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1、Unit 1Unit 1I can look after myselfI can look after myself, although it wont be easy although it wont be easy for me. for me.Module4Home aloneUnit1I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.课前自主预习课堂互动探究Module4Home alone课前自主预习课前自主预习Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.单词闯关

2、1.会议;集会 _ 遇见(动词) _2.未出席;未出现 _ 丢失的(形容词)_3.关上;合上_ 同义词 _4.简单的;容易的 _ 同义词_meetingmeetmissmissingshutclosesimple easy Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.单词闯关5.任何人 _6.鸣响;发出铃声 _ 过去式_ 过去分词_ 7.乘客;旅客 _ 8.地址 _ 9.一对;两个 _anybody ring rangrung passengeraddresscouple短语互译1.look after _2.be careful wi

3、th _3.make sure _4.be about to do sth. _5.两个 _6.短信 _7.叫醒 _8.建议某人做某事 _照顾;照料照顾;照料注意注意确保确保即将做某事即将做某事a couple oftext messagewake upadvise sb. to do sthUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.连词成句1.leaving, Platform 2, its, from(火车)将从2号站台驶出。_2.cant, us, come, Betty, sorry, with, Im, you (贝蒂,你不

4、能和我们一起去,我很遗憾。)_Its leaving from Platform 2.Im sorry you cant come with us, Betty.Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.连词成句3.loudly, me, wake, that, up, will, rings, so, my, it, certainly, clock(我的闹钟响声如此大,它肯定会叫醒我的。)_4.leave, is, your, train, about, to(你的火车要开了。)_ My clock rings so loudly

5、 that it will certainly wake me up.Your train is about to leave.Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.课堂互动探究课堂互动探究词汇点睛 1miss v未出席;未出现 观察 So am I, but I cant miss two weeks of school. 我也是(很遗憾),但是我不能两周不上课。探究 miss在此句中为动词,意为“未出席;未出现”。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.拓展 (1)

6、miss作动词,还可译为“想念;错过”。She got up late. Thats why she missed the early bus.她起床晚了。那就是她错过早班车的原因。(2)miss的首字母大写(即Miss)作名词,意为“小姐;女士”,用于未婚女子的姓氏或姓名前,以示礼貌。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.图解助记Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.活学活用 1To my surprise, Mrs Li _ (未出席)the flower sho

7、w last Sunday. Well, she was ill in hospital.missedUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.2anybody pron.任何人 观察 There wont be anybody to wake you up in the morning.早上将没有任何人叫你起床。Did you meet anybody interesting? 你遇到任何有趣的人了吗?Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme. 探究 (1)anybody为

8、不定代词,相当于anyone,常用于 _ 句和疑问句。anybody用于肯定句时,意为“任何人;随便哪个人”。(2)形容词修饰anybody, anyone等不定代词时,形容词要放在不定代词的 _。(3)anybody等不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用 _ 形式。单数单数否定否定 后面后面Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.词 条意义用法somebody某人;有人一般用在肯定句中anybody任何人一般用在否定句和疑问句中nobody无人;没有人常用在肯定句中,表示否定意义,相当于notanybodyeverybody每人,人人作主

9、语时,谓语动词用单数形式辨析 somebody, anybody, nobody与everybodyUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.22017天水 I dont want to be _ else. I just want to be _ A. anybody; myself B. somebody; myself C. everybody; me D. anybody; me【解析解析】考查代词的用法。句意:我不想成为其他任何人,我只想做我自考查代词的用法。句意:我不想成为其他任何人,我只想做我自己。前一个句子为否定句,故

10、第一空用己。前一个句子为否定句,故第一空用anybody;第二空用;第二空用myself。故选。故选A。AUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.3wake sb. up叫醒某人 观察 What time do you usually wake up? 你通常什么时候醒来?Please wake me up at six oclock tomorrow morning.请明天早上六点钟叫醒我。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme. 探究 wake up是动副短语,若宾语

11、是_,要将代词放在wake和up中间。拓展 (1)awake adj.醒着的(2)由up构成的短语grow up 长大give up 放弃cheer up使振作set up 建立,eat up吃完put up张贴tidy up整理take up占据;开始从事Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.代词3._, Tom! Its time to go to school. AWake upBCheer upCGrow upDLook upAUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyfor

12、me.4couple n一对;两个 观察 The couple are spending their honeymoon. 那对夫妇正在度蜜月。There are a couple of boys waiting for you. 有几个男孩在等你。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.探究 couple作名词,意为“一对;两个”。_意为“两个;几个”,指两个或几个相似的人或同样的物,可分可合,既可指人又可指物。如:a couple of girls 两个女孩。拓展 a pair of 指有机结合起来的、缺一不可的事物,即一件东西

13、本身包含两个部分。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.a couple of 4My little brother is very careless. He went to school in _ shoes, but not _ ones.Aa couple; a pairBa pair of; a couple ofCa couple of; a pair ofDa pair; a couple of Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.C句型透视探究 表示位

14、移的动词,如leave, go, come等的进行时可以表示_。We are leaving for Chongqing tomorrow. 明天我们动身去重庆。They are coming here this afternoon.他们今天下午要来这儿。将来1Its leaving from Platform 2. (火车)将从2号站台驶出。 Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.注意 除位移动词的现在进行时表示将来外,某些非位移动词也有这种用法。His dog is dying, so he is very sad. 他的狗奄

15、奄一息了,所以他非常伤心。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.活学活用 1Dad _ the US in two weeks. Ais leave for Bleaves for Cis leaving for Dleft forCUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.2So am I 我也这么认为 探究 “Sobe动词/情态动词/助动词主语”是一个 倒装句,表示前面句子所描述的肯定情况也适用于另 一主语,意为“也是”。在这个句式中,前后两个主语指的不是同一个。To

16、m is a student. 汤姆是一名学生。So am I. 我也是。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.拓展 (1)若前面所述情况为否定,则用neither或nor引出倒装。He couldnt do it, and neither could she.他做不了这件事,她也做不了。He never comes late. Nor do I.他从不迟到,我也从不迟到。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.(2)“So主语be动词/情态动词/助动词”结构用来表示

17、对上文所述情况的赞成和肯定,意为“的确是”。在这个句式中,前后两个主语指的是同一个。The weather is so hot! 天气真热!So it is. 确实是。Unit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.2(1)2017黔东南Sandy likes English best. She reads the texts every day. _. A. So does Jim B. So Jim does C. So Jim is D. So is Jim【解析解析】考查倒装句。结合句意可知上下文主语不一致,表示考查倒装句。结合句意

18、可知上下文主语不一致,表示“也也”。运用倒装结构运用倒装结构“So情态动词情态动词/系动词系动词/助动词主语助动词主语”。用助动词。用助动词does对应上文的对应上文的likes。故选。故选A。AUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.(2)2017宿迁I dont like horror films. Theyre terrible. _ A. Either I do B. Neither I do C. Either do I D. Neither do I【解析解析】考查倒装句。句意:考查倒装句。句意:“我不喜欢恐怖电影。它们太可我不喜欢恐怖电影。它们太可怕。怕。”“我也不喜欢。我也不喜欢。”承接上文,用承接上文,用neither或或nor引导倒装句,引导倒装句,表示表示“也不也不”,要构成完全倒装句。上句助动词用,要构成完全倒装句。上句助动词用dont,故下文,故下文用用do。故选。故选D。DUnit1Icanlookaftermyself,althoughitwontbeeasyforme.



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