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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载第一个任务型阅读 ,、阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容每空填写一个单词Richard, 14, said, “ I want to make friends, but I don t know how. In my last school, my classmates often bullied(欺负 ) me and I didn t have any friends. Children at this school look OK, but I just know I ll also do something wrong. Please help me!”Perhaps

2、the best way to make friends is to know what makes a friend. I asked some 13-year-old boys and girls to write down they liked about their friends. They said that good friends: go around with happy faces. like to share. stay and play together with others. invite people to do something are humorous. a

3、re good at organizing games. help others with work. are kind. are good at thinking of something fun to do. Good friends go around 1._ happy faces like to share stay and play together with other. 2._ others with work. are 3._ and humorous. 4._ people to do something. are good at organizing games and

4、thinking of something 5._to do 答案 1. with 2. help 3. kind 4.invite 5. fun (2)Here is a map of a new square called HOPE. Look at this map! This square is between Bridge Avenue and Star Avenue. A small river named Jade River flows (流 ) through it. In the middle of the square, there is a beautiful musi

5、cal fountain (喷泉 ). On the left, there will be a public library. It will be the biggest in our city. People will be able to go there and find any book or piece of information they want. On the right, there will be a big exhibition hall. All kinds of things such as cars, clothes and houses will be on

6、 display here. A new concert hall will be built next to the public library. This is good news for the people who love music, because they will have many chances to enjoy many different kinds of music. Opposite the exhibition hall is a science museum. The students will really like it, and they will b

7、e able to learn lots of things when they go there. Over Jade River 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载there will be a Children s Palace in front of you. You will find a dancing block, a singing block, a sports block and some chess rooms there. When you are finished, go

8、 upstairs! There is a movie theatre on the right, a coffee shop on the left. 根据短文内容,将文中提到的建筑物填写在地图相应的位置上。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 第 3 个任务型阅读阅读以下表格中关于未来生活的信息,从AE 中选择相符合的话题。 A.Future classroom B.Future holiday C.Future car D.Future library E.Future weather 1. It will be in the air. Students will meet teach

9、ers and make friends there. The walls of it will be albe to change colours. Sometimes it will be green. It s good for eyes. Sometimes it will be blue to make students relaced. 2. You can t see book shelves(架子 ). It is like a place to enjoy afternoon tea. There are comfortable chairs. When you sit at

10、 the table, put in some words into the screen before you, you will get anything you like to read. 3. It can go everywhere, over land, over the water or even into air. It s not heavy and you can even carry it with you when you re not driving.4. It will be quite warm or even hot all year. There will b

11、e no more light rain and cold wind in spring. There will be heavy rain and wind. 5. People will not do much and heavy work any more. They ll ao light work. They will always have long time to relax. 答案 1A 2D 3C 4E 5B精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载第 4 个任务阅读 It is Jun

12、e 15th, and in two days, I will be thirty. I am afraid that my best years will be behind me. I usually go to the sports club to exercise before going to work. Every morning, I see my friend Nicholas at the sports club. He is seventy-nine years old. I asked him, ” What was the best time of your life?

13、”“ When I was a child in Austria and was taken care of by my parents, that was the best time my life. When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life. When I got the first job and got paid for my work, that was the best time of my life. When I was a

14、 young father, watching my children grow up, that was the best time of my life. And now, Jack, I am seventy-nine years old. I have my health and feel good, this is the best time of my life.”Subject The best time of my life When June 15thwhere At the sports club Who Jack: 1. years old Nicholas: seven

15、ty-nine years old Nicholas opinion( 观点 ) As a child: being taken care of 2. At school: learning the things After graduation(毕业 ): 3. for money. As 4. : watching children grow up As an old man: being 5. and feeling good. 答案 1. 29 / twenty-nine 2. by his parents 3. working 4. a young healthy 5. health

16、y 第 5 个任务阅读Many people think that twins are the same. But they re not! Dylan and Cole are twin brothers. They look the same and in some ways they are the same. But in other ways they are very different. Dylan and Cole both like soccer. But Dylan plays every day and Cole plays only on weekends. Cole

17、likes watching soccer games on TV, too. Dylan only likes playing the game, but doesn t watch it. Dylan and Cole are both naughty and funny, but Cole is a little naughtier than Dylan. Dylan is a little more careful about schoolwork. Dylan and Cole are very popular at school, and they both have lots o

18、f friends. 根据短文内容,完成下面表格( 每空一词 ) 。What are twins like? Name Different Same Dylan He plays every day. They look the same. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载He doesnt like_ 1 soccer games. He is a little more careful about 2 . They both like _ 4 . They are both naughty

19、and funny. They are very popular at school and both have lots of 5 . Cole He plays only on weekends. He likes watching soccer games on TV, too. He is a little _ 3 than Dylan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案 1. watching 2. schoolwork 3. naughtier 4. soccer 5. friends第 6 个任务阅读I am Lily. I have a piece of good news

20、to tell you. We have a new apartment(公寓).The rooms are small, but they are all comfortable. There are more rooms here than in our old apartment. This is good because now I have my own room. In the old apartment, I must share a room with my sister. My bedroom is my favourite in our apartment. I can b

21、e alone in it. I can read and draw. I can listen to music. I can play games and send my friends e-mails on my computer. M y second favourite room is the kitchen. I like helping my mother cook my meals. She is a very good cook and often teaches me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived

22、 in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Morocco food. It is delicious. 根据短文内容,完成表格。Lily s apartmentThe old apartment It has fewer rooms and I share a room 1 my sister. The new apartment The rooms are small, but they are all 2 . My favourite room is my 3 .I can be 4 in it. I can read and dr

23、aw. I can listen to 5 .I can play games 6 my computer and send e-mails 7 my friends. The 8 is my second favourite room. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载I can help my mother with 9 . My mother s Morocco food is 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 答案是1.with fortable 3

24、.bedroom 4.alone 5.music 6.on 7.to 8.kitchen 9.cooking/meals 10. delicious 7.仔细阅读下面的信息,然后填写表中的内容Dear Wang Hong, I am an American schoolgirl. My name is Alice Green. I am twelve. There are five people in my familymy brothers, my parents and I. My brothers and I are all students and at the same school

25、. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We don t have any classes on Sundays or Saturdays. My father and mother are teachers. They say, China is great, and Chinese people are friendly, I want to travel in China. I think it is very interesting, isn t it? I like reading. Now I am reading a book of Ch

26、inese stories. They are very interesting. My brothers and I like playing soccer and basketball. What do you like? Let s be friends. Please write soon. Yours, Alice Green Information Card The girl s name1 Nationality (国籍 ) 2 Age 3 Her parents job4 School day 5 答案是 1Alice Green 2America 3 12years old

27、4teachers 5From Monday to Friday 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载(8)根据以上信息填空,每空填一词。The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will travel a 1 distance than beforeIt will take more than 2 months to travel around the worldThe Torch Relay will start in the city of 3 The torc

28、h is 4 cm long and 985 grams heavyIt looks like a paper scrollBad weather cant 5 the torch from burning答案是1 longer 2 4/four 3 Beijing 4 72/seventy-two 5 stop/prevent/keep (9)请为每张广告图挑选合适的广告词, 其中有两句是多余的。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载( ) 1._ ( )2. _ ( )3._ ( )4. _ (

29、)5. _ 答案是DGCFB (10)下面是四位同学写给21 世纪中学生英文报编辑Lee 的求助信。在信中,四位同学分别谈了自己在学习或生活中的问题。(A) 请将四封信与问题进行配对,并把序号A、B、C、D 填入 14 题题后相应的横线上。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载The student finds it difficult to fall asleep. 1. The student doesnt know what to say to strangers. 2. The student

30、 doesnt know how to learn English well. 3. The student doesnt know if she should still stay with her best friend. 4. (B) 假如你是编辑Lee ,请针对第一位同学John 的问题,提出一条建议。5. 答案就DBAC (略)(11)任务型阅读 ,阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容每空填写一个单词Richard, 14, said, “ I want to make friends, but I don t know how. In my last school, my classma

31、tes often bullied(欺负 ) me and I didn t have any friends. Children at this school look OK, but I just know I ll also do something wrong. Please help me!”Perhaps the best way to make friends is to know what makes a friend. I asked some 13-year-old boys and girls to write down they liked about their fr

32、iends. They said that good friends: go around with happy faces. like to share. stay and play together with others. invite people to do something are humorous. are good at organizing games. help others with work. are kind. are good at thinking of something fun to do. Good friends go around 1._ happy

33、faces like to share stay and play together with other. 2._ others with work. are 3._ and humorous. 4._ people to do something. are good at organizing games and thinking of something 5._to do 答案是1. with 2. help 3. kind 4.invite 5. Fun 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载

34、(12)下图是某中学60 名学生上学时所采用的交通方式的扇形统计图。请根据统计图及所给例句完成句子。(词数不限)Example:Three students go to school by taxi(1)Six students by car(2) go to school by bus(3)33 students go to school (4)答案是1 go to school 2Six 6 students10% of the students 3by bikeon the bike 4Twelve 12 students20% of the students go to school on foot walk to school 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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