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1、YL 英语英语 选修选修11 So many jobs So many jobs to choose to choose from!from!YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Which job would you most like to do and least like to do? YL 英语英

2、语 选修选修11 What jobs do you think are particularly suitable for men or women? Why?YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Read the article quickly and answer the following questions.1.What does the author discuss in the article?2.Can you give two examples of the so-called glamorous jobs?3.Which jobs look dull b

3、ut are actually very important?Different types of career and jobs to choose from.A model, an actor.Shop assistant , drivers, barbers ,cleaners.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 The development of a textA titleA beginning paragraphBody paragraphsA concluding paragraphSo many jobs to choose fromPara 1Para 2, 3, 4, 5Para

4、 6The development of a text2-354Ordinary jobsUnusual jobsPopular jobsYL 英语英语 选修选修11 Para One1.What is last year of high school a time for?A time for hard work and also a time for reflection.2.Choose the meaning of “reflection”. A. light turned back B. image in a mirror C. careful thoughts about some

5、thing, sometimes for a long period of time.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 3.What are the three types of jobs the author talks about?popular jobsunusual jobseveryday jobs4.Guess the meaning of the word “options”. A. different choices B. jobs C. careersYL 英语英语 选修选修11 Para Two & Three1.When choosing a career, what is

6、the authors advice?Consider all the aspects of a job.2.What do unsuccessful actors, actresses and models have to do ?They have to work as waiters and waitresses.3.What do successful ones have to do?They have to spend long hours travelling, deal with constant media attention, be very thick-skinned, g

7、o ondiet to keep young and beautiful, have painful surgeryto make their faces and bodies look more attractive.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 4.What is the authors attitude towards the successful career?Maybe a career as a local grocer or flour-covered baker would be a better option.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 5. What are some o

8、ther popular professions?lawyerboss6. What are the problems with these professions?Stress and pressure, work long hours, hurt people, involve facing moral issues.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Para fourList the unusual jobs mentioned in the paragraph.noise pollution testerbeer tasterfirework display designertesters

9、 of amusementpark ridesYL 英语英语 选修选修11 2.What job did the man in the Grand Canyon National Park do?To check noise pollution in the park zone.3.Which sentence shows the authors positive attitude toward these unusual jobs?All these people love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting

10、 regardless.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Para five 1. List the ordinary jobs in this paragraph. shop assistantdriverbarbercleanerYL 英语英语 选修选修11 2.What attitude of the authors do the following words express?1)many ordinary jobs may look dull, but they are as essential as water to our body. 2)These jobs may not see

11、m very attractive, but they are all important.3)These people ,who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives.The author is in favour of the ordinary jobs.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Para sixFind out the words which show the authors positiveattitude and negative attitude.pos

12、itiveattitude negativeattitude.quite importantrather difficultYL 英语英语 选修选修11 Whats the authors attitude towards the three types of jobs?YL 英语英语 选修选修11 What attitude do the following sentences express?Negative or positive?1)It does not seem that glamorous now, does it?2)These jobs may not seem very a

13、ttractive, but they are all important.3)Remember that some glamorous jobs can be rather difficult.4)Some ordinary jobs can be quite important.NPNPYL 英语英语 选修选修11 It is clear that the author is biased in favor of ordinary careers and dislike some popular careers .YL 英语英语 选修选修11 So many jobs to choose

14、from The last year of high school is an important time (1) you should work hard, look (2) on what you have already done, and above all, choose a job which is best suited to you for the future. The jobs mentioned here can be classified into (3) categories as follows.Categories(4) (5) Disadvantages(6)

15、 careersModels, actors, lawyers or businessmenThese jobs can be important, exciting, well-paid or interesting.They can be dull, difficult and sometimes, the people will be under great stress and (8) More unusual jobsPeople(7) noise pollution, designing fireworks displays or testing rides for parksTh

16、ese jobs are usually interesting.They are not popular.Everyday jobsShop assistants, drivers, barbers, or cleanersThey benefit our society a lot, such as keeping streets clean, stopping disease (9) .They are ordinary and dull.To sum up, whatever job you choose, you should (10) in mind that all of the

17、 jobs are important and help society function well.YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Key:1. when 2. back3. three4. Examples5. Advantages 6. Popular7. checking8. pressure9. spreading10. keep/bearYL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 1reflect vt.& vi.反反射射(光光、热热、声声或或影影像像);考虑;表达;反映;考虑;表达;反映The last year of high school is a time f

18、or hard work and also a time to reflect.(P2)YL 英语英语 选修选修11 高高中中最最后后一一年年是是勤勤奋奋学学习习的的时时刻刻,也也是是认认真思考的时刻。真思考的时刻。His face was reflected in the mirror.镜子中映出他的脸。镜子中映出他的脸。Does this letter reflect how you really think?这封信反映你的真实想法吗?这封信反映你的真实想法吗?YL 英语英语 选修选修11 reflect back 反射回来反射回来reflect.in 通过通过反映反映;在;在中中反射或反

19、映出反射或反映出reflect on/upon 反省;考虑反省;考虑reflection n映象,倒影;深思,考虑;映象,倒影;深思,考虑;反射;回响反射;回响YL 英语英语 选修选修11 【教师备课资源教师备课资源】be lost in reflection陷入沉思中陷入沉思中on reflection经再三思考经再三思考a reflection of的反映,显示的反映,显示YL 英语英语 选修选修11 【对接高考对接高考】(2010湖湖 北北 高高 考考 )Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends

20、 with whom he spends his time,his house his personality.Aresembles BstrengthensCreflects Dshapes【解解析析】句句意意:正正如如一一个个人人穿穿什什么么、吃吃什什么么、以以及及和和什什么么样样的的人人交交往往能能反反映映人人的的个个性性一一样样,一一个个人人的的住住房房也也是是如如此此。resemble (表表示示同同类类中中的的)相相似似,相相同同;strengthen 加加强强;shape 塑塑造造,(使使)成成型型;这三项均不合题意。这三项均不合题意。【答案答案】C菜菜 单单课堂互动探究课堂互动

21、探究YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 2suited adj.合适;适当合适;适当In this article,I am going to discuss some of the choices available to you and which jobs are best suited to you: popular careers,more unusual jobs or everyday jobs.(P2)在在本本文文中中,我我将将谈谈论论一一些些你你可可以以选选择择的的工工作作以以及及你你更更适适合合做做热热门门工工作作、特特殊殊工工作作还还是普通工作这个

22、问题。是普通工作这个问题。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Jim and Mary seem suited to each other,in spite of their quarrels.吉吉姆姆和和玛玛丽丽虽虽然然常争吵,可两人看起来很相配。常争吵,可两人看起来很相配。He was not really suited for army life.他不太适合军队生活。他不太适合军队生活。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 be suited to/for 适合适合;对;对来说适来说适合合be suited to do.适合做某事适合做某事suit v适合于适合于(某人某人) ;使满意;使满意 n一套

23、衣一套衣服服suit.to.使使与与相适合相适合YL 英语英语 选修选修11 The man is not suited to be a teacher.The man is not suited for/to teaching.这这个个人不适合教书。人不适合教书。These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这这些些式式样样可可以以加加以以更更改改,以以适适合合个个人人的的喜喜好。好。suitable adj.适当的;适宜的;恰当的适当的;适宜的;恰当的be suitable for 对对适合适合be suitable to 适合

24、于适合于YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 3In reality,these people have to spend long hours travelling, with all their baggage packed in suitcases or trunks,and only a very small number of them are successful.(P2)实实际际上上,这这些些人人不不得得不不把把所所有有的的行行李李都都塞塞进进手手提提箱箱或或大大箱箱子子,花花很很长长时时间间在在路路上奔波,而且其中只有极少数是成功的。上奔波,而且其中只有极

25、少数是成功的。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 (1)in reality事实上;实际上事实上;实际上The house looks very old,but in reality it is quite new.这房子看起来很旧,实际上却很新。这房子看起来很旧,实际上却很新。The people here dont believe him in reality.事实上这里的人都不相信他。事实上这里的人都不相信他。【提示提示】同义词:同义词:actually,in fact,in nature,in practice,as a matter of fact。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语

26、英语 选修选修11 (2)英英语语中中的的with复复合合结结构构,即即with宾宾语语宾语补足语。宾语补足语。with their luggage packed属属于于“with宾宾语语过过去去分分词词”结结构构,在在句句中中作作状状语语,表表伴伴随随。luggage与与pack构构成成动动宾宾关关系系或或者者说说是是被被动动关关系系,所所以以使使用用with sth.done结结构。构。With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and died out.因为没有东西可烧,火势减弱,逐渐熄灭。因为没有东西可烧,火势减弱,逐渐熄灭。YL 英

27、语英语 选修选修11 with名词分词名词分词/分词短语。判断用分词短语。判断用现在分词还是过去分词,应根据名词与分现在分词还是过去分词,应根据名词与分词之间的关系。如果名词与分词之间是主词之间的关系。如果名词与分词之间是主动关系就用现在分词;若名词与分词之间动关系就用现在分词;若名词与分词之间是被动关系,则用过去分词。是被动关系,则用过去分词。with名词不定式。不定式表示尚未名词不定式。不定式表示尚未发生的动作。此结构中不定式与名词之间发生的动作。此结构中不定式与名词之间存在动宾关系,但不定式多用主动式。存在动宾关系,但不定式多用主动式。with名词介词短语名词介词短语/形容词形容词/副词

28、。副词。菜菜 单单课堂互动探究课堂互动探究新课标新课标 英语英语 必修必修5 教学目标分析教学目标分析教学方案设计教学方案设计With so many people communicating in English every day,it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.有有那那么么多多的的人人天天天天用用英英语交交流流,熟熟练掌掌握握英英语会会变得得越越来来越重要。越重要。With a lot of homework to do,I cant play football with

29、 my friends.有有这么多的作么多的作业要做,我不能跟朋友要做,我不能跟朋友们踢足球。踢足球。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Dont stand with your hands in your pockets.站着的时候别把双手插在口袋里。站着的时候别把双手插在口袋里。The square looks even more beautiful with all lights on.所有的灯都亮着,广场显得更加漂亮。所有的灯都亮着,广场显得更加漂亮。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 【对接高考对接高考】(2012辽辽宁宁高高考考)The old couple often take a walk

30、 after supper in the park with their pet dog them.Ato follow BfollowingCfollowed Dfollows【解解析析】句句意意:这这对对老老夫夫妇妇经经常常在在晚晚饭饭后后带带着着他他们们的的宠宠物物狗狗在在花花园园里里散散步步。在在with的的复复合合结结构构中中,宾宾语语their pet dog 与与宾宾 语语 补补 足足 语语 之之 间间 为为 主主 动动 关关 系系 , 故故 用用following作宾语补足语。作宾语补足语。【答案答案】BYL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 她开着窗户睡觉

31、。她开着窗户睡觉。She sleeps with .【 答答 案案 】 his hands tied backmany things to deal withthe window openYL 英语英语 选修选修11 4pressure n压力;压迫压力;压迫They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful.(P2)他们为显得年轻漂亮也承受着巨大的压力。他们为显得年轻漂亮也承受着巨大的压力。He changed his mind under the pressure from others.他在别人的逼迫之下改变了主

32、意。他在别人的逼迫之下改变了主意。The economic pressures on small businesses are intense.小企业的经济压力很大。小企业的经济压力很大。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 under pressure在压力下在压力下put pressure on 给给施加压力施加压力relieve/reduce pressure on 缓缓解解某某人人的的压压力力give in to pressure 屈从于压力屈从于压力pressure sb. into doing sth.= pressure sb. to do sth.逼迫某人干某事逼迫某人干某事YL 英语

33、英语 选修选修11 Several factors will put pressure on food prices.给食品价格造成压力的因素有好几个。给食品价格造成压力的因素有好几个。Soft plastic base can relieve pressure on foot and reduce tiredness.柔柔软软的的塑塑胶胶底底可可以以缓缓解解足足部部压压力力,从从而而减减轻疲劳。轻疲劳。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 【 答答 案案 】 give in to pressureunder pressureput pressure onYL 英语英语

34、选修选修11 5As we go through our daily lives,we meet many different kinds of people .and cleaners,who clear up our rubbish.(P3) 在在我我们们所所经经历历的的日日常常生生活活中中,我我们们接接触触到到许许多多不不同同种种类类的的人人,及及清清理理我我们们的的垃垃圾的清洁工。圾的清洁工。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 (1)go through 遭遭受受;经经历历;仔仔细细检检查查;完完成;通过某场所成;通过某场所The river goes through the city.这条

35、河流穿过这个城市。这条河流穿过这个城市。With great concentration she went through the movements.她聚精会神地做完这些动作。她聚精会神地做完这些动作。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 (2)clear up 整整理理;收收拾拾;(天天气气)转转晴晴;消消除除Would you clear up this room before our visitors arrive?客客人人到到来来之之前前,请请拾拾掇掇一一下下这这个个房房间间好好吗吗?The sky is dark now,but I think it will

36、 clear up soon.现在天色阴沉,不过我想马上就会转晴的。现在天色阴沉,不过我想马上就会转晴的。They hope to clear the matter up quickly.他们希望很快就能把事情弄个水落石出。他们希望很快就能把事情弄个水落石出。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 clear away 收拾干净收拾干净(餐具餐具);扫除;消散;扫除;消散clear off清理;清算清理;清算(债务债务);(使使)离开离开clear out 清除;使耗尽全部钱财;售出存清除;使耗尽全部钱财;售出存货货YL 英语英语 选修选修11 The football match came to an

37、 end,and the crowd soon cleared away from the ground.足球赛结束了,人群很快从球场散去。足球赛结束了,人群很快从球场散去。Go into the field and clear those boys off.到田里去,把那些男孩赶走。到田里去,把那些男孩赶走。Clear out things in this cupboard,please.请把这个碗橱里的东西都清除掉。请把这个碗橱里的东西都清除掉。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 6go about忙忙于于某某事事;继继续续做做某某事事

38、;着着手手做某事做某事These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks,allow people to go about their daily lives.(P3)就就是是这这些些做做着着看看似似普普通通实实际际上上却却很很重重要要的的工工作作的的人人们们使使其其他他人人能能够够继继续续他他们们的的日日常常生活。生活。The way with which youll go about the task really matters.你你做做这这件件事事要要采采用用的的方法的确很重要。方法的确很重要。How shall I go a

39、bout finding a job?我们该怎样着手找份工作呢?我们该怎样着手找份工作呢?YL 英语英语 选修选修11 go about 到处走动;流传;改变方向到处走动;流传;改变方向go by 经过;经过;(时间,机会时间,机会)过去过去go out出去;熄灭;被发行出去;熄灭;被发行go over 复习;检查复习;检查go through 经过;审查;经历;完成经过;审查;经历;完成YL 英语英语 选修选修11 A story is going about that our town will soon be turned into a city.据说我们这个镇不久就会变为城市。据说我们

40、这个镇不久就会变为城市。Time went by slowly.时间慢慢逝去。时间慢慢逝去。One of the planes engines went out.飞机的一个发动机熄火了。飞机的一个发动机熄火了。YL 英语英语 选修选修11 【教师备课资源教师备课资源】go down 下降;倒下下降;倒下go with 伴随;跟伴随;跟相配;协调相配;协调go against 违背;反对;抵抗违背;反对;抵抗go in for 参加;喜欢参加;喜欢go ahead 先走,干吧,开始干先走,干吧,开始干go away 离去;带走;拐逃离去;带走;拐逃(with)go back 回去,追溯到回去,追

41、溯到(to)go with 陪陪同行;同同行;同一致一致(协调协调)go without没有没有也忍受过去也忍受过去YL 英语英语 选修选修11 YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Have a discussion with your partners, talking about the following questions.1. What do you think is the most interesting job in the world?2. If you could choose to have an unusual job, what it would be and why?3. When thinking about choosing your future job, what should you consider? Why?YL 英语英语 选修选修11 Write an article about your thoughts on careers.



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