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1、Introduction to Revenue Management 收益管理1 1Presentation Agenda演讲提纲演讲提纲l lWhat is Revenue Management? 什么是收益管理?什么是收益管理?l lComponents of Revenue Management收益管理的组成部分收益管理的组成部分2 2Revenue Management in Real Life收益管理的运用收益管理的运用3 3Necessary Conditions必要条件l lRelatively fixed CapacityRelatively fixed Capacity相对固

2、定的库存量相对固定的库存量l lTime-perishable InventoryTime-perishable Inventory非耐久性产品非耐久性产品l lTime-variable DemandTime-variable Demand季节性需求量季节性需求量l lAppropriate Cost StructureAppropriate Cost Structure合理的成本结构合理的成本结构l lSegmented MarketSegmented Market市场细分化市场细分化l lAdvance BookingAdvance Booking预订预订4 4 What is Reve

3、nue Management?什么是收益管理?什么是收益管理? l lSelling the right PRODUCT for the right PRICE to the right PEOPLE at the right TIME through the right DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL in order to MAXIMIZE REVENUE for the hotel 在适当的在适当的在适当的在适当的时间时间时间时间、通过适当的通过适当的通过适当的通过适当的分销渠道分销渠道分销渠道分销渠道、以适当以适当以适当以适当的的的的价格价格价格价格、向适当的向适当的向适当的

4、向适当的客户客户客户客户销售适当的销售适当的销售适当的销售适当的产品产品产品产品,以此,以此,以此,以此最大化酒店的收益最大化酒店的收益最大化酒店的收益最大化酒店的收益。5 5What is Revenue Management?What is Revenue Management?什么是收益管理?什么是收益管理?什么是收益管理?什么是收益管理?l lPRODCUT: Room Types, Room Nights, F&B, Meeting SpacePRODCUT: Room Types, Room Nights, F&B, Meeting Space产品:房型,房晚产品:房型,房晚产品:

5、房型,房晚产品:房型,房晚, , 餐饮餐饮餐饮餐饮, , 会议设施会议设施会议设施会议设施l lPRICE: PRICE: Group, Transient, Wholesale, etcGroup, Transient, Wholesale, etc价格:团队价、散客价、批发价及其他价格:团队价、散客价、批发价及其他价格:团队价、散客价、批发价及其他价格:团队价、散客价、批发价及其他l lPEOPLE: Corporate, Leisure, etcPEOPLE: Corporate, Leisure, etc 客户:商务客、休闲客及其他客户:商务客、休闲客及其他客户:商务客、休闲客及其他客

6、户:商务客、休闲客及其他l lTIME: Seasonality, Weekday vs. Weekend, LOSTIME: Seasonality, Weekday vs. Weekend, LOS时间时间时间时间: : 季节性,周中季节性,周中季节性,周中季节性,周中 vs. vs. 周末,住客时间长短周末,住客时间长短周末,住客时间长短周末,住客时间长短l lDISTRIBUTION CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL 分销渠道分销渠道分销渠道分销渠道l lCall CenterCall Center电话预订中心电话预订中心电话预订中心电话预订中心l lOn pr

7、opertyOn property酒店直接定房酒店直接定房酒店直接定房酒店直接定房l lGDS (Global Distribution System) GDS (Global Distribution System) 全球分销系统全球分销系统全球分销系统全球分销系统l lBB品牌网站品牌网站品牌网站品牌网站l l3rd Party Channels (Ctrip, Elong, Expedia) 3rd Party Channels (Ctrip, Elong, Expedia) 第三方渠道(携程、易龙、第三方渠道(携程、易龙、第三方渠道(携程、易龙、第三方渠道(携程、易龙、HotwireH

8、otwire)下载自管理资源吧6 6Revenue Management Success Stories收益管理成功范例收益管理成功范例l lAmerican Airlines American Airlines (美国航空公司)(美国航空公司)$ $500500 million increase in annual revenue million increase in annual revenue年收入增加年收入增加五亿五亿美元美元l lMarriott Marriott ( (万豪酒店管理集团)万豪酒店管理集团)$ $100100 million increase in annual r

9、evenue million increase in annual revenue年收入增加年收入增加一亿一亿美元美元l lNational car rental National car rental (全美汽车租赁公司)(全美汽车租赁公司)Turned from the brink of bankruptcy to a Turned from the brink of bankruptcy to a company growing at a company growing at a 20%20% annual rate annual rate由面临破产转而成为年增长率由面临破产转而成为年增

10、长率20%20%的公司的公司7 7Components of Revenue Management 收益管理的组成收益管理的组成1. Competitive Analysis 竞争分析竞争分析2. Forecasting预测预测 3. Pricing 定价定价 4. Inventory Controls客房控制客房控制5. Performance Measurement 考核指数考核指数8 8RM ComponentCompetitive Analysis RM ComponentCompetitive Analysis 竞争分析竞争分析竞争分析竞争分析l lHelps Determine t

11、he “Competitive Set” Helps Determine the “Competitive Set” 帮助确定帮助确定帮助确定帮助确定“ “竞争对手组竞争对手组竞争对手组竞争对手组” ”A hotels closest competitors in terms of product, geography, A hotels closest competitors in terms of product, geography, and/or type of business and/or type of business 在产品、地理位置以及在产品、地理位置以及在产品、地理位置以

12、及在产品、地理位置以及/ /或客户方面最接近的竞争对手或客户方面最接近的竞争对手或客户方面最接近的竞争对手或客户方面最接近的竞争对手Primary and secondary competitive setsPrimary and secondary competitive sets主要竞争对手组以及次要竞争对手组主要竞争对手组以及次要竞争对手组主要竞争对手组以及次要竞争对手组主要竞争对手组以及次要竞争对手组Macro-Level: Determine the value of the hotel in the overall Macro-Level: Determine the value

13、of the hotel in the overall marketplace based on the product positioningmarketplace based on the product positioning宏观层面:根据产品确定酒店在市场中的定位及价值宏观层面:根据产品确定酒店在市场中的定位及价值宏观层面:根据产品确定酒店在市场中的定位及价值宏观层面:根据产品确定酒店在市场中的定位及价值Micro-Level: Benchmark performances against competitorsMicro-Level: Benchmark performances a

14、gainst competitors微观层面:衡量与竞争对手表现差异微观层面:衡量与竞争对手表现差异微观层面:衡量与竞争对手表现差异微观层面:衡量与竞争对手表现差异9 9RM ComponentForecasting RM ComponentForecasting 预测预测预测预测l lWhy do we forecast? Why do we forecast? 我们为什么要预测?我们为什么要预测?我们为什么要预测?我们为什么要预测?1. 1.Determine pricing Determine pricing 确定价格确定价格确定价格确定价格l lBased on UNCONSTRAIN

15、ED DEMAND Based on UNCONSTRAINED DEMAND 基于基于基于基于” ”无限制的需求无限制的需求无限制的需求无限制的需求” ”Unconstrained demand = the number of people who Unconstrained demand = the number of people who would have stayed at the hotel if it had an infinite number would have stayed at the hotel if it had an infinite number of roo

16、ms.of rooms.无限制需求无限制需求无限制需求无限制需求 = = 假设酒店无房间数限制情况下的住店客人假设酒店无房间数限制情况下的住店客人假设酒店无房间数限制情况下的住店客人假设酒店无房间数限制情况下的住店客人数数数数l lMust measure unconstrained demand to determine price Must measure unconstrained demand to determine price sensitivity of the customer. All customers have different sensitivity of the c

17、ustomer. All customers have different price sensitivities based on product, market, and price sensitivities based on product, market, and individual needs.individual needs.必须通过衡量无限制的需求来了解客人的价格敏感度。必须通过衡量无限制的需求来了解客人的价格敏感度。必须通过衡量无限制的需求来了解客人的价格敏感度。必须通过衡量无限制的需求来了解客人的价格敏感度。所有客人都有不同的价格敏感度,这取决于产品、市场所有客人都有不同

18、的价格敏感度,这取决于产品、市场所有客人都有不同的价格敏感度,这取决于产品、市场所有客人都有不同的价格敏感度,这取决于产品、市场与个人需求。与个人需求。与个人需求。与个人需求。 1010Forecasting Forecasting (cont(cont d)d)预测预测预测预测l lHigher demand = Higher price (Supply and Demand Higher demand = Higher price (Supply and Demand economics), but must consider price sensitivity as well. econ

19、omics), but must consider price sensitivity as well. 需求增加需求增加需求增加需求增加 = = 价格抬升价格抬升价格抬升价格抬升 (供求经济学(供求经济学(供求经济学(供求经济学) ),但也必须考虑价格,但也必须考虑价格,但也必须考虑价格,但也必须考虑价格敏感度。敏感度。敏感度。敏感度。l lCapture desirable demand and reject undesirable demand Capture desirable demand and reject undesirable demand in order to maxim

20、ize revenue and profit for all time.in order to maximize revenue and profit for all time.满足理想的需求,回绝不理想的需求来最大化每时每刻的满足理想的需求,回绝不理想的需求来最大化每时每刻的满足理想的需求,回绝不理想的需求来最大化每时每刻的满足理想的需求,回绝不理想的需求来最大化每时每刻的收益和利润。收益和利润。收益和利润。收益和利润。 l lRoom nightsRoom nights are perishable commodities. You only get one are perishable

21、commodities. You only get one chance to sell a hotel room for a given night. If you dont chance to sell a hotel room for a given night. If you dont sell it, the opportunity is gone forever. sell it, the opportunity is gone forever. 客房是客房是客房是客房是“ “非耐久性非耐久性非耐久性非耐久性” ”商品。你只能在特定的一个晚上销售商品。你只能在特定的一个晚上销售商品

22、。你只能在特定的一个晚上销售商品。你只能在特定的一个晚上销售某间客房。如果届时你没有卖出它,这永远失去了卖出机某间客房。如果届时你没有卖出它,这永远失去了卖出机某间客房。如果届时你没有卖出它,这永远失去了卖出机某间客房。如果届时你没有卖出它,这永远失去了卖出机会。会。会。会。1111Forecasting (contd)预测预测l lExample: If you had one room to sell and two people Example: If you had one room to sell and two people who wanted to rent it (one w

23、ould pay $100; the who wanted to rent it (one would pay $100; the other, $200), who would you give it to? other, $200), who would you give it to? 例如例如例如例如: : 如果你有一间客房要出售,有两个人想要如果你有一间客房要出售,有两个人想要如果你有一间客房要出售,有两个人想要如果你有一间客房要出售,有两个人想要(一个人愿意付(一个人愿意付(一个人愿意付(一个人愿意付$100$100;另一个人愿意付;另一个人愿意付;另一个人愿意付;另一个人愿意付$2

24、00$200),你),你),你),你会出售给谁?会出售给谁?会出售给谁?会出售给谁?l lForecasting unconstrained demand helps the hotel Forecasting unconstrained demand helps the hotel know which people to take in order to maximize know which people to take in order to maximize revenue. revenue. 预测预测预测预测“ “无限制需求无限制需求无限制需求无限制需求” ”帮助酒店了解接受哪些客

25、人可帮助酒店了解接受哪些客人可帮助酒店了解接受哪些客人可帮助酒店了解接受哪些客人可以最大化收益。以最大化收益。以最大化收益。以最大化收益。1212Forecasting Forecasting (cont (cont d)d)预测预测预测预测l lWhy do we forecast (Cont.)? Why do we forecast (Cont.)? 我们为什么要预测(继续)?我们为什么要预测(继续)?我们为什么要预测(继续)?我们为什么要预测(继续)?2 2。Help operations serve guests betterHelp operations serve guests

26、better帮助酒店各运营部门更好地服务客人帮助酒店各运营部门更好地服务客人帮助酒店各运营部门更好地服务客人帮助酒店各运营部门更好地服务客人l lBy knowing how many rooms we are going to sell, housekeeping, By knowing how many rooms we are going to sell, housekeeping, front office, food and beverage, and other operating departments front office, food and beverage, and o

27、ther operating departments are able to staff more effectively and efficiently. are able to staff more effectively and efficiently. 知道我们将出售多少客房可以让客房部、前台、餐饮部以及其他知道我们将出售多少客房可以让客房部、前台、餐饮部以及其他知道我们将出售多少客房可以让客房部、前台、餐饮部以及其他知道我们将出售多少客房可以让客房部、前台、餐饮部以及其他部门更有效地分配员工。部门更有效地分配员工。部门更有效地分配员工。部门更有效地分配员工。l lForecasts

28、are one way that investors measure the value of the Forecasts are one way that investors measure the value of the company because they show whether the company has a “handle” company because they show whether the company has a “handle” on its business.on its business.预测是投资者考量公司价值的方法之一,因为预测可以显示公司预测是投

29、资者考量公司价值的方法之一,因为预测可以显示公司预测是投资者考量公司价值的方法之一,因为预测可以显示公司预测是投资者考量公司价值的方法之一,因为预测可以显示公司是否能够掌控其业务。是否能够掌控其业务。是否能够掌控其业务。是否能够掌控其业务。1313Forecasting (contd) 预测预测l lHow do we create our forecasts? How do we create our forecasts? 我们如何建立预测?我们如何建立预测?我们如何建立预测?我们如何建立预测?Based on history Based on history 根据历史根据历史根据历史根据历

30、史Based on trends in the economy and marketBased on trends in the economy and market根据经济和市场趋势根据经济和市场趋势根据经济和市场趋势根据经济和市场趋势Based on future outlookBased on future outlook根据对未来的展望根据对未来的展望根据对未来的展望根据对未来的展望1414RM ComponentPricing for Transient BusinessRM ComponentPricing for Transient Business散客定价散客定价散客定价散客定

31、价l lBased on Unconstrained Demand Based on Unconstrained Demand 根据根据根据根据“ “无限制需求无限制需求无限制需求无限制需求” ”l lThis means we price differently not only based on when guests This means we price differently not only based on when guests arrive, but also on how long they stayarrive, but also on how long they sta

32、y我们不但根据客人到达时间,也根据停留时间长短进行定价我们不但根据客人到达时间,也根据停留时间长短进行定价我们不但根据客人到达时间,也根据停留时间长短进行定价我们不但根据客人到达时间,也根据停留时间长短进行定价l lIt is possible to have a different price for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7+ It is possible to have a different price for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7+ night lengths of stay, based on demandnight lengths

33、of stay, based on demand根据实际需求,对于根据实际需求,对于根据实际需求,对于根据实际需求,对于1717晚等不同停留时间可以有不同的价格晚等不同停留时间可以有不同的价格晚等不同停留时间可以有不同的价格晚等不同停留时间可以有不同的价格l lThis approach ensures that we maximize revenue not only for a This approach ensures that we maximize revenue not only for a particular high-demand day, but also for all

34、other time periods. particular high-demand day, but also for all other time periods. 这一方法确保我们不但在高需求日,也在其余时段收益最大化。这一方法确保我们不但在高需求日,也在其余时段收益最大化。这一方法确保我们不但在高需求日,也在其余时段收益最大化。这一方法确保我们不但在高需求日,也在其余时段收益最大化。l lBest Available Rates (BAR) are quoted to customers who do not Best Available Rates (BAR) are quoted

35、to customers who do not qualify for a specific discount or group rate qualify for a specific discount or group rate 我们向无法享受折扣价的客人提供最优门市价我们向无法享受折扣价的客人提供最优门市价我们向无法享受折扣价的客人提供最优门市价我们向无法享受折扣价的客人提供最优门市价1515RM ComponentPricing for Transient BusinessRM ComponentPricing for Transient Business散客业务定价散客业务定价散客业务

36、定价散客业务定价l lNegotiated accounts Negotiated accounts 协议客户协议客户协议客户协议客户Global & LocalGlobal & Local全球和地区客户全球和地区客户全球和地区客户全球和地区客户Pricing based on volume, placement of business (months and Pricing based on volume, placement of business (months and days of week), and market sharedays of week), and market sh

37、are根据数量、业务安排(月份以及一周天数)、市场份额进行根据数量、业务安排(月份以及一周天数)、市场份额进行根据数量、业务安排(月份以及一周天数)、市场份额进行根据数量、业务安排(月份以及一周天数)、市场份额进行定价定价定价定价l lValue added packaging (e.g. Romance Package)Value added packaging (e.g. Romance Package)套餐产品(例如:浪漫套餐)套餐产品(例如:浪漫套餐)套餐产品(例如:浪漫套餐)套餐产品(例如:浪漫套餐)l lPremium accommodation pricing (e.g. Exe

38、cutive Floor)Premium accommodation pricing (e.g. Executive Floor)PremiumPremium定价定价定价定价 (例如:行政楼层(例如:行政楼层(例如:行政楼层(例如:行政楼层) )l lOther discount pricingOther discount pricing其它优惠定价其它优惠定价其它优惠定价其它优惠定价Advance purchaseAdvance purchase提前购买提前购买提前购买提前购买1616RM ComponentPricing for Group BusinessRM ComponentPric

39、ing for Group Business团体业务定价团体业务定价团体业务定价团体业务定价l lMust ensure an optimum mix of group and transient sales in order to Must ensure an optimum mix of group and transient sales in order to maximize revenuemaximize revenue必须确定一个最优的团队与散客比例来最大化收益必须确定一个最优的团队与散客比例来最大化收益必须确定一个最优的团队与散客比例来最大化收益必须确定一个最优的团队与散客比例来

40、最大化收益l lMust determine selling rates for the sales team based on demandMust determine selling rates for the sales team based on demand必须根据需求为销售队伍确定销售价格必须根据需求为销售队伍确定销售价格必须根据需求为销售队伍确定销售价格必须根据需求为销售队伍确定销售价格l lIn times of high demand, group may not maximize revenue In times of high demand, group may not

41、maximize revenue 在高需求期间,团体业务可能不是收益最大化在高需求期间,团体业务可能不是收益最大化在高需求期间,团体业务可能不是收益最大化在高需求期间,团体业务可能不是收益最大化l lMust evaluate potential group business and either accept the group, Must evaluate potential group business and either accept the group, make recommendations to improve profitability, or reject the gro

42、upmake recommendations to improve profitability, or reject the group收益管理必须评估潜在的团队业务,或者接受团队,做出提高利润收益管理必须评估潜在的团队业务,或者接受团队,做出提高利润收益管理必须评估潜在的团队业务,或者接受团队,做出提高利润收益管理必须评估潜在的团队业务,或者接受团队,做出提高利润的建议;或者回绝团队的建议;或者回绝团队的建议;或者回绝团队的建议;或者回绝团队l lGroup catering / Total revenue managementGroup catering / Total revenue m

43、anagement团队酒宴团队酒宴团队酒宴团队酒宴/ /全面收益管理全面收益管理全面收益管理全面收益管理1717RM ComponentInventory ControlsRM ComponentInventory Controls客房控制客房控制客房控制客房控制l lAllocation of Group Rooms vs. Transient protected, Allocation of Group Rooms vs. Transient protected, based on demandbased on demand 根据需求分配团体房根据需求分配团体房根据需求分配团体房根据需求分

44、配团体房vs.vs.预留散客房预留散客房预留散客房预留散客房 l lLength of Stay & Room TypesLength of Stay & Room Types根据房晚长短及房型的需求根据房晚长短及房型的需求根据房晚长短及房型的需求根据房晚长短及房型的需求l lDistribution Channel ManagementDistribution Channel Management销售渠道管理销售渠道管理销售渠道管理销售渠道管理l lOverbooking To improve Sellout EfficiencyOverbooking To improve Sellout

45、Efficiency超量预订超量预订超量预订超量预订 确保满房率确保满房率确保满房率确保满房率 1818RM ComponentRM ComponentPerformance Measurement 成绩考量成绩考量l lRevenue Per Available Room (RevPAR)Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR)平均单间客房收益平均单间客房收益平均单间客房收益平均单间客房收益Compared to STLYCompared to STLY与去年同期比较与去年同期比较与去年同期比较与去年同期比较 l lRevPAR IndexRevPAR Inde

46、x平均单间客房收益指数平均单间客房收益指数平均单间客房收益指数平均单间客房收益指数Compared to competitorsCompared to competitors与竞争对手比较与竞争对手比较与竞争对手比较与竞争对手比较l lForecast AccuracyForecast Accuracy预测准确性预测准确性预测准确性预测准确性 如果预测不准确如果预测不准确如果预测不准确如果预测不准确 (+/-3%)(+/-3%),很有可能,很有可能,很有可能,很有可能你的酒店会错过收益机会你的酒店会错过收益机会你的酒店会错过收益机会你的酒店会错过收益机会1919Can Revenue Management Work in China?收益管理在中国的可行性?l lInternational Hotel Company Model国际管理集团的模式l lOrganizational setup组织结构2020谢谢!2121



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