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1、Unit 21Human Biology开开 篇篇 背背 诵诵议论文议论文(优劣对比类优劣对比类)典型例题典型例题(武汉调研武汉调研)某英文报社正在进行题为某英文报社正在进行题为“居住在城市的利与弊居住在城市的利与弊”的有关征文。请根据下面提示,给该报社写一篇征文。的有关征文。请根据下面提示,给该报社写一篇征文。利利弊弊找工作容易,找工作容易,购购物方物方便便生活消生活消费费高高交通便利交通便利人口多,人口多,拥挤拥挤有公园、有公园、饭饭店等休店等休闲闲场场所所空气空气污污染染严严重、居住重、居住环环境差境差注意:注意:1. 词数为词数为100左右;左右;2. 可适当增加内容以使行文连贯。可适

2、当增加内容以使行文连贯。Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a City写作提示写作提示1. 优劣对比类议论文是对于某个观点、优点和缺点的比较性优劣对比类议论文是对于某个观点、优点和缺点的比较性陈述。具有鲜明的对比性。陈述。具有鲜明的对比性。2. 写作时注意优点和缺点的不同表达,以及对立双方之间过写作时注意优点和缺点的不同表达,以及对立双方之间过渡词语的准确应用。渡词语的准确应用。佳作欣赏佳作欣赏Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a CityLiving in a city has both ad

3、vantages and disadvantages. For example, there are much more job opportunities, and with many choices of public transport available, its more convenient to travel. Besides, there are a lot of places for entertainment. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, watch movies and go to parks whene

4、ver you want to relax. However, living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a wellpaid job, or you will not be able to afford the expenses. Whats more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in

5、the countryside.名师点评名师点评1. 文章对生活在城市里的利和弊进行了阐述,条理清晰,层文章对生活在城市里的利和弊进行了阐述,条理清晰,层次分明。文章的结尾有些唐突,没有适当的提出自己的观次分明。文章的结尾有些唐突,没有适当的提出自己的观点,这是本文的美中不足。点,这是本文的美中不足。2. 注意利弊观点之间的衔接词注意利弊观点之间的衔接词However运用巧妙。还有其它运用巧妙。还有其它一些好的衔接词如:一些好的衔接词如:Besides; Whats more等。等。3. 文中一些出彩的句式:文中一些出彩的句式:with many choices of public trans

6、port available; eat in.,visit museums, watch movies and go to parks; living in a city is.; the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty。教教 材材 自自 主主 回回 归归记记单词记记单词1c_vi.循环循环_n循环,传播循环,传播_adj.循环性的循环性的_adj.圆形的,环圆形的,环形的形的2v_vt.违反,违背违反,违背_n违反,违背违反,违背_adj.违反地,违背地违反地,违背地_n违反者违反者3e_n进入;入学进入;入学_n入口,门口入口,门口4t_vt


8、环境,条件情况,环境,条件foreseeforecastweeklyyearlymonthlydailyminimummaximumunconditionallyconditionallyconditionalcondition9e_vt.使有准备使有准备_adj.装备好的装备好的_n配备,装备,器械配备,装备,器械10c_n担心,担忧担心,担忧_adj.担心的,担心的,相关的相关的_adv.担忧的担忧的_prep.关于,有关关于,有关equipequippedequipmentconcernconcernedconcernedlyconcerning记记短语记记短语1.Floyd Landi

9、s made several lame excuses blaming medicine he had been taking for an injury but _(那些全是徒劳那些全是徒劳)2It is compulsory for winners to be tested but other participants _(只是被随机只是被随机检查检查)these were all in vainare only tested at random3The Olympic spiritthe spirit of competition which emphasises taking part

10、 rather than winninghas been violated by the desire _(不惜一切代价获得成功不惜一切代价获得成功)4I decided not to put off studying and got up early every morning to_(立刻专心于工作立刻专心于工作)to succeed at all costsget down to work straight away5We have to have faith that _(迟早有消灭禽流感的方法迟早有消灭禽流感的方法)6If trends continue the way theyre

11、 going, then in my opinion, yesin developed countries _(至少至少)there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracksat any rate记记句型记记句型1.Many contemporary amateur athletes _(会打破多项世会打破多项世界纪录界纪录)if they _(参加参加)the first Olympic Games.2Scientists now guess that _(那一地区约百分之五十的人口死于那一地区约百

12、分之五十的人口死于)this epidemic _(使之成为主要原因之一使之成为主要原因之一)of the fall of the Roman Empire.would have broken world recordshad taken part inup to 50% of the areas population died from; making it one of the main causes3_(遗憾的是遗憾的是)thousands of people who could have benefited from Traditional Chinese Medicine misse

13、d out because of ignorance.It seems a real pity that教教 材材 知知 识识 探探 究究词词 语语 解解 读读1. abuse n&vt.滥用;辱骂滥用;辱骂abuse of power滥用职权滥用职权alcohol abuse酗酒酗酒drug abuse滥用毒品滥用毒品abuse ones authority/power滥用职权滥用职权/权力权力Laws have been passed to prevent government officials from abusing their power.通过立法防止官员滥用权力。通过立法防止官员

14、滥用权力。They were so rude that they often abused each other in public.他们很粗鲁,经常在大庭广众之下彼此辱骂。他们很粗鲁,经常在大庭广众之下彼此辱骂。考试题考试题(江西江西)He is a worthy leader, who never _ his power which is given by people.A. uses B. abuses C. ignores D. forces答案:答案:B2. tolerate vt.容忍;忍受容忍;忍受tolerate (sb./ones) doing sth.容忍容忍(某人某人)做

15、某事做某事tolerant adj.容忍的,宽容的容忍的,宽容的be tolerant of/towards sb./sth.容忍某人容忍某人/某事某事tolerance n宽容,忍受宽容,忍受tolerable adj.可以忍受的,可以容忍的可以忍受的,可以容忍的I wont tolerate your bad manners any longer.我再也不能忍受你那种恶劣的态度了。我再也不能忍受你那种恶劣的态度了。Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold.许多老年人对寒冷的忍受力很差。许多老年人对寒冷的忍受力很差。词语辨析词

16、语辨析tolerate, stand, bear与与enduretolerate可与可与stand换用,但换用,但tolerate更正式,可指容忍不更正式,可指容忍不同观点。同观点。stand后除可以跟困难外更多接人。后除可以跟困难外更多接人。bear则指承受重负、重量、痛苦、烦恼等。则指承受重负、重量、痛苦、烦恼等。endure可指忍受长期的痛苦、苦难、困难等。可指忍受长期的痛苦、苦难、困难等。考试题考试题(济宁模拟济宁模拟)I am a _ man, but your behavior is more than I can bear.Atolerant BresponsibleCgener

17、ous Denthusiastic答案与解析:答案与解析:A考查形容词辨析。考查形容词辨析。tolerant宽容的;宽容的;responsible负责的;负责的;generous慷慨的;慷慨的;enthusiastic热热情的。根据句意,应选情的。根据句意,应选A项。项。用用tolerate, stand, bear或或endure的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The sorrow was almost more than she could _.He quietly _ the pain of a loveless marriage.I cant _ hot weather.A governm

18、ent that refuses to _ opposition cannot last long.bearenduresstandtolerate3. seek(sought,sought)vt.&vi.寻找;探索;追求寻找;探索;追求seek ones fortune 寻找致富及成功之道寻找致富及成功之道seek to do sth.(try to do sth./attempt to do sth.)试图做某事,企图做某事试图做某事,企图做某事seek ones advice 寻求某人的建议寻求某人的建议seek(after/for)sth. 寻找某物寻找某物They are seeki

19、ng the most reasonable diet that will do good to their health.他们在寻找有益于他们健康的最合理的饮食。他们在寻找有益于他们健康的最合理的饮食。解题警示解题警示seek for, look for和和search for都表示都表示“找的找的动作动作”,不强调结果。,不强调结果。考试题考试题(2010广西柳州模拟广西柳州模拟)Various experiments have been carried out to _ the proper way to raise children.Amake BfightCwork Dseek答案与

20、解析:答案与解析:Dseek寻找,寻找,seek the proper way寻找合寻找合适的方法。适的方法。预测题预测题He is always _ fault with other people though he doesnt do his own work properly.Aseeking BlookingCfinding Dputting答案与解析:答案与解析:Cseek寻找;寻找;look看看(不及物动词;不及物动词;find找到;找到;put放。放。find fault with意为意为“挑毛病挑毛病”。4. in vain徒然,白费力气徒然,白费力气vain promises

21、空头许诺空头许诺try in vain to do sth.枉费心机地试做某事枉费心机地试做某事take sb.s name in vain轻慢地谈论某人轻慢地谈论某人We tried in vain to make him change his mind.我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。He was vain about his looks, spending hours in the gym.他对自己的外表很自负,在健身房里一呆就是几个小时。他对自己的外表很自负,在健身房里一呆就是几个小时。考试题考试题(湖北湖北)His efforts to rai

22、se money for his program were _ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.A. in place B. in sightC. in effect D. in vain答案与解析:答案与解析:D句意:他为他的项目筹集资金的努力付诸句意:他为他的项目筹集资金的努力付诸东流了,因为没有一个人愿意从腰包里掏出一分钱。东流了,因为没有一个人愿意从腰包里掏出一分钱。in place在适当的位置,准备就绪;在适当的位置,准备就绪;in sight在视线内可以看在视线内可以看见

23、;见;in effect生效,起作用;生效,起作用;in vain徒劳。又如:徒劳。又如:They tried in vain to persuade her to go.他们极力劝说她去,他们极力劝说她去,但枉费了一番口舌。但枉费了一番口舌。All our efforts were in vain.我们所我们所有的努力全都是枉费心机。有的努力全都是枉费心机。5. oppose vt.反对,反抗,抵制,阻挠反对,反抗,抵制,阻挠be opposed to sth.反对某事物反对某事物as opposed to与与对照对照opposable adj.可反对的;可对立的可反对的;可对立的oppos

24、ite n对立面;对立物对立面;对立物adj.对立的,对面的对立的,对面的adv.在对在对面面prep.与与相对,在相对,在对面对面Father does not oppose the idea at all.父亲丝毫不反对这个想法。父亲丝毫不反对这个想法。I am opposed to going shopping with others.我反对与其他人一起外出购物。我反对与其他人一起外出购物。词语辨析词语辨析oppose, object与与resistoppose为及物动词,指为及物动词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对反对”,着重指动作,尤指,着重指动作,尤指

25、“反对一种观念、思想、计划反对一种观念、思想、计划等等”。object常指常指“用言论或论据等表示反对用言论或论据等表示反对”,着重指,着重指“个人个人嫌厌嫌厌”和和“提出反对意见提出反对意见”。作不及物动词,后常跟。作不及物动词,后常跟to连连用。用。resist指指“积极地反抗、对抗,用武力阻止积极地反抗、对抗,用武力阻止的前进的前进”。考试题考试题(山东省临沭县山东省临沭县)The government managed to have two chemical factories built, though _ by the citizens.Abeing opposed to Bopp

26、osed to Cwas opposed to Dhaving been opposed to答案:答案:B用用oppose, object或或resist的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The soldiers were _ the enemy.I _ to his plan.The father _ his sons marriage.resistingobjectedopposed6. at all costs不管多大代价,无论如何不管多大代价,无论如何at all costsat any cost不惜任何代价,无论如何不惜任何代价,无论如何at the cost of以以为代价为代价at

27、a cost of以以的价格的价格at cost按成本,以成本价格按成本,以成本价格(出售出售)cut/reduce costs减少了日常花销减少了日常花销cover the cost of sth.支付某物的费用支付某物的费用cost sb. sth.花某人花某人/使付出使付出/使丧失使丧失We must avoid war at all costs/whatever the cost.我们必须不惜任何代价避免战争。我们必须不惜任何代价避免战争。He saved the children from the fire at the cost of his own life.他舍身把孩子们从大火

28、中救出。他舍身把孩子们从大火中救出。The students are given 50 a year to cover the cost of books and stationery.学生每年得到五十英镑作为支付书籍和文具的费用。学生每年得到五十英镑作为支付书籍和文具的费用。考试题考试题(天津十二区县天津十二区县)Her irresponsible behavior _ her father many sleepless nights.A. costs B. takesC. spends D. pays答案与解析:答案与解析:A考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。cost指为了某事做出某种指为了某事

29、做出某种努力或牺牲;努力或牺牲;take花费花费(时间时间);spend花费花费(金钱,时间金钱,时间);pay支付支付的费用。句意:她那不负责任的行为使她的费用。句意:她那不负责任的行为使她父亲在很多个夜晚不得安睡。父亲在很多个夜晚不得安睡。(江西重点中学联考江西重点中学联考)The man charged me 150 yuan for this coat!Oh, my God, it sounds rather _.Aexpensively BdearlyCcostly Dimpossibly答案与解析:答案与解析:C考查词语辨析。根据答语的前半部分可知考查词语辨析。根据答语的前半部分可

30、知说话人认为那个男子要价太高,此处说话人认为那个男子要价太高,此处costly是形容词,表是形容词,表示示“昂贵的昂贵的”。句中的。句中的sounds是系动词,后跟形容词作是系动词,后跟形容词作表语,而其余三项都是副词,因此不正确。表语,而其余三项都是副词,因此不正确。(黄冈质检黄冈质检)The terrible accident almost _ the driver his life.A. valued B. countedC. took D. cost答案与解析:答案与解析:D考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。value估价,重视;估价,重视;count计算,计算在内,认为,有价值;计算,计算

31、在内,认为,有价值;take拿,拿走,取,抓,拿,拿走,取,抓,占领,获得;占领,获得;cost价钱为,价钱为,(使使)花费花费(金钱、时间、精力等金钱、时间、精力等),使失去。句意:那起可怕的事故差点要了那个司机的,使失去。句意:那起可怕的事故差点要了那个司机的命。命。cost作作“使使失去失去(生命、健康等生命、健康等)”讲时,后接双宾讲时,后接双宾语,符合语境。语,符合语境。7. postpone vt.延期;延缓;搁置延期;延缓;搁置postpone sth. (to/until sth.)推迟到推迟到postpone doing sth.推迟做某事推迟做某事We postponed

32、the match from March 5th to March 19th.我们把比赛从我们把比赛从3月月5日推迟到日推迟到3月月19日举行。日举行。The game has already been postponed three times.这场比赛已经被延期三次了。这场比赛已经被延期三次了。词语辨析词语辨析postpone, delay与与put offpostpone指将某一活动指将某一活动“延期延期”到某一确定时间。到某一确定时间。delay指由于某种意外或客观原因而指由于某种意外或客观原因而“耽搁或推迟耽搁或推迟”。put off指主观上有意指主观上有意“拖延拖延”时间。时间。用

33、用postpone, delay或或put off的适当形式填空的适当形式填空Lets _ making a decision until we have more information.They decided to _ the meeting.The sports meeting will be _ because of some reason.postponeput offdelayed8. wipe v擦,拭,抹,擦掉擦,拭,抹,擦掉wipe out彻底毁灭彻底毁灭wipe sth. with sth.用用擦擦wipe away擦掉,擦干擦掉,擦干wipe.off.从从擦下去擦下去w

34、ipe up用布擦净用布擦净(液体或污渍液体或污渍);用布擦干;用布擦干wipe sth. from ones mind/memory故意忘记事物故意忘记事物The entire population was wiped out by the terrible disease.所有的居民都被可怕的疾病夺去生命。所有的居民都被可怕的疾病夺去生命。The cost of the new building will wipe out all the companys profits this year.新建的大楼会花光公司今年的全部利润。新建的大楼会花光公司今年的全部利润。Wipe your nos

35、e with your handkerchief.用手帕擦擦你的鼻子。用手帕擦擦你的鼻子。预测题预测题Five hundred years ago the plague (黑死病黑死病)_almost all the population of the island.Awiped down Bwiped offCwiped out Dwiped up答案:答案:C9. prohibit vt.禁止;阻止,使不可能禁止;阻止,使不可能prohibit sb./sth. from doing sth.禁止某人禁止某人/某物做某事某物做某事stop sb./sth. from doing sth.阻

36、止某人阻止某人/某物做某事某物做某事prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.阻止某人阻止某人/某物做某事某物做某事keep sb./sth. from doing sth.不让某人不让某人/某物做某事某物做某事Smoking in this railway carriage is strictly prohibited.本列车车厢严格禁止吸烟。本列车车厢严格禁止吸烟。We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.工作时间内我们不得喝酒。工作时间内我们不得喝酒。词语辨析词语辨析prohibit,

37、forbid与与banprohibit指指(通过法律、法令、公告、严正警告通过法律、法令、公告、严正警告)“禁止禁止”某某些事情,应用范围比其他两个词广,其常用结构为些事情,应用范围比其他两个词广,其常用结构为prohibit sb. from doing sth.。forbid“禁止禁止”,为常用词,常用结构,为常用词,常用结构forbid sb. to do sth.。ban“禁止禁止”,语气最强,指权威机关,语气最强,指权威机关“正式禁止正式禁止”,这种,这种禁止可以是正面的,也可以是负面的;禁止可以是正面的,也可以是负面的;ban只以物作宾语,只以物作宾语,而不能以人作宾语。而不能以人

38、作宾语。预测题预测题Traffic regulations _ people from riding bicycles on the sidewalk.A. stop B. prohibitC. prevent D. keep答案:答案:B用用prohibit, forbid或或ban的适当形式填空的适当形式填空Smoking is _ in the office building.His parents _ him wine.Bicycles are _ from the new motorway.prohibitedforbidbanned10. foresee vt.预见,预知预见,预知

39、The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen.损害程度是无法预见的。损害程度是无法预见的。We could foresee that we would die if we couldnt reach land very soon.可以预见,如果不能很快地靠岸登陆,我们必死无疑。可以预见,如果不能很快地靠岸登陆,我们必死无疑。词语辨析词语辨析foresee, forecast, predictforesee强调强调“预见,预知预见,预知”,着重宣布未来的事,而不,着重宣布未来的事,而不表明所预言的事情是否正确。表明所预言的事情是否正确

40、。forecast强调强调“预报预报”,指通过分析一些相关的信息、数,指通过分析一些相关的信息、数据来预测。据来预测。predict常指根据已知的事实或自然规律推断出未来的事情,常指根据已知的事实或自然规律推断出未来的事情,可用于各种不同的场合;可用于各种不同的场合;predict所作的预言有一定的科所作的预言有一定的科学性。学性。预测题预测题Those who can _ difficulties on their way _ success may keep calm when they really appear.A. forecast; of B. forecast; toC. for

41、esee; to D. foresee; of答案:答案:C用用foresee, forecast或或predict的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The difficulties could not have been _.Hurricanes have been _ for tomorrow afternoon.She _ that he would marry a doctor.foreseenforecastpredicted11. rob vt.抢夺,抢掠;盗走;剥夺抢夺,抢掠;盗走;剥夺rob sb./some place of sth.抢走某人抢走某人/某处某物某处某物While s

42、he was walking, her handbag was robbed.在她散步时,她的手提袋被抢了。在她散步时,她的手提袋被抢了。You have robbed me of the glory of youth.你剥夺了我青春的光辉。你剥夺了我青春的光辉。考试题考试题 (南安三校南安三校)On his returning from work he found his house _.A. robbing B. robbedC. stealing D. stolen答案与解析:答案与解析:B房子不可能被房子不可能被steal,故排除,故排除C、D两项;两项;house与与rob之间是动宾

43、关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。足语。12. decline v下降;婉拒,婉言谢绝;下降;婉拒,婉言谢绝;n.下降,减少下降,减少decline an offer婉拒提议婉拒提议decline to do sth.拒绝做某事拒绝做某事a decline in.在在的方面的减少的方面的减少fall/go into a decline不景气不景气in declineon the decline在下降,在衰退在下降,在衰退declining adj.越来越少的;越来越差的越来越少的;越来越差的His influence declined as he grew

44、 older.随着年龄的增长,他的影响力降低了。随着年龄的增长,他的影响力降低了。We asked them to come to our party, but they declined the invitation.我们邀请他们来参加我们的聚会,但他们婉言谢绝了。我们邀请他们来参加我们的聚会,但他们婉言谢绝了。词语辨析词语辨析decline,refuse与与rejectdecline作作“拒绝拒绝”之意时,常指有礼貌地回绝,婉言谢之意时,常指有礼貌地回绝,婉言谢绝,其主语只能是人。绝,其主语只能是人。refuse语气比语气比decline重,主语可以是人也可以是物。重,主语可以是人也可以是

45、物。reject比比refuse语气更重,意为语气更重,意为“抛弃,拒收,不采纳抛弃,拒收,不采纳”。预测题预测题Did you take part in his birthday party?No, though he invited me, I _.Adenied BacceptedCdeclined Dadopted答案:答案:C13. equip vt.& vi.装备;配备;使有准备;使有资格装备;配备;使有准备;使有资格be equipped with.equip.with.用用装备装备equip sth. on.在在上装备某物上装备某物equip sb. for.使某人具有使某人具

46、有equipment n设备,器材设备,器材a piece of equipment for.一件一件的设备的设备解题警示解题警示equipment为不可数名词,不可用为不可数名词,不可用an equipment进行表达;但可以用进行表达;但可以用a piece of equipment 表表示示“一件设备一件设备”。预测题预测题The explorers were told to _ themselves with everything they would need for the voyage.Aassociate BequipCrelate Dfeed答案:答案:B14. fortun

47、e n. U 机会;运气;机会;运气;C命运;大笔的钱命运;大笔的钱fortunate adj.幸运的,运气好的幸运的,运气好的fortunately adv.幸运地幸运地try ones fortune碰运气碰运气tell sb.s fortune为某人算命为某人算命come into a fortune继承大笔遗产继承大笔遗产make a fortune发财发财考试题考试题 (2008南昌南昌)The millionaire passed away,leaving his children with a large _.Afortune BluckCmoney Damount答案与解析:答

48、案与解析:A考查名词辨析。考查名词辨析。The millionaire 暗示留给暗示留给他的孩子们的应该是财产他的孩子们的应该是财产/巨款。巨款。15. at any rate无论如何;至少无论如何;至少at this rate照这样下去照这样下去at the rate of以以速度速度at this rate照这样照这样At any rate, I determined to wait for his definite reply.无论如何,我得等到他给我一个肯定的答复。无论如何,我得等到他给我一个肯定的答复。He said hell be coming tomorrow. At any r

49、ate, I think thats what he said.他说他明天要来,至少,我认为他是这么说的。他说他明天要来,至少,我认为他是这么说的。考试题考试题 (蓬莱三校蓬莱三校)I may be away on business next week but _ Ill be back by Friday.A. at any rate B. at a rateC. at this rate D. at the rate答案与解析:答案与解析:Aat this rate照这样;照这样;at any rate意为意为“不不管怎么样管怎么样”。句意:我可能下周出差,但无论如何我在周。句意:我可能下

50、周出差,但无论如何我在周五要返回来。故选五要返回来。故选A项。项。16. concern n担心,担忧;关切;担心,担忧;关切;vt.涉及;与涉及;与有关;有关;影响;使担忧;使烦恼影响;使担忧;使烦恼show/express(great) concern about/for.对对表示关心表示关心/担心担心as concernsconcerning关于关于as/so far as.be concerned关于;至于;就关于;至于;就而言而言be/feel concerned about/over/at sth.关心;忧虑,挂念关心;忧虑,挂念be concerned in sth.和某事有牵连

51、和某事有牵连be concerned with牵涉到,与牵涉到,与有关,参与有关,参与预测题预测题Even in Ancient Rome times parents _ their children not following traditions.A. were contributed to B. were connected withC. were concerned about D. were combined with答案与解析:答案与解析:Cbe concerned about关心,担心;关心,担心;be contributed to被献给;被献给;be connected wit

52、h与与连接连接起来;起来;be combined with与与结合起来。由题意知选结合起来。由题意知选C项。项。Applied science is _ discovering ways to use the knowledge of theoretical science.A. concerned about B. concerned withC. focused on D. combined with答案与解析:答案与解析:B本题主要考查本题主要考查be concerned about和和be concerned with的区别,前者意为的区别,前者意为“关心,关注关心,关注”,后,后者意

53、为者意为“与与有关联,牵涉到有关联,牵涉到”。句意:应用科学研究。句意:应用科学研究涉及探究理论科学知识的应用方法。涉及探究理论科学知识的应用方法。句句 型型 剖剖 析析It seems a real pity that thousands of people who could have benefited from Traditional Chinese Medicine missed out because of ignorance.很遗憾,由于无知,很遗憾,由于无知,成千上万的人们错过了用传统中医治疗的机会。成千上万的人们错过了用传统中医治疗的机会。It seemsn./adj.tha

54、t从句中,从句中,it为形式主语,为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。从句为真正的主语。seem(to be)形容词形容词/名词名词/介词短语介词短语/分词分词seemto do/to have done/to be doingIt seems that.(用陈述语气用陈述语气)It seems as if/as though.(从句可用虚拟语气从句可用虚拟语气)There seems (to be).seem liken.好像好像It seems that there is no way out of difficulty.我们似乎无法摆脱困境。我们似乎无法摆脱困境。There seems

55、 (to be) every reason to believe that business will get better.看来,完全有理由相信生意会转好。看来,完全有理由相信生意会转好。考试题考试题(2010北京市崇文区北京市崇文区)Oh!My God!A file seems _ by mistake!A. deleted b. to be deletedC. being deleted D. to have been deleted答案与解析:答案与解析:D此题考查不定式的时态语态。此题考查不定式的时态语态。seem to do似乎做某事似乎做某事“文件似乎已被删除文件似乎已被删除”,

56、故选,故选D项项to have been done不定式的完成时的被动语态。不定式的完成时的被动语态。(合肥市质检合肥市质检)The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition. She seemed _ it pretty well.A. to prepare B. preparingC. having prepared D. to have prepared答案与解析:答案与解析:Dprepare动作发生在动作发生在seemed之前,故用不之前,故用不定式的完成时态。而定式的完成时态。而seem后接动词不定式,后接动词不定式,s

57、eem to do sth.“似乎干似乎干”,故选,故选D项。项。随随 堂堂 检检 测测.单词拼写单词拼写1They spent a lot of money e_ the school with computers.2The group o_ the mayor and is trying to find a candidate to run against him.3He went from city to city, s_ for work.4Nowadays more and more farmer workers leave their hometown and rush into

58、big cities to make a f_.equippingopposesseekingfortune5Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant t_ so much noise.6We have to p_ going to France because the children are ill.7The high cost of equipment p_ many people from taking up this sport.8The activities of Welsh mines went into _(减减

59、少少)after about 1880.toleratepostponeprohibitsdecline9Completed projects must be _(提交提交)by 10 March, 2010.10They have been living in reduced _(情形情形)since John lost his job.submittedcircumstances.选择填空选择填空(有两项为多余选项有两项为多余选项)in vain, at random, at all costs, straight away, stop sth. in its tracks, at any

60、 rate, wipe out1You are not to allow anyone to leave the room _.2They have_the enemys major military targets.3The thief tried to open the locked door but _.at all costswiped outin vain4We may miss the next train, but _ well be there before noon.5When the teacher came in, she opened her book _ and st

61、arted reading.at any rateat random.根据提示翻译句子根据提示翻译句子1要弥补已失去的时光是不可能的。要弥补已失去的时光是不可能的。(to be made up)答案:答案:It is impossible for lost time to be made up.2人们普遍认为人们普遍认为Bill Gates是世界上最富有的人。是世界上最富有的人。(be believed)答案:答案:Bill Gates is believed to be the richest man in the world.或或It is believed that Bill Gates

62、 is the richest man in the world.3这次事故本来是可以避免的。这次事故本来是可以避免的。(could have done )答案:答案:This accident could have been prevented.4似乎有好多年没有见你了。似乎有好多年没有见你了。(seems)答案:答案:It seems like years since I last saw you.交际用语交际用语1(河南省联考河南省联考)I put him down for a welleducated man._?I mean that hes a welleducated man.A

63、I beg your pardonBSpeak louder, will youCWhats thatDWill you repeat word for word答案与解析:答案与解析:A由下文语境由下文语境“我的意思是他是一个受过良我的意思是他是一个受过良好教育的人好教育的人”可知提问者没有听明白对方的话,用可知提问者没有听明白对方的话,用I beg your pardon来请求重复。来请求重复。2(郑州质量预测郑州质量预测)Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now.OK. _.A. Take it easy B. Go slowlyC.

64、 Stay longer D. See you later答案与解析:答案与解析:D句意:时间不早了,我该走了。因此答语句意:时间不早了,我该走了。因此答语为为“再见再见”,在口语中通常用,在口语中通常用“See you later”或或“See you”。 Take it easy“不紧张,不生气,不激动不紧张,不生气,不激动”等,用等,用来安慰对方,而来安慰对方,而B项和项和C项属于汉语式的表达。项属于汉语式的表达。.语法专练语法专练1(2010福建期末福建期末)If you _ to the party last Saturday, you would have met our old

65、friend Jim.I caught a cold, for I had been walking around in the rain.AcameBhad comeCwould come Dwould have come答案:答案:B2(2010东至联考东至联考)No student _ go out of the school campus after ten oclock at night without permission, according to the school regulations.A. willB. mustC. mayD. shall答案:答案:D3(2010学军

66、中学学军中学) Miss Pei is on time for everything. How _ it be _ she was late for the opening ceremony?A. must; where B. can; thatC. should; when D. might; if答案:答案:B4(2010安徽质检安徽质检)Mum, would you please buy me a MP5 player?If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation, you _ have one as a reward.Amust Bn

67、eedCwould Dshall答案:答案:D5(2010淄博上学期期末淄博上学期期末) In fact, you _ go outside at all. Theres a supermarket just downstairs.A. couldnt B. mustntC. neednt D. shouldnt答案:答案:C6(2010潍坊测试潍坊测试) Can you imagine that a smart man like him _ make such a stupid mistake?A. might B. should C. would D. need答案:答案:B7(2010胶

68、州诊断胶州诊断)Be quick,please.I have to be there by 900._,but Ill try my best.AThats all right BNo problem CI cant promise DIts impossible答案:答案:C课时检测课时检测B21(Unit 21Human Biology).单项填空单项填空1Is there anyone who _ the plans put forward by the committee?No one.AdiffersBopposesCdisagrees Drefuses答案与解析:答案与解析:B句意

69、:句意:有人反对由该委员会提出的这有人反对由该委员会提出的这些计划吗?些计划吗?没有。没有。oppose指指“经过认真考虑后反对经过认真考虑后反对”,符合题意。,符合题意。differ为不及物动词,与为不及物动词,与from搭配,表示搭配,表示“与与不同不同”;disagree“不同意不同意”,需加,需加with/on/to后才能跟宾语;后才能跟宾语;refuse“拒绝拒绝”,为及物动词。,为及物动词。2Somewhat better _ academically, he returned home to continue his experiment.A. furnished B. equi

70、ppedC. provided D. installed答案与解析:答案与解析:Bequip“(智力、体力上智力、体力上)使有准备;装备;使有准备;装备;武装武装”,符合题意。,符合题意。furnish(用家具用家具)装备装备(居室居室);provide提供,供应;提供,供应;install安装安装(仪器、设备等仪器、设备等)。3Thieves _ the bank _ thousands of dollars, the course of which was taperecorded by a video.Arobbed; from Brobbed; ofCstole; of Dstole;

71、 from答案与解析:答案与解析:B句意:小偷们抢了银行数千美元,整个过句意:小偷们抢了银行数千美元,整个过程都被录像机录了下来。程都被录像机录了下来。rob sb. of sth.抢了某人某物;抢了某人某物;steal sth. from sb.偷了某人某物。偷了某人某物。4Why do you Chinese always add something red to the family during the Spring Festival?Because it is believed in China that red things will bring good _ in the com

72、ing year.Afortune BfameCwealth Dmoney答案与解析:答案与解析:A由常识可知,中国人认为红色的东西能为由常识可知,中国人认为红色的东西能为人们在来年带来好运,故用人们在来年带来好运,故用fortune“运气运气”。fame名声,名声,名词;名词;wealth财富,财产;财富,财产;money钱。钱。5Why did you sell the house at a very low price?I have no other choice. The _ forced me to do that.A. state B. conditionC. circumstan

73、ce D. cnvironment答案与解析:答案与解析:C句意:句意:你为什么把房子低价出售了?你为什么把房子低价出售了?我没有其他选择了。当时的情况迫使我那么做的。我没有其他选择了。当时的情况迫使我那么做的。circumstance作作“情况,环境情况,环境”讲时,常用复数形式,讲时,常用复数形式,符合题意。符合题意。state“状态状态”;condition“条件,情况条件,情况”,指,指一定时间内人的感觉或事情所处的情况;一定时间内人的感觉或事情所处的情况;environment“(自然自然)环境环境”。6It is very clear that TV programs usuall

74、y _ to the tastes of all age groups.A. cater B. devoteC. lead D. appeal答案与解析:答案与解析:A考查易混动词词组的辨析。考查易混动词词组的辨析。cater to迎合,迎合,满足;满足;devote to把把奉献于;奉献于;lead to导致,通向;导致,通向;appeal to呼吁,要求,有吸引力。句意:显然,电视节呼吁,要求,有吸引力。句意:显然,电视节目通常迎合所有年龄组别的品味。目通常迎合所有年龄组别的品味。7Father _ all the neighbors to dinner at a nearby resta

75、urant to thank them all.A. supplied B. acceptedC. treated D. served答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:父亲在附近一家餐馆招待所有的邻句意:父亲在附近一家餐馆招待所有的邻居,以感谢他们。居,以感谢他们。8He told us that he was going to Canada to _ his fortune.A. seek B. researchC. gather D. produce答案与解析:答案与解析:Aseek ones fortune为固定词级组,意为为固定词级组,意为“寻求发财的机会,碰财运寻求发财的机会,碰财运”

76、。9She _ her power as an accountant by lending the companys money to her friends.A. insulted B. criticizedC. scolded D. abused答案与解析:答案与解析:D本题考查易混动词辨析。本题考查易混动词辨析。insulted侮辱;侮辱;criticized批评;批评;scolded责备;责备;abused滥用。句意:作滥用。句意:作为会计,她为会计,她“滥用滥用”权力把公司的钱借给朋友。权力把公司的钱借给朋友。10Have you got the results of the fin

77、al exam?Not yet. It will be a few days _ we know the full results.A. before B. afterC. until D. when答案与解析:答案与解析:AIt will be一段时间一段时间before从句从句(从句用从句用一般现在时一般现在时)表示表示“得过多长时间才得过多长时间才”。11After he hung up, he felt more tired and decided to _ calling the detective agency until the next day.A. desire B. sug

78、gestC. derive D. postpone答案与解析:答案与解析:Ddesire渴望;渴望;suggest建议;建议;derive起源。起源。postpone意为意为“延期,推迟延期,推迟”,符合句意。句意:挂上,符合句意。句意:挂上了电话他感觉更累了,决定延迟到第二天再打电话给侦探了电话他感觉更累了,决定延迟到第二天再打电话给侦探事务所。事务所。12The government tried hard to _ ways to halt(阻止阻止) corruption and increase efficiency.A. prohibit B. seekC. intrude D. a

79、ccept答案与解析:答案与解析:Bprohibit禁止;禁止;intrude干涉;干涉;accept接受。接受。seek意为意为“寻找寻找”,符合句意。句意:政府努力寻找根除,符合句意。句意:政府努力寻找根除腐败、提高效率的方法。腐败、提高效率的方法。13If you _ your medicine this morning, you would feel much better now.A. took B. would takeC. had taken D. would have taken答案与解析:答案与解析:C考查混合条件句。根据考查混合条件句。根据this morning可知,可知

80、,从句与过去情况相反。而主句时间为从句与过去情况相反。而主句时间为now,与现在情况相,与现在情况相反。与过去情况相反,从句使用反。与过去情况相反,从句使用had done sth.,故选,故选C项。项。14It was the drug, rather than the disease, that killed the boy.He _ still alive today if he _ that drug.Awould be; hadnt takenBis; didnt takeCwould have been; hadnt takenDwill be; hasnt taken答案与解析:

81、答案与解析:A考查混合条件句。从句与过去情况相反考查混合条件句。从句与过去情况相反(根根据第一句话可知据第一句话可知),主句与现在情况相反,主句与现在情况相反(根据根据today可知可知),故选,故选A项。项。15Our former maths teacher moved to Beijing last year, otherwise, he _ us.A. would still have taughtB. would still be teachingC. will still teachD. should still teach答案与解析:答案与解析:B考查含蓄条件句和混合条件句。考查

82、含蓄条件句和混合条件句。otherwise表示的含蓄条件,相当于表示的含蓄条件,相当于if he hadnt moved to Beijing last year, 但结果不是过去的情况,而是现在的情况,为但结果不是过去的情况,而是现在的情况,为错综条件句。句意:要是去年没有搬到北京去,那他现在错综条件句。句意:要是去年没有搬到北京去,那他现在就仍然教我们。就仍然教我们。.完形填空完形填空Fifteen years spent in the field of education has provided me with many treasured moments. One of the mo

83、st unforgettable _16_ when I was teaching second _17_, 10 years ago.In May I decided to plan something special for the children; a Mothers Day tea. We had put our heads together to _18_ideas of how to _19_ our mothers. We practiced singing songs, memorized poems and wrote cards. We decided to hold o

84、ur tea the Friday before Mothers Day. I was surprised and _20_ to learn that every mother was planning to attend. I_21_ invited my own mother. Finally, the big day arrived. Each child _22_up at our classroom door, expecting the arrival of his or her mom. _23_it got closer to the starting time, I loo

85、ked around and my eyes quickly found Jimmy. His mother hadnt shown up and he was looking _24_.I took my mother by the hand and walked over to Jimmy. “Jimmy,” I said, “I have some problems here and I was _25_ if you could keep my mother _26_while Im busy.”My mom and Jimmy sat at a table. Jimmy _27_ m

86、y mom her treats, and presented her with the gift I had made, just as we had _28_ the day before. Whenever I looked over, my mother and Jimmy were in deep _29_.Now 10 years later, I work with students of all ages, educating them about the environment. Last year, I took a senior class on a field trip

87、, and there was Jimmy, I had the students complete an outline of the days _30_ and an evaluation of our trip. Then I collected the students booklets and checked them to see if _31_ was completed. When I came _32_Jimmys page, he had written “Remember our Mothers Day tea we had in second grade, Mrs Ma

88、rra? I do! Thanks for all you did for me, and thank your mother, too.”I told him I really enjoyed what he had written. He looked rather embarrassed and _33_ his own thanks and walked away. Suddenly he ran back and gave me a big hug.“Thanks again. No one even knew my mother didnt _34_it.”I ended my w

89、orkday with a hug from a teenage boy who had _35_ stopped hugging teachers years ago.16. A. lasted B. happened C. experienced D. described17. A. school B. class C. grade D. lesson18. A. pay attention to B. look forward to C. get on with D. come up with19. A. love B. please C. respect D. admire20. A.

90、 astonished B. worried C. relieved D. interested21. A. even B. ever C. still D. once22. A. followed B. held C. kept D. lined23. A. As B. Although C. While D. Because24. A. wild B. curious C. strange D. upset25. A. considering B. wondering C. asking D. doubting26. A. connection B. care C. company D.

91、concern27. A. served B. supplied C. assigned D. applied28. A. taught B. studied C. practiced D. told29. A. mind B. thought C. agreement D. conversation30. A. feeling B. behavior C. event D. action31. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing32. A. by B. to C. on D. over33. A. announced B. de

92、livered C. stated D. whispered34. A. make B. get C. do D. take35. A. probably B. exactly C. rarely D. eagerly答案与解析:答案与解析:16. B主语为主语为one of the most unforgettable,省略了名,省略了名词词moments,空白处填不及物动词,空白处填不及物动词happened,符合语境。,符合语境。17. Csecond grade二年级。倒数第三段中二年级。倒数第三段中Jimmy卡片上卡片上的话有提示。的话有提示。18. Dcome up with id

93、eas想出办法。想出办法。19. Bhow to please our mothers如何让我们的妈妈开心。如何让我们的妈妈开心。母亲节举办茶话会就是为了让妈妈们高兴。母亲节举办茶话会就是为了让妈妈们高兴。20. C了解到所有学生的妈妈都来参加母亲节的茶话会,了解到所有学生的妈妈都来参加母亲节的茶话会,“我我”有些意外,同时也感到欣慰。有些意外,同时也感到欣慰。relieved欣慰的,放心欣慰的,放心的。的。21. Aeven甚至,用来加强语气。甚至,用来加强语气。22. Dline up排队排队(等候等候)。所有的学生都在教室门外排队恭。所有的学生都在教室门外排队恭候妈妈们的到来。候妈妈们的

94、到来。23. Aas随着,引导时间状语从句。语境:随着随着,引导时间状语从句。语境:随着(茶话会茶话会)开开始时间的临近始时间的临近。24. Dupset意为意为“不高兴的,失望的不高兴的,失望的”。语境:由于妈妈。语境:由于妈妈还没有出现,吉米显得非常失望。还没有出现,吉米显得非常失望。25. B句式句式I was wondering表示非常礼貌地请求别人帮忙表示非常礼貌地请求别人帮忙做某事。做某事。“我我”没有时间照顾妈妈,而吉米的妈妈没按时没有时间照顾妈妈,而吉米的妈妈没按时到,于是到,于是“我我”请求吉米陪伴请求吉米陪伴“我我”的妈妈。的妈妈。26. Ckeep sb. company

95、陪伴某人,为习惯搭配。陪伴某人,为习惯搭配。keep my mother company陪伴我的妈妈。陪伴我的妈妈。27. Aserve端上端上(饭菜饭菜)。指吉米代替。指吉米代替“我我”给妈妈递茶水给妈妈递茶水和食品。和食品。28. Cpractice练习,训练。第二段的第三句练习,训练。第二段的第三句“We practiced singing songs,memorized poems and wrote cards.”有暗示。有暗示。29. D句意:句意:“我我”看到他们两个人总是在热情地交谈。说看到他们两个人总是在热情地交谈。说明明“我我”妈妈和吉米相处得非常融洽。妈妈和吉米相处得非常

96、融洽。in deep conversation深入交谈。深入交谈。30. Cevent事件,指上文提到的事件,指上文提到的“I took a senior class on a field trip”一事。一事。31. B句意:句意:“我我”浏览学生的册子是为了看看他们是否填浏览学生的册子是为了看看他们是否填好了所有的内容。好了所有的内容。everything每件事。每件事。32. Bcome to到达,此处指当到达,此处指当“我我”看到吉米填写的册子看到吉米填写的册子时。时。33. Bdeliver发表,此处可理解为发表,此处可理解为“表达表达”。34. Amake it在这里表示在这里表示

97、“能够出席能够出席(或到场或到场)”。此处指。此处指10年前开茶话会的那天,年前开茶话会的那天,“我我”的妈妈和吉米坐在一起,掩的妈妈和吉米坐在一起,掩饰了他妈妈没有来的尴尬。饰了他妈妈没有来的尴尬。35. A因为吉米已经是个大男孩儿了,所以因为吉米已经是个大男孩儿了,所以“我我”推测多年推测多年前他很可能就不再和老师拥抱了。前他很可能就不再和老师拥抱了。.阅读理解阅读理解 On January 1,2008 scientists in central Chinas Henan Province announced that they had unearthed fossils(化石化石)of

98、 the heaviest dinosaur in Asia. The fossils were discovered in an area between Santun township and Liudian township in Ruyang county, and the dinosaur, which has an unusually large body ,has been identified as Asias heaviest,said Wu Guochang, general engineer of the Provincial Land Resources Departm

99、ent. The dinosaur measures 18 meters long and its sacrum(骶骨骶骨) is as broad as 1.31 meters,making it broader than that of the dinosaur fossil unearthed in Gansu last year, which was then identified as Asias heaviest dinosaur,said Wu. Wu said scientists had thought the land where the fossils were dug

100、up was formed in the Cenozoic Era(新生代新生代), which dates back 65 million years, and that the former existence of dinosaurs was not possible, but local residents kept on digging up what they called dragons bones to use as traditional Chinese medicine. Scientists studied the “dragons bones” and identifi

101、ed them as fossils of dinosaurs that lived between 85 to 100 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period (白垩期白垩期)of the Mesozoic Era. Scientists from the Henan Provincial Geological Museum and the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences spent two years unearthing and researching the fossils and their

102、findings have been assessed by 30 scientists from China and the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan,Wu said. The discovery is very important for research into the geological distribution, migration and evolvement (进进化化) of this particular species of dinosaur, said Dong Zhiming, a scientist fro

103、m the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology(古生物学古生物学) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xinhua reported.36. Before the fossils unearthed in Henan Province, where did the scientists find the heaviest dinosaur? A. Gansu. B. Santun. C. Liudian. D. Ruyang.答案与解析:答案与解析:A从第三段话可以判断

104、出科学家们在甘肃发从第三段话可以判断出科学家们在甘肃发现了最重的恐龙化石。故选现了最重的恐龙化石。故选A项。项。37. Why did the local residents kept on digging up the fossils? A. Because they called them dragons bones. B. Because they wanted to sell the fossils. C. Because they wanted to use them as traditional Chinese medicine. D. Because they wanted to

105、 give them to the local government.答案与解析:答案与解析:C从第四段从第四段“but”之后的句子可以得出,当之后的句子可以得出,当地居民一直挖掘化石的原因是他们想用化石作为传统的中地居民一直挖掘化石的原因是他们想用化石作为传统的中国药品。故选国药品。故选C项。项。38. The discovery is very important for the research into the fields except _.A. geological distribution B. migrationC. evolvement D. food source答案与解析

106、:答案与解析:D从最后一段话中的从最后一段话中的“The discovery.of dinosaur”可知可知A、B、C项都有涉及,只有项都有涉及,只有D项项food source没有提及,故选没有提及,故选D项。项。39. What is the best title for the passage?A. Discovering Asias Heaviest Dinosaur in ChinaB. How to Find the Dinosaurs FossilsC. The Local People Use the Fossils as MedicineD. How Scientists

107、Protect the Fossils of the Dinosaurs答案与解析:答案与解析:A本文主要讲了在中国发现亚洲最重的恐龙本文主要讲了在中国发现亚洲最重的恐龙化石的事件及其重要意义,故化石的事件及其重要意义,故A项最符合题意。项最符合题意。.短文改错短文改错Although we may not realize it, but when we talk with others we make ourselves understand not just by words. We send messages to the people around us also by our exp

108、ressions and body movement. A smile and a handshake shows welcome. Wave ones hand is to say “Goodbye”. Nodding head means agreement when shaking it means disagreement. These gestures are received both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meaning. But not all body language means the sam

109、e thing in different country. Take nodding the head for example. In some Asia countries it means not “Yes” but “No”答案:答案:Although we may not realize it, but(yet) 或或(but/ ) when we talk with others we make ourselves understand (understood) not just by words. We send messages to the people around us a

110、lso by our expressions and body movement(movements). A smile and a handshake shows(show) welcome. Wave(Waving ) ones hand is to say “Goodbye”. Nodding (the/ones/your) head means agreement when (while) shaking it means disagreement. These gestures are received(accepted) both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meaning. But not all body language means the same thing in different country(countries). Take nodding the head for example. In some Asia(Asian) countries it means not “Yes” but “No”同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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