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1、CHINESE-CHARACTERCHINESE-CHARACTERActivitiesChinese Learning around the WorldConfucius InstitutesChinese BridgeChinese Bridge Summer Camp Dictation Assembly of Chinese CharactersHero of Chinese CharactersChinese Learning around the World Discover Chinese character through Chinese character1 曌zho 2 龑

2、yn3 蟊贼mo zi4 歃血为盟sh xu wi mng5 乜斜 mi xie6 讣告 f go7 饕餮 to ti8 佯嗔 yng chn9 臧否 zng p10 暴戾恣睢 bo l z suThe Origin of Chinese Characters1 Keeping records by tying knots 结绳说2 Primitive pictures 图画说3 Hetu Luoshu 河图洛书说4 Invention of Characters by Cang Jie 仓颉造字说5 The Eight Diagrams 八卦说河出图,洛出书,圣人则之Development

3、of ChineseCharacters Oracle Bone Inscriptions甲骨文 Introduction The oracle is the oldest exsiting chinese characters and is considered a kind early form of modern Chinese characters and one of the style of Chinese characters,which is used for divination for the royal family in the Shang dynasty of chi

4、na. Discovery Site The oracle was found in the Yin Xu AnYang city HeNan province. Features The inscription is on the tortoise shell and animal bones, which is the reason called 甲骨文 in has employed some methods of word-formation such as Pictographic, self-explanatory and conversion and als

5、o covered broad fields ,for instance, not only includes political, military, culture, social customs, etc, and involved in astronomy, calendar, medicine and science and technology.Inscriptions on Ancient Bronze Objects金文(钟鼎文/大篆)1 San Family Plate散氏盘Discovery Site : Baoji City Shaanxi ProvinceDiscove

6、ry Time: Qing dynasty of Emperor QianlongDuke Mao Tripod 毛公鼎as one of the four treasures and the longest existing inscirptions, in which the history and political strategies in the Western Zhou dynasty are worth studying.Small Seal Script 小篆Introductiona style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dyna

7、sty for the purpose of standardizing the script.Features 1 square and upright.2 straight forward basic principles3 well-balanced in space4 tightening in upper part and loosing in lower part Taishan stone Clerical script 隶书an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A. D.220)

8、features1 symbolization instead of visualization2 quadrate and flat rather than round and long Cursive Script 草书三国吴皇象急就章的松江本晋代王羲之初月1 the typical art of line.2 characters execute swiftly and with strokes flows togetherStandard Script 楷书Sage Wang Writing “书圣”王羲之Four Masters of Standard Script欧阳询欧体柳公权柳体颜真卿颜体赵孟頫f赵体Features1 pay attenton to pen 2 Stroke is clear3 The whole structure is upright and foursquare王羲之-黄庭经欧阳询-九宫醴泉铭柳公权-玄秘塔碑颜真卿-多宝塔碑赵孟頫-胆巴碑Running Script 行书兰亭序-天下第一行书Features 1 The brushwork is exquisite and delicate. 2 flexible, natural and elegant3 delicate words and elegant style 结束!结束!



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