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1、Unit3-At-the-Unit3-At-the-market(the-whole-unit)market(the-whole-unit)What can we buy at the flea market?An old dictionaryCompare the following two kinds of markets. Do you know the difference between them?ThatllPartA How much are they altogether?finish doing sth. : 做完某事vbiscuit 饼干vdiscount 折扣 at a

2、discount:打折v指被折掉的部分 a 10% discount:九折vchange:(找回的)零钱von sale: 廉价出售voffer:v.主动提出,自愿给予 offer sb. sth/offer sth. to sb. n. 主动提议,建议vThank for your kind offer。Textbook (page 39)What can I do for you?Id like to have a box ofbiscuits and a bottle of orange juice.Here are your biscuits and a bottle of orang

3、e juice .Practice:Its 8 dollars.How much are they altogether? Do you have any discount today?Im sorry. We dont have any discount today.vUse the expressions youve learned to complete the conversation below.v v A: Hello, may I help you?v B: Im looking for _.v A: How about this one?v B: Its OK. How muc

4、h _?v A: _a T-shirtis itThatll be 35 yuan.vWork in pairs and complete the conversation below.vA: Hello, may I help you?vB: Were looking for _.vA: You are very lucky. The _ on sale today. vB: _?vA: We offer no discount on chocolate.vB: OK. Ill take _.Easter is coming. You are in a supermarket and fin

5、d there is a big sale.Coca-colaproducts areIs the chocolate on sale toothe Coca-colav1. Easterv复活节是纪念耶稣基督在十字架受刑死后复活的节日,西方信基督教的国家都过这个节。 v(英文原句为:“Easter, anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ, observed on the first Sunday after a full moon on or after 21 March.”) 耶稣基督耶稣基督 v2. M&Ms是世界最大宠物食品和休闲食品制造商

6、美国跨国食品公司玛氏(Mars)公司在中国推出的系列产品之一,是世界第一大巧克力品牌。香浓牛奶巧克力,五彩薄脆糖衣包裹,性格鲜明的M&Ms卡通形象,向人们传递了色彩缤纷的巧克力乐趣。历经70年的发展,风靡至今.M&Ms成为人们心中妙趣挡不住的诱人巧克力。 v只溶在口,不溶在手! 可口可乐(英文名称:Coca-Cola,也称Coke),是由美国可口可乐公司出品的一种含有咖啡因的碳酸饮料。可口可乐早期在中国的译名作“蝌蝌啃蜡”,但因销路不佳,后改名为“可口可乐”。目前可口可乐在世界各地市场皆处领导地位,其销量远远超越其主要竞争对手百事可乐,被列入吉尼斯世界纪录。可口可乐的配方,至今除了持有人家族之

7、外无人知晓,可口可乐公司也会严密防止自己的员工偷窃配方。2011年2月14日,据英国每日邮报报道,“美国生活”网站刊登了亚特兰大药店老板雅各布提供的可口可乐的原始配方。3. Coca-colav4. Highland Spring是英国第二大瓶装水公司.Part B Its on sale todayvblouse: (女士)短上衣particular:特别的,特殊的;特定的,特制的;苛刻的,讲究的original:起初的,独创的vScriptvM: Can I help you find something?vW: Oh, Im just looking, thanks.vM: Thats

8、a beautiful blouse youre looking at. Its on sale. The original price was 250. But were offering 20% off at the moment.vW: Hmm. Thats not bad. I love the color, too.vM: Yes, the color matches you. Why dont you try it on?vW: OK.vM: Oh, that looks great on you!vW: Hmm. It seems a bit short. Do you have

9、 a bigger size?vM: No, Im afraid we dont. Were almost sold out. Its the last on-sale day.vW: I see. Well I really need a bigger size. Thanks.Exercisesv见教科书41页第6、7题Group work:A survey: Interview your classmates and complete the table below, then read out your results. Their favourite vegetablesTheir

10、favourite fruitsTheir favourite meat Further thinkingFurther thinking:Are your favourite vegetables healthy?Are your favourite fruits healthy?Is your favourite meat nutrimental?Why?/ Why not?Home work: Imagine you and your partner are shopping at the supermarket now. Discuss with your partner about

11、what you are going to buy Write down your dialogues.vAims: Learn new words and expressions. Improve the ability of getting information in listening. Learn to write a complaint letter. Learn to deal with the problems when shopping.vTeaching keys: Learn what is Buy Nothing Day and learn complaint lett

12、er.vTeaching difficulties: Learn to write a complaint letter; language points.Teaching keys and difficultiesvHave you ever heard about Buy Nothing Day?vBuy Nothing Day is a special day when people are encouraged not to buy anything.Reading and writingvBuy Nothing Day (BND) is an international day of

13、 protect against consumerism(消费主义) observed by social activists(活动分子). Typically celebrated the Friday after American Thanksgiving in North America and the following day internationally.Background(背景知识背景知识)ThinkingvWhat are the advantages of shopping?vWhat are the disadvantages of shopping?vSome sam

14、ples:vHelp you kill time.vTell you what is in fashion.vLead to bad traffic.vA bad experience of shopping may ruin your day.vYou may be targeted by a thief.vFeel happy.vSpend a lot of time and money on shopping. Advantages of Shopping Disadvantages of Shopping Get what you really need. _ the economy.

15、 Make you happy. Have more _ to talk with your friends. Spend a lot of time and _ on shopping. Have more paper and _ wasted on the packages and shopping _ The store will _ people to buy more and more. People may run the risk of _ _Helpdetails/topicsmoneyplasticBagsspending too muchencourageGroup dis

16、cussingvHave you met any problems when shopping?vWhat are the problems?vWhat will you do in that case?v1. For many people, the last weekend of November kicks off the holiday shopping season.v 对很多人来说,对很多人来说,11月的最后一个周末是节日购物季的月的最后一个周末是节日购物季的开始。开始。vkick off在句中意为在句中意为“开始开始”vWe will kick off the meeting b

17、y discussing our goals for the group.v 我们将在会议开始的时候讨论我们这个团队的目标我们将在会议开始的时候讨论我们这个团队的目标是什么。是什么。v还可表示还可表示“(足球比赛等足球比赛等)开球,开始开球,开始”v补充:补充:在英美国家,从感恩节在英美国家,从感恩节(11月最后一个星期四月最后一个星期四)到到圣诞节圣诞节(12月月25日日)的一个月是最重要的购物季。此时商的一个月是最重要的购物季。此时商家的折扣往往非常诱人,消费者可以趁此机会家的折扣往往非常诱人,消费者可以趁此机会“血拼血拼”一番,犒劳自己一年来的辛苦工作。一番,犒劳自己一年来的辛苦工作。v

18、2. But a growing number of people are celebrating a different kind of holiday.v然而越来越多的人开始庆祝另一个特别的节日。然而越来越多的人开始庆祝另一个特别的节日。va number of意为意为“许多许多”,后接可数名词复,后接可数名词复数形式,做主语时谓语动词用复数形式。数形式,做主语时谓语动词用复数形式。v例:例:A number of problems havent been solved yet.v 还有许多问题没有解决。还有许多问题没有解决。vthe number of意为意为“的数目的数目”,后接可数,

19、后接可数名词复数形式,做主语时谓语动词用单数形式。名词复数形式,做主语时谓语动词用单数形式。v例:例:The number of books published has been increasing.v 出版书籍的数量一直在增长。出版书籍的数量一直在增长。v3. The movement started in 1995 by a group who cares about the environmental effects of shopping.v 这项活动始于这项活动始于1995年,发起是一群关心购物对年,发起是一群关心购物对环境造成影响的人。环境造成影响的人。veffect of意为意

20、为“的影响的影响”veffect on意为意为“对对的影响的影响”v常用常用have effect on对对起作用起作用v短语短语cause and effect因果因果vtake effect见效,生效见效,生效v4. For one thing, just think about all the paper and plastic were wasting on shopping.v 首先,想想我们在购物袋上浪费了多少纸张和首先,想想我们在购物袋上浪费了多少纸张和塑料吧。塑料吧。vfor one thing意为意为“首先,一则首先,一则”,后面常接,后面常接for anotherv例:例:

21、For one thing, there isnt time; for another, we dont have enough money.v 首先,我们没有时间;再则,我们也没那么首先,我们没有时间;再则,我们也没那么多钱。多钱。v5. Participants go to big shopping centers and malls and hand out leaflets about the bad effects of shopping.v 参与者们去大购物中心和商场散发关于购物的参与者们去大购物中心和商场散发关于购物的坏影响的传单。坏影响的传单。v 1)participant n

22、. 参与者,参加者参与者,参加者vparticipate in参与参与v2)shopping center购物中心购物中心vmall商场,设在郊区的大规模购物中心商场,设在郊区的大规模购物中心 v3)hand out散发,(平均)分发,发给散发,(平均)分发,发给 v6. Despite the challenges of advertising this event, over one million people in at least 65 countries are expected to join in the next Buy Nothing Day.v 尽管宣传这一活动有些困难,

23、但预计至少有尽管宣传这一活动有些困难,但预计至少有65个国家的个国家的100多万人将参加下一个多万人将参加下一个“不消费日不消费日”。v1)challenge在在该句中意为该句中意为a difficult task that tests ones ability and skill(艰巨任务艰巨任务)v 例:例:This job is really a challenge to me.v 做这项工作对我来说确实不容易。做这项工作对我来说确实不容易。vv2)be expected to意为意为“预计预计”,主语是,主语是猜测的对象,需与猜测的对象,需与expect区分使用。区分使用。v例:Thi

24、s visitors are expected to arrive in half an hour.v 估计客人会在半小时后到达。v3)despite表示转折,表示转折,despite the challenges of advertising this event相当相当于于though there are great challenges in advertising this eventWriting-Complaint lettervI bought three boxes of yoghurt in your store on 04/19/2011 for 3.00.vI tried

25、 one box of yoghurt after I checked out. It had gone bad.vSo, Id like to ask for a refund or at least exchanging the yoghurt.vI am looking forward to your answer.Practicing-Complete the following complaint letter.vTo: _vSubject: A complaint lettervDear Sir/Madam,vI bought _ in your store on _ for _.

26、 I am afraid I must complain about the product. _v_. So, I would like to ask for a refund or at least exchanging this _.vI believe you will deal with it immediately.vI am looking forward to your answer.vSincerely,v_Home work: Write a complaint letter. Do the exercise book. Preview the next part.可数名词

27、的复数形式一般是在其单数形式后加可数名词的复数形式一般是在其单数形式后加-s或或-es,构成规则与,构成规则与读音规则如下:读音规则如下:构成构成读音读音例词例词大部分在词尾加大部分在词尾加-s清辅音后读清辅音后读/s/浊辅音及元音后读浊辅音及元音后读/z/desks dogsseas以以s, x, sh, ch结尾的名词后加结尾的名词后加-es/iz/classes boxes如词尾为如词尾为-f或或-fe,则一般变为,则一般变为ve再加再加-s/z/leaf leaves以辅音以辅音+y结尾的名词,变结尾的名词,变y为为i再再加加-es/iz/babybabies以元音以元音+y结尾的名词

28、,加结尾的名词,加-s/z/boy boys以辅音以辅音+o结尾的名词,加结尾的名词,加-es/z/potatoes以元音以元音+o结尾的名词,加结尾的名词,加-s/z/photos以以th结尾的名词,加结尾的名词,加-s/s/monthsvbefore, after, when引导的是时间状语从句vthough引导的是让步状语从句vif引导的是条件状语从句vbecause引导的是原因状语从句vso that引导的是目的状语从句Adverbial ClausesvComplete each of the sentences below with a proper word from befor

29、e/after/when/though/if/because/so that.v_you pay for the goods, youd better check it carefully.vYou need to look at the price carefully_ you are shopping.v_I walked for a whole day, I was really tired.v_he answered my question, I was still confused.v_you pay with the credit card, you can get a 5% discount.vHe leaves the door open _his dog can enter by herself.vI couldnt feel anger against him _I liked him too much.Adverbial ClausesBeforewhenAfterThoughIfso thatbecause



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