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1、名师精编欢迎下载高二上英语期末复习练习Unit 1 Book 5 一、词组翻译:1. 提出 _ 2. 使暴露于 _ 3. 应该为 负责_ 4. 得出结论_ 5. 除 之外_ 6. 对 严格_ 7. 讲得通;有意义_ 8. 与 有关_ 9. 专注于 _ 10. 为 做出贡献 _ 二、词形变化:1.science _ (n. 科学家 ) _ (adj. 科学的 ) 2.conclude _ (n. 结论 ) _ (adj. 结论性的 ) 3.pollute _ (n. 污染 ) _ (adj. 被污染的 ) 4.announce _ (n. 通告 ) _ (n.广播员 ) 5.instruct _

2、 (n. 说明,指示 ) _ (adj. 有教育意义的 ) 6.move _ (n. 移动,运动 ) _ (adj.移动的 ) 7.cautious _ (n.谨慎,小心 ) 8.create _ (n.创造(性) ) _ (adj. 创造性的 ) 9.enquire _ (n.询问 ) 10. break out _ (n. 爆发,发作(尤指疾病或战争)) 三、语法填空:1.Please be _ (caution) about everything in the room. 2.Only when his hometown was liberated in 1949 _ he able t

3、o go to school. 3.They made an _ (announce) that they were to have a wedding on National Day. 4.Under the table _ (lie) a black cat. 5.There are two new hotels near under _ (construct). 6.We must adapt our thought to the _ (change) conditions. 7.The book _ (write) for teaching English as a foreign l

4、anguage came out in the 16th century. 8.We were _ (inspire) by his wonderful speech. 9.Can you tell me the way _ (lead) to the nearest supermarket? 10. Hardly/Scarcely _ she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her. 四、句子考查:1. From the evidence I must conclude that you are wrong.( 改写 ) Fro

5、m the evidence I must _ _ _ _ you are wrong. 2. Would you announce the guests as they come in? (改写 ) Would you _ _ _ _ the guests as they come in? 3. She liked the water very much. She had it delivered to her house every day. ( 合并成一个句子) _ 4. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested

6、that the source of all the water supplies _ ( 检查 ). 5. I didn t realize I had wasted much time until I began to work. (改写 ) _ did I realize I had wasted much time. 6. 人们既不了解它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。(用 neithernor 翻译)_ 7. The concert was a success. The concert was given by my friends. ( 合并成一个句子) Unit 2 Book 5

7、一、词组翻译:1.由 组成_ 6. 令某人高兴的是_ 2.把 分成_ 7. 省去;遗漏;不考虑_ 3.挣脱(束缚) ;脱离 _ 8. 吸引某人的注意力_ 4.代替_ 9. 在某人方便的时候_ 5.(机器)损坏;破坏_ 10. 不乐意做某事 _ 二、词形变化:1. educational _ (v. 教育 ) _(n. 教育 ) 2. attract _ (n.吸引力 )_(adj. 有吸引力的 ) 3. collect _(n.收集;收藏品;珍藏) 4. enjoy _(n.令人愉快的;使人高兴的) 5. describe _(n. 描述 ) 6. possible _(n.可能性 ) _(a

8、dj. 不可能的 ) 7. arrange _ (n. 安排 ) 8. delight _(adj.令人高兴的 )_ (adj. 显示愉快的 ) 9. origin _(adj. 最初的;原始的;独创的;新颖的) 10. architecture_(n. 建筑师 )三、语法填空:1.It was a great _ (convenient) to have a doctor living near us. 2.We had a most _ (enjoy) journey. 3.Is there any _ (possible) that he will attend the meeting?

9、 4.Have you made _ (arrange) to sell your house? 5.The dog and cat lived together in perfect _ (unite) 6.Her house looks like a beautiful garden _ many flowers planted around it. 7.Last month when I went back to my hometown, I found it greatly _ (change). 8.You d better have your eyes _ (check) as s

10、oon as possible. 9.The little girl divided the cake _ pieces. 10. She raised her voice in order to make herself _ (hear). 四、句子考查:1. He created the poem to honor his wife. ( 改写 ) _ _ _ his wife, he created the poem. 2.All electronic computers _ _ _ _ (由 组成 )five units although they are of different k

11、inds. 3. Can anything replace a mothers love and care? (改写 ) Can anything _ _ _ _ mother s love and care? 4. Unless you are invited, you d better keep silent at the meeting. ( 改写 ) _ _, or you d better keep silent at the meeting. 5. 她竟然在这儿,真是有点奇怪。(用 it, seem 翻译)_ 6. The old man s waist was hurt in t

12、he terrible car accident. ( 改写 ) The old man _ _ _ _ in the terrible car accident. Unit 3 Book 5 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页名师精编欢迎下载一、词组翻译1 拿起,接受,开始,继续_ 2 看不见 _ 3 打扫,横扫_ 4 移动,溜进 _ 5 恢复,复原_ 6 加速 _ 7 给某人留下印象_ 8 因缺乏 . _ 9 使适合 ,适应_ 10 对.很乐观 _二、词形变化1 impression n. _ v. 留下印象 _

13、 adj. 印象深刻的2 constant adj. _ adv.不断地3 unertain adj. _ adj. 确切的 _ n.确定4 surrounding n./adj. _ v. 围绕_ n. 环境5adjustment n. _v. 调整6 press v_ n. 压力7 instant n./adj. _ adv. 立即,立刻8 greedy adj. 贪心的_ n.贪心9 settlement n. _ v. 定居 ,解决 _ n. 定居者10 motivation n. _ v. 激发 动机三、语法填空:1. She made a good _ (impress) on h

14、is mother. 2. They are _ (certain) about what to do next, so they could do nothing but wait. 3. They have reached a _ (settle) with the landowners. 4. I tried to make the necessary _ (adjust) to this new situation. 5. He hung up the _ (receive) and went out. 6. _ (exhaust) , I slid into bed and fell

15、 fast asleep. 7. They decided to explore the _ (surround) countryside. 8. Though _ (catch) in a traffic jam, we managed to arrive at the airport. 9. Henry didn t attend the party _ (hold) at Tom s house last night, for he was busy preparing for exam. 10. When _ (ask) if she would request a rise, the

16、 actress said that money was not important. 四、句子考查:1. Several research institutions were closed down _ _ _ fund. 由于缺乏资金, 好几家研究所被迫关门了2. I watched the plane go higher and higher until I _ _ _ (看不见 )it. 3. I _ _ _ ( 看见 ) an old friend of mine in the crowd. 4. Can you _ _ the challenge of difficulty. 你能

17、接受困难的挑战吗?5. She was awakened by a noise at midnight. She saw a thief in her room. ( 合并句子, 分词作状语 ) _. 6. The museum was built in 1910. The museum is about 100 years old. _ 7.The bridge was built in 1930. The bridge is still very strong.(用状语合并句子) _ Unit 4 Book 5 一、词组翻译:1. 全神贯注于_ 2. 依靠;依赖_ 3. 因 指责或控告 _

18、 4. 为了做_ 5. 在 前面_ 6. 告知某人某事_ 7.渴望 /渴望做 _ 8. 否认 /承认做了某事_ 9. 犯有 罪或过失 _ 10.赞成_ 二、词形变化:1. delighted adj _ (n.快乐,欣喜 ) _ (vt. 使快乐 ) 2.photograph n. vt _ (n.摄影师 ) _ (n. 摄影 .) 3.usual adj _ (adj. 不同寻常的 . ) _ (adv. 通常 ) 4.assist vt _ (n. 帮助 ) _ (n. 助手,售货员 ) 5.admire vt _ (adj . 令人钦佩的 ) _ (n . 钦佩 ) 6.gift n _

19、 (adj . 有天赋的 ) 7.appoint vt _ (n. 约会,任命 ) 8.profession n _ (adj 专业的,专业人员) 9.forget vt _ (adj 难以忘怀的 ).10. interview v n _( n. 接受面试者 )_ (n 面试官,采访者)三、语法填空:1. I believe the house was _ (deliberate) set fire to. 2.Spears is really a _ (gift) little actress. 3.I have made an _ (appoint) with my doctor for

20、 my toothache. 4.Stuying abroad is an _(forget) experience for me. 5.I had an job interview yesterday. The _ (interview) thought highly of my performance. 6.The performance last night was so _(admire). 7.Do the plans meet with your _(approve) ?8.I don t like computer. _ does my mother. 9.Hardly _ I

21、got out of the house when it began to rain. 10. _Mark invited me, I would have been glad to come. 四、句子考查:1 . Police believe the fire was started delibrately. ( 改写 ) Police believe the fire was started _ _ 2. Please take an umbrella with you in order to be prepared for rain.( 改写 ) Please take an umbr

22、ella with you _ _ it rains. 3. He was so proud that he never listened to any advice. ( 改写成倒装句) _ 4. To prevent this from happening again, the government demanded that the report the _ ( 公布 ) as soon as possible. 5. I am delighted at your success.( 改写 ) _ _ _, you succeed. 6. 我永远不会忘记我们一起在光明中学的日子。(nev

23、er 开头的倒装句)_ 7. You will know how great your parents love is only when you grow up.(改成 only 开头的倒装句) _Unit 5 Book 5 一、词语翻译:1. 急救_ 2. 生病 _ 3. 榨出 ; 挤出 _ 4. 反复 ; 多次 _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页名师精编欢迎下载5. 在适当的位置; 适当_ 6. 有影响_ 7. 找到_ 8. 触觉_ 9. 申请 (某物 ) _ 10. 赠某物给某人 _ 二、词形变化:1.

24、treat v. _ (n. 治疗;对待 ) 2. bear v. _ (adj. 难以忍受的 ) 3. injure v. _ (n. 伤) _ (adj. 受伤的 ) 4. brave adj. _ (n. 勇敢,勇气 ) 5. poison n.v. _ (adj. 有毒的 ) 6. vary v. _ (n. 种类,变化 ) _ (adj. 多种多样的 ) 7. press v. _ (n.压力 ) 8. organ n. _ (adj. 有机的 ) 9. apply v. _ (n. 申请,应用 ) _ (n.申请人 ) 10. blood n. _ (v. 流血 ) _ (adj.

25、 流血的 ) 三、语法填空:1 Many common _ happen every day in the home. (injure) 2 The villagers are unaccustomed to the _ of modern life. (press) 3 Under the doctor s careful _, your father is sure to get over it. (treat) 4 Unfortunately he was bitten by a _ snake while working in the field and died shortly af

26、terwards. (poison) 5 As the economic develops, people are caring more about their health and buying more _ food, which is said to be free of chemical fertilizers. (organ) 6 She took various jobs for a _of reasons after he graduated from the college. (vary) 7 AIDS is an _ disease. But it is not possi

27、ble to infect another person through kissing. (infect) 8 I am not a doctor though I wanted to _. 9 She would be glad to go climbing with us if we invite her _. 10 - Do you think it will rain tomorrow? - I guess _. So we d better put off the football match until a later time. 四、句子考查:1 When _ _ _ ( 实施

28、急救 ) on someone, you should be careful. 2 When the novel is published, it will become one of the best sellers of the year. (改写 ) _ _, it will become one of the best sellers of the year. 3 If it is necessary, you can help us to do something( 改写 ) _ _, you can help us to do something 4 Why don t you g

29、et some knowledge of first aid? ( 改写 ) _ _ _ some knowledge of first aid 5. 我一次又一次地警告过你不要再做那么傻的事。_ 6 He couldn t believe it when the chairman _ the award _ ( 颁发 ) him and was too excited to speak. 第六课时Unit 1 Book 6 一、词组翻译:1. 集中_ 2. 大量_ 3. 巧合地_ 4. 活着的,本人_ 5. 瞄准_ 6. 占有,拥有_ 7. 使 某 人 相 信 某事_ 8. 在另一方面_ 9

30、. 一串,一束_ 10. 力图,试图_ 二、词形变化:1. sign v. _ (n. 署名,签名,签字) 2. prefer v. _ (n. 偏爱,喜好 ) 3. faith n. _ (adj. 忠诚的 ) _ (adv.忠实地 ) 4. impress v. _(adj. 留给印象的 ) _ (adj. n. 印象派画家 ) 5. possess v. _ (n.拥有,财产 ) 6. aim v. n. _ (adj. 无目的的 ) 7. civilize v. _ (n. 文明,文化,文明社会) 8. human n. _ (adj. 人道主义的 ) 9. convention n.

31、 _ (adj. 保守的,传统的) 10. realize v. _ (n. 现实) _ (adj. 现实的 )三、语法填空:1 Your poor English is a _ of not studying hard. (consequent)2 Before he returned to China, he was a rich man and _ wealth 。 ( possess )3 If it _ this weekend, we won t go to Yellow Mountain.(rain) 4 How I wish I _ to London with him las

32、t month! (go) 5 Mother s suggestion is that we _ up our plans to travel abroad, because we don t have enough time. (give) 6 It is believed that he has a strong _ in God. (believe) 7 you needn t make any_ about your future. (predict)8 Chinese _was one of the most civilized countries in ancient world.

33、 (civilize) 9 Next week those goods will _ in that shop.(exhibition) 10 These two _ are very similar, can you tell them apart? (sign) 四、句子考查:1 She suggested our holding the school sports meeting next week.( 转换 ) She suggested that we_ the school sports meeting next week. 2 如果没有你的帮助,我就不会成功。(翻译)_. 3 她

34、本人比照片好看。She is more beautiful_ _ _ than his photos. 4 我看过这部电影很多次了I ve seen the film _ times.5 这本书如此有趣以致Bob 把所有注意力都集中在上面。The book was so interesting that Bob _ all of his attention _it. Unit 2 Book 6 一、词组翻词:1.轻松 ,不紧张 ,从容 _ 2. 用完了 _ 3.由构成 _ 4.尤其特别 _ 5.对很适合 / 恰当_ 6. 互换 _ 7.把转换成 _ 8.把 翻译成 _ 精选学习资料 - - -

35、 - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页名师精编欢迎下载9.测验 ,测试_ 10.发出 ,放走_二、词形变化:1.emotion n. _ adj. (情感的)_ adj.( 冷漠的 ) 2.flexible adj. _n.( 柔韧性,灵活性) 3.end n./v. _adj.(无穷的)4.translate v. _ n. (翻译 )_ ( 翻译家 ) 5.transform v. _ n.( 转换 ) _( 变压器 ) 6.sorrow n./v. _adj ( 悲伤地、懊悔的) 7.appropriate adj. _adv.(恰当地,

36、适合地)8.dark adj. _ n. (黑暗) _v.(加深)9.particular adj. _ adv.( 尤其地,特别地) 10. piano n. _(钢琴家 ) violin _( 小提琴家 )三、语法填空:1. left very early last night, but I wish I _(leave) so early. 2. I _(would like) to have a cup of tea, but there was none. 3. If it _(not be ) for the captain, the ship would have sunk. 4

37、. We demanded that we _(inform) of any change in the plan. 5. If you had taken the doctors advice then, you _(be)well now. 6. _ I a boy, I would join the army. 7. If only you _(not tell) him what I said! Everything would have been all right. 8. When it was _ brought to shore, it was found to be over

38、 thirteen feet long. (eventual) 9. They sat on the bench together, sometimes_ kisses.(exchange) 10. He s made a complete _ from comedian to dramatic actor. (transform) 四、句子考查:1. we _ _ _ _(用完 ) our fresh water before we came out the desert. 2. I have been working so hard for several weeks that I dec

39、ided to relax for a few days. (改写 ) I have been working so hard for several weeks that I decided to _ _ _ for a few days. 3. This year s team, coached by Jeff Jackson, consisted entirely of college players. ( 改写 ) This year s team , _ _ _ college players, is coached by Jeff Jackson. 4. She whispered

40、 to me that _ (她想用这个小说的翻译来交换奖学金) 5. I m busy writing an article now; that s why I can t go with you.( 变为含有虚拟条件句的复合句) 6. 如果我是一个医生,我就会尽全力去救每一个病人。(翻译)_. Unit 3 Book 6 一、词组翻译:1. 由于 _ 2. 对 上瘾_ 3. 习惯于 _ 4. 想要做某事_ 5. 冒险_ 6. 处境危险_ 7. 不顾,不管_ 8. 陷入,染上_ 9禁止做某事_ 10. 对 感到羞愧 _ 二、词形变化:1.stress n/v. _(adj. (感到)紧张的)

41、 _ (adj. 令人紧张的 ) 2.addict vt._( n. 瘾)_( adj. 令人上瘾的 ) 3.withdraw vt _ (n. 收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程) 4.effect n _( adj. 有效的 ) _ (vt. 影响 ) 5.relax vt. _( n. 轻松;放松 )_adj. (感到放松的)6.disappoint v._ (adj. 令人失望的 ) _ n. 失望7. embarrass v. _( adj 感到尴尬的 )_n. 尴尬;困窘8.survive v._ (n. 幸存者 )_ n. 幸存(物)9.law n. _(n. 律师 ) _(adj.

42、合法的 ) _(adj. 非法的 ) 10. shame n /v _ ( adj. (感到)羞耻的) _(adj. 令人羞耻的 ) 三、语法填空:1. The chairman thought _ necessary to invite Mr. white to attend the meeting. 2. Mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _ didnt help. 3. I hate_ when people talk with their mouths full. 4. The weather turned

43、out to be very good, and_ was more that we had expected. 5. It is no use _ ( quit ) smoking on a stressful day. 6. Lucy decides to walk home even if _ is a long way to her house. 7. He managed to _himself to getting up early. That is to say, he was _to the habit of getting up early. (accustom) 8. No

44、wadays, more adolescents become _ (addict ) to the computer games. 9. The man felt like _ (strengthen) his body by doing more exercise. 10. You should be _ (shame) of what youve done today. 11. Is _ necessary to the design before National Day? 四、句子考查:1. _( 应该 .的时候了 ) she wrote a letter to her boyfri

45、end. 2. He is likely to suffer from bad health if he keeps smoking. (改写)_ _ _ _he suffer from bad health if he keeps smoking. 3. It is said that he has accustomed himself to the new environment. (改写)He _ _ _ _ accustomed himself to the new environment. 4.The boss demanded that we _ (继续工作 )on weekend

46、s. 5. As we all know, staying up too late does harm to our health. (改写)_ _ _ _ staying up too late does harm to our health. 6. 我认为你多做的运动是最好的。(it 做形式宾语 ) _ 7. _ _ _ _ ( 让我惊奇的是)he fails to pass the exam in spite of all his efforts. 高二上期末复习练习Unit 4 Book 6 一、词组翻译1. 发生_ 2. 导致 .造成 _ 3. 反对 ._ 4. 继续 _ 5. 由于

47、 , 起因于 _6. 大量的 _ 7. 忍受 _ 8. 代表 -一方 _ 9. 同意 ,订购 _ 10. 大体上 _二、词性变化精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页名师精编欢迎下载1.measure.vt,_(n.测量 ,措施 ) 2.consequently.adv._(adj.结果的 )_(n 结果 ) 3.environment.n._(adj. 环境的 )_(adv.) 4.contribute.vt. _(n. 贡献 .) 5.pollute.vt._(n. 污染 )_(adj. 污染的 ) 6.disagr

48、ee.v._(n.分歧 )_(n. 同意 ) 7.existence.n._ (v.存在 ) 8. growth.n_(v. 生长 ) 8.educate.v._(n.教育者 )_(n. 教育 ) _(adj. 有教养的 )_(adj. 教育的 ) 9.oppose.v._(adj.反对的 )三、语法填空:1. This _ river from pollutant in the nearby factories and power stations cause a severe air pollution. (pollute) 2. There exist some shortcomings

49、 in his composition, but perhaps you are unaware of _ of these errors. (exist) 3. We have been having a few _ in the committee lately. (agree) 4. As a _ of being injured, he decided to ask for a few days off. That is, He was injured, and _, he decided to ask for a few days off. (consequent ) 5. The

50、situation worsened _ when the war broke out in his country. (steady) 6. Lack of water in summer will affect the plant s _. (grow) 7. A child receives its early education at home, so its parents are its early _. (educate) 8. The signing of such a treaty would be a major _ toward world peace.( contrib

51、ute) 9. Can it be in the drawer _ you put your passport? 10. Was _ only when the girl reread his poems recently that she began to appreciate their beauty?四、句子考查:1. I didnt realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses. (改写 ) _ _ _ _she took off her dark glasses that I realiz

52、ed she was a famous film star. 2. First clock with a face and an hour hand was made about 600 years ago.( 改写 ) _ _ about 600 years ago _ first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. 3. I m not going to stand their smoking any longer.( 改写 ) I m not going to _ _ _ their smoking any more. 4.These

53、 policies led to many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship.( 改写 ) These policies _ _ many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship. 5. 你可以出去 ,只要你答应在11 点以前回来 . (用 so long as 翻译 ) _. 6. 毫无疑问 ,他们会请你帮忙的。_ _ _ _ _ they will ask you for help. Unit 5 Book 6 一、词组翻译:1.向 射击 _ 2 全部焚毁 _ 3.前往_ 4.

54、担心 _ 5.匆匆看一遍 _ 6.由到不等 _ 7.惊慌失措 _ 8.热心于_ 9.正要做 _ 10.被任命为 _ 二、词形变化:1. erupt _ n. (爆发 ) 2. appoint _ n.(约会 ) 3. evaluate _ n.(评估 ) 4. absolute _ adv. (绝对地 ) 5. suit _ adj.( 合适的 ) 6. actual _ adv. (实际上 ) 7 comfortable. _ adj.( 不舒服的 ) _ n./v.( 舒适,安慰 ) 8. conscious_ adj.( 无知觉的 ) _ n. ( 知觉 ) 9. anxious _ n

55、. (担心 ,焦虑 ,渴望 )_ adv. (忧虑地 ) 10. appreciate _ n. (欣赏 ,感激 )三、语法填空:1._ (hear) the disappointing news, he felt very disappointed. 2._ (wait) in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. 3.The building _ (build) now is to be our new library. 4._ (be) ill, he

56、did not attend the meeting. 5._ (trap) in the fire for several hours, he nearly lost his life. 6._ (see) from the top of the mountain, the city looks beautiful. 7.His absolute trust in that bad guy made him _ get into trouble. (absolute) 8.He felt _, so I said some words of comfort to make him feel

57、better. (comfort) 9.Nowadays many people are anxious about their future and their _ is so great that some of them commit suicide. (anxious) 10. There are a _ of flowers in the garden and many people come to see them. (diverse). 四、句子考查:1.I was going out of my house, and at this time the telephone ran

58、g. I was _ _ go out of my house _ the telephone rang. 2. The two men moved carefully towards the top of the mountain along the path. The two men _ _ _ _ the top of the mountain along the path. 3.The teaching methods among the teachers are different from each other. The teaching methods _ _ one teach

59、er _ another. 4.Tom finished his homework and then began to play computer games. _ _ _ _, Tom began to play computer games. 5.Because Tim was tired, he went to bed as soon as he got home. _ _, he went to bed as soon as he got home. 6.Everyone is concerned about the problem. The problem is being disc

60、ussed now. Everyone is concerned about the problem _ _ _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页名师精编欢迎下载1、put forward 2、expose to 3、be to blame 4、draw a conclusion 5、apart from 6、be strict with 7、make sense 8、link to 9、be absorbed in 10、make contributions/a contribution to 二、1、scie

61、ntist,scientific 2、conclusion,conclusive 3、pollution,polluted 4、announcement,announcer 5、instruction,instructive 6、movemen,moving 7、caution 8、creation,creative 9、enquiry 10、outbreak 三、1、cautious 2、was 3、announcement 4、lies 5、construction 6、changing 7、written 8、inspired 9、leading 10、had 四、1、draw a co

62、nclusion that 2、make an announcement to 3、She liked the water so much that she had it delivered ti her house everyday. 4、be examined 5、Not until I began to work 6、Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. 7、The concert given by my friend was a success. Book5 Unit2 一、1、consist of 2、divide into 3

63、、break away from 4、take the place of 5、break down 6、to ones delight 7、leave out 8、attract ones attention 9、at ones convenience 10、be unwilling to do sth. 二、1、educate,education 2、attraction, attractive 3、collection 4、enjoyment 5、description 6、possibility ,impossible 7、arrangement 8、delightful ,deligh

64、ted 9、original 10、architect 三、1、convenience 2、enjoyable 3、possibility 4、arrangement 5、union 6、with 7、changed 8、checked 9、into 10、heard 四、1、In honor of 2、are made up of 3、take the place of 4、Unless invited 5、It seemed strange that she was here. 6、had his waist broken Book5 Unit3一、1、take up 2、lose sig

65、ht of 3、sweep up 4、slide into 5、be back on ones feet 6、speed up 7、make an impression on sb. 8、for lack of 9、adjust/adapt. to do/doing sth 10、be /feel optimistic about 二、1、impress,impressive 2、constantly 3、certain,certainly 4、surround,surroundings 5、adjust 6、pressure 7、instantly 8、greed 9、settle,sett

66、ler 10、motive 三、1、impression 2、uncertain 3、settlement 4、adjustment 5、receiver 6、Exhausted 7、surrounding 8、caught 9、held 10、asked 四、1、for lack of 2、lost sight of 3、caught sight of 4、take up 5、Awakened by a noise at midnight, she saw a thief in her room. 6、Built in 1910, the museum is about 100 years

67、old. 7、Built in 1930, the bridge is still very strong. Book5 Unit4 一、1、concentrate on 2、depend on 3、accuse of 4、so as to do sth. 5、ahead of 6、inform sb of doing sth 7、be eager to do sth 8、deny/ admit doing sth 9、commit a crime 10、approve of sth 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9

68、页名师精编欢迎下载二、1、delight,delight 2、photographer,photography 3、unusual,usually 4、assistance,assistant 5、admirable,admiration 6、gifted 7、appointment 8、professional 9、unforgettable 10、interviewee,interviewer 三、1、deliberately 2、gifted 3、appointment 4、unforgettable 5、interviewer 6、admirable 7、approval 8、Neit

69、her 9、had 10、If 四、1、on purpose 2、in case 3、So proud was he that he never listened to any advice. 4、(should) be announced 5、To my delight 6、Never will I forget the days we spent in Guangming Middle School together. 7、Only when you grow up will you know how great your parents love is. Book5 Unit5 一、1、

70、first aim 2、fall ill 3、squeeze out 4、over and over again 5、in place 6、make a difference 7、put ones hands on 8、sense of touch 9、apply for 10、present sb with sth= present sth to sb 二、1、treatment 2、unbearable 3、injury,injured 4、bravery 5、poisonous 6、variety,various 7、pressure 8、organic 9、appliance,appl

71、icant 10、bleed,bleeding 三、1、injuries 2、pressure 3、treatment 4、poisonous 5、organic 6、variety 7、infective 8、be 9、to 10、so 四、1、giving first aid 2、When published 3、If necessary 4、Why not get 5、Ive warned you over and over again not to do such silly things. 6、present.to Book6 Unit1 一、1、concentrate on 2、a

72、 great deal 3、by coincidence 4、in the flesh 5、aim at 6、be possessed of 7、convince sb of sth 8、on the other hand 9、a bunch of 10、attempt to do sth 二、1、signature 2、preference 3、faithful,faithfully 4、impressive,impressionist 5、possession 6、aimless 7、civilization 8、humanity 9、conventional 10、reality,rea

73、listic 三、1、consequence 2、possessed of 3、should rain/ were to rain 4、had gone 5、(should) give 6、belief 7、prediction 8、civilization 9、exhibit 10、signature 四、1、(should) hold 2、Without your help, I would not succeed. 3、in the flesh 4、scores of 5、concentrate.on Book6 Unit2 一、1、take it easy 2、run out of 3

74、、be made up of 4、in particular 5、be appropriate for/to sth 6、in exchange for 7、transform.into. 8、translate.into. 9、try out 10、let out 二、1、emotional,emotionless 2、flexibility 3、endless 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页名师精编欢迎下载4、translation,translator 5、transformation,transforme

75、r 6、sorrowful 7、appropriately 8、darkness,darken 9、particularly 10、pianist,violinist 三、1、hadnt left 2、would like 3、hadnt been 4、(should) be informed 5、would/ could have been 6、Were 7、hadnt told 8、eventually 9、in exchange for 10、transformation 四、1、had ran out of 2、take it easy 3、made up of 4、She wante

76、d to exchange the translation of this novel for the scholarship. 5、I am busy writing an article now, otherwise I would go with you. 6、If I were a doctor, I would try my best to save every patient. Book6 Unit3 一、1、due to 2、addicted to 3、become/be accustomed to 4、feel like (doing) 5、take risks/a risk

77、6、at risk 7、in spite of 8、get into 9、ban from doing 10、be ashamed of (doing)sth/ to do sth 二、1、stressed,stressful 2、addiction,addicted 3、withdrawal 4、effective,affect 5、relaxation,relaxed 6、disappointing,disappointment 7、embarrassed,embarrassment 8、survivor,survival 9、lawyer,legal,illegal 10、ashamed

78、,shameful 三、1、it 2、it 3、it 4、which 5、quiting 6、it 7、accustom,accustomed 8、addicted 9、strengthening 10、ashamed 11、it 四、1、Its time that 2、It is likely that 3、is said to be 4、(should)keep (on) working 5、It is well-known that 6、I think it is best for you to do more exercise. 7、It surprises me that/What

79、surprises me is that Book6 Unit4 一、1、take place 2、come about 3、be opposed to 4、keep on doing sth 5、result in 6、quantities of 7、put up with 8、on behalf of 9、subscribe to 10、on the whole 二、1、measurement 2、consequent,consequence 3、environmental,environmentally 4、contribution 5、pollution polluted 6、disa

80、greement agreement 7、Exist 8、growth 9、educator education educated educational 10、opposed 三、1、polluted 2、the existence 3、agreement 4、consequence,consequently 5、steadily 6、growth 7、educators 8、contribution 9、where 10、it 四、1、It was not until 2、It was.that 3、put up with 4、result in 5、You can go out so l

81、ongas you promise to be back before 11. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页名师精编欢迎下载6、There is no doubt that Book6 Unit5 一、1、shoot at 2、burn to the ground 3、make ones way 4、be anxious about/for 5、glance through 6、vary from.to. 7、be in a panic 8、be anxious (for sb)to do sth 9、be a

82、bout to do.when 10、be appointed as 二、1、eruption 2、appointment 3、evaluation 4、absolutely 5、suitable 6、actually 7、uncomfortable comfort 8、unconscious conscious 9、anxiety anxious 10、appreciation 三、1、Hearing 2、Having waited 3、being built 4、Being 5、Having been trapped 6、Seen 7、absolutely 8、uncomfortable 9、anxiety 10、diversity 四、1、about to.when 2、made their way to 3、vary from.to 4、Having finished his homework 5、Tim tired 6、being discussed now 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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