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1、Unit 6 Caring for your healthModule 3 Sport and health一、根据汉语写出英文单词1. 实施;执行(v.) _2. 争吵(n.) _3. 压力(n.) _4. 是否(conj.) _ 5. 风险(n.) _6. 守卫(v.) _7. 取消;终止(v.) _ 8. 有希望的(adj.) _ 9. 迫使(v.) _10. 私人的(adj.) _ 11. 有规律的(adj.) _12. 恢复;痊愈(n.) _ 自主预习自主预习conductquarrelpressurewhetherriskguardcancelbrightforceprivater

2、egularrecovery二、根据汉语写出以下词组1. 解决;处理 _2. 防止;提防 _3. 抵消 _4. 持乐观的态度 _5. 开始做;学着做 _6. 忙于做 _7. 把抛在后面 _8. 使振奋起来_deal withguard againstcancel outlook on the bright sidetake up(be) busy withleave.behindcheer.up三、翻译以下句子1. 他们过分专注于处理来自同龄人的压力。_2. 你应该意识到压力危害你的健康。_3. 你应该对生活总是持乐观的态度。_4. 当你忙于爱好时,你会抛开所有的担忧。_5. 当你情绪低落时,

3、看场有趣的电影或和朋友讲讲笑话通常将使你振奋起来。_They focus too much on dealing with peer pressure.You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health.You should always look on the bright side of life.When you are busy with a hobby, you leave all your worries behind.Seeing a funny film or telling jokes with friends w

4、ill often cheer you up when you are low.词汇精析词汇精析【1】quarreln. an angry argument between two or more friends or family members 争吵争吵They had a quarrel about money. 为了钱,他们争吵了一次。【拓展】 quarrel v. 争吵quarrel with sb. about sth. 为某事与某人争吵My brother and I used to quarrel about trifles. 过去我弟弟和我经常为了小事而争吵。【应用】She

5、_ (quarrel) with her brother about their fathers will. quarrelled【2】pressuren. feel that you must do a lot of tasks or make a lot of decisions in very little time, or that people expect a lot from you (因任务紧、决策时间短或别因任务紧、决策时间短或别人的期望多而感到的人的期望多而感到的) 压力;压力;force that you produce when you press hard on so

6、mething (用力按压而产生的用力按压而产生的) 压力压力 Can you work under pressure? 你能在压力下工作吗你能在压力下工作吗?【拓展】【拓展】 1under pressure 承受压力承受压力The team performs well under pressure. 这个团队在这个团队在压力下表现良好。压力下表现良好。2put pressure on sb. to do 给某人施压去给某人施压去做做We put pressure on the government to take action. 我们给政府施压,令其采取行动。我们给政府施压,令其采取行动。【

7、应用】【应用】Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer _ (press). pressure【3】focusv. concentrate on something and think about it, discuss it, or deal with it, rather than deal with other topics集中注意力、精力等于集中注意力、精力等于Today he was able to focus his message exclusively on the economy. 今天他能够将报告的重点聚今天他能够将报告的

8、重点聚焦在经济方焦在经济方面。面。【拓展】【拓展】 focus on 集中于集中于The discussion focused on three main problems. 讨论集中在三个主要问题上。讨论集中在三个主要问题上。【应用】【应用】Each exercise _ (focus) on a different grammar point. focuses【4】riskn. possibility 风险风险Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease. 吸烟可能增加患心脏病的风险。吸烟可能增加患心脏病的风险。【拓展】

9、【拓展】 1at risk=in danger 有危险有危险If we go to war, innocent lives will be put at risk. 如如果我们发动战争,无辜的生命就会受到威胁。果我们发动战争,无辜的生命就会受到威胁。2take a risk/ take risks 去冒险去冒险You have no right to take risks with other peoples lives. 你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。【应用】【应用】The dogs are at _ (risk). risk【5】guardv. stand n

10、ear a place, person or object in order to watch and protect them 守卫;保卫守卫;保卫The dog is guarding its owners luggage. 狗守护着主狗守护着主人的行李。人的行李。【拓展】【拓展】 1guard n. 警卫员警卫员a security guard 平安警卫平安警卫border guards 边防卫士边防卫士2guard against 防止;提防防止;提防I think it necessary to take action to guard against accidents. 我认为采

11、取措施来防范事故是必要的。我认为采取措施来防范事故是必要的。【应用】【应用】Do you think its a good way _ (guard) against pollution? to guard【6】cancelv. stop something from happening 取消;取消;撤销;终止撤销;终止All flights have been cancelled because of the bad weather. 因天气恶劣,所有航班均被取消了。因天气恶劣,所有航班均被取消了。【拓展】【拓展】 1cancel=call off 取消取消 If it rains tomo

12、rrow, lets call off the trip. 如果明天下如果明天下雨,我们就取消行程。雨,我们就取消行程。2cancel out 抵消;对消抵消;对消 Her income and spending cancel out. 她的收入和支她的收入和支出正好平衡。出正好平衡。【应用】【应用】()The advantages and disadvantages of the policy appear to cancel _. A. outB. in C. againstA【7】forcev. make someone do something even though they do

13、not want to, for example, by threatening them 强迫;迫使某人做某事强迫;迫使某人做某事The president was forced to resign. 总统被迫辞职。总统被迫辞职。【同根词】【同根词】 1forceful adj. 强有力的强有力的She made a forceful speech. 她作了一个有力的发她作了一个有力的发言。言。2forced adj. 被迫的被迫的He made a forced landing on a highway. 他迫降在高他迫降在高速公路上。速公路上。【拓展】 force sb. to do 迫

14、使某人做The robber forced him to hand over the money. 强盗逼他把钱交出来。【应用】I was _ (force) to take a taxi because the last bus had left. forced【8】privateadj. things belong only to someone, or may only be used by someone 私人的;私人的;meetings, discussions, and other activities involve only a small number of people,

15、and very little information about them is given to other people 私下的私下的 (会晤、讨论等会晤、讨论等)The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms. 这家旅馆有110间房,均配有独立卫生间。Senior officials held private talks. 高级官员举行了秘密会谈。【同根词】 privacy n. 隐私;私密He resented the publication of this book, which he saw as an embarra

16、ssing invasion of his privacy. 他憎恨这本书的出版,他将此看作是对其隐私的令人难堪的侵犯。【拓展】 public school 公立学校private school 私立学校【应用】You must not disturb a persons _ (private). privacy【9】cheerv. make others happier or less worried 鼓鼓励,鼓舞;励,鼓舞;people shout loudly to show their approval or to encourage someone who is doing some

17、thing such as taking part in a game 欢呼欢呼Cheer up, and lets go on trying. 打起精神来,我们再试试。【同根词】 cheerful adj. 开心的;愉快的We saw a cheerful smile on her face. 在她的脸上,我们看到了开心的笑容。【拓展】 cheer sb. up 使某人变得更快乐;振奋起来He was sorry for her and tried to cheer her up. 他为她感到难过,并努力使她振作起来。【应用】It was such _ (cheer) news that a

18、ll of us couldnt fall asleep. cheerful语法梳理语法梳理语法精讲一、形容词一、形容词+that+that+从句从句1. 1. 根本结构根本结构主语主语+ +系动词系动词+ +形容词形容词+ +从句从句He is certain who will come. He is certain who will come. 他清楚谁会来。他清楚谁会来。2. 2. 时态选择时态选择(1)(1)如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词可根据需要选用相应的任何时态。可根据需要选用相应的任何时态。I am afraid th

19、at we will miss the train. I am afraid that we will miss the train. 恐怕我们恐怕我们要错过火车了。要错过火车了。(2)如果主句的谓语动词为一般过去时,从句的谓语动词一般用过去时态,即:一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时或过去完成时。He was sorry that he had forgotten his sons birthday. 他为忘记儿子的生日而感到抱歉。I was surprised that he lost the game. 我很吃惊他输了比赛。二、宾语从句二、宾语从句1. 根本结构根本结构主语主语+谓语谓语

20、+引导词引导词+宾语从句宾语从句You will find that taking up a hobby is good. 你会发你会发现培养一个兴趣爱好是很棒的。现培养一个兴趣爱好是很棒的。2. that 引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句(1)谓语谓语+that 从句如果宾语从句较短,那么在从句如果宾语从句较短,那么在believe, hear, know, see, think等动词后可省去等动词后可省去that, 尤其在口语中较尤其在口语中较常见。常见。I think that you are a good student. 我认为你是个我认为你是个好学生。好学生。(2)谓语谓语+间接宾语间

21、接宾语+that从句常用于该句型的动词有从句常用于该句型的动词有tell, explain, inform, remind等。等。He told me that he would come tomorrow. 他告诉过他告诉过我他明天会来。我他明天会来。3. wh-疑问词引导的宾语从句谓词+wh-疑问词引导的宾语从句常见的wh-疑问词有what, why, how, where, when, which, who等。常用于该句型的动词有ask, decide, imagine, know, see, show, tell, wonder等。I wonder when my father wil

22、l come back home. 我想知道我父亲什么时候会回家。直击中考1. Have you asked the teacher _ tomorrow morning? 2021兰州A. if we needed an umbrella B. when and where we shall meet C. how shall we get there D. what should we takeB2. I am not sure _.You can ask him for help. 2021长沙A. where are the restrooms B. where were the re

23、strooms C. where the restrooms are D. where the restrooms were3. Philip has gone to New Zealand.Oh, can you tell me _? 2021绵阳A. when did he leave B. when he is leaving C. when he leftD. when is he leavingCC写作乐园写作乐园话题十四给朋友的一封邮件目前,九年级的同学们学习任务繁重,易产生焦虑等情绪。你的朋友Simon以往性格开朗,最近因感觉九年级功课压力大而变得少言寡语,与同学沟通困难。他在英

24、语学习方面有困难,而且考前紧张失眠。此外,他因父母让他放弃他喜爱的篮球活动而与父母吵架。假设你叫Joe,请根据Simon的问题,用英语给他写封email,提出解决方案。要求:1. 针对问题,用不同的方式提建议;2. 语言流畅,语法正确;3. 词数:80左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数【常用词组】1. get along with. 与相处2. communicate with. 与沟通【精彩句型】1. Im writing to give you some help.我写这封信来给予你一些帮助。2. Why not take notes in class and practise more

25、 after class?为何不在课堂勤做笔记,课后勤练习呢?【范文赏析范文赏析】Dear Simon, Im sorry to hear that you have had so much trouble since you got into Grade 9. Im writing to give you some help. You used to be outgoing and now you dont want to express yourself because of the stress from study. So you dont get along well with yo

26、ur classmates. I think you should communicate with your classmates often. As for your English study, why not take notes in class and practise more after class? Learn to relax!Take a long walk before the exam. You love basketball but your parents asked you to stop it because they want you to pay more attention to your study. If I were you, Id talk with them instead of arguing with them. I hope what I said could help you. Best wishes,Yours,Joe



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