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1、岳麓实验中学高三英语备课组 Period 1 Vocabulary Lesson单词速览单词速览11.承认,允许进入12.原谅,宽恕13评论,谈论14.责备,指责15.克服,解决16.热切的,急切的17.出卖,背叛18.敏感的,易生气的19.方式,态度20.有天赋的admitforgiveremarkblameovercomeeagerbetraysensitivemannergifted1.pretend2.swear3.focus4.guilty5.quarrel6.attitude7.awkward8.apologize9.cruel10.truly假装;扮作发誓;咒骂集中注意力于内疚的


3、式,态度20.有天赋的有天赋的I. Listen and spell1.Afterwards, I _ to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.2. I dont think I can ever truly _her. 3. We went to wash our hands in the girls washroom before lunch and I _ how badly I had done.4. The other team was superb and we really had to _. 5. but he

4、 said Matthew is just too _ 6. The things he said hurt me too, but he has not _ to me.7. If she really is your best friend you should apologize for_ her. 8. Boys and girls have different _ towards friendship. pretendedforgiveadmittedfocusapologizedblamingattitudessensitiveTest1.We should_(道歉)道歉)to t

5、hem for anything we did wrong.2.He needs to_(集中)集中)more on his career.3.Hes not asleep- hes just_(假装)假装).4.We have to _(承认)承认)that there is still room for improvement.5.They _(把把.归咎于归咎于) the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation.6.What is your _(态度)态度)towards the question?7.Can you ev

6、er _(原谅)原谅)me for forgetting your birthday?8. The _(敏感的)(敏感的) man finally made a sensible decision, which shocked everyone present.apologizefocuspretendingadmitblamedattitudeforgivesensitive剖析7个考纲单词 pretend用括号内单词的适当形式填空1.He pretended not_ (notice). =He pretended _ he didnt notice.2. When the teache

7、came in , the students pretended_(do) their homework.3. The naughty boy pretended_(finish) his homework in order to go out to play with his playmates.to noticeto be doingto have finishedpretend to do/to be doing/ to have done 假装要做正在做做过了某事pretend that从句 假装;伪装;装作thatadmit阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或 括号内单

8、词的正确形式。1.Dana admitted_(feel) hurt by what I said.2.How many students have been admitted_ the key university in your school every year?3.The Museum has no_(admit) charge. admit doing sth. admit n. admission.feelingintoadmissionapologize阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或 括号内单词的正确形式。1. You must apologize _ him

9、 for having kept him waiting so long.2. I feel I owe you an _(apologize).改错:改错:She had to make a formal publicly apology forher marks.toapology_publicapologize to sb for doing sth.=make an apology to sb. for doing sth.blame vt.&n.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或 括号内单词的正确形式。1.Police are blaming the accident

10、 _ dangerous driving.2. Officials believe that more than one person may be _ for the fire.onblame sth. on/upon sb. 把责任归咎于某人to blamebe to blame for 对对应负责任应负责任3.改错:He blames you on neglecting duty._ forblame sb. for sth.4. You cant expect Terry to take all the _(blame)blame 翻译:1.我试图原谅他所说的话。Ive tried t

11、o _ him _ what he said.2. If anything happened to the kids, Id never forgive myself.用括号内单词的适当形式填空3. He never admitted his guilt or asked for_(forgive)forgiveforgive sb. for 原谅某人某事原谅某人某事forgiveforforgivenessfocus依句意填上适当的词1.The gallerys show focuses _ works painted after 1945.改错:Its high time that we

12、focus our attention on studies.onfocus on /upon sb./sth. 集中注意力_focusedattitude依句意填上适当的词(2014江西高考)It is peoples attitude _ progress that causes the type of influence that technlogy has on society.towards写作佳句:写作佳句:He has /takes a bad attitude on/towards his school work.attitude towards/toPractice阅读下面一

13、段材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或 括号内单词的正确形式。 Dear Sarah You have every right to feel (1) _(betray) by your friend if she told your secret to others and then(2) _(pretend) that she was innocent, but perhaps she didnt do it. Would a best friend really act this way ? If you still have(3)_(doubt) ,think about why

14、 you dont believe (4)_(she). Was it because you were ashamed (5)_your horrible grade, or because you envied her? If so, the problem(6) ( lie )with you, not her. While it may feel awkward, if she really is your best friend you should(7)_(apology) for blaming her. (8)_, if you really sense that she wa

15、nted to embarrass you in public, you had better find (9)_new friend. Yours (10)_(true) Annie betrayedpretendeddoubtsherofapologizeHoweveratrulylies Homework 高考话题微写作 人际关系 与人相处【写作素材】 提示:黑体部分用本单位词汇或句型表达1.安妮是一个敏感的女孩。有一天,她因一件小事和朋友安德鲁发生了争吵。2.不久,安德鲁承认了自己的错误,并向安妮道了歉。3.安妮很羡慕安德鲁的才能,也渴望他的态度有所改变。4.安妮很快做出了回应,并对自己说过的话感到自责,不管怎样,他们应该消除误解5.最终,安妮原谅了安德鲁,她意识到她会把更多的精力集中在学习上。【连句成篇】可选用and, regardless of,at last,instead of等将以上句子连成一篇英语短文



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