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1、A Good Heart to Lean on善心相依善心相依UNIT 31brave positiveenthusiastic confidentinsistent mercifulresponsible upright Lead-inWhat do you think is a good heart?仁慈的仁慈的正直的正直的2Lead-inGuo Mingyi 郭明义郭明义 Guo Mingyi, one of the figures of Moving China, spends all his spare time helping others and he is regarded a

2、s the moral model. 3Mother Teresa For over 45 years, Mother Teresas contributions to the care of the sick, the dying, and thousands of others else has been recognized and acclaimed throughout the world. She was the recipient of numerous honours including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. Lead-in4The good

3、you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Be good anyway. 你今天做的善事,人们往往明天就会忘记 不管怎样,你还是要做善事 。Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you have anyway. 即使把你最好的东西给了这个世界, 也许这些东西永远都不够。 不管怎样,把你最好的东西给这个世界 。5vThe passage is a first person narration, which d

4、escribes _ good heart.the writer uses different writing techniques, such as exemplification, metaphor, flashback, etc.His fathers67Fathers Day8Main Idea In this text, the writer describes his farther. He tells some of his fathers daily behavior and the important things he has learned from his father

5、.9vPara.1-2 _vPara.3-4 _vPara.5-7 _ vPara.8-11 _vPara.12-13 _The text tells a mans memory of his father. Now find the topic of each part and answer the questions with the help of the key words given.a.What my father looked for was a good heart, not pity.b.I miss my father very much.c.My father parti

6、cipated in many things in some way.d.How my father went to worke.I was embarrassed to be seen with my father.edacb10A Good Heart to Lean onText 11Text-Health Condition crippled father son Father needs sons help.“You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you. ”12Text-Reaction when we walked togetherp

7、eople would stare. I would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attention. (Para 1)He never let on. make sth. known透露透露13Text-WorkHe went to work sick, and despite nasty weather. (Para 3)He would be pulled through the snowy street by his son on a childs wagon to the subway station. childs wagon14Text-L

8、ife AttitudeUnable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way. (Para 8) He could keep a local baseball team going. He liked going to dances and parties. He wanted to fight at a beach party.课文线索分析课文线索分析课文线索分析课文线索分析父亲的善心体现父亲的善心体现父亲的善心体现父亲的善心体现15He participated in so

9、me things through me, his only son. (Para 11) He played the ball. (when the son played ball) He joined the Navy. (when the son join the Navy) He asked his son to visit his office. (when he introduced his son)Text-Life Attitude16Text What words can you use to describe the father?hard-working, persist

10、ent, optimistic, courageous, tolerantGoing out-put his hand on sons arm for balance Work-on a wagon pulled by son if the weather is bad Activitiesmanager of a baseball team, dances and parties, even fightMain Clue17You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you. fathersonYou set the pace. I will try

11、to adjust to you. StephaltingStepimpatientHe never let on.He never feels pity, complains or shows envy.He is embarrassed.He is amazed at his fathers courage.He feels sorry and regretful.Main ClueHidden Clue18Questionscourageoptimistic attitude toward lifepersistencetolerance面对不幸的勇气积极乐观的生活态度参与生活的坚强毅力

12、善解人意的包容之心19When we walked together, his hand was on my arm for balance.At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance. physical supportspiritual supportQuestions20Analysis of the ThemeA Good HeartA Good Heartphysically crippledcourageous,toleranthard-working, persistentoptimistic health

13、 reaction work life attitudementally healthy志坚志坚身残身残21Reflection Compare fathers good heart with those who make contribution to the society大善始于小善大善始于小善善心是中国文化核心的体现善心是中国文化核心的体现22Wisdom of Confucius孔子语录孔子语录23Rn = “benevolence”, “perfect virtue”, “goodness”, “human-heartedness”, or even “love others”Re

14、flection 24creditwisdommannersrighteousnessbenevolence仁义礼智信foundation of the moral worldReflection “仁仁”道德之根道德之根本本25Reflection 勿以恶小而为之,勿以恶小而为之, 勿以善小而不为勿以善小而不为 Do no evil because it is a small evil; do not leave a good undone because it is a small good.26Enjoy the warmth of love and harmonious life.Su

15、mmary 28Assignment What are your Fathers Favorite Sayings?29v Tips v Go and ask your mother.v Just wait until I get you home.v I love you, son.v I love you, princess.v When I was your age.v My father used to tell mev I used to walk to school in the snow.v Get home early.30Writing Try to write your own paragraph, which starts with a general point with some examples to support it. Topic: The Most Precious Quality3132个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论



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