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1、机械工程专业英语机械工程专业英语Specified English for Mechanical EngineeringSpecified English for Mechanical Engineering电子教案电子教案一、课程的性质一、课程的性质 机械专业英语是为使学生能更好学习国内外先进机电数控技术,紧跟制造业的先进发展方向而开设的一门课程。是机械类专业必修的一门专业基础课。该课程简单介绍了材料、模具、液压、机电一体化、先进制造技术、数控等专业常识。重点培养机械及相关专业学生能阅读掌握科技领域的英语表达方式和常用词汇及帮助学生了解机械工程高新技术的发展情况。通过本课程的教学,能够使学生

2、在已有的英语基础上进一步提高听、说、读、写、译的能力和在机械领域的涉外英语交际能力。 二、课程的作用二、课程的作用 学习本门课程是为了更好地帮助学生进一步适应国际、国内专业发展的需要, 提高直接阅读原文和翻译有关专业英语书刊的能力,学习和借鉴国内外先进的机械制造技术,从而推进我国机械行业和机械产品的快速发展。三、课程的任务和基本要求三、课程的任务和基本要求 通过本课程的学习使同学们在基础英语的学习基础上进一步掌握科技英语常用的翻译方法、技巧等,学会科技论文、摘要及关键词的写作方法;掌握机械类英语专业词汇及其用法;能够阅读专业英语读物,为专业的学习和提升服务。 预备知识:本课程的教学应在完成基础


4、音、语调,词汇量的积累,语法结构的系统性; 2、听说技巧、技能的掌握和运用;3、全面阅读能力和技巧4、应用文写作的技巧;5、与专业相连接,介绍简单实用的专业英语知识难点1、积累词汇时兴趣不大,方式不对;2、学生张口难,听说的常用句式运用的不熟练;3、专业英语与学生的生活联系不紧密,难以引起学生的兴趣六、 教学方法与手段 教学中应以学生为中心,引导学生积极参与课堂教学,使学生掌握学习策略,适应自主学习,转变学习角色,变被动为主动;适当的以学习、生活、工作情景为主线,突破教材的束缚,重构、有序的整合教学内容;引入专业知识,实现在真实情境中学习和掌握知识,最终提高英语能力;应以培养学生综合应用能力为

5、重点,全面提高学生的专业素质。 1、教师在课堂上应对机械工程的基本术语、原理进行必要的讲授,并详细讲授每章的重点、难点内容;2、讲授中应注意理论联系实际,通过实物展示、实验等方式启迪学生的思维,加深学生对有关概念、理论等内容的理解;3、应适当采用多媒体辅助教学,加大课堂授课的知识含量;4、每个单元都应安排习题讲解讨论课,进行习题讲解之前,教师应先向学生布置部分习题,讲解讨论中,教师应进行必要的提示并及时进行总结;5、在主要章节讲授完之后,要布置各章节的小结,旨在加深学生对所学知识的理解、运用,拓宽学生的知识面。Unit 1一、单词详解1、ferrous ladj. 铁的,含铁的 Metals

6、are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The former contain iron and the latter do not contain iron. 金属分为黑色金属和有色金属。前者含铁,后者不含铁。 2、nonferrous ladj. 不含铁的,非铁的 Cold rolling is carried out at room temperature. Usually it is used for the softer non-ferrous metals. 冷轧在室温下进行,一般用于较软的有色金属。 Unit 13、elem

7、ent ln. 要素;元素Hydride: Inorganic compound of hydrogen with another element. 氢化物:氢与另一种化学元素的无机化合物。4、tough ladj. 强硬的,坚韧的 Pills formed from synthetic fibers of high breaking strength remain on the surface because they are too strong and tough to be abraded away. 由高强度的合成纤维生成的纤维球会一直粘附在织物的表面,这是因为纤维的强度过高以至于不

8、会因摩擦而掉落。5、ductile ladj. 可延伸的,可塑的,韧性的 A line of continuously - applied ductile material,such as solder or caulking compound. 焊料可延伸、拉长的金属线,尤指焊料或粘性添充物。Unit 16、hardness ln. 硬度A stone once believed to be impenetrable in its hardness. 硬石,金刚石一种曾被认为在硬度上不可穿透的石头。 7、rust lvt. 使生锈;lvi. 生锈;Iron reacts with water

9、 and air to produce rust. 铁与水和空气起反应而生锈。l n. 铁锈“Rust consumes iron, and envy consumes itself” 铁锈腐蚀钢铁,妒忌伤害自身。Unit 18、corrosion ln. 侵蚀,腐蚀状态The presence of contaminants in the system can significantly affect the corrosion resistance and compatibility of many metals. 在系统内存在污染物会大大地影响许多材料的抗腐蚀性和相容性。9、brittl

10、e ladj. 易碎的,脆的 crazing is the invariable precursor of brittle fracture 出现小裂纹必然是脆性断裂的前兆。Unit 110、hammer ln. 锤,榔头; v(i,t). 锤打(击,炼),锻(造) Hit the nail with the hammer. 用锤子敲打钉子。11、ductility ln. 延展性,韧性 A metal having high ductility, such as copper or soft iron, will fail or break gradually as the load on

11、it is increased. 韧性很高的金属,例如铜或者熟铁,随着载荷的增加,破坏或断裂是逐渐进行的。 Unit 112、sustainlvt. 支持,维持 13、excellent ladj. 优秀的,卓越的,杰出的 This preservative has given excellent performance as a treatment for transmission poles 这种防腐剂作为通讯电杆的处理剂具有很好的性能。14、shock ln. 打击,振动 Waterproof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic. 防水、防震、防磁。 Un

12、it 1二、难句解析1、 The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is, the harder it becomes. 钢的含碳量越高,冷却速度越快,钢就变得越硬。 句中的“the more, the more”结构,表示“越,越”。 本句中的比较状语从句为“ the more carbon the steel contain and the quicker the cooling is”,主句为 “the harder it becomes”。句中的第一个 “the” 和第二个 “the” 均为副词,分别引

13、出两个并列的比较状语从句。 Unit 12、 Some alloying elements ( such as chromium and tungsten ) make the grain of steel finer, thus increasing the hardness and strength of steel, because the finer the grain is, the stronger the steel becomes. 一些合金元素(如铬、钨)可细化钢的晶粒,使钢的强度和硬度增加,因为晶粒越细,强度越高。 句中“the finer the grain is, th

14、e stronger the steel becomes”同样使用了“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”结构来表示“越,越”。 句中“thus increasing the hardness and strength of steel, because the finer the grain is, the stronger the steel becomes”为现在分词短语作状语,作伴随情况的说明。3、 Nodular iron is a variation of gray cast iron, and has a microscopic structure that overcome

15、s most of the limitations of gray cast iron. 球墨铸铁是灰铸铁的一个变种,它能够克服灰铸铁的大部分缺陷。Unit 1三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 Metal materials have some fundamental capabilities, such as hardness, strength, density, thermal conductivity and so on. 金属材料具有某些基本性能,比如硬度、强度、密度、韧性、导热性等。 2、 Due to its good plasticity and fluidity, the plast

16、ic can not only be used in injection molding, but also be extruded or cast into shapes. 由于其良好的可塑性和流动性,塑料不仅能注塑成型,还能挤压和浇铸成型。 Unit 13、 Because of its high elasticity and electric insulation, rubber can be used in making tires, shock absorbers, airproof loops and electric insulation. 橡胶因为具有高弹性和绝缘性,常被用来制

17、作轮胎、减震器、密封圈和电绝缘材料。 4、 Metal workparts are ordinarily needed heat-treating operations (such as normalizing, anneal, temper and quencher) to enhance physical properties of materials. 金属工件通常需要热处理工序(如正火、退火、回火和淬火)来提高其材料的物理特性。 Unit 15、 The knowledge of mechanical properties of materials is very essential

18、in order to construct a mechanically sound structure such as a bridge on the river. 材料的力学性能方面的知识,对建造坚固的机械结构(例如跨河的桥梁)是极为重要的。 6、 Strength or Mechanical Strength of a material may be defined as the ability of the material to sustain loads without undue distortion or failure. 材料的强度或机械强度可定义为:材料能随载荷而不过度变形

19、或断裂的能力。 Unit 2一、单词详解1、significant ladj. 重要的 A significant cause of mismanagement is the granting of authority without exacting responsibility 管理不善的一个重要原因是只授予职权而不给明确责任。 l有效的It is easy to demonstrate that the addition of inorganic fertilizers makes rapid and significant improvements in crop yields. 加入

20、无机肥料迅速有效地增加作物产量,这一点很容易证实。 Unit 22、ultimate ladj. 最终的 Increased coagulant dosage results in greater sludge yield for ultimate disposal . 增加凝聚剂用量会增大最后处理的污泥量。 l首要的,主要的The ultimate goal of a simulation is to approximate chamber pressure so as to detect and define the source of undesired pressure variati

21、on. 模拟的主要目标是在接近室压下探测和确定不希望有的压力变化的来源。 Unit 23、predictable ladj. 可预(示,测,报)言的Rules of origin should be objective, understandable and predictable. 原产地规则应是客观的、可理解的和可预测的 4、initial ladj. 开始的,最初的To dwindle away to nothing after an initial display of strength. 龙头蛇尾。 This is the reason why automotive engineer

22、s say that initial starting and warm-up of the engine is hardest on the engine and wears it the most. 由于这个原因,汽车工程师们说发动机最初的启动和预热是很难对付的,并会使发动机受到最大的损坏。 Unit 25、process ln. 过程,程序,工艺过程,方法Glasses and contact lenses do not interfere with the scanning process, and it takes only a brief moment 一般眼镜与隐形眼镜都不会干扰

23、扫描过程,而且扫描仅需短暂的时间。 6、incorporation ln. 结合,联合,合并,包含,掺入 The incorporation of preservative components in the adhesive is virtually the only relistic method for treating chipboard 把这种防腐剂化合物混合到胶粘剂中对于处理碎料板是唯一有效的实用方法。l公司 To obtain this charter, the organizers of the corporation submit an application called

24、the articles of incorporation. 为获得该执照,公司的创建人需提交申请,称为公司章程。 Unit 27、encompass lvt. 包含,包括 The nutrients in foods include the energy nutrients-carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. They also encompass the minerals and vitamins.食物中的营养素包括能量营养素碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质,也包括矿物质和维生素。 Racial harmony should encompass three mai

25、n factors: mutual respect, social harmony and good public security.种族和睦应该拥有三要素:相互尊重、社会生活协调、良好的社会治安环境。 8、suitable ladj. 适当的,适合的 Use a suitable hand truck designed for cylinder movement. Do not drag, roll, or slide containers on their sides。 使用设计用于钢瓶搬运的合适的手推车。禁止拖拉、旋转或滑动容器。 Unit 29、piece ln. 工件,零件,一块 H

26、e stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork. 他用叉子从盘子里叉起一块肉。 10、regular ladj.有规律的, 定期的, 定时的He leads a regular life.他过着有规律的生活。l均匀的; 整齐的; 对称的His nose is regular.他的鼻子很匀称。Unit 211、homogeneous ladj.同性质的, 同类的They are homogeneous people.他们是同类人。12、in most cases 在大多数情况下 in some cases 有些情况下,有时 in an

27、y cases 无论如何 in case(of)以防,万一 Take my umbrella in case it rains。带上伞以防下雨。Unit 213、elevate lvt.举起, 提高He elevated the blinds.他拉起了百叶窗。l提升He was elevated.他受到提拔。l鼓舞, 使更有修养The good news elevated everyones spirits.这个好消息鼓舞了每个人的情绪。Unit 214、absorptionl吸收,;吸收过程;吸收作用They work on a principle of heat absorption.他们

28、研究吸热的原理。l专注,专心致志Complete absorption in sports interfered with his studies.专注于运动妨碍了他的学业。15、diffusion ln.扩散;散布;弥漫equation of convective diffusion 对流扩散方程Unit 216、subsequently sub- 下 + sequently 连续地,相继地 ladv.其后,随后,接着Brooke was arrested and subsequently sentenced to five years imprisonment.布鲁克被逮捕,其后被判五年监

29、禁。Unit 2二、难句解析1、 Tempering of steel is a process in which previously hardened or normalized steel is heated to a temperature below the transformation range and cooled at a suitable rate, primarily to increase ductility and toughness. 钢的回火是将淬火或正火后的钢加热到相变温度以下某一温度,并以适当的速度冷却,其目的主要是为了提高钢的塑性和韧性的一种(热处理)工艺。

30、 句中“which”引导的是定语从句,修饰“a process”。 2、 Annealing may be carried out either to soften a work piece that is too hard to machine or to remachine a work piece that has already been hardened. 若工件过硬,无法机加工,或是要重新机加工已经淬硬的工件,这时可进行退火以使钢材软化。 不定式短语“either to soften or to remachine”在句中作目的状语。Unit 23、 Low carbon stee

31、ls do not become hard when subjected to such a heat treatment because of the small amount of carbon contained. 低碳钢由于含碳量低,因此在经受这种热处理时材质不会变硬。 “when subjected to”是“when it is subjected to”的省略形式。4、 If it is necessary to obtain a hard surface on a part made of such steel,surface-hardening operation must

32、be carried out. 如欲在低碳钢制成的零件表面获得硬的表面层,就必须进行表面硬化处理。 “If it is necessary to obtain a hard surface on a part made of such steel”中“it”是形式主语,“to obtain a hard surface on a part made of such steel”是真正的主语。 “made of such steel”是“a part”的后置定语。 Unit 2三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 There are three solid solutions of importance -

33、ferrite, austenite (), and ferrite () and one intermetallic compoundcementite (Fe3C). 有三种重要的固溶体:-铁素体,奥氏体,-铁素体,还有一种金属间化合物渗碳体。2、 The dividing point between steels and cast irons is 2.11%C, or where the eutectic reaction becomes possible. 钢和铸铁的分界点是在含碳量2.11%处,或是在共晶反应可能发生的点上。 Unit 23、 Bainite is a nonlam

34、ellar mixture of ferrite and cementite obtained by transformation of austenite at a large undercooling. 贝氏体是一种非片状的铁素体和渗碳体的混合物,它可以在较大过冷度条件下由奥氏体转变而得。4、 Tempered martensite, a mixture of very fine cementite in ferrite, forms when martensite is reheated following its formation. 回火马氏体,是细小渗碳体分布在铁素体上的混合物,只

35、有当马氏体被重新加热后才会形成回火马氏体。 Unit 25、 The A3 shows the temperature at which ferrite starts to form on cooling; the Acm shows the temperature at which cementite starts to form; and the A1 is the eutectoid temperature. A3线表示冷却过程中铁素体开始形成的温度;Acm线表示渗碳体开始形成的温度;A1线是共析反应发生的温度。 Unit 3一、单词详解1、join lvt.&vi. 连接,接合;使结合

36、 Parallel lines are lines that never join.平行线是永不相交的线。To join these two pieces of metal, it will be necessary to heat them.要把这两块金属接合起来, 就要将它们加热。l加入, 参加, 同一起做某事He was eighteen years old when he joined the army.他18岁参军。John joined a football club a few days ago.约翰几天前加入了一个足球俱乐部。Unit 32、intense ladj. 强烈的,

37、剧烈的;激烈的 Flashtube, also flash tube: a gas discharge tube used in an electronic flash to produce a brief, intense flash of light. 闪光管:一种用于在电子闪光时产生短暂而强烈的光束的气体释放管。 intense competition 激烈的竞争3、molten ladj. 熔化的,熔融的 Bessemer process:a method for making steel by blasting compressed air through molten iron t

38、o burn out excess carbon and impurities. 贝塞麦炼钢法:吹入压缩空气通过熔融的钢铁以燃尽多余的碳和杂质的一种炼钢方法。 Unit 34、pass through l经过, 通过A diameter passes through the center of a circle.直径从圆心穿过。l经历, 遭受5、globular ladj. 球状的,由小球形成的globular projection球面投影法globular proteins球蛋白Unit 36、fuselvt.&vi. 熔化,融合 The wax from the two candles f

39、used as they burned.两根蜡烛上的蜡燃烧时熔化在一起。ln.保险丝, 熔丝Your fuse has blown because you have overloaded the circuit.你的保险丝烧断了,因为你让线路超过了负荷。7、gas ln.气体Fluid includes both gasses and liquids.流体包括气体和液体。l煤气Unit 38、gas welding l气焊9、release lvt.释放; 放开They released the prisoners.他们释放了俘虏。He released her arm.他放开了她的手臂。ln

40、.释放, 排放, 解除After my examination I had a feeling of release.考完试后我有如释重负之感。Unit 310、fuel ln.燃料Soot is usually the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel.煤烟通常是燃料不完全燃烧的产物。Clean fuel: Fuel that causes little or no pollution. 清洁燃料:几乎或者完全不产生污染的燃料。 lvt.给加燃料, 给加油They are fueling a car with petrol.他们正在给汽车

41、加汽油。11、oxygen ln.化氧, 氧气No living things can live without oxygen.没有氧生物就无法生存。Unit 312、burn lvt.&vi. (使燃料)燃烧 The fire burnt the grass quickly.大火很快把草烧着了。“Old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride” 旧柴好烧,老马好骑l烧毁,烧坏The house burnt years ago.这栋房子多年前被烧毁。 13、mixture ln. 混合物;混合状态Air is a mixture, not a compo

42、und of gases.空气是气体的混合物, 不是化合物。Unit 314、tank ln.油水箱, 罐, 槽There is still some gasoline left in the tank.油箱里还剩下一些汽油。l坦克15、ordinary ladj.普通的, 平常的;平庸的, 平淡的That is only an ordinary incident.这只不过是日常小事。Unit 316、outstanding ladj. 突出的;显著的;出众的 She is a painter outstanding for her landscapes.她是一位以风景画而出名的画家。17、p

43、ortable ladj.便于携带的; 手提式的; 轻便的a portable test instrument 便携式测试仪器The portable instrument must combine sensitivity with light weight and the ability to resist shock and moisture. 可携式仪器应综合下列性能:足够灵敏,重量轻,防震,防潮。 Unit 318、inefficient ladj. 效率低的 【反义词】efficient 高效的19、concentrate lvt. & vi.专心于; 注意I cant concen

44、trate when Im hungry.我饿了就无法集中精力。l聚集A convex lens is used to concentrate rays of light. 凸透镜用于聚集光线。 l浓缩concentrate on (upon) 集中在,专心于Unit 3二、难句解析1、 Spot welding is usually done on sheet metal up to about 3mm thick, but sometimes even on thicker metals. 点焊通常用于焊接厚度不超过3mm的金属薄板,但有时也可焊接稍厚一些的金属板。 句中“but some

45、times even on thicker metals”为省略句,全句为“but sometimes it is even on thicker metals”。Unit 32、 Basically all that is needed is a torch, hose, regulators, and cylinders of acetylene and oxygen, all these components being small, portable items. 基本上所需的全部东西就是焊炬、软管、调压器、乙炔瓶和氧气瓶,所有的这些部件体积都很小,又很轻便。 句中“all these

46、 components being small, portable items”相当于“and all these components are small, portable items”。是带有自己逻辑主语的现在分词短语。Unit 33、 Another advantage of the gas-shielded arc is that a neater and sounder weld can be made because there is very little smoke, fumes, or sparks to contend with. 气体保护电弧焊的另一个优点是焊接时由于产

47、生的烟雾火花少,因而能得到较为整洁的牢固的焊缝。 句中“that”引导表语从句;“to contend with”中“with”的宾语为此不定式所修饰的名词smoke、fumes、or sparks,为防止重复,因此将“with”后的宾语省略。 Unit 3三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 There are many casting processes available today, and selecting the best one to produce a particular part depends on several basic factors, such as cost, size

48、, production rate, finish, tolerance, section thickness, physical-mechanical properties, intricacy of design, machinability, and weldability. 目前,有许多铸造方法,对特定铸件所选择的最好的铸造方法,取决于几个基本因素,比如成本、尺寸、生产率、光洁度(我国标准名词术语现称作表面粗糙度)、公差、截面厚度、物理化学特性、设计难度、可加工性和可焊性等。 Unit 32、 Sand casting is best suited for iron and steel

49、 at their high melting temperatures but also predominates for aluminum, brass, bronze, and magnesium. 砂型铸造最适合高温熔化下的铁和钢,同时在铝、黄铜、青铜和镁的铸造中也占主导地位。 3、 Hot forging is defined as the controlled, plastic deformation or working of metals into predetermined shapes by means of pressure or impact blows, or a co

50、mbination of both. 热锻被定义为可控制的金属塑性变形或金属加工,利用压力或冲击打击使金属成为预定的形状,或者是两者的组合。 Unit 34、 Deformation is affected by the stress inherent in the metal, the microstructural characteristics of the starting material, the temperature at which the deformation occurs, the rate at which the deformation occurs, and th

51、e frictional restraint between the material being forged and the die surface. 变形受金属内在的应力、原始材料的微观结构特性、发生变形的温度、发生变形的速度以及被锻材料与锻模表面间的摩擦限制的影响。5、 Therefore, die design and workpiece volume are more critical than in impression-die forging so that complete die filling is achieved without generating excess p

52、ressures due to overfilling. 因此,锻模设计和工件体积比在模膛模锻中更为关键,因为这样可以完全充添锻模而不会由于过量充添而产生过大压力。 Unit 36、 Some of the more widely used forging processes are ring rolling, orbital forging, isothermal forging, incremental forging, roll forging, wedge rolling, and electric upsetting. 一些应用更为广泛的锻造工艺有环锻、轨形锻造、等温锻造、步进锻造、

53、滚锻、楔形轧制和电动镦粗。Unit 4一、单词详解1、compound ln. 复合物,化合物;混合物 When two or more elements combine and form a compound, a chemical change takes place.当两种或两种以上的元素结合形成化合物时, 发生化学变化。lvt. 使混合,使合成 2、powderln. 粉末;粉状物质 The machine pounds the stones into powder.这台机器把石头碾成粉末。lvt. 使成粉末 Unit 43、barrel ln. 桶,【机】圆筒4、provision

54、ln.供应, 提供, 供给The government is responsible for the provision of education for all the children.政府有责任向所有儿童提供教育。l准备,防备make provision for为.作好准备; 为.预先采取措施Unit 45、tension ln. 拉力,张力The elongation of a body in tension above its no-load length is directly proportional to the stretching force 物体在拉伸状态下,其伸长量(相

55、对于无负荷时的长度)与拉伸力成正比。 l紧张6、knockout ln. 脱模装置 7、homogeneous adj. 同性质的,同类的homogeneous light 单色光Unit 48、clamping unit 合模装置 injection unit 注射装置 plunger unit 柱塞装置9、stationary plate 定模板 moving plate 动模板10、semi- lpref. 【前缀】表示“半”、“部分的”、“不完全”之意。 semi-liquid 半液体的semi-automatic 半自动的semi-permanent 半永久的Unit 4二、难句解析

56、1、 The process consists of feeding a plastic compound in powdered or granular form from a hopper through metering and melting stages and then injecting it into a mold. 注射工艺由两部分组成,一是提供粉状或粒状形式的塑料混合物从给料斗通过熔化和定量区,二是将其注射到型腔中。 句中“consist of” 表示“由组成”。 eg. The book consists of thirteen units. 全书共分13个单元。Unit

57、 42、 An injection molding machine is a machine for the converting, processing and forming of raw plastic material of power, pellets into a part of desired shape and configuration. 注射成型机是将粉末状或颗粒状的塑料原料转换、加工并成型为所需要的形状和结构的塑料制品的机器。 句中的“for the converting, processing and forming of raw plastic material of

58、 power, pellets into”是介词短语作后置定语,修饰“machine”。 句中“convert into” 表示“转变成”; “process into”表示“处理成”; “form into”表示“形成”。 Unit 43、 This unit can also provide other features necessary for the effective functioning of the molding operation. 该装置还提供成型工艺有效运行所必须的其它特性。 句中“provide for”表示“为提供”的意思。4、 Tie rods are memb

59、ers of the clamping force actuating mechanism that serve as the tension members of the clamp when it is holding the mold closed. They also serve as a guide member for the movable plate. 拉杆是合模力驱动机构中的一个构件,当夹具保持动模闭合时,拉杆起夹具的拉力构件的作用。对于运动模板,它们也用作导向构件的用途。 “that serve as the tension members of the clamp whe

60、n it is holding the mold closed”是定语从句,修饰“tie rods”;其中“when it is holding the mold closed”是时间状语从句。Unit 45、 The plunger, on each stroke; pushes un-melted plastic material into the chamber, which in turn forces plastic melt at the front of the chamber out through the nozzle. 每次行程,柱塞将待溶化塑料推入加热室,依次将待溶化的塑

61、料挤到加热室前端并通过喷嘴注射到模具中去。 句中“on each stroke” 是时间状语,修饰谓语动词pushes, “ which” 引导非限制性定语从句对“the chamber” 起补充说明作用。 Unit 4三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 The mold, which contains one or more cavities, consists of two basic parts: (1) a stationary molds half on the side where the plastic is injected. (2) A moving half on the closi

62、ng or ejector side of the machine. 具有一个型腔或多个型腔的模具由两个基本部分组成:(1)注射塑料一侧的定模。(2)闭合及顶出机构一侧的动模。 2、 The size and weight of the molded parts limit the number of cavities in the mold and also determine the machinery capacity required. 塑料成型制品的尺寸和重量限制了一副模具中型腔的数目,并且确定了所需的注射机床的生产能力。 Unit 43、 The cavities should b

63、e so arranged around the primary sprue that each receive its full and equal share of the total pressure available, through its own runner system (so-called balanced runner system). 型腔应该安排在主流道的周围,使各型腔能够通过各自的流道系统(称为平衡流道系统)分享并获得充足的总压力。 4、 If change in wall thickness is necessary, avoid abrupt change; s

64、lope gradually from one thickness to next. 如果壁厚有必要变化,则应避免突然变化,应该从一种厚度向另一种厚度渐渐过渡。Unit 45、 Allow sufficient tolerance to compensate for variables in material, tool construction and process. 允许足够的公差,以适应各种不同的原料所制作的塑件结构与成型工艺的需要。Unit 5一、单词详解1、component ln. 元件,构件,部件 Car oil filter is an important component

65、 to protect the work reliability of automotive engine, and extend engine life. 汽车的机油滤清器是保障汽车发动机可靠工作、延长发动机使用寿命的重要部件。 Unit 52、combination ln. 结合, 联合, 合并combination with 与.联(结)合 mixture,combination,compound,composite这些名词均含“混合”之意。区别: mixture 普通用词,指不同类种、性质不同的事物的混合combination 指相混元素的紧密结合,但不一定的是融合compound 特

66、指两种或多种元素构成的化合物。composite 通常可与compound换用,但倾向于指人为的或偶然的结合或凑合。Unit 53、individual ladj.个别的, 单独的, 个人的Students can apply for individual tuition.学生可以申请个别指导。l独特的She has her own individual style of doing things.她有自己独特的行事风格。4、refer to l谈到,提及 l暗示,意指 l参考,查阅 Refer to the dictionary when you dont know how to spell

67、 a word.当你不知道怎么拼写一个词时, 查阅一下词典。l涉及,关于 Unit 55、nut ln. 螺母l坚果6、spring ln. 弹簧,发条l春天7、gear ln. 齿轮,传动装置;(排)挡A car has five gears.汽车有五挡。Unit 58、shaft ln. 轴This is the shaft of a steam engine.这是一个蒸汽机主轴。l箭杆He was wounded by a shaft.他被箭击中受伤。l烟囱, 通风管道;升降机井9、perform lvt. & vi.执行; 履行He not only promised, but per

68、formed.他不仅许下诺言, 而且做到了。Unit 510、capable of 能够做 Susan is capable of hard work.苏珊能胜任艰苦的工作。11、associate lvt. & vi.(使)发生联系, (使)联合; 结交, 结伙I dont associate the two ideas.这两个概念我联系不起来。ln.伙伴, 同事12、key ln.键l钥匙Unit 513、mesh lvi.(机器零件) 啮合 ln.网孔, 筛孔;网状物14、parallel ladj.(指至少两条线)平行的There are two parallel lines.这有两条

69、平行线。15、spur gear 直齿圆柱齿轮 helical gear 斜齿轮 bevel gear 锥齿轮Unit 516、feasible ladj.可行的,行得通的;可能的;合理的;适宜的 This is a feasible scheme.这是一个切实可行的计划。17、seal lvt. 密封She sealed the letter.她把信封上了。ln. 封条l印章l海豹Unit 518、approximately ladv. 大概,近乎 almost,nearly,about,approximately,roughly这些副词均有“大约,差不多”之意。almost 指在程度上相差

70、很小,差不多。nearly 与almost含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。about 常可分almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。approximately 多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。roughly 指按精略估计,常代替about。Unit 519、instead of l代替;作为的替换Shall we have fish instead of meat today?今天我们不吃肉吃鱼好吗?20、hollow ladj. 空的;凹的 【反义词】solid adj. 实心的empty,vac

71、ant , blank , hollow这些形容词都有“空的”之意。empty 指空无一人或一物,或空洞无意义的。vacant 侧重某物或某个位置没有被占用。blank 指上面没有写字、印刷或做记号的空白表面,或指上面留着准备被填写的空白处。 hollow 指物体中间是空的。Unit 5二、难句解析1、 Thus, if a machine is completely dismantled, a collection of simple parts remains such as nuts, bolts, springs, gears, cams and shaftsthe building

72、blocks of all machinery. 因此,如果把机床完全拆开,就可得到像螺母、螺栓、弹簧、齿轮、凸轮及轴等简单零件这是所有机器的标准元件。 “if ” 引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”。 Unit 52、 There are many types of bearings because of variations in the design of rings and separators and in the number of balls. 因为内外圈和保持架设计的多样化以及滚珠数目的不同,所以轴承有许多类型。 句中的“because of ” 表示因为,后接名词或动名词短语表示

73、原因,其作用相当于一个原因状语从句。 3、 In deep-groove ball bearings, the races are approximately one-fourth as deep as the ball diameter. 在深沟径向球轴承中,滚道深度约为滚珠直径的1/4。 句中“approximately” 相当于“about” 或“nearly”。Unit 54、 The increase ball complement make possible a 20 to 40 percent increase in radial-load capacity over that

74、of the normal deep-groove bearing, depending on bearing size. 增加滚珠之后,根据轴承尺寸大小可以使常规深沟滚珠轴承的径向承载能力提高20%40%。 句中的“that” 为指示代词,在句中指代 “capacity”。5、 Self-aligning ball bearings normally have two rows of ball that roll in a common spherical race in the outer ring. 通常自适应球轴承有两列滚珠,它们在外圈的公共球面滚道中滚动。 句中“that roll

75、in a common spherical race in the outer ring” 为定语从句,修饰“rows of ball ”。 Unit 56、 Roller bearing serves the same purpose as ball bearings, but it can support much higher load than comparably sized ball bearing because it has line contact instead of point contact. 滚柱轴承与滚珠轴承的功能一样,但其承受的载荷要大大高于相应尺寸的滚珠轴承,因

76、为它是线接触而不是点接触。 句中“as ball bearings”中的“as”引出比较状语从句,从句中省略谓语动词“serve”或“do”。 “than comparably sized ball bearing”为比较状语从句,从句中省略谓语动词“support”或“do”。 Unit 5三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 standardized procedures have been evolved for determining the material characteristics and size requirements for safe and economical constru

77、ction and operation. 为了使结构和操作安全经济,已经改进了标准化的工艺来确定材料的特性和尺寸需求。 Unit 52、 Solid shafting is obtainable commercially in round bar stock up to 15cm in diameter; it is produced by hot-rolling and cold-drawing or by machine-finishing with diameters in increments of 6mm or less. 实心轴在工业上可以从圆的棒材获得,最大直径可达15厘米;它是

78、由热轧和冷拉延制造的或使用直径增量为6毫米或更小的棒料机械加工而成。3、 The main shaft between the air compressor and the gas turbine in a jet aircraft engine is hollow to permit an internal speed reduction shaft with the minimum requirement of space and weight. 在喷气式飞机发动机内位于空气压缩器和燃气涡轮之间的主轴是空心的,允许有一个需要最小空间和重量的内部减速轴。 Unit 54、 Since the

79、 diameter of the pin is smaller than the hole in the bolt and the slot in the nut, the nut can back off under vibration until these clearances are reduced and the cotter pin jams the assembly. 由于销的直径小于螺栓的孔和螺帽的槽,螺帽会在振动下后退,直至间隙减小,开口销卡住组件为止。5、 Some of the forms of rivets are solid rivets with chamfered

80、 shanks, tubular or hollow rivets, semitubular rivets, swaged rivets, split rivets, and blind rivets. 一些铆钉的形状有带斜柄的实心铆钉、管形或空心铆钉、半管形铆钉、挤压铆钉、开口铆钉、埋头铆钉。 Unit 6一、单词详解1、lathe ln.车床From the garage there came the sound of Derek working a lathe.汽车修理厂那边传来德里克开动车床的声音。2、axis ln.轴The earths axis is the line betwe

81、en the North and South Poles.地轴是南北极之间的线。l轴线, 中心线The axis of a circle is its diameter.圆的轴线是其直径。l坐标轴, 基准线Unit 63、boring ladj.无趣的, 单调的, 乏味的He is a boring person.他是个令人讨厌的人。His speeches are boring.他的演讲单调乏味。ln.镗孔4、versatility ln.多才多艺a man of great versatility十分多才多艺的人l多用途,多功能;可转动性,活动性;易变;反复无常Unit 65、leadsc

82、rewl导螺杆leadscreen铅屏leadscrew导螺杆leadsealadapter铅封接头6、ingenious ladj.灵巧的, 善于创造发明的She is an ingenious girl.她是位很灵巧的姑娘。l设计独特的, 制作精巧的Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions.尽量想想不同寻常的、巧妙的解决方法。Unit 67、thread ln.线; 细线My thread has knotted.我的线打结了。l线索, 思路There is a consistent thread running through all

83、 these policies.所有这些政策中贯穿着一条始终如一的主线。lvt.将(针、线等)穿过The child threaded the beads.这孩子用线把珠子串起来。8、headstock ln.主轴箱Unit 69、tailstock ln.尾架,尾座,顶针座10、backbone ln.脊骨,脊柱;脊骨状物;(船的)龙骨;书脊;骨干,支柱,主力,中坚Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country.农业曾是这个国家的经济支柱。More and more people are deciding that p

84、olitical power must be the backbone of every new advance.越来越多的人认为,政治权力是每前进一步的保证。l骨气;毅力The wounded soldiers showed much backbone before the enemy.受伤的士兵在敌人面前表现出了威武不屈的精神。Standing up to bullies takes plenty of backbone.勇敢地对付暴徒需有大无畏精神。Unit 611、mechanism ln.机械装置He explained how the two mechanisms worked.他

85、解释这两台机械装置是如何工作的。l构造, 机制The mechanism of the machine is very complicated.这台机器的结构是非常复杂的。This is a good mechanism.这是一种好机制。l办法, 技巧, 途径There are no mechanisms for changing the decision.这个决定是无法改变的。Unit 612、thin ladj.薄的; 细的She should wear a thinner shirt in summer.夏天她应该穿薄一点的衬衫。l稀的, 稀疏的, 稀少的I have thin hair

86、.我头发很稀。l瘦的There were two girls there, a fat one and a thin one.那儿有两个姑娘, 一个胖的, 一个瘦的。l弱的, 缺乏力量的, 浅薄的His excuse for being late was very thin.他迟到的借口是无法使人相信的。lvt. & vi.(使)变稀薄, (使)变稀少, (使)变细His hair is thinning.他的头发逐渐稀少了。Unit 613、saddle ln.(马)鞍, 鞍状物Please give me a lift onto the saddle.请扶我上马鞍。l车座The bicyc

87、le saddle is too high for this child.这辆自行车车座对这孩子来说太高了。lvt. & vi.给(马)装鞍He saddled his horse, mounted, and rode away at a gallop.他给马套上鞍子, 跨上马背疾驰而去。lvt.使承担He saddled his parents with heavy debts.他让父母背上了沉重的债务。Unit 614、uniform ln.制服Soldiers, policemen, and nurses wear uniforms.士兵、警察和护士们都穿制服。ladj.全都相同的, 一

88、律的, 清一色的The windows in the house are all uniform.房子里的窗户都是一样的。15、clamp lvt. & vi.夹紧; 夹住Clamp the two pieces of wood together until the glue dries.用夹钳把两块木板夹紧, 等胶水干了再松开。ln.夹具He used a clamp to hold the arm on the chair until the glue dried.他用夹子将扶手夹在椅子上, 直到胶水干后再取下。Unit 616、rough ladj.粗糙的; 不平的This paper

89、feels rough.这纸摸起来很粗糙。l粗鲁的; 粗暴的; 粗野的; 剧烈的Football is a rough sport.足球是一种很剧烈的运动。l粗制的; 粗略的; 概略的As the jewel was in the rough state, he had no idea what size it would be when cut.这块宝石未经琢磨, 他不知道加工后有多大。l(味道、声音等)令人不快的; 难吃的; 刺耳的The little boy has a rough tongue.这个小男孩讲话很不中听。Unit 617、aligning ln.矫正(路线),(直线)对准

90、18、dial ln.钟(表)面; 标度盘; 拨号盘My watch has a luminous dial so I can see it in the dark.我的表有个发光的针盘, 因此在暗处可以看见时间。lvt. & vi.打电话, 拨电话号码Do you often dial home?你常给家里打电话吗?He dials his favourite station every morning.他每天早晨调拨收听他最喜欢的电台。Unit 6二、难句解析1、 It is a machine tool for cutting metal from the surface of a ro

91、und work fastened between the two lathe centers and turning around its axis. 它是一种机床,用来切削装夹在车床两顶尖之间并且围绕轴线旋转的圆形工件表面的金属。 Cutting metal turning around its axis: 动名词短语,充当介词for的宾语;其中fasten between the two lathe centers是过去分词短语,turning around its axis是现在分词短语,二者属于后置定语,修饰work。Unit 6 2、 The headstock incorpora

92、tes the driving and gear mechanism, and a spindle which holds the workpiece and causes it to rotate at a speed which depends largely on the diameter of the workpiece. 主轴箱内装有驱动装置与齿轮机构,以及夹持工件并使其旋转的主轴。工件转速很大程度上取决于工件的直径。 本句从第一个which开始至全句句尾为一个定语从句,修饰先行词spindle,在该定语从句中还嵌套另一个定语从句(即从本句的第二个which开始至全句句尾为止)。后一

93、定语从句修饰先行词speed。Unit 6 3、 the cutting speed of the tool is what matters. 这与刀具切削速度有很大关系。句中what matters是一表语从句,what相当于that、which或the thing that。 4、 The chuck, usually mounted on the head-stock spindle, may be chucked in the so-called three-jaw universal chuck, all the jaws of which are moved to the cent

94、er by turning the screw. 卡盘(通常装在床头箱主轴上面)可以卡在所谓的三爪万能卡盘中,所有的卡爪都可通过转动螺杆朝中心运动。 usually mountedspindle:过去分词短语,后置定语,修饰chuck。three-jaw universal:复合形容词,充当定语,修饰chuck。 which引导定语从句,修饰 three-jaw universal chuck,which指代“chuck”。Unit 6 5、 A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinal

95、ly thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location. 底座与床身的内侧导轨配合,并可以在导轨上做纵向移动,底座上有一个可以使整个尾座组件夹紧在任意位置上的装置。 fit on 安装,穿上;means n. 方法,手段,工具。 6、 The transverse bar of the carriage contains ways on which the cross slide is mounted and can be moved by means of a feed screw t

96、hat is controlled by a small handwheel and a graduated dial. 大拖板上有横向导轨,使横向拖板可以安装在上面,并通过丝杠使其运动,丝杠由一个小手柄和刻度盘控制。 on which引出定语从句修饰ways;关系代词that引出定语从句,修饰a feed screw。Unit 6三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 According to the position of the spindle, the milling machines may be divided into two groups of vertical spindle millin

97、g machines and horizontal spindle milling machines. 根据主轴的位置,铣床可分为立式铣床和卧式铣床两大类。2、 The most important parts of the milling machine are starting levers, spindle, column, knee, elevating screw, table, index head, speed levers, feed levers, table movement levers, foot stock, arbor yoke. 铣床的主要零部件有启动手柄、主轴、

98、立柱、升降台、升降螺杆、工作台、分度台、调速手柄、进给手柄、工作台移动手柄、床身和刀杆支架。Unit 63、 A grinding machine is a machine which employs a grinding wheel for producing cylindrical, conical or plane surfaces accurately and economically and to the proper shape, size, and finish. 用砂轮对圆柱、圆锥或平面进行准确和经济的加工,并获得正确的形状、尺寸及表面粗糙度的机床称为磨床。4、 A slidi

99、ng table, which is mounted on ways at the front and top of the base, may be moved longitudinally by hand or power to feed work-pieces past the face of the grinding wheel. 安装在床身前面和顶部轨道上的滑动工作台可以由手动或机动操作沿纵向使工件经过砂轮表面做进给运动。Unit 65、 The headstock center on a grinder is a dead center; that is both centers

100、are “dead”to insure concentricity of the periphery of groundwork with its axis. 磨床头架顶尖是死顶尖,也就是说,两个顶尖都是固定的,以保证被磨削工件的外圆面与其中心线的同轴度。Unit 7一、单词详解1、chip ln.碎片When you sharpen a pencil, you make chips.你削铅笔时, 会削下许多碎屑。l缺口Theres a chip in this cup.这杯子上有个缺口。l集成电路片lvt. & vi.(使)切掉碎片This china chips easily.这瓷器很容易

101、碎。Unit 72、twist lvt. & vi.扭, 搓, 缠绕He twisted the three ropes to make one very strong rope.他把三根绳子搓在一起, 做成了一根结实的绳子。lvt.转动; 拧You have to twist the lid off, not pull it.盖子是拧开的, 不是拉开的。l歪曲; 曲解They always twisted the facts to suit their purpose.为了达到自己的目的, 他们总是歪曲事实。ln.拧, 旋转, 扭转Give the knob a twist.拧一下门把。l转

102、折, 转变Theres an unusual twist to the plot at the end of the book.在这本书的末尾, 情节发生了不寻常的转折。Unit 73、cylindrical ladj.圆柱形的;圆筒状的;气缸(或滚筒)的Beer cans are cylindrical.啤酒罐子是圆筒形的。4、severity ln.严格, 严厉, 苛刻His severity scared the children away.他的严厉吓跑了孩子们。l严重;剧烈The average speed of the vehicles correlates closely with

103、 the severity of the accident caused.平均车速与所引起事故的严重程度密切相关。l朴素;简洁;严厉的对待, 艰苦的环境She wagged her finger with mock severity.她故作严厉地摆了摆手指。Unit 75、hardness ln.坚硬The old snow has compacted into the hardness of ice.雪堆积久了变得像冰那样坚实。Even the years of military training had not muscled him into hardness.甚至几年的军事操练也未曾使

104、他增强体质。l硬性;硬度;困难;冷酷,严厉6、friction ln.摩擦; 摩擦力Oil can reduce friction.润滑油能减小摩擦力。l冲突, 不和When Joan returned to work, the friction between them increased.琼回来工作后, 他们之间的摩擦加剧了。Unit 77、abrasion ln.磨损,擦掉Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion.钻石极抗磨损。l擦伤处,磨损处The bacteria get into humans through abrasions in

105、 the skin.细菌可以通过擦伤处进入人体。l摩擦;刺激;磨蚀(作用)8、proportional ladj.比例的, 成比例的The dwarfs long arms were not proportional to his height.那侏儒的长臂与他的身高不成比例。Unit 79、drill ln.钻头, 钻床He used a drill to bore a hole in the door.他用钻在门上钻孔。l操练, 训练lvt. & vi.钻(孔); 打(眼)The dentist drilled my tooth.牙医在我的牙齿上钻孔。操练, 训练The recruits

106、drilled regularly.新兵们定时操练。10、reamer ln.钻孔器,刀,铰床Unit 711、bent ladj.弯的a piece of bent wire 一段弯曲的金属丝ln.倾向, 爱好He has a bent for music.他爱好音乐。l排架;横向构架;苇草;荒地;草茎;草梗12、dull ladj.不鲜明的, 不清楚的, 晦暗的The room is dull.这个房间很阴暗。l迟钝的, 呆笨的;枯燥无味的;钝的, 不锋利的The knife is dull.那把刀很钝。Unit 713、constant ladj.始终如一的, 恒久不变的In our w

107、orld nothing seems constant.在我们这个世界上似乎没有东西是永恒不变的。l不断的, 连续发生的In history, change is constant.在历史上, 变化是不断的。l忠实的, 忠诚的The seeing eye dog was the blind mans constant companion.导盲犬是盲人的忠实伙伴。14、velocity ln.速度A bullet goes from this gun with a velocity of 3000 feet per second.此枪射出的子弹, 其速度为每秒3000英尺。Unit 715、cu

108、rve ln.曲线, 弧线The population curve has slowed down.人口曲线已趋平缓。l曲线状物, 弯曲物The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road.汽车在路上转弯时放慢了速度。lvt. & vi.(使)弯成弧形The missile curved gracefully towards its target.导弹呈优美的曲线状飞向目标。16、cubic ladj.立方形的, 立方体的That is a room with a volume of 30 cubic feet.那是一个

109、30立方英尺的房间。Unit 717、compromise ln.妥协, 折中方法The spokesman made it clear that no compromise was yet in sight.发言人表明, 目前还不会妥协。lvi.折中解决lvt.连累, 危害, 损害Such conduct will compromise your reputation.这些举动将会损害你的名誉。18、extend lvt. & vi.(空间、时间等)延伸; 延续lvt.延长; 扩展; 达到(某一点)France has greatly extended its influence in wo

110、rld affairs.在世界事务中, 法国的影响已大大地扩大了。l尽可能地伸开(身体某部);给予, 提供, 发出Unit 719、reasonably ladv.明辨道理地,合理地;有理性地Did the BBC act reasonably in sacking the journalist?英国广播公司开除该记者做得合理吗?Auditors will be required to provide any information reasonably requested by the bank.审计员必须提供银行合理索要的任何信息。From this study we can reason

111、ably infer that this behaviour is inherited.根据这项研究我们可以合理地推断出这种行为是遗传的。l相当地,适度地His description had been reasonably accurate.他的描述相当准确。Im reasonably broad across the shoulders.我的肩膀相当宽。Unit 7二、难句解析1、 Metal cutting tools must possess a variety of different properties in order to cut the different metal un

112、der varying conditions of severity. 金属切削刀具必须具有许多不同性能才能在各种恶劣条件下切削不同的金属。 possess a variety of different properties (拥有许多不同的性能),in order to + v. (为了),under conditions of(在条件下)。Unit 72、A cutting tool is wear-resistant if it resists abrasion at the cutting edge and along the tool face. Wear resistance im

113、proves as cutting tool hardness increases. 如果切削刀具的刃口和刀面耐磨,刀具就不易磨损。切削刀具的硬度越高,耐磨性就越好。 wear-resistant(耐磨的),if 引导条件状语从句,as 也引导一个状语从句。Unit 73、By tool life is meant the time of cutting until the tool becomes too worn to do its work effectively and must be sharpened. 刀具耐用度是指刀具磨损过大以致无法有效地切削而必须刃磨之前的切削时间。(1)b

114、y+名词 A+ is meant +名词B “A是指B”或“A就是B” 这是科技英语中对某一术语下定义时常用的句型。主语是名词B,放在谓语动词is meant 的后面,是一个倒装句。例如:By cutting speed is meant the rate at which the work passes the cutter.切削速度是指工件通过刀具的速度。Unit 7(2)too+形容词或副词+ to V “太(以致)不”这种句型中,后面的to V有否定的意义。如:This problem is too difficult to understand.这个问题太难,理解不了。Modern

115、high-strength alloys are often too hard to machine. 现代高强度合金常常硬得难以机械加工。4、 Although it cannot be universally applied, many cutting operations on most materials obey the empirical relationship: 虽然下述经验公式不能普遍适用,但对大多数材料的许多切削加工是成立的: 代词it是指后面主句中的the empirical relationship。英语中有时人称代词先出现,而所代的名词在后,译成汉语时,要作适当处理。

116、Unit 75、where V is the cutting speed in surface meters per second, T is the tool life in cutting seconds, and C is a constant, subject to the variables of work material, cutting tool material, tool shape, and other factors. 式中,V是切削速度,以米/秒表示;T是刀具耐用度,以切削秒数表示;C是一个常数,随工件材料、刀具材料、刀具形状和其它因素而变化。 where 引出的从句

117、,说明上面的公式。这种场合where一般译成“式中”、“其中”。 本句中 subject to 是形容词短语,说明前面的名词 a constant; subject to 表示“以为条件”,“受制于”。Unit 76、Obviously the fastest possible machining speed will give the lowest cost per cubic millimeter of chips, if no other factors are involved. 显然,若不涉及其它因素,以可能达到的最高切削速度来加工,就能使切削每立方毫米切屑的成本最低。 possib

118、le 用在形容词的最高级后面,用来加重语气,可译成“尽可能”、“能时”。如: the best means possible 尽可能好的方法Unit 7三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 This angle is most significant in the machining process, because it directly affects the cutting force, finish, and tool life. 背前角对加工过程影响很大,它直接影响刀具的切削力、表面光洁度(现用表面粗糙度值表示)以及刀具耐用度。2、 To save time, a portion of the

119、end flank of the tool may sometimes be left unground, having been previously forged to size. 为了节省磨刀时间,刀具端后刀面的一部分有时可以直接锻造成形,而不需要进行磨削。Unit 73、 Historically, high carbon steel was the earliest cutting material used industrially, but it has now been almost entirely superseded since it starts to temper a

120、t about 220C and this irreversible softening process continues as temperature increases. 在刀具历史上,高碳钢是最早用于工业上的刀具材料,但目前已几乎全部被废弃不用了,因为它在220C左右开始回火,而且这种软化过程随着温度升高而继续。4、 The chemical composition of these steels varies greatly, but they basically contain about 0.7% carbon and 4% chromium, with additions of

121、 tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum and cobalt in varying percentages. 这些钢的化学成分差别很大,但基本都含有大约0.7%碳和4%铬,另外还有比例不一的钨、钒、钼和钴。Unit 75、 Because of the comparatively high cost of this tool material and its low rupture strength, it is normally produced in the form of tips which are either brazed to a steel shank

122、or mechanically champed in a specially designed holder. 因为较高成本和较低的断裂强度,它们通常以刀片形式铜焊在钢制刀柄上或机械夹持在特制夹具上。6、 The uses of other forms of coating with aluminum oxide and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride are still in an experimental stage, but it is likely that they will have important applications when m

123、achining cast iron, hardened steels and high melting point alloys. 使用氧化铝涂层和多晶立方氮化硼的其他涂层尚处于实验阶段,但它们很可能在加工铸铁、淬硬钢和高熔点合金时有重要应用。Unit 8一、单词详解1、salient ladj.显著的,重要的,主要的He took me around our new offices, pointing out all the salient features.他领我去我们的新办公室参观,并一一指出显著特色。l(指角)凸出的ln.凸角;进攻或防卫阵地的突出部分2、modulate lvt.调

124、整,调节; (使)缓和;调整或改变(嗓音)的音调to modulate your voice 调节嗓音l(对波幅、频率的)调制;转调Unit 83、versatility ln.多才多艺a man of great versatility十分多才多艺的人l多用途,多功能;可转动性,活动性;易变;反复无常4、hinder lvt. & vi.阻碍; 妨碍Heavy snow hindered construction work.大雪阻碍了建筑工程的进展。Nobody wants to hinder your doing that.谁也不想阻止你做那件事。Unit 85、remote ladj.(

125、时间上)遥远的; (亲属关系上)远的The thing happened in the remote past.这件事发生在遥远的过去。l远离的, 遥远的; 偏僻的At night I like to look at the remote stars in the clear sky.晚上我喜欢观看晴朗的夜空中遥远的星星。l冷淡的, 疏远的, 漠不关心的Her manner was polite but remote.她彬彬有礼, 却十分冷淡。l微小的; 轻微的Im afraid your chances of success are rather remote.我担心你成功的机会极小。Uni

126、t 86、retract lvt. & vi.撤回或撤消You may retract that statement.你可以撤回那个声明。l拒绝执行或遵守;缩回, 拉回A cat can retract its claws, but a dog cant.猫的爪子可以缩进去, 但狗不能。7、cumbersome ladj.沉重的, 笨重的, 转动不灵的Its rather cumbersome having to carry all these cases around.把这些箱子都带着走动是件相当麻烦的事。Unit 88、oceanography ln.海洋学How did you beco

127、me interested in oceanography?你是怎样对海洋学产生兴趣的?9、obsolete ladj.已不用的;已废弃的;过时的an obsolete design 过时的设计Electronic banking may make overthe- counter transactions obsolete.电子银行服务也许会淘汰柜台交易。These goods are obsolete and will not fetch much on the market.这些货品过时了, 在市场上卖不了高价。Unit 810、panacea ln.治百病的药,万灵药the disco

128、very of the panacea 万灵药的发现11、drawback ln.缺点, 不利条件; 障碍Everything has its drawback.凡事皆有不足之处。12、messy ladj.肮脏的Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。Unit 813、ignite lvt. & vi.点燃; 引发Petrol ignites very easily.汽油很容易着火。The blast was caused by pockets of methane gas that ignited.爆炸是由数

129、袋甲烷气体着火引起的。He ignited the fireworks.他点燃了烟花。The rock and roll ignites the excitement of the audience.摇滚乐激起了观众的热情。14、compressor ln.压气机;压缩机They used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air, compress it, and force it into the cabin.他们用一台空气压缩机把大气中的空气吸进来,加以压缩,然后送入船舱。Unit 815、vane ln.风向标;风信旗;叶,翼the va

130、ne of an arrow 箭上的羽片l反复无常的人;瞄准板;(鸟的)羽片vaned ladj.变化不定的;反复无常的16、contaminant ln.污染物,致污物houses made uninhabitable by radioactive contaminant 受放射性污染物影响而不适合居住的房子Unit 817、regulator ln.调节器; 校准器; 整时器18、mist ln.薄雾The towers were shrouded in mist.城楼被蒙上薄雾。l视线模糊不清The hills were shrouded in mist.群山被蒙上薄雾。She saw

131、his face through a mist of tears.她泪眼朦胧地望着他的脸。lvt. & vi.(使)蒙上薄雾, (使)模糊Tears misted her eyes.眼泪使她的双眼模糊了。Unit 819、moisture ln.水分, 水气, 湿气The moisture in the air makes it humid today.今天空气中水气大, 天气很潮湿。lvt.使防潮20、corrosion ln.腐蚀;受腐蚀的部位a building whose structure is suffering from corrosion 一座结构正受到腐蚀的建筑物a meta

132、l that is highly resistant to corrosion特别抗腐蚀的金属Corrosion is not covered by the warranty.腐蚀不在保修范围之内。Unit 821、muffler ln.围巾The colors of your coat, hat and muffler shall harmonize.你外套、帽子和围巾的色彩应该协调。l消声器noise mufflerThe driver deadened the noise of the car with a new muffler.司机安装了新的消声器减少汽车嗓音。22、viscosit

133、y ln.黏稠;黏性viscosity exponent 粘度指数viscosity factor 粘度系数absolute viscosity 绝对粘度lipuid viscosity 液体粘性Unit 823、airborne ladj.在空中的,(飞机)在飞行中的Our plane has lifted off the runway and is now airborne.我们的飞机已经离开跑道,在空中飞行。The old plane had great difficulty getting airborne.这架旧飞机很难升空。The albatross can stay airbor

134、ne at sea for days at a time.信天翁在海上可以一连在空中待几天。l空运的,空中运输的;机载的This concentration of airborne firepower wrought havoc with the enemy forces.这次机载火力的集中攻击给敌军造成很大破坏。l空气传播的;空降的Unit 824、hoist lvt.把吊起, 升起The sailors hoisted the cargo onto the deck.水手们把货物吊到甲板上。The war hoisted prices.战争使物价上涨。ln.吊起; 举起; 提升;起重器械2

135、5、riveting ladj.饶有趣味的,非常精彩的,引人入胜的ln.铆接(法)circumferential riveting圆周铆钉法diamond riveting菱形铆接Unit 8二、难句解析1、in short, very few people get through a day of their lives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics. 简而言之,在日常生活中很少有人不从液压技术中得到某种益处。 very few without 很少不,有否定之否定的含义。2、 Pneumatic s

136、ystems normally use a large centralized air compressor which is considered to be an infiniter air source similar to an electrical system where you merely plug into an electrical outlet for electricity. 气压系统通常考虑采用大的中央空气压缩机作为一个无限量的气源,这类似于电力系统,只要将插头插入插座便可获得电能。形容词短语similar to an electrical system 是定语,修饰

137、air source.Where = in which 引导定语从句修饰 an electrical system.Unit 83、 While pneumatic pressures are quite low due to compressor design limitations ( less than 250 psi ), hydraulic pressures can be as high as 10000 psi. Thus, hydraulics can be high-power systems, whereas pneumatics are confined to low-p

138、ower applications. 气压系统由于压缩机局限其系统压力相当低(低于250 psi),而液压力可达10000psi之高,因此液压系统可以是大功率系统,而气动系统仅限于小功率系统的应用。Unit 8三、阅读材料难句翻译1、Control valves must operate properly, no matter how sophisticated the automation system or how accurate the instrumentation. Without proper valve operation you cannot achieve high yie

139、lds, quality products, maximum profits, and energy conservation. 不管自动控制多么完善,也不管仪表多么精确,控制阀必须要正常工作。阀门工作不正常,不可能获得高的产量、合格的产品、最大的效益和能源的节约。Unit 82、 Foreign material in the pipeline could damage the seating surface of the valve or even obstruct the movement of the valve plug, ball, or disk so that the valv

140、e does not shut off properly. 管道中的异物可能会损坏阀门的密封表面甚至阻碍阀芯、球或者碟板的运动而造成阀门不能正确关闭。3、 Do not use sealant on the female threads because excess compound on the female threads could be forced into the valve body. 不要在阴螺纹上涂密封剂,因为在阴螺纹上多余的密封剂会被挤进阀体内。Unit 84、 Most control valves can be installed in any position, ho

141、wever, the most common method is with the actuator vertical and above the valve body. If horizontal actuator mounting is necessary, consider additional vertical support for the actuator. 绝大部分的控制阀可以安装在任何位置,但是,最常用的方法是将执行机构垂直放置并位于阀门的上部,如果执行机构水平安装是必须的,则考虑对执行机构增加一个额外的垂直支撑。5、This precaution is particularl

142、y important when connecting to flanges that are not the same material as the valve flanges. 当连接法兰和阀门法兰材质不一样时,这种预防措施就显得尤为重要。Unit 9一、单词详解1、mechatronics ln.机电一体化2、coin ln.硬币These coins are not equal value.这些硬币的币值不等。lvt.制造硬币These pennies were coined at the mint in London.这些便士钱币是伦敦一家制币厂铸造的。l创造Unit 93、ada

143、ptable ladj.可适应的,有适应能力的He is an adaptable man and will soon learn the new work.他是个适应性很强的人,很快就将学会这种工作。Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。l适合的,适宜的The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts.这土壤适宜于花生的生长。l可改编的Many old market buildings have proved highly a

144、daptable.许多古老的市场建筑已经证明有很大的改建潜力。Unit 94、discipline lvt.训练, 训导She must have been well disciplined for her orderliness.她有条不紊, 一定受过良好的训练。They disciplined him to be patient.他们培养他有耐心。l处罚, 惩罚The boy was often disciplined for staying away from school.那孩子常因为逃学而受到处罚。ln.训练, 锻炼, 训导She needs the discipline of ha

145、ving to write an essay every week.她需要进行每周写一篇文章的训练。l学科Mathematics and physics are related disciplines.数学和物理是相关学科。Unit 95、boundary ln.分界线The boundaries of that country were changed by a treaty.那个国家的边界根据条约有所更动。l界线, 范围The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.那个球被正站在边界内的守场员接住了。6

146、、synergistic ladj. 增效的;协作的;互相作用促进的7、merging ln.合并(分类)Unit 98、integration ln.结合;整合;一体化This was the greatest event in the annals of European integration.这是欧洲统一史上最重大的事件。We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.我们正在努力实现欧盟內部更加紧密的政治一体化。l(不同肤色、种族、宗教信仰等的人的)混合,融合9、algorithm ln.运算法

147、则Unit 910、monitor ln.监视器, 监听器; 检测器Watch the monitor and tell me if the level goes above forty decibels.看着监测器, 如果超过40分贝就告诉我。l(学校)班长; 纠察员He will make a good monitor for them.他将成为他们的好班长。lvt.监听, 监视This instrument monitors the patients heartbeats.这台仪器监听病人的心跳。You must monitor the latest intelligence on ar

148、maments.你们必须密切注意有关军备的最新情报。l监测, 检测They were monitoring the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions.他们正在检测高空空气以收集原子爆炸的证据。Unit 911、adjust lvt. & vi.(改变以)适应; 调整; 校正The man adjusted very precisely.那个人调得很准。12、utilize lvt.利用, 使用The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.厨师要用吃剩的猪腿骨做

149、汤。It is to be hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilized than before.希望在她的新岗位上她的才干能够比以往得到更好的发挥。Unit 913、novel ln.(长篇)小说England is the birthplace of the modern novel.英国是近代小说发源地。ladj.新奇的; 新颖的; 新的He has a novel proposal of his own for meeting unemployment.他想出了一条独特的对付失业问题的新建议。14、manip

150、ulation ln.(熟练的)操作;操纵;控制People think that the investigation was independent, but in fact a lot of political manipulation went on.人们以为调查是独立进行的,但事实上有很多政治力量的操控。l(对账目等的)伪造,篡改The government has disguised the true situation by clever manipulation of the figures.政府巧妙地用数字掩盖了事实真相。Unit 915、sophisticated ladj.

151、老练的; 老于世故的Mr. Smith is a sophisticated world traveler.史密斯先生是一位老练的环球旅行家。She has become very sophisticated since she went to live in London.移居伦敦后她变得世故多了。l精密的, 尖端的This is a very sophisticated machine.这是一台非常精密的机器。l高雅的, 有教养的16、precision ln.精确度, 准确(性)Precision instruments are used to help pilots in guidin

152、g their aircraft.精密仪器用来帮助飞行员操作飞机。Unit 917、flexibility ln.柔韧性;机动性,灵活性flexibility over the deadline 最后期限的弹性an initiative to encourage greater flexibility in teaching and learning 鼓励加大教与学灵活性的举措Her great strength lies in her flexibility.她的优势在于她灵活变通。A freelance career has the attraction of flexibility.自由

153、职业具有诱人的灵活性。Flexibility of labour was obtained through the breakup of old trade union structures.打破了旧的工会结构之后,雇用劳工可以灵活处理。Unit 918、implementation ln.贯彻,执行Detailed implementation of the plans was left to the regional offices.这些计划由各地区办事处来具体执行。A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace p

154、lan is back on track.联合国发言人坚持认为和平方案的执行已回到正轨。19、installation ln.安装, 设置; 就职;装置, 设备;军事设施Unit 920、integrated ladj.整体的;完全的;综合的;集成的;整合的an integrated business software package 集成商用软件包This is a semiconductor integrated circuit.这是一个半导体集成电路。This computer program can be integrated with existing programs.这套计算机程

155、序可以与现有的程序整合在一起。l结合的;连成一体的Immigrants are integrated into the community.移民与该地区的居民融为一体。They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。l互相协调的a highly integrated approach to planning 高度协调的制订计划方法Unit 9二、难句解析1、This, of course, is something many forward-thinking designers and en

156、gineers have been doing for years. 当然,这也是很多具有超前思想的设计师和工程师多年来一直致力于的事情。 这里的this指代的是上句to create more functional and adaptable products;something后省略了that,不定代词如someting, anything, nothing, everything, etc.后面的定语从句只能用that引导。Unit 92、A Japanese engineer from Yasukawa Electric Company coined the term“mechatro

157、nics”in 1969 to reflect the merging of mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines. 1969年Yasukawa电气公司的一位日本工程师杜撰出了这个新英文单词“mechatronics”(机电一体化),来反映机械与电气工程学科的融合。 Coin 作动词用,是杜撰之意,to reflect the merging of 是不定式作目的状语。3、Mechatronics gained legitimacy in academic circles in 1996 with the publication o

158、f the first referred journal: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 随着1996年电气与电子工程师协会/美国机械工程师协会的机电一体化学报的创刊,机电一体化在学术圈正式获得承认。 with the publication of 随着的出版。IEEE/ASME是电气与电子工程师协会/美国机械工程师协会的缩写词。Unit 94、Advanced Manufacturing Technology is a modern method of production incorporating highly automated and

159、 sophisticated computerized design and operational systems. 先进制造技术是一种现代的生产方式,它使高度自动化和成熟的计算机设计与制造系统紧密地结合在一起。 “incorporating”在句子做定语,译为“结合”。5、Advanced manufacturing technology is typically reflected by the achievements in high precision and sophisticated automation manufacturing operations. 典型的,先进制造技术反

160、映了高精度和先进制造过程的最新成就。 “the achievements in”译为“以的成就”。Unit 9三、阅读材料难句翻译1、The advantage of such a production system is its high flexibility in terms of the small effort and short time required to manufacture a new product, and therefore it is denoted as a flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ). 这样一种生产系统的优势在

161、于其高度的适应性,这种高度的适应性就依据省力省时的原则制造出新的产品,因此,这个系统就称为柔性制造系统。Unit 92、 Future FMS will contain many manufacturing cells, each cell consisting of a robot serving several CNC machine tools or other stand-alone systems such as an inspection machine, a welder, an EDM machine, etc. 未来的FMS将包含许多制造单元,每个单元包括一台机器人,该机器人

162、同时服务于若干台CNC机床或其它象测量机、焊机、电火花加工机床等独立的系统。3、 Although CIM encompasses many of the other advanced manufacturing technologies such as computer numerical control(CNC), CAD/CAM, robotics, and just-in-time delivery (JIT), it is more than a new technology or a new concept. 虽然它包括计算机数控(CNC)、计算机辅助设计与制造(CAD/CAM)、

163、机器人技术和及时生产(JIT)等许多不同的先进制造技术,CIM与其说是一种新的技术,还不如说是一个新的概念。Unit 94、With CIM, not only are the various elements automated, but also the islands of automation are all linked together or integrate. Integration means that a system can provide complete and instantaneous sharing of information. In modern manuf

164、acturing, integration is accomplished by computers. With this background, CIM can now be defined as the total integration of all manufacturing elements through the use of computers. 有了CIM,不仅各个要素可以实现自动化,而且所有的“自动化岛”之间都能连接即集成起来。集成意味着系统能够提供完全和即时的信息共享。在现代制造中,集成是借助于计算机实现的。因此,CIM现在可以被定义为利用计算机实现所有的要素之间的完全集成

165、。Unit 10一、单词详解1、versatile ladj.(指工具、机器等)多用途的,多功能的 多才多艺的 A versatile person is often good at a number of different things.多才多艺的人通常擅长许多种不同的事情。2、influence ln.影响lvt.影响, 感化Its all too easy to be influenced by our parents.我们容易受父母的影响。Unit 10affect,influence,impress这些动词均含“影响”之意。affect 作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的

166、消极影响。influence 侧重在思想、性格、行为等方面所产生的潜移默化的影响,也可指自然力的影响。impress 强调影响既深刻又持久。3、overcome lvt. 克服,解决He has enough courage to overcome the difficulty.他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。Unit 104、concern lvt. 有关于,关系到It doesnt concern me at all.此事与我毫不相干。ln.关心的事,重要的事l企业 5、restricted ladj.受限制的, 被约束的Access to employees records is rest

167、ricted.查阅雇员档案的权利是受到限制的。restrictedly adv.有限地,受约束地restrictedness n.有限,约束Unit 106、connect lvt.(使)连接;连结 Will this lamp light up if I connect the battery? 如果我把电池接上,这灯会亮吗? l注意到.有关联;把.联系起来 I cannot connect the two things in my mind.在我心中, 我无法将这两件事情联系在一起。l为(某人)接通电话 The telephone operator connected us.话务员给我们接

168、通了电话。Unit 107、transfer lvt. & vi.转移; 迁移I intend to transfer the property to my son.我想把这笔财产转给我儿子。l中转,换乘;转学;转让move,shift,transfer这些动词均可表示“从一处移往另一处”之意。 move普通用词,指从一处到另一外的任何距离的转移。shift侧重位置与方向的改变。transfer一般表示转送或移交迁移,尤指交通运输中的换乘或职务的调动等。Unit 108、prohibit lvt. 阻止,禁止Many societies prohibit marriages between b

169、lood relatives. 很多社会都禁止近亲结婚。 【反义词】allow; permit; let9、lead to l导致 An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.一场普通的感冒很快便会引起高烧。l(道路)通向All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。Unit 1010、significant ladj. 有效的significant figure 有效数字l有意义的l意味深长的He gave her a significant look.他意味深长地看了她一眼。l重要的, 重大的A significant cause o

170、f mismanagement is the granting of authority without exacting responsibility.管理不善的一个重要原因是只授予职权而不给明确责任。 Unit 1011、magnetic ladj. 磁的,磁性的 magnetic disc 磁盘l有吸引力的She is magnetic.她很有吸引力。12、principle ln.原则, 原理Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle.各方都说绝不放弃自己的原则。l(行为)准则 Unit 1013、ident

171、ical ladj. 完全同样的,相同的;同一的 alike,like,similar,comparable,parallel,uniform,identical这些形容词均有“相似的,类似的”之意。alike指事物在性质、特征或外貌上固有的而不是偶然的相似。普通用词,只作表语。 like普通用词,含义广泛,指多个或全部特性都相似,但并非同一个,也可指在某个特殊的偶然相似。similar强调不同的人或事物之间完全或部分相似,暗示可暂不考虑或无视其差异之处。comparable指在某一点或几点上有相似之处,可作有限或粗略的对比,尤指在价值或能力等方面可相提并论。parallel主要指在外表或在性

172、质上相似到有可以相提并论的程度。uniform指在性质、数量、形态或程度等方面相似到很难看出差异的地步。 identical语气最强,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。Unit 1014、advanced ladj.超前的, 先进的His ideas are advanced, and only a few people could understand him.他的思想是先进的, 只有少数人能理解他。l高级的, 高等的15、tolerance ln.偏差, 公差l宽容, 容忍16、disposal ln. 处理,解决;清除,销毁 The safe disposal of n

173、uclear waste is a major problem.安全处置核废料是个大问题。Unit 10二、难句解析1、 On the first Numerically Controlled (NC) machines were controlled by tape, and because of that, the NC systems were known as tape-controlled machines. 由于最初数控机床的数据是由纸带控制的,因此数控系统被称为纸带控制机床。 句中的“that”指代上一句“On the first Numerically Controlled (

174、NC) machines were controlled by tape”。 Unit 102、 Normally, new systems are faster, more powerful, and more versatile. 一般来说,这种新系统加工速度更快,功率更大,功能更强。 以“ly”结尾的副词(句中的Normally)单独作状语放在句首时,通常作评注性状语。3、 No matter how big the work series is, all of the parts will be almost identical in size and surface finishin

175、g. 无论工件批量有多大,所有零部件在尺寸和表面精度上几乎是一致的。 句中“No matter how”引导让步状语从句。 Unit 10三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 When the operator starts the execution cycle, the computer translates binary codes into electronic pulses which are automatically sent to the machines power units. 当操作者开始执行循环时,计算机将二进制代码翻译成电脉冲,并自动地送给机床的控制单元。2、 When the

176、motors receive each pulse, they automatically transform the pulses into rotations that drive the spindle and lead screw, causing the spindle rotation and slide or table movement. 电动机每接收一个脉冲,就自动地将脉冲信号转换成旋转信号从而驱动主轴和丝杠,带动主轴旋转和拖板或工作台的移动。 Unit 103、 The computer reacts on. As with all computers, the CNC m

177、achine computer works on a binary principle using only two characters 1 and 0, for information processing precise time impulses from the circuit. 如所有其它计算机,CNC机床的计算机也是根据二进制原理,只有两个字符1和0作为电路的时间脉冲信息。4、 The movement pulses are sent out by the control and they are received by a special type of servomotor

178、called a stepper motor. 移动脉冲由控制单元发出,并被一种称为步进电机的特殊伺服电动机所接收。 Unit 105、 The advantage of the open-loop control system is that it is less expensive, since it does not require the additional hardware and electronics needed for positioning feedback. 开环控制系统的好处是成本低,因为它不需要为位置反馈安装额外的硬件及电子装置。6、 With each step

179、of movement, a transducer sends a signal back to the control, which compares the current position of the driven axis with the programmed position. 每移动一步,传感器就将信号送回到控制单元,并它将当前驱动轴位置和程序中的设定位置相比较。 Unit 107、 Most has an automatic compensation for error, since the feedback device indicates the error and th

180、e control makes the necessary adjustments to bring the slide back to the position. They use AC, DC or hydraulic servomotors. 大部分闭环系统具有误差的自动补偿功能,通过反馈装置指示误差并作出必要的调整,将拖板带回到准确位置。闭环控制系统通常采用交流、直流或液压伺服电动机。 Unit 11一、单词详解1、acronym ln. 首字母缩写 单词后常跟介词for2、modify lvt. & vi.修改, 更改The industrial revolution modifie

181、d the whole structure of English society.工业革命改变了整个英国社会的结构。Unit 11change,alter,vary,convert,modify,transform这些动词均含有“变化,改变”之意。change指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同alter常指轻微的改变,强调基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所进行的部分改变。vary暗示不规则或断断续续地变。 convert指进行全部或局部改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。modify强调起限定作用的变化或变更。指细小的变化,常含“缓和、降调”的意味。tr

182、ansform指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。Unit 113、essential ladj. 必要的,必不可少的 Food is essential for life.生命离不开食物。l本质的, 实质的, 基本的There are essential differences between the two.这两者之间有本质的区别。ln. 要素;本质 4、peripheral ladj. 外围的ln. (计算机的)外围设备, 周边设备Unit 115、high-resolution 高分辨率 【反义词】low-resolution 低分辨率6、ma

183、n-machine ladj. 人与机器的man - machine dialogue 人机对话Man machine interface 人机接口Can you give me an explanation of the man-machine interface? 你能给我解释一下人机接口吗? Unit 117、interface ln. 界面The new version of the program comes with a much better user interface than original.新版程序的用户界面比原来程序的好得多。l接口 8、equal ladj. 同等的

184、;相等的 Their ages are equal.他们同龄。ln. 相等的事物 The government should regard nationalities as equals.政府对待各民族应一视同仁。lvt. 等于 Unit 119、2D two-dimension 二维 3D three-dimension 三维10、analysis ln.分析We made a careful analysis of his character.我们仔细分析了他的性格。He provided a detailed analysis of the situation.他提供了一份详细的形势分析

185、报告。Unit 1111、famous ladj. 著名的She is famous as a writer.她是著名的作家。12、feature ln. 特征,特色 quality,property,feature,characteristic,attribute,character这些名词均有“特性、特点、品质”之意。quality最普通用词,既可指有形或无形的特性,又可指个性或共性的特征。 property多指同类事物所共有的特性,一般不用于指人。feature指事物突出引人注目的特点。多用来说明人的容貌特征或地理特征。characteristic指某人或某物天生有别于他人或他物的内部特

186、质或外表特征。attribute通常指人主观赋予某事物的属性,可指典型事物character多指一类人或事物所具有的独特的典型的特征。 Unit 1113、benefit ln. 优势,益处,成效 advantage,benefit,profit这些名词均有“利益、好处”之意。advantage 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。benefit 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。profit 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。14、enhance lvt. 提高,增加Teachers shall constantly arouse

187、and enhance the students interest in studying. 教师应在教学中,不断激发并强化学生的学习兴趣。 Unit 1115、risk lvi. 冒险; 冒险Dont risk your health.不要拿你的健康冒险。16、destination ln. 目的地,终点 I eventually arrived at my destination.我终于到达了目的地。17、continuously ladv. 持续地,不断地 Athletes have to train continuously to stay in peak condition.运动员必

188、须不断训练才能保持最佳竞技状态。Unit 1118、continuously ladv. 持续地,不断地 Athletes have to train continuously to stay in peak condition.运动员必须不断训练才能保持最佳竞技状态。19、especially ladv. 尤其,格外,特别 He has been especially busy this week.他这星期特别忙。I like the country especially in spring.我喜欢乡村, 尤其在春天。20、major ladj. 主要的,重要的 vi. 主修 major i

189、nUnit 11二、难句解析1、 A high-resolution display is needed to provide man-machine interface between computer and designer. 高分辨率的显示器用来提供计算机与设计者的人机界面。 2、 With post-process module, they can even generate NC program of instructions directly for processing. 通过后处理模块,它们甚至能直接产生用于加工的数控指令程序。 Unit 113、 It will utili

190、ze the data created by CAD modeling to generating G-codes (the common name for the programming language that drives NC and CNC machine tools), then transfer G-codes to the numerically controlled machine tools for processing by CNC or DNC method. 它将利用CAD建模产生的数据来生成G代码(用于驱动NC和CNC机床的程序语言的通用名称),然后将G代码通过C

191、NC或DNC的方式传送给数控机床用于加工。4、 The manufacturing or production operations are joined together with the process planning, production scheduling, material handling, inventory control, product inspection, machinery control, and maintenance to form a total manufacturing system. 制造或生产运营和工艺设计、生产计划、材料处理、报表控制、产品检验

192、、机器控制和维修联系在一起,形成一个完整的加工系统。 Unit 11三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 The concept of the “factory of the future” has been developed in response to the change in consumer preferences in modern society characterized by shorter product life cycles. 在现代社会里,产品的寿命周期较短,为了满足用户对产品不断变化的需求,人们提出了“未来工厂”的概念。 Unit 112、 The CAD/CAM proce

193、ss shortens the time between the concept point of a new product to its manufacturing; the FMS can produce the new product by loading a new program into its supervisory computer; the automatic assembly lines can accommodate the problem of assembling a variety of products with customer-tailored modifi

194、cations; and automatic inspection maintains the high quality. CAD/CAM程序缩短了由新产品的概念设计到制造所需要的时间;在主机中安装一个新的程序,FMS就能够生产出新的产品;自动装配线能够适应多种产品的装配,这些产品是按照顾客的特定要求进行改进的;自动化检测维持高质量的生产。 Unit 113、 What may be even more disturbing is that a process plan developed for a part during a current manufacturing program ma

195、y be quote different form the plan developed for the same or similar part during a previous manufacturing program and it may never be used again for the same or similar part. 在目前的制造过程中的一个更为混乱的事情是,对于一个零件来说,现在所编制的工艺过程相差很多,而且这个工艺规程可能再也不会应用于同一个零件或者相似零件。4、 As lot sizes change and new technology, equipmen

196、t, and processes become available, the most effective way to manufacture a particular part also changes, and those changes should be reflected in current process plans released to the shop. 随着产品批量的变化和新技术、新设备、新加工方法的出现,加工制造某一特定零件最适当的方法也会发生变化,而且这些变化应该在车间目前使用的加工工艺规程中反映出来。 Unit 115、 Better information fo

197、r production planning, including cutter-life, forecasting, materials-requirements planning, scheduling, and inventory control. 可以更好地获得编制工艺规程所需的信息,其中包括刀具寿命、预测、材料需求计划、进度和库存控制。在准备工艺文件时,减少了书写工作量。 Unit 12一、单词详解1、diagnose lvt.诊断He diagnosed the trouble that caused the engine to knock.他找出了引擎咔咔响的毛病所在。2、tran

198、smission ln.传送, 传播, 传达;播送We interrupt our normal transmissions to bring you a piece of special news.我们中断正常节目, 播送一条特别新闻。l传动装置, 变速器The company has a transmission plant in France.那家公司在法国有一座变速器工厂。Unit 123、saturation ln.浸湿,浸透,饱和televisions saturation coverage of the World Cup 电视对世界杯赛的饱和报道The companys sal

199、es are now close to saturation in many western countries.这家公司的产品销售量在许多西方国家已接近饱和。(get to, reach, etc.) saturation point (达到)饱和状态Demand for the product has reached saturation point.对这一产品的需求已达到饱和点。The refugee camps have reached saturation point. 难民营已是人满为患。Unit 124、clutch lvt.抓住; 紧紧抓住The mother clutched

200、 her baby in her arms.母亲紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里。ln.把握, 抓紧He lost his clutch on the rope and fell.他抓不住绳子, 松手摔了下来。l掌握, 控制;离合器She released the clutch and the car began to move.她放开离合器, 汽车就动了。5、dynamo ln.(尤指直流)发电机He has a bicycle with lights powered by a dynamo.他自行车上的灯由发电机提供能源。Unit 126、radiator ln.(暖气设备的)散热器She place

201、d the handkerchief on a piece of paper to dry on the radiator.她把手帕放在一张纸上放到暖气上去烘干。The two ends of the pipeline are connected with the radiator.管道的两端与暖气片相连接。l汽车引擎的冷却器, 散热器The car has a fancooled radiator.这部汽车有一个由风扇散热的冷却器。Top up the radiator before making a long journey.在长途旅行前加满散热器。Removal of excess he

202、at is accomplished by means of a radiator.通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。Unit 127、carburettor ln.汽化器,化油器The mixture is fed into the cylinder from the carburettor.混合体由汽化器注入汽缸。8、cylinder ln.圆筒, 圆柱体Whats the volume of this cylinder?这个圆筒的体积有多少?l汽缸, 泵体That jeep has four cylinders.那辆吉普车有四个汽缸。They are working on all cylin

203、ders to get the job finished.他们正在竭尽全力争取把这工作干完。Unit 129、chassis ln.(车辆的)底盘;(飞机的)机架;(无线电的)机壳,底架chassis assembly 整底盘chassis base 底板chassis hight 底盘高度10、uneven ladj.不平坦的;不平滑的;不规则的The sidewalk is very unevenbe careful where you walk.这人行道凹凸不平走路时请小心。l不一致的;不相等的;有差异的Her works have been rather uneven this yea

204、r.她今年的作品相当参差不齐。l(竞争等)不对等的;不稳定的;易变化的;不平行的;不对称的;奇数的Unit 1211、splined l花多键的12、stub ln.残端, 铅笔头, 烟蒂I cant write with this pencil stub.我无法用这根铅笔头写字。l票根, 存根Keep your ticket stubs.把票根留着。lvt.使(脚趾)碰到某物;(在硬物上)碾灭(烟头)13、steering ln.(汽车等的)转向装置Unit 1214、swivel ln.转节, 转环;旋轴;旋转接头She returned to the swivel chair behin

205、d her desk.她回到桌子后面的转椅上。lvt. & vi.(使)旋转;在枢轴上转动swivel around/round (把身子或脸等)转向另一方He swivelled around to look at her.他猛地转过头去看她。She swivelled round to look out of the window.她转过身去望窗外。l(使)转动,旋转She swivelled the chair around to face them.她把椅子转过来面向他们。Unit 1215、extremity ln.端点,尽头cardinal extremity 主端, 基端at t

206、he extremity of 在.的尖端Mans extremity is Gods opportunitiy.车到山前必有路。l手和足;极窘迫的境地,绝境How can we help them in their extremity? 我们怎样帮助他们摆脱困境呢?in an extremity of pain 在极端痛苦中Unit 1216、combustion ln.燃烧, 烧毁Soot is the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel.煤烟是燃料不完全燃烧的产物。17、tubular ladj.管的;管子形的The whole thi

207、ng fits into a tubular box.整个东西可装入一支管状盒内。l管子做成的;有管的;管性的Unit 1218、flex ln.花线,皮线a flex for an electric iron 电熨斗的花线Side cutters are useful for cutting electrical flex to length.切边钳适用于剪切电线。lvt.屈曲,弯曲Unit 1219、bumpy ladj.崎岖的;不平的;颠簸的The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track.铺好的宽阔道路渐渐变窄,成了一条

208、崎岖不平的小径。Upon my word,the roads pretty bumpy just here.哎呀,这儿的路真不平。It was a bumpy ride along the farm track.去农场的小路颠簸不平。l困难重重的I think weve a bumpy road ahead of us.我觉得我们将要面临一段困难时期。give sb/have a bumpy ride (使) 处境艰难The business has had a bumpy ride over the last twelve months, but profits are growing ag

209、ain now. 公司在过去十二个月里举步维艰,不过现在利润又开始增长了。Unit 1220、drum ln.鼓, 鼓状物This music would sound more ethnic if you played it in steel drums.如果你用钢鼓演奏, 这首乐曲将更具民族特色。21、caliper ln.测径器,卡钳,弯脚器lvt.用卡钳测量Unit 1222、pad lvt.给装衬垫, 加垫子The child let his mother pad the chair.这个小孩让他妈妈把椅子加上垫子。lvi.步行, 放轻脚步走ln.垫, 护垫Elbow pads and

210、 knee pads are essential on a skateboard.滑滑板时带护肘和护膝是必要的。l便笺本, 拍纸簿Each student should have a pencil and pad.每个学生应该有一支铅笔和一本拍纸簿。l发射台The helicopter was hovering about 100 metres above the pad.直升机在离发射台一百米的上空盘旋。l住所, 房间, 公寓Unit 12二、难句解析1、Some of them make it more comfortable or better looking, but most of

211、them are to make it run. 有些零件让汽车更舒适、更美观,而大多数零件是用来使它运动的。 them 指代上句的parts, it指代上句的automobile, 动词不定式 to make it run在后一并列句中作表语。2、This rotation of both the wheels would result in slipping of one or both of them on the road surface causing excessive tyre wear as well as severe twisting loads on the shaft.

212、 这样转动将导致一只或两只后轮在路面上打滑,造成轮胎的过度磨损以及在驱动轴上产生严重的扭力载荷。causing excessive tyre wear the shaft 是分词短语,作状语修饰主句。Unit 123、Neither the misalignment resulting from the flexing of the vehicle structure over bumpy road surfaces can be avoided nor the precise alignment of shaft can be ensured without them. 没有万向节,不仅因颠

213、簸路面引起车身结构弯曲造成的不同曲线不可避免,轴的精确同轴也不能保证。 Neither nor 是一个复合连词,引导的两个并列句。代词 them 指上句提到的 universal joints。Unit 12三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 Most automobile manual transmissions allow the driver to select any gear at any time, but some, such as those commonly mounted on motorcycles and some types of racing cars, only allow

214、 the driver to select the next-highest or next-lowest gear ratio. 大多数的汽车手动变速器允许司机随意选择任何档位,但某些手动变速器,如那些一般装在摩托车和某些种类的赛车上的,就只允许司机选择相临档位的齿数比。2、 Manual transmissions are characterized by gear ratios that are selectable by engaging pairs of gears inside the transmission. 手动变速器的特征参数为传动比,通过选择变速器内部的啮合齿轮对可选择传

215、动比。Unit 123、 Because clutches use changes in friction to modulate the transfer of torque between engine and transmission, they are subject to wear in everyday use. 由于离合器根据摩擦力的变化来调整发动机传递到变速器的扭矩,所以离合器在日常使用中非常易于磨损。4、 Manual transmissions are lubricated with gear oil, which must be changed periodically

216、in some cars, although not as frequently as the automatic transmission fluid in a vehicle so equipped. ( Some manufacturers specify that changing the gear oil is never necessary except after transmission work or to rectify a leak ). 手动变速器用齿轮油来润滑,在某些汽车里齿轮油必须周期性地更换,但没有自动变速器中的自动传动液那么频繁(一些制造商强调说只有在变速器长时

217、间工作或排除泄漏后才有必要更换齿轮油)。Unit 125、 The defining feature of an internal combustion engine is that useful work is performed by the expanding hot gases acting directly to cause movement, for example by acting on pistons, rotors, or even by pressing on and moving the entire engine itself. 内燃机的显著特点是能做有用功,即膨胀的

218、受热气体直接作用在物体上并使其运动,如活塞、转子,乃至整个内燃机本身。6、 Fuel burned provides a broad engine classification, two types of fuel are in general use: gasoline and diesel oil. Gasoline car engines use spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition ( no spark ). 按所用燃料分类是使用较为广泛的一种分类方法。汽油和柴油是使用的最为广泛的两种燃料。汽油机采

219、用火花点火而柴油机采用压缩点火(无火花)。Unit 127、 Two methods for igniting fuel are used, spark ignition and compression ignition. Gasoline car engines use spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition. This method compresses the air to the point where the resulting rise in temperature causes ignition

220、 to occur when diesel fuel is added. 按点火方式可分为两种:火花点火和压缩点火。汽油机使用火花点火,而柴油机使用压缩点火。压缩点火方式是指添加柴油时压缩空气使温度升高到柴油的燃点而使柴油燃烧。Unit 13一、单词详解1、duplicate ln.完全一样的东西, 复制品Your jackets a duplicate of mine.你的夹克跟我的一样。ladj.完全一样的, 复制的We have duplicate keys for the front door.我们有几把相同的前门的钥匙。lvt.复制、复印Can you duplicate the k

221、ey for me?你能把这把钥匙再给我配一把吗?The manager asks the secretary to duplicate the document.经理让秘书复印这份文件。Unit 132、gripper ln.钳子,夹子3、nuclear ladj.核的, 原子核的Hes very interested in nuclear physics.他对核物理学非常感兴趣。l使用或生产核能的A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split.核反应堆是分裂原子的装置。Unit 134、radiation ln.辐射(

222、能); 放射The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation.太阳、灯或电热器都可以通过辐射来温暖我们。l放射物This apparatus produces harmful radiations.这种仪器会产生有害的辐射物。5、assembly ln.集会, 集合; 集合的人们The National Assembly hashave discussed the crisis.国民大会已对这一危机进行了讨论。l立法机构, 议会;装配, 组装Each component is carefully checked be

223、fore assembly.每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查。Unit 136、circuit ln.电路, 线路;环行, 环行道7、elbow lvt. & vi.用肘推, 用肘挤He elbowed right and left in the crowd.他在人群中左冲右撞。He elbowed me out of the way.他把我挤开了。ln.肘, (衣服的)肘部Dont lay your elbows on the desk.不要将两肘放在书桌上。Unit 138、wrist ln.腕, 腕关节They took her by the wrist.他们握住她的手腕。9、thumb

224、ln.拇指This glove has a hole in the thumb.这只手套的大拇指处有个洞。10、servo ln.伺服,伺服系统Unit 1311、flexible ladj.易弯曲的, 柔韧的Copper wire is flexible.铜丝易弯曲。l灵活的, 可变通的He has a flexible mind.他脑瓜灵活。We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.我们需要一种更灵活的外交政策。12、debugging ln.调试Unit 1313、visual ladj.视觉的, 看得见的The film is a v

225、isual art.电影是一种视觉艺术。His designs have a strong visual appeal.他的设计在视觉上很有感染力。14、tactile ladj.触觉的;触觉感知的a tactile organ 触觉器官An instrument used to measure tactile sensitivity.触觉测量计用来测量触觉的一种装置。l能触知的;有形的;(绘画)具有浑厚坚实质感的His painting had tactile appeal.他的画作具有质感美。Unit 1315、illumination ln.照明;强度Daylight came in t

226、hrough its glass roof;this was now the only illumination.日光透过玻璃屋顶照入;眼下这是室内惟一的照明。The skylight will provide good illumination from above.顶上有天窗,光线会很充足。l照度;阐明;解释;启发;(-s)彩灯,灯饰16、lens ln.透镜, 镜头The lens of a camera forms images.照相机的镜头使图像形成。l眼睛中的水晶体Unit 1317、analogue ln.相似物,类似物Analogue computers are general

227、purpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.模拟计算机是用物理定律进行数学运算的通用装置。l类似物;同源词ladj.(电子手表等)模拟指针式的;模拟计算机的;相似物的;类似的18、symbolic ladj.象征的, 象征性的The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act.基督教的洗礼仪式是一种象征性的做法。Unit 1319、feedback ln.反馈, 反馈信息The more feedback we get

228、from viewers, the better.从观众那儿得到的反馈越多越好。20、array ln.展示, 陈列, 一系列He was unable to escape the array of facts.他无法躲避一连串的事实。l数组, 阵列lvt.部署兵力; 排列, 整队They arrayed themselves before the general.他们在将军面前排列成队。l盛装, 打扮, 装饰Unit 1321、delicate ladj.娇弱的, 纤细的Her health is delicate.她的身体很虚弱。l易碎的, 脆弱的Be careful with those

229、 wine cupsthey are very delicate.当心那些酒杯它们很容易碎。l微妙的, 有技巧的, 得当的;精美的, 雅致的22、fragile ladj.易碎的, 脆的This glass disc looks very fragile.这个玻璃盘子看起来很容易碎。l虚弱的, 脆弱的; 经不起折腾的The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation.那位老太太手术后身体越来越虚弱。Unit 1323、navigation ln.航行(学); 航海(术), 航空(术)Navigation is difficult

230、on this river because of hidden rocks.由于多暗礁, 在这条河上航行很困难。l导航, 领航The compass is an instrument of navigation.罗盘是导航仪器。Unit 13二、难句解析1、 In fact, a robot is basically a highly automated machine that is created to duplicate one or more physical capabilities of a person. 实际上,机器人基本上是一种高度自动化的机器,它可以模仿人的一个或多个身体动

231、作。 that is created to duplicate one or more physical capabilities of a person :定语从句,修饰machine;其中is created to:被开发用于。Unit 132、 The industrial robot of today is basically a single-arm device that can manipulate parts or tools through a sequence of operations or motions as programmed by the computer. 目

232、前的工业机器人主要是单臂装置,该装置能根据计算机程序的设定,按操作或运行顺序来操作部件或工具。 a single-arm device:单臂装置;that引导定语从句;manipulate=control/operate, a sequence of(一系列,一连串)。Unit 133、This ability is based on the concept of flexible automation, where one machine is capable of economically performing many different operations with a minimu

233、m amount of special engineering or debugging. 这种能力是基于灵活(可调)自动化的概念,即一台机器能经济地、经过最少量的设计和调试而执行不同的生产操作。 is based on:基于;where引导定语从句,is capable of:能够;a minimum amount of :最小量的。Unit 134、Vision can be bestowed on robotic systems by using imaging sensors in various ways. 人们用各种方式将影像赋予机器人视觉系统。 by using imaging

234、sensors in various ways:介词短语,方式状语;using imaging sensors in various ways:动名词短语,充当介词by的宾语。 be bestowed on:被授予,被赋予。5、An A/D converter converts the analogue signals from camera into the digital codes for computer. 数模转换器将摄像机的模拟信号转换成计算机数字码。 converterinto:把转变成Unit 136、Touch is of particular importance for

235、providing feedback necessary to grip delicate objects firmly without causing damage to them. 为机器人稳定抓取精致物品而不将其破坏提供反馈信息,触觉就显得格外重要。 To be of particular importance:这是一个重要句型,其相当于to be particular important,如:It is of no use doing that = It is useless donging that. without causing damage to them:状语,其中causi

236、ng damage to them是动名词短语,充当介词without的宾语。Unit 137、The simplest application of touch sensor is a gripper that is equipped with an array of miniature micro-switches. 手爪是触觉传感器最简单的实例。手爪上排列有许多微小开关。 that is equipped with an array of miniature micro-switches:定语从句,修饰gripper。 to equip with:装备,配备 an array of:一排

237、(列),一系列Unit 13三、阅读材料难句翻译1、 A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move parts, materials, tools, or special devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of different task. 机器人是一个可编程、多功能的机械手,通过给要完成的不同任务编制各种动作,它可以移动零件、材料、工具以及特殊装置。2、 Furtherm

238、ore, these preprogrammed locations, as well as other program data, can be changed later as the work requirements change. 这些预编程点贮存在机器人的贮存器中,并为后续的连续操作所调用,而且这些预编程点像其他程序数据一样,可在日后随工作需要而变化。Unit 133、 These attachments connected to the end of the robots arm allow the robot to lift parts, spot-weld, paint, a

239、rc-weld, drill, deburr, and do a variety of tasks, depending on what is required of the robot. 这些连在机器人手臂末端的附件可使机器人抬起工件、点焊、刷漆、电弧焊、钻孔、打毛刺以及根据机器人的要求去做各种各样的工作。4、The base of the manipulator is usually fixed to the floor of the work area. Sometimes, though, the base may be movable. In this case, the base

240、is attached to either a rail or a track, allowing the manipulator to be moved from one location to another. 机械手基座通常固定在工作区域的地基上,有时基座也可以移动,在这种情况下基座安装在导轨或轨道上,允许机械手从一个位置移到另外一个位置。Unit 135、 The controller in the robotic system is the heart of the operation. The controller stores preprogrammed information

241、for later recall, controls peripheral devices, and communicates with computers within the plant for constant updates in production. 机器人控制器是工作单元的核心。控制器储存着预编程序供后续调用、控制外设及与厂内计算机进行通讯以满足产品经常更新的需要。6、For example, if the robot manipulator is is controlled by hydraulic or pneumatic drives, control signals are sent to these devices, causing motion of the robot. 例如,如果机器人的机械手是由液压和气压驱动的,控制信号便传送到这些装置中,驱动机器人运动。



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