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1、An Interview About Internship Training(At a class seminar devoted to the topic of Your Internship Training.)在一次主题为在一次主题为“你的实习你的实习”的班会的班会上上 关于一次实行经验的访谈关于一次实行经验的访谈Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.Monitor: Luo Lin, I heard

2、 that you had your internship in TEDA International Hotel & Club , didnt you? Could you give us a brief account of it?Luo: With pleasure. As far as I know, its Tianjins best hotel at this time. In addition to over 200 suites, there are restaurants, a tea house, bars, business centers, and various re

3、creational facilities such as a swimming pool, sauna, a ball-room, a fitness centre, an ice-skating rink, etc.Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.班长:罗琳,听说你去了泰达国班长:罗琳,听说你去了泰达国际酒店实习,能给我们简单地际酒店实习,能给我们简单地简绍一下吗?简绍一下吗?罗琳:好的。就我所知

4、,它是目罗琳:好的。就我所知,它是目前天津最豪华的宾馆前天津最豪华的宾馆 。除了。除了200200多套客房外,餐厅、茶苑、多套客房外,餐厅、茶苑、酒吧、商务中心、各种娱乐设酒吧、商务中心、各种娱乐设施,像游泳池、桑拿、球类、施,像游泳池、桑拿、球类、康乐中心、溜冰场等一应俱全。康乐中心、溜冰场等一应俱全。 Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Monitor: Wow, I can hardly wait

5、 to see Monitor: Wow, I can hardly wait to see it. Which department were you assigned it. Which department were you assigned to?to?Luo: I was first sent to the Front Luo: I was first sent to the Front Office.Office.Monitor: What did you do there?Monitor: What did you do there?Luo: A lot of things: r

6、eceive Luo: A lot of things: receive reservations, register guests, assign reservations, register guests, assign rooms, distribute baggage, rooms, distribute baggage, guestsguestsvaluables,provide information, valuables,provide information, deliver mail and messages, exchange deliver mail and messag

7、es, exchange foreign currencies, check guests out foreign currencies, check guests out and so on.and so on.Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.班长:哇,真想马上去看看。那你班长:哇,真想马上去看看。那你被分配在什么部门呢?被分配在什么部门呢?罗琳:我首先被安排咋前台。罗琳:我首先被安排咋前台。班长:

8、前台都做些什么呢?班长:前台都做些什么呢?罗琳:我在前台负责好多事情,像罗琳:我在前台负责好多事情,像客房预订、客人入住登记、安排房客房预订、客人入住登记、安排房间、分送行李、为客人保存贵重物间、分送行李、为客人保存贵重物品、提供各种信息、寄送邮件、兑品、提供各种信息、寄送邮件、兑换外币、结账等等都由前台负责。换外币、结账等等都由前台负责。Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.Monitor:Quite a

9、 lot !(Monitor:Quite a lot !(pretending to make pretending to make a phone calla phone call) I) Id like to book a d like to book a room in youe hotel.room in youe hotel.Luo: (Luo: (making the gesture of receiving the callmaking the gesture of receiving the call) ) What kind of room would you likeWha

10、t kind of room would you like? We have single rooms, and We have single rooms, and deluxe suites in different deluxe suites in different styles.styles.Monitor: A single room, please.Monitor: A single room, please.Luo: May I have your name? And your Luo: May I have your name? And your arrival and dep

11、arture dates?arrival and departure dates?Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.班长:噢,还真不少。(装作打电话的样子)喂,我想在你们酒店预订一个房间。罗琳:(也作出打电话的姿势)请问您要什么样的房间?我们有单人房、双人房,还有各式豪华套房。班长:我要一间单人房。罗琳:请问您的姓名?您抵达和离店的日期是?Evaluation only.Created with Asp

12、ose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.Monitor: (Monitor: (joking when seeing Luo Lin joking when seeing Luo Lin putting on a polite smiling look)putting on a polite smiling look)You You really look like a well-trained really look like a well-trained profes

13、sional.professional.Luo: (Luo: (smiling sbylysmiling sbyly)Our manager said )Our manager said that the Front Office is the “shop that the Front Office is the “shop window”of a hotel. Not only does it window”of a hotel. Not only does it show the image of the hotel, but it show the image of the hotel,

14、 but it also reflects the spirt of Tianjin also reflects the spirt of Tianjin people. Therefore he asked us to people. Therefore he asked us to strengthen the sense of service and strengthen the sense of service and make our own contribution to setting make our own contribution to setting up a nice

15、image of Tianjin for the up a nice image of Tianjin for the world.world.Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.班长班长:(看着罗琳毕恭毕敬的样子,开玩笑)你你还真有点像一个有素的专业人士。还真有点像一个有素的专业人士。罗琳罗琳:(不好意思的笑着)我们经理说前我们经理说前台是酒店的窗口,不仅代表酒店的台是酒店的窗口,不仅代表酒店的形象,而

16、且还反映了天津人民的精形象,而且还反映了天津人民的精神面貌。因此他要我们一定要加强神面貌。因此他要我们一定要加强服务意识,为树立天津的良好形象服务意识,为树立天津的良好形象而贡献我们的力量。而贡献我们的力量。Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.heard that heard that 听说听说 as far as as far as 就就而言而言In addition In addition 另外另外

17、various n. various n.各种各样的各种各样的distribute v.distribute v.分送,分发分送,分发 provide v. provide v.供给,提供供给,提供deliver v.deliver v.递送,表达递送,表达 exchange n. exchange n.交换,交换物交换,交换物pretend v.pretend v.假托,借口,假装假托,借口,假装 not onlybut also not onlybut also 不但,而且不但,而且reflect n.reflect n.反映反映 reflectible adj. reflectible

18、adj.反射的,映现的反射的,映现的reflect back reflect back 反射反射 spirit n. spirit n.精神精神In spirit In spirit 精神上,心灵上精神上,心灵上 ask sb.to do sth.ask sb.to do sth.让某人做某事让某人做某事contribution n.contribution n.贡献贡献make contributions to make contributions to 为为做贡献做贡献set up set up 建立,树立建立,树立Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.



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