高中英语 Book6 Unit1 Word Study Words and Expressions课件

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1、Book6 Unit1 Word Study Words and Expressions目标词目标词abstract faith consequently aimtypical evident adopt possess techniqueshadow ridiculous attemptpredict specific figure critic delicate cafallergic effectively exhibition aggressive flesh avenue preference display appeal reputation Egypt visual perman

2、ent district committee by coincidence 1.faith2。 aim v.3。 typical adj. - n. / v. 4. evident adj. - n. - (近近)5。 adopt adj. 6. possess v. - n.7。 attempt v. /n.8。 predict v. - n. 9. figure v. /n.predictionevidence 证据证据possessionobvioustype 打字打字(近近) / adj./ (反)(反)figure out 计算出计算出type =kind8. allergic ad

3、j. 9. effectively adv. - adj. -n. -v. 10。 preference n. - v. 11。 appeal v. / n.be allergic to 对对敏感敏感effectiveeffectpreferaffectHe prefers dying to giving up.He prefers to die rather than give up.He would rather die than give up.他宁死不屈。他宁死不屈。faith n. 信任;信心;信念He who loses faith, loses all.失去信心的人失去信心的人,

4、 失去所有。失去所有。faithful adj. 忠实的be faithful to sbThe lovers promised to be faithful to each other forever.这对恋人承恋人承诺将永将永远忠于忠于对方。方。= belief(反 faithless)aim n. 目目标; 目的目的 达到目的达到目的vi. 瞄准;努力瞄准;努力vt .力求做某事力求做某事What is your aim in life? 你生活的目的是什么你生活的目的是什么?He aimed to be a spider-man.He aimed at being a spider-m

5、an. 他的目他的目标是成是成为一个蜘蛛侠。一个蜘蛛侠。(近)近)goal ; purpose adj. aimless 无目标的无目标的aim at (doing) sth. aim to do 带有带有的目的的目的 with the aim of achieve ones aim attempt 1) n. 努力;努力;尝试;企;企图; attempt at/on sth. make an attempt to do 2) vt.尝试;企;企图;attempt to do / attempt doingThey made an attempt to finish the task befo

6、re July.They attempted to finish the task before July. 他他们试图在七月以前完成在七月以前完成这项任任务。 attempt VS try appeal 1)vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助有感染力;呼吁;求助 2)vt.将将上上诉 3)n.呼吁;呼吁;恳求求appeal to sb for sthHe appealed to me for help. appeal to sb. to doHe appealed to his father to forgive him. 他恳求父亲宽恕他。他恳求父亲宽恕他。 appeal to (对某人对某人)有

7、吸引力有吸引力The idea of working abroad appeals to me. 在国外工作的想法引起了我的在国外工作的想法引起了我的兴趣。趣。他向我求援。他向我求援。向向sb.呼吁呼吁/请求请求sth.呼吁呼吁sb.做做sth.coincidence n. 巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)by coincidence = by chance/accidentimpress v.给印象印象 ;impressive 印象深刻的印象深刻的impression n.印象印象; impressionism ; n.印象主义;印象派;impressionist adj.印象派的;n.

8、印象派艺术家post-impressionist adj.后印象派的;n.后印象派艺术家1.我试图使他相信我是个好人我试图使他相信我是个好人,可他不在乎。可他不在乎。(convince)2. 在过去几个月里,我们的医疗队取得了很大在过去几个月里,我们的医疗队取得了很大成功。成功。(a great deal)3. 他在这家公司工作已有几十年了他在这家公司工作已有几十年了(scores of)I tried to convince him that I was a good person, but he did not care.Our medical team has achieved a great deal in the past few months. He has been working in the company for scores of years.4. 那个男孩想熬夜看世界杯但被他的父母那个男孩想熬夜看世界杯但被他的父母阻止了。阻止了。(attempt)The boy attempted to stay up for the World Cup but was stopped by his parents.



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