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1、- 1 - / 10 Book6 Module 1单元测试卷(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分 (120)一、语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)1. Who is that man taking _ lead in the 110-meter hurdles? Liu Xiang, _ famous runner from China. A. /。 the B. the。 the C. /。 a D. the。 a 2. Listen! I m _. I ll call the police unless the damage is paid.A. c

2、autious B. nervous C. patient D. serious 3. I can remember very few occasions _ he refuses to offer a hand when needed. A. when B. which C. what D. why 4. Shall I accept the job offered? Why not? Though it may be a challenge to you, it s worth a try, _.A. however B. instead C. anyhow D. somehow 5. S

3、orry, you can t get a _, but you can pick and choose you find the most satisfying goods. A. charge B. refund C. price D. fare 6. Let s get some eggs first. _, vegetables and fruits are also needed.A. In all B. After all C. I mean D. In addition 7. The dance performed by the old ladies impressed the

4、audience greatly. Hard to _ two of them are over 90. A. realize B. imagine C. find D. recall 8. My husband is always giving me a little pleasant surprise _ I have my birthday. A. even though B. so that C. every time D. as if 9. When questioned, the suspect _ some important details on purpose. A. gav

5、e out B. brought out C. left out D. made out 10. Jerry didn t show up last night, did she? No. She _ come. We had changed our plan. A. shouldn t have B. didn t need toC. needn t have D. needn t to11. _ for the game, he has enough confidence to defeat his rival in the final. A. Well prepared B. Being

6、 well prepared C. Having well prepared D. Being well preparing 12. She tried to explain the reason for her coming late, but the manager _ her in mid-sentence. A. disturbed B. interrupted C. discouraged D. broke 13. _ I agree with you, I don t believe your solution is best. A. While B. Since C. If D.

7、 As 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页- 2 - / 10 14. The police had to set the suspect free _ evidence. A. in need of B. in search of C. for lack of D. for fear of 15. A lovely city, isn t it? Yes. _? No, never. A. Have been here before B. Staying here long C. How do you find

8、it D. How are you doing 二、 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1.5分,满分 30分)I was born and raised in New York and I know how much money beggars make a day. I 16 give money to beggars. But last night around 3 am, I 17 ata McDonald s in Harlem to use the restroom. I saw a beggar waiting for me to go over so that he could 1

9、8 the door for me and ask for change. I was19 already. “ Why can t I go to the restroom without him asking me for money?” I thought.I have no problem saying “20 ” to beggars. I guess being New Yorkers we are 21 to it. But as I 22 him and he held open the door, I looked intohis eyes and something 23

10、me. When he asked for change, I 24 my pocket, but only a cent was there. I gave it to him. Sitting in the restroom, I 25 some more change in my wallet about 3 quarters and some pennies. I was going to just give him the pennies. It was26 for me to part with quarters. A(n) 27 began in my mind. The dia

11、logue in my 28 went like this. You didn t know what he would do with the 29 . But I really thought he was cold and wanted something to keep him 30 . I was not sure why quarters were so hard for me to 31 . The 32 he opened the door for me I dropped all the change in his hands. As I drove my car away

12、I watched the man 33 the change and smiling. I might not know 34 he was really hungry but I knew I won the battle over the change. Helping others always makes you the 35 . 16. A. sometimes B. never C. frequently D. also 17. A. pointed B. ate C. looked D. stopped 18. A. repair B. check C. open D. ans

13、wer 19. A. mad B. selfish C. strict D. patient 20. A. pardon B. no C. goodbye D. thanks 21. A. similar B. open C. used D. devoted 22. A. recognized B. invited C. blamed D. approached 23. A. touched B. frightened C. exposed D. excited 24. A. reached in B. pulled out C. thought of D. depended on 25. A

14、. referred to B. watched out C. looked for D. left out 26. A. common B. specific C. dangerous D. hard 27. A. attempt B. struggle C. enquiry D. impression 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页- 3 - / 10 28. A. head B. mouth C. dream D. note 29. A. food B. chance C. money D. job 30

15、. A. patient B. calm C. full D. warm 31. A. hand in B. give up C. put away D. pass on 32. A. moment B. way C. place D. condition 33. A. comparing B. spending C. counting D. sparing 34. A. how B. why C. when D. if 35. A. instructor B. winner C. supporter D. friend 三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)A On the n

16、ight of October 16th, near ten o clock, my mother prepared what would be my Dad s last meal. bacon and eggs. That week he worked night shift in a Potash mine. He started at midnight. Just after 2 a.m, the group that Dad was in charge of went for coffee. There was a machine that always had to be oper

17、ated and he said, “ It s okay. You guys all go and I ll work it.”The machine would move quickly, periodically (周期性地 ) and for one moment Dad made a mis take he didn t pay attention, and it struck him in the head. The workers rushed and cut the base of the machine and transported it with him in the a

18、mbulance but father died on the way. In the middle of this ordeal (苦难 ), a spokesperson for the hospital asked my mother if they could take one of my father s eyes that they had a person waiting for it. To my surprise, my mother nodded. Years later, in the late summer of 2008, I was at the Woodlawn

19、Cemetery (公墓 ) where my father s body rests. As I finished praying and stood, a man from behind me said, “ How are you now, Frank? ”I quickly thought, knowing only the family, and his friends and co-workers called him “ Frank ” , that this man must have known him. As I turned to face him, I replied,

20、 “ He s my father.”This man, Frank Bazylak, as I would learn later, replied confidently, “ I worked with your father for a short time just over a year but he made an impact on my life. He was so passionate, so demanding and yet so giving.”“ You know, he wasn t meant to be there that day. But that wa

21、s Frank,” he said.I d heard wonderful stories about father from family and from friends, but four decades later and from a stranger, there in the cemetery, this. after all of that time. and there. beautiful! 36. According to the text, the author s father died in an accident in . A. the summer of 196

22、8 B. the autumn of 1968 C. the summer of 2006 D. the autumn of 2006 37. It can be learned from the text that the author s father was . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页- 4 - / 10 A. stubborn but kind-hearted B. optimistic and passionate C. kind-hearted and passionate D. gener

23、ous and optimistic 38. The author s father probably died resulting from . A. knowing little about the machine B. not being careful enough C. an accidental heart attack D. the ambulance 39. We can learn from the text that . A. bacon and eggs were the father s favorites B. the mother was strong facing

24、 the father s death C. the father was on his duty when he died suddenly D. the father died in hospital because of treatment failure 40. The author wrote the text to . A. tell the cause of his father s death B. talk about stories of his father C. advise readers to learn from his father D. tell reader

25、s how great his father was B Will the world end in 2018? Many people believe the Mayan Calendar 2018 says so. But there is still a heated argument about it. Some people say it is a big hoax(骗局) . Some claim that it is true. What to believe? Well, maybe it s time that you learn more about the Mayan C

26、alendar 2018.What exactly is the Mayan Calendar 2018 and who are the Mayans? The Mayans were a group of people who lived thousands of years ago in what is now Mexico. They knew so much about the world and the universe that they invented the Long Count Calendar. The Mayan Calendar 2018 is actually ju

27、st part of the calendar. The most interesting thing about this calendar is that it seems to predict a great catastrophe that will happen in the year 2018. According to it, there will be an end to the existing era and a new one will begin. One misunderstanding about the Mayan Calendar 2018 is that it

28、 points to an end of the world. While the calendar ends in 2018, it doesn t actually indicate that the world will not exist in the year 2018. In fact, instead of referring to a real disaster that will occur, it refers to the birth of a new period, the beginning of another circle of the calendar. Whe

29、ther you believe that the Mayan Calendar 2018 points to a real global disaster or not, it would be best if you will keep yourself informed. There are many resources about the Mayan predictions but the best are the ones that include scientific data with the discussion. You should also prepare yoursel

30、f for the worst thing that can happen. While there is no need to panic, it would be useful if you can prepare yourself for natural disasters such as storms, floods and earthquakes. We should prepare for disasters that can come in any year and not just in 2018. 41. The writer believes that the Mayan

31、Calendar 2018 . A. predicts a dark period in 2018 B. is based on the Mayans knowledge about nature精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页- 5 - / 10 C. has caused a big hoax recently D. is based on what happened many years ago in Mexico 42. What does the underlined word “ catastroph

32、e ” mean? A. Disaster. B. Change. C. Event. D. Accident. 43. People who worry that the world will end in 2018 . A. are waiting for the birth of a new period B. are preparing themselves for an earthquake C. fail to understand the Mayan Calendar 2018 D. have no doubt about the Mayan Calendar 2018 44.

33、The author advises us to focus on the resources about the Mayan predictions that are based on . A. scientific facts B. human imagination C. scientific experiments D. popular beliefs 45. According to the author, it is wise to use the Mayan prediction as a reminder to help us . A. live normally in an

34、uncertain new world B. live in peace and avoid being disturbed by outsiders C. prepare for natural disasters in 2018 D. make preparations for things unexpected C What people say is only one aspect of good communication. Good listening skills and body language are also important for us to effectively

35、 (有效地 ) communicate with others. Effective communication involves more than talking to a person. How things are said, words are chosen and the tone (语调 ) are all aspects of good communication. Body language can support what a speaker is saying. Studies have shown that of the information that is rece

36、ived from other people, only 10% is from what they say and 40% is from the tone and speed of their voice. The other 50% is got from their body language. Reading body language is part of developing social skills. Some professionals learn to read every type of body language of others to help in their

37、jobs. They look for specific signs, while the average person reads some body language subconsciously. Body language can involve one aspect such as the eyes, or the use of different body parts. Where the body is positioned in relation to another person or at a table is another piece in communicating

38、what the person is feeling. Troubles may arise when body language is misunderstood. Good listening skills clear the way to a clear message while bad listening skills create barriers(障碍 ) which can confuse or stop the message. Good listeners can use body language by nodding occasionally to show inter

39、est and understanding, make eye contact with the speaker, repeat some of the words and feelings, and summarize what they have heard. All these can avoid communication troubles. Poor listeners rarely communicate effectively. Barriers they commonly use may include: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

40、- - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页- 6 - / 10 interruptions, inappropriate humor, judgments, criticisms, and unrelated questions. Healthy minded people are able to communicate with others effectively by avoiding these barriers. They are able to let their partners know what they want clearly. 46. What can we learn

41、 from the first paragraph? A. Listening skills play a key role in successful communication. B. The manner of communication is determined by the listener. C. Body language benefits much from effective communication. D. Speakers usually pay little attention to the words and tone. 47. According to the

42、studies, body language _. A. makes up 40% of the information received from communication B. can remind the listeners of what the speakers are actually expressing C. sometimes lead people to misunderstand what others have said D. can only be correctly read by people with excellent social skills 48. W

43、hat does the underlined word “ subconsciously” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Skillfully. B. Seriously. C. Anxiously D. Unknowingly. 49. Which of the following reactions of a listener may affect communication? A. Making a summary of what he has heard. B. Repeating the speaker s words and ideas. C.

44、 Bringing in an unrelated topic suddenly. D. Showing his feeling to the speaker. 50. What s the author s purpose of writing this text? A. To suggest ways to effectively communicate with others. B. To introduce different types of body language to readers. C. To emphasize that communication is not jus

45、t about talking. D. To discuss the influence of good and poor listening skills. D Berlin Germany s University of Heidelberg says a researcher has given evidence that apparently confirms (证实 ) the identity of the woman behind the Mona Lisa s famous smile.She is Lisa del Giocondo, wife of Florentine b

46、usinessman Francesco del Giocondo, according to notes written in the margins of a book by a friend of Leonardo da Vinci as the artist worked on the masterpiece, the school said in a statement. The discovery by a Heidelberg University library manuscript (手稿 ) expert Armin Schlechter appears to confir

47、m what has long been suspected. It is also an answer that has been in plain (清楚地) view for centuries: the Mona Lisa is known as Lisa del Giocondo in Italian. Lisa del Giocondo was first named as the woman in the painting by Italian writer Giorgio Vasari in 1550, who also dated the work at between 15

48、03 and 1506, the university said. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页- 7 - / 10 But because Vasari relied on anecdotal (轶事的 ) evidence, there was always doubts about the identification, and Leonardo is not known to have made any notes about the model s identit y himself. Mixing

49、 the mystery, unclear references in 1517, 1525 and 1540 point to other identifications. “ One possibility discussed is the presentation of an imaginative likeness of a woman, Leonardo s female ideal,” the school said.But the find by Heidelberg library expert Armin Schlechter settles the matter, acco

50、rding to the university. In a copy of the works of Roman philosopher Cicero, Agostino Vespucci, a Florentine official and friend of Leonardo s, wrote in the margins that da Vinci was working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. He dated his notes October 1503, also helping fix the exact time Leonardo

51、 was working on the painting. “ All doubts as to the identity of the Mona Lisa are eliminated (消除 ) by one source,” the university said. The discovery was actually made in 2005, but was not widely known until a German radio station last week aired it in a report. 51. Leonardo da Vinci was working on

52、 the masterpiece in . A. 1503 B. 1506 C. 1525 D. 1550 52. What can apparently confirm the identity of the Mona Lisa? A. Armin Schlechter s manuscript.B. Giorgio Vasari s anecdotal evidence.C. Agostino Vespucci s notes. D. The notes by Leonardo da Vinci. 53. Why was Giorgio Vasari s view doubted? A.

53、Because he didn t fix the exact time. B. Because Leonardo made no note about the model. C. Because his find was based on anecdotal evidence. D. Because the answer has been in plain view for centuries. 54. The discovery was finally made public by . A. a German radio station B. Germany s University of

54、 Heidelberg C. the German government D. Heidelberg library expert 55. What is mainly di scussed in the text? A. Leonardo da Vinci and his wife. B. Scientific studies on the Mona Lisa . C. Who is the woman in the Mona Lisa. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页- 8 - / 10 D. When L

55、eonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. 四、书面表达(共两节,满分35分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分 15分)阅读下面的短文 ,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。1 Some people take lots of exercise. Others keep to strict diets. But according to recent research, the best way to live a long and happy life is simple: get a pet. 2 “ We have known

56、for many years that the company of a pet can increase well-being in a number of ways,” says Dr Bonnie Beaver, an animal behavior specialist at Texas University. “For example, the survival rates of heart attack patients with pets are much greater than those without pets. ” According to Dr Beaver, pet

57、 owners are less likely to need a doctor. They recover more quickly from illness. They have lower blood pressure, take more exercise and are more socially active. Above all, they are happier. Seventy percent of the families Dr Beaver surveyed said that their family environment was happier after they

58、 got a pet. And this is what Dr Beaver and other researchers are trying to achieve. They want to find a scientific link between human happiness and a long life. 3 There is no final answer to this question yet, but it seems to have something to do with emotional ties. People with someone or something

59、 to love live longer. “ There are many forms of animal-human relationships and some are very helpful,” says Dr Beaver. It seems that the more lovely an animal is, the more _. 4 Pet ownership benefits men and women equally. Other life experiences divide the sexes. “ Women are more sensitive (敏感的 ) to

60、 bad marriages than their husbands because they work harder at their relationships,” says Dr Janice Glaser of Ohio State University. The message seems to be that a woman is better off with a good dog than a bad husband. Yet in some ways, men are similar to dogs. They like getting dirty and making a

61、mess. They forget birthdays. They can disappear for days. How can they be better trained? 56. What s the main idea of the text? (no more than 12 words)_ 57. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? The company of a dog seems to be a better choice than that of a bad

62、husband for a woman. _ 58. Please fill in the blank with proper words. (no more than 5 words) _59. List three specific benefits that people get from keeping pets? (no more than 15 words) _ _ _ 60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese. _ 第二节写作(满分20分)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名

63、师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页- 9 - / 10 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack明年就要来中国读大学了,他来信就专业选择征求你的意见。他对历史专业很感兴趣,但是计算机专业有更好的就业前景。请写一封电子邮件给出你的建议。要求: 1. 结合 Jack的优势分析专业的利弊; 2. 给出明确的建议。词数: 120-150。参考答案 : 1-15DDACB D BCCBABACA 16-35 BDCAB CDAAC DBACD BACDB 36-55 BCBBB BACAD ABDCC ACCAC 56. Keeping pets helps people live

64、 a long and happy life. 57. The message seems to be that a woman is better off with a good do g than a bad husband. 58. it benefits our health 59. living a long and happy life being more socially active taking more exercise ( being healthier 答出其中三种即可) 60. 例如,对于拥有宠物的心脏病患者来说,他们的生存几率比起没有饲养宠物的病人要高很多。One

65、 possible version:Dear Jack,It s very nice to hear from you. You asked me for my advice on whether you should study history or computer science at university. Now I m trying to give you some suggestions.You must keep in mind that university training is a preparation for your future career. Therefore

66、, your first consideration should be to study a subject which will best help you earn a living. There is no doubt that the field of computer offers far wider job opportunities than history. Besides, it will be necessary for almost everyone to have computer skills in the near future. 精选学习资料 - - - - -

67、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页- 10 - / 10 Of course, you don t have to devote all your time to studying computers. On the contrary, I would suggest that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time. In that way, your leisure hours will be more meaningful. I hope these suggestions are useful in helping you make your decision. Yours, Li Hua 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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