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1、以字母 a 开头的单词A a ?; e ? (an) art. 一个,某个,任何一个There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。a 用在以元音因素开头的单词之前 It is good for us to eat an egg every day. 一天一个鸡蛋对我们来说是好的。an用在以辅音因素开头的单词之前 ability ?b ? l ? t ? n. C 能力,才干,才能I have never doubted about her ability. 我对她的才能从未怀疑过。He is a man of abilities .他是一个有多种才能的人。a man

2、 of abilities一个有多种才能的人 He has the ability to finish the work.他具有完成这个工作的能力。have the ability to do sth有做某事的能力 able e? b( ?)ladj.有能力的,能够I am able to speak some English now. 我现在能说一些英语。be able to do sth有能力( 或办法、机会) 做某事 【易错警示】 be able to与 can (词汇辨析先从意思上区别,再从用法上区别,要语言简练,解析明了)be able to be able to 表示经过努力而具备

3、的能力,可用于各种时态。例如:I havent been able to sleep recently. 最近我睡不着觉。I am able to express my idea in a clear way. 我能清楚地表达自己的想法。can can 表示本身有做某事的能力,只有现在式(can)和过去式(could )两种。例如:I can finish the work in three days. 我可以在三天内完成这项工作。about ?ba ?t prep.对于,关于;在周围;adv.大约,差不多(词义的标注:不同词性中间用隔开,同一词性的不同意思用;等)She and I disa

4、gree about it. 关于这一点,我和她意见不同。There are about 2000 students in our school. 在我们学校有大约2000 学生。We were about to go when it suddenly rained. 我们正要出发,突然天下雨了。be about to 即将 Then how about tomorrow? 那么明天如何?What/How about ? 怎么样; (对于) 怎么样 加注: 【易错警示】about/ on aboutabout常用于简单的或浅显的论述等,是一般用语,多用于讲故事,谈话;思考等;The teach

5、er told us a story about Lei Feng.老师给我们讲了关于雷锋的一个故事。onon 表示一本书、文章或演讲是严肃的、学术性的,可供专门研究这一问题的人们参考。He will give us a talk on the history of the Party.他将给我们做个关于党史的报告。above ?b ?v prep.在上面;超过,多于;adj. 上面的;adv.在上面The plane flew above the cloud.飞机在云层上面飞行。Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourse

6、lves. 最重要的是工作必须在九点之前由我们自己独立完成。above all 最重要的 【易错警示】 above/ over/ on 表示“在上”above above 表示“离开某物的上方”,强调高于某一点或某一物体,但不一定在垂直的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 14 页上方。另外,above 还可指温度、数量、年龄等。如:The temperature will stay above zero in the daytime 白天温度将在零度以上。There is a light above the table 桌

7、子上方悬挂着一盏灯。(above 不强调正上方)over over 表示垂直的上方或正上方,两物体之间有一定距离。也可指覆盖在某物上。如:There is a stone bridge over the river河上有座石桥。(不能用above)on on 强调某物在另一物体的表面上,两者为接触关系。如:There is a book on the desk桌子上有本书。【知识拓展】反义词: below abroad ?br ? d adv. 在外国;广泛地After he finished middle school , he went aboard. 他中学毕业后, 到国外去了。 go

8、abroad 出国 His parents have just come back from abroad. 他的父母刚刚从海外回来,我们去看望他们吧。 from abroad 从国外,从海外 absent ?bs(?)nt adj.缺席的,不在的Tom is absent on illness. 汤姆因病缺席。I was absent from your lecture last week. 我上周缺席了您的课。(be absent from 缺席)【知识拓展】反义词: present 同根词: absence n.缺席,不在accept ?ksept v. 接受,赞同I accepted

9、many beautiful birthday presents from good friends yesterday. 昨天我从好友那里收到了很多漂亮的生日礼物。加注: 【易错警示】receive/acceptacceptaccept 主要指的是概念上的接受,比方说你能接受某种学说或概念的时候就用accept ,表示即将接受。例,can you accept this saying?你能接受这种说法吗?receivereceive多数指实体上的接受,标示已接收到某物。例,did you receive my mail yesterday?你昨天收到我的邮件了吗?accident ?ks ?

10、 d?nt n. C 事故,偶然的事There was a traffic accident in the street yesterday evening. 昨晚这条街上发生一了次交通事故。a traffic accident交通事故 We met together at the park gate by accident yesterday. 昨天我们偶然在公园门口相遇。 by accident意外地,偶然地 according adj.根据而定;adv.根据,取决于The teacher divided the students into small groups according t

11、o their ability. 教师按照能力的高低将学生重新分成若干小组。according to 根据,按照,后接名词或代词 You will succeed according as you try again. 只有你再试一试,你将会成功。according as 依照,根据,后接从句 ache e ? k vi.疼痛n. C, U痛,疼痛Soon his hand began to ache and he went to hospital. 很快 , 他的手开始疼痛, 于是他去了医院。加注: 【易错警示】ache/ pain 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

12、总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 14 页acheache是 疼 痛 的 意 思 , 表 示 局 部 的 持 续 的 疼 痛 , 例 如toothache/headache ,作名词是可数名词,复数是aches;特指人身体机能或器官上的病理疼痛. My head is aching. painpain 是不可数名词,长时间、不间断的疼痛;用于比喻义,指心灵的伤痛,也可指付出努力;【知识拓展】同根词: stomachache 胃疼 toothache牙痛 headachebackache achieve ?t ? i ? v v. 实现,达到,完成How did you achie

13、ve your goal? 您是怎样达到你的目的的?【知识拓展】同根词: achievement n. 成功across ?kr ?sprep. 在对面,穿过,横过Tell your children not to run across the street. 告诉你的孩子们不要跑着穿过大街。There is a book shop across from the bank.在银行的对面有一个书店。(across from 在对面)【易错警示】 across 和 through across 表示“横过, 穿过”; 着重指从物体表面的一边到另一边(表面)。例如:across the stree

14、t;横过马路。through “穿过,从中间通过”;着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头(内部)。例如: through the forest. 穿过森林。act ?ktn. C 行为,行动;v. 行动,扮演,假装We should act at once. 我们应该立即行动。He acted as an English teacher in that film. 他在那部电影里扮演一位英语老师。act as 充当,担任 【知识拓展】同根词: actor/actress n.男演员 / 女演员action ?k ? ( ?)nn. C, U 行动,行为,活动We must take action ri

15、ght now, or we ll be late我们现在就得采取行动了,否则就迟到了。 take action采取行动 Let s put the plan into action. 让我们将这个计划付诸行动。put into action 使付诸行动 active ?kt? v adj. 积极的The students in Class 2 are more active than those in Class 1. 二班的学生要比一班活跃。I don t think everyone should take an active part in the social activities.

16、 我认为并不是所有的人都应该积极参与到社会活动中去。take an active part in 积极参加 activity ?kt? v? t ? n. C, U 活动;工作;职业Children are supposed to get 60 minutes of physical activity every day.儿童应该每天获得60 分钟的体育活动。Everybody likes to join in this activity. 每个人都愿意参加这一活动。actor ?kt? n. C 男演员Which actor do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个男演员。actre

17、ss ? ktr ? s n. C女演员The famous actress is now appearing at the Capital Theatre.目前这位著名女演员正在首都剧场演出。actually ?ktj?l ? adv. 事实上,真实地Actually, you do need those things.事实上,你确实需要那些东西。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 14 页add ?dv. 添加,增加,合计,相当于That will add to my pleasure. 那样会增加我的乐趣。add to

18、增加 Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。add up把加起来 Little changes add up to a great change. 小变化累积成大变化。add up to总计达,合计达 She added sugar to her tea. 她往她的茶里加了点糖。 addto 往里面添加 address ?dres n. C 地址,住址Write his address and telephone number down. 把他的地址和电话号码记下来。admire ?dma? v.欣赏,仰慕He admires your poems v

19、ery much. 他很欣赏你的诗。I admire for your talent a lot. 我十分佩服你的才能!admire for因而赞赏 【知识拓展】同根词:adj. admirable 令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的;admired 受人钦佩的;感到羡慕的; admiring 赞赏的,羡慕的adv. admirably 美好地,极好地;令人钦佩地;admiringly 钦佩地;羡慕地n. admirer 爱慕者;赞赏者;钦佩者adult ?d ? lt; ?d ?lt adj.成年的,成人的n. C 成人,成年动物They have an adult son. 他们有一个已经成年

20、的儿子。He has developed from a child into an adult. 他已长大成人。advantage ?dv ? nt ? d? n. C, U 优点,利益Diligence is your advantage. 勤奋是你的优点。You should take advantage of this opportunity. 你应该好好利用这个机会。take advantage of利用 advertisement (ad) ?dv ? t ? zm(?)ntn. C 公告,启事;广告Put an advertisement in the newspaper. 在这份

21、报纸上刊登一份广告。advice ?dva ? sn. U 建议,劝告;信息She gave me a piece of advice about jobs. 关于工作问题她给了我一条建议。 a piece of advice一条建议 We should often ask our friends for good advice.我们应该经常向我们的朋友征求好的建议。 ask sb. for advice 向某人寻求 / 征求建议 Give me some advice,dad! 爸爸,请给点建议吧!give sb. advice向某人提建议 Please take your teachers

22、 advice !请听从你老师的建议! take/follow ones advice接受、遵照某人的建议;听从某人劝告 advise ?dva ? z v. 给出主意,建议;通知The doctor advises Tom to have a good rest. 医生建议汤姆好好休息一下。advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 He advised starting at once. 他建议马上出发。advise doing sth. 建议做某事 I advised that he (should) go to Beijing by plane. 我 建 议 他 坐 飞

23、机 去 北 京 。advise+that从句建议, 后接宾语从句时, 宾语从句的谓语用 “should+ 动词原形”结构 afford ?f ? d vt. 负担得起(的费用),抽得出(时间)提供My parents cant even afford a new refrigerator. 我父母甚至买不起一台新冰箱。can afford买得起;有能力负担 afraid ?fre? d adj. 惊慌的,害怕的I m afraid that it will rain tomorrow. 恐怕明天要下雨。Don t be afraid of asking for help from others

24、.不要害怕向别人求助。be afraid of 害怕 I m afraid for my sister. 我担心我的妹妹。be afraid for sb.为担心 【易错警示】 be afraid of/ be afraid to do 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 14 页be afraid to do 表示因害怕而不敢做某事。例如:I am afraid to dive into the swimming pool. 我不敢跳进游泳池里。be afraid of doing 表示担心某事可能发生。例如:I am a

25、fraid of falling into the swimming pool. 我担心会掉进游泳池里。Africa ?fr? k? n.非洲after ? ft ?prep. 在之后,在后面;conj. 在以后; adv. 以后,晚于After you left, we all missed you. 你走了以后,我们都很想你。After breakfast, Amy took a taxi to the station. 早饭以后,埃米乘出租车去了车站。It has turned out to be a nice day after all.天气终于转晴了。after all 终究,毕竟

26、【易错警示】 1. after/ behind after 1after指时间的先后次序,意为“在之后”(later in time than) ;I shall be free after ten oclock十点之后我有空。2after常用以指顺序,意为“跟在之后”、 “接着”、 “接连”。After you,please !您先请!(出门或进门时的客套用语)behind 1behind 指位置的前后,意为“在后面”(in the rear of) 。The library is located behind the teaching building图书馆在教学楼的后面。2 behind

27、 则表示“隐匿在后” 、 “背着” 或 “遗留在后” 之意。Dont stand behind the door 不要躲在门背后。【易错警示】 2. after/ in after after +时间段,与过去时连;用after +时间点,可与将来时连用。He came back after two hours. 2 个小时后,他回来了。He will be back after two oclock.他将在 2 点钟后回来。in in + 时间段,与将来时连用。He will be back in two hours.他将在 2 小时候回来。【知识拓展】反义词: before afterno

28、on ? ft ?nu ? n n. C 下午,午后There is a PE class on Monday afternoon.周一下午有一节体育课。on Monday afternoon在周一下午 That baby was born on the afternoon of May 1, 2000. 那个婴儿出生于2000 年 5 月 1日下午。( on the afternoon of在的下午)We often have PE in the afternoon.我们常在下午上体育课。in the afternoon在下午 【知识拓展】对应词: morning 上午again ?gen;

29、 ?ge ? nadv. 再,又,再一次;加之,此外; I called him again and again, but he didnt answer the telephone. 我一次又一次地给他打电话,可是他就是不接。again and again 一次又一次地,反复地,再三地 He came to see me now and again. 他过去来看望我。now and again 有时 against ?genst; ?ge ? nstprep. 1 对着,反对;2 靠着,依着:If no one is against this plan, lets carry it out.

30、如果没有人反对这个计划,那我们就开始吧。The policeman asked the young man to stand against the wall. 警察命令那个年轻人精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 14 页靠着墙站好。【知识拓展】对应词: for prep.赞成,支持age e ? d?n. C, U年龄;时代,时期Can you tell me your age? 请告诉我你的年龄好吗?He looks older for his age because of years of hard work.由于多

31、年操劳,他看起来比实际年龄大。 for one s age 论年龄 I began to learn English at the age of three. 我是在三岁时开始学英语的. at the age of 在岁时 agent e? d?( ?)nt n. C 代理人,经纪人ago ?g ?adv. 以前,以往He died two months ago. 他两个月前去世了。Long long ago there loved horses. 很久以前,有一位国王,他喜爱马。long long ago 很久以前,从前 Some time ago, I heard he would com

32、e to see me. 不久前,我听说他要来看我。some time ago 不久前 He was here a moment ago.他刚才还在这儿。a moment ago. 刚才 【易错警示】 ago/ before ago 1.用于一般过去时;2. 它所指的时间是从现在算起。用在时间段之前。 I met her once several years ago. 几年前我曾见过她一面。before 1. 用于过去完成时;2. 它所指的时间不是从现在算起,而是从过去某一时刻算起。用语时间点之前。Please wake me up before 8 o clock. 请在八点之前喊醒我。ag

33、ree ?gri? v. 意见一致;赞成;适合;I must agree your plans. 我应该赞成你的计划。【易错警示】 agree to /agree with/agree on (放在一起辨析)agree to 意思是“同意”,后面接表示计划、安排、 意见、 条件之类的名词或动词原形,表示愿意协助工作。 He didn t agree to help us. 他不同意帮助我们。agree with 意思是“与(意见)一致”后面一般接人,也可接意见、看法等。但不含有协助的意思。 I don t agree with your idea. 我不同意你的主意。agree on 意思是“

34、对取得一致意见,同意”。 We couldnt agree on a date when to meet. 关于见面的日期,我们没有能取得一致意见。agreement ?gri? m(?)ntn. U 同意,一致;C 协议 , 协定This was not an easy agreement for anyone. 这对谁来说都不是一个简单的协议。ahead ?hed adv. 向面,在前面You have to work hard to keep ahead in your class. 要想在全班保持成绩领先,你就必需努力学习。He had to work hard to remain a

35、head of his classmates. 他必须努力学习以保持他在同学中的领先地位。ahead of在之前 We must help them get ahead. 我们必须帮助他们获得成功. get ahead获得成功,取得进步 Allow him to go ahead. 允许他走在前面。go ahead前进 , 进行 air e? n. U 大气,空气;天空,空中We cantlive without air, food and water. 我们没有空气、 食物和水就不能生存。He went to Shanghai by air last night. 他昨天晚上乘飞机去了上海。

36、by air乘飞机 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 14 页Some families have dinner in the open air on Mid-Autumn Festival. 有些人家中秋节那天在户外吃饭。 in the (open) air在户外 airline e?la ? n n. C 航线,航空公司airplane e?ple ? nn. C飞机airport e?p? t n. C 机场;航空港At the airport, we waited for several hours. 我们在机场等

37、了好几个小时。(at the airport在机场)alarm n. C 闹钟 , 警报He heard the alarm go off. 他听见警报器响了。Dad set the alarm for eight the next day. 爸爸把闹钟设到了第2 天 8 点。alien n. C 外星人; adj.外国的,外国人的An alien got out and walked down Center Street. 一个外星人走出来,沿着中央大街往前走。album ?lb ?m n. 影集,集邮册He stuck her photos in the album. 他把她的相片全都贴在

38、了相册里。alive ?la ? v adj.活着的,存在的She does not know if he is alive or dead. 她不知道他是活还是死。【易错警示】 live/ alive/ living live live /laiv/ adj. 活的(反义词:dead) ,放在名词之前作定语,只能修饰物,无感情色彩例:live fish活鱼;实况的,直播的,例:a live programme 现场直播。alive alive /?laiv/ adj. 在世的,活着的,:作表语形容词,既可以指人,又可以指物。例: The fish/man is alive.作定语时,一般放在

39、所修饰名词之后,作后置定语。例:No man alive believe it. 没有一个活着的人相信它。做宾补例:They caught enemies alive. 他们活捉敌人。living living /livi?/ adj. 活着的,现存的,当今的,既可以修饰人,又可以修饰物,作定语放在名词之前。a living writer当代作家all ? ladj.全部的,所有的;adv.完全,十分pron. 全部All my friends do not smoke. 我的朋友并不全都吸烟。all与 not 连用表示部分否定 All of us must go there. 我们大家都应该

40、去。all of短语作主语时,all指代的数取决于of 之后名词或代词的数 We are all at school today. 今天我们大家都在学校。all在句中做同位语时,放在be动词,助动词以及情态动词之后,动词之前 【常用搭配】all day 整日 in all总共,合计 all in all总而言之;头等重要的东西all kinds of 各种各样 all of a sudden突然地,出乎意料地all the same仍然 all year round终年,一年到头all alone 独自,独立地not at all 一点也不 all over 到处,处处【易错警示】 all/

41、wholealone 1 all可以修饰各类名词, 且限定词要放在all之后。all the money/ all the time/ all the country/all the students/ all my life/ all my books。 2 all 独立使用时,在句中,可以做主语,宾语和同位语。All are present.所有人都到了。I have finished all today. 今天我完成了所有的工作。 They are all teachers. 他们都是老师。 I like them all.我喜欢他们所有的人。lonely 1 whole 只能修饰具有整

42、体意义的单数名词,且限定词要放在whole 之前。 a whole roast duck/ the whole class/the whole city/the whole nation/my whole life 2whole 独立使用时,在句中可以做补语。The man ate an egg whole. 这个人把一个鸡蛋吃完了。 Roast ducks are 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 14 页ducks that roasted whole烤鸭是把整个鸭子烤熟的鸭子。allow ?la ? v. 准许,允许

43、;给予They allowed the children to go to the park. 他们让孩子们到公园去。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 They don t allow smoking here. 他们不允许在这里抽烟。allow doing sth. 允许做某事 【易错警示】 allow/ permit allow allow表示“允许”、 “让”时往往含有同意、默许、听任、不加禁止等意味。同时 allow还表示“承认”,“让得到” 等意思。例如: I allowed her to go the party. 我允许她去参加聚会。permit perm

44、it 表示“许可” 、 “允许”时,比allow语气较强,含有积极地,从正面地“允许” 、 “准许”的意思。例如:I permitted him to go home. 我允许他回家。almost ? lm?st adv. 几乎,差不多;将近Almost no one took any rest. 几乎没有一个人歇过一下。【易错警示】 almost/ nearly nearly 当要表示 “接近” 或“就要到了” 时最好用nearly ,The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. 那球重重地打在他身上,他几乎掉

45、下水去。almost 当表达“不足”或 “尚差一点儿” 时用 almost ; 句中有 no, none, nothing, never 等词时,只能用almost 。I almost fell down. 我差一点儿没跌倒。alone ?l ?nadj. 单独的; adv.单独地,独自You are not alone. 你并不是孤单的。【易错警示】 lonely与 alone alone alone 指“独自一人”,强调客观事实,不含感情色彩,常做表语。例如: He was alone in the room. 他独自一人在屋里。lonely lonely 指“孤单的”、“孤独的”,指人时

46、含有很浓烈的感情色彩。例如: I am lonely without you. 没有你,我是孤独的。along ?l ? prep. 沿着,向前;adv. 共同,一起Go along this street,you will see the station. 沿着这条街走,你就会看到车站。I knew the truth of the matter all long. 那件事情的真相我始终是清楚的。all along 始终,一直 Yesterday I went along with my brother to the shop. 昨天我和我的弟弟一道去了那家商店。 along with 于一

47、道 We should get along with our friends.我们应当和我们朋友相处好。get along (well) with sb.与某人相处(好) aloud ?la ?d adv.出声地;大声地The teacher read the poem aloud to the pupils.教师向学生大声朗诵这首诗。read aloud大声朗读 【知识拓展】同义词: loudly already ? lred? adv. 早已 , 已经I have already worked here for 20 years. 我已经在这里工作20 年了。【易错警示】 already

48、/ yet/ still (词汇辨析的不是很到位)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 14 页already already. adv. “已经”多用于肯定句中,通常与动词的完成时或进行时连用。也可用于疑问句,但不表真心的疑问,而表“惊奇”。它多置于句中。有时为了强调而置于句末。The train has already left. 火车已经开走了。yet yet. adv “已经、仍然、还”一般只用于否定句或疑问句,且常常置于句末。 He hasn t found his bike yet他还没有找到他的自行车。still

49、 still. adv “仍然、还”可用于各种句中,且一般只用于句中。如:Do you still teach in that school? 你还在那所学校教书?also ? ls ? adv. 也,还He can also swim. 他也会游泳。Not only you but also he has finished the work. 不仅你而且他也完成了这项工作。not only but also 不但而且,连接并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数与就近的主语保持一致 【易错警示】 also/too/either also also 比 too正式, 通常用于肯定句中,其位置一般在be 动

50、词,助动词,情态动词之后,实义动词之前。例如:He also came. / He came also. 他也来了。too too 多用于口语中, 其位置一般放在句末或句中。在句末时其前用逗号与句子隔开;在句中时前后均用逗号隔开。I like you, too. 我也喜欢你。either either通常用于否定句,且要放在句末。例如:He hasnt finished it, either. 他也还没有做完。although ? le ?conj. 虽然;尽管Although theyre expensive, they never go out of style. 尽管它们贵,它们永不过时

51、。【易错警示】 although/ though though though较为普通,可以放在倒装句中他虽然年轻,但很有经验Young though he is ,he is quite experienced. although although较为正式,常用在位于主句之前的状语从句中,而且although总是放在句首。虽然他很努力,但他考试没有及格Although he worked hard,he failed in the exam. always ? lwe ? z adv. 永远 , 总是;经常Shes always late for everything. 她总是每件事都迟到。a

52、m em v. 是I am a beginner. 我是一个初学者。amazing ?me? z? ? adj. 令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的That is amazing news. 那是一个令人吃惊的消息【易错警示】 amazed和 amazing amazing amazing 令人惊奇的, 一般用来说明事物。例如:That is amazing news. 那是一个令人吃惊的消息amazed amazed使人惊奇的, 一般用来形容人的感受。例如:I was amazed at her knowledge of English literature. 她对英国文学之了解我很惊奇Americ

53、a ?mer ? k? n.美国,美洲American ?mer ? k?n adj. 美洲的,美国的;n. C 美国人They are Americans. 他们是美国人。among ?m?prep. 被所包围,在之中She lives in that house among the trees. 她住在树林中的那座房子里。【易错警示】 among / between among among 用于“三者或三者以上之间”。例如:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 14 页Our teacher is sitting amon

54、g the students. 我们的老师坐在学生们中间。between between 则用于“两者之间” 。例如:What is the difference between the two words? 这两个词的区别是什么?amusement ?mju ? zm(?)nt n. C, U 娱乐,游戏Its not an only amusement. 它不仅仅是一项娱乐。Children like to go to the amusement park with their parents. 孩子们喜欢与父母一起去游乐园玩。 (amusement park 游乐园)ancestor ?

55、nsest? n. C 祖宗,祖先ancient e? n? ( ?)nt adj.古代的,古老的and ?nd; ?ndconj.和,及,而且He saw you and Bill. 他看见你和比尔了。This book tells about food, fruits, dishes and so on. 这本书讲了有关食物、水果、菜肴等等有关的东西。and so on 等等 Study hard and you will pass the exam. 努力学习你就会通过考试。and 位于祈使句之后表结果,相对于if引导的条件状语从句 angry ? ?gr ? adj. 生气的,愤怒的T

56、he angry man knocked him down. 那个愤怒无比的人将他击倒了。Why are you so angry with him? 为什么你对他这么生气呢?be angry with sb. 对某人生气 He was very angry at/about his teacher sremarks. 他对老师的批语很生气。be angry at/about sth. 因某事而生气 animal ?n? m(?)l n. C 动物,牲畜I kept my friend back from the dangerous animal. 我不让我的朋友靠近那个危险的动物。annou

57、nce ?na ?ns v.宣布,宣告He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office. 他今晚将宣布他要辞职。【知识拓展】同根词: announcement n. 宣布,通告another ?n ?e? adj. 别的,另一的;pron. 另一个,又一个There is another job to do. 还有一项工作要做。She is going to stay in Beijing for another few days. 她将在北京再待几天。 一般来说, another 后只接可数名词单数,但是其后也可接带有few

58、或数词的复数名词 We should love one another.我们应该彼此相爱。one another彼此,互相 answer ? ns?n. C 回答,答案;v.回答,答复Can you answer my question?你能回答我的问题吗?These questions have no answer. 这些问题并没有答案。The answer to that is yes. 这个问题的答案是,是的。( the answer to 对的回答,的答案)【易错警示】 answer/ reply answer answer 可以直接跟名词、代词和宾语从句;Can you answer

59、 him?你能答复他吗?reply reply只能跟宾语从句或直接引语,不能直接跟人或物(sb./ sth.)作宾语, 但作不及物动词用的reply加介词 “ to ” 后可跟人或物, 意为 “对做出回答”。 Please reply to my question.请回答我的问题。ant ?ntn. C蚂蚁There are some ants in the tree. 树里有一些蚂蚁。any en ? pron. 任何,任何一个adj. 任何的,一些We can overcome any difficulty. 我们能战胜任何困难。The children needed new school

60、 clothes and Kim couldnt afford any. 孩子们需要新校服,金买不起任何一件。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 14 页I don t like any of them. 我一个也不喜欢他们。not+any构成全部否定 【易错警示】 any/ some some some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。some常用在肯定句中。I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。但在表示建议,反问, 请求的疑问句中, 或期望得到肯定回答时,多用 some。 Wo

61、uld you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? any any 意为“任何一些” ,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。I can t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。当any 表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。anybody en? b?d? pron.任何人;无论谁,任何人She swore me not to tell anybody about my secret. 她向我发誓不把我的秘密告诉任何人。any m

62、ore en? m? adv. ( 用于否定句和疑问句句末) 再也(不); (不)再I couldnt trust him anymore. 我再不能相信他了。When I was young I had dreams but not anymore. 我年轻的时候曾经有梦,但如今再也没有了。not any more 不再 【易错警示】 not any more/ notany longer not.any more not.any more 表示次数不再继续;如:他哭了好几次,他不再哭了。He didnt cry any more. not .any longer not .any long

63、er表示时间不再继续。如:他等了很久,不能再等了。He couldnt wait any longer. anyone en? w?npron. 任何人I wont tell anyone I saw you here. 我不会告诉任何人我在这儿看见了你。【易错警示】 anyone/ any one anyone anyone 专用以指人, 不指物, 意思是 “任何人”, 重音落在 any了之上,它不作“任何一个”解;anyone 含有“全体” 、 “毫无例外”之意。Anyone can enter for the competition。任何人都可以参加比赛。any one any one

64、既可用以指人, 又可用以指物, 其意为“任何一个” , any one 比 anyone 更强调“个别” 。 Any one of us may visit to the palace. 我们当中任何一个都可以到皇宫游。anything en? ? ? pron. 任何事,无论何事She couldnt see or hear anything at all. 她根本什么也看不见、听不见。anyway en? we? adv.不管怎样,无论如何Anyway, the news seems to be good for you. 无论如何,这个消息对你来说是个好事。No one believes

65、 you anyway! 不管怎么说,没有人信你! anywhere en? we ? adv. 在任何地方,无论何处It could come from anywhere. 它可以来自任何地方。apart ?p ? t adv. 分离,分开Though we are apart, he is always in my heart.虽然我们分开,但他一直在我的心里面。No one apart from her husband knew about her job. 除了她丈夫没有人知道她的工作是什么。apart form除之外 apartment ?p ? tm( ?)nt n. C 公寓套房

66、What do you think of your new apartment? 你认为你的新公寓怎么样?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 14 页appear ?p ? v. 出现,到场;好像,似乎When night falls, stars appear. 夜晚来到时星星出现。apple ?p(?)l n. C 苹果,苹果树This apple is very nice. 这个苹果很好吃。April e? pr ?ln. 四月 (缩写: Apr. )May is between April and June. 五月

67、在四月和六月之间。are ? v. 是They are my students. 他们是我的学生。areae?r? n. C, U 面积,地区,范围Maybe you know what the area is. 也许你们知道这面积是多少?Is the nearest hospital in this area? 最近的医院是不是在这个地区?Reading helps us in every area of our lives. 阅读帮助了我们, 在生活的每一领域。argue ? gju ? v. 争吵,争论Dont argue with me.不要和我争辩。argue with争论,与争吵

68、Let s notargue about it. 咱们别再争论这个了。argue about争论;议论某事 They often argue for that thing. 他们经常为那件事争辩。argue for为争辩 arm ? mn. C 胳臂,袖子He snatched at my arm. 他一把抓住了我的胳臂。army ? m ? n. 陆军,军队 ; His son joined the Army in 1990. 他的儿子于1990 年加入了陆军。He sent his son to join the army as soon as he reached eighteen. 他

69、儿子一满18 岁,他就送他参军了。join the army参军 around ?ra ?ndprep. 围绕,环绕;在四周;adv.大约;到处,在附近She looked at the papers around her. 她看了看她四周的报纸。His dog follows him around all day. 他的狗整天到处跟着他。arrive ?ra ? v v. 到达 ; 抵达 ; We must clear the room before our guests arrive. 我们必须在客人到达之前把房间收拾好。【易错警示】 arrive at/ arrive in arrive

70、 in arrive in 是指到达比较大的地方。例如:We finally arrived in Rome.我们终于到达罗马。arrive at arrive at 是指到达比较小的地方。例如:They arrived at the railway station at eight in the morning.他们早晨八点到达车站。art ? t n. C, U 艺术,艺术品He does well in art and music. 他擅长艺术和音乐。artist ? t ? stn. C艺术家Perhaps yourean artist.也许你是一个艺术家。article ? t? k

71、( ?)l n. C 文章,论文;冠词He could write an article in an hour. 他能在一小时内快速写出一篇文章。artwork ? tw? kn. C 图片,插图as?z; ?z adv., 同样地;与一样;conj. 因为,由于;当时prep. 作为,当作Tom is as tall as his brother. 汤姆和他弟弟一样高。 asas ( 用于比较) 与一样 I saw him as he was getting on the bus. 当他上公共汽车时,我看见了他。as 引导时间状语从句,从句中的动精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

72、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 14 页词既可以是瞬间动词,又可以是延续性动词 Rich as he is, he is not happy. 他虽然富,但他不快乐。as 引导让步状语从句,从句部分倒装 【常用搭配】as far as I know据我所知 as for关于,至于as soon as 一就as a result 结果 as if 仿佛,好像as long as 只要 as well 也【易错警示】 as/because/for/since as as 是从属连词, 说明一般的因果关系,语气比 because 弱,说明比较明显的原因,它引导的从句通常

73、放在句首,有时也可放在句末。例如:As it is raining, youd better take a taxi. 天下雨了,你最好乘出租车。because because 是从属连词,接表示直接原因的从句,一般放在主句的后面,也可放在主句前面,它表示的语气最强,在回答why的问句时,必须用because。例如:The swimming pool wont be open today because theyre making repairs. 游泳池今天不开放,因为他们在修理。for for 是并列连词,用来附带解释说明前一分句的原因或理由,for 引导的并列句,一般放在所要说明的句子的

74、后面。例如:I went to see him, for I had something to tell him. 我去见他,因为我有事要告诉他。since since 意为 既然 , 表示对方已知的无需加以说明的原因或事实,语气比 because弱,但是比as 强。例如:Since we have no money, we cant buy that vase. 既然我们没钱,我们就不能买那花瓶。Asia ? e? n亚洲The teacher chalked out a map of Asia on the blackboard. 老师用粉笔在黑板上画了一张亚洲地图。Asian ? e?

75、n n. C 亚洲人;adj.亚洲的China is an Asian country.中国是一个亚洲国家。ask ? sk v.问,询问;请求,邀请;要求I asked him his name.我问了他的名字。ask sb. sth. 询问某人某事 We had to ask him to leave.我们不得不让他离开。 (ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事)Please ask your friends for help.请向你的朋友寻求帮助。( ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物)asleep ?sli? p adj. 睡熟(的)My four-year

76、-old daughter was asleep on the sofa.我 4 岁的女儿在沙发上睡着了。Dont cry, the baby has fallen asleep.别叫喊,婴儿已经入睡了。fall asleep 入睡 【易错警示】 asleep/ sleep/ sleeping/ sleepy/ go to bed asleep asleep是形容词,是表语形容词,只能做表语,意思是:睡着的。例如: He is asleep now。sleep sleep 是动词,意思是睡觉。I didnt sleep well last night. 我昨晚没睡好。sleeping slee

77、ping是形容词,意思是:睡着的,不一定用做标语,可以用做定语,另外它还是个动名词。The sleeping child is her son. 这个睡着的孩子是她的儿子。sleepy sleepy是形容词,意思是:困倦的,想睡的。I felt sleepy. 我很想睡了。go to bed go to bed 指就寝,不一定睡着。You should go to bed now. 你该上床了。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 14 页astronaut ?str ?n? t n. C 宇航员,航天员I want to

78、be an astronaut when I grow up. 长大后,我想成为一个宇航员。at ?t; ?t prep. (表示地点,位置)在,在上;(表示时间)在时(刻);(表示动作的目的和方向)对,向He will be at the airport to meet her. 他将在机场见她。The meeting will begin this afternoon at 3:00.会议将在今天下午3 点举行。【常用搭配】at least至少, at the beginning of 在的开始,at birth生下来时, at first首先, at home 在家, at last最后

79、, at the same time同时, at once立刻 at the end of在尽头, at school在校, at the moment 此刻Atlantic Ocean ?tl?nt? k ? ( ?)n n. 大西洋attend ?tendv. 出席,参加Can you attend the meeting this afternoon? 你能参加今天下午的会议吗?【易错警示】 attend/ join/ take part in attend attend是正式用语, 指参加会议、 婚礼、典礼;听报告、 讲座等。 Hell attend an important meet

80、ing tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要会议。join join :指加入某个组织成为其中一员。 join the Army/the Party/the League 参军 / 入党 / 入团。join (sb.)指参与某项活动。take part in take part in 指参加群众性活动、 会议并在其中起积极作用。 May I take part in your game?我可以参加你们的游戏吗?attention ?ten ? ( ?)n n. U 专心,注意He drew her attention to that fact. 他把她的注意力吸引到那件事实上。draw sb

81、 s attention 引起某人的注意In doing our work, we must pay attention to ways and means. 做工作应注意方式方法。 pay attention to注意;重视 August ?: ? g?st n. 八月( 缩写: Aug. )He moved to another city last August. 去年八月,他搬到另一座城市。aunt ? nt n. C 姑妈,姨妈,婶母Its her duty to look after her aunt. 照顾她姨妈是她分内的事。Australia ?stre? l ? n. 澳大利亚

82、的He went out to Australia about five years ago. 他大约在五年前移居澳大利亚。autumn ? t ?m n. C秋季Leaves turn in autumn. 树叶在秋天变黄。【知识拓展】同义词: fall n. 秋天available ?ve ? l ?b( ?)l adj. 现成的,可用的,自由的We must use all available resources. 我们必须利用可以得到的一切资源。avoid ?v ? d v. 避开 ; 逃脱They tried to avoid answering him. 他们设法避免回答他的问题。

83、avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 awake ?we? k v. 醒来,醒悟adj.醒着的I awoke at five this morning. 我今天早晨5点醒来。He is still awake. 他还醒着呢。awful ? f ?l adj. 很坏的,讨厌的We met and I thought he was awful.我们见了面,我觉得他令人讨厌。away ?we? adv. 离去,离开;在远处He ran away like an arrow. 他像箭一般飞快地逃走了。run away 跑离 My home is far away from my school. 我家离学校很远。far away from远离,离开 Please leave here right away.请马上离开这里。right away立刻,马上 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 14 页



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