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1、 In the beginning, the universe is a cosmos evolving from Chaos. Chaos and Gaea (the earth) generate everything that exists, including seas, mountains, gods and monsters. Then Gaeas mating with her son Uranus (the sky), which produces 12 Titans with Gronus as their leader. 宇宙之初,只有卡俄斯(即宇宙之初,只有卡俄斯(即“混

2、沌混沌”)。卡。卡俄斯和盖亚创造了大海、大山、神还有妖怪,俄斯和盖亚创造了大海、大山、神还有妖怪,并赋予他们生命。后来盖亚与她的儿子乌拉诺并赋予他们生命。后来盖亚与她的儿子乌拉诺斯结婚,由此产生了以克罗诺斯为首的斯结婚,由此产生了以克罗诺斯为首的12泰坦泰坦2The Olympian Gods between Macedon The Olympian Gods between Macedon and Thessaly of eastern Greece there and Thessaly of eastern Greece there stood a high mountain. its c

3、loudy top stood a high mountain. its cloudy top rushed into the very heavens.on the top rushed into the very heavens.on the top of the mountain of the mountain , the home of the gods the home of the gods was bathed in brightness.was bathed in brightness.传说,风中有个遥远的国度,在马其顿和希传说,风中有个遥远的国度,在马其顿和希传说,风中有个遥


5、物都听从这里的指命这里静止,世上万物都听从这里的指命3Advised by his mother, Grouns beats Uranus, severs the link between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos. Gronus copulates with his sister, Rhea to bring about Zeus and siblings, the future of older Olympians. 克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,分开

6、了天地间的连了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,分开了天地间的连接,成为了宇宙的新首领。克罗诺斯与他接,成为了宇宙的新首领。克罗诺斯与他的姐姐瑞亚结婚,诞生了宙斯以及他的兄的姐姐瑞亚结婚,诞生了宙斯以及他的兄弟姐妹,翻开了古奥林匹亚崭新的一页弟姐妹,翻开了古奥林匹亚崭新的一页4The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Greek gods can be divided into several groups.The earliest group was Titans , led by Cronus . The most powerful group was the Oly

7、mpians . The Olympians are a group of gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way . They are named after their dwelling(住宅住宅,住所)住所)place Mount Olympus. 古希腊崇拜很多神古希腊崇拜很多神, 古希腊的神被分为几组古希腊的神被分为几组, 最古老一组的被称最古老一组的被称为泰坦为泰坦 , 由克罗诺斯领导。最强大的一组被称为奥林匹斯山神。由克罗诺斯领导。最强大

8、的一组被称为奥林匹斯山神。奥林匹斯山神由个神组成奥林匹斯山神由个神组成 ,他们颠覆了泰坦时期的规律。所,他们颠覆了泰坦时期的规律。所有的奥林匹斯山神在某个方面都有着或多或少的联系。他们的名有的奥林匹斯山神在某个方面都有着或多或少的联系。他们的名字来自于他们居住的奥林匹斯山。字来自于他们居住的奥林匹斯山。5Cronus(克罗诺斯克罗诺斯) : 天空之神。天空之神。Rhea(瑞亚瑞亚) : 时光女神。时光女神。Oceanus(俄刻阿诺斯俄刻阿诺斯) : 水之神。水之神。Tethys(泰西斯泰西斯) : 沧海女神。俄刻阿诺斯之妻。沧海女神。俄刻阿诺斯之妻。 Crius(克瑞斯克瑞斯) : 生长之神。

9、生长之神。Lapetus (伊阿佩托斯伊阿佩托斯) : 灵魂之神灵魂之神 。阿忒拉斯、普罗米修斯、厄庇米。阿忒拉斯、普罗米修斯、厄庇米 修斯和墨诺提俄斯之父。修斯和墨诺提俄斯之父。Phoebe(福柏福柏) : 月之女神。月之女神勒托与阿斯特瑞亚之母。月之女神。月之女神勒托与阿斯特瑞亚之母。Coeus (科俄斯科俄斯) : 智力之神。智力之神。Themis (忒弥斯忒弥斯) : 秩序和正义女神。宙斯第二位妻子秩序和正义女神。宙斯第二位妻子,时序三女神母时序三女神母 。Mnemosyne(谟涅摩叙涅谟涅摩叙涅) : 记忆之神。宙斯第五位妻子记忆之神。宙斯第五位妻子,九缪斯之母九缪斯之母 。Hype

10、rion(许配利翁许配利翁) : 光之神光之神Thea(忒亚忒亚) : 许配利翁之妻。许配利翁之妻。6Zeus(宙斯宙斯): the god of the sky. Hera(赫拉赫拉): the goddess of marriage and childbirth.Poseidon(波塞冬波塞冬): the god of the sea,protector. Hades(哈迪斯哈迪斯): the god the dead andwealth.Hestia(赫斯提亚赫斯提亚): the goddess of the Hearth(灶台灶台).Ares(阿瑞斯阿瑞斯): the god of w

11、ar.Hermes(赫尔墨斯赫尔墨斯): the god of thieves and commerce. Hephaestus(赫斯菲托斯赫斯菲托斯): the god of fire and the forge(熔熔炉炉). Apollo(阿波罗阿波罗): the god of light.Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯阿尔忒弥斯): the goddess of chastity,virginity,the hunt, the moon,and the natural environment. Athena(雅典娜雅典娜): the Greek virgin goddess of reaso

12、n, intelligent activity,arts and literature.Aphrodite(阿弗洛狄德阿弗洛狄德): the goddess of love,desire and beauty78AboutHomereThe Homere (,9th century - 8th century) According to legend, he is a bard(游吟诗人) of ancient Greece, was born in Asia Minor, the blind, the creation of the epic Iliad (伊利亚特)and Odyssey(

13、奥德赛), both collectively, became the chargeMa epic (荷马史诗)1011CauseA war caused by a women-Helen 1193 BC, King Troy Puri Amos (普里阿摩斯)and his handsome second son Prince Paris were invited by Spartas king Mainilaosi(麦尼劳斯)in Greek ,during that time, Paris fall in love with the kings beautiful wife Helen

14、at first sight and took her out of the palace. The king was very angry with them and thought it was a big insult, so he asked his brother Agamemnon who was the king of the Greek for help, at last they decided to launch the war to get Helen back, and the War Troy break out.12ProcessDue to the Troy Ci

15、ty firm easily defensible(易守难攻), the Greek army and the Troy warriors confrontation lasted 10 years。 the last hero Odysseus (奥德修斯)offered inspiration, let the Greek soldiers make false, and deliberately in the city before leaving a huge wooden horse.(木马计)Troy was glad to take the horse as a booty up to town. That night, as Troy people indulge in wine and dancing time, 20 Greek soldiers hidden in the Trojan open the gate, collaborate from within with forces from outside, Troy immediately fell, killing the entire city and fire destruction.13Hero1415



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