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1、中小学教师课堂用语课堂常规用语Expressions In Class课堂过程用语Expressions During Class中小学教师课堂用语课堂常规用语Expressions In class1.打招呼 Greetings2.考勤 Checkings attendance3.上课开始 Class beginning4.在课堂上 During the class5.家庭作业 Homework6.介绍 Introductions7.开始谈话 Talk beginning8.建议 Suggesting9.提起注意 Directing students attention 下一页中小学教师课堂

2、用语10.请求 Making polite regests11.指导 Giving instructions12.宣告 Announcements13.解释 Explaining14.禁止 Forbidding15.指令 Issuing a command16.警告 Warning17.评价 Evaluating18.鼓励 Encouraging 返回中小学教师课堂用语打招呼Greeting 开始上课时开始上课时, ,可以用这些话向全班问好可以用这些话向全班问好, ,或进行适或进行适当的寒暄。当的寒暄。1)Good morning/afternoon,class. 同学们,早上/下午好。2)G

3、ood morning/afternoon,everybody. 各位早上/下午好。3)Good morning,boys and girls. 孩子们,上午好。4)Good afternoon,children. 孩子们,下午好。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语5)How are you all today? 你今天都好吗?6)Are you all well this moning? 今天早上大家都好吗?打过招呼之后打过招呼之后, ,可以再聊两句。可以再聊两句。7)Well,did you have a good weekend? 周末过得愉快吗?8)Well,did you enjoy the

4、 holiday? 节日愉快吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语 9)Well,what did you do yesterday evening? 昨天晚上你怎么过的?10)Tell me what you did at the weekend? 告诉我周末怎么过的? 谈谈学生的衣着发型。谈谈学生的衣着发型。11)Oh,Youve got a new dress on.Its very nice! 哦,你穿了件新衣服,真漂亮。12)Oh,youve got a new hair style. 哦,你做了个新发型. 返回中小学教师课堂用语考勤Checking attendance点名 Calling

5、 the roll 正式上课之前正式上课之前, ,教师要对全班同学进行点名。教师要对全班同学进行点名。13)Right! Im going to call the roll 好!我现在点名。14)OK! Listen when I call your names 好!点名。15)Now! Ill take the register. 好,现在我把注册表拿走。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语16)Quiet now,please. Listen while I see if youre all here. 请安静,现在点名。问缺席情况 Asking about absence 如果教师想要知道学生是否

6、全部到齐如果教师想要知道学生是否全部到齐, ,可以可以用下列句子进行询问。用下列句子进行询问。17)Now! Lets see who is absent. 现在让我们看看谁缺席了/不在 下一页中小学教师课堂用语18)Right! Lets see if anyones away. 好的!让我们瞧瞧是否有人离开了19)Is anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?20)Is everybody here? 所有人都在这儿吗?(全到齐了吗?)考勤 Checking attendance21)Whos on duty today? / Whos helping this today? 今天谁值

7、日? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语22)Is anyone away? / Is anybody away? 有人缺席吗?23)Whos absent? / whos away? 谁缺席了?24)Try to be on time. / Dont be late next time. 请尽量准时。/ 下次别迟到了。25)Go back to your seat,please. 请回到座位上。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语关照新生 Looking after new students 新生刚进入你班或你校新生刚进入你班或你校,教师应多给一份关爱教师应多给一份关爱,以以便新生能尽快适应新环境。便新生能尽快

8、适应新环境。26)Oh,are you new? 哦,你是新来的吗? 27)OK,are you a pupil? 哦,你是小学生吗?28)You have just come to this class/school,havent you? 你刚来这个班/学校吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语29)Where do you come from? 你从哪儿来?30)whats you name? 你叫什么名字?31)Welcome to our class. 欢迎你到我们班上来。 32)Do you like the school? 你喜欢这个学校吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语 谈缺勤原因 Tal

9、king about absence 学生不在教室,教师应该知道原因,并需学生不在教室,教师应该知道原因,并需要知道学生何时返校。要知道学生何时返校。33)Wheres Wang Hai? 王海在哪?34)Does anyone know where Li is? 有人知道李在哪吗?35)Can anyone tell me where Liu has gone? 谁能告诉我刘去哪了? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语36)Who knows when he will be back? 谁知道他什么时候回来?37)Han Mei is ill today,isnt he? 韩梅今天生病了,是吗?关照病

10、愈者 Looking after patients 学生病了学生病了, ,老师要表示同情老师要表示同情, ,并尽可能在学业上对并尽可能在学业上对学生进行帮助学生进行帮助. .38)You were absent for three lessions last week. 上个星期你缺了三节课. 下一页中小学教师课堂用语39)Did you catch a cold? 你是感冒了吗?40)Oh,Im sorry. 哦,我很抱歉.41)Youll catch up,wont you? 你会赶上来的,对不对?42)Dont worry! 别担心! 下一页 中小学教师课堂用语43)You have b

11、een absent for days,havent you? 你已经缺了几天课了,是吗?44)You were away last lesson,werent you? 上节课你没来,是吗?45)What was the matter? 出了什么事?46)Why were you away? 你为什么离开? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语47)Are you a little better? 你好一点了吗?48)How are you feeling now? 现在感觉如何?49)Do you feel better? 感觉好点了吗?50)Well,Jane,ask your friends to

12、 help you. 简,让你的朋友来帮你。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语51)OK,youd better ask your deskmate to tell you what weve done. 你最好问问你的同桌我们已经做了什么?52)Come and see me after the lession,OK? 课后到我这来一下,好吗? 返回中小学教师课堂用语上课开始Class begining上课开始上课开始, ,学生起立学生起立坐下坐下, ,并翻到所要复习的内容并翻到所要复习的内容或新内容。或新内容。53)Stand up! 起立!54)Sit down! 坐下!55)Now lets

13、begin. 现在开始吧。56)Open your books.Turn to page 5. 打开书,翻到第五页。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语57)turn to the next page. 翻到下一页58)Now turn to page 5. 现在翻到第五页59)No talking,please. 请不要说话了60)Be quiet./Silent,please. 请安静61)Listen carefully. 注意听 返回中小学教师课堂用语在课堂上During the class 在课堂上在课堂上, ,老师是导演老师是导演, ,可以用以下的句子的学生可以用以下的句子的学生进行指挥、指

14、导或解释说明。学生也可以提出一进行指挥、指导或解释说明。学生也可以提出一些问题或要求些问题或要求。62)Read after me. (请)跟我读。63)Look at your book. (请)看书。64)Look at the blackboard (请)看黑板。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语65)do you understand? 懂了吗?66)Is that clear? 明白了吗?67)Read slowly. 念慢些。68)Read clearly. 念清楚些。69)Loder please. / Speak louder. 大声点。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语70)Answer m

15、y qustions. 请回答我的问题。71)All right. / Thats right. 行 / 对。72)Good. 好。73)Very good. 很好。74)What does it mean? 这是什么意思? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语75)Look at the picture and say something about it. / Now lets talk about this picture. 请看图说话。76)Say it in English. 用英语说吧。77)Who will answer this qustion? 谁来回答这个问题?78)Will you

16、try? 你来试试好吗?79)Just try. 试试看。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语80)Come to the blackboard. 到黑板前面来。81)Go back to your seat. 回到你的座位上去吧。82)Get ready for dictation. 准备听写。 83)Now lets have dictation. 现在听写。84)Put down your pens. 把笔放下。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语85)Hand in your exercise books. 把本子交上来。86)Thats all for today. 今天的课就上到这儿。87)Lets

17、have a break. 现在休息一会儿吧。88)Class is over. 下课。89)Is every here? 都到齐了吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语90)Stop laughing. 别笑了。91)Take out your textbooks. 请把课本拿出来。92)Close your books. 把书合上。93)Put your hand (hands) up. 请举手。94)This way,please. 请走这边。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语95)Here you are. 给你。96)Whos on duty today? 今天谁值日?97)OK. 好/可以/不错。

18、98)Read the new words. 读生词。99)Read after me,please. 请跟我读。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语100)Listen to me,please. 请听我读。101)Spell the word“student”. 请拼出“student”这个词。102)Is it correct? 对吗?103)Say it again 再说一遍。104)Read the first paragragh. 读第一段。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语105)Stop here. 在这儿停。106)What is the English for “革命”? “革命”用英语怎么

19、说?107)Think it over. 考虑一下。108)May I ask a qustion? 我能提个问题吗?109)Yes,certainly. 当然可以。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语110)Answer my qustion,please. 请回答我的问题。111)Who can answer the qustion? 谁能回答这个问题?112)Let me try. 让我试试。113)What is your name,please? 你叫什么名字?114)My name is Zhou Nan. 我叫周楠。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语115)Now lets take up a n

20、ew lesson. 我们开始上课吧。116)Explain the sentence,please. 请解释这个句子。117)What time is it now? 几点了?118)It is eight/half past eight/five to eifgt. 现在是八点/八点半/差五分八点。119)Translate this sentence into English/Chinese. 把这个句子翻译成英文/中文。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语120)Hand in your exercise books,please. 请把练习本交上来。121)Lets have a chorus

21、 reading of the text. 现在大家一起来朗读课文。122)Analyse this sentence,please. 请分析这个句子。123)Will you read the text,Wang Ping? 王平,请读一下这篇课文?124)Go on,please. 请继续。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语125)Thatll do,thank you. 就到这里,谢谢。126)Lets start with the text. 我们先讲课文。127)Ill read through the text and then explain the difficult point. 我

22、先把课文讲一遍,然后解释难点。128)How do you spell/pronounce this word? 这个词怎么拼/读? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语129)You misspelled/mispronounced the word. 这个词你拼/读错了。130)Please pay more attention your spelling/pronounciation. 请多注意拼写/发音。131)He made mistake in grammar. 他有一个语法错误。132)Will you please correct his mistake? 请你纠正他的错误好吗? 下一页中

23、小学教师课堂用语133)Lets look at the first paragragh. 大家看第一段。134)Look at the paragragh just below. 看下面一段。135)Lets look at the last paragragh but one. 大家看倒数第二段。136)We are going to have a revision lesson today. 今天我们上复习课。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语137)Whats the noun form of this word? 这个词的名词形式是什么?138)Look up the word in the

24、 dictionary. 在字典中查查这个词。139)Are you clear? 清楚了吗?140)Im sorry.I dont quite catch you. 对不起,我不太明白你的意思。141)Will you please say it again? 请再讲一遍。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语142)Change the sentence into the passive/active/negative form/interrogative form. 把这个句子改成被动/主动/否定/疑问句。143)What part of speech is the word“help”? “hel

25、p”这个词是什么词性?144)Is it a verb? 是动词吗?145)It is used as a noun here. 它在这里用作名词。 返回中小学教师课堂用语家庭作业Homework 课后家庭作业很重要课后家庭作业很重要, ,老师可以简明扼要老师可以简明扼要进行布置。进行布置。146)For your homework,do Exercise and on page 6. 课后作业:做第六页上的练习三和练习四。147)Learn by heart the last three paragraghs of the text. 背诵课文最后三段。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语148)Wh

26、at type of sentence is this? 这是个什么句子?149)It is a simple/compound/complex sentence. 是简单/并列/复合句。150)Point out the subject and object of this sentence. 指出这一句的主语和宾语。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语151)What is the function of the prepositional phrase? 这个介词短语的作用是什么?152)Its an adverbial . It modifies the predicate verb 作状语,修

27、饰谓语动词。 返回中小学教师课堂用语介绍Introductions 为了让别人你或让你认识别人为了让别人你或让你认识别人, ,可以用下可以用下列句子开始。列句子开始。153)Now,let me introduce myself. 现在,我自我介绍一下。154)Ill just tell you a bit about myself. 我向你们做一个简单的自我介绍。155)My name is Wang Hai,spelt w-a-n-g-h-a-i. 我叫王海,w-a-n-g-h-a-i。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语156)Ive been teaching in the school for

28、 10 years. 我已经在这个学校教书十年了。157)I come from Shanghai. 我来自上海。158)And what about you? 你呢?159)Will you introduce yourself? 介绍一下你自己好吗? 返回中小学教师课堂用语开始谈话Talk beginning 开始谈话时不要紧张,应用最简单明了开始谈话时不要紧张,应用最简单明了的句子表达出自己的想法。例如的句子表达出自己的想法。例如: :Teacher:I went to the Summer Palace yesterday.(引出话题)Did any of you go?No?.Wel

29、l.(无人回答,问某一学生) What did you goerZhang Hong?Zhang:erI-,-er,-,-in home(学生断断续续)Teacher:Oh,you stayed at home.(“搭救”说话学生) 下一页中小学教师课堂用语Zhang:Yes,I stay at home.Teacher:OK,you styed at home.(暗中纠正时态) What did you do then?Zhang:TVTeacher:Oh,you watched television,didnt you? Which program?(如果继续问下去困难,可就此打住。) 下

30、一页中小学教师课堂用语有关用语 Other expressions160)Tell me what you did last night. 告诉我你昨晚做了些什么。160)Will you tell me a bit about your weekend? 你能告诉我们你周末是如何过的吗?162)How did you like yesterdays party? 你觉得昨天的舞会怎么样? 返回中小学教师课堂用语建议Suggesting 当你想建议或要求时,下面是几个很好当你想建议或要求时,下面是几个很好的例句。的例句。163)Lets go through the text. 让我们把课文过

31、一遍。164)Could you open your textbook and find Ex 5 onpage 45? 打开课本,找到45页第五题。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语165)Could you take out the cards? 你能把卡片拿出来吗?166)Will you all think of some questions to ask each other? 你们可以想出一些问题来问对方吗?167)Will you get together in groups and discuss the idea? 你们可以分组来讨论这个想法。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语168)Try

32、 to think it out for yourself. 争取自己想出来。169)Lets work out how you could plan your piece of writing. 我们来分析一下我们该如何写这篇文章。170)Youd better get that right. 你最好把那一点弄准确。171)Now youve answered all the questions in full.You need to say a bit more about that. 现在你已回答了所有的问题,你需要再说一点那方面的内容。 返回中小学教师课堂用语提起注意Directing

33、 students attention当学生开小差或是向学生提示课文重点内容时,需要加以强调,以引起他们的注意。172)Quiet now,please.Lets work in pairs. 现在请安静,两人一组。173)Will you face the people in front of you? 你能面对你面前的人吗?174)Fine,look again carefully. 好,再仔细看一遍。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语175)Are you ready to listen? 你们准备好了听录音吗?176)Are you all listening?OK. 全在听吗?好的。177)

34、Now then something new!Lets change the topic. 新的内容又出现了!我们换个题目。178)That was quite good.Lets do it once more. 太好了,让我们再重复一遍。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语179)Ready? / Are you ready? 准备好了吗?180)Did you get that? / Do you understand? 懂了吗?181)Is that clear? 清楚了吗?182)Any volunteers? 有自愿的吗?183)Do you know what to do? 你知道要做什么

35、吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语184)Listen carefully,please. 请仔细听。185)Look over here. 浏览一下这儿。186)Watch carefully. 仔细观察。187)Please look at the picture/map. 请看画/图。188)Pay attention to your spelling/ pronounciation 请注意你的拼写/发音。 返回中小学教师课堂用语请求Making polite requests 在课堂中有时需要学生的帮助在课堂中有时需要学生的帮助, ,同时在互同时在互助中可以建立起良好的师生感情。助中可以建

36、立起良好的师生感情。189)Could you possibly plug the cassette player in for me? 你能帮我把录音机插上电源吗?190)Can you check if/whether the switch is on? 你能帮我检查电源是否接通了吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语191)Will you go and fetch some chalk? 你去取些粉笔好吗?192)Will you find the wall charts? 你能找到墙上的挂图吗?193)Has anybody seen the stick/tape? 有人看到教鞭/磁带了吗?

37、194)Could you please put it up here? 你能把它挂在这里吗?195)Would you mind cleaning the board? 你擦一下黑板好吗? 返回中小学教师课堂用语指导Giving instructions 在课堂上老师要对学生进行多方面的指在课堂上老师要对学生进行多方面的指导导, ,如纠正语音、启发思路、介绍方法、示如纠正语音、启发思路、介绍方法、示范动作等。范动作等。纠正语音 Correcting pronounciation196)Youd better listen again. 你最好再听一遍。197)Did you listen c

38、arefully? 你仔细听了吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语198)Now listen to the sound a:.Nota,like thisyou try. 请听a:这个发音,不是a,像这样,你试一下。199)Dont forgot itsa:,nota. 别忘了,是a:,不是a。200)Now litsen.Theres something different. Whats the difference? Listen! 现在请听,有一些不同,有什么不同?听! 下一页中小学教师课堂用语启发思路 Inspiration201)Suppose a friend needs advice

39、 on the subject. 假设一个朋友就这个题目需要一些建议。202)You should agree with the other person and say something else. 你可以同意其他人的意见并且再说一点别的。203)You may ask the reason. 你可能会问原因。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语204)Shall I demonstrate? Keep to the same pattern,OK? 我可以论证吗?保持相同的句型好吗?205)What do you think the author will say next? 你认为作者接下来会说

40、什么? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语206)Ill give you a clue.Its something to do with nature. 我给你一个线索,它是与自然有关的。207)Let me give you some help. When did the man use the word. 让我给你一些帮助,这个男士什么时候用这个单词的。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语介绍方法 Introduction method208)Youd better put them together. 你最好把它们放在一起。209)Ask each other questions to find out

41、what is different. 互相问问题,找出它们之间有什么不同。210)Look at the sentence before and see if you can guess. 先看看句子,再看你是否能猜出来。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语211)You sort out these sentences,then copy them,taking care with capital letters. 先把句子归类,再抄写,注意需要大写的字母。212)Fill the blanks in these sentences,then write them neatly. 先把这些句子填空,然

42、后工整地抄写下来。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语示范动作 Standard action213)Look at what Im doing. 看我怎么做。214)You may do as I do. 模仿我做/像我一样做/跟我做。215)Please look at my mouth,like this 请看我的口型,像这样。 返回中小学教师课堂用语宣布Announcements 在课堂上教师要把很多事情告知学生在课堂上教师要把很多事情告知学生, ,以以便学生明确学习的目的、任务等。如宣布便学生明确学习的目的、任务等。如宣布教学计划、宣布某些事项、宣布教学项目教学计划、宣布某些事项、宣布教学项目

43、等。等。宣布教学计划 Announcements216)Today we are going to do three main things. 今天我们主要做三件事。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语217)First Ill going to introduce a few new words about weather. Then you are going to write a dialogue and act it out. After that, we are going to learn a new song. 首先,我要介绍一些有关天气的新单词;接下来,你们写一个对话并表演出来;在那之后

44、,我们将学一首新歌。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语宣布某些事项 Announcing something218)I have something to tell you before you go. 你们走之前,我有一些事要告诉你们。219)There is a club meeting Saturday. If you want to attend it,please write your names on this piece of paper. 星期六有个俱乐部聚会,如果你们想参加,请把名字写在这张纸上。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语宣布教学项目 Announcing the teaching

45、item220)Well,now,we are going to practise a short dialogue. 好,现在我们练习一个短对话。221)I want to introduce to you a new program now. 我想给你们介绍一个新的课程。 返回中小学教师课堂用语解释Explaining 有词语的解释、句子的解释及其它各方有词语的解释、句子的解释及其它各方面的说明。面的说明。222)。Listen to me and Ill explain the word. 听我讲,我将解释这个词的词义.223)Let me use the picture to show

46、 its meaning. 让我用图来说明它的意思。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语224)The word ends in“tion”,so it must be a noun. 这个单词以“tion”结尾,所以它一定是一个名词。225)Lets see if you can guess. Ill give you an example. 看看你们能否猜到,我将给你们一个例子。226)We can use this sentence to express 我们能用这个句子来表达 下一页中小学教师课堂用语227)What does it mean in the context? Its clear

47、that the man used it to blame the boy. 在上下文里它是什么意思?很清楚这个男士用它来责备这个孩子。228)Look at the picture here. The man is standing by the window. Perhaps he is interestedin something. 看看这幅图,这个男子正站在窗子边,可能他被什么吸引住了。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语229)What is happening in the street? 街上发生了什么事?230)What might happen during a few minutes

48、? The boy is getting angry with Mary. 这几分钟的时间里会发生什么是呢?这个男孩正在生玛丽的气。231)There are three people sitting by the river. They are looking for the ship. The ship is very beautiful. 有三个人坐在河边,他们正在看船,这只船很漂亮. 返回中小学教师课堂用语禁止Forbidding 学生在课堂上学生在课堂上, ,总会有一些不遵纪守法的总会有一些不遵纪守法的地方地方, ,这时需要老师来制止。这时需要老师来制止。232)OK,everybo

49、dy. Quiet now,please! No more talking. 好了,大家不要再讲了,请安静下来。233)Wang Hai,stop chatting now. And you,Li Guang! Whose turn is it? 王海,现在不要闲聊了,还有你,李光!该论到谁了。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语234)Its Han Meis turn. 轮到韩梅了。235)No talking. 不要讲话。236)No chatting. 不要闲聊。237)Stop making noises. 不要制造噪音。238)Without disturbing the others. 不

50、要打扰他人。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语239)No more 不再240)No shouting! 不要再叫了!客气一些 More polite241)Will you please stop interrupting the others. 请不要打断他人。242)Would you mind not wispering? 你不要咬耳朵好吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语严厉一些 Serious243)Therell be trouble if you go on disturbing the others.再打扰别人,你将有麻烦。更严重些 More serious244)You shouldn

51、t behave like that. 你不应该那样做。245)Why are you passing notes? 你为什么传纸条? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语246)You cant copy! Do it on your own! 不准抄!自己做!247)Stop turning round! 不要转身/不要回头!训练中禁止 Prohibiting in practice248)No writing while Im talking. 我说的时候不要写。249)Dont make any sounds while reading. 读的时候不要出声。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语250)No,

52、Wang Hai,thatsnot the way to learn English properly. 不,王海,英语不是这样学的。251)No,Han Mei,its not good to do pair practice like that. 不,韩梅,那样对结伴学习不好。252)Youre doing it the wrong way. 你正在用错误的方法做它。 返回中小学教师课堂用语指令Issuing a command 严格要求学生按老师的话去做严格要求学生按老师的话去做, ,可以用以可以用以下几局。下几局。253)By yourself. This is practice fo

53、r the exam. 自己做,这是针对考试的练习。254)Books closed,please. 请合上课本。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语255)Forming into groups,each person can say it in turn. 组成小组,每人都能轮流说。256)You work in two with the two pictures. 配对操练这两幅图。257)Silent,please 请安静。258)Quiet,please. 请安静。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语259)Stop,please. 请停下。260)Watch how I write it. 看我是如何

54、写的。261)Watch how to do it. 看看我怎么做。262)Now,turn round,face the back without looking at the board. 现在,转身面对后面,不要看黑板。 返回中小学教师课堂用语警告Warning 对学生来说需要注意的地方对学生来说需要注意的地方, ,可以用祈使可以用祈使句式以加重语气。句式以加重语气。263)Careful. This is a difficult sentences. 仔细点,这个句子比较难。264)Dont foget to write neatly. 不要忘记书写整齐。265)Make sure y

55、our spaces betwin words are clear. 注意单词间的距离。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语266)See that your “u”s are different from your “v”s. 看清楚你们的“u”是不同于“v”的。267)Copy them,taking care with spelling. 抄写并注意拼写正确。268)Watch your punctuation. 注意你的标点符号。 返回中小学教师课堂用语评价Evaluating 对学生的表现对学生的表现, ,教师可以用一些断句进行教师可以用一些断句进行评价。评价。269)Wonderful! 很

56、棒!(很精彩!)270)Good! 好!271)Very good! 很好! 下一页中小学教师课堂用语272)That was good! 那很好!273)Not bad! 不错!274)Well done! 做得好!275)That was a little better,but not enough. 好一些,但还不够。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语276)Thats much better,but you forgot something when you pronounced. 好多了,但发音时你忘了什么。277)Dont you think you have made a little

57、progress? 你不认为你已取得一些进步了吗?278)Nearly right,but youd better check them again. 差不多,但你最好再检查一遍。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语279)That was not quite right,you didnt copy it. 不完全对,你没有效仿它。280)Not really!/Not quite! Watch me and Ill show you. 不正确!看我怎么做。281)A good answer./Nice work. 答得好。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语282)Thats interesting! 真有意

58、思!283)Dont worry about it./No problem. 别担心。/没问题。284)OK!/Thats OK! 可以!285)I dont think so. 我不这么认为。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语286)Thats not quite right,any other answers?/ Thats close./ Thats almost right. 不完全对,还有别的答案吗?/很接近。/基本正确。287)Not quite,can anyone help him?/ Try again. 不完全对,有谁能帮他?/再试一试。288)A good try! 做得好! 返

59、回中小学教师课堂用语鼓励Encouraging 在课堂上在课堂上, ,老师应尽量使用鼓励性语言老师应尽量使用鼓励性语言, ,这样可以加强教师的亲和力这样可以加强教师的亲和力, ,增加学生学习增加学生学习的兴趣和信心。的兴趣和信心。289)Can you try? 能试一下吗?290)Try,please. 请试试。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语291)Try your best./Do your best. 尽力试试。292)Think it over and try again. 认真思考一下,然后再试试。293)Dont be afraid/shy. 别害怕/别不好意思。294)Come on

60、! 来吧,试一试!295)You speak English very well. 你的英语讲的非常好。 返回中小学教师课堂用语课堂过程用语Expressions During Class1.开始课堂教学 Beginning the lession2.宣布教学计划 Anouncing the teaching plan3.组织课堂教学 Getting organized4.举例 Giving examples5.谈论课堂环境 Talking about phisical conditions6.使用教学工具与设备 Using aids and the equipment7.使用电教设备 Usi

61、ng electrical equipment8.进行分组活动 Dividing the class up9.布置作业 Setting homework 10.结束课堂教学 Ending the lession 返回中小学教师课堂用语开始课堂教学Beginning the lesson 一堂课有好的开头一堂课有好的开头, ,能吸引学生的注意力能吸引学生的注意力和引起他们的兴趣和引起他们的兴趣, ,老师应该熟悉下列用语。老师应该熟悉下列用语。1)Now,who can tell us what we did last lesson? 现在,谁能说说上节课我们讲了什么?2)Well,can any

62、 of you tell us what we practised last time. 你们中有人能告诉我上次我们做了什么练习吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语3)OK,I want a student to tell us what we learnt/read about/used last lesson. 好,我想请一位同学告诉大家我们上节课学习/读/用了些什么?4)Remember? 记得吗?5)Do you remember these pictures? 你们还记得这些图片吗?6)We used the pictures and the cards,didnt we? 我们用了这些画

63、和卡片,不是吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语7)We practised a talk about sports,right? 我们再复习一遍。8)Lets go over it again. 我们把这些句子再读一遍。9)Lets read the sentences once more. 我们把这些句子再读一遍。10)What about having another practice? 再来做另一个练习如何?11)How about revising them once more? 再复习一遍如何? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语12)Lets start working./Lets begin/

64、start a new leson./Lets begin/start our lesson. 我们开始上课。13)First,lets review/go over the last lesson. 首先,我们复习一下上节课的内容。14)What did we learn in the last lesson? 在上一堂课里,我们学了什么? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语15)Who can tell/remember what we did in the last lesson/yesterday. 谁能告诉我们/回忆一下上节课/昨天所学的内容。16)Now were going to do s

65、omething new /different./ Now lets learn something new. 现在让我们学一点新内容。17)We have some new words/sentences. 我们要学一些新单词/句子。 返回中小学教师课堂用语宣布教学计划Announcing the teaching plan 明确教学目的,能使学生有的放矢,提高学习效率。18)first 第一/ first of all 首先/ and then 然后 / later(on) 晚些时候/ after that 那以后 / finally 最后/ by the end of the class

66、 在课结束之前/ The first is 一是/ The second is二是 下一页中小学教师课堂用语19)In a few minutes 过几分钟/ half way through the lesson 课的一半/ near the end of the lesson 接近课的尾声/ at the end of the lesson 在课的最后20)Practise a dialogue 练习对话。21)Learn something new now. 现在学习新内容。22)Do some reading/writing/note taking/role play. 朗读/抄写/记

67、笔记/角色扮演。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语23)Have some conversation practice. 做一些谈话练习。24)If we have enough time/If time permits/If theres time,perhaps we may spend a few minutes on doing it again. 如果我们有足够的时间/如果时间允许/如果有时间,也许我们可以花几分钟时间再做一遍。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语25)By the end of the lesson youll be able to talk about agreements and

68、 disagreements. 在课的结尾,你们将能够表达同意或不同意。26)Youll have learnt how to give people advice. 你们将学会如何给别人建议。27)Youll have had practice in writing a letter asking for help. 你们将练习写求助信。28)Youll be able to use the present perfect tense for checking up. 你们将会用现在完成时来检查。 返回中小学教师课堂用语组织课堂活动Getting organized 为了使课堂活跃为了使课堂

69、活跃, ,提高学习兴趣提高学习兴趣, ,下列句子下列句子有助于你与学生交流。有助于你与学生交流。29)Would you move your chairs in/up/back? 你们把椅子往里面/前面/后面移一下好吗?30)Could you three move your desks forward,please? 你们三个能把桌子往前移一下吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语31)Will you both move your table this way, please? 你们两个能把桌子移到这儿吗?32)Would you mind straightening the chair, ple

70、ase? 你介意把桌子摆齐吗?33)Do you mind moving back a bit? 你介意往后挪一点吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语34)Will you make a bigger space here? 你可以在这里多留一点空间吗?35)Could you possibly arrange yourselves to make a group of 3/4/6/8? 你们能把自己组成三人/四人/六人/八人的小组吗?36)If you could arrange yourselves to form a group of 5 如果你们可以自己组成五人一组 下一页中小学教师课堂用语

71、37)Would you please arrange your chairs in 3? 请把你们的椅子排成三把一组。38)Would you find the handouts we were using last week,please? 请找出上星期用过的发下去的资料。39)Could you get out the exercise books you had last time,please? 请拿出你们上次用的练习本。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语40)Will you take out the worksheets you began yesterday,please? 请把昨天的

72、学习手册拿出来。41)Lets find the passage we were reading last lesson. 让我们找到上节课读的那一段。42)Put other books away,please. 把别的书拿开。43)No others! Thats all! 没有别的,就这么多! 下一页中小学教师课堂用语44)We dont need these pictures. Will you put them away. 我们不需要这些画,你可以把它们拿走吗?45)Not that book. The other one. Yes,the red one. 不是那本书,是另一本.是

73、的。红色的那本。46)Ready? Now we can start. 准备好了吗?现在我们开始。47)Havent you brought yours? Well,youll have to share with your neighbor. 你自己的没带来吗?好吧,和同桌共用吧。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语48)Have you lost yours? Well,you may share with Li Lei. 你的丢了吗?好吧,和李雷共用。49)Have you got yours?Forgotten?Well ,you should use mine,but dont forget

74、next time. 你没有吗?忘带了?好吧,这次用我的,但下次别忘了。50)I have some papers to give out now. 现在我把试卷发下去。51)I have some new books to give out today. 今天我要发新书。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语52)Here are some worksheets to hand round. 把学习手册传上来。53)Will you please give these sheets out, Han Mei? Thank you. 韩梅,把这些材料发下去好吗?谢谢。54)Please pass thes

75、e papers back. 请把卷子传上来。55)Take one and(then) pass them on. 每人拿一张,把其它的往后传。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语56)Theyre for you to keep. 自己留者保存好。57)You may have them to keep. 你们可以把他们保存起来。58)I want the materials back,please. 我要收回这些资料。59)I want them back at the end of the lesson. 课后收上来。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语60)You must give them in a

76、gain,so please dont write anything on them. OK? 请不要在上面写字好吗?你们还要交上来。61)Please clean the blackboard. 请你把黑板擦干净。62)Would you mind cleaning the board, please? 你介意擦黑板吗?63)Just clean this half. 只擦这一半。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语64)Leave that section. 留下那部分。65)We still need this part. 我们仍要这部分。66)Just clean that bit. 只要擦那一

77、点。67)Dont clean that side. 不要擦那边。68)Not this part. 不是这边。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语69)Only that part. 只要擦那儿。70)Just that section. Thank you very much. 只要擦那部分,非常感谢。71)Could you clean the top left-hand corner, please? 你能把左上角那儿擦干净吗?72)Will you clean the buttom right-hand corner,please? 你能擦一下右下角那一块吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语73)P

78、lease rub off the yellow words on the left at the top. 请把左上方黄色粉笔写的单词擦掉。74)Would you please rub off the drawings on the right at the buttom? 请把右下角的画擦掉。75)Rub everthing off,please. 请全部擦干净。76)Leave this on,please. 请留下这些。 返回中小学教师课堂用语举例Giving examples 课内举例,请用下列句子。以速度区分 Speed distinction77)You should use

79、ing form here. (放慢速度) I love playing football. 这儿应该用 -ing 的形式。我喜欢踢足球。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语以重复来区分 repetition distinction78)You will have to use “but” when you express this idea,now listen to the sentence: I love swimming but I dont like swimming in winter. 当你表达这个意思时你必须用“but”,现在请听句子:我喜欢游泳,但不喜欢在冬天游泳。 下一页中小学教师课

80、堂用语以重读来区分 stress distinction79)We ought to use the form “have done” such as “Have you finished that job yet?” 我们应该用“have done”这种形式,例如 “你完成那项工作了吗?”以手势来区分 Gesture distinction 返回中小学教师课堂用语谈论课堂环境Talking about physical condition 好的课堂环境有利于学生的学习好的课堂环境有利于学生的学习, ,通过交通过交谈谈, ,提高学生的表达能力。提高学生的表达能力。80)Dont you thi

81、nk its too hot here? 你不认为这儿太热了吗?81)Isnt it rather cold in here? 这儿够冷的,不是吗?82)Could you please turn the fan on? 你能把风扇打开吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语83)Would you mind switching the air conditioner on? Then well be able to keep cool. 你介意开空调吗?那样我们可以凉快一些。84)Im afraid its too dark here. Can you work right?/ Can you see

82、 right? 恐怕这儿太黑了。你们能正常工作吗? / 你们能看清楚吗?85)Dont we need that light(s) on? 我们不需要开灯吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语86)Will you open the shutters? 你把百叶窗打开好吗?87)Oh,its much too untidy for us to study in. 哦,这里太乱了,简直没法学习。88)Please tidy up,will you? 请摆整齐,好吗?89)Would you please go and ask someone to fix the light? 你去叫人来修灯好吗? 下一

83、页中小学教师课堂用语使用教学辅助工具与设备Using aids and equipment 教具能使抽象的教学内容形象化,易于学生理解,要用教具吗?请用下列句子。90)Will you fetch the wall charts of lesson 65? 请去把65课的挂图拿来好吗?91)Can you bring me those sets of flashcards of “food” and “drink”. 你能把“食物”和“饮料”的那些抽认卡拿来吗? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语92)We need a flannel board. 我们需要一个法兰绒板。93)Now,Ive got

84、some folders of cue cards. 现在我这儿有一些装提示卡片的文件夹。94)Could you please stick the picture up here. 请把这张画贴在这儿。95)Lets find the sticky tape to fix the chart up. 我们拿胶带来粘这个图表。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语96)Is that all right? Straight? High enough? Can you all see it. 这个位置合适吗?正吗?够高吗?你们都能看清楚吗?97)Will you give me the scissors?

85、They are to cut these out with. 请把剪刀给我。我要用它来剪这些东西。98)Will you take them down. 请把它们拿走好吗。99)Im going to collect the cards in now and put them away. 我要把这些卡片收拾起来拿走。 返回中小学教师课堂用语使用电教设备Using electrical equipment 电教设备极大地提高了教学效果,节省电教设备极大地提高了教学效果,节省了教学时间,使得教学内容生动活泼,下了教学时间,使得教学内容生动活泼,下列句子是你的好帮手。列句子是你的好帮手。100)W

86、ill you possibly plug the tape reorder in for me? 请你帮我把录音机插头插上好吗?101)Oh dear. Its too loud,what must you do then. 哦,天哪,声音太大了,那该怎么办? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语102)Im afraid its not loud enough. Youd better turn it up a bit. 恐怕声音太小了点,你最好调大音量。103)Whats wrong with the recorder? Will you check if the plug is in/the sw

87、itch is on. 录音机有什么毛病?你最好检查一下插头插上没有/开关打开了没有?104)It wont work. Can you check the plug? 它不响,你检查插头(插进去了)没有?105)I cant get it to work. 我没法使它响。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语106)Now,wait a minute. Lets find the right place on the tape. 好,等一下,我们找找是在磁带的什么地方。107)Shall we go back and play it again? 我们要倒回去重放吗?108)Did you catch

88、that? That seemed to be a bit fast. Well go back and listen again.Ready? 你们听清楚了吗?似乎快了点。我们把它倒回去再听。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语109)Check it again,back to the start. 再检查一下,看是不是倒到最开头的地方了。110)Wind the tape on to the empty spool. 把磁带倒到空白处。111)Set the counter to 0 at the beginning of the tape. 把磁带计数器调到零处。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语112

89、)Teacher: Now,lets talk about some pictures. Well need the OHP, that is,the overhead projector. Do you know how to make it work? 现在让我们讨论一些图片。我 们需要用投影仪,你们知道怎 么让它工作吗?(教师引导出投 影仪的英文名称) 下一页 中小学教师课堂用语Students:Electricity 电。Teacher:Well,do I need to switch it on first or plug it in first? 好,我是先打开开关还是先插插头。S

90、tudent:You have to plug it in first. 您得先插上插头。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语Teacher:Good,well,Ive plugged it in. Now what? 好,我插上了,现在该怎么办?Student:You have to switch it on. 您必须把开关开开。Teacher:Thats it. Now well adjust the mirrorsoh dear,the pictures upside down! How silly! 对了!现在我们来校对一下镜头。 啊,天哪!图片放倒了,真傻 下一页中小学教师课堂用语113)It

91、s too bright. 太亮了。114)Its not bright/clear enough. 不够亮/清楚。115)Its out of focus. 没有对准焦距。116)Lets adjust the focus. 让我们调一下焦距。 返回中小学教师课堂用语进行分组活动Dividing the class up 给学生更多的实践机会,分组练习是个给学生更多的实践机会,分组练习是个好办法,教师应了解下列表达方式。好办法,教师应了解下列表达方式。Choral 全体 Individuals 个人 Teams 小组Pairs 两人117)I want all of you to answe

92、r the question. (Chorals) 我希望大家一起回答这个问题。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语118)Id like just one person to continue the sentence.(Idividual) 我希望有个同学能来完成这个句子。119)I want this part to correct the sentence. (Team) 这部分的同学来改正这个句子。120)Now lets play the dialogue out in pairs. (Pairs) 现在我们两人一组,练习对话。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语121)For this,Im goi

93、ng to divide you down the middle. 为此我把你们从中间分开。122)Now Ill divide you in half. 现在我把你们平分成两部分。123)Whose go is it? You,be quiet! 轮到谁了,你要快点。124)Group 6 first. Now you. Quickly! Thats it. 第六组先来,现在该你们了,快一点!棒极了! 下一页中小学教师课堂用语125)Your turn the next. 第二轮该你们。126)They go the third. 他们进行第三轮。127)Well score on the

94、board and see which team wins. 我们将在黑板上记分,看哪一组赢。128)I want you to work in groups. 我想让你们分成小组。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语129)In fours./ In groups of four. 四人一组。130)Turn round and face your neighbor. 转过身,面对你的同桌。131)You havent anyone to work with,have you? 你还没有合作伙伴是吗?132)What about join them? 加入他们怎么样? 返回中小学教师课堂用语布置作业S

95、etting homework 布置课后作业是教学中一个不可缺少的布置课后作业是教学中一个不可缺少的环节环节, ,教师可以用下列句子说明。教师可以用下列句子说明。133)At home tonight,do the exercise on page 9. 今天晚上做第九页的练习。134)At home this evening,revise this dialog. 今晚在家复习这篇对话。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语135)You are going to compose a piece of writing about todays topicin your notebooks and han

96、d it in tomorrow morning. 在笔记本上写一篇有关这个话题的文章,明天交。136)For homework,I want you to finish this piece of work. 关于家庭作业,只要你们把这个做完就行了。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语137)Before next lesson you must go over what weve just learnt from unit 12. 下节课之前,你们必须复习好第12单元中我们刚刚学的内容。138)It must be done by next lesson. 下节课之前必须完成。139)The pie

97、ce of writing must be completed by our next class/ this time next week. 这篇作文在下次上课之前/下个星期这个时候写完。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语140)For todays homework 今天的作业是141)Practise after class./Practise at home. 课后练习。/在家练习。142)Read it aloud before you write it down. 抄写前,大声读出来。143)Copy/Print/Write each word twice. 每个单词抄两遍。 下一页中小学

98、教师课堂用语144)Remember/Memorize these words /sentences. 记住这些单词/句子。145)Learn these words/these sentences/ this text by heart. 背诵这些单词/这些句子/这篇课文。146)Do your homework. 做家庭作业。 返回中小学教师课堂用语结束课堂教学Ending the class 下课之前,提醒学生要做的事。下课之前,提醒学生要做的事。147)One more minutes,just complete the task youre doing and then well c

99、all it a day. 还有一两分钟,完成你们的任务,我们就下课。148)Time is up. Well stop now. Youve done enough of that. 时间到了,现在停下来,你们已经做了够多的练习了。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语149)Most of you have done that betterthan last time. 大多数同学比上次做得好。150)I want to collect your papers now,please. 现在我要收卷子了。151)Id like to take in your last homework. 我要收你们上次

100、的家庭作业。152)Will you please pass it up to the end of the row. 请把它传到这排末尾。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语153)Put your work on my desk when you leave. 离开的时候把作业放在我桌子上。154)Thank you everyone. Well done. 谢谢,同学们,做得很好。155)Could you please see if all the library books are returned,everyone? 每个同学都看看是否把所有图书馆的书都还了? 下一页中小学教师课堂用语156

101、)Before you all leave,would you check that all the books are put away? 在你们全部离开之前,请检查一下所有的书是否都收了。157)Li Ming ,its your turn today to clean the board and make sure its all tidy for the next class. 李明,今天该你擦黑板,下节课上课之前把它擦干净。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语158)I have some announcements to make before you go. Would you liste

102、n,please? 在你离开之前我有些事要宣布一下,请注意听,好吗?159)Hand in your workbooks,please. 请交练习本。160)Time is up. 时间到了。161)The bell is ringing. 铃响了。 下一页中小学教师课堂用语162)Theres the bell./ There goes the bell. 铃响了。163)Lets stop here./ Thats all for today. 今天的课就讲到这。164)Class is over. 下课了。165)Goodbye./Bye./See you next time. 再见! 结束中小学教师课堂用语中小学教师课堂用语



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