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1、九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标1.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.2.English is spoken by many people .4.Lucky 52 is watched on TV by many people .3.The tickets about heroes are sold out .5.Rice is planted in South China.6.He is said a good boy .九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标语态:

2、表示主:表示主语和和谓语动词之之间的关系。的关系。英英语有两种有两种语态,即主,即主动语态和被和被动语态。 主主动语态:表示主:表示主语是是动作的作的执行者。行者。被被动语态:表示主:表示主语是是动作的承受者。作的承受者。如:如:Many students study English.(主主动语态) English is studied by many students. (被被动语态)语态九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标 助助动词be有人称、数的有人称、数的变化化,其其变化化规则与与be作作为连系系动词时一一样。如:如:The desk is made of wo

3、od. The desks are made of wood.He is asked a question by the teacher.被被动语态的的结构构助助动词be+及物及物动词的的过去分去分词不同的不同的时态有不同的被有不同的被动语态结构构1.1.一般一般现在在时的被的被动语态结构:构:九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标by many students.1.Many students study English.English is studied2.They make shoes in that factory.Shoes are madeby themin

4、 that factory.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标1.把主把主动语态的的宾语变为被被动语态的主的主语。2.把主把主动语态的的谓语变为被被动语态的的谓语。3.把主把主动语态的主的主语变为被被动语态的的by 短短语。(。( by短短语可以省。可以省。 by短短语 后跟代后跟代词的的宾格。)格。)by the teacher.3.The teacher often asks him questions.Heis asked questions九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标1. 找找宾语 -即即动作的承受者作的承受者They make

5、 shoes in that factory. Shoes2. 判断判断宾语的的单复数复数 -即即be动词的的单复数复数.are made3. 判断判断动词的的时态 -即即be动词的的时态.4. 修改修改谓语的形式的形式 -即原句即原句动词改改为过去分去分词 5. 修改原句的主修改原句的主语 -即即by+ 宾语(原主(原主语). by them.主主变被解被解题步步骤主主变宾, ,宾变主主, , 谓动be done be done 时不不变, ,人称、数、格随着人称、数、格随着变九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标They play football on Sunday

6、.Lucy does the homework in the evening.They often use computers in class.We make these machines in Beijing.Football is played by them on Sunday.The homework is done by Lucy in the evening.Computers are often used by them in class.These machines are made in Beijing.Practice九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新

7、目标标肯定句:主肯定句:主语be + 过去分去分词(by )否定句:主否定句:主语be not 过去分去分词(by )一般疑一般疑问句:句:Be 主主语过去分去分词(by )? 特殊疑特殊疑问句:句: 疑疑问词be主主语过去分去分词 (by ) by many students.English is studiedby many students.English is not studied句式句式Is English studied by many students?Who is English studied by?九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标The hom

8、ework is done by Lucy in the evening.Computers are often used by them in class.These machines are made in Beijing.Football is played by them on Sunday. Practice 九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标1. They bought ten computers last term by them last term.2.2.一般一般过去去时的被的被动语态结构:构:was/were +过去分去分词last year.2.

9、We planted many trees last year.Many trees were plantedTen computerswere bought九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标They built the tall building last year.He took good care of his little brother yesterday.We cleaned our classroom just now.They used this room for resting.The tall building was built by them

10、last year.His little brother was taken good care of by him yesterday.Our classroom was cleaned by us just now.This room was used for resting by them.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标3.3.一般将来一般将来时的被的被动语态结构:构:will be+过去分去分词1.They will finish the work in ten days.by them in ten days.The work will be finis

11、hed2.Tom will clean the room tomorrow.The room will be cleaned by Tom tomorrow.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标We will have a sports meeting next week.Children will take some photos in the schoolyard tomorrow.The headmaster will give a talk this afternoon.A sports meeting will be had by us next week.S

12、ome photos will be taken by children in the school tomorrow.A talk will be given by the headmaster this afternoon.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标4.4.含有情含有情态动词的被的被动语态结构:构:can/may/must/should + be+过去分去分词1.Amy can take good care of Gina by Amy.Ginacan be taken good care of2.You should drink more water.M

13、ore water should be drunkby you.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标1.He can take care of the baby.2.Lucy may draw the pictures.3.You must turn off the lights.4.They should learn English well. The baby can be taken care of by him.The picture may be drawn by Lucy.The lights must be turned off by you.Englis

14、h should be learned well by them.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标5.5.现在在进行行时的被的被动语态的的结构构is / am / are + being 过去分去分词1.Some workers are painting the rooms nowby some workers now.The rooms are being painted2.He is watching TV.TVis being watched by him.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标6.6.现在完成在完成时的被的被动语态的的结

15、构构have / has been 过去分去分词1.We have made twenty more keysby us.Twenty more keys have been made2.We have finished our compositions.Our compositions have been finished by us.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标表格:被动态基本结构时态被被动语态结构构一般一般现在在时一般一般过去去时现在在进行行时过去去进行行时一般将来一般将来时过去将来去将来时现在完成在完成时过去完成去完成时am/is/are donewas

16、/were doneam/is/are being donewas/were being doneshall/will/be going to be donewould be donehave/has been donehad been done九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标Such books are written for children. Such books are written for children. 这这些些些些书书是是是是为为儿童写的。儿童写的。儿童写的。儿童写的。I havent

17、been told about it . I havent been told about it . 没有人告没有人告没有人告没有人告诉诉我我我我这这件事件事件事件事被被动语态的用法的用法(1)不知道或没有必要)不知道或没有必要说明明动作的作的执行者是行者是谁.Its / was said / believed / reported / + that Its reported that about three hundred people were killed in this earthquake. 据据报道,道,这次地震中大次地震中大约有三百人死亡。有三百人死亡。 (2)强调动作的承受者,

18、作的承受者,这时应用用by短短语。The cup was broken by David.(3)作客)作客观说明明时,常采用一种被,常采用一种被动语态句型句型.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标如:如:如:如:1.He gave me a book. 1.He gave me a book. I was given a book by him. I was given a book by him. (以(以(以(以I I做主做主做主做主语语) A book was given to me by Tom. A book was given to me by Tom. (

19、以物(以物(以物(以物bookbook作主作主作主作主语语) 2.He teaches us English. 2.He teaches us English. We are taught English by him. We are taught English by him. (以人当主(以人当主(以人当主(以人当主语语) English is taught to us by him. English is taught to us by him. (以物作主(以物作主(以物作主(以物作主语语)被被动语态的几种的几种类型型1. 1.带带双双宾语宾语句子的被句子的被动语态动语态. .(指物的

20、(指物的宾语宾语叫直接叫直接宾语宾语, 指人的指人的宾语宾语叫叫间间接接宾语宾语)常常常常见见的接双的接双的接双的接双宾语宾语的的的的动词动词有有有有: : to: pass, give, teach, show, bring, hand to: pass, give, teach, show, bring, hand for: make, buy, draw, sing, get, for: make, buy, draw, sing, get,以以以以“ “人人人人” ”当主当主当主当主语时语时,变变法和一般的法和一般的法和一般的法和一般的变变法一法一法一法一样样;以以以以“ “物物物物”

21、 ”当主当主当主当主语时语时,在保留的,在保留的,在保留的,在保留的间间接接接接宾语宾语前必前必前必前必须须加加加加toto或或或或for.for.九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标keep, make 三三类的的动词常常有常常有宾语补足足 语,在被在被动语态中,中,宾语补足足语位置不位置不变。 We keep food fresh in the fridge. 主主 谓 宾 宾补 Food is kept fresh in the fridge. I saw him go into the office building. He was seen to go int

22、o the office building. 2.含有含有宾语补足足语的句子的被的句子的被动语态九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标 不及物不及物动词没有没有宾语,因此没有被,因此没有被动语态。但有的不及物但有的不及物动词后面加上介后面加上介词及其他一些及其他一些词类构成短构成短语动词之后,其作用相当于及物之后,其作用相当于及物动词,可以接,可以接宾语,因而也可以,因而也可以变为被被动语态。在。在变成被成被动语态时,不能去掉构成短,不能去掉构成短语动词的介的介词或副或副词.They take good care of my child. My child is take

23、n good care of .I turned off the radio. The radio was turned off (by me) 3.含有短含有短语的主的主动语态变被被动语态九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标下列下列这些短些短语本身即是被本身即是被动语态的的形式,不需再加形式,不需再加by be covered with 用用覆盖着覆盖着 be interested in 对感感兴趣趣 be surprised at 对感到惊奇感到惊奇 be made of (from)用)用制造的制造的动词短短语的被的被动语态 take care of be tak

24、en care of cut down be cut down laugh at be laughed at look afterbe looked after九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标即即feel , hear , listen , have , make , let , look , watch , see , notice ,这些些词在主在主动句中,其后的句中,其后的动词不定式不加不定式不加to,但,但变被被动句句时必必须加加to. 1.I saw him play basketball last Sunday.He was seen to play b

25、asketball last Sunday.2.We heard them sing in the classroom.They was heard to sing in the classroom.4.4.感官感官动词和使役和使役动词的被的被动语态九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标(1)当主)当主动结构中的构中的宾语是反身代是反身代词和相互代和相互代词 时,不能改,不能改为被被动语态。 We often help each other. 我我们常常互相帮助。常常互相帮助。 (2)当)当谓语是表状是表状态的及物的及物动词时(如(如have , like , take

26、place , belong to ) 如:如: I like these flowers. 我喜我喜欢这些花。些花。 I will have a meeting. 不不说A meeting will be had. 应说A meeting will be held . 5.5.不能用于被不能用于被动语态的几种情况的几种情况九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标 把下列句子把下列句子变成被成被动语态:1)A car knocked him down yesterday.2)Two doctors and ten nurses make up the medical tea

27、m3)When I got there, they were cutting up a fallen treeA fallen tree was being cut up, when I got there.He was knocked down by a car yesterdayThe medical team is made up of by twoPractice九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标4)Well put on the play next Sunday5)Workers are building a new teaching building in

28、 our school6)They had completed the railway by the end of last year The play will be put on next SundayA new teaching building is being built by workers in our schoolThe railway had been completed by the end of last year九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标填空(完成被填空(完成被动语态填空)填空) 1. They often clean their cl

29、assroom after school . (改(改为被被动语态) Their classroom _ often _ by them after school. 2. Li Lei gave Tom a new pen last week . (同上)(同上) A new pen _ _ _ Tom last week . iscleanedwas given byPractice九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标3. A lot of people in China can speak English now . (同上)(同上) English _ _ _ b

30、y a lot of people in China now. 4. I have learned English for about two years. (同上)(同上) English _ _ _ for about two years. 5. They will publish these story-books next month. (同上)(同上) These story-books _ _ _ next month. can be spokenhas been learnedwill be published九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标6. An

31、other man-made satellite was sent up into space by them last week (济南市中考南市中考题) another man-made satellite into space last week.变主主动语态7.People there planted many trees last year. Trees _ _ by people there last year. (青青岛市中考市中考题)8. They grow vegetables on the farm. The vegetables _ _on the farm(上(上海市中

32、考海市中考题)They sent upwere planted are grown中考中考题九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标1. In some countries , tea _ with milk and sugar. 1. In some countries , tea _ with milk and sugar. A. is serving B. is served A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served C. serves D. served 2. Great changes _ in my homet

33、own since 1980. 2. Great changes _ in my hometown since 1980. A. have been taken place B. took place A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place C. have taken place D. were taken place3. The new type of car is going to _ in three years. 3. The new type of car is go

34、ing to _ in three years. A. turn out B. be turned out A. turn out B. be turned out C. has turned out D. have been turned out C. has turned out D. have been turned out4. The woman murdered her friend and _ to _. 4. The woman murdered her friend and _ to _. A. was sentenced , death B. sentencing , die

35、 A. was sentenced , death B. sentencing , die C. sentenced , death D. sentenced , die C. sentenced , death D. sentenced , die被被动语态专项练习:选择填空填空九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标5. 5. Do you like the skirt ? Do you like the skirt ? It _ soft. It _ soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt A. is feeli

36、ng B. felt C. feels D. is felt6. Are you still here ? You were here an hour ago . 6. Are you still here ? You were here an hour ago . Who _ for ? Who _ for ? A. are you waiting B. did you wait A. are you waiting B. did you wait C. were you waiting D. do you wait C. were you waiting D. do you wait 7.

37、 _ to know Professor Zhang. 7. _ to know Professor Zhang. A. He said B. I said A. He said B. I said C. He is said D. It says C. He is said D. It says 8. 8. I want to sit at the table near the window. I want to sit at the table near the window. Sorry , _ already. Sorry , _ already. A. it took B. it t

38、akes A. it took B. it takes C. it is taking D. it has been taken C. it is taking D. it has been taken九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标9. The letter _ three days ago and it_ yesterday. 9. The letter _ three days ago and it_ yesterday. A. had post , had arrived B. was posted , arrived A. had post , had a

39、rrived B. was posted , arrived C. posted , arrived D. had been posted , was arrived C. posted , arrived D. had been posted , was arrived10. He told me that the final examination _ next 10. He told me that the final examination _ next Thursday. Thursday. A. is given B. will be given A. is given B. wi

40、ll be given C. would have given D. would be given C. would have given D. would be given11. Water _ into ice. 11. Water _ into ice. A. will changed B. must be changed A. will changed B. must be changed C. should change D. can be changed C. should change D. can be changed 12. Plays _ twice a month in

41、that theatre. 12. Plays _ twice a month in that theatre. A. put on B. are put on A. put on B. are put on C. was put on D. often put on C. was put on D. often put on 九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标 13. The birds _ fly away last Saturday. 13. The birds _ fly away last Saturday. A. let to B. is let to C

42、. was let D. were let to A. let to B. is let to C. was let D. were let to 14. A strange sound _ yesterday evening. 14. A strange sound _ yesterday evening. A. was heard B. hears C. heard D. is heard A. was heard B. hears C. heard D. is heard 15. A beautiful bike _ him by his classmates. 15. A beauti

43、ful bike _ him by his classmates. A. sent to B. will sent to A. sent to B. will sent to C. was sent to D. will be sent for C. was sent to D. will be sent for 16. Miss Chen _ just _ to speak at the meeting. 16. Miss Chen _ just _ to speak at the meeting. A. has been asked B. has been asked A. has bee

44、n asked B. has been asked C. Have been asked D. have been asked C. Have been asked D. have been asked17. Meat _ out in this shop . We can _ now. 17. Meat _ out in this shop . We can _ now. A. have been sold , get nothing A. have been sold , get nothing B. has been sold , get nothing B. has been sold

45、 , get nothing C. has been sold , get some C. has been sold , get some D. have been sold , get some D. have been sold , get some九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标18. The new play _ in theatre now . Why dont you 18. The new play _ in theatre now . Why dont you go in and see it ? go in and see it ? A. is

46、being shown B. is showing A. is being shown B. is showing C. is shown D. shows C. is shown D. shows19. Can you tell _ ? 19. Can you tell _ ? A. when did it happen B. when was it happened A. when did it happen B. when was it happened C. when it happened D. when it was happened C. when it happened D.

47、when it was happened 20. _ the job _ by Lucy or by John ? 20. _ the job _ by Lucy or by John ? Tell me the truth , please. Tell me the truth , please. A. Has finished A. Has finished B. Has being finished B. Has being finished C. Is finish C. Is finish D. Has been finished D. Has been finished九年九年级级

48、英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标 1.Our school _in 2002.(开办)2.The young trees must_ _ _ well. (照顾)3. _ this building_(建成)last year?4.The book _ _(写)by him last year.5. The bridge _ _(不建造)in1989.6.The 29th Olympic Games will_ _ (举行) in UK in 2012.was openedbe looked afterWas built was writtenwasnt builtbe held完成下列句子:完成下列句子:九年九年级级英英语语被被动语态动语态人教版新目人教版新目标标



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