2022版七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 4Dont eat in class. Section A(Grammar Focus-3c) . 选句子配句子配图 Dont talk. Dont listen to music. Dont eat. Dont take photos. 答案答案: 1. Dont eat. 2. Dont talk. 3. Dont take photos. 4. Dont listen to music. . 句型展示句型展示1. 她必她必须在在图书室里保持安静室里保持安静吗? 是的。是的。she quiet in the library? Yes, she. 答案答案: Does; have

2、to be; does2. 我我们能在走廊里听音能在走廊里听音乐吗? 不不, 不能。不能。we music in the hallways? No, you. 3. 我我们不必天天来上学。不必天天来上学。We come to school every day. 答案答案: 2. Can; listen to; cant 3. dont have toDoes he have to wear a uniform at school? 在学校里他必在学校里他必须穿着校服穿着校服吗? 【自自主主领悟悟】(1)have to为情情态动词, 意意为“必必须, 不不得得不不”, 后后接接动词原原形形, 有

3、有人人称称、时态和和数数的的变化化。其其第第三三人人称称单数数形形式式为has to, 过去式去式为had to。例如。例如: Its too late. I have to go home. 太晚了。我必太晚了。我必须回家了。回家了。(2)have to的的否否定定形形式式和和疑疑问形形式式要要借借助助于于do/does/did等等助助动词来表示。例如来表示。例如: You dont have to clean the room now. 你你现在没必要打在没必要打扫房房间。【用法辨析用法辨析】have to与与must的区的区别have to强强调客客观上要求上要求“不得不不得不”must

4、强强调个人主个人主观感感觉“必必须; 有必要有必要”。没有人称、。没有人称、时态和数的和数的变化。化。mustnt意意为“禁止禁止”【图解助解助记】【活学活用活学活用】 他今天得去看望他他今天得去看望他爷爷。He visit his grandfather today. 今天你不必穿校服。今天你不必穿校服。You wear your school uniform today. 你必你必须买票票进电影院。影院。You a ticket to go into the cinema. 答案答案: has todont have tomust buy. 单项选择1. Can we wear hats

5、in class? . A. Yes, we doB. No, we dontC. Yes, we can D. Yes, we cant2. Can I use your ruler? Yes, you. A. mayB. needC. canD. must3. do you have to do after school? Do my homework, of course. A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. How4. late for school again. Sorry, I wont. A. Not beB. Dont beC. Not D. Dont5. Whi

6、ch of the following pictures means“Please be quiet”? . 句型句型转换1. We have to stay at home. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句)youto stay at home? 2. Bob has to get home before nine oclock. (改改为否定句否定句)Bob get home before nine oclock. 3. We can wear our own clothes. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句, 并作否定回答并作否定回答)youyour own clothes? No, we. 答

7、案答案: 1. Do; have2. doesnt have to3. Can; wear; cant. 将将栏中的中的问句和句和栏中的答中的答语匹配匹配1. Can we eat in the classroom? 2. Can students talk in the hallways? 3. Do we have to wear a uniform? 4. What is the first rule? 5. Do I have to wear a hat? A. Dont fight. B. No, you dont have to. Its not cold today. C. Yes, we do. D. No, we cant. E. Yes, they can. 答案答案: 15. DECAB



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