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1、Subjunctive MoodUnreal conditionals with “if clause”Book10 Unit4陈鹏陈鹏 If I _the only girl in the worldAnd you _the only boyNothing else _ _ in the world todayWe _ _on living in the same old wayA garden of Eden just made for twoWith nothing to mar our joyI _ _such wonderful things to youThere _ _such

2、wonderful things to dowerewerewould matter couldgo would say would be Why not say: “If I am the only girl in the world and you are the only boy? Nothing else will matter in the world today. We can go on living.语 气 概 述 英语中的语气英语中的语气(moodmood)是一种动词形式,用以表示说话者的意图是一种动词形式,用以表示说话者的意图或态度。语气分为陈述语气或态度。语气分为陈述语气

3、 Indicative mood祈使语气祈使语气 Imperative mood和虚拟语气和虚拟语气 Subjunctive mood三种。三种。 虚拟语气虚拟语气(subjunctive mood)是一种特殊的是一种特殊的动词形式,用于表示形式,用于表示说话人所人所说的的话不是事不是事实,而是想像、假而是想像、假设建建议、打算、愿望等。表示所、打算、愿望等。表示所说的的话只是一种主只是一种主观的愿望、假想或建的愿望、假想或建议等。等。The Subjunctive Mood is used to express thoughts- wishes, suggestions, suppositi

4、ons or something contrary to facts. The situations are not true or not likely to become true.eg: If I were a bird , I would fly in the sky.虚拟语气在虚拟语气在 if 条件句中的用法条件句中的用法2. If I get more information, I will tell you immediately.1. If I were the only girl in the world and you were the only boy, nothing

5、else would matter in the world today .Observing & Discoveringa fact or a wish?6. If my parents are busy, I will do housework.9. If you had come yesterday, you would have met her.4. If I had time at present , I would go there.10. If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky.5. If I got/were to get/ sho

6、uld get time tomorrow, I would certainly help you.3. If my brother had been here yesterday, everything would have been all right. 7. If I were to have free time this Friday, I would go to the party.8. If prices rise, sales of products will fall .Common:Different:_IfIf + +句子句子,+句子句子.if条件从条件从主主If If I

7、f If 引导的条件句引导的条件句引导的条件句引导的条件句 real conditionunreal conditionif条件句条件句主句主句Ifrealunreal2 6 81 3 4 5 7 9 10_conditionconditiona fact or a wish? a fact :a wish :句句句句2. If I get more information, I will tell you immediately.6. If my parents are busy, I will do housework.8. If prices rise, sales of product

8、s will fall ._if条件从条件从主主 moodIndicative_Conclusion:If +主主语 + , 主主语+ .do/does一般一般现在在时will + V原形原形真真实条件句条件句 表示条件是表示条件是真的或有可能真的或有可能实现的的. .What tense is used?real conditionIf句句句句如果我还如果我还有次机会,有次机会,我将会再我将会再来中国游来中国游览览.(real condition)If I have another chance, I will visit China again.1. If I were the only

9、girl in the world and you were the only boy, nothing else would matter in the world today .3. If my brother had been here yesterday, everything would have been all right. 4. If I had time at present , I would go there.5. If I got/were to get/ should get time tomorrow, I would certainly help you.7. I

10、f I had/ were to have/should have free time this Friday, I would go to the party.9. If you had come yesterday, you would have met her.10. If I were a bird now, I would fly into the sky.Further Discovering & Classifyingunreal conditioncommon different31014975bewereCommon:Different:_moodsubjunctive_+I

11、f条件条件主主If +主主语 + , 主主语+ .were/didwould + V原形原形_types3_If +主主语 + , 主主语+ .If +主主语 + , 主主语+ .had done would + have donedid(were to do /should do)would +V(原形原形)PresentPastFutureSituationopposite to虚虚拟条件句条件句 表示条件是表示条件是虚虚拟的或几的或几乎无法乎无法实现的的. .unreal conditionIf句句句句would intention; plan; expected result (意意图

12、;计划;必然划;必然结果果)could ability; possibility (能能够;可能性可能性)might possibility (可能性可能性)should suggestion (建(建议)TIP Unreal conditionals If +主语主语+ Situation opposite toIf clauseMain clausePresentPastFuture+have done +do+do主语主语+ 主语主语+ 主语主语+ If +weredid wouldcouldshould might主语主语+ had done wouldcouldshould migh

13、tdid/werewere to do should do wouldcouldshould mightIf +主语主语+1. If I got down on my knees and I pleaded with you If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you Would you ever let me down If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight If I said that I would love you every single night Wo

14、uld you ever let me down Well Im sorry if it sounds kinda sad its just that Worried so worried that you let me down Because I love you, love you Love you so dont let me downgotpleadedcrossedWouldletclimbedsaidWouldletsounds_2.高考链接1(2010陕西卷西卷)If we _ the other road ,we might have arrived here in time

15、 for the meeting.A takeB had taken C tookD have taken3.(2014北京卷北京卷)We _ back in the hotel now if you didnt lose the map.A. are B. were C. will be D. would be2.(2013重重庆) - It rained cats and dogs this morning. Im glad we took an umbrella. - Yeah, we would have got wet all over if we _A. hadnt B. have

16、nt C. didnt D. dont答案:答案:D答案答案 :A 答案:答案:B 与与现在现在事实相反事实相反If I were the schoolmaster of our school, I would give you no homework.let the students get up a little late to get a better sleep.the Subjunctive Mood If you were a schoolmaster, what would you do?If the world-war burst out again one day, what

17、 would happen to people on the earth?If the world-war burst out again, .would (not). 与与将来将来事实相反事实相反If you had witnessed the accident, what would you have done?If I had witnessed the accident, I would(not) have.与与过去过去事实相反事实相反2Oral composition The confession(忏悔忏悔) of a driver“如果我小心地驾驶,我就不会撞倒孩子。如果我小心地驾

18、驶,我就不会撞倒孩子。如果我停下来并且送她去医院,孩子将会如果我停下来并且送她去医院,孩子将会幸存下来。如果我现在是一个自由的人,幸存下来。如果我现在是一个自由的人,我会努力成为一名有责任心的司机。如果我会努力成为一名有责任心的司机。如果我给出一则建议,我会说我给出一则建议,我会说每个人应该成每个人应该成为一名有责任的人并且在当必要时伸出援为一名有责任的人并且在当必要时伸出援助的手助的手。”Write a passage according to the Chinese given.If the farmer_the snake ,he _ it in the arms.If he _ it

19、in the arms , the snake_him.If the snake_him , he _.hadnt seenwouldnt have put如果农民如果农民没有没有看见看见蛇,蛇,他就他就不会不会把蛇把蛇放放进怀里。进怀里。如果农民如果农民没没把把它它放放进怀里,进怀里,蛇就蛇就不会不会咬咬它,它,如果蛇如果蛇不不咬咬农农夫,农民就夫,农民就不不会会死死。wouldnt have bittenhadnt puthadnt bittenwouldnt have diedThe Farmer and the SnakeTeamwork: Solitaire game(接(接龙)Te

20、amwork: Solitaire game(接龙)(接龙)Each group is supposed to do one topic and 4 students work together to make a short passage. Play the game in groups using:If sb did Sb would /could/should/might(not) doYou can choose any topic: Education, Health, Daily life, Society, Environment, Magic. (the more, the

21、better)(at least three sentences)If you had the same superpower as Du Minjun in theTV dramas-Man From the Stars, what would you do?If I had the same power as Du Minjun, I would stop the time to save people in danger.If the people in danger were saved, they would have a heart of gratitude.If they had

22、 a heart of gratitude, the world would be better.If the world were better, there would be no war in the world.If there were no war in the world, people would lead a peaceful life.I want to have the same power as Du Minjun._My regret and wishhe didnt hand in his homework in time. If time could be turned back, I would have listened to his explanation. If Icalm down and listen to his explanation.him. If I were to punish a student in the future, I wouldhad listened to his explanation, I would not have punishedI regret punishing one of my students last week because HOMEWORK



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