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1、Unit 4 Reading She said helping others changed her lifevolunteerDo you know volunteers?What job do they do?Teaching, taking care of someone, working for a meeting or, a game or an organization.Who are they working for?The are working for the one who needs help, such as students in poor areas, victim

2、s of a natural disaster(灾难), foreigners ,elders, the disabled, ect.We should help We should help old peopleWe should help We should help disabled peopledisabled peopleWe should help We should help theblindWe should help We should help thepoorWe should help We should help childrenchildren GROUPWORK D

3、iscuss with your partners: what can you do for them?People who need helpSomething we can do for themold peopleWe can clean their home.the old and the childrenWe can give our seats(座位座位) to them on the bus.The blind(盲人)盲人)We can help them cross the road.The poor(贫困的人贫困的人)We can give them some money a

4、nd books.Readingstrategy:For your first reading, you can only read for the meaning, but not for details.After you understand the whole passage, you can skim for some key details.If you dont understand some words in the passage, guess them.Lets have a try!poorpu decisiondisin villagevilid husbandPeki

5、ngUniversity ju:niv:siti dormitoryd:mitri graduategrdjueit volunteervlnti influenceinfluns seniorhighschoolhometowntheMinistryofEducationmeterministri ChineseYoungPioneerruralfortunatelysealevelfitnitli 贫穷的贫穷的 乡村乡村北大北大毕业生毕业生志愿者志愿者高中高中中国少年先锋队中国少年先锋队幸运地幸运地决定决定丈夫丈夫宿舍宿舍影响影响家乡家乡米米公尺公尺乡下的乡下的海平面海平面教育部教育部Fi

6、nd and guessFast reading1)Who is she?2)What does she do?3)Where did the story happen?4)Who did she help?Answers for questions:Who is she?She is Yang Lei.She is a volunteer.Where did the story happen?The story happened in a poor village in Pingliang, gansu province.Who did she help?The poor children

7、in mountains.Lets scan next.Put these words into the correct space as you read.a)word b) brothers c) changedb)d) agreed e) mountains f) differentKey: c) e) d) f) b) a) the text to cpmplete the chart .VolunteerYang Lei who graduated from 1_Organizer(组织者)The Ministry of Education and the2_How long she

8、 worked as a volunteer 3_One year the Peking University ChineseYoungPioneersInfluence (影响)on the childrenOpened up the students eyes to the outside world and gave them4_ in lifeWhere she works nowAt a 5 _ in the city of Pingliang, Gansu Provincea good starthigh school1.WhatdidYangLeismothersayabouth

9、erdaughtersvolunteerwork? Shesaidyoungpeopletodayneededtoexperiencedifferentthings.2.Whatdidthechildrensayabouttheirvolunteerteachers? Theysaidthatthevolunteerteacherswerelikebigbrothersorsisterstothem,andtheyfeltlucky.3. How did Yang Lei say she could help them?Shecouldopenupherstudentseyestotheout

10、sideworldandgivethemagoodstartinlife.4.WhatdidYangLeisayabouthertimeasavolunteer?She said she enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much.Read carefullyFill in the chart3a What is life like for you and Yang leis students? Complete the chart.YangLeisstudentsYouhometownfoodteacherstimetogetuptimetofinis

11、hstudyingmountain village in Gansu Provincea city in Wuhanporridge three times a daydifferent kinds of delicious foodalmost no good teacherssome good teachers5:00 a.m.6:30 a.m.11:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. She said helping others changed her life. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Ga

12、nsu Province may not sound like fun to you. However, it the life of Yang Lei from Beijing. The Peking University graduate first went there as a volunteer on a one-year program. The program was started by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young pioneers. Every year they send 100 volunteers to

13、 teach in Chinas rural areas.changed 被被发起发起Do you have any questions about the text? Life in the mountains was a new experience for Yang Lei. Her village was 2,000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick. The food was very simple-teachers ate porridge three times a day.

14、Fortunately, Yang Leis mother agreed with her daughters decision. She said that both she and her husband thought this was a good idea. “Young people today need to experience things,” she said.differentmake sb. do sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事n. 体验,经历体验,经历= luckily adv.v. 经历经历 Most of the pupils live in school d

15、ormitories. They work very hard. They get up at 5 am and read books until 11pm. They love having the volunteer teachers there. “There is no difference between you and them,” says yang Lei. “They say that we are like big or sisters to them, and they feel lucky.” brothersbetweenand在在两者之间两者之间be like So

16、me of the students may not be able to go to senior high school or college. Families are poor and there often isnt money for education. “I cant do anything about that,” says Yang lei, “but I can open up my students eyes to the outside and give them a good start in life.” She said she likes being a go

17、od influence in the childrens lives.open up ones eyes 使使开眼界,使认识开眼界,使认识world= I can donothing about that. open up 打开打开 Yang Lei enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much. When her year was over, she said that she would return to the area after finishing her studies. She now works as a math teacher at

18、 a high school in the city of Pingliang, Gansu Province.be over 结束结束=after she finished = in Pingliang CityYangLei,aPekingUniversitygraduatefirstwenttoGansuasavolunteeronaone-yearprogram.ShewasoneofthevolunteerstoteachintheChinasruralareas.Lifeinthemountainswasquitedifficult,butherparentsagreedwithh

19、er,andthoughtitwasagoodidea.Thestudentsthereworkedveryhard.Theylovedhavingvolunteerteachersthere.Someofthemcouldntgotoahigherschool,becausetheirfamilieswerepoor,butYangsaidshecouldopenuptheireyestotheoutsideworldandgivethemagoodstartinlife.Afterfinishingherstudy,Yangwouldreturntotheareas,andnowshesamathteacherinGansu.Summary: retell the storyHomework Imagine you are starting a new volunteer group. What would your group do? How would it help? Write a passage about 80 words for this topic.



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