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1、学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆Unit 1 What s the matter? 重点短语 : have a stomachache have a cold lie down take one s temperature have a fever go to a doctor to one s surprise agree to (do sth.) get into trouble be used to take risks run out (of) cut off get out of be in control of keep on ( doing sth. )give up 语言知识归纳:1

2、. What s the matter (with you)? 此句用来询问别人的病情。类似的句子还有:What s wrong with you?/ What s the trouble? matter 作动词用,意为“要紧” “有关系”,主要用于疑问句和否定句。What does it matter? It doesn t matter. 重点语法:情态动词 should的用法(1)should后接动词原形,变否定句在should后加 not, 变一般疑问句时将should提前。(2)should常用于以下两种情况:提出建议You looked tired. You should lie

3、down and rest. 表推测,意为“该,按理应当” 。Wait a minute. I think he should come in a minute. Unit 2 I ll help to clean up the city parks.重点短语 : clean up by oneself cheer up put off give out put on used to give away take after set up make a difference care for come up with 语言知识归纳:1. give out 分发,发放知识点睛第十五讲知识大集结精

4、选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆【拓展】 give 构成的短语还有:give away 赠给,赠送give in 屈服,投降give up 放弃give off 发出(气味、光、热等)重点语法:动词短语动词短语主要有以下四种构成形式:(1) 动词+介词这类动词短语主要有: agree with, ask for, arrive at, hear of, look at, take after, listen to 等。这类动词后的宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。I m looki

5、ng for my pen. Don t laugh at the poor man. (2)动词+副词这类动词短语有: find out, give out, look up, put on, turn on/off, wake up, work out 等。这类动词后面的宾语是名词时,名词可放在副词前面或后面;宾语是代词时,代词只能放在副词前面。Please pick up the pen.= Please pick the pen up. It took him two hours to work it out. (3) 动词+名词+介词这类动词短语有: have a look at,

6、make friends with, pay attention to, take care of, look forward to 等。在这类动词短语中,宾语都放在介词之后。You should pay more attention to your pronunciation. (4) 动词+形容词 +介词这类动词短语有: be angry with, be busy with, be good for, be different from, be interested in, be good at等。Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 重点短语

7、 : take out the rubbish make the bed all the time borrow some money help with housework hang out with. a waste of time in order to as.as. take care of in surprise do the dishes as a result 语言知识归纳:1. work on 从事于;着手干The writer is working on a new book. 那位作家正在写一本新书。She is going to work on her physics p

8、roject. 她打算从事她的物理项目。重点语法so,neither 倒装句型So + 助动词 / be 动词/ 情态动词 + 主语Neither + 助动词 / be动词/ 情态动词 + 主语这两种结构常用来说明前面所说的情况,后面某人(物)也是这样。助动词/ be动词/ 情态动词在形式上与前句的谓语保持一致,而其单复形式由后句的主语决定。So依附于肯定句, neither 依附于否定句。Bill watched TV last night. So did Ann. Lily isn t a teacher. Neither is Mary. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

9、 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆Unit 4 Why don t you talk to your parents? 重点短语 : look through work out get on with cut out compare.with in one s opinion a big deal so that get into a fight communicate with not.until. call sb. up instead of 语言知识归纳:1. Why don t you talk to your parents?

10、 Why don t you do sth.= Why not do sth. “ 为什么不 ?”【拓展】提出建议的句型What/How about doing sth.? 做某事怎么样?Shall we do sth.? 我们做某事好吗?You d better(not) do sth. 你最好(不)做某事。Why don t you do sth. 为什么不做某事呢?Would you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事吗?Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 重点短语 : go off pick up fall

11、 asleep die down make one s way in silence take down at first wait for in a mess the rest of have meaning to basketball competition as well make sure 语言知识归纳:1. while 当的时候作连词引导时间状语从句,在while 引导的从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性动词,强调主从句中的动作或状态同时发生。While I was watching TV, someone knocked at the door. when 意为“当时”,动作有一前一后

12、的意思。When I passed that room I heard someone singing. while 作连词时也可理解为“然而” ,表示转折关系。I like apples while my sister doesn t. 重点语法观察例句,完成句子1. I_(sleep) at that time. 2. When you called, I _(have) a shower. 3. He finally fell asleep when the wind_(die) down at around 3:00 a.m. 4. While Linda was sleeping,

13、Jenny _(help) Mary with her homework. 含义表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。结构was/were + doing 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆构成 1. 肯定句:主语+ was/were + doing + 其他2. 否定句:主语+ was/were + not + doing + 其他3. 疑问句: Was/Were + 主语 +doing + 其他? 用法:1. 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。常见的时间状语有:at 3

14、 o clock yesterday afternoon, in those days, at this time yesterday 等。2. 表示一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行,持续时间长的动作用过去进行时,常用在while 引导的时间状语从句中。3. 与 go, come, leave, start 等瞬间动词连用,表示过去将要进行的动作。Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 重点短语 : a little bit instead of turn.into once upon a time fall in love get ma

15、rried as soon as instead of give birth to be born turn.into 语言知识归纳:1.try 的用法 try to do sth. 尽力做某事He is trying to learn English. try doing sth. 试着做某事You should try taking more exercise. try one s best 尽力I ll try my best to help him. try on 试穿Would you like to try this dress on? 2. remind vt. 使想起,提醒 r

16、emind sb. of/about sth. 使某人想起某事The song remind me of my childhood. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事Peter reminded her to attend the meeting on time. 3. What do you think of .? 你认为怎么样?What do you think of .? = How do you like.? 注:think 后接动名词, like 后接带 to 的不定式如:What do you think of going climbing tomorro

17、w? =How do you like to go climbing tomorrow? 你认为明天去爬山怎么样?4. Neither of you is wrong. 你们两个都没错。neither 两者都不;也不e.g. Neither of the ideas is good. I like neither subject. neither 作连词,表示“既不也不” ,连接两个主语时,谓语动词要遵循就近原则。e.g. Neither you nor he is in this team. Neither he nor I am a teacher. 5. unless的用法unless的

18、意思是“除非,如果不” ,相当于 if not,用来引导条件状语从句。主句同常用将来时,从句用一般现在时。e.g. You will miss the early bus unless you get up early. We won t go to the cinema tomorrow unless my mother does. 6.be made of 与 be made from 由制成be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可以看出原材料The desks are made of wood. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

19、第 4 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆be made from 看不出原材料,属于化学变化Paper is made of wood. Unit 7 What s the highest mountain in the world? 重点短语 : feel free as far as I know in the face of even though at birth walk into fall over or so take in many times endangered animals achieve one s dream 语言知识归纳:2. 比较级和最高级的特殊句型

20、“get/ become + 形容词比较级+ and + 形容词比较级”表示“变得越来越” ,当形容词为多音节词(少数双音节词)时,用“ more and more + 原级” 。It gets warmer and warmer when spring comes. “the + 形容词比较级, the + 形容词比较级”意为“越就越”。The harder you work at your study, the better grades you will have. “one of the +最高级 +可数名词复数”表示“最之一” 。Chengdu is one of the most

21、beautiful cities in China. This is/was + the +最高级 +名词+that 引导的定语从句。This is the most interesting story I have ever read. 三级句型之间的转换 形容词比较级 +than any other+单数名词This book is more difficult than any other book here. = This book is the most difficult of all. 形容词比较级 +than the other+复数名词Bill is taller than

22、the other students in his class. 同级比较用 as.as., 否定式为 not as/so.as. He is as tall as his father. He is not as tall as his father. “more+形容词”与“ less+形容词”及“ not so/as .as ”的互换。This question is more difficult than that one. =That question is less difficult than this one. =That question isn t so difficult

23、 as this one. 2. 数量的表达英语中通常将数字放在单位词的前面,而将表示长、宽、高等的词放在单位词的后面。固定句式为:主语 +be+数词+形容词(长、宽、高、深) 。The boy is 1.7 meters tall. This building is 90 meters high. 3.China has the biggest population in the world. population 是集体名词,没有复数形式,作主语时,其后谓语动词用单数形式。The population of the school is 500. 指人口多少时,一般用large或 small

24、 来表示。The population of China is larger than that of America. 提问“有多少人口”,用 what 或 how large, 而不用 how many。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆What s the population of China? 4.succeed v. 成功,做到succeed常与 in 连用, succeed in doing sth. ( 成功做某事)Did you succeed in booking th

25、e ticket? success n. 成功Working hard can lead to success. successful 用作形容词,意思是“成功的” 。Linda is a successful dancer and she dances well. Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 重点短语 : full of hurry up science fiction country music ever since one another belong to finish doing sth. fight over millions

26、 of 语言知识归纳:1.现在完成时(1) 用法: 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。I have posted the photos. 我已经把这些照片邮寄了。 表示过去发生的动作及状态一直持续到现在。He has studied English for three years. (2) 现在完成时的构成及其变化构成have / has + 动词的过去分词。其中have/has为助动词,没有实际意义,可缩写。Mike has = Mike s they have = they ve (3) 现在完成时常用的时间状语already, just, ever, yet, for two y

27、ears, since 1995, so far, in the last few years 2.have been to. 去过【辨析】 have been to与 have gone to have been to+ 地名,表示“某人曾经到过某地” ,现在已经不在那个地方了(回来了) 。have gone to 表示“已经去了某地”,还没有回来,可能在那里或在途中。不能与段时间连用。John isn t here. Where has he gone? He has been to many places since he came to China. 3. make为使役动词,后跟不带

28、to的不定式作宾语补足语即 make sb. do sth. My mother often makes me clean the room. make 后跟复合宾语的类型 make + 宾语 + 名词Most pop singers make music their career. make + 宾语 + 形容词What he did makes his mother happy. make + 宾语 + 过去分词Can you make yourself understood? Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? 精选学习资料 - - - - -

29、- - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆重点短语 : thousands of put up take the subway on the one hand.on the other hand. encourage sb. to do sth. have problem doing sth. practice doing sth. close to during the day time all year round 语言知识归纳:1. Me neither. 我也没(去过)。Me neither = Neither have

30、I. -I can t swim. -Me neither./ Neither can I. 2.It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future. encourage 鼓励encourage sb. (to do sth.) Unit 10 I ve had this bike for three years. 重点短语 : at least millions of search for stay the same according to

31、 in one s opinion yard sale board game check out regard.as. no longer consider doing sth. to be honest 语言知识归纳:1. -How long have you had that bike over there? -I ve had it for three years. (1) how long 意为“多长时间”用来对for 或 since引导的时间状语提问。(2) for 后跟一段时间,谓语动词是延续性动词,常用语完成时中。I have lived here for ten yeas. 一

32、、单选题1.Does it _ if we can t finish it today? A. mind B. minds C. matter D. Matters 2.-Does he often have _ cold? -Yes. He also _a cough and a sore throat. A. a; hasB. /; has C. a; have D. /; have 3.A_girl named DongXinyi looked after her disabled father. A. three-year-oldB. three-years-oldC. Three y

33、ears old4.He eats _ food, so he is _ fat. A. much too; too much B. much too; too many C. too much; much too D. too much; too many 5.He found _very interesting _a horse. A. that; to ride B. it; to ride C. it; riding 6.We must _a plan to improve your math. 课堂检测精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

34、 - -第 7 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆A. pick up B. catch up with C. come up with D. make up 7.When you don t know a word, you can _in the dictionary. A. look it up B. set it up C. give it up D. pick it up 8.-Please tell the boys _making noise. The baby is sleeping. -OK. I ll do it at once. A. stop B. to sto

35、p C. stopping 9.Students should learn how_problems. A. solve B. solving C. to solve 12. It s time for us _meeting. A. to have B. have C. having 13.He lost his key. It made him_in the cold to wait for his wife s return. A. to stay B. stay C. stayed 14.-How does Jack usually go to school? -He_ride a b

36、ike, but now he _there to lose weight. A. used to; is use to walk B.was used to; is used to walking C. used to; is used to walking 15.The scientists are_inventing some methods of producing electricity. A. working on B. working out C. working at D. working for 16.-I never drink coffee. -_. A.So do I

37、B. So did I C. Neither did I D. Neither do I 17.Although you like the book, you may only _it for two weeks. A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. stay 18.Yang Feng _ every Saturday afternoon volunteering in an old people s home. A. costs B. takes C. pays D. spends 19.-There was thick haze( 雾霾) in our city th

38、is spring. What do you think of it ?-I think _cars we drive, _pollution our city will have. A. the fewer; the fewer B. the fewer; the less C. The more; the fewer D. the more; the less 20.I hate _the dishes because I think it s boring. A. do B. to doing C.to do 21.Do you often allow_until 11:00 p.m.

39、A. to stay up B. stay up C. staying up D. and stay up 22.I never argue _my parents. A.in B.to C.for D.with 23.What a nice day! We should go sightseeing _watching TV in the hotel. A.because of B. instead of C.together with D.out 24.I don t know when we will _Hong Kong. A. return back B. return to C.

40、return back to D.return 25.-I feel stressed. Could you give me some advice? -_sharing your worries with your parents? A. Why don t you B. How about C. Would you like 26.Lisa doesn t buy a new car, because she doesn t have_. A.money enough B.enough money C.enough time 27.Please write to me as soon as

41、 you _ your school. A.get to B.reach to C.arrive D.come 28.-Our team_the match. We ve got the first place. -Well down! Congratulations! A.hit B.beat C.won 29.-Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walk man? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆-_. I prefer a computer

42、. A. Both B. Either C. None D. Neither 30.The new secretary will meet the manager as soon as she_. A.will arrive B.is arriving C.arrives 31.The car travels_the train. A. two time as fast as B.two times as fast as C.two time as faster as 32.What can we do to protect ourselves _heart disease. A.to B.o

43、ut C.from 33.-Did you borrow the comic book from the library? -Yes. I _ it for three days. I ll return it this afternoon. A.borrowed B.kept C.have borrowed D.have kept 34.-Hello, may I speak to Miss. Wang? -Sorry, she isn t in. She_the office. A.has been to B.has gone to C.has been away 35.-I haven

44、t been to Sanya, how about you? -_ . A. Me too. B. Me neither. C. Me also. D. Me haven t. 36._of the students took part in the sports meeting. A. Three five B. Three fifth C. Three fifths 37._have you stayed in New York? For about two weeks. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far 38.I have

45、had the bike_I was 15 years old. A.for B.since C.in D.on 39.-The little girl didn t stop crying_she found her mother. A.after B.until C.when 40.Your English teacher has never lost his temper, _he? A.has B.hasn t C.did 41.-How is your grandma? - She s fine. She used to_TV at home after supper. But no

46、w she is used to_out for a walk. A.watch; go B.watching; go C.watch; going 二阅读理解。When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said: “ Tony

47、fell from the open window!” She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said, “ Don t worry, I m just joking. ” My mother shouted at me, “ If you do it again, I ll hit you. ”Another day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the beginning I swam f

48、ast and I called out “ Help!” . All my friends came to help me. However, they found that I was joking. But half an hour later I wasn t joking. I was so fast, soon I got tired and couldn t swim on in water. I tried my best to call my friends for help, ut this time nobody came to help me. In the end t

49、hey found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the hospital. This is the best lesson in my life. From then on I haven t joked on anyone. 1.( ) When he was young, the writer liked to_. A.play with his brother B.help his mother cook C.play jokes on people D.go swimming

50、 with his friends 2.( ) What happened when the writer was playing with his brother? A. He got tired. B. He played a joke on his mother. C. Tony fell from the open window. D. His mother hit him. 3.( ) In the beginning, all his friends came to help him because he_. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

51、- - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆A.swam fast B.called for help C.would sink in water D.couldn t swim on in water 4.( ) When the writer called his friends for help for the second time, they_. A.took him to the hospital at once B.came and saved him immediately C.thought at first he was joking again D.did nothing because the the writer had lied to them 5.( ) The story tells us that_. A.swimming is dangerous B.the writer is a naughty boy C.one can play jokes only on people he knows D.if someone always tells lies, others won t trust him 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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