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1、Chapter 1 The Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary1、The Definition of a Word Lexicology focuses on the study of meanings and origins of words. According to semanticists (语义学家) , a word is a unit of meaning. A word is a minimal (最小的)free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntac

2、tic function (句法功能). 2、 Vocabulary All the words in a language make up what is generally known as its vocabulary. 3、 Sound and Meaning The relationship between sound and meaning is no logic 4、 Sound and Form There was more agreement between sound and form in Old English than in Modern English. With

3、the development of the language, more and more differences arose between sound and form. 5、 Classification of Words No.ClassificationExam pleNotes 1 By use frequency Basic Word Stock (基本词汇)The basic word stock forms the common core (共合) of the language. Pronouns ( 代 词 )and numerals are semantically

4、monosemous(单一的)and fairly limited in the respect of productivity (多产性) and collocability (搭配性) . The most important feature of the basic word stock is all national character. Nonbasic VocabularyArchaisms (古词语):thouNeologisms(新词): AIDSArgot (黑话): persuader( means dagger)Technical Terms 2 By notion (有

5、无实义)Content Words (实义词)Functional Words3 By OriginNative Words Borrowed WordsDenizens (同代词):port、 shirtAliens (非同代词):d corTranslation Loans(译借词) : lama(喇嘛)4 By Morphology (形态)Simple Words Compounds and Derived Words 6、简答(1)、 What is the relationship between sound and meaning? Give examples to illust

6、rate it. The relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary and conventional. In different languages, the same concept can be shown by different sounds. “ Woman” , for example, becomes “ Frau” in German, “ Femme” in French and “ fu nv ” in Chinese. On the other hand, the same sound mi:t is used

7、 to mean “ meet, meat, mete” , denoting different things. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 15 页(2)、 What are the four major reasons for the differences between sound and form? The first reason (he internal reason) is that there are more phonemes (音素) than letters in English. Anot

8、her reason is that the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years. The third reasons that some of the differences more created by the early scribes. The fourth reason is the borrowing. (3)、 How are words classified in the course book? Words can be classified by different cri

9、teria and for different purposes. Words may fall into: the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency; content words and functional words by notion; native words and borrowed words by origin; simple words, compounds and derived words by morphology. (4)、 What is the difference between

10、denizens and aliens? Denizens are words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated (完全同化)into the English language. But aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. These words are immediately recognizable as foreign in origin. 精选学习资料 - - - -

11、- - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 15 页Chapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary1、The Indo-European Language Family The prehistoric Indo-European parent language, thought to be a highly inflected (内部曲折语) language. GroupClassificationIncluding Easter Set (东支 )Balto-Slavic Prussian 、Lithu

12、anina (立陶宛语)、Czech(捷克语)Indo-Iranian Persian 、Bengali(孟加拉)、 Hindi 、RomanyWestern Set (西支)Celtic Scottish、Irish、 WelshHellenic Greek Italic Five Romance languages: Portuguese、Spanish、French、Italian、RomanianGermanic Four Northern European Languages (Scandinavian languages): Norwegian (挪威语)、Icelandic(冰岛

13、语)、Danish、SwedishGerman 、Dutch(荷兰语)、Flemish(佛兰芒语)、English2、 Three Phases of the Historical Development The first peoples who inhabited the land were Celts. The second language known in English was Latin of the Roman Legions. (1)、 Old English (450-1150)In the 9th century England was invaded by Norweg

14、ian and Danish Vikings. (2)、 Middle English ( 1150-1500)The French influence on English vocabulary was one of the significant points of the Middle English period. The most important fact of the Middle English period was the steady erosion of the inflectional systems of Old English. (3)、 Modern Engli

15、sh (1500-present)In the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. It is estimated that about one fourth of modern English vocabulary has come from French. 3、 Foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary In earlier stages of English, Latin, G

16、reek, French and Scandinavian were the four major contributors. The simultaneous existence of French, Latin and English lasted for a century. 4、 Modes of Vocabulary Development Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic change(旧词新义) and borrowing. Creation is the m

17、ost important way of vocabulary expansion. 5、简答What are the characteristics of Old English? Old English also known as the Anglo-Saxon, has a vocabulary of about 50000 to 60000 words, which are almost monogeneous and entirely Germanic with only a few borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian. Old Englis

18、h was a highly inflected language.It was a synthetic language(综合性语言).(Modern English is an analytic language)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 15 页Chapter 3 Morphological Structure of English Words1、 Morphemes The minimal meaningful units in English are known as morphemes(词素) . 2、

19、 Classifying Morphemes No.ClassificationNotes1 Free morphemeBound morpheme(粘着词素)include two types: bound root and affix are chiefly found in derived words 2 Derivational morphemeconfined to suffixes function as grammatical markersInflectional morpheme(曲折词素)3 Content morpheme(实义词素)On a semantic and s

20、yntactic basis, morphemes can fall into content/lexical and grammatical morphemes. Grammatical morpheme3、 Morphs(形素)Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as morphs. 4、 Allomorphs(词素变体)An allomorph refers to a member of a set of morphs, which represent one

21、 morpheme. 5、 Affix No.Classification Notes1 I nflectional affixesaccording to the function Derivational affixes 2 prefix in view of their distribution (位置)in the wordsSuffixes embrace both derivational suffixes and inflectional suffixes. suffix 6、A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be f

22、urther analyzed without total loss of identity. 7、简答(1)、 What is the difference between free morphemes and bound morphemes? Free morphemes which have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences are independent of other morphemes, but bound morphemes which c

23、annot occur as separate. Words are bound to other morphemes to form words or to perform a particular grammatical function. (2)、 What is the difference between derivational morphemes and inflectional morphemes? Derivational morphemes are used to derive new words, but inflectional morphemes are employ

24、ed used to indicate the syntactic (句法) relationship between words and function as grammatical markers. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 15 页Chapter 4 Word FormatioThe most productive ways of creating new words are affixation, compounding, and conversion. 1、Affixation According to

25、 the position: ClassificationIncludingExampleNotesPrefixation Negative Prefixes (表示否定)undemocratic, disloyalGenerally speaking, prefixes do not change the word-class of the base but modify its meaningReversative/Privative Prefixes(表示逆反)unlock Suffixaion (Noun Suffixes)a Deverbal Noun Suffix(动词变名词)di

26、smissal, assistant a Denominal Noun Suffix(名词变名词)booklet, hostess The words created by adding word forming or derivational affixes to bases are called derivatives. 2、Compounding(复合法)Example: workfare(work+welfare) In adjective-plus-noun compounds, the adjective element cannot take inflectional suffi

27、xes. Verb compounds are created either though conversion or through back-formation. 3、Conversion(转类法)The conversion that takes place between nouns and verbs is the most productive. The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of stress. Nouns fully converted from adjectives have

28、 all the characteristics of nouns. 4、 Blending(拼缀法)The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns 5、Back-formation(逆身法)Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. 6、简答(1)、 What is the main difference between prefixes and suffixes? Unlike prefixes which primarily effect a s

29、emantic modification of the base, suffixes have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to changes the grammatical function of a base, i.e. the change of the word class with a slight modification of meaning. (2)、 What are the three main features of compounds? The three main features

30、 of compounds are phonological features, semantic features and grammatical features. The word stress of a compound usually occurs on the first element. Each compound should express a single idea just as one word. A compound tends to play a single grammatical role in a sentence. (3)、 What is back-for

31、mation? What are the characteristics of back-formation? Back-formation is the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. Words created through back-formation are verbs. Stylistically, back-formed words are largely informal and some of them have not successfully gained currency. 精选学习

32、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 15 页(4)、 What is acronymy? What is the difference between initialisms and acrnyms? Acronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of composite names of social and political organizations or phrases used as technical terms.

33、 Words formed in this way are called initialisms or acronyms. Initialisms are pronounced letter by letter, but acronyms are pronounced as normal words 7、论述题Point out the formation of the following words? No.Classification Including Example1 Blending head+tail autocide(automobile+suicide) 、broasted(b

34、roiled+roasted)、chunnel(channel+tunnel) head+head comsat(communication+satellite) 、telex(teleprinter+exchange) 、Amerind(American+Indian)、sitcom(situation+comedy) head+word medicare(medical+care)、Eurasia(Europe+Asia) 、autocamp(automobile+camp) word+tail Bookmobile(book+automobile) 、 workfare(work+wel

35、fare) , tourmobile(tour+automobile) 2 Clipping (截短法)Front Clipping quake(earthquake)、copter(helicopter) 、chute(parachute) , phone(telephone)、scope(telescope) Back Clipping memo(memorandum)、gent(gentleman)、fan(fanatic)、disco(discotheque) Front and Back Clipping flu(influenza) 、fridge(refrigerator) Ph

36、rase Clipping pub(public house) 、 zoo(zoological garden) 、pop(popular music) 3 Acronymy (首字母拼音法)(Depending on the pronunciation) Initialisms (首字母缩略词)VOA 、BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)、UFO (unidentified flying object)、TB (tuberculosis) Acronyms NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)、A

37、IDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)、CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) 、TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) 、1、 “ Medicare ” and “ sitcom” are blends. “ Medicare ” is formed by combining the head of “ medicaland the word “ care” , and “ sitcom” is formed by combining the head of “ si

38、tuation ” and that of “ comdey . 2、” Memo” and “ flu” are clipped words. “ Memo” is formed by clipping the lack of “ memorandum” and “ flu ” is formed clipping the front and lack of “ influenza” . 3、” TB” and “ NATO ” are new words created through acronymy. “ TB” from “ tuberculosis” is an initialis

39、m, while “ NATO ” from “ the North Atlantic Treaty Organization” is an acronym.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 15 页Chapter 5 Word Meaning and Componential Analysis (成份分析法)1、Reference Words are but symbols, many of which have meaning only when they have acquired reference. 2、Conc

40、ept(概念)Meaning and concept are closely connected but not identical. Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind. 3、Sense Unlike reference, sense denotes the relationships inside the language. 4、Motivation (理据)Motivation refers

41、 to the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. No.ClassificationExample1 Onomatopoeic Motivation (拟声理据)crow by cocks 、quack by ducks、trumpet by elephants、buzz by bees or flies、croak by frogs、 squeak by mice、neigh by horses、 bleat by goats、hiss by snakes、roar by lions and tigers 2

42、Morphological Motivation (形态理据)hopeful、useless 、careful 3 Semantic Motivation (语音理据)Mouth (the mouth of a river) 4 Etymological Motivation (词源理据)pen 5、Types of Meaning No.ClassificationNotes1 Grammatical Meaning Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning form the word meaning. Lexical meaning itself em

43、braces two components: conceptual meaning and associative meaning. Functional words, thought having little lexical meaning, possess strong grammatical meaning whereas content words have both meanings, and their lexical meanings are prominent. Lexical Meaning (词汇意义)2 Conceptual Meaning There are few

44、words with the same conceptual meaning and the same stylistic meaning. Associative Meaning (1)、 Conceptual Meaning and Associative Meaning No.ClassificationExampleNotes1 Connotative Meaning (内涵意义)mother、home 1、Opposite to the denotative meaning, connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associa

45、tions suggested by the conceptual meaning. 2、Connotative meaning varies considerably according to culture, historical period, and the experience of the individual. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 15 页2 Stylistic Meaning (文体意义)They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk

46、 with the loot. After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money. 3 Affective Meaning (感情意义)Positive、Negative、Both appreciative (褒义的)or pejorative (贬义的 ): 1、Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative or pejorative. 2、Affective meaning, which is unstab

47、le, differs from the conceptual meaning. 4 Collocative Meaning (搭配意义)pretty woman and handsome woman 6、简答(1)、 What is reference? What are the characteristics of reference? Reference is the relationship between language and the world. By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the wor

48、ld are being talked about. The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conventional. Although reference is a kind of abstraction, yet with the help of context, it can refer to something definite. (2)、 What is conceptual meaning? What are the characteristics of conceptual

49、 meaning? Conceptual meaning known as cognitive, denotative, or designative is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. Being constant and relatively stable, conceptual meaning forms the basis for communication as The same word generally has the same conceptual meaning

50、 to all the speakers of the same speech community. (language). (3)、 What is the difference between conceptual meaning and associative meaning? Conceptual meaning known as cognitive, denotative, or designative is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. But Associative

51、meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. It differs from the conceptual meaning because it is open-ended and indeterminate, liable to the influence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, class background, education, etc. . (4)、 What is

52、collocative meaning? What are the characteristics of collocative meaning? Collocative meaning is that part of the word meaning suggested by the words with which it co-occurs. It is again noticeable that collocative meaning overlaps with connotative and affective meaning because in a sense both conno

53、tative and affective meanings are revealed by virtue of collocations or contextuality. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 15 页Chapter 6 Sense Relations (语义关系)No.RelationsClassificationExampleNotes1 Polysemy (多义关系)1、The interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be a

54、pproached from two different angles: diachronic (历时)approach and synchronic(共时)approach. 2、 Synchronically, polysemy is view as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period. Radiation(辐射型)is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the s

55、econdary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rays. 2 Homonymy (同音同形异义)Perfect Homonyms (完全同音同形异义)date(a kind of fruit) & date(a boy or girl friend) 1、Homophones are words identical only in spelling but different in two other aspects. 2、Of the three types of homonyms, homophones consti

56、tute the largest number and are most common Homophones (同音异义)dear & deer Borrowing fair(a market, borrowed from Latin) & fair(pretty from Old English) Shortening rock(shortened from rock and roll) & rock(a large mass of stone) 3 Synonymy (同义关系)Relative Synonyms (相对同义词) small & tiny 1、Synonyms may di

57、ffer in the range and intensity of meaning 2、Absolute synonyms are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. 3、Relative synonyms are similar or nearly the same in denotative meaning ( 外延意义)4、Of the various sources of synonyms, the most important is borrowing. 5、Relative synonyms, also

58、 called by some people near-synonyms, are similar or nearly the same in denotation. 4 Antonymy (反义关系)Complementaries (互补反义词)true & false 1、Antonyms have various practical uses and have long proved helpful and valuable in defining the meanings of a given word. 2、Antonyms are classified on the basis o

59、f semantic opposition. Contraries (相对反义词)Converses (逆反反义词)husband & wife (relational opposites 关系反义词)5 Hyponymy (上下义关系) Superordinate terms(上义词)The relationship of inclusion(内包)is called hyponymy. Subordinate terms (下义词)“ tulip” (郁金香) & “ rose ” are the Subordinate terms “ flower”精选学习资料 - - - - - -

60、- - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 15 页The first meaning of a word is called primary meaning. Later meanings are called derived meaningsThe meaning of a more specific word is include in that of another more general word. 简答What is the difference between radiation and concatenation (连锁型) ? Unlike radi

61、ation where each of the derived meanings is directly connected to the primary meaning, concatenation describes a process where each of the later meanings is related only to the preceding one like chains.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 15 页Chapter 7 Changes in Word MeaningThe vo

62、cabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in the sign-shapes and sign contents. 1、Types of Change No.TypesClassificationExampleNotes1 Extension of Meaning (词义扩大)Of all the types of change of meaning, extension and narrowing are by far the most comm

63、on. 2 Narrowing of Meaning (词义缩小)3 Elevation of Meaning (词义升格)1、 “minister” which originally meant “ servant”2、” fond ” which formerly meant “ foolish”4 Degradation of Meaning (词义降格)“ silly ” which originally meant “ happy ”5 Transference of Meaning (词义转移)Associated Transfer “ lip ” in “ the lip of

64、a wound”Synesthesia(通感) Synesthesia takes place between words of sensation. 2、Causes of Change No.FactorsReasonsExampleNotes1 Extra-linguistic Factors (非语言因素)Psychological Reason “ copperhead ” used to refer to those northern informers Extension of meaning is also known as generalization, is the nam

65、e given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo. The associated transfer of meaning, the euphemistic use of words and so on are often due to psychological factors. 2 Linguistic Factors 3、简答(1)、 What is semantic transfer? What are the four main types of transfer? Some words which were use

66、d to designate/indicate one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer. The four main types of transfer are the associated transfer, the transfer between abstract and concrete meanings, the transfer between subjective and objective meanings and t

67、he synesthesim. (2)、 What are the two factors causing changes in meanings? How are they classified? The two major factors that cause changes in meaning are the extra-linguistic factors and the linguistic factors. The extra-linguistic factors include the historic reason, the class reason and the psyc

68、hological reason. The linguistic factors include shortening, borrowing and analogy. (类比)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 15 页Chapter 8 Meaning and Context(语境)1、 Types of Context Without context, there is no way to determine the meaning that the speaker intends to convey. When we

69、 talk about context, we usually think of linguistic context, hardly aware of the non-linguistic context. No.ContextClassifyIncludingNotes1 Extra-linguistic Context 2 Linguistic Context Lexical Context The meaning of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. This is known as gramm

70、atical context. Grammatical Context 2、 The Role of Context Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy, homonymy and grammatical structure. When a word with multiple meanings is employed in inadequate context, it creates ambiguity. 3、简答(1)、 what is the difference between linguistic context and extra-ling

71、uistic context? Linguistic refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears and it is known as linguistic context or co-text may extend to embrace a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book. But extra-linguistic or non-linguistic context refers to the participants, time, pl

72、ace, and even the whole cultural background (2)、 What is the difference between lexical context and grammatical context? Lexical context refers to the words that co-occur with the word in question. The meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighbouring words. But grammatical conte

73、xt refers to the structure which may influence the meaning of a polysemant. 4、论述题Read the sentence carefully. If you find anything inappropriate, explain the reasons and then improve the sentence. a.He is a hard businessman. John ran the egg and spoon race. 1、 The sentence is ambiguous. The ambiguit

74、y is caused by polysemy. 2、 The word “ hard” in this sentence can be understood as “ hardworking ” or “ difficult ” . The context fails to narrow down the meaning so that it is difficult for the reader to decide what exactly the speaker means. 3、 The ambiguity can be eliminated by altering the conte

75、xt a little. There would be no misunderstanding of the original sentence if it is expanded as “ He is a hard businessman to deal with ” , or “ He is a hard businessman and he is often praised by his employer” . ( participated or organized John ran the egg and spoon race and got second place. or John

76、 ran the egg and spoon race and gain a larger number of money.)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 15 页b.They saw her duck. The ball was attractive. 1、 The sentence is ambiguous. The ambiguity is caused by homonymy. 2、 The word “ ball” in this sentence can be understood as a noun,

77、which refer to “ round object to play in a game” or a “ dancing party” . The context fails to narrow down the meaning so that it is difficult for the reader to decide what exactly the speaker means. 3、 The ambiguity can be eliminated by altering the context a little. It is clear if it is expanded as

78、 “ The ball was attractive with nice music and a lot of peoples ” , or “ The ball made of leather of different colors was attractive ” . (kind of poultry or verb meaning ” lower one s head or body quickly, dodge”They saw her duck or swimming in the river or They saw her duck her body.)c、The fish is

79、ready to eat. I like Mary better than Jean. 1、 The sentence is ambiguous. The ambiguity is caused by inadequate grammatical structure. 2、 The sentence has two different interpretations. It may mean “the fish is cooked or served, so ready for people to eat or a “ the fish is ready to eat things ” . T

80、he context fails to narrow down the meaning so that it is difficult for the reader to decide what exactly the speaker means. 3、 The sentence can be improved as “ How nice the fish smell! The fish is ready to eat.” or “ The fish is ready to eat things. (I like Mary better than I like Jean or I like M

81、ary better than Jean likes Mary I like Mary better than Jean does. or I like Mary better than I do Jean.)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 15 页Chapter 9 English Idioms1、 Characteristics of Idioms No.CharacteristicsNotes1 Semantic Unity (语义的整体性)2 Structural Stability The idiomatic

82、ity of idioms is gradable and may best be thought in terms of a scale. The fixity of idioms depends on the idiomaticity. The more idiomatic the idioms, the fixed the structure. 2、Classification of Idioms No.ClassificationExampleNotes1 Idioms Nominal In Nature (名词性质的)brain trust 2 Idioms Adverbial In

83、 Nature heart and soul Idioms adverbial in nature contain numerous prepositional phrases. 3、Stylistic Features (文体特征)Stylistically, idioms are generally felt to be informal and some are colloquialisms(口语体)and slang. 4、 Rhetorical Features No.AspectsClassification Example1 Phonetic Manipulation (语音方面

84、)Alliteration chop and change 2 Lexical Manipulation (词义方面)Reiteration(同义词叠用)scream and shout Juxtaposition(反义词叠用)up and down 3 Semantic Manipulation (词义方面)Metaphor: a snake in the grass 4、简答(1)、 What are the characteristics of English idioms? The two main characteristics of English idioms are seman

85、tic unity and structural stability. Idioms each consist of at least two or more constituents, but each is a semantic unity. The structure of an idiom is to a large extend invariable. (2)、 What are the rhetorical features of English idioms? The rhetorical features of English idioms include the phonet

86、ic manipulation, the lexical manipulation and the semantic manipulation. The phonetic manipulation includes alliteration and rhyme (叠韵) . The lexical manipulation includes reiteration, repletion and juxtaposition. The semantic manipulation includes (Figures of speech) Simile, Metaphor, Metonymy, Syn

87、ecdoche, Personification, Euphemism. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 15 页Chapter 10 English Dictionaries1、Types of Dictionaries No.TypesExampleNotes1 Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries (单语和双词词典)Monolingual Dictionaries: LECE, CCELD 2 Linguistic and Encyclopaedic Dictionarie

88、s (语言类和百科全书类词典) Linguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usage in the language. 3 General Purpose Dictionaries Unabridged Dictionaries(大型词典), Pocket Dictionaries Pocket dictionaries are 50000 or fewer words. 4 Specialized Dictionaries (专用词典)The Oxford Dictionary of English

89、Etymology is a specialized dictionary. 2、The main body of a dictionary is its definitions of words. 3、Dictionaries (1)、 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English-English-Chinese (LDCE 朗文高级当代英语词典英汉双解)Features: Clear Grammar Codes, Usage Notes, Language Notes, New words (2)、 Collins COBUILD English D

90、ictionary (CCED柯林斯COBUILD英语词典)Features: Definition, Extra Column, Frequency Marker, Pragmatics(词语用法说明)4、British or American American dictionaries contain more encyclopaedic information in the main body than British one whereas British dictionaries, especially learner s dictionaries, embrace more gra

91、mmatical information. 5、简答What is a dictionary? What is the relationship between a dictionary and lexicology? A dictionary is a book which presents in alphabetical order the words of English, with information as to their spelling, pronunciation, meaning, usage, rules of grammar, and in some, their etymology. It is closely related to lexicology because both deal with the same problems: the form, meaning, usage and origins of vocabulary units. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 15 页



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