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1、ReadingADVICE FROM GRANDAD高二英语组高二英语组 刘畅刘畅ReadingADVICE FROM GRANDAD高二英语组高二英语组 刘畅刘畅一、情境导入,整体感知一、情境导入,整体感知I.Lead-in Please watch a video, and then answer the following questions.(请看一个视频,然后回答下列问题。请看一个视频,然后回答下列问题。1. 你认为一个真正健康你认为一个真正健康的人是什么样的?的人是什么样的?2. 你认为我们学校禁止学生吸烟是正确的吗?你认为我们学校禁止学生吸烟是正确的吗?为什么为什么?)1. Wh

2、at do you think a truly healthy person is? A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both_ and_.2. Do you think it is right to ban students to smoke in our school? Why?mindbodyIts right. Because smoking is harmful to our health.二、自主探究,研读课文二、自主探究,研读课文 II. Fast reading 1. Skim the passage, a

3、nd then answer the following questions. First do it by yourself, and then discuss in groups. (略读文章回答下列略读文章回答下列 问题。独立完成,然后小组讨论。问题。独立完成,然后小组讨论。1)这封信是谁写给谁的?这封信是谁写给谁的? 2)这篇课文由几部分组成?这篇课文由几部分组成?3)这封建议信的中心是什么?这封建议信的中心是什么?)1) Who wrote the letter and to whom?2) How many parts does the reading text consist o

4、f?3) Whats the main idea of the letter?A. James wrote to help James grandad give up smoking.B. James grandad wrote to help James give up smoking.C. James wants to give up smoking.D. James grandad wants to give up smoking.1)Who wrote the letter and to whom?A grandfather wrote the letter to his grands

5、on James.2)How many parts does the reading text consist of?Two parts:a letteran Internet page 3) Whats the main idea of the letter?A. James wrote to help James grandad give up smoking.B. James grandad wrote to help James give up smoking.C. James wants to give up smoking.D. James grandad wants to giv

6、e up smoking.Para.1:Para.2:Para.3:Para.4:Para.5:2. Skim the letter, and then match each paragraph with the main idea. First do it by yourself, and then discuss in groups. (略读这略读这封信,之后把每个自然段与对应的段意连线。独立完成,然后封信,之后把每个自然段与对应的段意连线。独立完成,然后小组讨论。小组讨论。)leading to the topic of the letterthe writers recent life

7、the ways of becoming addictedthe harmful effects of smokingthe writers hopeIII. Careful reading1. Read para.3 carefully and answer the following question. (仔细阅仔细阅读课文第三段,回答下面的问题。吸烟上瘾有哪三方面原因?读课文第三段,回答下面的问题。吸烟上瘾有哪三方面原因?)Summing up: Once we begin smoking, well be accustomed to it, and it will have bad e

8、ffects on us.What are the three different ways of becoming addicted to cigarettes?Firstly, become physically addicted to nicotine.Secondly, become addicted through habit.Lastly, become mentally addicted.The harmful effects of smoking:1)Do terrible damage to _.2)It is more difficult for _ _.3)Their b

9、abies may even be _ in some way.4)Affect the health of _.5)Make smokers smell _ and the fingersturn _ easily.6)Become _quickly and not able to enjoy sport _.your heart and lungs smoking couples to become pregnantnon-smokersterribleyellowbreathlessas muchabnormal2. Read para.4 carefully and find out

10、the harmful effects of smoking. (仔细阅读课文第四段,找出吸烟有哪些危害。仔细阅读课文第四段,找出吸烟有哪些危害。)Summing up: Smoking is harmful to all of us. So we should advise others to stop smoking. 1) Prepare yourself. _ _ a day to quit. 2) Be determined. When you _ _ smoking, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.3) Break the ha

11、bit. _ _ smoking a cigarette, do something else. 4) Relax. If you feel nervous, do not _ _ a cigarette. Do some relaxation exercises.5) Get help if you need it. If you feel _, you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist. 6) Keep trying. Do not be _. Do not feel _. Just try again. The suggestions o

12、f stopping smoking 3. Read the Internet page carefully, and then fill in the blanks to find out how to stop smoking. (仔细阅读这篇网页,完成下列仔细阅读这篇网页,完成下列填空,弄清如何戒烟。填空,弄清如何戒烟。)DecideonfeellikeInsteadofreachfordesperatedisappointedashamed三、迁移拓展,深化知识三、迁移拓展,深化知识IV. Writing1. Observe the complex structure of the t

13、ext. In the exam, because the time and words are limited, we often just write three paragraphs. In groups, discuss: Which three paragraphs should we keep?(观察这篇复杂的文章结构。在考试中,由于时间和字数的限观察这篇复杂的文章结构。在考试中,由于时间和字数的限制,我们通常只写三段。小组讨论:我们应该保留哪三段?制,我们通常只写三段。小组讨论:我们应该保留哪三段?)Para.1:Para.2:Para.3:Para.4:Para.5:Para.

14、6 (Internet page):leading to the topic of the letterthe writers recent lifethe harmful effects of smokingthe writers hopethe reasons of becoming addictedthe writers advice1.作者现状作者现状2.点出问题点出问题3.问题原因问题原因4.问题危害问题危害5.表达祝愿表达祝愿6.陈述建议陈述建议省去省去省去 2. Summarize the writing method of the letter of advice in the

15、 exam. (考试中建议信的写法总结考试中建议信的写法总结)Para.1: Para.2:Para.3:点出问题点出问题表达祝愿表达祝愿陈述建议陈述建议(In the meantime, pay attention to the form of letter)Dear xxx,Yours, xxx3. In groups, write a letter of advice on asking your father to quit smoking. Then choose a speaker to present it to the class in the front.(小组活动,写一篇劝

16、爸爸戒烟的建议信。然后选一名代小组活动,写一篇劝爸爸戒烟的建议信。然后选一名代 表到前面向全班展示。表到前面向全班展示。) 题目要求:题目要求: 我们都知道吸烟有害健康。假如你是李华,你爸爸经常吸我们都知道吸烟有害健康。假如你是李华,你爸爸经常吸 烟,为了他的健康,给他写一封信,就如何戒烟给出一些建议。烟,为了他的健康,给他写一封信,就如何戒烟给出一些建议。 要点如下:要点如下: 1) 下定决心戒烟;下定决心戒烟; 2) 改变陋习,多做一些其他的活动;改变陋习,多做一些其他的活动; 3) 坚持不懈。坚持不懈。 注意:词数注意:词数100个左右。个左右。 Dear dad: I really w

17、orry about you. You always smoke. You know, smoking could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs. It also can affect the health of non-smokers. So, Im writing to persuade you to quit smoking for you and for me. It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Her

18、e are a few suggestions. Firstly, be determined. Every time you feel like smoking, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Secondly, break the habit. Do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy. Finally, keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before

19、you finally stop smoking. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. I do hope you quit smoking because I want you to live a long and healthy life. Love you forever!Yours,Li Hua 4. Read the possible version to find out which sentences are not from the text. (阅读参考范文,找出下列哪些句子不是课文原文。阅读参考范文,找出下列哪些句子不是

20、课文原文。)V. Summary1.A letter of advice from grandad and an Internet page about how to stop smoking. 2.How to write the letter of advice in the exam.Finish the letter of advice on persuading your father to quit smoking, and then write it in your exercise book.(完成这篇劝爸爸戒烟的作文,写到作业本上。完成这篇劝爸爸戒烟的作文,写到作业本上。)VI. Homework18 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢谢大家!



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