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1、学习必备欢迎下载(一)名词名词单数变复数的规则:1、一般情况下直接在词尾加s ,如:boy-boys2、以 s,x,sh,ch 结尾的,在词尾加 es。如: glass-glass esbus-bus es box- boxesdish-dishes sandwich sandwiches3、以 o 结尾的加 es hero-hero es tomato tomatoespotato-potatoes其余以 o 结尾的加 s, 如:photo- photos 4、以 f 或 fe 结尾的,变 f,fe 为 v ,再加 es 。如: shelf-shelves5、单 复 数 同 形 , 死 性

2、不 改 。 fish-fish sheep-sheep Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese 6、辅音字母加y 结尾,变y 为 i,再加es。如: baby-babies lady-ladiesfamily-famil ies7、不规则A. 把 a变成 e。如:man-men woman-women policeman-policemen B. 把 oo变成 ee。如: foot-feet goose-g eese tooth-teeth C. 不规则: mouse- mice child-children练习:写出下列单词的复数形式。1. boy _ 2. ch

3、ild _ 3. baby _ 4. shelf _ 5. man _ 6. woman _ 7. bus _ 8.box _ 9. glass _ 10.sandwich _ 11. girl _ 12. goose _ 13. sheep _ 14. fish _ 15. hero _ 14. tomato _ 15. photo _ 16. piece _ 17. bottle _ 18. bowl _ 不可数名词的量的表示方法不可数名词有: bread toast pasta noodles chips chicken fish pork beef beefsteak porridge

4、 soup salad rice water juice tea coffee milk broccoli 量词有: bowl bottle plate cup glass piece bag kilo half a kilo 单数: a + 量词 + of + 不可数名词如: a cup of tea 一杯茶精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载复数: 数词+ 量词的复数形式+ of +不可数名词如: two cups of tea 两杯茶练习:1. 一片面包a p_ of b_ 2. 两杯咖啡two

5、 c_ of _ 3. 三碟牛肉_ _ _ _ 4. 四碗汤 _ _ 5. 一杯水 _ _6. 两瓶牛奶_ _ _ _ 7. 三袋薯条_ _ _ _ 可数名词的量的表示方法:数词+ 名词的复数形式如: three apple s 三个苹果数词+ 量词 + of +可数名词的复数形式如 a kilo of apples 一公斤苹果数词+量词的复数形式 +of +可数名词的复数形式如 two kilos of apples 两公斤苹果练习:三袋西红柿three b_ of _ 2. 半公斤鸡蛋h_ a _ of _ (二)动词动词加 ing 的规则1. 一般情况下直接在词尾加ing 如:jump-

6、jumping, study-studying2. 以哑巴 e结尾,去 e加 ing, 如 write-writ ing3. 一元一辅,买一送一,如sit-sitting, put-putting,begin-beginning练习:给下列动词加ing swim_ begin_ run _ sit _ get _ dance _ come _ have _ jump _ climb _ sing _ eat _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载 现在进行时的特征、结构 句子中有 now, look

7、, listen, it s +时间,动词要加 ing,be + 动词+ ing, 一家三口不分离,少了一个出问题。问句:be + 人物+ 动词+ing 否定句: be not +动词+ing 练一练:请用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Look, the boy _(run) fast. 2. They are _(play) basketball now. 3. Listen! The girl _(sing) a birthday song. 4. It s ten o clock. We _(have) a P.E. lesson. 5. Are you _(swim) in the s

8、wimming pool? 6. My mother _(not cook) now. 动词第三人称单数的变化规则1. 一般情况下,直接在词尾加s,如: live- lives, getgets 2. 辅音字母加 y 结尾,变 y 为 i,再加 es,如: study-studies 3. 以 o, sh,ch,结尾的动词, 加 es, 如:go-goes, wash-washes , watch-watches 练一练:写出下列单词第三人称单数的形式come _ do _ brush _ study _ live _ watch _ play _ run _ jump _ 一般现在时的特征、

9、结构:句子中有 often, usually, sometimes, never ,always , every day,一见 he, she, it, s就到,问句加 does ,动词用原形否定句doesn t+动词原形不见 he, she, it, s就逃,问句加 do,动词用原形,否定句don t+ 动词原形 练一练:用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The lady usually _ (get) up at 6:30 in the morning. 2. The man often _(go) to work by underground. 3. _ they _ (take) exer

10、cise in the park every morning? 4. The children _(not sleep) in class. 5. My mother _ (not cook) every evening. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载选择题( ) 1. My father always _ up at half past six. A. get B. gets C. getting ( ) 2. _ the boy _ TV every day? A. Do watch B.

11、 Does watches C. Does watch( ) 3. Ben and Janet _ Chinese and other subjects at school. A. learn B. learns C. learning ( ) 4. A: _ does Yongxian go to school? B: By bus. A. How B. What C. Where ( ) 5. My mother _ the housework every day. A. did B. do C. does ( ) 6. The lion doesnt _ meat three times

12、 a day.A. eats B. eat C. eating ( ) 7. He _ a model every week. A. makes B. is making C. made ( ) 8. Does the cat _ a mouse every hour? A. catch B. catching C. catches ( ) 9. What does he do? He usually _ the earth to the hill. A. carry B. carries C. carrys ( ) 10. My mother always _ up at half past

13、 six. A. get B. getting C. gets ( ) 11. She often _ under a big tree and _ books in the morning. A. sit reads B. sits read C. sits . Reads ( ) 12. _ the boy _ TV on weekdays? A. Do watches B. Does . watch C. Do watch ( ) 13. Their friend _ to the park every two days. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 14. H

14、e never _ a lot of water after he _ football. A. drinks play B. drinks plays C. drink plays精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载( ) 15. _ your mother _ a car to get there every day? A. Does drive B. Do drive C. Do drives( ) 16. He seldom _ anything. A. forget B. forgot C.

15、 forgets ( ) 17. She often _ over when she _ the baton. A. falls gets B. falls get C. fall gets( ) 18. Janet _ the dog every morning. A. feed B. feeding C. feeds ( ) 19. My father _ well every night. A. doesn t feel B. don t feel C. doesn t feels( ) 20. A: _ Bens grandmother often _ VCD in the eveni

16、ng?B: No, she doesnt. She often _ TV.A. Do, watch, watch B. Does, watches, watches C. Does, watch, watches ( ) 21. A: _ Johns uncle usually _ exercise at this time of day?B: Yes, she _. A. Do, take, do B. Does, takes, does C. Does, take, does ( ) 22. A: Anns uncle often _ tennis after school.B: Yes.

17、 Look, he _ tennis over there. A. plays, is playing B. plays, plays C. play, is playing ( ) 23. A: My father usually _ green tea. B: My father _ tea too. But he _ black tea. A. drink, likes, drink B. drink, like, drink C. drinks, likes, drinks ( ) 24. Kate _ feel good today. She _ take plenty of res

18、t. A. doesn t, should B. doesn t shouldnt C. isn t, should( ) 25. A: Does your mother _ swimming? B: No, she _. A. like, doesnt B. likes, doesnt C. like, does( ) 26. A: How often does Janet feed the cat? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载B: _. A. She sometimes feed the

19、 dog. B. She feed it three times a day. C. She feeds it three times a day. ( ) 27. The girl often _ her homework at seven. A. does B. doing C. do ( ) 28. He _ the piano for one hour every day. A. practice B. practices C. practicing ( ) 29. I like animals, so I _ go to the zoo. A. never B. often C. s

20、eldom ( ) 30. How does your mum go to work? A. By car. B. In a bank. C. At 8:00. 试一试,请你写一写爸爸或妈妈一天的作息时间。_ _ (三)比较级、最高级 形容词、副词比较级、最高级的规则1. 一般情况下,直接在词尾加er,est, 如 fast faster-fastest 2. 以 e结尾,直接在词尾加r,st, 如: nice nicer-nicest 3. 辅音字母加 y 结尾,变 y 为 i,再加 er,est 如: pretty-prettier-prettiest 4. 一元一辅,买一送一,再加er,

21、est,如: hot-hotter-hottest 5. 多音节词, more + 原形, most+原形如: beautiful- more beautiful-most beautiful 6. 不规则:many-more-most much-more-most good-better-best well-better-best 练一练,写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式cold _ _ small _ _ new _ _ tall _ _ short_ _ old_ _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 14 页学习必

22、备欢迎下载weak _ _ strong _ _ high_ _ fat_ _ hot _ _ big _ _ thin _ _ wet _ _ _ large_ nice _ cute _ _ fine_ _ much _ well _ good _ easy_happy_pretty_ dirty_ lovely_heavy _ ugly _ _ long_ _ bright_ _ low_ _ clean_ _ young _ _ cheap_ _ early_ _ tidy_ _ famous_ _ boring _ _ interesting _ _ important _ _ 句子

23、中两者的比较用比较级,er和 than不分离 句子中有三个以上,用最高级,如:of all,of the three ,in the 练一练:1. Fred is the _(short ) in his class . 2. My book is _( new ) than my sisters .3. That piece of chicken is the _( heavy )in the fridge . 4. Her rule is _(long), and its the _(long)of ours all .5. Is a fish _(thin) than a bird ?

24、6. A rose tree isnt _( short ) than a pear tree . 7. The leopard can run _( fast), but the cheetah can run _( fast) than it . It can run _( fast ) in the world . 8. Is she the _(old ) woman in the world ? 9. Which is _( big ), a dinosaur or a blue whale ? The blue whale is _( big ) than a dinosaur ,

25、 it is the _(big) animal in the world . And elephant is the _(big) animal on land . 10. My father leaves home _(early ) than me . 11. This zoo is much _(good ) than the old one . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载12. My brother is much _(tall ) than my cousin . 13. The

26、 shoe shop is _(near) the park . 14. This bag is very _( heavy), but that one is _(heavy) than this one . It s the _( heavy) of all . 15. Jiamin is _( tall ). But Yongxian is _( tall ) than him . 16. Our library has _(many ) books than before . 17. I sing the _( good ) in class . 18. The woman is th

27、e _( fat ) of the three . 19. The cat is _(fast), the horse is _(fast) than the cat . The leopard is the _(fast) of the three . 20. Chinese homework is _(easy). Maths homework is _(easy) than it . And English homework is the _(easy)of all . 21. Which is _(heavy), a tiger , a lion or a bear ? 22. Whi

28、ch jumps _(high ) , a kangaroo or a monkey ?(四)一般将来时句子中有 tomorrow,next,this evening, this morning , this afternoon, on your holiday be going to +动词原形或者 will+ 单词原形练一练:1. What _ you _( do ) on your holiday? 2. I _(play) football with my friend tomorrow afternoon. 3. My mother and I _(clean ) our garde

29、n tomorrow afternoon. 4.Next Saturday all the pupils in my class _ _(go) to Mikes party.5.Where _your parents _(have ) lunch tomorrow? 请根据下面的时间,写出自己要做的事情。1) Im going to _ after school.2) _ this weekend. 3) I will _ this evening. 4) _ on school holiday. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

30、8 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载请根据下面的时间,写出爸爸、妈妈要做的事情。1) My father is going to _ after work. 2) My father _ this weekend. 3) My mother will _ tomorrow. 4) My mother _ this Sunday. (五)序数词基数词变序数词的规则基变序,有规律, 1,2,3,特殊记, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,从 4 起,加 th,ve 用 f 代替, 8 去 t, 9 去 e,ty 变成 tie,遇到几十几,变各位就可以。请根据缩写的提示,仿照例子完成下面的表格。1st f

31、irst 11th 21st 2nd 12th 22nd 3rd 13th 23rd 4th 14th 24th 5th 15th 25th 6th 16th 26th 7th 17th 27th 8th 18th 28th 9th 19th 29th 10th 20th 30th 31st 序数词的前面一定要用the序数词与基数词的区别:序数词表示顺序,基数词表示数量。如three apples三个苹果, the third apple 第三个苹果(表示的数量只有一个)练一练: 1.I have _(four) friends. 2. The _(two) boy is my brother

32、. (六) have, has ,there is ,there are 的用法Have has 表示某人有某物there is ,there are 表示某处有某物have, has 都是有,可是用法却不同,there is +单数或不可数名词精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载I,you,we ,they 用 have,只有 he,she, it 用 has there are + 复数(七) some , any, still ,yet, too,either,also的用法some, any

33、still ,yet too, either, also some 用于肯定句any用于否定和疑问句Is there any water in the bottle?There are some beef in the fridge. still 用于问句和肯定句yet 用于否定句如: Are you still working there?Dinner isn t ready yet. Too 用于问句和肯定句either 用于否定句too 和 either 放于句末also放于句子中如: We also have seven gold medals. (八) at, on, in 表示时间

34、时的用法at 用于点钟的前面at+地点on +星期on 用于具体日期的前面in 用于一天的某段时间in+季节,in+月份in +年 in+颜色如 at seven o clock at school at Jimmy s 如: on Sunday On February 1st如 in the morning in autumn in January in 1990 in red (九)句子的回答技巧1、问人用 who 男单数:Who is the man? the man 是男的,用 he代替, 再采用交换原则He is 女单数:Who is the lady?the lady 是女的,用

35、she代替, 再采用交换原则She is 复数 Who are the women ?the women是复数,用 they 代替,再采用交换原则They are . 2、问物主用 whose 单数: Whose is the cap? 或 Whose cap is this ?物品的单数用 it 代替,It s +人名 s. 或直接写 人名 s精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载复数: Whose are the caps ? 或 Whose caps are these ?物品的复数用they

36、代替They are +人名 s. 或直接写 人名 s 3、问职业男的: What does your father do ?=What s your father s job? He s a/an + 职业的词 . 女的: What does your mother do?=What s your mother s job? She s a/an + 职业的词 . 复数: What do they do? They are + 职业的词的复数形式 . 4、 问理想What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a/ an + 职业的

37、词 . 5、 问价格单数: How much is the blouse? =How much does the blouse cost? It s + 数词+货币单位 . 或直接写数词 + 货币单位 . 复数: How much are the carrots?= How much do the carrots cost? They are + 数词+ 货币单位 . 或直接写数词 + 货币单位 . 6、问哪个更便宜Which is cheaper ? The . 7、问加法What is 数词 and 数词? It s + 数词. 或直接写数词 . 8、问正在干什么问你: What are

38、you doing? are you 变 I am I am +动词+ing. 问男的: What is the man doing? the man 变成 he He is +动词+ing. 问女的:What is the lady doing? the lady 变成 she, She is+动词+ing. 问复数:What arethey doing? They are +动词 +ing. 9、问经常干什么,答句人物+动作。问你: What do you usually do on Sunday? I usually play football. 问男的:What does he oft

39、en do after scholl?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载He often plays tennis. 问女的:What does she usually do on Monday? She usually skips. 问复数:What do they do every day? They watch news on TV . 10、 问喜欢的体育运动(1)What s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is running. 或直接

40、写运动 Running. (2) Which sport are you good at? I am good at running. 或直接写运动 Running. 11、 问喜欢的食物What s your favourite food? My favourite food is toast. 或直接写食物: Toast. 12、 问喜欢的科目:What s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is P.E. 或直接写学科: P.E. 13、 问喜欢的季节What s your favourite season? Summer. 14、

41、 问喜欢的节目What programme doesyour mother like? She likes news. What programme does your father like? He likes sports programme. What programme do you like? I like cartoon. 或直接写节目名称 . 15、 问想法物品单数: What do you think of salad? I think it s delicious. 或 It s horrible. 物品复数:What do you think of the films? I

42、 think they are fun. 或 They re fun. 人单数:What do you think of your English? I think she is kind. 或 She is kind. What do you think of your parents? I think they are funny. 或 They are funny. 16、 问什么时间做事情What time do you have breakfast? = When do you get up? At +时间. 17、 问时间 What time is it? It s+ 时间. 或直

43、接写时间 .精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载18、 问星期几What day is it today? It s +星期. 或直接写星期 . 19、 Would you like some coffee? No, thanks./Yes, please. 20、 What would you like for breakfast? would you like 采用交换原则,变成 I d like +食物. 21、 问年龄用 How old are you? I m .years old. Ho

44、w old is your father?He is years old. How old is your mother? She is years old. 或直接写数字 . 22、 选择问句 ,关键词 orDo you like coffeeor tea? you 变 I , I like coffee. 或直接二选一, Coffee. Is he jumping high or low? 采用交换原则, He is jumping high. 或直接二选一, High 注意:不能 do 问 do 答,is 问 is 答。还要注意大、小写23、 Do you like skipping?

45、Do 问 do 答, Yes, I do. No, I don t. 24、 Does your mother like TV plays? Does 问 does 答。Yes, she does. No, she doesn t. 25、 Can you play tennis? Can 问 can答, Yes, I can. No, I can t. 26、 问频率 How often.? 用 Every day. 或者 Never. 27、 问生日: When is your birthday? On +月日. 28、 问用什么交通工具到达目的地:How do you go to sch

46、ool? By +交通工具 . 或者 On foot. 29、 打电话: May I speak to.? Speaking. 30、 看病: What s the matter? I feel ill. /I have a headache. 31、 问说什么语言:What language do you speak ? I speak English.32、 问外貌: What does the cheetah look like? It looks like a leopard.33、 问更喜欢哪个: Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? I prefe

47、r 或者直接选一个: Tea. 34、 问天气:What s the weather like today? It s sunny. 或者直接写 Sunny.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 14 页学习必备欢迎下载35、 问明天的天气:What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be sunny.或者直接写 Sunny. 36、 问温度: What s the temperature? It s 30. 或者直接写 30.37、 问明天的温度:What will the temperature be tomorrow? It s 30. 或者直接写 30.38、 问多快 : How fast can a cheetah run? More than 95 kilometres an hour. 39、 问原因: Why? Because 如:Why do you like summer best? Because I can swim in summer. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 14 页



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