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1、现代西方文学理论与批评Modern WesternLiterary Theory and Criticism1Part 1Part 1Part 1 IntroductionlConcepts:lCriticism: The reasoned discussion of literary works,an activity which may include some or all of the following procedures,in varying proportions:the defence of literature against moralists and censors,c

2、lassification of a work according to its genre,interpretation of its meaning,analysis of its structure and style, judgment of its worth by comparison with other works,estimation of its likely effect on readers,and the establishment of general principles by which literary works can be evaluated and u

3、nderstood.(Oxford concise Dictionary of Literary Terms)2Part 1Part 1lLiterary Theory literary theory is “speculative discourse on literature and on practice of literature.”It may include reflections on or analysis of general principles and categories of literature,such as its nature and function;its

4、 relation to other aspects of culture;the purpose,procedures and validity of literary criticism;relation of literary text to their authors and historical contexts;or the production of literary meaning.(Zhu Gang )3Part 1Part 1lModern:historical period from Renaissance to 20th century20th centurylWest

5、ern:Geographical meaning:Europe and AmericaCultural meaning:Cultural community of develop capitalism countries,especially based on Christian tradition.lConclusion: Modern western literary theory and criticism are reasoned activities of discussion about literature in Western world in 20th century.4Pa

6、rt 1Part 1lApproaches,schools and groupslScientism ApproachesRussian FormalismAnglo-American New CriticismCzech StructuralismFrench StructuralismPost Structuralism5Part 1Part 1lHumanism ApproachesExistentialismPsychoanalysis CriticismPhenomenological CriticismHermeneutics Criticism解释学批评Reader-Respon

7、se CriticismFeminism Criticism6Part 1Part 1lHistorical ApproachesMarxist CriticismNew HistoricismCultural StudiesPost-Colonial Criticism7Part 1Part 1lCharacters:lTheorized:almost all of the schools of criticism have their particular theory.lAdapting theories or principles from their disciplines.lUnd

8、erstanding literature in terms of its relations to history,politics gender,social class,race,mythology or psychology.lCritical tendency:many schools of criticism seek to influence on the social reality with in their historical context.8Part 1Part 1lReferences and Further reading:lHandbook of critica

9、l Approaches to Literature(Third Edition),Wilfred.L.Guerin(ed).lLiterary Theory from Plato to Barthes:An Introductory History ,Richard.Harland,外语教学与研究出版社。lTwentieth Century Western Critical Theories, Zhu Gang,上海外语教育出版社。lSelective Readings in 20th Century Western Critical Theory,张中载,王逢振、赵国新编,外语教学与研究出

10、版社。lLiterary theory,Jonathan Culler,Oxford University Press,1997.lA Readers Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory,Roman Roman Selden,Harvester Wheatsheaf,1989Selden,Harvester Wheatsheaf,1989.9Part 2Part 2Part 2 The New CriticismlTimes: There are four periods:the initiative(1910-1930),the formative(1

11、930-1945), the dominant(1945-1957), and normalization(1960s to the present). If we take T.E. Hume, a British aesthetician, or American poet Ezra Pound as the initiator of the New Criticism, then this school started in the 1910s.But the New Criticism rose formally in the 1930s when some critics estab

12、lished their theory in America, and it became dominant criticism system in college and university English departments in the 1950s. 10Part 2Part 2lMembers:lFounders: I.A.Richards(1883-1981)T.S.Eliot(1888-1965)W.Empson.(1906-1984)lMasters:John Crowe Ransom(1888-1974)Allen Tate(1888-1979)Robert Penn W

13、arren(1905-)Cleanth Brooks(1906-1994)W.K.Wimsatt(1907-1975)Rene Wellek(1903-1995)11Part 2Part 2lWorks:lI.A Richards:Principles of Literary Criticism(1924)Practical Criticism:A sturdy of Literary Judgment.(1929)lT.S.Eliot:Tradition and the Individual Talent.(1917)lWilliam Empson:Seven Types of Ambigu

14、ity (1930)lJohn Crowe Ransom:Poetry:A Note in Ontology.(1934)The New Criticism(1941)12Part 2Part 2lWorks:lAllen Tate:Tension in Poetry(1938)lCleanth Brooks:The Language of Paradox(1942)The Well-wrought Urn.(1947)Understanding Poetry.(1938,with Robert Penn Warren)Understanding fiction.(1943,with Robe

15、rt Penn Warren)Understanding Drama(1945,with Robert B.Heilman)13Part 2Part 2lWorks:lW.K.Wimsatt:The Verbal Icon(1954)The Intentional Fallacy(1946,with M.C. Beardsley)The Affective fallacy(1949,with M.C. Beardsley)lR.Wellek:Theory of Literature(1949,with Austin Warren)History of Modern Criticism 1750

16、-1950(1986)14Part 2Part 2lIdeas:l The New Critics read the individual work of literary art as an organic form.They articulated the concept that in an organic form there is a consistency and an internal vitality that we should look for and appreciate.l One of the most salient considerations of the Ne

17、w Critics was emphasis on form,on the work of art as an object.15Part 2Part 2l The New Critics sought precision and structural tightness in the literary work;they favored a style and tone that tended toward irony;they insisted on the presence within the work of everything necessary for its analysis;

18、and they called for an end to a concern by critics with matters outside the work itself-the life of the author,the history of his times,or the social and economic implications of the literary work.16Part 2Part 2lKeywords:lClose reading: A reading method that is the mark of the New Criticism, which t

19、akes work as a piece of textured literary art, and only read the work itself. Close reading begins with sensitivity to the words of the text and all their denotative and connotative values and implications, then looks for structures, patterns and interrelationships in the text. 17Part 2Part 2lTensio

20、n: A reading strategy offered by Allen Tate in 1938, that means a combination of extension and intension. It is also a New Critical standard for evaluating poetry and poets.lIrony: Irony involves a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant. To I. A. Richards irony is bringing opposites to f

21、orm a balance, while C. Brooks suggested irony is the stability of a context in which the internal pressures balance and mutually support each other. 18Part 2Part 2lThe intentional fallacy: A particular term proposed by Wimsatt and Beardsley who argued that the design or intention of the author is n

22、either available nor desirable as a standard for judging the success of a work of literary art, and that a literary work,once published,belongs in the public realm of language,which gives it an objective existence distinct from the authors original idea of it.19Part 2Part 2lThe affective fallacy: Th

23、e affective fallacy is proposed by Wimsatt and Beardsley that means a confusion between the poem and its results(what it is and what it does), It begins by trying to drive the standard of criticism from the psychological effects of the poem and ends in impressionism and relativism. The outcome of ei

24、ther fallacy, the intentional or the affective, is that the poem itself, as an object of specifically critical judgment, tends to disappear.20Part 3Part 3Part 3 The Psychoanalytical Criticism lTimes: Started from 1900 when S.Freud published his The Interpretation of Dreams, then extended to present.

25、There are two important stages in the course of psychoanalytical criticism development. First is the phase of Freud. Second is the phase of Jacque Lacan. 21Part 3Part 3lMembers :l Founder:Sigmund Freud(1856-1939)lAdherent:Melanie Klein(1882-1960)Ernest Jones(1879-1958)Marie BonaparteNorman Holland(1

26、927- )Jacque Lacan(1901-1981)Lionel Trilling(1905-1975)22Part 3Part 3lWorks :lS.Freud:The interpretation of Dreams (1900)Creative writers and Daydreaming lJacque Lacan The four Fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis (1977)Ecrits:A Selection (1966)23Part 3Part 3lE.Jones:Hamlet and Oedipus(1910)lNorma

27、n HollandThe Dynamics of Literary Response (1968)Five Readers Reading (1975)lMelanie KleinNotes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms(1946)Some theoretical conclusion regarding the Emotional Life of the infant24Part 3Part 3lFreuds ideasl Freud emphasized the unconscious aspects of the human psyche and provide

28、d convincing evidence that most of our actions are motivated by psychological forces over which we have very limited control.lHe demonstrated that,like the iceberg,the human mind is structured so that its great weight and density lie beneath the surface.25Part 3Part 3lAll human behavior is motivated

29、 ultimately by what we would call sexuality.Freud designates the prime psychic force as libido,or sexual energy.lHis another major premise is that because of the powerful social taboos attached to certain sexual impulses,many of our desires and memories are repressed.26Part 3Part 3lKeywords lOedipus

30、 complex Freud borrowed this term from Greece classic Sophoclean tragedy in which the hero Oedipus unknowingly slew his father and married his mother.In psychoanalytical theory Oedipus complex derives from the boys unconscious rivalry with his father for the love of his mother.lUnconsciousness A men

31、tal process that is structured beneath the surface consciousness,and has no easy access to consciousness,but must be inferred,discovered,and translated into conscious form in some special manners. 27Part 3Part 3lLibido Freud called by this name (Libido)the energy of those instincts which have to do

32、with all that may be comprised under the word “love”.To Freud, “love”consists in sexual love with sexual union as its aim,but he did not separate from this either the self-love or love for parents and children, friendship and love for humanity in general, and also devotion to concrete objects and to

33、 abstract ideas. 28Part 4Part 4Part 4 Western Marxist Criticism lTimes: Marxist Literary criticism can be divided into three periods:Classical Marxism,early Western Marxism ,Late Marxism.Early Western Marxism began with Georg Lukacs,then developed by “Institute of Social Research”in university of Fr

34、ankfurt, Germany,Late Marxism started from 1960s and extended in the last years of the 20th century. 29Part 4Part 4lMembers:lFounders:Georg Lukacs (1885-1971)Antonio Gramsci(1891-1937)lAdherents:Max Horkheimer (1895-1973)Thoedor W Adorno (1903-1969)Walter Benjamin (1892-1940)Herbert Marcuse (1898-19

35、79)Leo Lowenthal(1900-1993)30Part 4Part 4lLater:Louis Althusser (1918-1980)Raymond Williams (1921-1988)Terry Eagleton (1943-)Fredric Jameson (1934-)Jurgen Habermas(1929-)31Part 4Part 4lWorks:lGeorg Lukacs:History and Class Consciousness (1923)The Theory of Novel (1920)The Historical Novel (1962)The

36、Meaning of Contemporary Realism (1963)lAntonio Gramsci:Prison Notebooks (1977)lT. W Adrono:Aesthetic Theory (1970)lWalter BenjaminCharles Baudelaire :A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism (1973)32Part 4Part 4lR. Williams:Marxism and Literature (1977)Culture and Society (1958)lT. Eagleton:Critic

37、ism and Ideology (1976)Marxism and Literary Criticism (1976)lF.Jameson:The Political Unconsciousness (1979)lL. Althusser:Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays (1971)lLeo LowenthalOn Sociology of Literature (1932)33Part 4Part 4lCharacters:lWestern Marxism turned Marxist criticism into a cultural crit

38、ique from the philosophical perspective.lInterdisciplinarity is another feature of the Western Marxism.lResearching many new fields which Marx and Engels had never studied through associated with other new theories in 20th century.lCritical attitude towards new social problems emerged in the West wo

39、rld in 20th century.34Part 4Part 4lKeywords:lIdeology: Ideology is idea or belief come from social classes in their relations with each other.It is seen be rooted in the material conditions of the everyday life of classes,because classes are not equal,ideology is thought as a distorted representatio

40、n of the truth,or “false consciousness”.35Part 4Part 4lHegemony: The concept of hegemony was proposed by Italian Marxist theorist and activist Antonio Gramsci to understand how social groups organize their rule.He suggested that rule involves both domination and hegemony that is the organization of

41、consent based on establishing the legitimacy of leadership and developing shared ideas,values, beliefs and meanings.36Part 5Part 5Part 5 Feminism CriticismlTimes: There are three phase in feminism:first-wave (late 19th and early 20th century ),second-wave and post-modern feminism . Second-wave Femin

42、ist criticism developed since the womens movement beginning in the early 1960s,and with womens studies programs growing in American higher education,Feminism criticism divided into many types in 1970s and 1980s.E.Showalter identified four models of them:The biological, linguistic,psychoanalytic and

43、cultural.37Part 5Part 5lMembers:lMary Wollstonecraft(1759-1797)lVirginia Woolf(1882-1941)lSimone de Beauvoir(1908-1986)lKate MillettlElaine Showalter(1941-)lToril Moi(1953-)lLillian Robinson38Part 5Part 5lMichele BarrettlSandra GilbertlSusan GubarlHelene Cixous(1937-)lJalis Kristeva(1941-)lLuce Irig

44、araylBarbara Smithlbell hooks39Part 5Part 5lWorks:lMary Wollstonecraft:A Vindication of the Rights of Woman(1791)lVirginia Woolf:A Room of Ones Own(1929)l Simon de Beauvoir:The Second Sex(1949)lKate Millett:Sexual Politics(1970)40Part 5Part 5lElaine Showalter:A Literature of Their Own(1977)lHelene C

45、ixous:The Laugh of the Medusa(1975)lMary Eagleton:Feminist Literary Criticism(1991)lSandra M.Gilbert and Susan GubarThe Madwomen in the Attic(1979) 41Part 5Part 5lJulia Kristeva:The Revolution of Poetic Language(1984)lLuce Irigaray:This Sex Which Is Not One(1985)Sexes and Genealogies(1993)lJudith Bu

46、tler:Gender Trouble:Feminism and the Subversion of Identity(1990)lbell hooks:Feminist Theory:From Margin to Center(1984)42Part 5Part 5lIdeas:lFeminist literary criticism is a political attack upon other modes of criticism and theory,and because of its social orientation it moves beyond traditional l

47、iterary criticism.lFeminists believe that our culture is a patriarchal culture,that is,one organized in favor of the interests of men.lFeminist literary critics try to explain how what they term engendered power imbalances in a given culture are reflected,supported,or challenged by literary texts.43

48、Part 5Part 5lFeminist critics focus on absence of women from discourse as well as meaningful spaces opened by womens discourse.lFeminist critics largely agree on a threefold purpose:to expose patriarchal premises and resulting prejudices,to promote discovery and reevaluation of literature by women,a

49、nd to examine social,cultural,and psychosexual contexts of literature and criticism.lFeminist critics wish to make us act as feminist readers;that is,to create”new communities of writers and readers supported by a language spoken for and by women.”44Part 5Part 5lKeywords:lGender: There is an importa

50、nt distinction between sex and gender where sex describes biological or natural differences,while gender describes the social roles of masculinity and femininity,so gender is socially constructed.lPatriarchy: This was originally an anthropological term which describes a social system in which older

51、men are entitled to exercise socially sanctioned authority over other members of the household or kinship group,both women and younger men.45Part 6Part 6Part 6 Cultural StudieslTimes: Cultural studies formally began with the establishing of “Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies” in Birmingham Un

52、iversity in 1964, then this method spread all over the world ,and is also active today.46Part 6Part 6lMemberslFounders:Raymond Williams(1921-1988)Richard Hoggart(1918-)Edward Palmer Thompson (1924-1993)lAdherent:Stuart Hall(1932-)Richard JohnsonIen AngTony BennettJohn Fiske()47Part 6Part 6lWorkslRay

53、mond Williams:The Long Revolution(1965)Communications(1962)Technology and Cultural Form(1974)Culture(1981)The Country and the City(1973)lRichard Hoggart:The Uses of Literacy(1958)lEdward Palmer Thompson:The Making of the English Working Class(1968)48Part 6Part 6lStuart Hall:The Popular Arts(1964,wit

54、h Paddy Whamel)Resistance Through Rituals(1976,ed with T.Jefferson)lIen Ang:Watching Dallas(1985)lJohn Fiske:Understanding Popular Culture(1989)Television Culture(1987)49Part 6Part 6lIdeaslIn cultural studies the concept of culture has a range of meanings which includes both high art and everyday li

55、fe.lCultural studies advocates an interdisciplinary approach to the study of culture.lWhile cultural studies is eclectic in its use of theory,using both structuralism and more flexible approaches,it advocates those that stress the overlapping,hybrid nature of cultures,seeing cultures as networks rat

56、her than patchworks.50Part 6Part 6lKeywords:lCulture:The term cultureis chiefly used in three relatively distinct senses to refer to :the arts and artistic activity;the learned,primarily symbolic features of a particular way of life;and a process of development.In cultural studies this term speciall

57、y refers to a particular way of life whether of a people,a period or humanity in general.51Part 6Part 6lPopular Culture:Popular culture is type of writing or other cultural product,which come into fashion in the mass and usually is seen as worthless and harmful.But in cultural studies the boundaries

58、 between popular culture and high culture are in the process of dissolving,because they think the forms of culture are constructed in social and historical context.Popular culture and high culture often share similar themes,and a particular text can be seen as high culture at one point in time and popular culture at another,more importantly,popular culture is a representation of a way of life within the period it emerges. 52



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