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1、成考 ( 高起点 ) 英语考生必读的考前辅导资料成人高考 ( 高起点 ) 英语误用讲解:不定式1、中文:为了准时,我们加快了步伐。( 误)So as to be in time we hurried. ( 正)In order to be in time we hurried.(so as to 只可放在句中, in order to 可放在句首或句中。) 2、中文:你说这些话真傻。( 误)Its very foolish for you to say so. ( 正)Its very foolish of you to say so.(表示评价的形容词被带逻辑主语的不定式修饰时,介词要用 o

2、f.) 3、中文:你没有告诉他们永远不要做那件事吗? ( 误)Didnt you ask them to never do that? ( 正)Didnt you ask them never to do that?(never要放在 to 之前。 ) 4、中文:你没有告诉他们永远不要做那件事吗? ( 误)Here is a new book for you to read it. ( 正)Here is a new book for you to read.(作形容词用法的带逻辑主语的不定式for you to read的宾语,实际上就是它所修饰的new book,其后不可再加宾语。) 5、

3、中文:他够年龄,可以上学了。( 误)He is old enough so that he can go to school. ( 正)He is old enough to go to school.(形容词 +enough+不定式表示足够而可。) 6、中文:他太好了,寄给我许多书。( 误)He was so good to send me a lot of books. ( 正)He was so good as to send me a lot of books.(soas to表示如此以致。) 7、中文:你最好不要在下雨天出去。( 误)You had better not to go

4、out in the rain. ( 正)You had better not go out in the rain.(had better(not)后接原形不定式。) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - 8、中文:你喜欢听别人谈话吗? ( 误)Do you like listening to others to talk? ( 正)Do you like listening to others talk?(感官动

5、词或使役动词的宾语补语用原形不定式。) 成人高考 ( 高起点 ) 英语误用讲解:分词1、中文:他理发了。( 误)He had his hair to be cut. ( 正)He had his hair cut.(have,get+宾语 +过去分词表示使被。) 2、中文:他喜欢喝凉开水。( 误)He likes to drink boiling water. ( 正)He likes to drink boiled water.(现在分词表示主动,boiling water指正在沸腾的水 ; 过去分词表示完成, boiled water指沸腾过的水。 ) 3、中文:由于做饭,他看上去累了。(

6、 误)He looked tiring with cooking. ( 正)He looked tired with cooking.(tiring表示令人疲倦的,tired表示人被弄疲倦了。) 4、中文:我不能让别人明白我的意思。( 误)I couldnt make myself understand. ( 正)I couldnt make myself understood.(过去分词表示被动,make myself understood表示使我被别人明白。 ) 5、中文:昨天早上我上学时见到了我的一个朋友。( 误)I was walking to school yesterday mor

7、ning,I met a friend of mine. ( 正)Walking to school yesterday morning,I met a friend of mine.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句分词构句表时间。) 6、中文:假期结束了,约翰返回了学校。( 误)The vacation was over,John returned to school. ( 正)The vacation being over,John returned to school.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句独立分词构句表时间。) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - -

8、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - 7、中文:戴帽子的工人躺在地上。( 误)The workman worn a hat is lying on the ground. ( 正)The workman wearing a hat is lying on the ground.(带帽子是主动行动,要用现在分词wearing a hat表示。 ) 8、中文:小女孩站在那里哭了。( 误)The little girl stood there cried.http:/ ( 正)Th

9、e little girl stood there crying.(哭是主语 the little girl发出的行动,要用现在分词crying表示。 ) 9、中文:天气好,我们今天要去郊游。( 误)Being fine, well go outing today. ( 正)It being fine, well go outing today.(前一句错在分词构句所表示的动作不是主句的主语发出的 ; 后一句加上表示气候的It作逻辑主语,构成独立分词构句表原因。) 成人高考 ( 高起点 ) 英语误用讲解:所有格1、中文:你做完功课了吗? ( 误)Have you done homework?

10、( 正)Have you done your homework?(表示做功课用do ones homework.) 2、中文:那些是我们老师的一些书。( 误)Those are some books of our teacher. ( 正)Those are some books of our teachers.(应用双重所有格形式。) 3、中文:这是我弟弟约翰的书。( 误)This is my brother John book. ( 正)This is my brother Johns book.(John是 brother的同位语, John 的书用 Johns book.) 4、中文:

11、警察抓住了他的胳膊。( 误)The policemen caught him by his arm. ( 正)The policemen caught him by the arm.(抓住身上某个部位用the ,不用代词的所有格。) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - 5、中文:一个十岁的孩子( 误)a ten years old child ( 误)a child of ten year old ( 误)a te

12、n year old child ( 误)a ten-years-old child ( 正)a ten-year-old child 成人高考 ( 高起点 ) 英语误用讲解:被动语态1、中文:他们结婚两年了。( 误)They have married for two years. ( 正)They have been married for two years.(表示已婚状态的持续,要用完成时的被动式。) 2、中文:他被所有学生嘲笑。( 误)He was laughed by all the pupils. ( 正)He was laughed at by all the pupils.(不

13、及物动词 +介词 =及物动词,变被动语态时介词不能省略。 ) 3、中文:英语难学。( 误)English is difficult to be learned. ( 正)English is difficult to learn.(英语难学 =学英语难,也可说Its difficult to learn English.原句的主语实际上是不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式要用主动形式。) 4、中文:汤姆问我这些岛屿是否属于美国。( 误)Tom asked me if these islands are belonged to America. ( 正)Tom asked me if these isla

14、nds belonged to America. 5、中文:中国发生了很大变化。( 误)Great changes have been taken place in China. ( 正)Great changes have taken place in China. 6、中文:战争于一九三七年爆发。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - ( 误)The war was broken out in 1937. ( 正)

15、The war broke out in 1937.(take place,break out,happen,belong to等不及物动词或短语动词没有被动语态形式。) 7、中文:我看不清黑板。也许你需要检查你的眼睛。( 误)I cant see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you need to examine your eyes. ( 正)I cant see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you need to have your eyes examined.(表示使某物被别人,通常使用have 或 get+ 物

16、+过去分词表示。) 8、中文:他命令马上开始工作。( 误)He ordered the work to start at once. ( 正)He ordered the work to be started at once.(不定式作宾语补语时,若与宾语是被动关系,要用不定式的被动形式。) 9、中文:他试图不介入政治。( 误)He tried not to have mixed up in politics. ( 正)He tried not to get mixed up in politics.(get作系动词,可代替be,后接过去分词表示被动, have 无此功能。 ) 10、中文:据

17、说他很富有。( 误)They say him to have been rich.http:/ ( 正)He is said to have been rich.(say后不可接不定式,但它的被动语态后可接不定式。) 11、中文:那人被认为是个傻子。( 误)The man thought to be a fool. ( 正)The man was thought to be a fool.(主语是动作的承受者而不是发出者,用被动语态。) 成人高考 ( 高起点 ) 英语误用讲解:虚拟语气1、中文:我要是你,我不会那么做。( 误)I shouldnt do that if I was you. (

18、 正)I shouldnt do that if I were you.( 表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气不能用was,只能用 were.) 2、中文:要是我父亲现在在这里,他会告诉我该做什么。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - ( 误)If my father were here now,he will tell me what to do. ( 正)If my father were here now,he wo

19、uld tell me what to do.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的助动词只能用would ,might 等过去时。 ) 3、中文:要是我知道她的电话号码,我就会给她打电话了。( 误)If I knew her telephone number,I would have called her. ( 正)If I had known her telephone number,I would have called her.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时。) 4、中文:要是昨天没下雨她也许会来。( 误)If it had not rained ye

20、sterday,he might come. ( 正)If it had not rained yesterday,he might have come.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的动词要用助动词的过去时might ,could 等+HAVE+ 过去分词。 ) 5、中文:我不认为我会失败,但要是我失败了,我会再努力。( 误)I dont think that I shall fail. But if I failed,I would try again. ( 正)I dont think that I shall fail. But if I should fail,I would

21、 try again.(表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词用should 加原形动词。 ) 6、中文:他要是带了钱就会买它。( 误)Did he bring some money with him,he would have bought it. ( 正)Had he brought some money with him,he would have bought it.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时,若省略if ,则用倒装形式。) 7、中文:她要是个男人可能会当选总统。( 误)Be she a man ,she might be elected p

22、resident. ( 正)Were she a man ,she might be elected president.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,不能用was,只能用 were; 若省略 if ,则将 were 放在句首。 ) 8、中文:我提议提高教师的薪资。( 误)I suggested that the teachers wages could be increased. ( 正)I suggested that the teachers wages should be increased.(suggest当建议讲时,后面的名词从句的主要动词要用should加原形动词, shoul

23、d可以省略。 ) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - 9、中文:他这么做是重要的。( 误)It is important that he will do it. ( 正)It is important that he do it.(It is important+that引导的名词从句的动词要用should加原形动词, should 可以省略。 ) 成人高考高起点英语分词误用辨析1. 中文:他理发了。( 误)He

24、had his hair to be cut. ( 正)He had his hair cut.(have,get+宾语 +过去分词表示使被。) 2. 中文:他喜欢喝凉开水。( 误)He likes to drink boiling water. ( 正)He likes to drink boiled water.(现在分词表示主动,boiling water指正在沸腾的水 ; 过去分词表示完成, boiled water指沸腾过的水。 ) 3. 中文:由于做饭,他看上去累了。( 误)He looked tiring with cooking. ( 正)He looked tired wit

25、h cooking.(tiring表示令人疲倦的,tired表示人被弄疲倦了。) 4. 中文:我不能让别人明白我的意思。( 误)I couldnt make myself understand.( 正)I couldnt make myself understood.(过去分词表示被动,make myself understood表示使我被别人明白。 ) 5. 中文:昨天早上我上学时见到了我的一个朋友。( 误)I was walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend of mine. ( 正)Walking to school yest

26、erday morning, I met a friend of mine.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句分词构句表时间。) 6. 中文:假期结束了,约翰返回了学校。( 误)The vacation was over, John returned to school. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - ( 正)The vacation being over, John returned to school.(

27、前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句独立分词构句表时间。) 7. 中文:戴帽子的工人躺在地上。( 误)The workman worn a hat is lying on the ground. ( 正)The workman wearing a hat is lying on the ground.(带帽子是主动行动,要用现在分词wearing a hat表示。 ) 8. 中文:小女孩站在那里哭了。( 误)The little girl stood there cried. ( 正)The little girl stood there crying.(哭是主语 the little girl发

28、出的行动,要用现在分词crying表示。 ) 9. 中文:天气好,我们今天要去郊游。( 误)Being fine, we ll go outing today. ( 正)It being fine, we ll go outing today.(前一句错在分词构句所表示的动作不是主句的主语发出的 ; 后一句加上表示气候的It作逻辑主语,构成独立分词构句表原因。) 成人高考高起点英语动名词误用辨析1. 中文:我把给她打过电话的事全忘了。( 误)I forgot all about to telephone her. ( 正)I forgot all about telephoning her.(

29、介词后不能接不定式,只能接动名词。) 2. 中文:你介意我在这里吸烟吗? ( 误)Would you mind for my smoking here? ( 正)Would you mind my smoking here?(在前一句中mind 后可接 me for smoking here,表示相同的意思。 ) 3. 中文:史密斯一家在考虑搬往芝加哥。( 误)The Smiths are considering to move to Chicago. ( 正)The Smiths are considering moving to Chicago.(consider后不能接不定式,要接动名词

30、。) 4. 中文:我习惯于去海滩。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - ( 误)I am used to go to the beach. ( 正)I am used to going to the beach.(be used to中的 to 是介词,后接动名词;used to后接原形动词。 ) 成人高考高起点英语冠词误用辨析1. 中文:她在弹钢琴。( 误)She was playing piano. ( 正)Sh

31、e was playing the piano.(演奏乐器,如piano ,violin,乐器前面要加定冠词the.) 2. 中文:孩子们每天早上去上学。( 误)The children go to the school every morning. ( 正)The children go to school every morning.(go to school是习惯用语,不加the.) 3. 中文:她有一头秀发。( 误)She has a beautiful hair. ( 正)She has beautiful hair.(hair指头发的整体,是不可数名词,前面不加a.) 4. 中文:

32、她喜欢看电视。( 误)She likes to watch the TV. ( 正)She likes to watch TV.(看电视,习惯上TV前不加 the.) 5. 中文:她在房间里听广播。( 误)She was listening to radio in the room.http:/ ( 正)She was listening to the radio in the room.(听广播,习惯上radio前面加 the.) 6. 中文:尼罗河是埃及最长的河。( 误)Nile River is the longest river in Egypt. ( 正)The Nile River

33、 is the longest river in Egypt.(在河流,山脉等名称前要用定冠词。) 7. 中文:天气不错。( 误)It s a nice weather.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - ( 正)It is nice weather.(weather是不可数名词,前面不加a.) 8. 中文:下星期再见。( 误)See you again the next week. ( 正)See you aga

34、in next week.(next week表示将来 ;the next week表示过去。 ) 9. 中文:历史是很有趣的学科。( 误)The history is a very interesting subject. ( 正)History is a very interesting subject.(学科前一般不加冠词。) 10. 中文:他乘火车来这里。( 误)He came here by a train. ( 正)He came here by train.(by后接交通工具,中间不加冠词。) 11. 中文:今晚你可以看到满月。( 误)You may see the full m

35、oon tonight. ( 正)You may see a full moon tonight.(月亮,太阳等独一无二的物体,当有形容词修饰时可加a.) 12. 中文:她刚才去了保罗街。( 误)She went to the Paul Street just now. ( 正)She went to Paul Street just now.(街道名称前一般不加the.) 13. 中文:连孩子都会做它。( 误)Even child can do it. ( 正)Even a child can do it.(不定冠词 +单数名词表示某类人或物。) 成人高考高起点英语介词误用辨析1. 中文:琼

36、斯先生住在皇后街十号。( 误)Mr. Jones lives on 10 Queen Street. ( 正)Mr. Jones lives at 10 Queen Street.(at+门牌号, on+街道名称 ; 两者同时出现以门牌号码为准。) 2. 中文:他喜欢在太阳下坐着。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - ( 误)He likes to sit under the sun. ( 正)He likes t

37、o sit in the sun.(在太阳下用介词in.) 3. 中文:面包是由麦子制成的。( 误)Bread is made of wheat. ( 正)Bread is made from wheat.(由制成, of 用于成品保持原有性质;from 用于成品不再保持原有性质。 ) 4. 中文:每个人都知道他。( 误)He is known by everyone. ( 正)He is known to everyone.(be known to是习惯用法,表示为所熟知。) 5. 中文:我们有麻烦。( 误)We are with trouble. ( 正)We are in trouble

38、.(有麻烦用 in trouble.) 6. 中文:他将于七月五日去美国。( 误)He will go to America in July 5. ( 正)He will go to America on July 5.(on与某一天连用。 ) 7. 中文:他将于七月五日去美国。( 误)He left home in the morning of 11th. ( 正)He left home on the morning of 11th.(morning和某日连用时用on.) 8. 中文:他将于七月五日去美国。( 误)He was angry with what I said.http:/ (

39、 正)He was angry at what I said.(表示因某事生气介词用at 或 about ,对某人生气用with.) 9. 中文:他藏在一棵树后。( 误)He hid himself after a tree. ( 正)He hid himself behind a tree.(after表顺序, behind 表位置。 ) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - 10. 中文:在老师的帮助下你会通过

40、考试。( 误)You may pass the exam under the help of the teacher. ( 正)You may pass the exam with the help of the teacher.(在某人的帮助下用with.) 11. 中文:我父亲对我说玩火危险。( 误)My father said to me that it was dangerous to play fire. ( 正)My father said to me that it was dangerous to play with fire.(play后接运动,球类比赛时是及物动词 ; 后接

41、玩的东西时是不及物动词,与with 连用。 ) 12. 中文:你真的看见那个年轻人打我弟弟的脸了吗? ( 误)Did you really see the young man hit my brother on the face? ( 正)Did you really see the young man hit my brother in the face?(打在脸上用in the face;打在鼻子上用on the nose.) 13. 中文:就她的年龄而言,她看上去很年轻。( 误)She looks quite young in her age. ( 正)She looks quite young for her age.(for表示就而论,相当于considering.) 14. 中文:在夜晚很安静。( 误)It is quiet at the night. ( 正)It is quiet at night.(表示在夜晚用at night或 in the night.) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 12 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - -



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