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1、经典电影对话英语台词经典电影对话英语台词电影中有很多经典的,各位,我们看看下面的经典电影对话英语台词哦!Scarlet.Naomi! You came.Of course I came. What bridesmaid would I be if Ididnt hold your hand during the divorce? Now, justremember. The first ones always the hardest.Mike.Naomi.Naomi.I dont care.Lets get going. We got to get you ready. Back on the

2、market.Yeah, Im a real catch. Single mom with two teenagekids and manure caked under my fingernails.Youll do great. You got the butt of a 12-year-old boy.Thats terrific. I hope our daughter heard that.斯嘉丽。奈奥米,你来了。我当然会来了。离婚的时候我要不牵着你的手我还算哪门子伴娘来着?记着,第一次总是最痛苦的。迈克。乃奥米。是奈奥米。我管你咧。咱进去吧。给你好好打扮打扮,重返战场。是啊,我好抢手

3、的。单身妈妈带着俩十来岁孩子指甲里头还嵌着粪肥。你很赞的。你屁股跟 12 岁小屁孩一样紧实。好棒哦。咱女儿听到这话就世界太平了。But their sensor systems have detected an error inanalyzing space radiation.Adam, Im having lunch. Speak English.Im sorry.You see, the Star Tracker system is-No. No more background radiation black holes or Marsrobots. Lunchtime is for g

4、uy talk. Two guys talking aboutwomen, the weather and such. You got it?But the Star Tracker system-No.但是在分析太空辐射的时候,他们的传感器系统已经检测出了一个错误。亚当,我在吃饭诶。说点听得懂的人话行不?对不起。那个,传感器系统够了。不要再讲关于黑洞辐射或者火星机器人的事情了。吃午饭的时候是让人聊天的。俩大男人聊天就聊女人,天气之类的。明白了?可是那个传感器系统停。Garfield: Ahal I so knew you werent me.Prince: And you must be G

5、affield.Garfield: How do you know my namePrince : lve lived your life for the past few days.Yes, rf ever a man loved a cat, it s your Jon. Retum tohim, Garfield. Retum to your home.Garfield : Your Highness, you don t have to tell metwice. Bye-bye.Winston: Sir, thank heavens. You ve returned. The rea

6、lprincelAnimals: The prince is home, back Wlth uslPr8ston: lts the real prince, the genuine article.Prince: Yes, my friends, I have returned to you at this,our darkest hour. So, Winny, what is Lord Dargis up to ?Winston : He intends to level our homes and kill us all.Prince: O. kay. Well, in that ca

7、se. I decree that wepack our bags and get our scraggy bottoms out of here.Perhaps to the castle next door.Garfield: Oh, boy.Animal: What ?Manen: Well, that was inspirationalCow: Brilliant.McBunny: I am so fired up.Garfield: You know, I have to believe we can do better.Prsston : I thought you were le

8、aving.Garfield: Hey, button the beak, Fruit Loops, or J1IIstick that thing on backwards. Look, Lord Doofus is justanother bully. And what do we do to bullies ?Duck: Well, generally, we run from them.Garfield: No, we dont leave. We stand and we kickroyal but. Trust me, if you beasts can bake a two-ch

9、eeselasagna, You can be at Dargis.Hobbs: There you are, man. Godl What happenBd to yourclothes ?Dargis: Indeed, its been that kind of day.Hobbs: Mr. Dargis, I demand an explanation.Dargis : I had no choice. The cat just won t die.Greene: What did you say ?Dargis: You will sign the deeds over to me c

10、at or nocat.Veterinary Assistant: Oh, my!Westminster: Mr. Hobbs, you were right. Lord Dargis waswilling to go to any Iengths to get the estate. I can seeyoure busy. lm just gonna. .Dargis: Uhl Young lady. Get over there. Traitoress. Youwere working with them all along!Jon: Odie! Odie, wait for me! O

11、dielDargis : Get on with itlPrince: Hello, everyone. Sorry lm late. Shall I ringfor tea ?Hobbs: Well, its Prince, and hes alive!Dargis: lam bushed.Garfield: All this running-for-my-life stuff. What saywe break for lunch, take a quick nap and pick it up later ?Sound good ?Dargis: There are two of you

12、 little monsters, hmm ?Garfield : For those keeping score at home, thats 18lives.加菲:我就知道你不是我。王子:你肯定是加菲吧。加菲:你怎么知道我的名字 7王子:这几天我一直过着你的生活。真的,约翰是一个真正热爱动物的人。回去吧,加菲,回你的家吧。加菲:陛下,不要再说了,再见。温森:谢天谢地,真正的王子,你终于回来了。动物们:王子回家了,又和我们在一起了。瞢莱斯顿:他是真的王子,货真价实!王子:好的,我的朋友,我回来了。前一段时间真是生命中最黑暗的时刻啊?温森,达吉斯到底要干什么勾当?温森:他想铲平这里,把我们都消

13、灭掉。王子:好的,既然这样,我们只好收拾包裹离开这了,或许可以搬到隔壁的城堡去。加菲:啊,真的吗?动物们:什么?马河:嗯,有创意。母牛:太棒了。麦克伯尼:我真是太兴奋了。加菲:我觉得还有别的好方法。普莱斯顿:我以为你走了。加菲:闭嘴吧,大嘴巴 a 听着,他只不过恃强凌弱,我们该怎么办?鸭子:通常来说,跑吧。加菲:不!我们不走。我们守住阵脚,狠狠地还击。相信我,如果你们可以做双层奶酪宽面,你们当然也可以修理达吉斯!霍布斯:你在这啊,啊,老天,怎么了?达吉斯:确实,今天真倒霉。霍布斯:达吉斯先生,请解释一下。达吉斯:我没有选择,那猫真是命大。格林:你说什么?达吉斯:不管有没有那猫,你都得把这契约转让给我。秘书:啊,我的天。威斯特敏斯特:霍布斯先生,你说对了。达吉斯先生无论如何也要得到那块地产。我知道你很忙,我就是要达吉斯:啊,小丫头,过来!你这个叛徒,你始终跟他们是一起的。约翰:欧蒂!等等我。达吉斯:快点!王子:嗨,大家好,对不起我来晚了,可以要点茶吗?霍布斯:是王子,他还活着!达吉斯:真倒霉!加菲:事情来得太快了,可不可以吃点午饭,睡一下再接着来啊, 听起来不错!达吉斯:你们两个怪物都来了,哼?加菲:告诉家里记分的家伙们,那可是 18 条命啊。



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