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1、Unit 8 How was your school trip? 第一课时 SectionA(1a-2c) 学习目标:1. 主 要 是 要 掌 握gift,shark, aquarium, seal,hang,aquarium,souvenir,win,autograph,prize 单词的正确的拼写和意义 . 2.掌握句型 ; How was your school trip? 3.关于过去时态的句型转换:例如:There were some sharks. Were there any sharks? 重点难点:重点:过去时态的应用.难点;动词 win 的应用。教学方法:实际操练循序渐进前

2、置学习:1.你知道句子 How was your school trip?的意思是什么? What did you do on your last school trip?的意思呢?_ _ 2.你能写出下列单词的过去式吗?;clean_help_play_enjoy_ hang_cut_study_cry_ bring_see_.do_have_meet_eat_is_are_ 展示交流教师点拨:1.在上新课前借助课件学习本单元的新生词了解其正确的读音及拼写。2. 师生互动,进入新课的学习请同学们分别回答你的学校的旅途是怎样的?熟练地掌握它的回答形式。3. 完成 1a 和听录音完成1 b 教师

3、讲解讲讲make 和 do 的区别4.听录音完成 2a 的内容,教师指导学生辨析else和 other的区别 , 讲讲 gift 与 present的比较5.生生互动,请同学们分组完成表演听力对话的内容 . 合作探究:一 .单项选择1. ()_was your last school trip? A.What B.How C.Who D.How far 2. ()What_he do on his last school trip? A.does B.do C.did D.was 3. ()She_out with her friends last Saturday afternoon! A.

4、hang B.hung C.hanged D.hanging 4.()Did you see_seals in the aquarium last time? A.a B.an C.some D.any 5. ()What_did she say about me? A .other B.more C.else D.others 二根据句意 ,提示完成单词。1. I _(take)some photos in the zoo yesterday. + 2. Tom_(be) here a moment ago. 3. The students_(visit)their farm next we

5、ek. 4._you_(go) to the zoo Last Sunday ? 5.There_(be)many people in the supermarket yesterday. 达标拓展一完成对话。A.Where did you go? B.That sounds wonderful C.Did you go to the zoo? D.Were there any sharks E. I went to the aquarium F.How was your school trip? G.How many sharks were there? A;.Hi, Tina._1_? B

6、;.It was fantanstic,really fantanstic. A;._2_? B;. No, I didnt._3_,Look,here are my photos. A;._4_? B;.No, There werent any sharks,but there were some really clever seals. A;.Wow._5_.What else did you do ? B;Well, I hung out with my frends and I took lots of photos. 1._ 2._3._ 4._ 5._ 教学评价:(教)学后反思:精

7、选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页Unit 8 How was your school trip? 第二课时 SectionA(3a-4) 学习目标1.octopus,outdoor,torend,monisouvenir,win,autograph,prize单词的正确的拼写和意义. 2.掌握句型 ; How was your school trip? 3.关于重点词组:例如:on the scool trip,for thr day, in the end,at the end. 重点难点:重点:过去时态的应用。难

8、点:介词的和感官系表动词的应用。教学方法:实际操练循序渐进前置学习:一根据汉语提示完成句子。1.那部电视剧如何?How_the TV play_? 2 他想要买些互外的衣服穿He_ _ buy some_clothes. 3.我们上个周末玩得很开心We _ _ _ _ in the park last weekend. 2.写出词组的意思;hang out_ what else_. take the photo_ went to the beach _ went to the aquarium_ 展示交流教师点拨:1 继续讲讲过去式2.Grammar focus 师生互动,男女生生互动,熟练地

9、掌握它的问答和回答形式。3.完成 3a 的内容 ,教师指导学生辨析on 和for,end 和 finish.点拨 show. 4.完成 3b 和的内容,讲讲 after后加名词,或是动词的 ing 形式5.4,生生互动,请同学们分组完成表演对话的内容. 合作探究:一 .单项选择1. ()_the end of last month, Tina_a prize. A.In,won B.In,wins C.At,won D.At,wins 2. ()The classes today_at 5:30pm A.ending B.end C.ended D.finish 3. ()Can you_th

10、at tall building? A.look B.watch C.see D.look at 4.()Did you enjoy yourself_the movie? A.see B.seeing C.look D.look at 5. () I _a movie about fashion shows last night. A .watch B.looked C.see D.saw 二根据首字母 ,提示完成句子。1. Beijing welcomed millons of v_ in 2009. 2. You can find a pay phone at the e_of the

11、street. 3. Children should take more o_exercise. 4.Our class m_always helps me to learn math. 5.Mike went to the g_shop yesterday. 达标拓展一完成对话。be, clean, visit, sound, win, buy, see, take, get, live 1. I help my father_the car. 2. I went to the museum and_some souvenirs. 3.There_an old remle at the fo

12、ot of themountain before. 4. Last week I _my aunts house. 5. We_some realy clever kids when we were in their school. 6. I think it _very interesting. 7. He_in California and worked as an actor. 8. After that, they_the bus back home. 9. Who_the first prize? Toky did. 10. Tina_Deans autograph and read

13、 it. 教学评价:(教)学后反思:Unit 8 How was your school trip? 第三课时 SectionB(1a-2c) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页学习目标a.能听懂,会说:how was your day off ? What did you do on? 并能在情景中熟练运用。b.掌握一般过去式及词汇visitor, gift, drive, end, octopus, Chicago outdoor, off c.情感教育,尊重他人重点难点:重点:掌握一般过去式及词造新句并在实际情

14、景中自如运用。难点:一般过去使的运用,规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式。教学方法:实际操练循序渐进前置学习:一 .规则动词过去式的构成:1. 一般在动词原形词尾加 _ 。2. 以不发音的 e 结尾的动词加_ 。3. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先(1) _ 这个辅音字母,再加(2) _ 。4. 结尾是 “ 辅音字母+ y ”的动词, 先变 y为(1) _ ,再加 (2) _ 。【运用】 . 将下面的动词变成过去式。1.hope _ 2.ask _3. cook _ 4.carry_5.clap _6.copy _ 二. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1. There _(be) a

15、baseball game on TV yesterday. 2. His parents _(buy) a gift for him last night. 3. They _(be) both teachers ten years ago. 4. Mr Smith often _(work) late in 2003. 展示交流教师点拨:1 教师讲解 1a ,1b 继续讲下过去式 . 2.听力完成2a.师生互动,男女生生互动,熟练地掌握它的问答和回答形式。3.教师指导学生完成 2b 的内容 , 4.完成 2c 和的内容,讲讲rain 名词和动词的用法5.,生生互动,请同学们分组预习的3a内

16、容. 合作探究:三. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1. 你刚才去图书馆了吗?_ the library just now? 2. 迈克在哪找到的钢笔?_ his pen? 3. 三年前这里有许多树。_ here three years ago. 4. 他没有告诉我任何事情。_ anything. 四词汇1. In some museums you cant _ _. ( 拍照) 2. I want to watch TV . Please _ it _. ( 打开) 3. Last Sunday I _ _ a _ with my friends. ( 开车兜风 ) 4. He want to

17、_ some lettuce _ my sandwich. ( 把 加到)5.Put mustard on _ _ of bread. (两片) 达标拓展.单项选择1.Was Tom away yesterday? No,_. A. Tom wasnt B. he was C. he wasnt 2.Where _ you last Sunday? I _ at home. A. were; was B. was; were C. was; was 3.How do you usually come to school? _. A.Yes, I walk sometimes B. I usua

18、lly come by bike C. I am on foot today 4.Would you like _ tea? Yes, and _ milk, too, I think. A. any; any B. some; some C. some; any 5.Are you free this afternoon? _. A. Yes, thats nothing B. Yes, see you again C. Yes, I think so 教学评价:(教)学后反思:Unit 8 How was your school trip? 第四课时 SectionB(3a-4) 精选学习

19、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页学习目标:a.能听懂,会说: how was your day off? What else did he do? What did you do on? 并能在情景中熟练运用。b.掌握一般过去式及词汇any, bad, awful, bus, buy, class, cleaned, sleep late, drive, helped, yard sale, hung out, not, rain, read, saw, school trip, science teacher, seal

20、, stayed, day off c.情感教育,尊重他人重点难点:重点:掌握一般过去式及词造新句并在实际情景中自如运用。难点:一般过去使的运用,规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式。教学方法:实际操练循序渐进前置学习:一.根据汉语提示完成下列各句。1._we went for a drive.(在我们修假的第一天)2.Did they have much fun_(开车兜风)Yesterday evening? 3. Tony went on a trip to hongkong with his father_ (在去年底)4.That_(听起来全对),but in fact it isnt.

21、 5. You cant believe that we_(在雨中野营) last week. 展示交流教师点拨:1.课件展示3a 的内容 ,教师指导学生辨析on和 for,end 和 finish.点拨 show. 2.完成 3b 的内容,讲讲 after 后加名词,或是动词的 ing 形式3.生生互动,请同学们分组完成表演对话的内容. 4完成同步练习题。5.完成导学案题目。合作探究:一 .单项选择1. ()It sounds like a busy day_. A.of B.leave C.rest D.off 2. ()Its a_day. Its_now. A.rain,raining

22、 B. rainy,raining C. rain,rainy D. raining,rainy 3. ()Lets go_a walk after supper. A.to B.out Cfor D.with 4.()Theres going to_a sports meeting next week,if it_welll have to cancel it. A.be,will rain B.have,will rain C.be,rains D.is,rains 5. ()_my lazst day off,I didnt go for a drive. A .in B.on C.at

23、 D.by 二根据汉语提示完成句子。1.My father often _(驾驶)his car to go to work. 2.On may day we have only one day _(休息) 3. There is plenty of_(雨水 )here in summer. 4.Dont sleep_( 过头) 5.The weather was very _( 糟) 达标拓展一补全对话,每空一词。A:_1_ _2_your school trip? B:It was great. A:_3_ _4_go to the park? B:No, we didnt, We_5_

24、_6_the aquarium. A:_7_ _8_ any panas? B:No,there weret any pandas,but we saw some clever dolphins. A:_9_ _10_did you do ? B:I took many photos with my friends. 1._2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._7._8._ 9._10._ 教学评价:(教)学后反思:Unit 8 How was your school trip? 第五课时学习目标:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4

25、 页,共 6 页a.一般过去使的运用, 规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式。一般过去式的肯定句和否定句没。Did you were there 引导的一般疑问句。Revise the content taught and complete the writing practice; b.能听懂,会说: how was your day off? What else did he do? What did you do on? 并能在情景中熟练运用。c.情感教育,尊重他人重点难点:重点:要求学生能替换关键词汇autograph, win ate took, hang out 掌握一般过去式及词造新

26、句并在实际情景中自如运用。难点:一般过去使的运用,规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式。教学方法:实际操练循序渐进前置学习:一根据句意以及汉语提示完成填词,每空词数不限。1It rained_( 整天) 2Uncle rice put some of his old things out and_( 做庭院出售 ) 3(我的假日 )was very fun 4 We didnt_( 多看见许多种礼物) 5Luckily mike brought an umbrella so he didnt_(淋湿) 展示交流教师点拨:1.Self Check 1 学生选词填空。2.归纳 Self Check 1

27、 的五个动的用法。3. 师讲解。4. 明确 Self Check 2的题意, 学会描写自己的一次旅行。5.完成导学案。合作探究:一 .单项选择1. ()W e had fun_in the river last Sunday . A.swim B.swims C.swam D.swimming 2. ()No one_in the classroom at that time. A.were B.was C.are D.is 3. ()_my opinion,the trip was interesting. A.About B.To C.in D.On 4. () _us are afrai

28、d of difficulties. A.No one B.No one of C. None D. None of 5. () _Mr Brown missed the last train yesterday. A .Lluckily B.Unluckily C.Lucky D.Unlucky 6.Who is in the room? -_is A.None B.No one C.All D.Both 二用所给的词的正确形式填空。1.Last week we_(not take)classes 2.Do you want_(have)a yard sale? 3.Did the chil

29、dren have fun_(watch) DVDs.? 4.They went on a trip last Friday ._(lucky)the weather was very wonderful. 5.Dont foget to take an_(unbrellas)when you go out. Its _(rain)outside. 6.Tom finished_(draw)the picture last week. 7.Thanks for_(buy) me a raincoat. 8.I went_(camp)last Sunday . 达标拓展一补全对话。A:Hi,Ka

30、te!_1_did you do_2_your day off? B:You wont believe it,but I _3_Yao Ming . A:YaoMings the famous basketball_4_. B:Yes,hes my favorite_5_star. A:Did you _6_his autograph? B:No,I_7_.Nancy_8_. A:Wow, thats great! 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 教学评价:(教)学后反思:Unit 8 How was your school trip? 第六课时(练案)精选学习

31、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页一单项选择( ) 1. Did you go to the zoo yesterday?_. A. Yes, I didnt B. No, I didnt C. Yes, I was D. No, I did ()2. Were there any sharks in the aquarium? _. A. Yes, there were B. No, there wasnt C. Yes, there was D. No, there were ()3. There is a shop _

32、 the street. A. by the end of B. in the end C. at the end of D. on the end ()4. Im going to the aquarium _ my next day off. A. on B. in C. with D. at () 5. My mother was ill in bed yesterday. _ A. Why? B. Sure. C. Is she better now? D. Im sorry to hear that. () 6Where _ he go on vacation? He went to

33、 the mountains. Ais Bdoes Chas Ddid ()7How were the assistants in the store? _ friendly. AThey are BThey were CThey did DThey do ()8We had great fun _ in the beach. Ato play Bplaying Cplay Dplayed ()9I _terrible, so I decided _ a doctor . Afeel; to see Bfeel; seeing Cfelt; to see Dfelt; seeing ()10W

34、hen my parents _ young, there _ not so much food. Aare; is Bwere; was Care; was Dwere; is ()11After lunch they _ to the Gift Shop where they _ lots of gifts . Ago; buy Bgo; bought C.went; buy Dwent; bought ( ) 12It s too late. Please stop and go home. Aplay soccer Bplaying soccer Cto play soccer Dpl

35、ayed soccer. ( ) 13_ did you do? AWhat else BWhat else things CWhat other DWhat others things ( ) 14 What_they_ on their last school trip? Adid, do Bdid, did Cwere , do D do, do ( ) 15At five in the afternoon, we took the subway school. A go to B back to C going to D to back 二句型转换。1. There were some

36、 actors at the aquarium. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _ there _ actors at the aquarium? 2. Tina went to the zoo. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _ Tina _ to the zoo? 3. Grace bought a souvenir. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _ did Grace _? 4. Did your father see any seals? ( 作否定回答 ) No, _ _. 5. Jake often goes swimming. ( 以 last year为状语改写句子 ) Jake often

37、_ swimming _ year. 三单词拼写6. Then they watched a dolphin s . 7. Children often get some g _on Christmas Day. 8. Im sorry you dont have f_ on your day off. 9. Young people like going for a d _. 10. Many v_ from different countries come to China every year. 11 U _ , I don t have enough money to travel a broad. 12Kate h_ out with her friends yesterday. 13How was your school t_ . 14I must w _ a prize this term. 15That s _ interesting. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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