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1、1 / 15 00529 英语本科教育方向集中实践环节教案大纲(中央电大大纲)( 2002 年 1月 10 日)英语本科教育方向集中实践环节教案大纲教案实践设计根据中央广播电视大学和北京外国语大学联合开办“专升本”英语教育专业教案计划的规定,学员在基本修完本专业规定的必修课和选修课后,还应完成教案实践设计,教案实践设计中的教案实践和实践研究报告共同构成本专业的毕业论文。一、教案实践设计的目的与要求教案实践设计是本专业教案过程的重要环节,既是培养学员综合运用所学理论知识,提高分析和解决实际问题的能力,也是对学员掌握理论知识和专业技能的全面考核。通过教案实践设计,使学员具备初步进行课堂教案研究的能


3、题,并制订研究过程的步骤与时间表,针对问题查阅有关资料。第二阶段:问题分析,即熟悉并运用适用于社会科学研究的分析方法,分析自己的问题。第三阶段:方案设计,即提出解决问题的假说并设计一个能验证该假说并能用于课堂教案的方案。第四阶段:方案实施,即通过课堂教案具体实施该方案。第五阶段:工程评估,即学习并运用评估的手段与方法,对工程的实施情况及结果进行评估。第六阶段:工程报告,即用英语写出正文4000 词左右的工程报告并提供所使用分析问题的方法、工程实施过程的原始资料、问卷调查表(如果有)等。四、时间安排工程启动阶段1 周方案实施阶段3 周问题分析阶段2 周工程评估阶段1 周方案设计阶段2 周工程报告

4、阶段3 周精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 15 页2 / 15 共 12 周五、指导教师的资格与职责1 资格指导教师需具有英语专业讲师以上职称,熟悉电大英语教案业务。2 职责明确教案实践设计的目的与要求,熟悉其具体实践过程。根据要求对教案实践设计的主要环节(问题分析阶段和工程评估阶段)为学员提供必要的指导和咨询。审阅教案实践设计过程中的原始记录及实践研究报告并提出初步评价意见。在教案实践设计中对实施过程的真实性进行把关。如发现抄袭应责成学员重做,对拒绝改正者,应向主管部门汇报。六、成绩评定学员必须完成教案实践设计的整个过

5、程,根据教案实践设计过程中各个环节的完成情况及工程研究报告,按五级分评定总成绩,并对工程研究报告写出评语。如发现抄袭,一经查实,按电大有关考试文件处理。扩大学生词汇量的方法初探工程设计者李蒙北京电大提交日期 2002年 6 月 15 日课程名称:论文工程设计Project Title: Some Approaches to Enlarge Students Vocabulary Investigator 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 15 页3 / 15 Li Meng Beijing TV University Su

6、bmitted on 25th May 2002 In fulfillment of the course Practical project design Acknowledgment I am mostly grateful to my supervisor Mr Liu Yongquan without whose support and patience this project would not even have got off the ground. I am also grateful to my colleagues We Yue, Zhang Qiu for their

7、time spend on brainstorming and panel discussion with me. No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper. Last but not the least, big thanks go to my wife and my friends who have shared with my wo

8、rries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project. 论文摘要:本论文以学生词汇量匮乏从而影响他们进一步学习英语为中心,在解决实际问题和具体贯彻教案方案等方面做出了详细的研究。论文中假设良好的词汇训练方法定会激发学生的词汇学习兴趣,并以这个假设为前提,采用全新的教案计划,经过四周的课堂实践,从而证实这个假设的正确性。在科学的调查实践中采用的主要方法有:苏格拉底式的问答,原因分析,问卷调查和集体探讨等方法。关键词 :方法、词汇、训练。Abstract It pr

9、esents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that some of my students are limited in V ocabulary, which hinders their further English leaning. It is hypothesized that learners interest in new words will be aroused by better-designed word study approaches. This hypothesis

10、is verified by a four-week classroom teaching of the newly designed word study approach exercises. Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method, Socratic dialogue, cause analysis, questionnaire, and brainstorming. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 15 页4 /

11、 15 Key Words Approach, vocabulary, training. Main Heading of the project Report 1.Problem and Problem Analysis-1 2.Project objective-4 3.Project hypothesis-4 4.Project rationale-4 5.Subject description-5 6.Project design-6 7.Project implementation-10 8.Project evaluation-12 9.Project findings and d

12、iscussion-12 10. Conclusion-14 References Appendix A The questionnaire for problem analysis Appendix B The Post-trial questionnaire 1 Problem and Problem analysis 1.1 problem The problem I encountered in my teaching is that some of my students are limited in vocabulary, which restricts them in their

13、 further English study. 1.2 Problem analysis This problem has remained a headache for quite a long time in my teaching, I tried every means to solve this problem. Eventually I worked out 5 main reasons that block the studentsenlarging English words and phrases. (1) The students don t pay great atten

14、tion to the importance of the vocabulary in their English learning. (2) Very often, they recite the new words mechanically, but neglect their lexical change. (3) Students learn the words from the conceptual meaning rather than from the functional features. (4) In terms of contextualism, they lack ab

15、ility of classifying the words in certain groups. (5) Teacher have to adopt effective teaching methods in order to activate students interest in the mastery of English words. In doing my study, I employ the analytic method, socratic dialogue, cause analysis, questionnaires, and brainstorming respect

16、ively. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 15 页5 / 15 1.2.1 Analytic method I think out several questions concerning the students word problems: Why are some of my students rich in vocabulary, while others are not? How can we teachers help the weaker to improve their vocabulary? In

17、what way? 1.2.2 Socratic dialogue In the following dialogue, I serve as A and Socratic serves as B. A: I asked: why are some of my students limited in vocabulary? B: Do you think you can swim faster than a swimming athlete? A: Of course not. B: Why? A: Because the main reason is that I haven t been

18、trained in that way. B: Did you teach your students some proper skills to recite the new words? A: Oh, perhaps not, because I am too busy in carrying out my teaching plans and overlooking some definite methods to improve students vocabulary. B: How about those students who are rich in vocabulary? A:

19、 Oh, I see, they must have some tricks in mastery of the new words. B: That s right. How about you? Have a try? 1.2.3 Cause analysis In terms of cause analysis, I compile why-question corresponded with a group of because-question. The questions are arranged like this: Why are some of my students lim

20、ited in vocabulary? Are there any blocks that hinder their new words stock? What methods should I use to help them build up their vocabulary? Is it because they think English is not so important? or Is it because they feel rather difficult to recite new words? or Is it because they don t form habit

21、of memorizing new words? or Is it because they go short of proper learing methods in the English learing? or Is it because they are too busy engaging other subjects and overlook their English course? or Is it because my teaching methods lack flexibility and variety in teaching students with their ma

22、stery of vocabulary? 1.2.4 Questionnaire In order to find out reasons that students have problems with their vocabulary. I designed a worksheet based on the above questions by the end of February and let students answer them briefly in 10 mins. They wrapped up the questionnaires seriously and handed

23、 them in. I checked the results and pondered the findings. From the result, I conducted a survey。 Over 80% of them thought English is one of their major course, they said it was very important and necessary to learn English. Over 60% of them thought it was a hard work to recite the new words. 30% of

24、 them were not interested in memorizing the new words. 10% of them were quite interested in learing English and nearly 90% of them wanted to use scientific methods to memorize English words. It s quite clear that most of my students are interested in learing English. They think it s important and ur

25、gent for them to learn English, but they feel awkward about their limited Vocabulary and don t know how to increase their vocabulary efficiently. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 15 页6 / 15 1.2.5 Brainstorming action Whenever I came across difficulties, I consulted my tutor Mr Li

26、u and my colleagues. Quite often they gave me advice, solutions sincerely. As a well-designed plan was around the corner. I began to launch a project to solve the problem. 2. Project objective My research objective is to help the students to enlarge their Vocabulary so that their general-level of En

27、glish can be improved. 3. Project hypothesis It is hypothesized that if my students know some approaches or techniques to memorize the new words they can master more English words. And if they have more words, their English will be improved even better. 4. Project rationale 4.1 The role of word We u

28、se language every day. We live in a world of words. A good language learner should firstly know the internal structure of words, that is the rule by which words are formed. Secondly, good language learner may explore all the aspects of vocabulary use. Such as synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, collocatio

29、n etc and has ability to work out the meanings of unknown words from the context. All of these skills above come from morphology, semantics and contextualism. So I regard them as my basic theories and to carry them out in my teaching, what I will do therefore is based on these theories coordinately

30、to design some approaches in cultivating students to enlarge their vocabulary. 4.2 The role of the students A fully-motivated learner can naturally increase his learing interest, widen his knowledge view and gradually form a habit of independent analysis rather than always depend on dictionary to co

31、nsult the new words, besides, prolong his attention-span in class to absorb more knowledge and initiatively share other s techniques and shortcuts in memorizing the new words after the class. 4.3 The role of the teacher The nature of a good teacher should be friendly, patient, considerate, justice,

32、humorous, what s more, well-educated and rich experienced. In the class, he can serve as a controller, assessor, instructor, prompter and coordinator. While carrying out his teaching plan, he will focus on motivating students learning interest, adjusting class atmosphere, linking the learing objecti

33、ves with the students personal needs, the classroom activities should be student-centred as a whole. 5. Subject Description I have 2 classes, each contains roughly 30 students. They are all in the second year of a private senior middle school and they have four English lessons per week. The level of

34、 their English is nearly the same except a few of them with a greater difference. The textbook they use is Reader s Choice. For the purpose of finding out the effect of my research project. I teach one of them with well-designed approaches, and the other with the traditional approaches. 精选学习资料 - - -

35、 - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 15 页7 / 15 6Project Design General timetable for project design week Unit/Title Methods Objectives General description Time 1 Unit 1 STEMS and AFFIXES Use the morphology of the word, that is its stems and affixes to work out the meanings of an unfamiliar Engl

36、ish word. Ss know the function of the words stems and affixes and they can use this skill to understand the general meaning of the word Write some typical stems, prefixes, suffixes and infixes on the blackboard, introduce their function hand out The stems and affixes Forms to the Ss, let them recite

37、 and do exercises 45 minus 2 Unit 2 VOCABU LARY from CONTEXT Use the context clues provided to determine the meanings of the unfamiliar English words. Ss can use the context clues to guess the meanings of some unknown words in a passage. Introduce the passage on page 36-37 of the Textbook, let stude

38、nt guess the meanings of italicized words by context clues 45 minus 3 Unit 4 SYNONYM and ANTONYM Use synonyms to replace the given word, and then find its antonym, sometimes paraphrasing if it s so difficult. Ss are trained to accumulate synonyms and antonyms to enlarge vocabularySs work out the mea

39、ning of the italicized words on page 66-67, and then required to give the word s synonyms and antonyms. They may paraphrase if it s hard to find their synonyms. 45 minus 4Unit 5LEXICALCHANGESome typical abnormal types of word-formation, connotation, and collocation.To expend students scope of word k

40、nowledge through the introduction of some typical abnormal type of word-formation, connotation, and collocation.Pick out several words and list them on the blackboard. Introduce their unique word-formation, their connotation, and collocation, arouse student to make some similar examples.45minusWeek

41、1 Activity 1 Unit 1 STEMS and AFFIXES Purpose: students have to know component of English words: stem, prefix, suffix and infix, the function of each pert, the meaning of some typical stems and affixes (listed on page 9-10) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 15 页8 / 15 Introduction

42、: Unit 1 mainly introduce the basic knowledge of word-formation. Students will learn to work out the meanings of some words by their stem or affix meaning throughout this unit. At beginning of the class, I introduce the knowledge of morphology, and then I write a word “ prediction” on the blackboard

43、, underline pre and tell Ss “ This is so called prefix. ”the function of the prefix is it can change the meaning of a word. Secondly, tell them the basic part of a word is the stem and underline dict for them to make clear. Thirdly, suffix in this word refers to tion , this part of a word normally c

44、an change its part of speech. For the students: Now open your textbook on page 9, try to memorize the list of some commonly occurring stems and affixes on the left side and their related meaning on the right side in 10mins. Ss scan them and roughly master them in given time. “ Ok everybody, let s do

45、 the exercises on page 10 to see if you can relate the meaning from stems and affixes to work out the meaning of some certain words.”The last 10mins, Ss are required to do the pair-work to conduct an activity in order to brush up what they have learned in this unit. Homework on page41, 77and recite

46、The stems and affixes form on page 41,and 77. Week 2 Activity 2 Unit 2 VOCABULARY from CONTEXT Purpose: students learn to use the reading skills, such as the logic meaning of the relating sentences, the structure of the text, the immediate context around the word and punctuation provided in the cont

47、ext to determine the meanings of the unfamiliar words typical lesson on page 36-37 This method reinforces Ss guessing instead of using dictionary. Introduction: First arouse Ss to recall some important reading skills, and then I sort out and list them on the blackboard, explain their functions separ

48、ately, make some examples to prove that they are useful and effective to analyses the meanings of some unknown words. For the students: “I think you ve got familiar with these methods, and now open your textbooks on page 36. You will be given 20 mins to finish this exercise.”And then I divide the wh

49、ole class into several groups, let Ss to evaluate the results together, ponder their “ reasonable”answer, and select one student on behalf of the group to report their answers to the class. The whole class then have a thorough discussion to find the best answer. Homework on page 57, and find some re

50、ading materials to consolidate this knowledge. Week 3 Activity 3 Unit 4 SYNONYM and ANTONYM Purpose: With help of the knowledge of register and semantic field, the students learn to use synonyms to replace some given words, and at meantime try to find their antonyms. Introduction: Students will firs

51、t of all finish the exercise on page 66-67, make sure the definite meanings of the italicized words. Then I will introduce some linguistic knowledge concerning: register, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 15 页9 / 15 synonymy, antonymy, complementarity, gradability, relation opposi

52、tes and hyponymy etc. Next students will have a pair work to give the synonyms and antonyms of the given words. In order to activate students interest to vocabulary learing, I made a pack of word cards with all the given words on one side and their synonyms, antonyms on the other. The whole class no

53、w are too ready to have a competition to see who will be the first one to win more cards. For the students: Let s start the competition everybody, the cards in my hand listed all the words you ve learned, I will show you each card, anyone who can tell the word with its synonyms and antonyms will win

54、 a card, finally I will count who will be the one with more cards. Today s prize is a 5000-word dictionary. Just as Robert said: “ Games and activities are the best way to build a large and new vocabulary and help the students adapt a new language and culture, ” (1999:10), the students are quite act

55、ive to take part in this activity, although some of them are depressed in giving some inaccurate answers. They really grasp more words and expand their vocabulary. Homework: Do the exercise on page 76-78, write down all the given words with their synonyms and antonyms on your notebook and memorize t

56、hem, next time we will have a quiz! Week 4 activity 4 Unit 5 LEXICAL CHANGE Purpose: Our society is changing, language as a matter of fact, is changing too. So some deeper word knowledge such as: abnormal type of word-formation, connotation and collocation should be introduced in this lesson in orde

57、r to expand students word knowledge scope. Introduction: As I ve arranged last time, A quiz will be carried out to test the students current vocabulary mastery as well as the effect of my teaching. Then I introduce some abnormal types of word-formation such as: blending, abbreviation, acronym, back-

58、formation etc. and meanwhile give some examples, let Ss make their own judgments in order to strengthen their understanding. To explain the concept of connotation and collocation clearly, I think I will find some situational dialogue to let students listen to first. So they learn how to use the same

59、 word in different occasions as well as how to use different modifiers to different people or different things. It is common belief that “ most forgetting occurs immediately after initial learning this would seem to suggest that repetition is most effective if it commences very soon after the first

60、encounter.” (Mc Carthy, 1990:117) Therefore I find some exercises to make students consolidate these new knowledge. Following are the designed exercises: Number 1, Tick the verb that appropriately goes with the noun above: your homework an exercise an effort your best A dress A speech the shopping m

61、ake do (Gu Yueguo, ELTM part 2. page 142) Number 2. connect the verb “ wear”with different words or phrases around the circle and translate them into Chinese. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 15 页10 / 15 a smile - - away gold ring - - long hair jewels - wear - a new dress(hat, pa

62、ir of gloves) a red flower - -black shoe glasses - - the rocks (Yu Nina, 4B Practical English. Book 1. Page326) For the students: Ive just introduced several important concepts, I wonder if you can understand them completely? Anyway, you are welcome to ask questions if you have. And now, we will do

63、the following exercises in order to grasp them as soon as possible! The class at this moment will be divided into several groups and do the exercises above together. I go around to each group, listen and answer their questions, collect their results arid list them on the blackboard, through the disc

64、ussion of the whole class, select the correct answers and finally I distribute the second questionnaire to the students. 7 Project Implementation It takes me four weeks to carry out my project. Because of the active corporation of students and warm-hearted colleagues help, the teaching plans and rel

65、ated activities were conducted better than expected. Following are the details of the implementation. Week 1 Activity l Unit 1 emphases basic knowledge of word-formation. At beginning of the class,they felt difficult to memorize so many stems and affixes in a short time and often misplaced them one

66、another. I noticed their puzzled look and explained, If you know more about stems and affixes, your vocabulary will be soon multiplied. and gave them some examples like dis, un,homo, pathy,able, ful etc at the meantime. The students were somewhat enlightened and encouraged and realized the importanc

67、e of the function of these stems and affixes, therefore paid more attention to their reciting. The activity conducted in that unit was a pair-work combining individuals imagination and two-people corporation to work out meanings of several completed words that I previously arranged called your Guess

68、. The typical word in this exercise was conspiror. Week 2 Activity 2 Students in unit 2 were required to use context clues to work out the meanings of some given words.The reading skills , in other words, the reading levels, seem quite critical for them in their judgments, I aroused them to recall s

69、ome important reading skills and listed them on dieblackboard at first, but not enough , so I added some specific ones, took the punctuation forexample 。 Semicolon can be used as a conjunction in the compound sentences, the words thereforein its connecting two parts usually have the same meaning. Th

70、rough my further explanation,Ss were motivated and perform actively in the group discussion .The activity I have adopted called The best analyst .Most of the students were so involved in this activity, not only did 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 15 页11 / 15 theypositively expr

71、ess their opinions but also consolidated their newly learnt knowledge. Week 3 Activity 3 I advocated students to use synonyms to replace the given words in this unit .It was quite naturalthey could not find more words with the exact same meaning at this stage, I understood theirdifficulties, and wha

72、t I wanted to emphases is that they have to gradually form a habit of usingEnglish words or phrases to replace the given words. If you feel quite difficult, you mayparaphrase them. I prepared word cards to call on them to have a competition, the activity calledPrize winner Almost all of students in

73、this activity were fully adjusted their attention -span andtook pains to find some synonyms. Take the word emotion for example, they gave nearly sixsynonyms to it. Finally I explained the differences of this group words. Week 4 Activity As it was my last lesson, I intended to give more knowledge to

74、the students. From the quiz I knew their vocabulary had really got improved, then I put the tape-recorder on the rostrum to see if they could work out the meanings of some key words through listening. Oh, not so good, then the second time and Gradually, they got used to and could clearly point out d

75、ifferent modifiersin the given sentences. I wrote them on the blackboard, such as 。 A tall man lives in a highbuilding. A pretty girl follows her beautiful mother. These typical examples help themto establish the concept of connotation and reasonable collocation .Then they were arranged to have a gr

76、oup discussion to finish two of my written assignment . At the end of the class, I distributed the second questionnaire, let them fill in seriously. 8 project evaluation The project I designed focuses on its objective and realistic. I conscientiously fulfilled the requirements for its objective, hyp

77、othesis, rationale and worked out the details for the schedule of the implementation. By the time I finished my action research, the problem I found in my actual teaching was researchable. Almost all of the methods I adopted in giving an analysis on the problem were suitable and practical .The proje

78、ct hypothesis was testified to be correct and reasonable. All the theories quoted in the investigation have reinforced my proof. 9 Project findings and discussion The data collected from games and activities are classified into two categories. One isquestionnaire and the other is vocabulary test, wh

79、ich will be analyzed respectively in this section. 9.1 Data analysis at the questionnaires 9.1.1 Students general attitude towards word learning. Between March and April this year, I conducted two investigations in my class. The result of the questionnaires can be seen in the follow figure 。 The fig

80、ure shows the second tune compared with the first for those who feel very interesting iii word memorizing increase 6.6%, interesting increase 16.7%, just so-so decrease 13% and feel too difficult decrease 10.3% .Seen in the following figure: Figure 1 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11

81、 页,共 15 页12 / 15 past very interestingpresent very interesting350123456resent veryinteresting? D 1In summarizing their attitudes, we can draw a conclusion, we have to consistently adjust ourteaching strategies, focus on motivating students learning interest. Students mastery of vocabulary should be

82、adopted some scientific methods rather than follow traditional mechanical way. Only inthis way, can they increase their vocabulary efficiently. 9.1.2 Students attitude towards the skills and activities in my project Figure 2Attitude Method And activity Very interesting Interesting Just so-so Boring

83、Stems and affixes 60% 30% 9% 1% Use context 40% 30% 25% 5% Synonym and antonym 45% 35% 17% 3% Connotation and collocation 30% 40% 20% 10% Word card “your Guess”70% 24% 5% 1% Word competition 80% 15% 3% 2% Word category 50% 35% 10% 5% The statistics shows that most of the students think the new teach

84、ing methods and activities cater I their taste, they have combined interesting, pragmatic, variety and flexibility as a whole. The atmosphere of the class is active since then .Students on the other hand, take initiative towards their English learning, no longer feel boring or hold passive attitude

85、to the word learning. However, there are still a few of them cant adapt to their learning methods. Thats what I need to consider andput effort to. Whatever, I have confidence to handle them in the future research. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 15 页13 / 15 9.2 Data from four w

86、eeks vocabulary tests I conducted three word tests for the students during my action research. The last one on April 13involved more skills than the previous two , it was more comprehensive. The results are listed oil the following table. Test Name Date Multiple -choice (5 mins) Cloze (4 mins) Work

87、out the meaning of the underlined word (6 mins) Final score (total 100 point) March 30 31 20 16 67 April 6 35 24 17 76 April 13 37 26 19 82 From the test score, Im fully convinced that my students have been steadily making progress in term of their vocabulary during implement of my practical project

88、. In contrast to this class, the one sticked to the traditional methods has remained the same level. 10 conclusion My action research lasts more than one month, some important teaching approaches are mainly based on linguistic theories. During this hard-working period, I consistently adjusted my tea

89、ching methods, analyzed the first -hand datum, evaluated the teaching effect, adopted different kinds of activities to carry out the teaching plan. All of these merely focus on a specific goal that is to take pains to increase students vocabulary. The results, in fact, are very satisfactory. I aim s

90、o optimistic at present as it indeed works out a solution to the students problem, I regard it as a valuable work, because it helps students not only increase their vocabulary, but also strengthen their awareness of, adopting some appropriate learning methods in their English study. References Chen

91、Dezhang & Yang Lingjuan. 1989. English Words at party. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press . E. Margaret Baudoin & Ellen S. Bober, 1977. Readers Choice. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press. Gu Yueguo.1999. English language Teaching Methodology (parkl) (park2). Beijing : Fore

92、ign Language Teaching and Research Press. Gu Yueguo. 1999. Practical Project Design. Beijing: Foreign language Teaching and Research Press. Guy Yueguo. 1998. Language and Linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Liu Runqing & Hu Zhuaulin. 1998. Research Methods In Foreign

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95、ie 贾冠杰。 1996, 外语教育心理学广西:广西教育出版社。文章:Chen,Fenglan 陈风兰。 2001,引导学生参与促进主动学习教育评论2001 年第 2 期, 7273 页。Chen,Yixin 陈一心。 2002,重视小组学习能力的培养福建教育2002年第 5期, 33 页。Gu,Ming 顾明。 2002, 与英语长门人对话上海教育2002 年第 5 期, 1517 页。Gu,Yadi 顾娅娣。 2001,中国古代心理学思想的注意问题心理科学2001年第 2 期, 175177页。Lin,Bijing林碧箐。 2001,在英语教案中实施创新教育的尝试教育评论2001 年第四期

96、,67-68 页。Zou,Chuenyan 邹燕春。 2002, 认知风格:影响学生成就的心理分析教育评论2002 年第一期, 3436 页。Zheng,Xinjun郑信军。 2001,阅读速度与提高位置对不同认知方式学生信息保持的影响心理科学 2001 年第 3 期, 300302 页。APPENDIX A The questionnaire for problem analysis 1. What do you think of English learning? Is it very important for you? A. very important B.important bec

97、ause it is one of my major courses C.not important 2. How do you feel reciting new words? A. very difficult B. a little bit difficult C. difficult but I can overcome 3. What do you think of the function of the words while you learn English? A. very important B. important C.not important 4. How do yo

98、u recite mew words? A. cram them B. grasp them through reading C. learn by textbook. 5. Is it quite interesting to recite new words? A. yes, very B. sometimes C. no, I feel boring 6. How long do you usually spend in reciting new words per day? A. more than an hour B. half an hour C. less than 10 min

99、s 7. Do you have any methods to recite new words A. yes, but not effective B. no, I dont C. no, but I am urgently looking for 8. Which of the following methods have you ever adopted? A. synonym and antonym B. classification C. stems and affixes D. none of them 9.Are there anyone around you who can h

100、elp you to increase your vocabulary? A. yes, there are B. no, but I can depend on myself C. no, Im looking for 10. What do you think of your teacher? A. flexibility and variety B. very strict but not effective C. high-level but archaic APPENDIX B The post-trial questionnaire 1. Is it very important

101、to strengthen the word learning? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 15 页15 / 15 A. Yes, very much important B. important C. relatively important D. not so important 2. How do you feel reciting new words? A. very difficult B. a little bit difficult C. not difficult 3. Do you have s

102、ome approaches to recite new words A. Yes, I have and they are very scientific B. Yes, but I am not very familiar with them yet C. No, I am still confused 4. Are you interested in attending the word learning lesson? A. Yes, very much B. yes,but not too much C. still boring 5. Which of the following

103、methods can help you increase your vocabulary? A. synonym and antonym B. classification C. stems and affixes D. all of them 6. What do you think of the activity of word card competition? A. very much interesting B. relatively interesting C. so-so 7. How about the word circle exercise? A. very useful

104、 B. useful but a little bit difficult C .not practical 8. What do you think of the concept of connotation and collocation? A. strengthen and widen learners word knowledge B. aid learners word understanding C. improve learners accurate word collocation D. all of above 9. Is it significant for you to

105、know the sense of semantic field? A. yes, it is. B. no, it isnt C. it is far beyond my reach 10. What do you think of all the approaches and their related activities that youve learned and done? A. very much helpful B. some of them are helpful C. not helpful at all 评语:李蒙同学的论文扩大学生词汇量的方法初探,探讨了学习英语的一个核心问题如何扩大学生的词汇量。该论文在激发学生的词汇学习兴趣,探索中学生词汇学习的规律,设计教案方案方面,经过四周的课堂实践,进行了有益的探索和尝试。其语言通畅,论证严谨,数据准确,材料翔实可靠,格式较规范。从发现问题,分析问题,解决问题等方面的论述符合论文工程设计一书的要求。其不足之处在于实施教案方案时,应符合中学生的心理特点,加强趣味性。编者精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 15 页



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