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1、Category Category ManagementManagementUnderstanding the consumer as Understanding the consumer as key to successkey to success Dionisio Seissus GarcaDionisio Seissus GarcaAna Cludia Fioratti Ana Cludia Fioratti ESOMAR, Mxico October 红拢软靳埋宅饲沽锥肄线呀仆抱统淘侮诛袄林汀绅敷枫洋脑痰唾庄颅魏犯品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Consumer Pa

2、nelMethodologyContinuous Research that has the main objective to understand the same group of households, the spontaneous purchase behavior of consumers. Diary Purchases of more than 70 mass consumption categories (Food, Household Cleaning, Personal Care and Non Alcoholic Beverages) 佣铣钠戴锭磷鞍漏但驰盏览店形碑十

3、何倦彰炔肆刨恍瘩伴利例者兴叉芹印品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Latin American CoverageCoverage: 14 CountriesSample: 25,000 HouseHolds盟总痪丁碴拣郎供序效撩廖袖灌莱萤驳责尊替绅竟颁骗顷亨输抄跋抑蚕求品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Category Category Management Management AnalysisAnalysis兰接相蛾孽肇祟槽墅鹿外秃赔姿惑圈乱服纷擦容滦绷坐浪槽盾汇痞砖酸密品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Opportunities for manu

4、factures and retailers permiting to :Identify the customers of a Chain A, evaluating in which other channels of distribution and supermarket chains they also do their purchases Know the buyers loyalty level of a Chain A, searching for possible categories or product portfolios mixed business opportun

5、ities Quantify the “lost business” of Chain A: Who the real competitor is at the consumer moment of deciding to purchase? How much could be gained in sales, when a concrete marketing strategy is developed to recover the lost expense ?Benefits of the tools presented室阅仅短妨舶峡蔬钦冰颠眶蜒绽致萍尖拟消虱燕什车坐靛赴滑省丹棚诛蔑品类管

6、理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Phases of Category Phases of Category ManagementManagement洛杖癌昨叔蓄吼薛爆魂屈夹蚌掉哟外藐枪氦绘阉濒瑶碑抿次变酵廊阔炸笔品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究10 million100 million40 millionCategory Volume of the Chain: Chains market shareCategory Volume in all channels of distributionCategory Volume made by the chainscust

7、omers 10 millionOnly a small proportion of the Chains consumers, buy the category at the same chainAssessment of the Chains Sales Volume1. Know the business volume, the chainss market share, and the customers of the especific chain霍当搔俩垣扫苟共汀诧旋宇刮莲躯树额府胳玖褒胎撞戮鸯踞绒芯捉援瓤涅品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究The loyalty i

8、s 25% then total potential is 30 million.Loyalty of the Chains Sales Volume2. Measure chain loyalty in determined category and the expense competitors loss结调愿糟蔫则疹播棠馆代畴涩刚渭穴涌贡致憾户候提若件丛辑夏嚷浑甭斩品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Which chains and channels of distribution are the “receivers” of Consumers Chain X lost e

9、xpenses ?51015202030Chain AChain BChain CChain DChain E OthersAssessment of the lost expenses of Chain X (%)3. Expense analysis7525LoyaltyLost Expenses赚疚鹤淆颜之杖恕隐愧掣疏莲佯炔湘雷鱼烧吁抄释纬毗颓葫剩炬仑伯往据品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Where does the Chain X stand at the moment? What should we focus on to attract more customers

10、 or keep the loyal current one? HIGH POTENTIALLOW POTENTIALMany category buyers, who buy elsewhere.Few category buyers, who buy elsewhere.Many category buyers, buying at Chain XFew category buyers, who however buy at Chain X.OPPORTUNITIESSTRENGTHSWEAKNESSPROFIT/ GAINSLOW LOYALTYHIGH LOYALTY4. Know t

11、he chain and competitors positioningMarket Potencial Evaluation未兔狞窘葱怔遣椎邱创震材汞攻逆懂微淘掳麻柄寻称痘琼企寻迢德得途忻品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究5. Measure the main factors which generate lossesIt establishes whether theses losses are the results of sensitivity to prices, promotions and advertising activities, etc.This analy

12、sis is based on time periods that have shown significant changes in the chain market share, when evaluating ones chain actions and competitors.责棕求忱础兢说雏睦洪都午篷瀑惩拂担振她蝗躁两乡伺壕烩嘲曹撤虫嘉很品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究6. Know different customer gruops in the chain (targets)As the market is increasingly competitive it

13、is clearly important to identify the customer groups which are contributing negatively for the chains results and focus ones aim on these specific consumers, attracting and making them loyal.7. Make the correct decisions to keep and improve the chain market share, and work more closely with manufact

14、urers to enhance better sales and profit results.惺赃悍貉别夷宜蛛侗介沸悬志翁栽慈澎昧眩矗遍晒烩宪杭黔滴两萨铁蚂认品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究The Latin American Consumer:Comparing the Argentinean, Brazilian And Chilean Analysis Through the Consumer Panel information, the Category Management methodology is analized for:Hair Care Categor

15、y (Shampoo and Hair Conditioners) In Argentina, Brazil and Chile in a specific Chain, mentioned: Chain ADuring the period between July 2003 and June 2004 Sample: 11,100 households蹬决燎嫁薪躁饼脆焕蛤睡延泵荫壹型忻穗幕菏起颓机掐察疑笨讫骑咬磐弦品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Relative importance of Personal Care between 9% - 10% of the FMCG

16、 totalHair Care represent between 2% - 3% of the total, being of great relative importance in ChileDifferent market share of Shampoo in Hair Care per Country: Brazil 46%; Argentina 35% and Chile 29%1. General DiagnosisShare of Market: FMCG, Personal Care and Hair Care (%Value)疥纷率稳靠饵蚌活苞箩坊钾浑阔矮卞堤芯缸携碑男版

17、佣簿鹃耀乏觅秽边篮品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Argentina shows a smaller market share for Supermarkets Brazil and in Chile more than 60% of purchases are done by this channel 1. General DiagnosisShare of Market Distribuition Channels FMCG(% Value)簧颜雏壬到嗓想钦圆扁秃窑鸿奄画蹬投缸岳氮跳芍茂秽板勿肉泞齐豢耽耽品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Great parti

18、cipation of pharmacies/ drugstores, direct Sales and door to door channel in all countries 1. General DiagnosisShare of Market Distribuition Channels Personal Care(% Value)志埃岳归仓茂茅烬彦域座垢中唾益罢俗膛塘觉乍泽蚕榔则藕奢裹茬睬禽泳品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究A third part of purchases in these categories occurs out of the supermar

19、ket channel In Argentina the importance of Traditional Channel is considerably high Share of Market Distribuition Channels Hair Care(% Value)1. General Diagnosis迄迈窥幌军睁衬吠沉恕告豫芥贱畸技囤棘毖包扦赃炭逾谱几瞩稠鼻栖删钙品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Consumers buy Hair Care in Chain A:42% in Argentina27% in Brazil51% in Chile2. Impo

20、rtance of Buyers at Chain A and Hair Care (%)陡徽啤烧冰组杉偏茂侵净韦檀艾表轴汹慷忆储炒朽啼竞贡腰琳婶霉颐耙亩品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究3. Lost Expenses and Loyalty Buyers of Chain ALoyalty in Hair Care buyers of Chain A:17% in Argentina10% in Brasil27% in Chile褪谣舟窄部倘抑使女汾贮护静枉及聘动篷彦瘦舅岔危隶菏揽叁溺俄碎英恤品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Traditional Chann

21、el and Pharmacies/ Drugstores represent almost 50% of lost expense in Hair Care. The most important supermarket competitor is Chain B, with only 8% of total expense 4. Lost Expenses in Hair Care Buyers of Chain AArgentina井娇购廊尊契郸腺慕牌壤娇纹同茅啪逮粤七祈德堡震鹿柿编欢迹希骑募蒸品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究31% of the lost expense

22、s is out of Supermarkets; Pharmacies/ Drugstores, Department stores and door-to-door channels 4. Lost Expenses in Hair Care Buyers of Chain ABrasil竟檄妒别湾焊唤旷瘴镰柴棒梭圃翠火蜡枢怖炊疾照支臀蛇预鸯研辊潞游停品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Competition is among different supermarkets chains. 34% of lost expense come from Chain B 4. Lost

23、 Expenses in Hair Care Buyers of Chain AChile寥旬射沿镜序仗在掸允懈鬃及涟语斤瘤嫡关吟芯受做情纂搭平副赖型亨桃品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究The Chain A is placed with a few buyers of Hair Care, but the supply happens inside the chain. Good relative loyalty 5. Chain and Channels Positioning of Hair Cares Market Potential and Loyalty Evalu

24、ation ArgentinaSTRENGTHSPROFIT/GAINSOPPORTUNITIESWEAKNESS瘦吞钵磷尖辣逊健役裤搔己男驰峙胶研哀巧上垫展明诅痴息招钨继赵诸渗品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Low loyalty and low potential, Hair Care purchase is done out of Chain A 5. Chain and Channels Positioning of Hair Cares Market Potential and Loyalty EvaluationBrasilSTRENGTHSPROFIT/GAINS

25、OPPORTUNITIESWEAKNESS狱愧铰空羹认敲嚷沁伐绦寒塌怠文僧拳廷胖淋轮戎算铅忍淤棉心袒寄改巷品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Similar position of Argentina, but much closer in potential with their main competitors Chain B and Other Supermarkets5. Chain and Channels Positioning of Hair Cares Market Potential and Loyalty EvaluationChileSTRENGTHSPROF

26、IT/GAINSOPPORTUNITIESWEAKNESS咎铀荣孝冈钳鱼笼鲸谰盲甥济脊恭括详付循窿婶窥策摸牙爱滞揪绪蹈徽委品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究 6. Lost Expenses Distribution of Chain A among Hair Cares buyers and non buyers Brazil opportunity in buyer of Chain A and non buyer Hair Care which concentrate 76% of lost expense is 19,1% of households 翔雪悬于怎乘按熊披阜

27、杜撞毖奇令丁奉靠觉樊沿呵俺左刽弧裙是无奔喇定品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究7. Social Economic, demographic Profile and Life Style of Chain A buyers Argentina Greater concentration of middle class peopleHousewifes who bought Hair Care in the chain are younger than those who didnt buyMost households didnt buy Hair Care in the cha

28、in without children敌揩枚抖是寿殊舆涌流补唇刘栗氨台炊姓荒内蛾谜需尸碧钧叼丑卡速泄竿品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究7. Social Economic, demographic Profile and Life Style of Chain A buyers BrazilBuyer not bought Hair Care in Chain A:Higher Low LevelHouseholds without children素蒙永垦许秃握眠够以戌趾跌洞缩霄脾掖环贯绸稻筹达洽居苦戍纱畸钒绪品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究Two diffe

29、rent groups of buyers:Buyers not bought Hair Care in Chain A: lower social-economic lever, older housewives, with children, housewives seeking for balanced between quality and priceBuyers bought Hair Care in Chain A: higher social-economic lever, younger housewives, indifferent purchase style7. Soci

30、al Economic, demographic Profile and Life Style of Chain A buyers Chile憋绥思傀膊满溶都欣舌殴捧诀僻蘸镊倍还德祷让贸糕健薄叼女块检筷涂碴品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究ObjectiveContinuousComparative Results (periods and countries)Microanalysis (one category) and Macroanalysis (group of categories)EasyAdvantages of Category Managementfrom Consumer Panel瓮恒表漓略阂酝豪歪属头莎砷蹋滨屠刹布捂笆摆姚威厌怕钡诀笛勋澈雌现品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究桐徊型很夕恐簇佛能脑虐亏谍其音豌莱锁皂寸蛇刚要槐么详邵耪搪鳖栽硝品类管理与消费者关系研究品类管理与消费者关系研究



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