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1、词组短语与介词搭配综合练习综合选择练习七.词组 短语与介词搭配综合练习(一)综合选择练习1. These areas are dangerous, because there are some tigers_A. in generalB. in timeC. at largeD. at length2.In order to convince the director to _their plan, theybrought forth a number of reports which supported theirargument.A. agree withB. agree toC. dea

2、l withD. deal in3. British and American English differ partly _ theirgeographical separation for over 200 years.A. as a result ofB. with the exception ofC. on the point ofD. in the light of4. He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit _A. by turnsB. within reachC. with handD. in order5. Th

3、e drought has _ a food shortage to the country.A. stood forB. run out ofC. brought aboutD. set about6. The actual production figures are _ the estimated ones.A. consistent withB. responsible forC. related toD. responsive to7. The recent test shows that the new products of our factoryhave _ the requi

4、red standards.A. come up withB. come up toC. come toD. come up8. He _ his studies rather than an his home, which annoyed hiswife very much.A. took onB. went onC. pulled onD. concentrated on9. Losses _ friction occur in every machine and in everyorganization.A. atB. due toC. beyondD. within10. Some p

5、hilosophers me concerned chiefly with the wisdom _the study of the world about us.A. rising toB. coming withC. arrived atD. derived from11. The government has decided to cut _ the militaryexpenditure budget of the country.A. up toB. down onC. out ofD. off with12. Academic school education is _ citie

6、s becausetransportation is difficult in he rural mess.A. compensated forB. surrounded withC. focused onD. attached to13.You should _ the bills carefully before you settle them.A. look upB. make outC. get inD. go over14. The students and teachers of our university _ these modeminstruments in our lab.

7、A. make their way toB. have access toC. are acceptable toD. approach to15.The rent for this house must be paid one month _A. in generalB. in contrastC. in existenceD. in advance16.It doesnt do to be worried, you can _ a lot of chances thatway.A. fadeB. pass onC. give offD. look for17.The teacher has

8、 _ a list of reference books for the studentsto read outside the classroom.A. made upB. made outC. made forD. made the best of18. The trade unions in this industry are _ any reduction inwages.A. objecting againstB. opposed toC. reacted toD. resisting against19 .The news of important events is broadc

9、ast often _ overtelevision.A. on the averageB. on the contraryC. on the spotD. on the whole20.ff you dont feel well, yon should not _ going to tiledoctor.A. pick outB. give offC. put offD. make out21. While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mailto _ at the post officeA. pile upB. men, u

10、pC. risk upD. cover up22. For further information, _ these technical books.A. refer toB. ask forC. relate toD. look for23. The sign _ an unknown number.A. stands forB. accounts forC. breaks upD. deprives of24. It was not until one hundred thousand years after the bigbang that photons were _I from ma

11、tter.A. set apartB. set freeC. set offD. set out25. Dont let him treat you badly _ him.A. stand up toB. get on toC. face up toD. give way to26. In the coming term Professor Smith will _ the advancedclass.A. take advantage ofB. take account ofC. take charge ofD. take care of27. The manager was sorry

12、that he had to _ the scientist sgood idea because there was no enough money to develop it.A. break downB. bring downC. pull downD. mm down28. Little in Barry Levinson s background suggests he would_ to be the artist of the family.A. put outB. pick outC. lay outD. turn out29. I am _ him, he is always

13、 talking about his great invention.A. bored ofB. tired withC. bored toD. tired of30.I shall be gadwhen my daughter isold enough tosome Ofthe houseworkA. take overB. work OnC. take inD. work withKey:1.C2.B3.A4.B5.C6.A7.B8.D9.B10.D11.B12.C13.D14.B15.D16.D17.B18.B19.C20.C21.A22.A23.A24.B25.A26.C27.D28.D29.D30.C



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