高中英语 Unit 11 The Media Period Four课件 北师大版必修4

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1、Period Four Lesson 4Whats in the Papers?课前预习基础落实课堂讲义核心突破当堂达标检测巩固栏目索引.单词检测单词检测1. n.(做计划或决定时做计划或决定时)必须考虑的事必须考虑的事 v.考虑考虑2. vt.做出做出结论;结束结论;结束 n.结论结论3. adj.天真无邪天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的的,单纯的;无罪的 n.天真无邪天真无邪;无罪,清白;无罪,清白4. n.观光观光,游览游览5. adv.在在西南西南方方答案n词语识记课前预习基础落实considerationconsiderconcludeconclusioninnocentinnocence

2、sightseeingsouthwest答案6. adj.泥泞泥泞的,沾满泥的的,沾满泥的7. n.发言人发言人8. n.场面场面,场景,场景9. n.救护车救护车10. n.草莓草莓11. n.满满满满一车;很多;工作量一车;很多;工作量12. n.勇敢勇敢 adj.勇敢的勇敢的13. n.小说小说,虚构的事,虚构的事14. n.区区,行政区行政区muddy spokesmansceneambulancestrawberryloadbraverybravefictiondistrict答案.短语检测短语检测1. 依照依照,按照,按照2.只要只要3.评论评论4.区别区别5.挡挡道道6. 困困住

3、,陷在住,陷在7.在在最后关头最后关头8. 使使远离远离according toas long ascomment onmake a distinctionin the wayget stuck inat the last minutekeep away from1.Leeds University concluded that people made a distinction between bad language used in programmes for adults,and those meant for children.利利兹兹大大学学得得出出结结论论,人人们们对对成成年年人

4、人节节目目和和儿儿童童节节目目中中使使用用的的不不良良语语言言是是有有区分的。区分的。2.At the last minute,he jumped out of the truck,hurting his ankle,before the trolleybus crashed into the truck,pushing it 20 yards.最最后后一一刻刻,在在电电车车撞撞上上卡卡车车并并把把它它撞撞到到20码码以以外外之之前前,他他跳跳离离了了卡卡车车,伤伤了脚踝。了脚踝。n句式背诵3.“I would have been killed if Id stayed in the truc

5、k,” he said afterwards.他后来说:他后来说:“如果我呆在卡车里,我就没命了。如果我呆在卡车里,我就没命了。”4.A spokesman for the police said,“Its amazing that no one was badly hurt.When we arrived at the scene,we called an ambulance as we saw blood everywhere.”警警方方的的一一位位发发言言人人说说:“没没有有一一个个人人严严重重受受伤伤真真是是一一个个奇奇迹迹。当当我我们们到到达达现场时看到到处是血,就叫来一辆救护车现场

6、时看到到处是血,就叫来一辆救护车”1.The research published by Leeds University shows that .A.people dont mind bad language on programmes for adultsB.people dont mind bad language on programmes for childrenC.people prefer to have bad language on programmes for adultsD.people prefer bad language on television programm

7、es to drugs in films答案n课文预读.课文课文阅读理解阅读理解12435A2.How was the research conducted according to Text A?A.The researchers made people use bad language and drugs.B.The researchers watched films,TV series and cartoons.C.The researchers asked people to comment on some certain films,TV series and cartoons.D.

8、The researchers asked people to watch some certain films,TV series and cartoons.答案答案C答案243513.What caused the accident in Text B to happen?A.The foggy weather.B.The truck drivers carelessness.C.That the truck driver was too old.D.A mysterious force.答案答案A答案24351答案4.From Text B we know .A.the truck dr

9、iver was in his truck until the trolleybus crashed into itB.the strawberries in the truck were destroyedC.the truck and the trolleybus were going in the same directionD.the astronomers jumped out of the trolleybus bravely when it crashed into the truck24351B答案5.Text C mainly tells a piece of news th

10、at .A.four sisters went to America for a 31year holidayB.Lillian missed her daughters very muchC.Lillian was happy to have a long distance journeyD.a mother would meet her separate daughters after 31 years12435D.课文语法填空课文语法填空Some astronomers went 1. a sightseeing trip to the museum of science in a tr

11、olleybus.There was a greengrocers truck which 2._ (park) in the way of the trolleybus.When the truck driver knew his danger he tried to move 3. the tyres got stuck in the 4. (mud) ground.Luckily the driver jumped 5. ,only 6. (hurt) his ankle.Then the trolleybus crashed into the truck.When the police

12、 arrived 7. the scene,they called an ambulance 8. they saw blood everywhere,which was actually strawberry juice.A spokesman for the police said it was really 9. (amaze) that no one was 10. (bad) injured.答案返回onwas parkedbutmuddyouthurtingatbecauseamazingbadly scene n.场面,场景;场面,场景;(戏剧等的戏剧等的)一场;情景;景色;地点

13、;现场一场;情景;景色;地点;现场(1)(原原句句)People were asked to comment on scenes from films like Pulp Fiction,TV series like Channel 4s Brookside and cartoons like South Park.调调查查要要求求观观众众对对低低俗俗小小说说之之类类的的电电影影、第第4频频道道的的小小河河边边之之类的电视连续剧和卡通片南方公园中的电影画面进行评论。类的电视连续剧和卡通片南方公园中的电影画面进行评论。课堂讲义核心突破n重点单词1on the sceneon the spot在现

14、场;在现场;当场当场behind the scenes在幕后;秘密地在幕后;秘密地 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (2)Journalists were on the scene within minutes of the crash.新闻记者在发生撞车事故几分钟后就到达了出事现场。新闻记者在发生撞车事故几分钟后就到达了出事现场。(3)Most important political decisions are made behind the scenes.大多数的重要政治决定都是秘密作出的。大多数的重要政治决定都是秘密作出的。scene,sight,view,scenery(1)scene指指展展现现在

15、在眼眼前前的的情情景景,也也可可指指scenery的的一一部部分分,大大多多包包括括景景物物中中的人及活动在内。的人及活动在内。(2)sight指指眼眼睛睛所所看看到到的的景景象象,可可以以指指美美丽丽的的风风景景,也也可可以以指指悲悲惨惨的的景景象象。常用复数形式常用复数形式sights表示名胜古迹、人文景观等。表示名胜古迹、人文景观等。(3)view表示视野、眼界,常指从某一固定位置见到的景色。表示视野、眼界,常指从某一固定位置见到的景色。(4)scenery指一个国家或地区的整体自然风景,是不可数名词。指一个国家或地区的整体自然风景,是不可数名词。 易混辨析易混辨析 (1)用用scene

16、,sight,view,scenery的正确形式填空的正确形式填空The boats in the harbor made a beautiful .We have a wonderful of the sea from this window.The city is famous for its beautiful .The Imperial Palace is one of the of the world.(2)不久一架直升飞机来到了现场搭救那次飞机失事的幸存者。不久一架直升飞机来到了现场搭救那次飞机失事的幸存者。It was not long before a helicopter a

17、rrived to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.答案 即时即时跟踪跟踪 sceneviewscenerysightson the scene conclude vt.做出结论;结束做出结论;结束(1)(原原句句)Leeds University concluded that people made a distinction between bad language used in programmes for adults,and those meant for children.利利兹兹大大学学做做出出结结论论,人人们们对对成成年年人人节

18、节目目和和儿儿童童节节目目中中使使用用的的不不良良语语言言是是有区别的。有区别的。2 归纳拓展归纳拓展 conclusion n.结论结论conclude.with/by ( (doing) ).以以( (做做) )结束结束conclude sth.from sth.从从中推断出,断定中推断出,断定conclude that.下结论称下结论称;决定;决定to conclude总而言之,最后总而言之,最后draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论得出结论in conclusion最后,总而言之最后,总而言之(2)The princess concl

19、uded her tour with a visit to a charity concert.王妃以出席一场慈善音乐会结束了她的行程。王妃以出席一场慈善音乐会结束了她的行程。(3)Id like to say in conclusion that Im glad you invited me.总之,我很高兴你邀请了我。总之,我很高兴你邀请了我。(1)警察认定他是这件凶杀案的罪犯。警察认定他是这件凶杀案的罪犯。The police he was the criminal of the murder.(2)最后,我祝大家新年快乐。最后,我祝大家新年快乐。,I wish you a happy n

20、ew year.(3)我们得出的结论是:那个房间当时一定是空着的。我们得出的结论是:那个房间当时一定是空着的。We that the room must have been empty.答案 即时即时跟踪跟踪 concluded thatTo concludecame to/arrived at the conclusion consideration n.考考虑虑;深深思思;体体贴贴,关关心心;(作作计计划划或或决决定定时时)必必须须考虑的事考虑的事(1)(原原句句)We have always tried to keep bad language away from innocent ea

21、rs and this is a very important consideration when deciding at what times of day certain programmes are shown.我我们们一一直直努努力力使使天天真真的的儿儿童童远远离离不不良良语语言言,在在决决定定每每天天什什么么时时段段播播放放某某些节目时,这是一个非常重要的考虑。些节目时,这是一个非常重要的考虑。3 归纳拓展归纳拓展 consider v.仔细考虑,深思熟虑仔细考虑,深思熟虑considerate adj.体贴的,替他人着想的体贴的,替他人着想的considering prep. &

22、 conj.考虑到考虑到;就;就而言而言take.into consideration把把考虑在内;考虑;顾及考虑在内;考虑;顾及be under consideration在考虑中在考虑中consider (sb.)doing sth.考虑考虑(某人某人)做某事做某事consider sb.to have done sth.认为某人已经做了某事认为某人已经做了某事consider (2)Safe driving is good because it takes into consideration the lives of other people.安全驾驶很好,因为它顾及到了他人的生命。安

23、全驾驶很好,因为它顾及到了他人的生命。(3)The proposal you came up with is under consideration.你提的建议正在考虑之中。你提的建议正在考虑之中。(4)Jason is considering studying abroad.杰森在考虑出国留学。杰森在考虑出国留学。(1)用用consider的正确形式填空的正确形式填空Taking everything into ,I decided to go there alone.Thank you for your . his poor health,we advised him to stay in

24、 hospital for more days.All things ,we made a careful plan.(2)考虑到他年纪大了,我们没有邀请他去爬山。考虑到他年纪大了,我们没有邀请他去爬山。 ,we didnt invite him to climb the mountain.答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 considerationconsiderationConsideringconsideredConsidering his old age(3)单句改错单句改错Diana is a considering boss who is always willing to listen.答

25、案consideringconsiderate load n.货物,荷载;工作量;装载;负担;货物,荷载;工作量;装载;负担;v.装载装载(1)(原原句句)The greengrocers truck had been carrying a load of fresh strawberries.菜商的卡车装了一车新鲜的草莓。菜商的卡车装了一车新鲜的草莓。4 归纳拓展归纳拓展 take a load off ones mind卸下心头重担;如释重负卸下心头重担;如释重负a load of/loads of许多许多load.with.be loaded with用用装装load sth.into/

26、onto.把某物装入把某物装入(2)His recovery took a load off my mind.他恢复了健康,使我卸下了心头的重担。他恢复了健康,使我卸下了心头的重担。(3)The truck was loaded with watermelons.那辆卡车装满了西瓜。那辆卡车装满了西瓜。(4)How long will it take to load the coal onto the truck?装这卡车煤需要多长时间?装这卡车煤需要多长时间?(1)音乐声太响了,我们收到了很多的投诉。音乐声太响了,我们收到了很多的投诉。We got complaints about the

27、loud music.(2)他的一番话打消了我的顾虑。他的一番话打消了我的顾虑。What he said .答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 a load of took a load off my mind as long as只要;和只要;和一样长;一样长;(用于数字前用于数字前)长达长达(1)(原原 句句 )According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday,people dont mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes

28、 watched by children.据据利利兹兹大大学学昨昨天天发发表表的的一一项项研研究究称称,电电视视中中的的不不良良语语言言,只只要要不不用用于于儿儿童节目,人们并不介意。童节目,人们并不介意。(2)This line is four times as long as that one.这条线是那条线的四倍长。这条线是那条线的四倍长。1n重点短语 归纳拓展归纳拓展 as much as多达多达as far as远至远至;至于;至于as soon as一一就就as.as.跟跟一样一样not as/so.as和和不一样不一样;不如;不如(3)As far as I know,hell

29、be away for two months.据我所知,他要离开两个月。据我所知,他要离开两个月。(4)He jumped with joy as soon as he heard the news.一听到这个消息,他高兴地跳了起来。一听到这个消息,他高兴地跳了起来。(1)你只要为自己的梦想奋斗过,那你就是成功者。你只要为自己的梦想奋斗过,那你就是成功者。 you have struggled for your dream,you are a success.(2)我会尽力帮忙,但我所能做的也是有限度的。我会尽力帮忙,但我所能做的也是有限度的。Ill help I can,but there

30、is a limit to what I can do.(3)只要你不断地练习,你就不会觉得剪纸困难。只要你不断地练习,你就不会觉得剪纸困难。You wont find paper cutting difficult you keep practicing it.(2015北京北京)(4)单句改错单句改错They all continued their regard for me as longer as they lived. 答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 So/As long as as much asas long aslongerlong be meant for打算给打算给,作,作用用(1

31、)(原原句句)Leeds University concluded that people made a distinction between bad language used in programmes for adults,and those meant for children.利利兹兹大大学学做做出出结结论论,人人们们对对成成年年人人节节目目和和儿儿童童节节目目中中使使用用的的不不良良语语言言是是有区别的。有区别的。2 归纳拓展归纳拓展 be meant to do sth.应该做应该做be intended for 打算给;愿意要打算给;愿意要;专门为;专门为设计设计(2)Is

32、this picture meant for me?这幅画是打算给我的吗?这幅画是打算给我的吗?(3)This book is intended for young children.这本书是专供儿童阅读的。这本书是专供儿童阅读的。(1)我以为警察的职责就是保护人民。我以为警察的职责就是保护人民。I thought the police protect people.(2)这些椅子是为客人们准备的。这些椅子是为客人们准备的。These chairs guests.答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 were meant toare meant for in the way妨碍;挡道妨碍;挡道(1)(原原句

33、句)The 60yearold driver of the truck did not know that he was parked in the way of the trolleybus.60岁的卡车司机不知道他停放的车挡住了电车的路。岁的卡车司机不知道他停放的车挡住了电车的路。(2)Can you move that box? Its in the way of the door.你能搬开那只箱子吗?它挡着门了。你能搬开那只箱子吗?它挡着门了。3 归纳拓展归纳拓展 in a way在某种程度上在某种程度上in no way绝不;一点儿也不绝不;一点儿也不( (放在句首时,句子要用倒装语

34、序放在句首时,句子要用倒装语序) )by the way顺便说一下顺便说一下by way of.经由经由,途经,途经on the way to.在去在去的路上的路上(3)In no way shall we give it up.我们绝不放弃。我们绝不放弃。(1)单句语法填空单句语法填空Janes grandmother had wanted to write childrens book for many years,but one thing or another always got in way.(2015浙江浙江)(2)不要挡着路,靠边点让我过去。不要挡着路,靠边点让我过去。Dont

35、 stand .Move aside and let me pass.(3)从某种意义上讲,他接受了这个报价让我觉得有点惊讶。从某种意义上讲,他接受了这个报价让我觉得有点惊讶。 ,Im a little surprised he accepted the offer. 即时跟踪即时跟踪 athein the wayIn a way答案 状语状语从句的省略从句的省略(1)(原原句句)We have always tried to keep bad language away from innocent ears and this is a very important consideration

36、 when deciding at what times of day certain programmes are shown.我我们们一一直直努努力力使使天天真真无无邪邪的的儿儿童童远远离离不不良良语语言言,在在决决定定每每天天什什么么时时段段播播出某些节目时,这是一个非常重要的考虑。出某些节目时,这是一个非常重要的考虑。n经典句式1 句式分析句式分析 when deciding是是when引导的时间状语从句,并且从句省去了主语和引导的时间状语从句,并且从句省去了主语和be。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 在在when,while,though,as,unless等等连连词词引引导导的的状状语语从从句

37、句中中,如如果果主主句句的的主主语语和和从从句句的的主主语语相相同同或或从从句句的的主主语语是是it,且且从从句句的的谓谓语语动动词词是是be的某种形式时,就可以省去从句的主语和的某种形式时,就可以省去从句的主语和be。(2)Do be careful when (you are) crossing the street.过马路时一定要小心。过马路时一定要小心。(3)If (it is) properly treated,waste will do no harm to the environment.如果废物得到了妥善处理,就不会对环境有危害。如果废物得到了妥善处理,就不会对环境有危害。(1

38、)Jim 匆忙离开了时间,好像生气了。匆忙离开了时间,好像生气了。Jim hurriedly left the room .(2)除非你被邀请,否则你不应该来参加他的宴会。除非你被邀请,否则你不应该来参加他的宴会。You shouldnt come to his party .(3)单句改错单句改错While waited,I was reading some magazines. 答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 as if/though (he was) angryunless (you were) invitedwaitedwaiting 虚拟虚拟语气用法语气用法(1)(原原句句)“I would

39、 have been killed if Id stayed in the truck,” he said afterwards.他后来说:他后来说:“如果我呆在卡车里,我就没命了。如果我呆在卡车里,我就没命了。”2I would have been killed if Id stayed in the truck该该句句是是虚虚拟拟语语气气在在条条件件句句中中的的应应用用,表表示示与与过过去去事事实实相相反反的的虚虚拟拟语语气气。其其结结构构为为:条条件件句句中中用用“had过过去去分分词词”,主主句句用用“would/could/might/shouldhave过去分词过去分词”。 句式分

40、析句式分析 归纳归纳拓展拓展 ( (1) )表表示示与与现现在在事事实实相相反反的的虚虚拟拟语语气气,其其结结构构为为:,条条件件句句中中用用“动动词词过过去去 式式 ( (be常常 用用 were, 口口 语语 中中 也也 用用 was”; 主主 句句 中中 用用“would/could/might/should动词原形动词原形”。( (2) )表示与将来事实相反或实现的可能性不大的虚拟语气,其结构为:表示与将来事实相反或实现的可能性不大的虚拟语气,其结构为:条件句的谓语动词有三种形式:条件句的谓语动词有三种形式:动词过去式动词过去式( (be用用were) )should动词原形动词原形w

41、ere to动词原形动词原形主句:主句:would/could/might/should动词原形。动词原形。(2)If you had studied hard,you would have passed the exam.如果你努力学习了,你就会通过考试了。如果你努力学习了,你就会通过考试了。(3)If I knew the answer,I would tell you.如果我知道如果我知道答案答案,我会告诉你的。,我会告诉你的。(4)If I were to do it,I would do it in a different way.要是我来做这件事,我会用另一种方法来做。要是我来做这

42、件事,我会用另一种方法来做。 即时即时跟踪跟踪 (1)用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空If I (see) it with my own eyes, I wouldnt have believed it.(2015北京北京)答案hadnt seenIt is lucky we booked a room,or we (have) nowhere to stay now.(2015安徽安徽)(2)如果我是一只小鸟,我就能在空中飞行。如果我是一只小鸟,我就能在空中飞行。If I a bird,I in the air.(3)如果我及时做的话,日子就好过多了。如果我及时做的话,日子就好过

43、多了。If I it in time,I a good time.(4)如果明天下雨的话,我就不开车了。如果明天下雨的话,我就不开车了。If it tomorrow,I my car.答案返回would havewerecould flyhad doneshould have hadwere to rainshould not drive.单词拼写单词拼写1.We all admire him for his (勇敢勇敢) and confidence.2.Planes (装载装载) with earthquake aid landed in Tokyo airport safely.3.He

44、 is badly hurt by the car.Please ring up 120 and call an (急急救车救车).4.He is proved to be (无罪的无罪的) of the charge.5.I always use a minicamera when I go (观光观光).6.I was driving my car along a (泥泞的泥泞的) path.答案当堂达标检测巩固 braveryloadedambulanceinnocentsightseeingmuddy答案.选词填空选词填空 on the scene,be meant for,in th

45、e way,get stuck in,conclude from1.I his appearance that he was a foreigner.2.The thief was caught by the police .3.It is a shame that your car the snow.4.These rooms the childrens centre.5.Theres nothing standing of my ambition. concluded fromon the scenegot stuck in are meant for in the way.完成句子完成句

46、子1.不是所有的人都适合从事那类工作。不是所有的人都适合从事那类工作。 are suitable for that kind of work.2.要是他当初听从我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了。要是他当初听从我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了。If he ,he might not have made such a bad mistake.3.你必须考虑到质量的问题。你必须考虑到质量的问题。Youd better .4.只要你不背叛我,你让我做什么我都会去做。只要你不背叛我,你让我做什么我都会去做。 ,Ill do whatever you ask me to (do).5.在需要的地方填写这个表格。在需要的地方填写这个表格。Fill in the form .答案 返回Not all menhad taken my advicetake the quality into considerationAs long as you dont betray mewhere (it is) necessary



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