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1、品类吸引力分析品类吸引力分析华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright2品类吸引力概述综合市场因素品类因素环境因素华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright3华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright4华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright5华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright6华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright7华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright8华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright9 Industry Concentration M

2、easures1.The share of the largest firm2.The combined shares of the three largest firms3.The number of firms with at least x percent of the market (e.g., 1 percent) 4.The share of the largest firm divided by the share of the next three largest competitors5.Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI):-The Sum of

3、 Squared Shares of the Firms in the Industry-Use-Thresholds: below 1000; 1,000 to 1,800; above 1,800http:/www.census.gov/econ/census02/华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright10Characteristics of Intensive Rivalry Many or Balanced Competitors Slow Growth High Fixed Costs Lack of Product DifferentiationAny Exam

4、ple?华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright11Buyer Power Is Higher When Buyer accounts for a large percentage of the industrys output. Product is undifferentiated. Threat of backward integration. Buyer has full information. Example: 华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright12Supplier Power Is Higher When Suppliers are co

5、ncentrated. No or few Substitute for the product. Differentiated product/high switching cost. Limited Supply.Example: Video Game Machine (Nintendo!)华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright13Industry Attractiveness based on Market FactorsHighLowSizeLargeSmallGrowth HighSlowStage in life cycleEarlyLateCyclicityL

6、owHighSeasonalityLowHighMarketing spendingLowHighProfitsHighLowFinancial ratiosHighLowAttractivenessMarketFactors华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright14Industry Attractiveness based on Competitive FactorsHighLowConcentrationLowHighPower of buyers Low HighPower of suppliers LowHighRivalryLowHighPressure from

7、 substitutesLowHighCapacity utilizationHighLowThreat of entryLowHighAttractivenessCompetitiveFactors华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright15III. (Macro) Environmental Factors Technological* Economic* Social Political Regulatory*For your project, pick only important ones 华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright16Typolog

8、y of Technical DevelopmentsWelfareDiffusionInnovationInventionInformationMaterialsTransportationEnergyGenetic*CommercialDefenseTechnologyProcessImpetus* Includes agronomic and biomedical developments.华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright17Projected Change in U.S. Population 1995-2005ThecomingbulgeofTEENAGE“

9、ECHOBOOMERS”willbenefittheentertainment,casualapparel,andconsumerelectronicsindustries.AGINGBOOMERSwillgivealifttoindustriesrelatedtofinancialservices,travelandleisure,nutrition,andhomefurnishings.ES:华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright18U.S. Income Inequality华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright19Business Implica

10、tions of Social Changes The Shrinking Day Connected Individual Body + Soul 华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright20Examples for EvaluatingCategory Attractiveness Energy Bars (from earlier version)Retail CoffeeMP3 Phone华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright21Energy Bars: Category Attractiveness SummaryAggregate Market

11、AnalysisCategory Size$504 mm energy bar category in 2001Attractiveness+Energy bar category contains four primary brands, plus their sub-brands and over 100 smaller players华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright22Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisCategory GrowthAverage annual gr

12、owth rate of 57% between 1997 and 2001Attractiveness+U.S. energy bar category sales forecasted at $750 mm in 2003 for a continued expected growth of 22%Industry reports suggest current annual growth for the energy bar market 25%-30%Category expanding: new competitors are entering, existing brands ar

13、e expanding with new products and flavors, market penetration and usage occasion is increasing华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright23Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisProduct Life CycleBoth the category and Odwalla Bars specifically are both securely in early stages of growth

14、 phaseAttractiveness+华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright24Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisSales CyclicityWhile energy bars are premium-priced for their convenience and nutrient level, the base dollar point of $1-$3 per bar is low such that they are not directly impacted b

15、y GDP variationsAttractiveness+华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright25Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisSeasonalityYear-round salesAttractiveness+Category overall may experience a slight sales increase in the spring and summer month during “race season” and as users are engag

16、ed in more outdoor activities and desire quick, portable energy.华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright26Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisProfitsAs most major competitors are within the product portfolios of larger consumer goods companies, it is difficult to benchmark profita

17、bility within the energy bar category specifically. Nevertheless, the recent acquisition of the leading competitors reflects an expectation for strong profit potential.Attractiveness+Increased category competitiveness may lead to lower pricing and profits华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright27Energy Bars: A

18、ttractiveness Summary (cont)CategoryAnalysisThreat of New Entrants/ExitsStrong potential for new competitors given that the category is profitable, fairly easy to enter, and increasingly relevant to consumers.Attractiveness-Further, with the “big three” brands strongly in place PowerBar, Clif (inclu

19、ding Luna), and Balance, it is most likely that small competitors will enter through the natural foods channel, creating more direct competition with Odwalla bars.华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright28Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)CategoryAnalysisEconomies of ScaleCompetitors within the broader

20、 category of snack bars would likely experience economies of scale with a relatively easy entry into the energy bar marketAttractiveness-华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright29Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)CategoryAnalysisCapital RequirementsWithin the mainstream energy bars, differentiation is

21、largely through brand, taste, and flavor variety. With the exception of targeted nutrition products like protein- or carbohydrate-specific products, nutritional levels are largely at parity.Attractiveness-华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright30Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)CategoryAnalysisSwitch

22、ing CostsSwitching costs are very low, opening the door to potential competitorsAttractiveness-华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright31Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisDistributionAs there are not specialty requirements for distribution (refrigeration, etc.), it would be very

23、 easy for any of the “center of the store” consumer food companies to enter the category and add on to their existing distribution structure. This is particularly true for companies that have an established relationship with the category buyer.Attractiveness-Shelf life华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright32

24、Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisBargaining Power of BuyersLots of competitors with relatively similar options distinguished by brand and taste keeps retailer power strongAttractiveness-华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright33Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregat

25、e MarketAnalysisBargaining Power of SuppliersAs the suppliers of raw inputs for energy bars are largely agricultural, the commodity nature of agriculture keeps prices and supplier power low. While still relatively low, supplier power will be higher for nutrient supplement suppliersAttractiveness+华南理

26、工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright34Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisPressure from SubstitutesConsiderableAttractiveness-Fresh fruit, cereal bars, smoothies, candy bars, etc. are all suitable portable substitutes for the mainstream energy bar consumer. True athletes are most

27、 likely to substitute with higher nutrient level energy bars华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright35Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisCategory CapacityAppears to be high given current scenario of more than 100 manufacturers and many more products. But, still, it is too early t

28、o determine true capacityAttractiveness+华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright36Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)Aggregate MarketAnalysisCurrent Category RivalryVery high. Differentiation largely by taste and flavor variety, and by targeting unique market segmentsAttractiveness-华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,C

29、opyright37Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)EnvironmentalAnalysisTechnologicalTechnology could play a significant role with respect to manufacturing efficiencies and taste profilesAttractiveness+华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright38Energy Bars: Attractiveness Summary (cont)EnvironmentalAnalysisEco

30、nomicWhile premium priced, energy bars have so far seemed to fair the recession well. Still, however, if economic conditions persist, consumers may opt for less expensive alternatives like fresh fruit or non-energy snack barsAttractiveness+华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright39Energy Bars: Attractiveness S

31、ummary (cont)EnvironmentalAnalysisPolitical/ RegulatoryThe energy bar category is regulated by the FDA as are other food products. There are not to our knowledge, however, additional regulations directed toward the energy bar category.Attractiveness0华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright40Energy Bars: Attrac

32、tiveness Summary (cont)EnvironmentalAnalysisSocialAs lives get busier and mealtimes shrink, energy bars will continue to be an acceptable meal replacement.Attractiveness+华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright41Category Attractiveness: Retail Coffee华南理工大学工商管理学院-黎文版权所有,Copyright42Category Attractiveness: MP3 Phones结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!43



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