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导学教程高三英语二轮复习 第一部分 高考题型攻略篇 高考题型之二 阅读理解 专题二 阅读理解之主旨大意题课件_第1页
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《导学教程高三英语二轮复习 第一部分 高考题型攻略篇 高考题型之二 阅读理解 专题二 阅读理解之主旨大意题课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《导学教程高三英语二轮复习 第一部分 高考题型攻略篇 高考题型之二 阅读理解 专题二 阅读理解之主旨大意题课件(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考专题二阅读理解之主旨大意题微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考高考24话题之(二):节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)近年来,人们对中国传统节日的关注度日益下降而洋节日越来越受到人们的追捧。你们班就这一现象进行了热烈的讨论,请用英语写一篇短文,要点如下:【写作话题写作话题】微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考赞成的理由赞成的理由1.有助于吸收外来文化,促进跨文化交流。有助于吸收外来文化,促进跨文化交流

2、。2.有些节日具有教育意义,如母亲节、感恩节等。有些节日具有教育意义,如母亲节、感恩节等。反对的理由反对的理由1.外来文化入侵,特别是宗教节日。外来文化入侵,特别是宗教节日。2.失去对中国传统节日的兴趣。失去对中国传统节日的兴趣。个人观点个人观点微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考Nowadays, western festivals such as Christmas and Valentines Day_ (become) more and more popular in China.Some believe that_(celebrate) weste

3、rn festivals is a sign of globalization, _helps to take in various foreign cultures and improve crossculture _(communicate)【语法填空语法填空】are becomingcelebratingwhichcommunication微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考That we Chinese should celebrate these festivals has raised a heated discussion.However, o

4、thers believe that the popular of the western festival in China is the result of the foreign cultural invade.答案That改为Whetherpopular改为名词popularity;festival改为复数形式festivals;invade改为名词形式invasion【语法改错语法改错】微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考As long as I am concerned, we should value our traditional festi

5、vals, which has been essential part of the Chinese culture.答案long改为far;has改为have;essential前面加an微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考Nowadays, western festivals such as Christmas and Valentines Day are becoming more and more popular in China.Whether we Chinese should celebrate these festivals has rais

6、ed a heated discussion.Some believe that celebrating western festivals is a sign of globalization, which helps to take in various foreign cultures and improve crossculture communication.Besides, some western festivals, such as Mothers Day and Thanksgiving Day, are instructive.【范文背诵范文背诵】微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探

7、探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考However, others believe that the popularity of the western festivals in China is the result of the foreign cultural invasion.For example, Christmas has strong religious colors.Whats more, young people may lose their interest in our traditional Chinese festivals like Dragonboat

8、 Festival, Tombsweeping Day etc.As far as I am concerned, we should value our traditional festivals, which have been an essential part of the Chinese culture.Meanwhile, we can have a taste of the western festivals just for fun.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考根据范文画线部分仿写下面情景:我们能否回家过中秋节还是一个问题。_就我而言

9、,五一劳动节是我最喜欢的一个节日,在此期间,我们可参观很多景点。_, May Day is one of my favourite festivals, during which, we can visit lots of attractions.答案Whether we can return home for Midautumn Day remains a problem.As far as Im concerned【自主空间自主空间】微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考A(2016新课标乙卷)The meaning of silence varies a

10、mong cultural groups.Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say.A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness, or worry.Silence may be viewed by some做真题做真题悟高考悟高考限时限时15分钟分钟微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考cultural groups as extremely unco

11、mfortable;therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap(间隙)with conversation.Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a persons needs.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicati

12、ng among people, just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do.Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, what may be implied(暗暗示示)is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing.In these cultures, silence is a ca

13、ll for reflection.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考Other cultures may use silence in other ways, particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power.For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement

14、between parties about the topic under discussion.However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to

15、 an elder or a person in authority.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考Nurses and other caregivers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing. Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction

16、of silence so that a patients silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily.A nurse who understands the healing(治治愈愈)value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考语篇解读本

17、文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了沉默在不同文化背景下的不同内涵。在有些时候,人们利用沉默来解决人们之间的冲突,而在有些时候沉默则被认为表示顽固或者是担忧。微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考1What does the author say about silence in conversations?AIt implies anger.BIt promotes friendship.CIt is culturespecific. DIt is contentbased.解析细节理解题。根据文章首段首句“The meaning of silence varies

18、among cultural groups”可知,作者认为沉默是有文化特性的。答案C微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考2Which of the following people might regard silence as a call for careful thought?AThe Chinese. BThe French.CThe Mexicans. DThe Russians.解析细节理解题。根据第二段中“what may be implied is that the person wants the listener to consider

19、what has been said before continuing”可知中国人认为谈话时人们的沉默是在思考谈话内容。答案A微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考3What does the author advise nurses to do about silence?ALet it continue as the patient pleases.BBreak it while treating patients.CEvaluate its harm to patients.DMake use of its healing effects.微微课课练练

20、随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考解析细节理解题。根据末段末句“A nurse who understands the healing value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients”可知,作者建议护士要利用沉默的好处来护理病人。故选D。答案D微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考4What may be the best title for the text?ASound and SilenceBWhat It Means t

21、o Be SilentCSilence to Native AmericansDSpeech Is Silver;Silence Is Gold解析主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了在不同文化背景下谈话期间的沉默的不同含义,由此判断B选项可以概括文章内容。故选B。答案B微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考B(2016江苏)Chimps(黑猩猩)will cooperate in certain ways, like gathering in war parties to protect their territory.But beyond the minimum r

22、equirements as social beings, they have little instinct(本能)to help one another.Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves. Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children, who are able from a young age to gather their own food.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考In the labora

23、tory, chimps dont naturally share food either.If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in one plate of food for himself or, with no great effort, a plate that also provides food for a neighbor to the next cage, he will pull at randomhe just doesnt care whether his neighbor gets fed or not.Chimp

24、s are truly selfish.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考Human children, on the other hand are extremely corporative.From the earliest ages, they decide to help others, to share information and to participate in achieving common goals.The psychologist Michael Tomasello has studied this cooperativenes

25、s in a series of experiments with very young children.He finds that if babies aged 18 months see a worried adult with hands full trying to open a door, almost all will immediately try to help.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help, inform and

26、share are not taught, but naturally possessed in young children.One is that these instincts appear at a very young age before most parents have started to train children to behave socially.Another is that the helping behaviors are not improved if the children are rewarded.A third reason is that soci

27、al intelligence.Develops in children before their general微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考cognitive(认知的)skills, at least when compared with chimps.In tests conducted by Tomtasell, the children did no better than the chimps on the physical world tests, but were considerably better at understanding

28、 the social world.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考The core of what childrens minds have and chimps dont is what Tomasello calls shared intentionality.Part of this ability is that they can infer what others know or are thinking.But beyond that, even very young children want to be part of a shared

29、 purpose. They actively seek to be part of a “we”, a group that intends to work toward a shared goal.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考语篇解读本文是一篇科普知识文。本文从猩猩的自私行为导入到人类无私帮助他人的本能,分析了人类愿意帮助他人、愿意与他人合作的本能天性的原因。5What can we learn from the experiment with chimps?AChimps seldom care about others interests.B

30、Chimps tend to provide food for their children.CChimps like to take in their neighbors food.DChimps naturally share food with each other.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考解析推理判断题。根据文章第二段后两句 “If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in one plate of food himself or.he will pull at randomhe just

31、 doesnt care whether his neighbor gets fed or not.Chimps are truly selfish.”可知黑猩猩很自私,通常会把邻居的食物搞的一团糟。说明他们根本不关心其他人的利益。故A项正确。答案A微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考6Michael Tomasellos tests on young children indicate that they_.Ahave the instinct to help othersBknow how to offer help to adultsCknow the

32、 world better than chimpsDtrust adults with their hands full微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考解析推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“He finds that if babies aged 18 months see a worried adult with hands full trying to open a door, almost all will immediately try to help.”和第四段第一句“There are several reasons to believe th

33、at the urges to help, inform and share are not taught, but naturally possessed in young children.”可知只有 18个月的孩子就知道去帮助他人,而且帮助他人的做法并不是父母亲教的,属于人类的本能。故A项正确。答案A微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考7The passage is mainly about_.Athe helping behaviors of young childrenBways to train childrens shared intentio

34、nalityCcooperation as a distinctive human natureDthe development of intelligence in children微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考解析主旨大意题。本文属于科普说明文,作者从猩猩的自私行为导入到人类无私帮助他人的本能,分析了人类愿意帮助他人、愿意与他人合作的本能天性的原因。A、B、D都属于文章的部分内容,并非中心思想。故 C项正确。答案C微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考主主旨旨大大意意题题是是高高考考阅阅读读理理解解中中常常考考的的

35、题题型型之之一一,主主要要考考查查考考生生把把握握全全文文主主题题和和理理解解中中心心思思想想的的能能力力,考考查查角角度度通通常常包包括括:1.最最佳佳标标题题;2.寻寻找找文文章章话话题题;3.概概括括文章的中心思想;文章的中心思想;4.段落大意。段落大意。探考点探考点攻难点攻难点微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考【设问角度设问角度】1标题归纳类主旨大意题标题归纳类主旨大意题Which(one)What can/would/could be the best/ suitable title for the passage/text?Which of t

36、he following can be the best title for the passage?What can be a suitable title for the text?The suitable/best headline/title of this passage may be_.The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is_.微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考2文章大意类主旨大意题Which of the following best states the theme

37、of the passage?The main purpose of this article is to show that_.What is the main theme/topic/idea of this passage?The passage deals mainly with/is primarily concerned with/mainly describes_?微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考 The main/general idea of this passage is_. The passage mainly focuses on

38、_. The passage is mainly about_. Which of the following can best summarize this passage? Whats the subject discussed in this passage? What does this passage mainly deal with?微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考3段落大意类主旨大意题The main idea of the second paragraph probably is that_.What is the last paragr

39、aph chiefly concerned with?What does the writer try to express in Paragraph 3?Which of the following can best summarize Paragraph 1?What is the main idea of the first paragraph?What can be learned from Paragraph 5?微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考【选项特点选项特点】1最佳选项的特点最佳选项的特点(1)涵涵盖盖性性强强,覆覆盖盖全全文文或或全全段

40、段。例例如如第第7题题中中的的C项项C.cooperation as a distinctive human nature 概概括括了了全全文文的的主主要要内内容容,前前两两段段描描述述了了猩猩猩猩相相互互之之间间的的不不合合作作特特点点;第第三三段段通通过过观观察察和和试试验验,证证明明了了人人类类从从小小的的时时候候就就具有合作性。故具有合作性。故C项是最佳答案。项是最佳答案。微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考(2)确定的范围恰当,既不太大,也不太小。确定的范围恰当,既不太大,也不太小。(3)精精确确性性强强,能能恰恰当当地地表表达达原原文文的的主主题

41、题的的中中心心思思想想。例例如如第第4题题中中的的选选B.What It Means to Be Silent,其其中中的的Means和和Silent是是两两个个反反映映主主题题的的关关键键词词。与与文文章章的的首首句句即即主主题题句句“The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups.”相符。相符。微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考2干扰选项的特征(1)覆盖面太大、太笼统,大大超出了短文的论述范围。(2)覆盖面偏窄,在内容上只涉及短文的某一部分或若干要点;仅为短文的某一要点甚至某一细节,即以偏概全。例

42、如第7题中的选项A只是第三段的主要内容;B项中的shared intentionality只是在最后一段中出现过,并不是主要内容;D项中的intelligence只是在第四出现过,是本段的主要内容。所以A、B和D项反映的是部分的信息,不是全文的主要信息。微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考(3)与与短短文文有有部部分分交交集集,但但偏偏离离文文章章或或段段落落主主题题,有有重重叠叠但但不不重重合合。例例如如第第4题题中中的的选选项项D.Speech Is Silver, Silence Is Gold意意为为“雄雄辩辩是是银银,沉沉默默是是金金”,这这个个谚



45、,记记叙叙文文中中寻寻找找概概括括情情节节和和中中心心的的动动词词或或反反映映人人物物特特点点的的形形容容词词)。文文中中出出现现两两种种或或两两种种以以上上的的不不同同观观点点时时,要要务务必必牢牢记记作作者者的的观观点点才才是是体体现现全全文文中中心心的的。此此外外,还还要要注注意意一一些些转转折折词词,如如:but, yet, however, although, in spite of, by contrast, on the contrary等等。当当文文章章中中表表示示相相反反的的观观点点时时,往往往往用用到到这这些些词词。答答题题时时要要弄弄清清哪哪个个是是作者的观点,排除迷惑性的信息,准确归纳主旨大意。作者的观点,排除迷惑性的信息,准确归纳主旨大意。微微课课练练随随堂堂清清探探考考点点攻攻难难点点做做真真题题悟悟高高考考(3)段段落落大大意意类类。解解答答段段落落大大意意题题的的关关键键是是抓抓住住段段落落的的主主题题句句。主主题题句句往往往往出出现现在在一一段段的的段段首首或或段段尾尾,但但有有时时也也出出现现在在段段落落中中。一一般般来来讲讲,找找准准主主题题句句,概概括括和和归归纳纳段段落落的的大大意意,将将快快速速获获取取的的信信息息进进行行逻逻辑辑分分析析和和整整合合就可以作出正确选择。就可以作出正确选择。



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