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1、Starter Unit Lets begin 第一学时:The pupils learn to understand: How are you today? Im fine/OK.Goodbye. The pupils learn to use: Whats your name? Im (Alice).How are you? Im fine. Im OK.Activities and skills: Decoding meaning from teacher input. Using phrases for interaction in class. Greeting each other

2、. I Introduce oneself. Asking someone s mane.Teaching process: Step 1: Warm up. Sing a song. Hello, whats your name?Step 2: Presentation. 1. What s your name? Im .(1) The teacher introduces herself, saying: Hello, /Good morning, Im Miss Sun.(2) Asks a volunteers name:Whats your name?The teacher prom

3、pt the pupil by whispering, Im (Alice).(3) Asks all the pupils the same question and help those who need it by whispering I m .2. How are you today? Im fine. Im OK.(1) The teacher explains the meaning of How are you today? (2) Tell the class to ask the question all together and introduce two answers

4、, Im (not very) fine/Im Ok. (3) Asks all the pupils the same question and make sure that all the students can reply. Step3: Speak English in class. 1. Tells the pupils to open their books at page3, look at the four photographs, and listen to the tape. 2. Asks the pupils to dramatise the situations d

5、epicted in the four photographs. A volunteer will play the part of the parts of the other pupils, answering as a group. 第二学时:The pupils learn to use these new words: Sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, puller, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, Taxi, clown, superstar. Activities and skills: Singin

6、g the song and colouring picture frames. Teaching process: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 23 页Step 1:Warm up: Greetings: (1) Good morning! (2) I m Miss Sun. Whats your name?I m (Alice, John).(3) How are you today? I m fine/OK.Step 2: New words. 1. Learn to say these words one b

7、y one using flash cards. 2. Guessing game. Is it a cowboy/snack bar?No, it isnt. Yes, it is.3. Read them following teacher. 4. Colour the frames. (1)Open book at page4, take your colour pens. Listen and colour. (2)Colour your (hamburger, orange).(3)Let s check.The hamburger is orange. Step 3: Sing t

8、he song. 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Teacher sings the words. 3. Learn to say the words. 4. Let s sing it one sentence by one sentence.5. Sing the song and do the actions together. Step 4: Say good bye. Goodbye, children. Goodbye, Miss Sun. See you next time. 第三学时:The pupils learn to understand: Watch

9、 me. Stretch. Clap your hands. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. The pupils learn to use: Good morning./Morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Activities and skills: Carrying out action story. Listening to the tape and filling numbers. Teaching process: Step 1: Wa

10、rm up (1) Greetings. (2) Play guessing game with flash cards. (3) Sing the song: English is easy. Step 2: Mime the action story. 1. The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacher performs each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher. Repeat this s

11、tage several times. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 23 页2. The teacher gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them on the cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the actions one at a time, following the teachers instructions.3. The teacher give

12、s the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performs the actions one at a time. Step 3: Listen and fill in the numbers. (1) Listen and mime. (2) Fill in the numbers. (3) Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct. Step 4: Learn to say. The teacher draws a clock on blackboard. When i

13、t is 7:30, says “Good morning ” or “Morning ” to the pupils. The pupils answer “Good morning ” or “Morning ”.“Good afternoon”, “Good evening ” and “Good night ” are the same above.第四学时:The pupils learn to use: How are you? Im fine/very well/OK.Thank you. And you? Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,

14、too. Activities and skills: Speaking and comprehension: Teaching process: Step1: Warm up. 1. Greetings. Good morning. /Morning. Good afternoon. 2. Sing a song: Join in. Step 2: Lets read and act.1. T: Hello, Im Miss Sun. Whats your name?S: Hi, Im Alice. T: Nice to meet you. Tell the student that he

15、or she should say “Nice to meet you, too.”Have this conversation with others, and make sure that all the pupils can say it correctly. 2. Other sentences just to be taught and learnt like those above. 3. Actions: (1). Pair work: Two pupils to act the conversations. (2). Boys and girls competition. St

16、ep 3: The end. Goodbye, children. Goodbye, Miss Sun. Unit 1 Numbers 第一学时:The pupils learn to understand: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 23 页The tiger jump. Do the numbers rock. The pupils learn to say: Numbers 112. Twelve o clock; do the numbers rock.Yippee! Let s do the tiger

17、jump.Your turn. Activities and skills: Singing the song: The numbers rock. Saying the chant : The tiger jump. Colouring the numbers. Listening to conversations and matching the names of children with numbers on dice. Playing two number games. Teaching process: Step 1: Warm up. 1. Count numbers from

18、1 to 10. 2. Sing the song. Hop. Step 2: Listen and sing the song. The numbers rock. 1. Learn to say: 11 eleven, 12 twelve. Twelve oclock.2. Listen and say the chant. Step 3: Listen and say the chant. 1. The teacher says the chant and performances in the same order, the pupils follow. 2. Teacher says

19、, pupils do in the same order. 3. The teacher says and pupils do in the jumbled order. 4. Listen to the tape and say the chant, do the actions. Step 4: Colour the numbers. 1. Show numbers cards 112 to the pupils. Count them. 2. Open book at page9, match numbers with the words. 3. Colour them and che

20、ck them. Step 5: Listen and match. 1. Teacher writes numbers on the blackboard. The pupils read them. For example: 3, 6, 1 5, 4 5, etc. 2. Listen and match then check. 3. learn to say “Your turn.”4. Play the game in class. 第二学时:The pupils learn to understand: Whats in the box?Guess the number. Super

21、 prize! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 23 页Come on, (Fred). Here is your prize, Emma. Thank you, Emma. Great! The pupils learn to use: Whats in the box?Snails! Yuk! How many? Activities and skills ;Listening to and understanding a story. Playing game: “Guess the number.”Teachin

22、g process: Step 1: Warm up. 1. Say the chant : The tiger jump. 2. Sing the song: The numbers rock. Step 2: A game. Guess the number. 1. Count numbers 1 12. 2. Shows the pupils numbers cards, guess the number.3. Take a box, put some glass balls in it. Shows them a glass ball, asks: Whats this? Whats

23、in the box? How many?If the pupils are right, says “Great! Here is your prize.” And give them a glass ball.Step 3: A story. The snails. 1. Teacher says, You will hear a story. The snails. Please listen carefully. 2. Listen to the tape several times. 3. Make sure that the pupils fully understand the

24、meaning of this story. 4. Play this game in class. 第三学时:The pupils learn to understand: Guess the number. The pupils learn to use: Twelve is two plus ten, now lets start again.How many? Yes. / No. Activities and skills: Saying the rhyme. Playing two number games. Teaching process: Step 1: Warm up. S

25、ing the song. The numbers rock. Step 2: Listen and say the rhyme. 1. Count numbers 1 12. 2. Read the words line by line several times. 3. listen to the tape, say the rhyme. 4. Asks a group of 6-7 pupils stand in a circle, and say the rhyme, see who is left out. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - -

26、- - - -第 5 页,共 23 页Step 3: Play a game. 1. Teacher asks a pupil to come to the front of the class and demonstrate the game as shown in the first two pictures. 2. Play in pairs and proceed in the same way for the second game. 3. Play this game one by one. 第四学时:The pupils learn to understand and use:

27、Whats your phone number?Activities and skills: Listening and taking notes of phone numbers and saying what they are. Asking other pupils for their phone numbers and taking notes. Teaching process: Step1: Warm up. 1. Count numbers 1 12. 2. Say the rhyme. Step 2: Listen and write the phone numbers. 1.

28、 Draw a big telephone on the board. Introduce the word Phone or telephone immediately followed by the sentence My phone number is .2. Listen and write. Tell the pupils that they are going to hear some recorded interviews, and that they have to listen and discover the telephone numbers of a few child

29、ren. Read the names of the children out loud and ask the pupils to repeat them. Listen to the tape several times and write. 3. Let s check.Step 3: Write your phone numbers. 1. The pupils write their phone number. Tell them how to read the number. 2. Read your number yourself. Step 4: Asks childrens

30、phone number.1. Teacher asks, whats your phone number? A volunteer answers, other pupils write down. 2. Work in pairs. 3. The pupils ask and answer each other, and write. 4. Let s check.第五学时:Teaching aims: 1. Learn to say: How many girls/boys/flagscan you see?Let me count. I can see.2. Learn to say:

31、 What is (seven) plus (twelve)? What is (eleven) minas (nine)? 3. Write the numbers 1 12. Teaching process: Step 1: A game. Prepare a box which is full of glass balls. Shows them the box, and asks, whats in it? Let pupil guess, and then someone touches it. (Glass balls.) How many? How many glass bal

32、ls? How many glass balls can you see? Count, please. The pupil counts. One, two, three, four 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 23 页Step 2: Learn to say. 1. Teacher chooses a group of pupils, and asks, how many girls can you see? Tells them to reply, let me count. And then, count.

33、One, two,. Tells them to say, I can see2. Repeat this exercise several times. 3. Ask and answer with other words which they learned, such as boys, flags, dogsStep 3: Learn to say. 1. Write those below on the blackboard: 7+5 8+2 11-9 6+4 12-9 2+2 Point a pupil to read them. 2. The teacher asks What i

34、s 7 plus 5 ?Make sure that each pupil can reply “It s” correctly. 3. Pupils open book at page 15, work in pairs. Some pairs of pupils wok in class. Step 4: Complete the word puzzle. 1. Show the pupils flashcards of numbers 1 12. Read them, and spell the words. 2. Open book at page 15, complete the 1

35、4th exercise. 3. Check it. Unit 2 Colours 第一学时:The pupils learn to understand: What colour is this/ The pupils learn to use: Colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white. I like (green) and (red); I like orange, too. Oh, what a rainbow! Activities and skills: Listening to wo

36、rds and pointing at the appropriate pictures in the box. Sing a song. Teaching process: Step 1: warm up. 1. Greetings. Good morning. / Good afternoon. 2. Sing a song. Butterfly. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 23 页Step 2: Listen and point presentation. 1. Introduce the following

37、 colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white and black. Show the pupils colours with the help of coloured flash cards and objects in the classroom, 2. Say the words. (1)Show a colour and say the word several times, then ask the pupils to repeat it. (2)Name a colour and ask the pup

38、ils to touch something of that colour. 3. A game. (1)Teacher names a colour, four pupils touch an object of the correct colour. The last pupil is “out ”. The winner is the person who touches the correct one first.(2)Asks of the pupils to take over the role of the teacher. (3)Proceed in the same way

39、for the other remaining colours. Step 3: Listen and point. Open their book at page 16, listen to the tape carefully, point the corresponding colour. Step 4: Listen and sing s song. Rainbow. 1. Draw a picture of a rainbow on the board and introduce the word Rainbow. 2. Listen to the word and repeat i

40、t. 3. Sing the song following the tape. 第二学时:The pupils learn to understand: 1. What colour is (the wizards house)?2.I m from Italy; (Great Britain; Argentina; Brazil). The pupils learn to use: I m (Lucia). Im from China. This is my flag. Activities and skills :Finding out from a listening text what

41、 colour the wizards house is (listening for detail). 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 23 页第三学时:The pupils learn to understand: Help. Open the door. The pupils learn to use: (Green), please. Here you are. Good night! Good morning! Whats this? Wow!Activities and skills: Listening t

42、o and understanding a story. Teaching process: Step 1: Warm up. 1. Sing a song. The rainbow. 2. (1) Teacher walks around the classroom asking the pupils: Blue, please. Green, please, etc. The pupils should give me a colored pencil requested. (2) Do the same exercise by the pupils in pairs. Step 2: T

43、he story. 1. Introduce and practise new vocabulary. Here you are. Help. Open the door. Whats this?2. Pupils listen to the text two or three times with their books closed and try to 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 23 页imagine what is happening from the tone of the voices and blac

44、kboard noises. 3. Pupils listen two or three times with their books open. 4. Pupils listen one more time with their eyes closed and try to imagine what they saw in the text. Step 3: Act out the story. Two pupils for wizards, somebody to make the noises of boiling water, and explosion, colored bottle

45、s. 第四学时:The pupils learn to understand: Whats my favourite colour? Is it (blue)?Whats your favourite colour? Yes, thats right.The pupils learn to use: Guess. Whats my favourite colour? Is it (blue)?What s your favourite colour? Yes, thats right.Activities and skills: Playing a game based on the prin

46、ciple of information gap. Completing dialogues in writing. Listening to a chant and circling patches of colour. Saying a chant. Doing a crossword puzzle. Teaching process: Step 1: Play a guessing game. 1. Ask a pupil to touch a part of the coloured fish. The teacher cant see what colour the pupil is

47、 touching and, naming several different colours, should try to guess. 2. Once the pupils have understand the way game works, they can play in pairs and exchange roles. Step 2: Complete the dialogues. 1. Learn to write the words and sentence: Green, blue, white, please. Here you are. 2. Ask the pupil

48、s to look carefully at the four scenes and to complete the dialogues according to what they see in the pictures. Step 3: A chant. 1. The pupils should listen to the chant once all the way through. 2. Then they listen a second time, but this time the tape should be stopped after each question to give

49、 the pupils time to circle the colour. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 23 页3. Finally they listen a third time to check the answers. The teacher should check that the pupils have understood and ask which colours they have circled. The pupils say the colours in the correct order

50、. 4. The teacher writes them on the blackboard. The pupils copy the words. 5. Repeat the chant in two separate groups. 第五学时:The pupils learnt to understand: What about you? What about this? Whats that over there?The pupils learn to use: I m from (America).I like (red) best. Whats your fav ourite col

51、our? What colour do you like? Activities and skills: Speaking those sentences in groups. Talking about the birthplace and the favourite colours of themselves. Teaching process: Step1: Warm up 1. Say the chant: whats your favourite colour?2. Revise the words: Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina.

52、I m from China.Step 2: Lets learn and work in groups.1. Introduce new words. America, England, Canada, best, about. 2. Learn to say. I m .I m from .I like (red) best. 3. Introduce how to use “what about you?”. Make sure that everyone has understood it. 4. Read the sentences. Step 3: Work in the grou

53、ps. 1. Pair work. 2. Teacher and student act in class. 3. Work in tablemates as the model. Step 4: Lets talk.1. Introduce new words: jeep, over there. 2. Using some flashcards, ask and answer. T: What s this? (A car.)S: Its a car.T: What colour is it? S: Its (red).And tell the volunteer to say: Its

54、a Chinese car. All the class repeat it.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 23 页The teacher shows them another flashcard, and asks: What about this? Make sure that the student can answer it correctly. 3. Talk about the flashcards in pairs. 4. Let s talk in class.Unit 3 School things

55、 第一学时 : The pupils learn to understand: What colour is the wizards schoolbag?The pupils learn to use: Pen, pencil, pencil case, schoolbag, ruler, eraser, book. Activities and skills: Listening to the words on the tape and filling in the numbers in the book. Listening to the tape and finding out what

56、 colour the wizards schoolbag is.Teaching process: Step1: Warm-up. 1. Show pupils some school things, such as :pencil, book, pen, schoolbag, pencil case. Ask pupils: Whats this? Its a (pen).2. A game Toby says: Touch your (pen). Take your (book). Step2: Listen and fill in the numbers. 1. Introduce t

57、he new vocabulary using regalia, rule, eraser, 2. The pupils open their books at Page 24. The teacher reads the words, first in the order in which they are presented and then in jumbled order, ask the pupils to point to the corresponding picture. 3. Listen and fill in the numbers. (1)The first time,

58、 the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions for general do the exercise by themselves. (2)The second time, the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions so that everybody can do the exercise. Check the answer. Name the objects and ask the pupils to answer with the corresponding number

59、s. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 23 页Step3. Listen. What colour is the wizards schoolbag. 1. Tell the pupils in Chinese that they have to discover the colour of the wizards schoolbag. 2. Give them an example. The pupils point to the word start, the teacher says blue and the p

60、upils point to the blue square. Then say ruder and the pupils touch the ruder. Proceed in this way from ruder to yellow, and then to pencil to blue to eraser. At this point ask what colour is the wizards schoolbag? (Blue). 3. Listen to the tape and follow the sequence of squares using a pencil. 4. L

61、isten two or three times to check the answer. 第二学时:The pupils learn to understand: Open your (schoolbag). Take out (a ruler). Take out (two books). Whats this? A skipping rope.Hooray! The pupils learn to use: Three pens, four pencils, two books. Activities and skills: Understanding instructions and

62、miming actions. Listening to the tape and filling in numbers. Teaching process: Step 1: Warm up. Ask and answer. Show the pupils a ruler, a pen , a schoolbag, two erasers, four books, three pencils. Ask: What s this? What colour is it? How many books can you see? Etc.Step 2: New word. Show them a sk

63、ipping rope and teach the new word. Step 3: Mime the action story. 1. The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacher performs each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher. Repeat this stage several times. 2. The teacher gives the instructions in t

64、he same order which the pupils heard them on the cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the actions one at a time, following the teachers instructions.3. The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performs the actions one at a time. Step 4: Listen and fill

65、in the numbers. (4) Listen and mime. (5) Fill in the numbers. (6) Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 23 页第三学时:The pupils learn to understand: How many (red) things are there? The pupils learn to use: Two pens, three erasers, four pens,

66、 five rulers. Activities and skills: Reading what is in the picture and colour frames around word groups in the appropriate colour. Counting school things in a picture puzzle. Teaching process : Step1: Warm up. A guessing game. 1. Show the pupils a box which is full of pens, pencils, rulers, erasers

67、, and books. And ask the pupils to guess how many pens/ pencils/ rulers/erasers/books are there? T: Guess! How many (pens)? 2.When the pupils guess correctly, ask them: What colou are the (two pens)? Step 2: Read and colour the frames. 1. Introduce how to do the exercise. Point out to the pupils tha

68、t there are 10 pictures and only five boxes on the right. The pupils have to colour the frames of the boxes on the right following the example. The frame of the box containing the words two pens, is orange like the two pens in the drawing. 2. The pupils colour the frames themselves. 3. Check the ans

69、wer. Ask the pupils to say which colours match which words. Step3: Count and write the numbers. 1. Read the sentences several times. And translate the questions. 2. The pupils write exercise in the book. 3. Check the answer. Ask the question and the pupils answer orally. 第四课时:Teaching aim And demand

70、: 1. The pupils learn to understand: Stop it. Come here, Timmy. Help me, please. Wheres my pencil case?It s not here.I ve got it!2. Acticities and skills: Decoding the meaning of the language in a story. Important and Difficult front: Understand the sentences of the story. Teaching process: 精选学习资料 -

71、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 23 页Step 1:Warming-up 1. Sing an English song: Join in. 2. Revise the school thing. Which have learnt in this unit. 3. Revise the sentence: Here is your prize. Here is my prize. Step 2 : Presentation 1. Listen to the story. 2. Ask the students to open th

72、eir books at page 28. 3. Ask them listen to the tape, listen to an English story. 4. Ask the students to tell the meaning of the story. Step 3 : Learn to understand the sentences. 1. Ask some students do a action, then say: Stop it, xxx.” Let the students tell the meaning of the sentence. Then pract

73、ise it. 2. Pretend to find something, and say: Wheres my pen? ” Ask the students to say what am I doing. And tell the meaning of the sentence. 3. Ask someone xxx, help me, please.” Let him/her find things with me. Then ask them to tell the meaning of the sentence. 4. Practise the two Sentences in pa

74、irs. 5. Say:Its not here,” while finding the thing. Let them say the meaning of the sentence. Then practise it. 6.When finding the thing, say: Ive got it!” Let the students tell the meaning of the sentence. then practise to say it. Step 4 : Consolidation 1. Listen again and say the sentences after t

75、he tape. 2. Perform the story in the class. 第五学时:Teaching aim And demand: 1. The pupils learn to use: How many desks are there? What about Chairs? How many pens have you got? 2. Activities and skills: Let s read.Let s work in groups.Important and difficult point: Read the conversation. Teaching proc

76、ess: Step 1 : Revision 1. Sing an English song: In our classroom. 2. Show some pictures to the students and ask them to read it. (desks). (chairs). 3. Revise the colours. 4. Revise the sentences. Which they have leaned in previous class. 5. Spell the words. Step 2 : Presentation A: Learn to say the

77、conversation. 1. Show a picture to the students. 2. Ask them How many desks are there”?3. Ask: What about Chairs? How many chairs are there?”4. Show some other things to the student, practise to the sentence How many(desks) are there?”5. Read the conversation to the students, ask them to tell me the

78、 meaning of the conversation. 6. Read the conversation after the teacher several times. Then practise by themselves 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 23 页in pairs, until they can read it correctly. 7. Ask someone to perform the conversation in the front of the classroom. Step 3 :

79、 Play a game and do the group work. 1. Send something to the students. 2. Ask them one by one: How many pens have you got?” Answer the question in stead of the students. Then ask them to tell me the meaning of the sentence. 3. Ask them to read the sentence after the teacher several times. 4. Practis

80、e the sentence by themselves, until they can read it correctly. 5. Do the group work. 第六学时(12. Revision) Teaching aim And demand: 1. The pupils learn to read the sentences: I have got (a small room). It s (nice) and (clean).There is (a bed) (in my room). There is (a computer) (on the desk). I often

81、work at the desk. 2. Activitise and skills: Read the text. Important and difficult point: Can read the text of the lesson. Teaching process: Step 1 :Revision 1. Sing an English song. 2. Spell and read the words: pencil, pencil case, pen, book, eraser, ruler, schoolbag. 3. Look the pictures and say.

82、Two pencils two blue pencils ect. 5. Ask and answer: How many pencils are there? How many blue things are there? How many pens have you got? Step 2 :Presentation A : Look at the pictures, learn to say the new words. 1. Point the thing and say the English of it. 2. Ask the students to read the word a

83、fter the teacher. (bed computer) 3. Practise to say the words by themselves, and then say out loudly, until they can red it correctly. B : Look at the picture again. Ask and answer: Where is the (bed) ?1. Ask the students to look at the picture and answer: Where is the bed? 2. Answer in ste ad of th

84、e students: Its in the room.3.Use the same way to teach: It s by the window.It s on the desk.Step 3: Learn to say the text. 1. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher read the text. 2. Ask them to tell the meaning of the text. 3. Read the text after the teacher several times. 4. Practise to re

85、ad the text by themselves, until they can read it correctly. 5. Ask someone to point the picture and say the text. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 23 页Unit 4 Pets 第一学时:Teaching aim And demand: 1. The pupils learn to use: What have you got? Have you got a pet? Yes, I have. 2. Le

86、arn to use the words: Cat dog mouse fish budgie, rabbit. Hamster. 3. Activities and skills: Saying a chant Listening to a cassette and finding out what the wizards pet is.Important and difficult point: pictures, radio and tape. Teaching process: REVISION: 1. Sing an English song: join in. 2. Convers

87、ation: Whats your favourite colour?What colour is the schoolbag? ect. PRESENTATION: A: Learn to say the six new words. 1. Learn to say the word: cat. Show a picture of a cat to the students , tell them: This is a cat.” Ask them to read the word after the teacher several times. Then practise by thems

88、elves, until they can read the word correctly. 2.Use the same way to teach the other words: dog, mouse, fish, budgie, rabbit. 3.Fun time. Listen to the sound of these animals or mine these animals. Ask the students to say the words and at the same time point to the corresponding flashcard. B: Learn

89、to say the sentences. 1. Learn to say the sentence: Have you got a pet? Pretend to need a pen and ask a pupil: Have you got a pen? If necessary translate the sentence. 2. Read the sentence after the teacher several times. 3. Practise the sentence by themselves: Use the flashcard and ask the students

90、: Have you got a (hamster)? And then answer “Yes. ” And then ask the students to ask the teacher answer. 4.Use the same way to teach: What have you got? C: Listen and say the chant. Play the chant two or three times and ask the pupils to repeat it, until they can read it correctly. D: Listen and fin

91、d the wizards pet.Ask the same way before. BLACKBOARD DESIGN: Pets Cat dog mouse Fish budgiz rabbit Hamster. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 23 页第二学时: Teaching aim And demand: 1. The pupils learnt to use the sentence: (Linda)s cat is brown and white.2. Can write the words: blac

92、k white budgie rabbit hamster green yellow brown. 3. Activities: Listen to interviews from the cassette and finding out about the pets of Prritish children. Completing sentences about the children from their interviews. Important and Difficult point: Can complete the sentences about the children. Pr

93、eperation: Pictures, radio and tape. Teaching process: REVISION: 1. Sing an English song: Numbers rock. 2. Say the chant: Have you got a pet? 3. Revise the colours: 4. Revise to say the words: budgie rabbit hamster5. Revise the sentences: Have you got aWhat have you got? PRESENTATZON: A: Learn to sa

94、y the sentence: (Linda)s cat is brown and white.1. Send some pictures to the students. 2. Hold the students pictures and say:Linda s cat is brown and white.3. Ask the students to say the meaning of the sentence. 4. Say the sentence after the teacher several times. 5. Practise by themselves until the

95、y can read it correctly. 6. Hold other student pictures use the sentence. B: 1. Read the British childrens name.2. Listen to the tape and tick the British Childrens pents, then read it.3. Listen again and check the answer. C: Complete the sentences. 1. Show the flash cards of these words to the stud

96、ents, ask them try to spell and remember them. 2. Listen to the tape again, complete the sentences one by one. 3. Cheek the answer, Ask the students to read the words out loudly and spell them. BLACKBOARD DESIGN: Pets Budgie rabbit hamster black white yellow green brown 第三学时: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

97、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 23 页Teaching aim And demand: 1. The pupils learn to say: What is it? A (hamster) 2. Activities and skills: Colouring a pet. Playing a game based on the principle of information gap. Important and Difficult point: Can make conversation with other students. Preparation:

98、Pictures, radio and tape. Teaching process: REVISION: 1. Sing an English song. 2. Say the chant: Have got a pet? 3. Revise the words: dog cat rabbit fish budgie hamster mouse 4. Revise the colours. PRESENTATZON: A: Choose a pet and colour it. 1. Ask the students to choose a pet from the pictures. 2.

99、 Ask them to colour the pet with their favourite colour. B: Learn to say the sentence: What is it? 1. Show the students some pictures. 2. Ask them “What is it?”. Then tell them the chimes meaning of the sentence.3. Ask them to read the sentence after the teacher 2-3 times. 4. Practise the sentence b

100、y themselves, until they can read it correctly. C: Play a game. 1. Ask the students questions, tell them how to play the game. T: Have you got a pet? S: Yes, I have. T: What is it? S: A hamster. T: What colour is it? S: Brown. 2. Do the exercises several times. 3. Play the game in pairs. 4. Perform

101、in the front of the classroom. BLACKBOARD DESIGN: Pets What is it? A fish. 第四学时: Teaching aim And demand: 1. The pupils learn to understand: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 23 页Fly like a budgie. Run like a rabbit. Swim like a fish. Fat like a hamster. Sit like a dog. Roar like

102、 a tiger. 2. Activities and skills: Understanding instructions and miming actions. Listening to the cassette and filling in the numbers. Important and Difficult point: Understanding and miming the actions. Teaching process: REVISION: 1. Sing an English song. 2. Revise the sentences: What is it? 3. R

103、evise the words: cat, fish, ect. PRESENTATION: A: Do the instruction myself. 1. Dont look at their bo oks. Look at the teacher do the action. Listen to the tape. 2. Do the action after the teacher and say the sentences. Repeat several times, until they can say the sentences correctly. B: Do the acti

104、on by themselves. 1. Listen to the tape do the action and say the sentences. 2. Repeat several times, until they can do it and say the sentences correctly. C: Do the action in jumped time. 1. The teacher say the sentences in jumped time, the students do and say the sentences. 2. Repeat this several

105、times. 3. Do the group work. 4. Play a game: Toby saysD: Listen to the tape and fill in the numbers. 1. Open their books at page 35. 2. Listen to the tape and fill in the numbers. 3. Listen again and check the answer. 4. The teacher say the numbers, the students do the action. 5. The teacher do the

106、action, the students say the numbers. BLACKBOARD DESIGN: Pets 3 4 1 5 6 2 Unit 5. The day of the week 第一学时:The pupils learn to understand: Weve got football today. I can stay in bed. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 23 页I hate Mondays. The pupils learn to use: Monday, Tuesday, W

107、ednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Come with me. (Whats your favourite day?) Activities and skill: 1. Saying a chant. Listening to people in different situations on the cassette/CD and deciding which picture goes with which situation.(Listening for gist). Teaching process: Step 1. Listen

108、and say the chant. 1. Introduce the days of the week. (1).Use a calendar, points it and says: Today is (Friday). (2).Write the first letter of the day of the week in English on the board. (3). Introduce all the other days of the week and write the first letter of each day in sequence. 2. Repeat the

109、days several times. (1).First only to listen and then try to repeat them. (2). The teacher asks in Chinese which day of the week they prefer and the pupils can answer in English. 3. Say the chant. (1).First with the book closed. (2). Twice with looking at the text. (3). Try to say the chant follow t

110、he tape. Step 2. Listen and say the number. 1. Talk to the pupils in Chinese for a few minutes about the importance of understanding the gist of a message form the tone of voice, the modulation and connecting images and sound. 2. Listen to the tape. Give them some encouragement and stress the fact t

111、hat understanding doesnt necessarily imply that they know every word. 第二学时:The pupils learn to understand: I hate (Monday). Whats your favourite day? The pupils learn to use: Try to write the days of the week. Whats your favourite day? Activities and skills: . Listening to children talking about the

112、ir favourite day. Writing the days of the week. Teaching process: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 23 页Step 1.Warm-up. 1. Say the chant. 2. Playing a game. Teacher says the days of the week without sound. The pupils try to lip read them. Step 2. Listen and tick their favourite d

113、ays. 1. Ask the pupils to say the words, teacher writes the first letter of each day on the blackboard. 2. Have a chant. Whats your favourtie day? 3. Introduce new British children, Claire, Diana, Bob, Frank. 4. Listen and tick. 5. Check answer. Step 3. Chant. 1. Teacher and the pupils ask and answe

114、r. 2. Pair work. Step 4. Learn to write. The pupils try to write the words one by one. 第三学时:The pupils learn to understand: Emmas new room. The pupils learn to use: Close your eyes. Open your eyes. I hate (pink). Activities and skills: . Decoding meanings of the language in a story. Teaching process

115、: Step 1. Warm-up 1. Say a chant. 2. Have a chat. Whats your favourite day? Step2 :Learn to understand the story 1. Show a picture of Emma. 2. Guess: What sEmma s favourite colour?3. Listen to the tape. 4. Try to understand the story. 5. Mime to read. Step3: Practise 1.Work in group. 精选学习资料 - - - -

116、- - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 23 页2. Show time. Step4: Consolidation 1. Repeat the story. 2. Complete the sentences. 第四学时:The pupils learn to understand: Emma hates pink. The pupils learn to use: She paints (a red budgie) on (Monday). Activities and skills: . Singing a song and colouring an

117、imals as specified in the lyrics of the song. Spotting the days of the week in a crossword puzzle. Applying a colour code in order to find out about four childrens favourite days. Teaching process: Step 1. Listen and sing the song. Then colour the animals. 1. Introduce the title: Emma hates pink. 2.

118、 Listen to the song several times. 3. Read the sentences. 4. Sing ht e song. 5. Colour the animals. Step 2. Circle the days of week. 1. Open book at page 48, do the exercise 7 by themselves or pair. 2. Check answer. Step 3. Do the word puzzle. 1. Do the exercise 8. 2. Check answer. Step 4. Complete the sentences. 1. Have a chat with the pupils by those topics. 2. Try to write them. 3. Check answer. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 23 页



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