江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit 6 Bird watching grammar》课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、8AUnit 6 Birdwatching Grammar1. Understand Understand using to-infinitives for using to-infinitives for purposepurpose, and remember , and remember the verbsthe verbs in the in the structure structure “verbs+objectsverbs+objects +to-infinitives +to-infinitives”. . 理解理解动词不定式表目的,动词不定式表目的,记住用记住用动词不定式做宾

2、语动词不定式做宾语补足语补足语的动词。的动词。2.Be able to use to-infinitives for purpose 2.Be able to use to-infinitives for purpose and and “verbs+objects+toverbs+objects+to-infinitives-infinitives” freely freely by by self-study and group workself-study and group work. . 通过自主学习和通过自主学习和小组合作能准确自如应用这两个语法项目。小组合作能准确自如应用这两个语

3、法项目。3. 3. Enjoy studying and sharing your ideas Enjoy studying and sharing your ideas with others.with others. 乐于分享,享受学习的乐趣。乐于分享,享受学习的乐趣。 Why do you study hard?I study hard to.I study hard to make my parents happy.I study hard to get good grades.I study hard to find a good job in the future.I study

4、hard to make contributions to my country .Why does your mother get up early?My mother gets up early.My mother gets up early to cook dinners for me.My mother gets up early to catch the early bus.My mother gets up early to send me to school.Why do I work hard?You work hard to.I work hard to make more

5、money.I work hard to buy some presents for my families.I work hard to set a good example for my students.I work hard to prove Im a good teacher.= Using to-infinitives for purposeGames要求:要求:1.小组合作,所有成员参与。小组合作,所有成员参与。 2.每个句子必须用上每个句子必须用上to do表目的。表目的。 3.句子多者多得分。句子多者多得分。A: I study hard to speak Englsih w

6、ell.B: I speak English well to travel around the world.C: I travel around the world to make many friends.D: I make many friends to make me happy.E: I am happy to make my parents happy. .(play basketball/ make money/ learn English.)drink a glass of milk every dayMy mother asks meto drink a glass of m

7、ilk every day.think carefullyOur teacher advises himto think carefully.not to tell liesOur teacher told us not to tell lies.好好学习好好学习天天向上天天向上Chairman Mao wished usto study hard every day.Chairman Mao wished us not to waste energy.浪费精力浪费精力save energyChairman Xi wanted us to save energy.Chairman Xi wan

8、ted us not to waste energy.节约能源节约能源1. My mother asks me to drink a glass of milk every day.2. Our teacher advises us to think carefully.3. Chairman Mao wished us to study hard every day.4. Chairman Xi wants us to save energy.=ask/advise/want/wish sb to do sthverbs+objets+to-infinitivesOur teacher to

9、ld us not to tell lies.Chairman Mao wished us not to waste time.Chairman Xi wanted us not to waste energy.= tell/wish/want sb not to do sthChoose a number you like and you will get a point you are right.快速说出至少三个用快速说出至少三个用动词原形动词原形作宾语补作宾语补足语的单词。足语的单词。( . sb do sth)每说出每说出一个加一分一个加一分快速反应快速反应see watch hea

10、r listen tolet make help用动词不定式用动词不定式表目的表目的(using to-infinitives for purpose)和动词和动词不定式不定式做宾语补足语做宾语补足语(verbs+objets+to-infinitives)各说一句话各说一句话。Fill in the blanks:1. People take cameras _(take) photos of the birds.2. My mother asks me _ (not tell) lies.3. Our teacher advises us _ (run) very day.4. His s

11、tory made all of us _ (laugh).to takenot to tellto runlaughP731.People go to Zhalong2.They should read about the birds first3.Most people take a camera4.The Birdwatching Society goes a. to take photos of the birds b. to study the birds in the wetlands c. to watch the birds d. to learn more about the

12、m 假设你是小明,你和朋友去卧龙自然保护区参观大熊假设你是小明,你和朋友去卧龙自然保护区参观大熊猫,你同学针对这件事对你进行了采访,内容可包括:猫,你同学针对这件事对你进行了采访,内容可包括:A:Why did you get up early? B: We get up early.A: What did the workers advise you to do?B: They advised us.A: What did the workers ask you not to do?B: They asked us.A: What did you see?B: I saw.可适当添加内容可适

13、当添加内容 小组对话后,可以适当添加内容,把采访和回小组对话后,可以适当添加内容,把采访和回答内容整理成一篇短文,介绍这次旅行。答内容整理成一篇短文,介绍这次旅行。(1)尽可能应用连接词和好的句型结构。)尽可能应用连接词和好的句型结构。 (2)书写认真规范。)书写认真规范。 Share you writing in your group and correct the mistakes with each other. Choose the best one in your group to share in class. From the study of this unit and thi

14、s class we know many birds and animals are in danger now. They wish us to save them. I hope that you can do your best to protect them. Please remember: protecting them is protecting ourselves!( )1.So much work usually makes them _ very tired. A. to feel B. feels C. feeling D. feel( ) 2.The teacher a

15、dvised me _more carefully next time. A.read B.reads C.reading D.to read ( )3.The worker is very tired. He needs _ a sleep. A. have B. having C. to have D. had( )4.She asked me _ the teacher her secret. A. not to tell B. dont tell C. not tell D. dont to tell( )5.We can make a fire _ the room warm. A. to keep B. keep C. kept D. keepingDDCAAThank you!Class is over.



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