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1、1 形容词变副词规律小结规则变化范围变化规则副词例词大部分形容词加 ly careless-carelessly quiet-quietly different-differently 以 le 结尾的形容词变 le 为 ly possible-possibly terrible-terribly comfortable-comfortably gentle-gently simple-simply 以 y 结尾的形容词变 y 为 ily easy-easily angry-angrily noisy-noisily happy-happily heavy-heavily healthy-he

2、althily 不规则变化本身既是形容词也是副词,无需改变In the far future the cities cannot go on developing like that for always. 在更远的将来 ,那些城市将永远得不到继续发展. We didnt go far. 我们没有走远。I dont like going out alone at night. 我不喜欢夜晚单独外出。She lives alone and often feels lonely. 她孑然一身,常感到寂寞。I am alone. ? Adj-adv. far-far fast-fast early-

3、early high-high hard-hard wide-wide alone-alone enough-enough 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页2 形容词和副词为完全不同的单词good- -well初中阶段唯一一个需要去掉字母e 的单词true-truly 虽然以 ly 结尾,但却是形容词, 不能直接用来修饰动词She is a lively baby. “ 活泼的,活跃的”be likely to do sth l 有可能做某事 . :It is likely to rain. 好像快要下雨了. fr

4、iendly lively lovely lonely Likely 有些形容词本身即为副词,同时也有加ly 的副词形式。1 一般来说,与形容词同形的副词解释具体的概念 ;形容词后 加-ly的副词解释为抽象概念。wide( 宽地,睁大地 )widely( 广泛地 ) high( 高地 )highly( 高度地 ) deep( 深地 )deeply( 深深地 ) close( 近地;紧;紧密 )closely( 密切地;认真地;仔细地 ) 2. late( 形容词,晚的 )-late( 副词,晚地 ), lately(最近)His parents wont allow him to stay o

5、ut late. 他的父母不会允许他在外待得很晚。Christ! Look at the timeIm late! 天哪!看看时间,我迟到了!Have you seen her lately? 你最近见过她吗?例句1. Open your mouth wide. English is widely used in the world. 2. The kite flew high in the sky. Can you jump that high ? 你能跳那么高吗?They were highly praised. He is a highly skilled worker. 他是一位高度熟

6、练的技术工人。The headmaster think highly of our work. 校长高度评价了我们的工作。3. deep 指动作或实际深度deeply 指比喻意义,尤其指感情深度时。They go deep under the mud/water. He worked deep into the night. 他工作到深夜。They are digging deep to find water. The plane sank deep into the sea. He is deeply interested in the subject. What he said hurt

7、her deeply. They were deeply moved. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页3 She was deeply hurt. 4. He lives close to me . They watched closely.他们密切地注视着。We all listened to the teacher closely. 我们仔细地听老师讲课。特别容易犯错的副词形容词副词备注hard hard hard 副词容易写成hardly, hardly 意思为 “ 几乎不 ” ,与 hard 无任何关系T

8、heres hardly any tea left. friendly 无不能用 friendly 直接修饰动词,只能改成in a friendly way“用一种友好的方式” 。如:He smiled at me in a friendly way. excited excitedly 容易拼错polite politely 不用去掉字母e。类似的词还有:widely, nicely, closely, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页4 1. Look at the children on the playgr

9、ound. They are flying kites _(happy). Lets join them. 3. Why do you think you did so _(bad)in your test? 5. We can _(easy) forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, but we cant forgive an adult who is afraid of the light. 6. Congratulations! Youve answered all the questions _(correct). (09常州 ) 7. T

10、he computer is _(wide)used in our daily life. We can do many things with it. (08常州 ) 8. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _(comfortable). (09苏州 ) 9. Mary passed her examination because she studied very _(hard). (08徐州 ) 10. “Why didn t you tell me earlier?” The boss shouted _(h

11、ungry). (08镇江 ) 12. It s _(true) possible that robot teachers will be popular in schools some day. (2010扬州 ) 13. How _(comfortable) the giant pandas are living in Taiwan! (2010淮安 ) 14. Miss Xu s miled and said to me _(soft), “Never mind, my boy!” (2010淮安 ) 15. Last night it rained _(heavy) in the so

12、uthern part of the city. (2010无锡 ) 17. Simon hates to be like others, he often tires to do everything _(different). (2010徐州 ) 19. The children clapped their hands _(excited) as soon as the astronauts appeared on the stage. (09南通 ) 20. Tom had an accident yesterday. His teacher sent him to the hospit

13、al _(quick). (09镇江 ) 21. We should speak to the old man _(polite) (2010宿迁 ) 23. I m _(true) sorry I cant go with you. I have a lot to do this afternoon. (09徐州 ) 25. His father was looking _ (angry) at him because he had made a serious mistake. 26. Mike walked _(quiet) into the room not to wake up his grandpa. (08南通 ) 27. How _(quick) Betty answered the teachers question! (08宿迁 ) 28. The firemen have saved the boy from the fire _(successful). (08泰州 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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