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1、XXXX 考研英语一真题及答案考研英语一真题及答案xx 考研已经落下帷幕,下面由为大家的 xx 考研英语一真题及答案,希望可以帮到大家!Section I Use of English1.A Unlike B Besides C Despite D Throughout【答案】B Besides2.A connected B restricted C equal D inferior【答案】A connected3.A choice B view C lesson D host【答案】D host4.A recall B forget C avoid D keep【答案】C avoid5.A

2、collecting B involving C guiding Daffecting【答案】B involving6.A of B in C at D on【答案】D on7.A devoted B exposed C lost D attracted【答案】B exposed8.A across B along C down D out【答案】C down9.A calculated B denied C doubted D imagined【答案】A calculated10.A served B required C restored D explained【答案】D explaine

3、d11.A Even B Still C Rather D Thus【答案】A Even12.A defeats B symptoms C tests D errors【答案】B symptoms13.A minimized B highlighted C controlled Dincreased【答案】D increased14.A equipped B associated C presented D pared【答案】B associated15.A assess B moderate C generate D record【答案】C generate16.A in the face

4、of B in the form of C in the wayof D in the name of【答案】A in the face of17.A transfer B mit C attribute D return【答案】C attribute18.A because B unless C though D until【答案】A because19.A emerges B vanishes C remains D decreases【答案】C remains20.A experiences B bines C justifiesDinfluences【答案】DinfluencesSec

5、tion II Reading ComprehensionPart AText 121. the crash of Egypt Air Flight 804 is mentioned toA stress the urgency to strengthen security worldwide.B highlight the necessity of upgrading major USairports.C explain Americans tolerance of current securitychecks.D emphasis the importance of privacy pro

6、tection.【答案】C explain Americans tolerance of currentsecurity checks.22. which of the following contributions to long waitsat major airport?A New restrictions on carry-on bags.B The declining efficiency of the TSA.C An increase in the number of travelers.D Frequent unexpected secret checks.【答案】C An i

7、ncrease in the number of travelers.23.The word expedited (Line 4, Para.5) is closest inmeaning toA faster.B quieter.C wider.D cheaper.【答案】A faster.24. One problem with the PreCheck program isA A dramatic reduction of its scale.B Its wrongly-directed implementation.C The governments reluctance to bac

8、k it.D An unreasonable price for enrollment.【答案】D An unreasonable price for enrollment.25. Which of the following would be the best title forthe text?A Less Screening for More SafetyB PreCheck-a Belated SolutionC Getting Stuck in Security LinesD Underused PreCheck Lanes【答案】B PreCheck-a Belated Solut

9、ionText 226. Queen Liliuokalanis remark in Paragraph 1indicatesA its conservative view on the historical role ofastronomy.B the importance of astronomy in ancient Hawaiiansociety.C the regrettable decline of astronomy in ancienttimes.D her appreciation of star watchers feats in hertime.【答案】B the imp

10、ortance of astronomy in ancientHawaiian society.27. Mauna Kea is deemed as an ideal astronomical sitedue toA its geographical featuresB its protective surroundings.C its religious implications.D its existing infrastructure.【答案】A its geographical features28. The construction of the TMT is opposed by

11、somelocals partly becauseA it may risk ruining their intellectual life.B it reminds them of a humiliating history.C their culture will lose a chance of revival.D they fear losing control of Mauna Kea.【答案】B it reminds them of a humiliating history.29. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that progress

12、in todays astronomyA is fulfilling the dreams of ancient Hawaiians.B helps spread Hawaiian culture across the world.C may uncover the origin of Hawaiian culture.D will eventually soften Hawaiians hostility.【答案】C may uncover the origin of Hawaiian culture.30. The authors attitude toward choosing Maun

13、a Kea asthe TMT site is one ofA severe criticism.B passive aeptance.C slight hesitancy.D full approval.【答案】D full approval.Text 331.Robert F. Kennedy is cited because heApraised the UK for its GDP.Bidentified GDP with happiness .Cmisinterpreted the role of GDP .Dhad a low opinion of GDP .【答案】D had a

14、 low opinion of GDP32.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 thatAthe UK is reluctant to remold its economic pattern .BGDP as the measure of suess is widely defied in theUK .Cthe UK will contribute less to the world economy .Dpolicymakers in the UK are paying less attention toGDP .【答案】BGDP as the measu

15、re of suess is widely defiedin the UK .33.Which of the following is true about the recentannual study ?AIt is sponsored by 163 countries .BIt excludes GDP as an indicator.CIts criteria are questionable .DIts results are enlightening .【答案】DIts results are enlightening .34.In the last two paragraphs ,

16、 the author suggeststhatAthe UK is preparing for an economic boom .Bhigh GDP foreshadows an economic decline .Cit is essential to consider factors beyond GDP .Dit requires caution to handle economic issues .【答案】Cit is essential to consider factors beyondGDP .35.Which of the following is the best tit

17、le for thetext ?AHigh GDP But Inadequate Well-being , a UK LessonBGDP Figures, a Window on Global Economic HealthCRebort F.Kennedy, a Terminator of GDPDBrexit, the UKs Gateway to Well-being【答案】AHigh GDP But Inadequate Well-being , a UKLessonText 436. The undermined sentence (Para.1) most probablysho

18、ws that the courtA avoided defining the extent of McDonnells duties.B made no promise in convicting McDonnell.C was contemptuous of McDonnells conduct.D refused to ment on McDonnells ethics.【答案】C was contemptuous of McDonnells conduct.37. Aording to Paragraph 4, an official act is deemedcorruptive o

19、nly if it involvesA leaking secrets intentionally.B sizable gains in the form of gifts.C concrete returns for gift-givers.D breaking contracts officially.【答案】C concrete returns for gift-givers.38. The courts ruling is based on the assumption thatpublic officials areA justified in addressing the need

20、s of theirconstituents.B qualified to deal independently with bureaucraticissues.C allowed to focus on the concerns of theirsupporters.D exempt from conviction on the charge of favoritism.【答案】A justified in addressing the needs of theirconstituents.39. Well-enforced laws in government transparency a

21、reneeded toA awaken the conscience of officials.B guarantee fair play in official aess.C allow for certain kinds of lobbying.D inspire hopes in average people.【答案】B guarantee fair play in official aess.40. The authors attitude toward the courts ruling isA sarcastic.B tolerant.C skeptical.D supportiv

22、e【答案】D supportivePart BD 41. 42. 43. 44. B 45.【答案】41. F Dickens was born in Portsmouth42. E Soon after his fathers release from prison43. AThe first published sketch44. CSoon after Sketches by Boz appeared45. G After Pickwick, Dickens plunged into a bleakerworldPart C【答案】(46) 但是即使当下英语使用者的人群还在进一步扩大,有

23、迹象说明:在可预见的未来,英语可能会逐渐失去其全球主导地位。(47) 因此,对于那些认为英语的国际地位无懈可击、甚至觉得他们的年青后代们不需要其他语言的人而言,他的分析可能会给他们的骄傲自大画上一个句号。(48) 众多国家正在将英语引进小学课程,但是,毫不夸张地说,英国学童和学生似乎没有受到更多的鼓励去学会流利地使用其他语言。(49) 大卫葛拉尔多所发现的变化给教授他国人士英语的英国机构以及更广阔的教育市场带来了显而易见的宏大挑战。(50)这给所有致力于推广英语学习和使用的机构提供了一个制定规划的依据,让我们能够应对未来完全不同的操作环境里出现的各种可能性。Section III Writin

24、gPart A51. Directions:You are to write an email to James Cook , a newly-arrived Australian professor , remending some touristattractions in your city . Please give reasons for yourremendation .You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET .Do not sign your own name at the end of the email . UseLi Ming

25、 instead.Do not write the address . (10 points)【参考范文】Dear James Cook,Wele to China! Im writing this email to remend somescenic spots in Beijing to you so that you can have awonderful time here.First of all, you could have a visit to the SummerPalace and Forbidden City, which are renowned for its old

26、buildings and diverse cultures. After that, it is advisableto go to Wang Fujing, where you can have a taste of somedelicious local food while enjoying the traditional culture.Finally, you can go to the National Museum, in which sometraditional art exhibitions are being held. What do youthink of my p

27、lans?I sincerely hope that you could enjoy yourselves inBeijing and it will be my pleasure to be your guide.Yours sincerely,Li MingPart B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the followingpictures. In your essay , you should1)describe the pictures briefly,2)interpret the meaning ,

28、and3)give your ments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.( 20points )【参考范文】Portrayed in the two cartoons is thought-provoking: Inthe left one, a young man, fortably lounging on the chair,is looking at his huge bookshelf full of books contentedly,while the other, in the right drawing, is dete

29、rmined tofinish reading 20 books in a year.By this scenario, the cartoonist is trying to awaken usto the importance of reading and sticking to our goals. Itis universally held that with the advance of modern society,only those equipped with updated knowledge which requiresconstant reading are most l

30、ikely to reach the summit of thesuess. Conversely, without persistent learning and takingactions, our objectives are bound to be a fantasy. Indeed,people fail always because they stop trying, not becausethey encounter invincible difficulties.From what has been mentioned above, we may reasonablyarrive at the conclusion that only those who keep learningand cherish the spirit of persistence have opportunities tosueed. Therefore, such essence is an important virtueworthy of being fostered. If you understand and adhere tothis principle in your study and work, you will definitelybenefit greatly.



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