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1、专题专题4介词介词1专题专题4 4 介词介词考点直击考点直击 中考热点介词用法表中考热点介词用法表使用使用场合合适用的介适用的介词用法用法表示表示时间in表示在一段表示在一段时间内,也可用在月、季内,也可用在月、季节、年等年等时间短短语前;前; onon用在具体的某一天用在具体的某一天(具具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上及其前有修体某一天的上午、下午、晚上及其前有修饰词时)或星期几前;或星期几前;at表示在具体的某一表示在具体的某一时间点;点; during during 在在期期间; beforebefore在在之前;之前;after 在在之后;之后; until/till until/till

2、 直到直到; sincesince自从自从; byby到到为止;止; fromfromto从从到到; notnotuntil直到直到才才; betweenbetweenand在在和和之之间2专题专题4 4 介词介词表示地理位置表示地理位置onon在在之上之上( (与物体有接触与物体有接触); over/under); over/under在在上上/ /下面下面( (垂直关系垂直关系); above/below); above/below在在上上/ /下面下面( (非垂直关系非垂直关系); behind); behind在在后面;后面; beside/bybeside/by在在旁旁边,靠近,靠近

3、; betweenbetween在在之之间; amongamong在在中中间( (三者或三者三者或三者以上以上); inside/outside); inside/outside在在的里面的里面/ /外面;外面; in (the)front ofin (the)front of在在的前面;的前面; at the at the back ofback of在在的后面;的后面; in the middle ofin the middle of在在中中间; on the left/right ofon the left/right of在在左左/ /右右边; next tonext to在在隔壁隔壁

4、3专题专题4 4 介词介词表示方向表示方向to到到; atat向向; forfor朝朝; fromfrom从从; offoff从从离开,下来;离开,下来; intointo进入入; out ofout of从从出来;出来; acrossacross从从这一一边到另一到另一边; throughthrough从物体从物体的内部的内部经过; overover从从上空越上空越过表示方式、方法、手表示方式、方法、手段段by用用(方法、手段、途径等方法、手段、途径等)、乘、乘坐坐(交通工具交通工具); in用用(方式、材料、方式、材料、途径、途径、语言言)、乘、乘(汽汽车、飞机、机、轮船、出租船、出租车等

5、等);with后接具体的后接具体的工具、手段、材料;工具、手段、材料; onon乘乘(自行自行车、火、火车等等)4专题专题4 4 介词介词表示伴随状况表示伴随状况with带着,具有带着,具有表示数量表示数量about/around大约;大约; over超过,在超过,在以上以上表示原因表示原因for因为因为(也可表示对于、为了也可表示对于、为了); because of由于,因为由于,因为表示表示“除除之外之外”except除除之外之外(不包括在范围之不包括在范围之内内); besides除除之外之外(包括在叙包括在叙述范围之内述范围之内); but常与常与nobody, none, no on

6、e, nothing等词连用等词连用表示表示“替代替代”instead of代替,而不是代替,而不是5专题专题4 4 介词介词考点过关考点过关基础过关基础过关( ()1.We will build another new Great Green Wall_ the northern )1.We will build another new Great Green Wall_ the northern part of China.part of China.A. amongA. amongB. acrossB. acrossC. through D. betweenC. through D. b

7、etweenB 句意:句意: 我们将修建另一条横贯中国北部地区的绿色长城。我们将修建另一条横贯中国北部地区的绿色长城。 acrossacross表示表示“从表面通过从表面通过”。故选。故选B B。6专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()2. The moonlight is shining in_ the window. Everything in )2. The moonlight is shining in_ the window. Everything in the room looks so nice.the room looks so nice.A. over B. acrossA. ov

8、er B. acrossC. through D. pastC. through D. pastC 7专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()3. I gave up the piano lessons because I have so much homework to )3. I gave up the piano lessons because I have so much homework to do, but its_ my own wishes.do, but its_ my own wishes.A. in B. onA. in B. onC. for D. againstC. for

9、D. againstD 8专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()4. My school is different_ theirs. It has many afterschool )4. My school is different_ theirs. It has many afterschool clubs.clubs.A. in B. byA. in B. byC. of D. fromC. of D. fromD9专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()5. In some Western countries, shops are closed_ weekends. )5. In some West

10、ern countries, shops are closed_ weekends. A. in BA. in BtotoC Cat Dat DwithwithC 10专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()6. Miss Chen is our English teacher. She always talks to us with a )6. Miss Chen is our English teacher. She always talks to us with a smile_ her face. smile_ her face. A. atA. at B. in B. in C. toC.

11、to D. onD. onD 11专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()7. Project Hope has built many schools _ big classrooms and )7. Project Hope has built many schools _ big classrooms and libraries.libraries.A. in BA. in BofofC Cfor D. with for D. with D12专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()8. His grade in the exam put him_ the top students in his )8.

12、His grade in the exam put him_ the top students in his class.class.A. between B. over A. between B. over C. among D. aboveC. among D. above C13专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()9. How do you communicate with your foreign friends?)9. How do you communicate with your foreign friends?_ writing emails, of course._ writin

13、g emails, of course.A. With B. ByA. With B. ByC. At DC. At DFromFromB句意:句意: “ “你是怎么与外国朋友交流的?你是怎么与外国朋友交流的?”“”“当然是通过写电子邮件的方当然是通过写电子邮件的方式。式。”byby表示表示“通过某种方式通过某种方式”。故选。故选B B。 14专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()10. All the people went home_ Mr Wang, for he had to finish )10. All the people went home_ Mr Wang, for he had

14、to finish his work.his work.A. with B. besidesA. with B. besidesC. except D. besideC. except D. besideC根据后句根据后句“王先生得完成工作王先生得完成工作”可知,王先生没有和其他人一样回家。可知,王先生没有和其他人一样回家。except意为意为“除了除了”,不包括在范围之内。故选,不包括在范围之内。故选C。15专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()1)1.2014.2014河南河南 A conversation _ a wise person is worth ten A conversation

15、_ a wise person is worth ten years study of books.years study of books.A Afor Bfor Blike like C Cwith Dwith Dtoto中考透视中考透视C考查介词的用法。句意:和智者的一次交谈等同于读十年的书。考查介词的用法。句意:和智者的一次交谈等同于读十年的书。for意为意为“为了为了”;like意为意为“像像”;with意为意为“和和一起一起”;to意为意为“向,往,向,往,给给”。故选。故选C。16专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()2)2.2014.2014孝感孝感 My friend, Susan

16、, was born _ September 12th, My friend, Susan, was born _ September 12th, 1999.1999.A Ain Bin Bat at C Con Don DforforC考查介词用法。句意:我的朋友苏珊出生于考查介词用法。句意:我的朋友苏珊出生于1999年年9月月12号。表达号。表达“在具在具体某天体某天”用介词用介词on。故选。故选C。17专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()3)3.2014.2014安徽安徽 _ the exam, well say goodbye to our dear _ the exam, well sa

17、y goodbye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school.teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school.A AIn BIn BForForC CAfter DAfter DThroughThroughC考查介词辨析。句意:考试之后,我们将要与我们亲爱的老师、考查介词辨析。句意:考试之后,我们将要与我们亲爱的老师、同学及我们美丽的校园说再见。同学及我们美丽的校园说再见。in意为意为“在在里面里面”;for意为意为“对于对于”;after意为意为“

18、在在之后之后”;through意为意为“通过通过”。根据。根据常识可知常识可知“与老师、同学说再见与老师、同学说再见”应发生在应发生在“考试后考试后”。故选。故选C。18专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()4)4.2014.2014平凉平凉 Mum always tells me that nothing can be learned Mum always tells me that nothing can be learned _ hard work._ hard work.A Awith Bwith BbybyC Cfor Dfor DwithoutwithoutD考查介词的用法。句意:妈妈总

19、是告诉我不努力学习什么也学不到。考查介词的用法。句意:妈妈总是告诉我不努力学习什么也学不到。with意意为为“具有具有”;by意为意为“通过通过”;for意为意为“为了,对于为了,对于”;without意为意为“没有,没有,不不”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选D。19专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()5)5.2014.2014广东广东 Most people are _ building a paper factory Most people are _ building a paper factory near here. They are worried the river will ge

20、t polluted. near here. They are worried the river will get polluted. A Afor Bfor BwithwithC Cagainst Dagainst Dbeyond beyond C考查介词用法。句意:大多数人反对在这附近建纸厂。他们担心河流将考查介词用法。句意:大多数人反对在这附近建纸厂。他们担心河流将会受到污染。会受到污染。for意为意为“为了为了”;with意为意为“和,用和,用”;against意为意为“反反对对”;beyond意为意为“超过超过”。由后句语境得知,是。由后句语境得知,是“反对反对”建纸厂。故建纸厂。

21、故选选C。 20专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()6)6.2014.2014苏州苏州 The castle stands in a quiet place _ the The castle stands in a quiet place _ the main road at the far end of the river.main road at the far end of the river.A Ato Bto BforforC Coff Doff DoutoutC21专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()7)7.2014.2014扬州扬州 This problem is far _ me, I

22、m afraid I This problem is far _ me, Im afraid I cant work it out.cant work it out.Dont worry, we will help you.Dont worry, we will help you.A Abeyond Bbeyond Bbeside beside C Cbehind Dbehind DbetweenbetweenA考查介词的用法。句意:考查介词的用法。句意:“这个问题远远超出了我的能力范围,这个问题远远超出了我的能力范围,恐怕我解决不了。恐怕我解决不了。”“别担心,我们会帮助你的。别担心,我们会

23、帮助你的。”beyond意为意为“超出超出”;beside意为意为“在在旁边旁边”;behind意为意为“在在后面后面”;between意为意为“在在之间之间”。根据句意可知用。根据句意可知用beyond。 22专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()8)8.2014.2014盐城盐城 Many cities in China, _ Beijing, have been Many cities in China, _ Beijing, have been deeply affected by dirty air.deeply affected by dirty air.A Aincluding Bin

24、cluding BbehindbehindC Cwithout Dwithout DbeyondbeyondA考查介词的用法。句意:中国许多城市,包括北京,都受到污染考查介词的用法。句意:中国许多城市,包括北京,都受到污染空气的极度影响。空气的极度影响。including意为意为“包括包括”;behind意为意为“在在后后面面”; without意为意为“没有没有”;beyond意为意为“超越超越”。根据句意。根据句意“中国许多城市,包括北京中国许多城市,包括北京”,可知选,可知选A。23专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()9)9.2014.2014天津天津 Cambridge is a smal

25、l city_ the east of Cambridge is a small city_ the east of England.England.A Abetween Bbetween BwithwithC Cin Din DunderunderC考查介词的用法。句意:剑桥是英格兰东部的一座小城市。根据句意,考查介词的用法。句意:剑桥是英格兰东部的一座小城市。根据句意,Cambridge属于属于England,应用介词,应用介词in。24专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()10)10.2014.2014乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐 The birds singing came into our room

26、_ The birds singing came into our room _ the window and woke me up in the early morning.the window and woke me up in the early morning.A Adown Bdown Bfrom from C Cthrough Dthrough DacrossacrossC考查介词用法。句意:一大早鸟叫声透过窗子传进屋子里,把我考查介词用法。句意:一大早鸟叫声透过窗子传进屋子里,把我唤醒了。唤醒了。down意为意为“在在下面下面”;from意为意为“从从”;through意意为为“

27、透过,穿过透过,穿过”;across意为意为“穿过穿过”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选C。25语法专练语法专练专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()1)1.2014.2014北京北京 I sometimes help my mum with her housework_ I sometimes help my mum with her housework_ Saturdays.Saturdays.A Aat Bat Bin Cin Con Don DtotoC考查介词词义辨析。句意:周六我有时会帮妈妈做家务。表示在具体的某天或考查介词词义辨析。句意:周六我有时会帮妈妈做家务。表示在具体的某天或某天的上

28、午、下午、晚上,应用介词某天的上午、下午、晚上,应用介词on。故选。故选C。 26专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()2)2.2014.2014南京南京 Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened _ Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened _ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year.March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year.A Aon Bon Bat Cat Cin Din Dto

29、toC考查介词的用法。句意:今年南京溧水草莓节三月份在傅家边农业园开幕了。考查介词的用法。句意:今年南京溧水草莓节三月份在傅家边农业园开幕了。on用在具体某一天前;用在具体某一天前;at用在具体几点钟前;用在具体几点钟前;in用于年、月、季前;用于年、月、季前;to意为意为“到到”。本句介词用在。本句介词用在“三月份三月份”前,故选前,故选C。 27专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()3.Jean comes _ Tibet which lies _ the southwest of )3.Jean comes _ Tibet which lies _ the southwest of China

30、.China.A Afrom; on Bfrom; on Bin; toin; toC Cfrom; in Dfrom; in Dto; in to; in Ccome from 意为意为“来自来自”;表示方位时,在范围之内用介词;表示方位时,在范围之内用介词in,范围之外用介,范围之外用介词词to,接壤时用介词,接壤时用介词on。 28专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()4._ most of us, I dont like singing or dancing.)4._ most of us, I dont like singing or dancing.A ADislike BDislike

31、 BUnlikeUnlikeC CUnlike with DUnlike with DDifferent withDifferent withBunlike意为意为“不像,不同不像,不同”,后面直接跟名词或代词。,后面直接跟名词或代词。 29专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()5.On May Day I did some voluntary work _ travelling this )5.On May Day I did some voluntary work _ travelling this year.year.You did a great job.You did a great jo

32、b.A Abecause of Bbecause of Binstead ofinstead ofC Cthanks to Dthanks to DforforBinstead of doing sth 意为意为“代替做某事代替做某事”。30专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()6.Well leave_Beijing_ my dads car.)6.Well leave_Beijing_ my dads car.A Aon; in Bon; in Bfor; onfor; onC Cfor; in Dfor; in Din; inin; inC31专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()7.I got _

33、 the city _ 10)7.I got _ the city _ 10:00 p00 pm.m.A Aon; at Bon; at Bto; atto; atC Cin; in D. at; inin; in D. at; inB32专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()8.Jim waited _ the bus stop _ twenty minutes.)8.Jim waited _ the bus stop _ twenty minutes.A Ain; at Bin; at Bfor; forfor; forC Cat; for D. from; ofat; for D. from;

34、 ofC33专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()9.Mr Green got_the bus near the supermarket and then he went )9.Mr Green got_the bus near the supermarket and then he went home_foot.home_foot.A Aoff; on Boff; on Bto; onto; onC Con; by Don; by Doff; byoff; byA34专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()10.We have lived here _ the year of 2000.)10.We ha

35、ve lived here _ the year of 2000.A Ain Bin BsincesinceC Cbefore D. after before D. after B35专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()11.You can solve this problem _ different ways, but you )11.You can solve this problem _ different ways, but you should tell me the answer _ 5 pshould tell me the answer _ 5 pm.m.A Ain; till B

36、in; till Bwith; bywith; byC Cin; before Din; before Dwith; at with; at Cin different waysin different ways意为意为“用不同的方法用不同的方法”;beforebefore意为意为“在在之前之前”。36专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()12.Mary didnt finish her homework _nine oclock last night.)12.Mary didnt finish her homework _nine oclock last night.A Auntil Buntil

37、 BbybyC Cfrom D. forfrom D. forA37专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()13.My little brother was born_ a rainy day_summer and )13.My little brother was born_ a rainy day_summer and our family name is exactly “Xia”. So we call him “Xia Yu”our family name is exactly “Xia”. So we call him “Xia Yu”A Aon; at Bon; at Bon; inon

38、; inC Cat; in Dat; in Din; onin; onB38专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()14.What will you get _ your father _ Fathers Day?)14.What will you get _ your father _ Fathers Day?A Afor; in Bfor; in Bfor; onfor; onC Cto; for Dto; for Dto; atto; atB39专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()15.She had to sell the house even though it was _ her own )1

39、5.She had to sell the house even though it was _ her own wishes. wishes. A Aaboveabove B BononC Cagainstagainst D DforforC40专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()16.Is the street too narrow for the bus to go _ ?)16.Is the street too narrow for the bus to go _ ?A Ain Bin BacrossacrossC Cthrough Dthrough DononC41专题专题4 4 介词

40、介词( ()17.A good teacher should be strict _ his work and _ )17.A good teacher should be strict _ his work and _ his students.his students.A Awith; in Bwith; in Bin; inin; inC Cin; with Din; with Dwith; withwith; withCbe strict with sb in sth be strict with sb in sth 意为意为“在某方面严格要求某人在某方面严格要求某人”。 42专题专题

41、4 4 介词介词( ()18)18.2014.2014河北河北 You see, Kevin is writing _ his left hand. You see, Kevin is writing _ his left hand.A Aat Bat Bas Cas Cfor Dfor DwithwithD考查介词的用法。句意:你看,凯文在用他的左手写字。考查介词的用法。句意:你看,凯文在用他的左手写字。 atat意为意为“在在”;asas意为意为“因为因为”;forfor意为意为“为了为了”;withwith意为意为“用用”。故选。故选D D。43专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()19.Al

42、l the dresses are made of cotton_the green one. Its )19.All the dresses are made of cotton_the green one. Its made of silk.made of silk.A Abesides Bbesides BexceptexceptC Cincluding Dincluding DwithwithB44专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()20)20.2014.2014常州常州 It was really helpful _ him to take the cat It was really h

43、elpful _ him to take the cat to the animal centre _ a rainy night.to the animal centre _ a rainy night.A Aof; on Bof; on Bof; at of; at C Cfor; on Dfor; on Dfor; atfor; atA考查介词的用法。句意:他在一个下雨天的晚上把猫送到了动物中心,真是乐考查介词的用法。句意:他在一个下雨天的晚上把猫送到了动物中心,真是乐于助人。于助人。helpful是描绘人的品行的形容词,应该用是描绘人的品行的形容词,应该用of;night之前有描绘性的

44、形之前有描绘性的形容词容词rainy,应该用,应该用on。故选。故选A。45专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()21.He has no pen to write_)21.He has no pen to write_, because he left his pencil box because he left his pencil box at home this morning.at home this morning.A Aon Bon Bfor Cfor Cwith with D. inD. inC46专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()22.You can keep fit _ doing

45、 exercise every day.)22.You can keep fit _ doing exercise every day.A. with BA. with Bin Cin Cfor for D. byD. byD47专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()23)23.2014.2014呼和浩特呼和浩特 What would you like _ your afternoon What would you like _ your afternoon teatea?Just a cup of coffee _ some sugar and milk.Just a cup of coffee

46、_ some sugar and milk.A Aof; with Bof; with Bof; withoutof; withoutC Cfor; with Dfor; with Dfor; withoutfor; withoutC考查介词的辨析。句意:考查介词的辨析。句意:“下午茶你要来点儿什么?下午茶你要来点儿什么?”“就来一杯加糖就来一杯加糖和牛奶的咖啡吧。和牛奶的咖啡吧。”of意为意为“的的”;for意为意为“当作,作为当作,作为”;with意为意为“带有带有”;without意为意为“没有没有”。根据。根据“your afternoon tea”可知,下午茶喝点儿什么,故应该用可知

47、,下午茶喝点儿什么,故应该用for;根据;根据and可知,应该表示肯定,可知,应该表示肯定,“加糖和牛奶的咖啡加糖和牛奶的咖啡”应用应用with。故选。故选C。 48专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()24)24.2014.2014烟台烟台 Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel?Hotel?Go_ the post office, and youll find it on the left.Go_ the post office, a

48、nd youll find it on the left.A Apass Bpass BpastpastC Cto pass Dto pass DpassedpassedB本题考查介词的用法。句意:本题考查介词的用法。句意:“你能告诉我去太平洋旅馆的路吗?你能告诉我去太平洋旅馆的路吗?”“经过邮局,你将会在左边发现它。经过邮局,你将会在左边发现它。”pass是动词,意为是动词,意为“传递传递”;past是介词,意为是介词,意为“经过;过经过;过”,go past表示表示“经过经过”。故选。故选B。 49专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()25.We can see many apples _ th

49、e tree, and there are a few )25.We can see many apples _ the tree, and there are a few birds singing _ the tree.birds singing _ the tree.A Aon; in Bon; in Bin; inin; inC Con; on Don; on Din; onin; onA“树上生长的东西树上生长的东西”用介词用介词on; “树上后加入的东西树上后加入的东西”用介词用介词in。50专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()26.Many people are waiting _

50、the cinema. The film must be )26.Many people are waiting _ the cinema. The film must be great!great!A Abehind Bbehind Bin front ofin front ofC Cbeside Dbeside Din the front ofin the front ofBin front of 意为意为“在在(外部外部)前面前面”;in the front of意为意为“在在(内部内部)前面前面”。51专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()27)27.2014.2014铜仁铜仁 Well p

51、lay basketball _ Class 3 tomorrow. Well play basketball _ Class 3 tomorrow.A Aover Bover Bagainst against C Cto Dto DforforB考查介词。考查介词。over意为意为“超过,在上方超过,在上方”;against意为意为“反对反对”;to意为意为“到,到,朝,向朝,向”;for意为意为“对于,为了对于,为了”。根据句意。根据句意“明天我们与三班将有一场篮球明天我们与三班将有一场篮球对抗赛对抗赛”可知可知B符合语境。符合语境。play against意为意为“与与对抗对抗”。52专

52、题专题4 4 介词介词( ()28.)28.20142014徐州徐州 Healthy eating _ regular exercise is the Healthy eating _ regular exercise is the best way to keep fit.best way to keep fit.A Aless than Bless than Binstead ofinstead ofC Csuch as Dsuch as Dtogether withtogether withD考查介词短语的用法。句意:健康饮食和有规律的锻炼是保持健康的最好方式。考查介词短语的用法。句意:

53、健康饮食和有规律的锻炼是保持健康的最好方式。less than意为意为“不如不如”;instead of意为意为“代替代替”;such as意为意为“例如例如”;together with意为意为“和和一起一起”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选D。 53专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()29)29.2013.2013荆州荆州 Do you know that Mr Zhang passed_ last Do you know that Mr Zhang passed_ last week?week?Yes. He died_ illness.Yes. He died_ illness.A Aaw

54、ay; of Baway; of Bon; fromon; fromC Cby; with Dby; with Doff; asoff; asApass away意为意为“去世去世”;die of意为意为“死于死于”,指的是正常死亡,而,指的是正常死亡,而die from指指的是非正常死亡。的是非正常死亡。 54专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()30.We all agree_you.Lets start_once.)30.We all agree_you.Lets start_once.A Ato; in Bto; in Bat; forat; forC Cwith; at Dwith; at

55、 Don; aton; atC55专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()31)31.2014.2014安顺安顺 Its kind _ you _ help me with my Its kind _ you _ help me with my English.English.A Aof; to Bof; to Bfor; to for; to C Cof; for Dof; for Dto; toto; toA考查介词和句式结构。句意:你帮助我学习英语真是太好了。考查介词和句式结构。句意:你帮助我学习英语真是太好了。kindkind为描述人物为描述人物性格的形容词,故用介词性格的形容词,故用介词of

56、of。 56专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()32.Reading _ the sun isnt good _ your eyes.)32.Reading _ the sun isnt good _ your eyes.A Aunder; for Bunder; for Bin; forin; forC Cin; at Din; at Dunder; atunder; atB57专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()33)33.2014.2014黔东南黔东南 Is the wine made _ grapes? Is the wine made _ grapes?Yes, its made _ Fra

57、nce.Yes, its made _ France.A Aof; in Bof; in Bfrom; infrom; inC Cfrom; by Dfrom; by Dof; asof; asB考考查查介介词词。句句意意:“这这葡葡萄萄酒酒是是葡葡萄萄制制成成的的吗吗?”“”“是是的的,它它产产于于法法国国。”看不出原材料用看不出原材料用fromfrom,“产于某地产于某地”则用则用be made inbe made in,所以选,所以选B B。58专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()34.I knew nothing about it _ John told me.)34.I knew not

58、hing about it _ John told me.A Auntil Buntil Bsince since C Cat Dat DononA59专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()35.What do you do_your used textbooks in your school?)35.What do you do_your used textbooks in your school?We usually sell them to raise money for Project Hope.We usually sell them to raise money for Project

59、Hope.A Afor Bfor Bon Con Cin Din DwithwithD60专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()36.Nothing can stop us_working hard at English.)36.Nothing can stop us_working hard at English.A Afor Bfor Bon Con Cfrom D. byfrom D. byC61专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()37.Next Saturday well leave _ Hong Kong _ business.)37.Next Saturday well leave _ Ho

60、ng Kong _ business.A Afor; on Bfor; on Bfor; forfor; forC Cin; for Din; for Dto; atto; atA62专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()38.Thanks _ our teachers, we have caught up _ them in )38.Thanks _ our teachers, we have caught up _ them in a term.a term.A Afor; with Bfor; with Bto; withto; withC Cto; to Dto; to Dof; witho

61、f; withB63专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()39.The teacher_a book_his hand came over to the )39.The teacher_a book_his hand came over to the blackboard.blackboard.A Awith; in Bwith; in B/; in/; inC Con; on Don; on Dwith; / with; / A64专题专题4 4 介词介词( ()40)40.2014.2014来宾来宾 When is Jays concert? When is Jays concert?Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon.Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon.A Aat; in Bat; in Bat; on at; on C Cin; in Din; in Don; inon; inA考查介词的用法。句意:考查介词的用法。句意:“JayJay的演唱会在什么时候?的演唱会在什么时候?”“”“下午三点。下午三点。”atat用用于时刻前;于时刻前;inin泛指在一天的上午、下午或晚上;泛指在一天的上午、下午或晚上;onon用于具体的某一天前。用于具体的某一天前。65



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