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1、地图真题地图真题2 2 题题练习步骤:第 1 步手写:用铅笔手写。不需要严格控制时间,主要是追求质量。第 2 步自查:对照雅思 UP 版本的参考答案自查,自己修订错误;(最好是等两天之后再做第 3 步,因为当时马第 3 步复盘:重新写一遍,仍然要求手写。上写的话,容易变成背诵) ,写完之后再对照原文。自己写过的文章考前一定要多复习几遍,因为考试的时候你一定会去写自己最熟悉的词汇和句子。 小作文写作的关键是思路条理清晰,适当变换一些句式。地图题 1 (剑 5-3) ) :The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S)

2、 is planned for thetown. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket. Summarize theinformation by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisonswhere relevant.剑剑 5-35-3 地图题,参考范文地图题,参考范文The map shows two proposed locations for a new supermarket for the town ofGarlsdon.The fi

3、rst potential location (S1) is located outside the town and off the main road.This road goes to the town of Hindon, which is 12 km away to the north-west. Thesite is in the countryside and so would be able to accommodate a lot of car parking.Shoppers from both Hindon and Garlsdon could come here by

4、car.As it is also closeto the railway line linking the two towns to Cransdon(25 km to the south-east), alarge number of shoppers would also be able to travelby train.In contrast, the suggested location, S2, is right in the town centre and is near theresidential area. People from the Hindon and Crans

5、don could also travel by train.However,as the central area is a no-traffic zone, car drivers cannot access this place,which would be inconvenient.Overall, neither site is appropriate for all the towns, but for customers in Cransdon,Hindon and Garlsdon, S1 would probably offer more advantages.地图题 题 2

6、:The map describe the change of a city from 1965 to 2018. Summarizethe information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisonswhere relevant.提示: 此题是 2015 年 4 月 30 号的考题,难度较大。 (在真实的考场上,任何坑爹的题目都有可能出现!让你感觉今天的考试费又白交了。所以准备得周全一点是没有错的)有三个时间点,1965 年,现在和 2018 年。可以按照时间顺序来写,注意时态的变化。到 2018

7、 年,只是增加了两个 car parks 而已。River Tam 有一条支流branch,河上修了两座桥。Ashore 可以作形容词,表示“岸上的” 。三角形是 trees,箭头是 house。整个图就是一个 city。如果感觉有困难的同学不写也行,但是要认真看几遍参考范文,万一考试碰到能够对付一下。地图题 2:参考范文The two pictures illustrate the layout of a city from 1965 to 2015 and its proposeddesign in 2018.There is a north-to-south Tam River in t

8、he city, with a branch flowing from the westto the east. In 1965, some trees were planted in the northwest corner of the city. Onthe opposite side of the River Tamthere were some houses ashore.Now, the trees have disappeared and this area has changed into a car park by theriver and its branch. The n

9、umber of houses has doubled. A bridge has been builtacross River Tam,connecting the car park and the housing area. A foot bridge furtherto the south has been constructed over the river. According to the 2018 plan, twomore car parks will be built, with one in the south of the city and the other inside theresidential area.From the two pictures, it can be seen that the city has changed obviously and morefacilities are expected to be built.



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