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1、1 Lesson 91 * 掌握本课重点词组和句型;然后看着汉语在后面默写英语sell his house 把他的房子卖掉:_ move to his new house 迁进新居: _ be going to move 打算搬家miss him 想念他:_ a very nice person 非常好的人:_ move into this house 搬进这所房子the day after tomorrow 后天: _ Please give him my regards. 请带我问候他:_ do not want to leave 不想离开: _ tomorrow night 明天夜里th

2、e day after tomorrow in the evening 后 天晚上: _ the night after next 后天夜里have a haircut 理发pack his bags 打包make an appointment 约好、约定Lesson 93 the new next-door neighbour 新 搬 来 的隔壁邻居fly to New York 飞往纽约return to London 返回伦敦nearly every country in the world 世 界 上 几乎每个国家a very lucky man 非 常 幸 运的人the month

3、before the last 前个月last month 上个月this month 本月next month 下个月the month after next 再下个月Lesson 95 return ticket 往返票:the next train 下一班火车:Platform two 2 号站台:plenty of time 充裕的时间:had better do. 最好去做 :miss the train 错过那班车:That clock is 10 minutes slow. 那 个 钟 慢了 10 分钟。:In 5 hours time 5 个小时 以后:Lesson 97 th

4、e other day 几天前:describe it 描述它:has got a zip 有拉链:your address 您的地址:three pounds fifty pence 3 英镑 50 便士:do not belong to me 不属于我:Lesson 99 fall downstairs 从楼梯上摔下来:hurt my back 把背摔坏了:at once 马上:let me help you 让我来帮你:try and stand up 试着站起来:I m afraid that恐怕。 。 :hurt myself 伤到我自己:Lesson 101 write a let

5、ter 写了封信:speak up 大声点:He says that 他说:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - - 2 Lesson 103 Not too bad 不算太坏:pass in English 英语及格了:sixteen of the question 其中的 16 道题answer the rest 回答了其他的题:too difficult for me 对我太难了:have got a low mar

6、k 得了低分:cheer up 别灰心:the guy next to me 在 我 旁 边 的 那 个人:at the top of the paper 在试卷顶端:not easy enough for me 对 我 来 说 不 够 容易:Lesson 105 want to speak to her 要同她谈话:want her to come 要她来:tell her to come 叫她来:full of mistakes 错误百出:I m sorry about that 对此我感到很抱歉。I hope (that)我希望 :carry it 带上它:correct it 改正它:

7、keep it 保存好它:Lesson 107 比较级: 在把一个人或物和另一个进行比较时,就要用到形容词的比较级。大部分单音节 词的比较级直接在后面加上-er,如small-smaller ;large-larger (已经有e 了就直接加r) ;而有些以“辅音+y”结尾的双 音 节 词 ,要把y 变 i , 再加er,如pretty-prettier 。总结如下表:原型比较级最高级单 音 节词small smaller smallest 单 音 节词large larger largest 双 音 节词pretty prettier prettiest 最高级 :在把一个人或物与其他一个以

8、上的人或物作比较时,用最高级。其变化方法和比较级变化类似,只是要加上的是-est。in fashion 流行:as well 同样;也(位于句末) :be smaller than比更小;比 还要小:not at all 根本;一点都不:be prettier 更漂亮些:the largest dress 最大的一件:haven t got a larger dress 没 有 更 大 的了:Lesson 109 a little 一点 (用于修饰不可数名词,如 milk) :a few 一些 (用于修饰可数名词,如books):less than that 少一点:I d like我想要 :

9、What a pity! 真遗憾:It doesn t matter. 没关系:That s very good advice. 极好的忠告:a piece of advice 一条建议;一条忠告一、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - - 3 1. many _ _ 2. lazy _ _ 3. few _ _ 4. bad _ _ 5. little _ _ 6. cheap _ _ 7.

10、easy _ _ 8. late _ _ 9. long _ _ 10. big _ _ Lesson 111 the most expensive model 最 昂 贵 的 型号:the more expensive model 比另一台)更贵的型号:can t afford all that money 花不起那么多钱:can t afford the TV 买不起这台电视:A is not as good as B A 不如 B 好:A is as good as B A 和 B 一样好:It s worth the money. 它值这么多钱:一、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级1. e

11、xpensive _ _ 2. sharp _ _ 3. interesting _ _ 4. difficult _ _ 5. smart _ _ Lesson 113 I ve got none. 我没有:none of us 我们中没有一个人:change this note 换钱;换开这张钞票:get on the bus 上车:get off the bus 下车:have got no pen 没 有 笔 ( 可 数 名 词 单数) :have got no money 没有钱(不可数名词) :Lesson 115no one 没有人:invite us to lunch 请我们吃

12、午饭:the back door 后门:I m sure (that)我确信;我肯定:nice and 很;非常:Don t believe her 别信她:She s joking. 她在开玩笑:look through the window 从 窗 子 往 里看:Lesson 117 find them all 把它们全找到try to do试图做某事:later that morning 上午的晚些时候:put the coins into his mouth 把硬币放进嘴里:swallow the coins 把硬币吞进肚里:Lesson 119 a true story 一个真实的故事:it happened to某事发生在 身上:two thieves 两个小偷:enter the room 进到屋里:turn on a torch 打开手电:run away as quickly as they could 飞 快 地 ;能跑多快就跑多快:What s up? 有什么事?干什么?:go back to sleep 继续睡觉:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - -



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