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1、Project Management6. Leadership1Develop and facilitate leadership, team building, performance management, conflict management skills in an IT environment.2Gray & Larson, 2006, Ch 10.31.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Cur

2、rencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers41.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currenc

3、ies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers5management6management is about people7What is Management?Management is the process of achieving organizational goals through

4、engaging in the four major functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Bartol et al, 1998).8planning is the process of setting goals and deciding best way to achieve themplanning9organizing is the process of allocating and arranging human and other resourcesorganising10leading is the

5、 process of influencing othersleading11What is controlling about?controlling12ManagementManagement is the process of achieving organizational goals through engaging in the four major functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Bartol et al, 1998).planningorganisingleadingcontrolling1

6、3Figure 1.1 The functions of management(Bartol et al, 1998, p7)14What is Leadership?Management is the process of achieving organizational goals through engaging in the four major functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Bartol et al, 1998).15The process of influencing others to ac

7、hieve organizational goals (Bartol et al, 1998).16People accept a leaders influence because leaders have power17Where does power come from?18legitimate powerreward powerexpert powerinformation power19legitimate powerreward powerexpert powerinformation powerAn example20legitimate powerreward powerexp

8、ert powerinformation powerAn exampleI am your manager21legitimate powerreward powerexpert powerinformation powerAn exampleI have the authority to give you a performance bonus22legitimate powerreward powerexpert powerinformation powerAn exampleI have the authority to give you a performance bonus23leg

9、itimate powerreward powerexpert powerinformation powerAnother example24legitimate powerreward powerexpert powerinformation powerAnother exampleI can also know how to do the job pretty well, and you want to learn25legitimate powerreward powerexpert powerinformation powerAnother exampleI can also know

10、 how to do the job pretty well, and you want to learn26LeadersManagersManagers who are not leadersLeaders who are not managersPeople who are both managers and leaders27leader and manager are often used interchangeablyLeadersManagers28but the two should be distinguishedLeadersManagers29Some managers

11、function as leaders, and this fits with the definition of managementleadersManagers30Other managers do not function as leaders, leadersManagers31and not all leaders are managersleadersManagers32InnovatesAdministers33InnovatesAdministersAn originalA copy34InnovatesAdministersAn originalA copyDevelops

12、 new thingsMaintains existing things35InnovatesAdministersAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focus36InnovatesAdministersAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focusInspires trustcontrols

13、37InnovatesAdministersAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focusInspires trustcontrolsLong termShort term38InnovatesAdministersAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focusInspires trustcon

14、trolsLong termShort termAsks what and why?Asks how and when39InnovatesAdministersAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focusInspires trustcontrolsLong termShort termAsks what and why?Asks how and whenEye on the horizonEye on the bottom line40In

15、novatesAdministersAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focusInspires trustcontrolsLong termShort termAsks what and why?Asks how and whenEye on the horizonEye on the bottom lineDoes the right thingDoes the thing right41LeadersManagersInnovatesA

16、dministersAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focusInspires trustcontrolsLong termShort termAsks what and why?Asks how and whenEye on the horizonEye on the bottom lineDoes the right thingDoes the thing right42LeadersManagersInnovatesAdministe

17、rsAn originalA copyDevelops new thingsMaintains existing thingsPeople focusSystem and structure focusInspires trustcontrolsLong termShort termAsks what and why?Asks how and whenEye on the horizonEye on the bottom lineDoes the right thingDoes the thing right(Bennis cited in Tozer, 1997).43Leadership

18、and Managers are not the same thing44Do projects need leaders or managers?45A project manager has many roles and responsibilities46Managing projects is managing complexity47Formulate plans and objectives48 Monitor results49Take corrective action50Expedite activities51Solve technical problems52Serve

19、as peacemaker53Make tradeoffs among time, costs, and project scope54Recognize the need to change to keep the project on track55Initiate change56Provide direction and motivation57Innovate and adapt as necessary58Integrate assigned resources59Formulate plans and objectivesMonitor resultsTake correctiv

20、e actionExpedite activitiesSolve technical problemsServe as peacemakerMake tradeoffs among time, costs, and project scopeRecognize the need to change to keep the project on trackInitiate changeProvide direction and motivationInnovate and adapt as necessaryIntegrate assigned resources601.Leadership a

21、nd Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers61What are stakehol

22、ders?62You cant do it all and get it all done63Projects usually involve a vast web of relationships64Hands-on work is not the same as leading65More pressure and more involvement 66More pressure and more involvement will reduce your effectiveness as a leader67Whats important to you 68Whats important

23、to you likely 69Whats important to you likely isnt as important to someone else70Different groups have different stakes 71Different groups have different stakes (responsibilities, agendas, and priorities) in the outcome of a project.72Remember73RememberProject management is tough, exciting, and rewa

24、rding.74RememberProject management is tough, exciting, and rewarding.so persevere7576Figure 10.1 Figure 10.1 Network of stakeholdersNetwork of stakeholders( (Gray & Larson, 2006Gray & Larson, 2006, p314), p314)77Project teammanages and completes the project work. Most participants want to do a good

25、job, but they are also concerned with other obligations and how their involvement will contribute to their personal goals and aspirations78Project managersnaturally compete with each other for resources and support top management. At the same time, they have to share the resources and exchange infor

26、mation.79Functional managersdepending upon how the project is organised can play minor or major role toward the project success, for example providing technical input etc.80Top managementapproves funding of the project and establishes the priorities within the organization. They define success, rewa

27、rds for the successful completing of the project. Significant adjustments in scope, time and cost81Project sponsorschampion of the project and use their influence to gain approval of the project. Their reputation is tied to the success of the project 82Customersdefine the scope of the project, and u

28、ltimate project success rests in their satisfaction. Project managers need to be responsive to changing customer needs and requirements and to meeting their expectations83Administrative groups such as human resources, information systems, purchasing agents, maintenance etc. provide valuable support

29、service.84Government agenciesPlace constrains on project work. Permits need to be secured85Contractorsmay do the actual work with team members 861.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethi

30、cs and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers871.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics

31、and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers88TABLE 10.1Task-related currencies Resources Lending or giving money, budget increases, personnel, etc.Assistance Helping with existing projects or undertaking un

32、wanted tasks.Cooperation Giving task support, providing quicker response time, or aiding implementation. Information Providing organizational as well as technical knowledge.Position-related currencies Advancement Giving a task or assignment that can result in promotion.Recognition Acknowledging effo

33、rt or abilities.Visibility Providing a chance to be known by higher-ups or significant others in the organization.Network/contacts Providing opportunities for linking with others.Source: Adapted from A. R. Cohen and David L. Bradford, Influence without Authority (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990).

34、Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.89TABLE 10.1 (contd)Inspiration-related currenciesVision Being involved in a task that has larger significance for the unit, organization, customer, or society.Excellence Having a chance to do important things really well.Ethical correctness Doing wh

35、at is “right” by a higher standard than efficiency.Relationship-related currenciesAcceptance Providing closeness and friendship.Personal support Giving personal and emotional backing.Understanding Listening to others concerns and issues.Personal-related currenciesChallenge/learning Sharing tasks tha

36、t increase skills and abilities.Ownership/involvement Letting others have ownership and influence.Gratitude Expressing appreciation.901.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Proj

37、ect Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers91Mapping Dependencies for social networks92Project team perspectiveWhose cooperation will be needed?Whose agreement or approval will we need?Whose opposition would keep u

38、s from accomplishing the project?93Stakeholders perspectiveWhat differences exist between the team and those on whom the team will depend?How do the stakeholders view the project?What is the status of our relationships with the stakeholders?What sources of influence does the team have relative to th

39、e stakeholders?94Figure 10.2 Figure 10.2 Dependencies for financial software installation projectDependencies for financial software installation project( (Gray & Larson, 2006Gray & Larson, 2006, p320), p320)95Characteristics of Effective Project Managersinitiate contact with key playersanticipate p

40、otential problemsprovide encouragementreinforce the objectives and vision of the projectintervene to resolve conflicts and prevent stalemates96Management by Walking Around (MBWA)A management style that involves managers spending the majority of time outside of their offices in face-to-face interacti

41、ons with employees building cooperative relationships97Managing Upward RelationsProject Success = Top Management Supportappropriate budgetsresponsiveness to unexpected needsa clear signal to the organization of the importance of cooperationMotivating the Project Teaminfluence top management to favor

42、 team bywithdrawing unreasonable demandsproviding additional resourcesrecognizing the activities of team members98Figure 10.3 Figure 10.3 The significance of a project sponsorThe significance of a project sponsor( (Gray & Larson, 2006Gray & Larson, 2006, p324), p324)99Leading by ExampleHighly visibl

43、e, interactive management style which allows building and sustaining cooperative relationship and modeling project managers behavior1006 aspects of leading by example1.Priorities2.Urgency3.problem solving4.standards of performance5.Ethics6.Co-operation101Figure 10.4 Figure 10.4 Leading by exampleLea

44、ding by example( (Gray & Larson, 2006Gray & Larson, 2006, p326), p326)1021.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualiti

45、es of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers103Industry ethical guidelines104Ethical dilemmasSituations where it is difficult to determine whether conduct is right or wrong105lagging of cost and time estimationsfalsely assuring customers that everything is finebeing pressured

46、 to alter status reportsfalsifying cost accountscompromising safety standards to accelerate progressapproving poor work1061.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Project Manageme

47、nt7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers107Contradictions of Project Management108Innovator!Maintain stability!Contradictions of Project Management109Innovator!Maintain stability!Individuals!Teamwork!Contradictions of Proje

48、ct Management110Innovator!Maintain stability!Individuals!Teamwork!Flexible!Determined!Contradictions of Project Management111Innovator!Maintain stability!Individuals!Teamwork!Flexible!Determined!Team loyalty!Organisational loyalty!Contradictions of Project Management1121.Leadership and Management2.M

49、anaging Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers113Qualities of an Effective Projec

50、t ManagerSystems thinkerPersonal integrityProactiveHigh tolerance for stressGeneral business perspectiveGood communicatorEffective time managementSkillful politicianOptimist1141.Leadership and Management2.Managing Project Stakeholders3.Influence as Exchange4.Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies

51、5.Social Network Building6.Ethics and Project Management7.Contradictions of Project Management8.Qualities of an Effective Project Manager9.Suggestions for Project Managers115Leaders:116ReferencesBartol, K. et al. (1998). Management A pacific rim focus (2nd ed.). Roseville, NSW: McGraw-Hill.Greenberg

52、, J. & Baron, R. (1993). Behavior in organizations (4th ed.). Syd., NSW: Allyn and Bacon.Tozer, J. (1997). Leading initiative Leadership, teamwork and the bottom line. Port Melb., Vic: Butterworth-Heinemann.117Next WeekTopic:Managing Project TeamsReading:Gray & Larson, 2006, Ch. 11.118119120BetterPTitle page pic care of lumaxart & CC Flickr 121



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