把把你你的的心心思思集集中中到到下下面面的的问问题题上

78、上。pay付付款款; center集集中中于于,与与on搭搭配配,所所以以可可以以排排除除A、D两两项项,若若选选C,应应把把C项项中的中的at改改为为on。故。故选选B。5. _ to the delight of the schoolchildren, they will have a longer winter holiday which falls a week earlier than they have expected. 2011鹤岗鹤岗模模拟拟A. Many B. Much C. Plenty D. Lots【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。much to ones

79、 delight令令某某人人极其高极其高兴兴的是。的是。6. Goodbye! Im going back to my hometown this afternoon. _ A. Have a nice trip. B. Congratulations! C. Take your time. D. I couldnt agree more. 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查交交际际用用语语。因因为为第第一一个个人人说说要要回回家家乡乡,所以第二个人所以第二个人应说应说“旅途愉快旅途愉快”。7. The world should be full of peace so we must _ confl

80、ict with harmony. A. replace B. place C. replay D. play【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。replace代代替替,放放回回;place放放置置;replay重重新新进进行行,重重播播,重重演演;play玩玩,播播放放。句句意意:世界世界应该应该充充满满和平,所以我和平,所以我们们必必须须用和用和谐谐代替冲突。代替冲突。8. There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in _ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _ earth. A. the

81、; the B. /; the C. the; / D. a; the【解解析析】选选B。考考查查冠冠词词。in space“在在太太空空中中”,中中间间没没有有冠冠词词;earth前面要加定冠前面要加定冠词词,因,因为为地球是独一无二的地球是独一无二的东东西。西。 【方法技巧方法技巧】冠冠词词用法用法ABC 英英语语中中冠冠词词虽虽然然不不多多,但但考考试试中中总总是是少少不不了了。从从近近五五年年的的高高考考试试题题来来看看,每每年年都都有有一一道道关关于于冠冠词词的的单单选选题题。因因此此,同同学学们们在在复复习习中中不不可可忽忽视视它它。近近几几年年来来,主主要要考考查查一一些些冠冠词

82、词的基本用法。的基本用法。 可可数数名名词词单单数数表表泛泛指指时时,其其前前面面需需用用不不定定冠冠词词;表表示示某某一一类类别别时时,可可数数名名词词前前面面需需用用不不定定冠冠词词;表表示示数数量量为为“一一”时时,可可数数名名词词前前面面用用不不定定冠冠词词;表表示示“每每一一”概概念念时时,可可数数名名词词前前面也需用不定冠面也需用不定冠词词;一些固定短;一些固定短语语前需用不定冠前需用不定冠词词。 名名词词被被用用来来特特指指某某一一个个或或某某一一类类时时,前前面面用用定定冠冠词词;世世界界上上独独一一无无二二的的事事物物前前面面用用定定冠冠词词;重重复复前前面面已已出出现现过过

83、的的名名词词前前面面用用定定冠冠词词;形形容容词词最最高高级级、序序数数词词前前面面用用定定冠冠词词;在在江江河河、湖湖泊泊、山山脉脉、岛岛屿屿、建建筑筑物物前前面面用用定定冠冠词词;在在一一些些习习惯惯用用语语中用定冠中用定冠词词,如,如play the piano, in the way等。等。 名名词词前前有有指指示示代代词词、疑疑问问代代词词、形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词、名名词词所所有有格格修修饰饰时时,用用零零冠冠词词;名名词词的的复复数数形形式式表表示示类类别别时时,前前面面用用零零冠冠词词;专专有有名名词词前前一一般般用用零零冠冠词词;官官衔衔、职职称称名名词词前前面面一一

84、般般用用零零冠冠词词;节节假假日日、球球类类、三三餐餐等等名名词词前前面面一一般般用用零冠零冠词词;一些;一些习惯习惯用用语语中名中名词词前面用零冠前面用零冠词词。9. Their situation seems to have been very similar _ ours. A. with B. to C. as D. in【解解析析】选选B。考考查查介介词词与与固固定定搭搭配配。be similar to sb. /sth. in sth. 表示表示“在在方面与某人或某物相似方面与某人或某物相似”。10. Her voice _ a more serious tone. A. took

85、 away B. took outC. took on D. took off【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词词词组组辨辨析析。句句意意:她她使使用用了了更更为为严严肃肃的的声声调调。takeon“呈呈现现;具具有有”;take away“拿拿走走”;take out“拿出拿出”;take off“脱掉,起脱掉,起飞飞”。由句意可知。由句意可知C正确。正确。11. Dont worry if you dont understand everything. The teacher will _ the main point at the end. A. recover B. reviewC.

86、 require D. remember【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。recover恢恢复复,康康复复;review复复习习;require要要求求;remember记记住住。句句意意:如如果果你你不不能能理理解解所所有有的的东东西西,不不要要担担心心。老老师师在在这这节节课课结结束束时时会会复复习习要要点点的。的。12. Sorry for what I have said to you. _ . A. Forget it B. Come onC. Got it D. Go ahead【解解析析】选选A。考考查查交交际际用用语语。forget it没没关关系系,别别提提它它了

87、了;come on表表示示鼓鼓励励、催催促促或或不不同同意意;got it=Ive got it表表示示“我我明明白白了了”;go ahead表表示示允允许许,意意思思是是“请请说说/做做吧吧”。根根据据语语境境可可知知,第第一一个个人人是是道道歉歉,所所以以第第二二个个人人应应表表示示“没没关关系系”。由此可知由此可知选选A。13. Friendship has to be _ trust, as we all know. A. found on B. believed inC. founded on D. believed【解解析析】选选C。考考查查固固定定短短语语。found. . .

88、on把把建建立立在在上上;believe in相相信信。句句意意:正正如如我我们们所所知知,友友谊谊是是建建立立在信任的基在信任的基础础上的。上的。14. The front part of the bus was destroyed and nine people _ were killed _ the spot. A. aboard; on B. on board; inC. abroad; on D. on the board; in【解解析析】选选A。考考查查介介词词。句句意意:公公共共汽汽车车的的前前部部被被毁毁了了,车车上上的的九九个个人人当当场场死死亡亡。aboard= on b

89、oard在在船船(火火车车、飞飞机、公共汽机、公共汽车车)上;)上;on the spot在在现场现场,当,当场场。15. I shall have to appear in court to give _ for the accused. A. achievement B. evidenceC. effect D. development【 解解 析析 】 选选 B。 考考 查查 名名 词词 辨辨 析析 。 achievement“成成 就就 ”;evidence“证证据据”;effect“影影响响;作作用用”;development“发发展展”。句意:我将出庭句意:我将出庭为为被告提供被告

90、提供证证据。据。. 阅读阅读理解理解(A) The Change-2 probe, named for the character in the legend of a Chinese fairy who flew to the moon, is expected to test parts of key technologies for Change-3, which is expected to land on the moon in about 2013. Change-2 will also refine scientific research findings conducted b

91、y its predecessor, Change-1, the spokesman said. Chinas lunar exploration program, which has been designed to eventually land a Chinese craft on the moon, calls for the launch of three satellites at the second stage: Change-2, Change-3 and Change-4. Change-4 will be a backup satellite for Change-3.

92、Chinas first lunar probe circled around the Earth before entering the Earth-moon transfer orbit. The second lunar probe will be directly sent into the Earth-moon transfer orbit at 200 km perigee (the point closest to Earth) and 380, 000 km apogee (the point farthest from Earth). Without the need to

93、circle Earth first this time, the travel time for Change-2 is expected to be shortened from the previous 12 days to only 112 hours, or less than five days, the spokesman said. When the probe is close to the moon, it will be made to slow down to enter an orbit 100 km away from the moons surface. The

94、circumlunar satellite will then orbit the moon in an orbit at a distance of 15 km closest to the moon and at 100 km at its farthest distance from the moon. At 15 km from the moons surface, the Change-2 probe will take photographs of the area around the moons Bay of Rainbows, where Change-3 is expect

95、ed to land during Chinas next lunar mission. Change-2 then will return to the 100-km orbit to conduct other scientific exploration experiments, the space authority said. During Chinas first lunar mission, the cameras aboard Change-1 captured lunar images with a resolution(分分辨辨率率;清清晰晰度度) of 120 meter

96、s. Change-2, with improved cameras on board, will take photographs with a resolution of 10 meters. “Photos taken 15 km from the moons surface can be very clear with a resolution of 1 meter, ” Wu Weiren, chief designer of Chinas lunar probe program, said in an interview with China Central Television

97、on Tuesday. 【文文章章大大意意】本本文文是是一一篇篇新新闻闻,主主要要报报道道了了嫦嫦娥娥二二号号月月球球探探测测器以及探月情况。器以及探月情况。1. Whats the main purpose of the Change-2 probe? A. To explore the truth of a Chinese fairy. B. To test parts of key technologies for Change-3. C. To continue to do scientific research. D. To test environment of the moon.

98、 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第一一段段的的第第一一句句The Change-2 probe, named for the character in the legend of a Chinese fairy who flew to the moon, is expected to test parts of key technologies for Change-3. . . 可知。可知。2. According to Paragraphs 3 and 4, we can conclude that _ . A. Chinas lunar exploration pr

99、ogram is aimed at landing a Chinese craft on the moon finallyB. Chinas lunar exploration program will come to an end in 2013C. the second stage of Chinas lunar exploration program refers to the launch of four satellitesD. Change-3 is attached to Change-4【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三段段的的Chinas lunar

100、exploration program, which has been designed to eventually land a Chinese craft on the moon. . . 可知。可知。3. Which of the following statements is right? A. Change-1 circled around the Earth without entering the Earth-moon transfer orbit. B. Change-2 doesnt need to circle around the Earth. C. The travel

101、 time for Change-2 is expected to be 12 days. D. Change-2 will speed up to enter an orbit 100 km away from the moons surface. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第七七段段的的Without the need to circle Earth first this time, the travel time for Change-2 is expected to be shortened from the previous 12 days to only

102、112 hours. . . 可知。可知。4. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Chinas second lunar probe. B. Chinas lunar exploration program. C. The differences between Change-1 and Change-2. D. Photos taken by lunar probes. 【解解析析】选选A。主主旨旨大大意意题题。本本文文主主要要介介绍绍了了“嫦嫦娥娥二二号号”,其其中中也也提提到到了了探探月月计计划划,以以及及“嫦嫦娥娥一一号号”的的情情况况,但但

103、这这些些都都是是围绕围绕“嫦娥二号嫦娥二号”展开的。所以展开的。所以选选A。(B)Should tourists go into space? Man has been travelling into space for more than 40 years. Even today, though,very few people get the chance to be an astronaut, about 30 per year. This is mainly because of the expense. It costs millions of yuan to train and se

104、nd astronauts into space. Very few countries can afford this. This is why American businessman Dennis Tito paid 20,000,000 US dollars to the Russian space agency to go into space. He visited the International Space Station. His trip,making him the first ever space tourist,took eight days in total. H

105、e spent most of his time taking photos,looking at Earth and listening to music on his once-in-a-lifetime trip. After landing safely back on earth,Mr Tito thought the trip was worth the money. The only difficulty he had was walking but this is normal for anyone whos been in zero gravity. Some people,

106、 especially in the American space agency, argue that you must be professional to go into space. They worry about the safety of other astronauts. However, Mr Tito received training before he left. He also helped to prepare food for the others while in space. They told him what to do and where he was

107、allowed to go. A survey carried out soon after Tito landed showed that 75 of Americans supported space tourism. Some people are bored of all the places on earth. They are looking for a new adventure and space is the place. The money Mr Tito gave the Russians paid for 20of their annual budget. If we

108、want to see men on Mars and other planets,we may need rich people like Mr Tito to help us pay for it. The Russians have more rich people who want to become space tourists. They should take them. 【文文章章大大意意】本本文文主主要要讲讲了了自自从从人人类类第第一一次次到到太太空空,已已有有四四十十多多年年,但但成成为为宇宇航航员员到到太太空空去去的的机机会会太太少少了了。这这主主要要是是因因为为训训练练

109、宇宇航航员员并并送送他他们们到到太太空空去去的的费费用用太太高高。文文章章以以第第一一个个到到太太空空的的游游客客美美国国商商人人Dennis Tito为为例例,说说明明俄俄国国的的太太空空局局需要需要这样这样的富人。的富人。5. How many people have flown into space? A. About 30. B. More than 1, 200. C. Thousands. D. About 12, 000. 【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第一一段段的的前前两两句句可可知知人人类类到到太太空空已已有有40多多年年了了,然然而而,每每年年平平均均

110、只只有有30个个宇宇航航员员到到太太空空。据据此此可可以以计计算算出出到到目目前前为为止止有有1, 200多多人人到到过过太太空空。故故选选B。6. Why did the Russians want Dennis Tito to go into space? A. They wanted to work with an American. B. They wanted him to have a once-in-a-lifetime trip. C. They wanted him to take photos of Earth. D. They wanted his money. 【解解析

111、析】选选D。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据最最后后一一段段可可知知Mr Tito的的这这次次太太空空之之旅旅支支付付的的钱钱足足够够俄俄国国年年度度预预算算的的20%。然然后后根根据据本本文文最最后后两两句句The Russians have more rich people who want to become space tourists. They should take them. 也可知也可知选选D。7. Dennis Tito did the following in space except _ . A. take photosB. enjoy the EarthC. walk

112、as usualD. listen to music【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段的的最最后后一一句句可可知知A、B、D三三项项Dennis Tito在在太太空空都都做做到到了了。根根据据第第三三段段的的The only difficulty he had was walking. . . 可可知知Dennis Tito在在太太空空不能像往常那不能像往常那样样走路。故走路。故选选C。8. What does Dennis Tito think about his trip to space? A. Its worthwhile spending so much

113、money travelling in space. B. Its a waste of money to spend so much money travelling in space. C. The trip to space didnt satisfy his demand. D. He would suffer great loss for it. 【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三段段的的. . . Mr Tito thought the trip was worth the money. 可知可知选选A。 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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