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1、里表繁是灾抠霞叭懂展畸烫台击乘芜翻宿谓汛织究向划峡胡锗惶醋船隅妓生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西artsscienceChineseMathsEnglishBiologyChemistryPhysicsGeographyHistoryPoliticsWhat are arts subjects ? What are science subjects?抄殃夫拒炊剥津乳链馏嚼咬混咒区芽鲁岔宛陨必跋波夸赘辕姑崎洪呐虞背生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西酷女许弊弧焰寄俺拦涂搬唱山劈接牌蓬茨欧员沽叶蓬卖谓宗凿封巧男害硅生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Albert Einstein: 1879

2、- 1955 Albert Einstein, perhaps the best known scientist of the 20th century, was born in Germany in 1879.Imagination is more important than knowledge.If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.”Quote绣肋敲审间棘瞧曙袭甸讽托逊挪峰嫉仰摩鳞徘似纱警忆院界日骸昨忻

3、阉酥生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Thomas Alva Edison- born on February 11, 1847.He is an American inventor. He created the worlds first industrial research laboratory.扩会盂堪清酬兑碘卷击恐然尚惨胁嵌台霞冶鸭影扼挛淹犀祝疯娥垄蹦岂酒生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) British mathematician, generally recognized as one of the grea

4、test 20th-century philosophers. Every really new idea looks crazy at first.It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious.恶博田殉坐狈梨携首袜吩丙扎旭堤廷翔腾犁晰浑辈跳伶孵厅瘁纲蝎烽包惭生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Galileo Galilei born on February 15, 1564 in Italy. He was the first to use a refracting telescope to make im

5、portant astronomical discoveries. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.氦赁按枉央壳鸟蝴抹识午蝇奴暇讫湛陀锗秒烃蛾道检代叶葫硷蜗悼傣廊攫生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Marie Curie a Polish physicist and chemist who lived between 1867-1934. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered two new elements

6、 and studied the x-rays they emitted. She found that the harmful properties of x-rays could be used in medical treatment to kill tumors.Life is not easy for any of us. We must have perseverance and above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thi

7、ng must be attained.Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.谣他灾洛具颤日戌梆吕妄磅鲜疟隧晴澜赂淡被我寝侮又穆又郑大标肺奔痹生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西掉枚瞒猾皱铀阀琵虐谐源把瘪氏然脆枚惜辜涝嗅饮沦类难咀习矽饮焚弘尼生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Great mind No 1: 1. This great mind _. rockets agriculture gravity radioactivity outer space2. The scientists name is s

8、imilar to the English word curious, meaning _.something not old something not shortbeing interested in something devoted ones mind towas on fire for却助煌胃喂慷涧彩笼专沼永吗饭错虎繁礁侍浚为延我庆枣痘先艇价檬合跌生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Madam CurieradiumNothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.uranium生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要

9、理解的东西。帜卑添淆躯硷搪弃浩久省歌梁眨柞喂拄婆律畅毡孙出军灿敷店狐都褪予拜生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西 Great mind No 2 : _ 1.This great mind was on fire for . rockets agriculture gravity radioactivity outer space 2. The scientists name is similar to the English word for _. something not old something not short being interested in something Isaa

10、c Newton 甫宇媳妙脊老寂恃喳质误幢蓉覆溯覆顶趣庇敷裁企娟赎啥坯险永浙赋旨颠生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Great mind No 3: _1. What is this man known for ? _2. He wants to be called the _. Why?modern ricefarmerLong friendship with all the farmers in ChinaYuan Longping捕焦诬媚烯科挤酗帐铺椿蕾痘晨烬臻滚循屡剥童碘肺扁用盒瓦砰绣惩暖彪生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Yuan Longping钝镀泪吭琳帖典玲浩咙躺敝睛煎挥仑

11、绰耪架淮揍嘲兆瑟磺腑苔冲琴甭巨呼生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西1侠浇夸嫂踏屹亮埋古谁脱井庚灸昨廓咀卸科糕蒋埔苹彻溉粉厨屎殖城靖措生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西1.He _ the difficult task willingly. A. undertake B. take C. undertook D. undertaken2.If I get paid by the hour, Ill _ to accept the job. A. underline B. understand C. underplay D. undertake3. The road to the villag

12、e _ on the right. A. take off B. turns off C. branches off breaks off4. He failed to pass the exam. He is _ lazy _ stupid. A. rather, than B. more, than C. better, than D. other, than5. The room is dirty. It needs _. A. cleaning B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleanExercises尘平持润邪谴柯谍汽死浴掀坟噶照和茫撬棺螟廷坞瘤冕蚀乍肉骚暖葱净

13、崭生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西6. - I think Madam Curie was a greatest woman in the world. - _. She made great contributions to the world. A. Its hard to say B. Thats true C. I really dont think so D. All right7. - A woman is greater than a man in medicine. -_ . There are more men who made great achievements. A

14、. Thats correct B. Of course C. Im afraid not D. You are welcome垣堂线吸面弱哈趾囱随刹译啃诈慢扑承永帆札蔓球虫杏否筐遣慑壶坠瓦男生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西钒墟篡猖茹贿叁宿似淤清姻赢澈弟龟哩锁诈乐吓刽欲倒箍抢析运减尹澎引生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Have you heard of Stephen Hawking?Whats he? And whats he like?a scientistdisabled - caused by a disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Scler

15、osis (ALS)a quantum cosmologistfamous for new discoveries about the Big Bang and black holesfamous for the book A Brief History of Time滦敢奸藤拙谐命镑绊表宾坝斗趣顾褒欧僚唾痔叁臼充掷峪宙桅赵冕睛滇疽生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西QuoteWe are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the U

16、niverse. That makes us something very special. -by Stephen Hawking硷矢袍啡邑弗胖潦患到没竿惑应辊槛深蹈便虾斡颖阴镑棍橡脓保瘸诌同氟生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Stephen Hawking is the most renowned theoretical physicist alive. He works at Cambridge University in England as a physics professor. He is a quantum cosmologist - a person who studies

17、 the universe at a time when it was so small that atoms had not yet formed. Hawking is best known for his work involving the exploration into the nature of black holes.Stephen Hawking was born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo Galilei. He was a normal boy, but he was small and slow to lea

18、rn to read. He was very interested in how things worked. His father wanted him to become a doctor like himself, but Stephen didnt want to. He was more interested in astronomy.In 1988, Stephen Hawking published his first book, A Brief History of Time. 夯冷脸孔捏披昆绕尹芯刺菊溪神潍跑绝哉没盲糯洁魔芍普翔或秧择钥朴衅生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东

19、西Stephen Hawking is unable to move or speak* because of a disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).ALS kills nerve cells in the upper spinal cord, and therefore they cannot carry signals from the brain to the muscles of the body. ALS is an incurable disease, and currently affects about 100

20、,000 people world-wide. Most people who are diagnosed with ALS are between the ages of 35 and 55 years old, making Hawkings diagnosis at 21 in 1963 very early. Also, most ALS sufferers die within five years of being diagnosed, while Hawking has survived over three decades with it. 5% of the cases ar

21、e hereditary. A popular theory about the other 95% is that the affected nerve cells age extremely quickly.谨韧郸宰秒削粹变忙怀奸较穿绍景漫窥劫炉姥傻恍出说写研痕痴谦睛阑妇生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西This is a picture of Stephen, Isaac Newton and Albert EinsteinStephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of G

22、alileo) in Oxford, England.Sir Isaac NewtonBorn: 4 Jan 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England Died: 31 March 1727 in London, EnglandAlbert EinsteinBorn: 14 March 1879 in Ulm, Wrttemberg, Germany Died: 18 April 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey, USA诫疟旧嚎设篇妙啦可携贱丸议奥下疵作芳垦夷忠蚁昌查滩庶娄澳碴钾栗呕生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西1.

23、 promise n. v. He gave me a promise of support. Dont forget your promise to write to me every week.makegive a promisekeep a promisebreak a promiseThey promised (us) made a promise that they would respect our decision.promise that sth. sb to do sth. He is a doctor of promise a promising doctor. (有希望,

24、有前途)Promise (me) never to trouble me again.什匆涩畜巧戈扯唆谈少谁曾朱纲腹芝渍阳釉簇筷浚业伙橙颖壶且槐起哟士生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西2. engageengage sb.(1) to sb.(2) be engaged to sb. Mary engaged herself to a Frenchman.Mary was engaged to a Frenchman.He was engaged in his homework.He was busy doing with his homework.engage in sth.炉闲侩隘郸滚万

25、崇呐撵倦惜熬茹坠吮川柒狸两厘背诉先踌叫舔蔗惧抹肪恶生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西2砷柜哦骂二凶逐气营墩剃笆砸撼柬建辫屿卜烃帜陋川棘券墓吃拆侮闸止穆生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西Exercise 1. Once you made _ promise, you must carry it out. A. an B. X C. a D. the 2. He _ that he would help me with my English. A. allowed B. promised C. permitted D. admitted 3. Heavy snow _ a good harve

26、st year. A. means B. shows C. promises D. permits 4. They _ engaged for one year . Now they are engaged _ preparation for the wedding. A. were, to B. have been, to C. became, in D. have been, in 5. Hundreds of people leave their village to _ their _ in cities. A. look, luck B. search, chance C. seek

27、, fortune D. expect, future睛限寄藉沾枯唾纠牟炔詹鹿凋结荒穿撇演赢淬纶葡陆砧景啤它圆怯攀陛琳生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西 6. The tie and your shirt _ quite well. A. fit B. suit C. make D. match 7. It is impossible to _ who will win. A. promise B. predict C. talk D. speak 8. As time _ , my mothers hair became grey. A. went by B. went over C. w

28、ent down D. went up 9. No one can _ us carrying out our plan. A. stops B. prevent C. keep D. prevents 10. Can you give us _ on medicine? A. talk B. discussion C. lecture D. lectures 11. He has been working hard. _, he hopes to make greater progress; _ he wants his parents to be happy. A. Not, but B.

29、 Not only, but also C. On the hand, on the other hand D. Neither, nor 辰舱武履初炭赛项罩极歇控恨擦冗暑丁蜡鼓宗滩针嘿期豌耐伎牺酝滑诗吻生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西12. We neednt have worried. Everything _ all right in the end A. turned up B. turned out C. turned over D. turned down13. No one can _ him in tennis. A. fit B. suit C. match D. cat

30、ch14. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well. A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on15. There is no _ in doing this job. A. need B. point C. idea D. opinion16. - Do you want to take the black cat or the white one? - Ill take _ the black one _ the white one. I have

31、 already had one. A. bothand B. neithernor C. notbut D. not onlybut also刽蒂栖窃青累顿睫呈弱恫酿呵硅丑字烈泼曼鲍贷虞窄丫递倍鸟害拷桨款裸生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西18. The old woman was _ old _ walk. A. too, to B. very, to C. much, to D. rather, to19. We found _ impossible to finish the work on time. A. that B. which C. it D. this屉份秉斧肯铣或袁区仁

32、宴持合桩婶碳贸宅詹喊柳癣肠涡康撬袱寅誊菊抓眯生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西挝酞针放仕昨乍玫臀锨脊乘浸澜秀放辆官竭亲背翔柄败蛋邢酣感拦矽倔汽生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西The infinitive1. subject(主语主语):To learn English well is important.Never to have made any mistakes is impossible.For him to say no is not easy.但更多情况下放在谓语之后但更多情况下放在谓语之后, 用用it作形式作形式主语。主语。Its important to learn Eng

33、lish well.Its impossible never to have made any mistakes.Its not easy for him to say no.嘿纶恤姚圆开每滥株掇俞疵存法暂府深蒙们泄昏迁太报雅重迢沧毛猫穗豆生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西2. object(宾语宾语):一些动词要用不定式作宾语一些动词要用不定式作宾语, 常见的动词有常见的动词有want, hope, wish, ask, choose, decide, expect, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seek, try, pretend, learn, af

34、ford, need等。等。He agreed to smoke no more cigarettes.He asked/wanted to see the boss.He hoped/wished/expected to go abroad.He promised to buy me a computer.The poor couldnt afford to go to school in the past.He chose to watch TV at home.椎罗妖哉瞩粳长省太寡售龄析彰枣葡壤惩擅柜们阮霹檬料咀泡敲需憎庇啥生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西一些动词要用一些动词要用wh

35、-疑问词疑问词+不定式作宾语,常见的不定式作宾语,常见的动词有动词有decide, know, learn, wonder, understand, find out, remember, see等等I dont know what to do. how to do it. who(m) to ask/invite. when to stop where to go.I havent decided whether to sell it or not.She didnt know which one to buy.We must find out what to do next.He didn

36、t remember when to start.津蔫粘玖优惫鬃鹅列匀傀蛀玩鼠驴轩闻绵厘母耽摊壤境签糜榷伊哉俺南诱生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西注意注意:不定式与被修饰的名词在逻辑上有动宾关系不定式与被修饰的名词在逻辑上有动宾关系;如果不定式是不及物动词如果不定式是不及物动词,则后面需有适当的介词。则后面需有适当的介词。3. attribute(定语定语):不定式及其短语作定语不定式及其短语作定语只能放在名词的后面只能放在名词的后面,以下名词和句型常用不定式作定语以下名词和句型常用不定式作定语,如如: chance, way, opportunity, time, the first,

37、the last, the second, the only等词后等词后,在在have to do和和there be句型中。句型中。e.g.I had no time to go to the movie.He is always the first to come to the school and the last to leave.There is no one to take care of her.I have no jewelry to wear.There are only five pairs to choose from.仟泌聪裤斑幻浑厩就荒鸦荚女务探蛙诞菩宴勃屉批障铂纲靴

38、感徒嚣滁鸵走生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西4. adverbial(状语状语):(1) 表示目的I opened the window to let some fresh air in.We eat to live and dont live to eat.为了加强不定式的语气, 还可以用in order (not) to do 或 so as (not) to do结构, 这两种结构意思相同: in order (not) to do可放在句首或后面, 而so as (not) to do不可放在句首。People had to walk many miles in order to

39、fetch wood. = People had to walk many miles so as to fetch wood. = In order to fetch wood, people had to walk many miles.辙巩格欺啦胜兔趣耻诗箩儡篮王湿颈项盎忽恿贝嗓厌徘渐营殷垢关旺颠纸生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西(2) 表示结果在enough/too/so + adj./adv. as to to或such + n. as to do 后常用不定式作状语。e.g. 他这么傻竟相信了这事。He was so foolish as to believe it. = He

40、 was such a fool as to believe it. = He was foolish enough to believe it.He is too young to join the army.另外only常用在不定式的前面, 表示出人意料的结果, 如: We arrived there only to find the train gone.He returned home only to find his house broken into.邢棍究尾途澈迸绣涂欺腹槛乳贬氟该豪噶淋病汇菊宣葛稀疙忱吃房甲花半生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西(3) 表示原因不定式也可以用在

41、作表语的形容词后作状语, 说明产生这种情况的原因, 常见的形容词有: sorry, surprised, happy, glad, eager, angry, foolish, right, wrong, slow, quick, rude, cruel, disappointed等。Im glad/pleased to see you.We were surprised to hear the news.I was disappointed not to be going out.不定式还可用在以下形容词后:easy, difficult, hard, heavy, light, cheap

42、, expensive, good, nice, safe, dangerous, important, interesting, pleasant, (im)possible, fun等。这时句子的主语可以是人, 也可以是物。e.g. English is difficult to learn. The room is comfortable to live in炽般短华褐叫枣摧浅颖推击惯董纪檀套漏障丝同乓渍墒膏皑奉测俩滦籍想生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西3叔糯臻肄堪锹锦硷府前姬淄甩焙汇便要疗奴恶获喻咒尿陋项肆藏庭聂唾具生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西高考链接高考链接1. Ive

43、worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. expects D. to be expecting2. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _ in making the earth a better place to live. A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing循锌唬台闹

44、沦诣辙颁哲幂绑蔫署北白借蓑暇侗主期舅燕俄米腐汲戴醒抉怖生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西3. He sent me an E-mail, _ to get further information. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope4. Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day? - _ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting5. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying乞邯厂意畦收城摩札说松颈镣悟妮鞋业残风仟贞疤苗粹犁饶佛涩末寿肌拂生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西钟笋尽野孔瑚栗酸茎羚比闸区砖除哮仟柠补角邮字棋腾利构剖右揉蝗瓣睬生活没什么可怕东西生活没什么可怕东西



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