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1、国际经济与贸易系1考试要求1.考试改革:提交一份不少于3000字的论文(55%)讲课过程中会给相应的选题范围2.两次随堂测试(20%)3.课堂报告(团队形式)(15%)4.考勤10%2教材选择教材:国际物流学教程 中国物资出版社 蒋长兵编(电子档)参考教材:International logistics-the management of international trade operation by Pierre David and Richard Stewart3The responsibilities of a logistician QArranging transportation

2、 of these goods over thousands of milesQUnderstanding the trade-off between the different modes of transportation available and making the correct decisionQMaking sure that the goods are packed properly for their journeyQInsuring the goods appropriately while in transit and understanding the risks t

3、hey face4QMinimizing the risks associated with international payment by selecting the right payment currency or the right hedging strategyQMaking sure that the goods are accompanied by the proper documents so that they can clear customs in the country of destinationQDefining properly who between the

4、m and their foreign counterparts is responsible for which aspects of the voyage and the documentsQDetermining which method is most suitable for payment between exporter and importer5本课程主要讲授内容第一章国际物流学导论第一章国际物流学导论第四章第四章海上班轮运输海上班轮运输第五章第五章班轮提单班轮提单第六章第六章租船货运业务租船货运业务第七章第七章国际航空运输国际航空运输第八章第八章国际多式联运国际多式联运第九章

5、第九章国际物流仓储与包装国际物流仓储与包装第十章第十章进出口商品检验检疫进出口商品检验检疫6第一章 国际物流概述本章要点:国际物流概述国际物流系统(根据英文教材)7一、物流概念的起源一、物流概念的起源1.1921年提出,Physical Distribution:物质通过时间和空间的转移。2.二战,美国军方提出后勤管理理论:Logistics Management : 各种物资的生产、采购、运输、配给等活动作为一个整体来计划、管理和实施。3.电子商务的发展给物流的概念带来新含意。4.我国1979年才开始使用,以前是计划经济。8商务活动中的四种流程资金流、商流、物资流、信息流9二、物流的定义狭义

6、物流:包含于销售之中的物质资料和服务于从生产地点到消费地点的流动过程中伴随的种种经济活动。 现代物流( Logistics ) :以适合于顾客的要求为目的,对原材料、在制品、制成品及与其关联的信息,从生产地点到消费地点之间的流通与保管,为提高效率且最大的“对费用的相对效果”而进行计划、执行、控制。 10美国学者玛沙库珀:物流是处在供应链中的采购、生产、最终分拨各阶段的原材料、零部件、制成品的移动、存储及相关信息的战略管理11中国国家标准物流术语对物流的定义是:物流是物品从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程。根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实现有机结合。

7、12三、供应链的概念供应链(Supply Chain,SC)是指在整个商业交易中,从制造商、供应商、零售商到最终用户间的产品、信息及资金的双向流动的一连串活动。简单说,供应链实际就是由原材料加工为成品并送到用户手中这一过程中涉及的合作企业和部门所组成的网络。w供供应应链链管管理理(Supply Chain Management,SCMSCM)则是通过不断地整合与改造这些活动,以达到提升所有厂商的竞争力与客户价值的连锁性管理。供应链管理是一种一体化的管理思想和方法,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终用户的物流的计划和控制思想等职能。13供应链管理的内容供应链管理 = 物流管理+资金流管理+信息流管理供

8、应链管理的真正涵意,则是在管理企业从接受客户订单后到将产品交给客户的所有过程。这些活动主要包含供应链规划与供应链执行两部分:供应链规划(Supply Chain Planning,SCP):供应链网络设计、需求规划与预测、供给规划、配销规划等。链执行(Supply Chain Execution,SCE):订单管理、进货管理、生产管理、运输管理、仓储管理等。14供应链的组成供应链可以看作由一系列“供应链实体”(Supply Chain Entities)或称为供应链成员组成。这些实体可能是不同企业或同企业的各部门,也可能是最终消费者,他们都是整个供应链上的一环。在一个完整的供应链体系中,参与供

9、应接活动的供应链实体通常会包括供应商、制造商、配销商、零售商及消费者等。 15四、国际物流四、国际物流国际贸易是国际物流的前提。国际物流是指物资进口国与物资出口国之间形成的物流,属大宏观物流。具体的说当生产和消费分别在两个以上国家(或地区)独立进行时,为了克服生产和消费之间的空间隔离和时间距离,对物资进行物理性移动的一项国际商品贸易或交流活动。 16教材定义国际物流国际物流(International Logistics)是跨越不同国家(地区)之间的物流活动(见GB/T18354-2006中2.30条)。国际物流的实质是按国际分工协作的原则,依照国际惯例,利用国际化的物流网络、物流设施和物流技

10、术,实现货物在国际间的流动与交换,以促进区域经济的发展和世界资源优化配置。国际物流的总目标国际物流的总目标是为国际贸易和跨国经营服务的,即通过选择最佳的方式与路径,以最低的费用和最小的风险,保质保量适时地将货物从某国(供方)运送到另一国(需方)。国际物流使各国物流系统相互“接轨”,因而与国内物流系统相比,具有国际性、复杂性和风险性等特点。17五、国际物流的特点五、国际物流的特点(一)国际物流环境存在差异性(二)国际物流必须有国际化信息系统的支持(三)国际物流的标准化程度要求更(四)国际物流以远洋运输为主,并由多种运输方式组合18Environment involved in internati

11、onal logistics is important (language and culture)Decisions regarding transportation are complicatedThe number of intermediaries involved is greaterThe inherent risks and hazards of international transportation are significantInternational insurance is much more complexInternational means of payment

12、 are more involvedTerms of trade are much more complicatedThe crossing of borders represents specific challengesInventories is managed differently19第三利润源泉第1利润源泉:合理设计,扩大生产规模,降低原材料的消耗;第2利润源泉:科学管理以提高劳动生产率,节省生产过程中各种资源的消耗;第3利润源泉:建立起一体化的物流系统,降低物流成本,利用现代物流管理,使产品在有效的供应链内迅速移动。这样不仅使参与各方的企业都能获益,而且使整个社会获得明显的经济效

13、益。 20企业利润的转移思考:利润的下一个转移转向哪里思考:利润的下一个转移转向哪里?21七、国际物流发展历史七、国际物流发展历史HistoricaldevelopmentofInternationallogisticsQTheearly,“slow”daysGreekLogistikeThe word “logistics” militaryBusiness logistics include “physical movement of goods” and “both upstream (procurement activities) and downstream (sale activi

14、ties) “management of relationship with suppliers and customersFocus changes :in good condition at the lowest possible cost shorter transit time (unnecessary)22The move toward speedcontainers and air shipmentQContainers(1956,1970s)QBefore containers vs containers timesCumbersome and time consumingA l

15、arge number of longshoremen Packages have to be small and sturdyShipment speed upCan be loaded and unloaded at the same timeCost come down23DHL and FedexDassault s Facon jets(达索猎鹰) -limited cargo capacityDeregualtion of the industryOpen sky agreementBoeing 727 mcdonnell-douglas DC10sAir shipment(198

16、0s)24The emphasis on customers satisfactionHigh interest rateSpeedy delivery (increased speed of ocean shipment and availability of affordable airfreight )Reductions in static inventories(1980s) then mobile inventories(1990s)Tools used MRP and MRP(manufacturer)JIT(just in time Toyota)DRP (retailer)A

17、gile logisticsPenalize financially the suppliers 25 MRP (Material requirement planning )MRP (manufacturing resources planning) DRP (Distribution resource planning) SAP System application programERP Enterprise resource planningPP Production planningSOP Sales operation planningDM Demand managementMPS

18、Master planning scheduling 26物流效益降低物流成本减少库存加速资金周转增加就业最终体现电子商务的服务质量27六、国际物流运作的主要业务活动1.进出口业务2.国际运输3.库存与仓储管理4.包装与物料搬运5.信息作业28六、 国际物流运作的主要业务活动1.进出口业务图1-1进出口物流流程29进出口业务涉及到的参与方(1)发货人(Shipper)(2)货运代理(Forwarder)(3)承运人代理(Shipping Agent)(4)承运人(Carrier)(5)报关行(Customs Broker)(6)收货人(Consignee)30第二节 国际物流系统一、国际物流系



21、被广泛采用,而我国在这方面却很落后。目前主要靠客运飞机捎带,真正的货运飞机数量少,远远满足不了外贸发展的需要。总之,为解决外贸出口运输的困难,必须由国家和地方联合发展船队,加速沿海码头建设和海运事业的发展。问题:请问上述关于我国物流运输存在的问题现在是否依旧存在,当前我国相关运输设施的基本情况如何?针对上面提出的问题一一解答。33第三节 国际物流基础设施(英文教材)物流设施物流设备物流工具信息技术及网络组织及管理34Things dont work abroad like they do at “home”Adapting to this difference and anticipating

22、 the problems before they ariseDifficult to generalize in one particular comment or statement35The cases may ariseA specific port is not equipped with sufficient cold storage warehousing spaceDoesnt have an appropriately sized craneIn experiencing delays in getting the goods from the port to the rem

23、inder of the countryThe road is particular congestedA specific tunnel has recently been closedA railroad is experiencing shortage of appropriately cars36物流设施- port infrastructureDepth of waterBridge clearanceCranePort operationsWarehousing spaceConnection with the land-based transportation servicesP

24、ort capacity3738394041Depth of water(draft of water)The first issueNot sufficient for newer larger shipsThe port authorities have to engage in dredging activities to allow ships with drafts exceeding (13.5 meters)The dredging of port and channel is very expensiveCase study the dredging of Phillip Ba

25、y42Bridge clearanceIn Some old port ,the bridge is too close to the water leaving little clearance for tall ships and ships carrying outsized cargoThe cargo has to be dismantled or repositioned The ship lower with ballast waterMake delivery at low tideThe port of Yangshan4344CraneThe arms of the tra

26、ditional crane for panamax ship (the width is 13 containers) is too short for the post-panamax ships (as wide as 18 containers)Load one side and then another sizeConsider investment in new cranesIncrease the reach of the crane (longer and higher)Cost may reach 50 millionCreate an indented berth to a

27、llow the ships to load at both sizeThe port of Amsterdams paragon Terminals 45The size of ships好望角型好望角型(capesize)80.000dwt以以上上42m宽宽巴拿马型巴拿马型(panamax)60.000到到80.000dwt32m宽宽大灵便型大灵便型(Handymaxbulkcarrier) 40.000到到60.000dwt30m宽宽灵便型达灵便型达(handysize)40.000dwt23m宽驳船各种船型宽驳船各种船型各种船型各种船型46Port operationsWork rul

28、esLong beach work 8 hours a day47Warehousing spaceGoods should be protected from the elements ( rain and sun)Cignas port of the worldflood48Connection with the land-based transportation servicesRail and road access to the remainder of the cityAlameda Corridor49Port capacityMany ports are operating a

29、t or near capacityLocated between the ocean and the city leaving little possibility to expandLandfill or purchase real estate (costly)The port of Santos in BrazilUS LNG50运河设施canals and waterway infrastructureMaritime transportation is dependent on the existence and proper maintenance of canals and o

30、ther channel (the size and the size of lock)51canals and waterways infrastructureThe Bosporus strait in TurkeyThe suez canalThe panama canalThe saint Lawrence seaway52The Bosporus Strait in Turkey535455The Suez canal565758Panama canal59The saint lawrence seaway60The strait of Malacca61机场设施 airport i

31、nfrastructureRunwaysHours of operationWarehousing space62铁路设施 rail infrastructureMulti-modal emphasisLand bridges63road infrastructureQualityCivil engineering structure64QualityThe US department of Commerces country commercial guidesCIAs world factbook(美国中央情报局世界各国概况)In terms of total miles of road a

32、nd the percentage of these road that pavedmisleading65qualityLength of roadPercentage of paved roadCondition of the road (over crowded two-lane highway riddled with potholes) difficult to evaluate for variationsChina 66Congestion of the road CalcuttaDehli(莲花之上:印度行游书 )System of alternating days for t

33、raffic67Confusion generated by lack of signage and different addressing systemCities with easiest addressing system located in ( )Northern American EuropeMexico800 贝尼托胡亚雷斯 760 米格尔伊达尔戈神父 300 streets renamed 80,000 city blocks have no signageJapanBombay (the name of house ,the name of the street ,the

34、name of the block, the name of the city ,the name of the city code)Saipan have no address system68net work with High speed links69中国三年内将建成一点三万公里高速铁路1北京南 2廊坊 3天津西 4沧州 5德州 6济南高速站 7泰安 8兖州 9枣庄 10新徐州 11宿州 12新蚌埠 13滁州 14南京南 15镇江 16丹阳 17常州 18无锡 19苏州 20昆山 21上海(虹桥)。70中国建“4纵4横”高铁网 建成重庆7小时达京沪 71Network of highw

35、aysSpeed up the transportation of goods between large citiesSubject to rules and regulations( the size of truck and the speed)Rules vary from country to countryToll is high (France)72Civil engineering structureUtilize bridge and tunnels To eliminate the constraint of landscapeItalian Autostrade 高速公路

36、公司Succession of tunnels and bridges-art structures73Bridge and tunnels built to cross bordersThe Chunnel 英法海底隧道(Channel Tunnel )Two Bridges in Istanbul connecting western Europe and Middle east (no rail link)oresund fixed link(厄勒联络线three bridges and tunnel )between Copenhagen ,Denmark ,and Malmo Swe

37、deMillau bridge(米约大桥)74 19941994年年5 5月月6 6日连接英国和法国的英吉利海峡日连接英国和法国的英吉利海峡海底隧道通车。从此,隔断英伦三岛与欧洲大陆海底隧道通车。从此,隔断英伦三岛与欧洲大陆的天堑变通途,人们只要坐上被称为的天堑变通途,人们只要坐上被称为“欧洲之星欧洲之星”的高速列车,穿越海底隧道,连接伦敦、巴黎、的高速列车,穿越海底隧道,连接伦敦、巴黎、布鲁塞尔仅需布鲁塞尔仅需3 3个小时。个小时。汽车过海底隧道汽车过海底隧道英吉利海峡海底隧道英吉利海峡海底隧道75Bogazici bridge博斯普鲁斯大桥 76Fatih Sultan Mehmet Br

38、idge 提苏丹赫迈特桥77厄勒联络线78Millau Bridge(米约大桥)79粤港澳大桥8081Importance of bridgesPalau(帕劳 )Koror科罗尔 bridge collapsedPrince Edward Island building of bridgeMont Blanc Tunnel(the longest road tunnel)勃朗峰隧道大火Saint Gothard tunnel圣哥达隧道82仓库设施 warehousing infrastructureIt is equally important to realize that cargo i

39、s often stationaryA savvy international logistics manager focus on the protection of goodsUse public warehouse for storage purpose to avoid international shipment and short lead timeBest to plan an actual visit83通讯设施 Communication infrastructureThe ability to communicate with customers and suppliers

40、 depend on the mail ,phone and other electronic3-3a mail services3-3b telecommunication services84mail servicesDeveloped countries: deliver mail on time and reliablyUnaccepted delay and errors may also occur sometimes D+1 policyItaly: notoriously unreliable France: strike of mail service and railway

41、 service South Africa :unreliable to send payment85The safety of mailGo to destination Lost DamagedStolenThe employees may remove the contents of the letter DHL Fedex (high cost ;good reputation; track documents and package on line) have gained larger market share 86telecommunication servicesDemand

42、for voice telecommunication (语音通信系统)services increased 10% every year and data telecommunication(数据通信系统)doubled in the past 10 years showing no sign of slowing downUse gas and oil pipeline through fiber-optic line laid in their midestLeap frogging(跳跃式前进 ) phenomenon Bypassed the land-based system an

43、d switch to cellular phone (Czech China VS US)87Few cable left for increasing telecommunication trafficVulnerability (while in shallow water, floor of the oceans subject to the net of fisherman and anchor; if on land at the mercy of careless backhoe operation or other accident ) satellite telecommun

44、ication also vulnerableInternet depend on root server根名服务器 88utilities infrastructure3-4a Electricity3-4b Water3-4b Sewagegas893-4a ElectricityThe availability and reliability of electricityThe economy growth outpaced the electricity production90二、国际物流系统模式91三、国际物流节点(一)口岸(二)港口(三)仓储(四)报税仓库(五)保税区(六)出口加

45、工区(七)自由贸易区92(一)口岸对外通商的港口(商埠)-政治、外交、文化、科技、旅游、移民-海陆空-电子口岸(无形)口岸由国家制定的针对对外经贸、政治、外交、科技、文化、旅游和移民往来,供往来人员、货物和交通工具出入国(边)境的港口、机场、车站和通道,国家指定的对外往来的门户93口岸的分类按照批准开放的权限:一类口岸和二类口岸按出入境的交通运输方式:港口口岸(海港港口口岸和内河港口口岸)陆地口岸和航空口岸94(二)港口水陆空集结点和枢纽特点:整个物流供应链最大量货物的集结点;生产要素的最佳结合点;最重要的信息中心功能:运输功能 工业功能 商业功能 物流功能95运输功能水上客运的港口服务组织货

46、源对货物进行疏运进行换装工作,从一种运输方式转为另外一种运输方式收、发和保管货物对货物进行简单加工向船舶提供燃料、物料、淡水和船员生活用品供船舶在海上遇到恶劣气象时停泊避风浪96港口分类1.按用途:商港(综合港和专业港) 渔港 工业港 军港 避风港972.按地理位置A).海港 海湾港(大连港、青岛港) 海峡港(新加坡港)B).河口港(上海、广州、鹿特丹港)C).河港(南京港、武汉港)D).湖港(五大湖区的多伦多港)98世界十大港口货物吞吐(单位:百万吨)1 上海 中国 537.0 2 新加坡 新加坡 448.5 3 鹿特丹(Rotterdam) 荷兰 378.4 4 宁波 中国 309.7 5

47、 广州 中国 302.8 6 天津 中国 257.6 7 香港 中国 238.2 8 青岛 中国 224.2 9 釜山(Busan) 韩国 217.9 10 名古屋(Nagoya) 日本 208.0 992009年全球15大集装箱港口排名 单位:万标箱 1. 新加坡港 新加坡 2587 2 上海港 中国 2500 3 香港港 中国香港 2093 4 深圳港 中国 1825 5 釜山港 韩国 1194 6 广州港 中国 1119 7 迪拜港 阿联酋 1080 8 宁波港 中国 1042 9 青岛港 中国 1026 10 鹿特丹港 荷兰 980 11 天津港 中国 870 12 高雄港 中国台北 / 13 安特卫普港 比利时 731 14 汉堡港 德国 701 15 洛杉矶港 美国 675 100上海港货物吞吐量达59亿吨,集装箱吞吐量达2500万标准箱 101新加坡港102香港103深圳104釜山105迪拜106洛杉矶长滩107港口货物作业货物装卸理货计量、分拣分票堆存仓储驳运、搬移装卸集装箱作业货物运输处理单证处理和交接货运信息服务港口和委托人协议的其他业务108



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