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1、学习必备欢迎下载五年级下册期末复习整理Lesson 1 At the greengrocer s celery 芹菜cherry 樱桃 (复数 cherries) greens 青菜nice and sweet 又甜又好吃the greengrocer s 水果蔬菜店expensive 昂贵的carrot 胡萝卜tomato 西红柿 (复数 tomatoes) onion 洋葱 10、cucumber 黄瓜 eggplant 茄子want想要我们现在在果蔬店。We are at the greengrocer s now.我要去果蔬店。I m going to the greengrocer

2、s .你想要什么?What do you want?(I want some greens.)它们太贵了,但是它们又甜又好吃They re expensive,but they re nice and sweet.我想要一些青菜,我不喜欢茄子。I want some greens, I don t like eggplant. What about you?你呢? you re right.你说的对lesson 2 I m hungry beef 牛肉soup 汤 coke 可乐chocolate 巧克力beer啤酒chicken 鸡肉,小鸡wonderful 太好了,太棒了hungry饿的d

3、elicious 美味的thirsty 渴的 drinks 饮料,喝的full 饱的dwarf 矮子,侏儒Snow White 白雪公主back返回ready 准备好的any 任何的,一点,一些great很好地,令人满意地pear 梨 bear 熊这是谁的家?Who s home is this?桌子上有许多食物。There is a lot of food on the table.我现在饿了。I m hungry now. 我不喜欢牛肉,但是我喜欢鸡肉。I don t like beef, but I like chichen. 我想要一些饮料。I want some drinks.这是可

4、乐。 Here is coke.我饱了。I m full. 我们的晚饭呢?Where is our dinner? 晚饭准备好了。 Dinner is ready.你想吃什么 ?what do you want to eat? 这儿有牛肉吗?Is there any beef?(Yes,there is. No,there isn t.)lesson 3 what s for breakfast? sausage香肠hot dog热狗milk 牛奶juice 果汁bread面包 restaurant饭店, 餐馆breakfast早饭lunch 午饭supper晚饭dinner 晚餐,正餐des

5、sert饭后甜点guess猜想,估计come and have a look 过来看一看 sorry,I don t know 对不起, 我不知道let s go to the restaurant 我们去餐厅妈妈,早饭吃什么?Mum, what s for breakfast?我们吃牛奶、鸡蛋和面包.We have milk ,eggs and bread.我们去海边看海。We go to the sea to see the sea. I like hot dog and juice for my supper. 晚饭我喜欢吃热狗喝果汁。That s great!太好了!lesson 4

6、help yourselves,please! grape 葡萄date枣 fish 鱼 rice 米饭help yourselves 请随便用favourite 特别喜爱的fruit 水果color 颜色grandma奶奶 grandpa 爷爷 aunt 阿姨 uncle 叔叔pineapple 菠萝them 他们( they 的宾格)你最喜欢的水果是什么?What s your favourite fruit? 我最喜欢的水果是菠萝。My favorite fruit is pineapple.你喜欢葡萄吗?Do you like grapes?请随便用。help yourselves!鱼

7、肉是我最喜欢的食物。Fish is my favourite food. 请随便喝点可乐。help yourself to some coke. 汤姆晚饭想要吃米饭。Tom wants rice for his dinner. lesson 5 Let s go to McDonald s hamburger 汉堡包French fries 薯条( chips 薯条,薯片)strawberry ice cream 草莓冰淇淋apple pie 苹果派coffee咖啡tea 茶 waiter 侍者,服务员(女服务员waitress)dear亲爱的else别的,其他的McDonald s 麦当劳快

8、餐店我能为你做些什么?What can I do for you? 我想要一个汉堡包和一个苹果派。I d like a hamburger and an apple pie. what else?还要别的吗?Is that all?就这些吗?How much ?(Forty yuan) 多少钱? (how much is your bike ?你的自行车多少钱?)here you are/ Here they are./Here is it 给你lesson 6 What food do you like ? dumpling 饺子vegetable 蔬菜noodles 面条fried chi

9、cken 炸鸡north 北 south 南west 西east东America美国(American 美国人)England 英国 (Englishman/englishwoman 英国人 ) Japan日本(Japanese日本人) China中国 (Chnese 中国人 ) shaanxi 陕西shanxi 山西 butter 黄油,奶油flour 面粉beat击打bake 烘烤never 从不,绝不oven 烤箱你来自于哪里?Where are you from ?=Where do you come from ?我来自于中国北方。I m from the north of China

10、.=I come from the north of China.你喜欢什么食物?what food do you like ?他来自于哪里?Wher does he come from? 他喜欢什么食物?What food does he like? 他喜欢牛肉。He likes beef. lesson 7 In the restaurant pork 猪肉meat 肉,肉类(食用兽肉,不包括鱼鸟之类的肉)salad 沙拉menu 菜单certainly 当然more更多的dollars 美元精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1

11、页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载我可以看一下菜单吗?May I have the men? (certainly,here you are.)我们吃一些肉好吗?Shall we have some meat?让我们吃一些猪肉和鸡肉吧。Let s have some pork and chicken.我们今天有猪肉但是没有鸡肉。We have pork but no chicken today. 我可以吃一个冰激凌吗?May I have an ice cream?(sure/certainly,here you are.) 我能再吃一些水果吗?May I have some more fruit

12、? 不,你不能。你只能吃一个。No,you can t.you can eat one. lesson 8 What do you need? picnic 野餐ketchup 番茄酱sugar糖salt盐knife 小刀fork 叉子chopsticks 筷子spoon 勺子meal一餐,一顿饭need需要paas传,递set放置forget 忘记多丰盛的一顿饭啊!What a big meal! (What a)让我们开始我们的野餐吧。Let s have our picnic.请递给他番茄酱和一个勺子。Pass him the ketchup and a spoon.你需要什么?What

13、 do you need?你可以在牛奶里加点糖。You can have some sugar in the milk. 汤姆想要吃牛肉, 他需要什么? Tom wants to eat beef, What does he need? Don t forget 不要忘记lesson 9 The doctors advice worried 担心的thin and weak 瘦弱的the doctor s 医生的sweets 糖果,甜食hot 热的,辣的healthy 健康的Mrs 夫人, 太太Miss 小姐Mr. 先生advice 建议only 只, 仅仅one kind of 一种peac

14、h 桃子every 每,每一的every day 每天a lot of 许多的much 许多(与不可数名词连用)many 许多(与可数名词连用)go to bed 上床睡觉or 或者妈妈和儿子去看医生。The mother and the son went to the doctor s. 医生给了他们一些好建议。The doctor s gave them some good advice. 这是医生的建议。Here s the doctor s advice.他不能喝太多饮料。He can t have to much drink. 他不能仅仅只吃一种食物。He can t eat onl

15、y one kind of food. 他应该每天喝牛奶。He can drink milk every day. lesson 10 Would you like to fly a kite with me? parents 父母亲, 双亲drawer 抽屉string 绳子find 发现,找到go outside 去户外Saturday 星期六early 早,早的with 和,跟do the housework 做家务ask 问,邀请join us/them 加入我们 /他们first 首先,第一volleyball 排球row 划gently 轻轻地stream 小溪merrily 快乐

16、的life 生活dream 梦想天气晴朗有风。It s sunny and windy 汤姆不必去上学。Tom doesn t need to go to school.他想和他的父母亲一起出去玩。 He wants to go outside to play with his parents. 我可以在哪儿找到一根细绳?Where can I find a string?它在抽屉里。It s in the drawer.我很乐意,但是我必须首先做家务。I d ike to, but I must do the housework first.你愿意和我一起去放风筝吗?Would you li

17、ke to fly a kite with me?那是一个好主意。That s a good idea!我们可以帮你做家务。We can help you do the housework. lesson 11 What s your habby? do some reading 读书,阅读album 集邮册,相册collect stamp 集邮do sports 做运动play computer games玩电脑游戏usually 通常,经常after 在以后hobby 业余爱好sometimes 有时go shopping 购物drawing画画free time 业余时间,空闲时间enj

18、oy 享受的乐趣,喜欢fun 有趣的事,乐趣it s fun做是有趣的beautiful 漂亮的picture 图片photo 照片could 能,能够have a look 看一看of course 当然not at all 一点也不a lovely dog 一只可爱的小狗also 也club 俱乐部stay 保持,停留grow 生长,增加你在放学后通常干什么?What do you usually do after school? 阅读是我的爱好,但有时我喜欢和我的妈妈一起去购物。那你呢?Reading is my hobby,but sometimes I like going shop

19、ping with my mother.我喜欢在我的业余时间里画画,集邮也是我的爱好。I like drawing in my free time, and collecting stamps is my hoby. 欣赏邮票上的漂亮图片很有趣。 It s fun to enjoy the beautiful pictures on the stamps. 我可以看一下你的集邮册吗?Could I have a look at your albums? 他觉得做运动很有趣,也对他的健康有益。He thinks it is fun to do sports, and it is also goo

20、d for his health. lesson 12 A sports meeting a sports meeting 运动会meeting 集会win 赢,获胜neck and neck 齐头并进the marathon 马拉松赛跑players 运动员relay race 接力赛begin 开始(过去式begun) have/hasbegun已经开始come on!加油!luck运气run with the ball 带球try to get the ball 努力的抢球try 试图, 试keep goal 守门pass the ball传球kick a goal 射门high 高(

21、low )fast 快的( slow) touch 触摸hard 困难的,努力的接力赛已经开始了。The relay race has begun. 哪个班将会赢?Which class will win?我不这样认为。我认为我们班将会赢。 I don t think so , I m sure we will win. 你在哪个班?What class are you in ?我们和一班齐头并进。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载We are neck and neck with class 1.

22、祝你们班好运!Good luck to your class! 他踢得很好,他真是一个好的足球运动员。 He plays very well.He is realy a good football player.你正在进行哪项运动?What sport are you in ? lesson 13 How often do you go hiking? go skateboarding 玩滑板go bike riding 骑自行车hike 远足skate滑冰ski 滑雪always 总是sometimes 有时often 经常never从不walk 步行player 运动员team 队betw

23、een 在之间match 比赛tomorrow明天wonderful 太好了,太棒了certainly 当然 once 一次season季节month 月份luck 幸运,运气lucky 幸运的must 必须idea 主意how often 多久一次go hiking 去远足would like to do sth 想要干某事I d love to. 我愿意once a season 一个季节一次I ve no idea.我不知道。Not very often . 不很经常ride ones bike 骑自行车a basketball player 一个篮球运动员be good at sth

24、/ be good at doing sth 擅长干某事in our school basketball team 在我们学校篮球队this afternoon 今天下午watch the match 观看比赛Class Two 二班你愿意和我们一起去吗?Would you like to go with us? 你多久进行一次远足?How often do you go hiking?你非常幸运。 You re very lucky.我们明天去必须带什么?What must we take with us tomorrow? 我不知道 (我没有主意)。I have no idea. 你是一个

25、篮球运动员吗?Are you a basketball player? 我不是非常擅长于打篮球。I m not good at basketball. 我加入了我们学校的篮球队。I m in our school basketball team. 今天下午在我们班和2 班之间有一场篮球比赛。This afternoon there is a basketball match between our class and Class Two. 我可以观看你们的比赛吗? May I watch your match? lesson 14 Have a good habit! read in bed

26、在床上看书talk in the library 在图书馆说话make a noise制造噪音keep quiet 保持安静should 应该 shouldn t 不应该eye 眼睛stop 停止bad 坏的, 不好的habit 习惯carefully 认真的, 仔细的on time 按时,准时brush 刷forever 永远你正在做什么?What are you doing?你不应该躺在床上读书。那样对你的眼睛有害。 You shouldn t read in bed, It s bad for your eyes.如果你累了,停止读书。If you re tired ,stop read

27、ing.妈妈,我想在躺在床上读书。Mum, I want read in bed.坐在桌旁读书,你应该养成一个好习惯。Read at the table and you should have a good habit.我们不应该上学迟到。We shouldn t be late for school. 元音字母开音节读音开音节:元音字母+复印字母 +一个不发音的e 这个元音字母发它的字母音。Aa/ei/ cake蛋糕name 名字late 迟的tape磁带 date 日期,年代snake 蛇 save、 same、face、game、bake Ee /i:/ me 我 he他 she她we我

28、们sea大海see看bee蜜蜂tree树 read读jeep 吉普车please请tea茶Ii /ai/ bike 自行车kite 风筝mike 迈克like 喜欢nice 美好的,愉快的ice 冰 nine 九 knife 小刀white 白色Oo /au/nose鼻子home 家 those 那些( that 的复数)hole 洞coke 可乐rose玫瑰Uu /ju:/ 、/u:/ /ju:/ Pupil 小学生student 学生excuse 借口,道歉(excuse me打扰您一下)use使用music 音乐duty 值日/u:/blue 蓝色ruler 直尺词形变换复数 :cher

29、ry:cherries yourself:yourselves grape:grapes hobby: hobbies knife: knives game: games 同义词 :want would like come from :be from usually: often too much: too many any :some 否定形式: like : don t like can:can t 对应词 :hungry:thirsty 完整形式I d: I would let s:let us here s: here is doesn t:does not .we re:we are

30、 I ve:I have shouldn t:should not can not:can t they(宾格 ):them we(宾格 ):us I(宾格 ):me my(反身代词 ):myself 反义词: thin:fat weak:strong early:late outside:inside hot:cold 过去式:go:went give:gave begin:begun answer;question 形容词 worry:worried health:healthy luck:lucky sun:sunny wind:windy ing 形式: read:reading ru

31、n:running Japan:对应词 ):Japanese England(对应国家语言):English Chinese (对应国家 ) :China 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载句型转换1. What do you want ? ( 改为同义句 ) What would you like ? 2. Pass me the sugar .( 改为同义句 ) Pass the sugar to me . 3.She d like a cup of tea .( 改为一般疑问句) Would s

32、he like a cup of tea ? 4.I need some salt .(就画线部分提问) What do you need ? 5.I want some bananas and strawbeeries .(对划线部分提问) What do you want ? 6.They like cucumbers and celery ?( 改为否定句 ) They dont like cucumbers or celery . 7.He wants some carrots and tomatoes .(改为同义句 ) He would like some carrots and

33、tamatoes . 8.We are at the greengrocers now .(用 be going to 改写 ) We are going to the greengrocers now . 9.What can I do for you ? (写出同义句 ) Can I help you ? 作文范文范文一:我的一日三餐Three meals a day My favourite fruit is banana . And my favourite food is rice . I like eggs and milk for my breakfast . I have no

34、odles for my lunch . I want an apple and some bread for my supper . What s your favourite fruit ? What s your favourite food ? 我最喜欢的水果是香蕉。我最喜欢的食物是米饭。早餐我喜欢鸡蛋和牛奶。我午餐吃面条。我想要一个苹果和一些面包作为晚饭。你最喜欢的水果是什么?你最喜欢的食物是什么?范文二:我的爱好My Hobbies I like playing basketball . Playing basketball is my hobby . I often play b

35、asketball after school . I like listening to music , too . And listening to music is also my hobby . I often listen to music after school . 我喜欢打篮球。打篮球是我的爱好。我经常在放学后打篮球。我也喜欢听音乐。听音乐也是我的爱好。放学后我经常听音乐。范文三:My favourite food My favourite food is dumplings . I often eat dumplings for my lunch . My favourite

36、fruit is apple . I always eat an apple after lunch . Sometimes I want rice for my lunch , too . Today is Sunday . I want a cup of milk and an egg for my breakfast . What s for lunch ? I don t know . I will ask my mother .我最喜欢的食物是饺子。午饭我经常吃饺子。我最喜欢的水果是苹果。午餐时我总吃一个苹果。有时我午餐也喜欢吃米饭。今天是星期日,我想要一杯牛奶和一个鸡蛋作为早饭。我

37、们午餐吃些什么呢?我不知道。我会问我妈妈。范文四: My good friends I have a good friend. Her name is Ann. Her Chinese name is Wang Xiaolan. She is from England. She is in Beijing now. She is in Yuying Primary School. She is in Class Four, Grade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellow hair. Her father is a doctor an

38、d her mother is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a good girl! 我有一个好朋友。她的名字是安。她的中文名字叫王小兰。她来自英国。她现在在北京。她是在育英小学。她在四班,六年级。她是十二。她有一双蓝眼睛、黄头发。她父亲是个医生,母亲是个护士。她哥哥五岁。她喜欢跳舞,唱歌和看电视。她很友善,她喜欢帮助别人。多么听话的女孩精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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