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1、学习必备欢迎下载2014广州小学六年级英语下册形容词的比较级和最高级专题训练大多数形容词有三个等级:1.原级,即形容词原形,表示双方程度相同或不同2.比较级,表示“较” , “更一些”的意思3.最高级,表示“最”的意思。在英语里两个人或物体进行比较时要用比较级。三个人或三个物体( 或三个以上的人和三个以上的物体) 进行比较时要用最高级。如:He is taller than me.他比我高。His room is bigger than my room. 他的房间比我的房间大。She is younger than my sister. 她比我妹妹年轻。He is tallest in our

2、 class. 他在我们班最高。形容词的比较级和最高级的构成、规则变化构成方法原形比较级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词及以 Y 结尾的词一般在原级词尾加-er 或加-est long、warm clever longer、warmer cleverer longest、warmest cleverest 结尾是 e的词只加 -r 或-st nice、fine large nicer、finer larger nicest、finest largest 重读闭音节词以单个辅音字母结尾,先双写辅音字母再加 -er 或-est big、fat red bigger、fatter redder bigg

3、est、fattest reddest 以“辅音字母 +y”结尾的双音节词先改 “y”为“i”再加 -er 或-est busy、early dirty、happy busier、earlier dirtier、happier busiest、earliest dirtiest、happiest 多音节和部分双音节词在 原 级 前 加more 或most interesting careful important beautiful dangerous more interesting more careful more important more beautiful more danger

4、ous most interesting most careful most important most beautiful most dangerous 、不规则变化原级比较级最高级good/well better best bad/ill worse worst many/much more most little less least far farther/further farthest/furthest old older/elder oldest/eldest 副词的比较级和最高级、不规则变化原级比较级最高级well better best badly worse worst

5、little less least much more most far farther farthest 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载、规则变化构成方法原形比较级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词及以 Y 结尾的词一般在原级词尾加-er 或加-est fast faster fastest 结尾是 e的词只加 -r 或-st late later latest 以“辅音字母 +y”结尾的双音节词先改 “y”为“i”再加 -er 或-est early earlier earliest 多音节和部分双

6、音节词在 原 级 前 加more 或most quickly carefully more quickly more carefully most quickly most carefully 形容词的用法:一、形容词原级的用法表示双方程度相同 (即年龄、高矮等等 )或不同时用形容词原级。肯定式用 asas(和/与一样 )表示;否定式用 not as as或 not soas(和/与不一样 )表示。asas的中间用形容词和副词原级。She is as tall as I. 她和我一样高。Lesson Five is as difficult as Lesson Four. 第五课和第四课同样难

7、。He is not as old as you. 他没有你那么老。Lily is not as careful as Linda.莉莉不如琳达细心。1.肯定句的句式结构是:A+be 动词+as+形容词原级 +as+B(表示 A、B 两者比较程度相同 )。This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。Her handwriting is as good as his. 她的书写于他的一样好。Mary is as careful as Linda. 玛丽和琳达同样细心。2.否定句的句式结构是:A+be 动词+not+as+形容词原级

8、 +as+B(=A+be 动词+not+so+形容词原级 +as+B)(表示 A、B 两者程度不同,即 A 不如 B 那么 ) Spring is not as/so cold as winter. 春天不像冬天那么冷。This box is not as/so heavy as that one. 这个箱子不如那个重。二、形容词的比较级用法两者(即两个人或物体 )进行比较时,用比较级表示,其结构是:主语+连系动词 be+形容词比较级 +than+对比成分 (或从句 ) Mike is older than Tom.迈克比汤姆老。It is colder today than (it was)

9、 yesterday. 今天天气比昨天冷。The sun is bigger than the earth. 太阳比地球大。注意: than 之后的人称代词,在口语中可以用宾格。如果人称代词之后跟着谓语时,则只能用主格。He is taller than I/me.=He is taller than I am. 他比我高。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载than之后常常省去在意义上和主句相同的谓语成分。Jim is younger than Tom (is). 吉姆比汤姆年轻。Jim has mo

10、re story-books than Kate. 吉姆的故事书比凯特的多。三、使用比较级应注意的问题1.形容词比较级前可以加程度副词(如:much、far、a lot、a bit、a little、even 、still 等)或数量词组修饰,表示“得多” 、 “甚至”、 “更”、 “一些 (一点)”China is much larger than Japan. 中国比日本大得多。He is a little/a bit taller than I.他比我略高一点。Lily is careful,but Lucy is even more careful.莉莉很细心,但露西更细心。This

11、street is one hundred metres longer than that one.这条街比那条街长一百米。2.形容词比较级要避免与自身进行比较。要用“比较级+than any other+ 单数名词”来表示“比其他的任何都”Lin Tao is older than any other student in the class. 林涛比班上其他任何同学的年龄都大。3.有些代形容词比较级的惯用结构:“比较级 +and+比较级” , “more and more+ 形容词”译为“越来越”“the+比较级 +主语+谓语, the+比较级 +主语+谓语”译为“越,就越”The cit

12、y is becoming more and more beautiful. 这座城市变得越来越美丽。He ran faster and faster. 他跑得越来越快。His voice got weaker and weaker. 他的声音变得越来越弱。The sooner this is done,the better. 这件事做得越快越好。The harder he tried,the less progress he seemed to make.他越努力尝试,进步好像就越小。4.形容词比较级也可以用句型“the+比较级 +of the two”译为“两个中比较的”The apple

13、 is the bigger of the two. 这个苹果是两个中比较大的。四、形容词最高级的用法表示三者或三者以上的人或事物的比较。最高级形容词前面要加定冠词the,句末一般跟一个介词短语来说明比较的范围。其句型是:主语+谓语+the+形容词最高级 +(名词)+of(in)Spring is the best season of the year.春天是一年中最好的季节。She is the youngest of us all. 她是我们所有人中最年轻的。This question is the most difficult of the three.三个问题中这一个是最难的。注意:形

14、容词最高级带有物主代词或名词所有格,不能再用定冠词the。It is my busiest day. 这是我最忙的一天。Of 后面应跟复数名词; in 后面跟表示范围或场所的名词。Of all the boys 在所有男孩中in our class在我们班上of all the things 在所有东西中in the world 在世界上of us 在我们中in China 在中国 (之内) of all people 在所有人中in my family 在我们家里五、形容词最高级应注意的问题1.形容词最高级前面如果有much、by far 等程度副词修饰,它应放在定冠词the 的前面。She

15、 is much/by far the best of all students in the class.她是班上最好的学生。2.形容词最高级前面如果有序数词修饰,它应放在定冠词之后。Shanghai is the first largest city in China. 上海是中国第二大城市。3.句型“ one of the+形容词最高级 +”表示“是最之一” 。China is one of the largest countries in the world. 中国是世界上最大的国家之一。Yandong is one of the most interesting places in

16、Liping. 岩洞是黎平最好玩的地方之一。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载4.与 most 组成的惯用结构:“most+复数名词”, “most of the+复数名词” 或“most of+代词” ,表示“大多数的”、 “大部分的”Most students went to the Great Wall. 大多数学生去长城了。Most of the boys are in the park. 大部分的男孩在公园里。Most of his books were written in English

17、.他的大部分书是用英文写的。5.形容词最高级可以用原级、比较级、最高级来表示。最高级 He is the tallest in his class. 他是班上个子最高的。比较级 He is taller than any other student in his class. 原级 No other student in his class is as tall as he. 六、 Who/Which is+形容词比较级和最高级的句型1.表示两者之间选择,问“哪一个较”或“谁更”的意思时,用“Who is+形容词比较级,+A or B”或“ Which is+形容词比较级, +A or B”的

18、结构。Who is younger,Mary or Kate?玛丽和凯特谁更年轻?2.表示三者以上选择,问“谁最”或“什么最”的意思时,用“Who is the+形容词最高级,+A,B or C (或 A,B or C)”或“ Which is the+形容词最高级, +A,B or C(或 A,B or C)”的结构。Who is the youngest,Mary,Kate or James? 玛丽、凯特和詹姆斯,谁最年轻?Which is the biggest,the sun,the earth or the moon? 太阳、地球和月亮,哪一个最大?七、副词的比较级和最高级的用法与形

19、容词基本相同形容词、副词、介词专项训练用所给词的适当形式填空:1Li Lei is the student in our class. (tall) 2 Who runs the in the class? (fast) 3 Kate draws in our class. (well) 4 My brother is much than you. (young) 5 I think my car is as as yours. (nice) 6 This box is the of the three. (heavy) 7 Lesson One is much than Lesson Two

20、. (easy) 8 I think maths is the subject of all. (difficult) 9 Winter is the season of the year. (cold) 10My radio is not so as his. (good) 11Who works , Jack or John? (carefully) 12Who is , you or I? (busy) 13Who is the nurse in this hospital? (busy) 14Who has the apples, Li Lei, Jim or Bruce? (many) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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