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1、 Starter Unit 1 Good morning!1.问候语问候语(1)Good morning !afternoon !evening !night !早上好!早上好!中午好!中午好!晚上好!晚上好!晚安!晚安!2-How are you? -Im fine./ Fine./ Im OK. (And you?) Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?1.in+语言语言 用用语言语言2. in English/Chinese/Japanese3.eg: Whats this in English/?4.2.冠词冠词5.冠词:不定冠词表泛指冠词:不定冠

2、词表泛指+定冠词特指定冠词特指aanthea+辅音音节开头的辅音音节开头的n.an+元音音节开头的元音音节开头的n.元音字母元音字母A: /:/, /, / / E : /e/,/,/:/ I : /i:/ ,/i/O : / /, / :/U : /u/, /u:/ 单元音音节单元音音节/ei/, /ai/, /u/, /au/, /i/, /i/, /, /u/ 双元音音节:双元音音节:3. this:这个,片,块这个,片,块) 形容近距离形容近距离 that:那个,片,块那个,片,块) 形容远距离形容远距离形容单数形容单数形容复数形容复数these 这些这些 . 近距离近距离 those

3、 那些那些 . 远距离远距离4,名词归类:,名词归类:文具:文具:pen, ruler, map水果:水果:orange, apple, peach衣物:衣物:jacket, quiltStarter Unit 3 What color is it?1.What color?开头的问句,问颜色。开头的问句,问颜色。-What color is it/are they?-Its/They are+颜色词颜色词.2.颜色词:颜色词:n. & adj. red, green, blue, grey, pink, black, brown, yellow, white, purple Unit 1My

4、 name is Gina!1.Whats your name? . Im . My name is .2.问候语:问候语:-Nice to meet you!-Nice to meet you, too!3,人称代词,人称代词 单数 单数 复数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格第一人称 I me we us第二人称 you you you you 他 he him they them 她 she her they them 它 it it they them4.物主代词物主代词我的我的 你的你的他他的的她的她的 它的我们的你们的他们的形形容容词词性性myyourhisheritsouryourt

5、heir名名词词性性mine yours hishersitsoursyourstheirs5,英国人名:英国人名:First/given name名名+ family/last name姓姓Eg. Tony Brown Gina Miller中国人名:中国人名: 姓姓 + 名名 Lei Feng Zhang Ming 6.0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17

6、 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety7 What 引导的疑问句引导的疑问句问姓名问姓名 Whats your name? 问物品问物品 Whats this in English? 问颜色问颜色 What color is it?问问 号码号码 Whats your telephone number? Unit 2Is this your pen?1. this:这个,片,块这个,片,块) 形容近距离形容近距离 that:那个,

7、片,块那个,片,块) 形容远距离形容远距离形容单数形容单数形容复数形容复数these 这些这些 . 近距离近距离 those 那些那些 . 远距离远距离2, no 可以单独使用可以单独使用not 不可单独使用,不可单独使用, 常放在常放在be动词,助动词,动词,助动词, 情态动词后情态动词后表否认表否认Eg. Is he tall? No, he isnt. I am not a teacher. I cant read.3.Be 动词缩略动词缩略am not无缩略无缩略is not= isntare not=arent4.Excuse me. 当你要打搅别人,或当你要打搅别人,或 询问对方时

8、询问对方时Sorry/Im sorry. 由于某种失误或过错由于某种失误或过错 事后向人抱歉事后向人抱歉2021.黄冈中学测试题黄冈中学测试题-_,Jack, is this your pen?-Yes, it is._.Im sorry; Thank youExcuse me; Im sorryExcuse me; Thank youThank you; Excuse me5. Whats this in English?inAdj. 用用语言语言 in English/Chinese/Japanese 在在里里 in the room 穿着穿着颜色的衣服颜色的衣服 in+colorEg:

9、Im in blue today.6. How do you spell it?How 疑问词,表示如何疑问词,表示如何7,lost and found 失物招领所失物招领所8, a set of. 一套一套9, call sb at 大某人多少多少的号码大某人多少多少的号码 Unit 3 This is my sister!1,家庭成员家庭成员grandfather-grandmother grandparentfather - mother parentaunt - unclebrother - sister - cousinson - daughter2, 人称代词人称代词&be动词动词

10、 I-we I am-we are you-you you are-you arehe/she/it-they he/she/it is-they are3.可数名词变复数可数名词变复数一般名词一般名词+s以以s, sh, ch, o, x+y结尾的名词,直接结尾的名词,直接+es以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变结尾的名词,变y为为i+es不规那么变化:不规那么变化: child-children man-men woman-women4, Thanks for the great photo of your family. Thanks.=Thank you.=Thanks a lot

11、.=Thank you very much.=Thanks very much.=Many thanks.5,Your friend, Emma. Sincerely yours= Yours sincerely=Truly yours= Yours truely Unit 4Wheres my backpack?1,Where 在哪里在哪里询问某人或某物在哪里询问某人或某物在哪里-Where is +主语单?主语单?-主语主语+is+介词介词+sp(地点名词地点名词-Where are+主语复?主语复?-主语主语+are+介词介词+sp(地点名词地点名词方位介词:方位介词:in on und

12、er behind next to2,家具名词:,家具名词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, floor, room, TV, desk3, 人称代词人称代词+be 动词缩略动词缩略I am=Im we are=wereyou are= youre you are=yourehe is = hes she is=shes they are=theyreit is =its4,take 把把带到带到-把把带来带来 bring take A to B-bring A to B穿衣服,脱衣服穿衣服,脱衣服 take on- tak

13、e off乘坐汽车,火车乘坐汽车,火车) take a +交通工具交通工具=by+交通工具交通工具 take a bus/boat/bike/ship/plane/bus/train/taxi=by bus/boat/bike/ship/plane/bus/train/taxi5, Can you bring some things to school?Can 情态动词情态动词-Can sb do(动词原型动词原型 sth? 会做会做.事情吗?事情吗?-Yes, sb can.-No, sb cannot./No, sb cant.6. Here is my room.Here引导的倒装句:引

14、导的倒装句:My room is here. Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?1.-Do you have a ping-pong ball? -Yes, I do.一般现在时态的一般疑问句一般现在时态的一般疑问句Do/Does sb have sth? Sb有有sth吗?吗?Yes, sb do/does.Do 不是第三人称单数的,都用不是第三人称单数的,都用doDoes 用在第三人称单数前用在第三人称单数前助动词助动词have: vt.有有Sb have/has sthSb have/has no sth=Sb dont/doesnt have sthha

15、ve: vt. 拥有拥有Sb have/has sthSb have/has no sth=Sb dont/doesnt have sth吃,喝吃,喝have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner /some food/some drink2,球类:球类:soccer ball, tennis, racket, ping-pong, volleyball, basketballplay soccer ball/tennis/racket/ping-pong/ volleyball/basketballplay sports 做运动做运动乐器类:乐器类:piano, vio

16、lin, guitar, erhu, trumpet, drumplay the piano/the violin/the guitar/the erhu the trumpet/ the drum 3, Lets=Let us Lets do sth=Let us do sth肯定答复:肯定答复:OK!/All right./Sounds great!否认答复:否认答复:Sorry, I cant.4, sound v.听起来听起来That sounds great! 系动词系动词主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语5,many +可数名词可数名词 much +不可数名词不可数名词a lot o

17、f +可数可数/不可数不可数lots of +可数可数/不可数不可数很多的很多的更多的更多的 morea little of.little of6,interesting adj.有趣的有趣的-boring adj.无趣的无趣的relaxing adj. 放松的放松的7.看看watch vt.看动景,持续动作,强调看到的过程看动景,持续动作,强调看到的过程 look vi. look at瞬间动作,强调看的动作瞬间动作,强调看的动作 see vt.看静景,瞬间动作,强调看到的结果看静景,瞬间动作,强调看到的结果8, every 每一个,片每一个,片强调许多人或物中的一个强调许多人或物中的一个

18、each 每一个,片每一个,片强调各自的,个体强调各自的,个体 any Unit 6 Do you like bananas?1.Do you like bananas?-Do/Does sb like.?-Yes, sb do/does.-No, sb dont/doesnt.2. 水果类水果类n.fruit: banana, orange, strawberry, pear, apple 蔬菜类蔬菜类n.vegetable: tomato, carrot, broccoli* 食品类食品类n. egg, chicken, hamburger, French fries, ice cream

19、, salad, dissertbreakfast 早餐早餐lunch 中餐中餐supper 晚餐晚餐dinner 正餐,一天中最重要的餐,正餐,一天中最重要的餐, 可以是午饭,也可以是晚饭可以是午饭,也可以是晚饭3.have/eat breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早吃早/中中/午午/正餐正餐have 吃吃/喝喝 eg. have some bread/watereat 吃吃 eg. eat an apple Unit 7 How much are these pants?1,Can I help you?=May I help you?=What can I d

20、o for you?2, want vt. want sth 想要想要 want to do sth 想要做某事想要做某事 want sb to do sth想要某人做某事想要某人做某事3, How much引导的问句,问价格引导的问句,问价格-How much is+ n.单单/n.不可数不可数-Its +价格价格.-How much are +n.复复-Theyre+价格价格. 货币:货币:dollar, yuan4, 衣服类名词:衣服类名词:clothes: sock, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt5,颜色词:颜色

21、词:color: black, white, red, green, blue, red, yellow, grey, brown, grey 6,尺码:尺码:size: big, small, short, long7,Ill take it. Ill take them.8, -Here you are. -Youre welcome.9. for 介词介词表目的,为了表目的,为了.适合适合Eg. Do you want bags for sports?花了花了.钱钱 sell sth for + 价格价格I sell the bag for 10 yuan.对于对于.来说来说For me

22、, I like dogs.10, buysell买买 buy sth from 卖卖 sell sth to Unit 8When is your birthday?1, When引导的问句,问时间引导的问句,问时间whenwhat time问时间问时间问笼统的时间问笼统的时间问具体的时刻问具体的时刻-When is sbs birthday?-Its +月份月份+日子日子.2, 12 monthsJanuary-Jan. February-Feb.March-Mar. April-Apr.May-May. June-Jun.July-Jul. August-Aug.September-Se

23、p./Sept. October-Oct.November-Nov. December-Dec.6.0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety基数词变化规那么:基数

24、词变化规那么:1,0-12需特殊记忆需特殊记忆2,12-19以以teen结尾,结尾,13,15,18特殊特殊3,整十的数,整十的数20-90以以ty结尾结尾4,几十几的数:,几十几的数: 整十数整十数-个位数个位数1 one-first 2 two-second 3 three-third4 four-fourth 5 five-fifth 6 six-sixth 7 seven-seventh8 eight-eighth 9 nine-ninth 10 ten-tenth 11 eleven-eleventh12 twelve-twelfth13 thirteen-thirteenth14

25、fourteen-fourteenth15 fifteen-fifteenth16 sixteen-sixteenth17 seventeen-seventeenth18 eighteen-eighteenth19 nineteen-nineteenth20 twenty-twentieth30 thirty-thirtieth40 forty-thirtieth50 fifty-fiftieth60 sixty-sixtieth70 seventy-seventieth80 eighty-eightieth90 ninety-ninetieth序数词变化规那么:序数词变化规那么:1,基数词后

26、,基数词后+th/h2,1,2,3,5,9,12特殊记忆特殊记忆3,以,以ty结尾的整十的数字,结尾的整十的数字,y i+eth4, 表示第几十几的序数词,整十局部不变,个位数变序数表示第几十几的序数词,整十局部不变,个位数变序数2. Happy birthday! 生日快乐生日快乐3. How old 引导问人年纪。引导问人年纪。 -How old + be动词动词+ sb -Sb + be 动词动词+年纪年纪Eg: How old are you? 4. speech context 演讲比赛演讲比赛5,basketball / volleyball game篮球篮球/排球赛排球赛6, S

27、chool Day 学校庆祝日学校庆祝日7, art festival 艺术节艺术节8,名词所有格,名词所有格 单数名词或不以单数名词或不以s结尾的复数名词结尾的复数名词+sEg: Jims car mens car 以以s结尾的复数名词结尾的复数名词+Eg: Teachers Day Womens DayAnd连接时连接时A and Bs 表示表示A和和B 共享的共享的As and Bs 表示表示A和和B不共享的不共享的 Unit 9Do you want to go to a movie?1,Do you want to go to a movie?want: want sth 想要想要.

28、 want to do sth 想要做想要做. want sb to do sth 想要某人做想要某人做.go to a movie=go to the cinema电影种类:电影种类:action 动作片动作片 comedy喜剧喜剧 documentary 纪录片纪录片 thriller 恐怖片恐怖片 opera 歌剧歌剧2, kinda kind of 一种一种two kinds of 两种两种all kinds of 各种各种kind of 有点有点3,findlook for找到,强调结果找到,强调结果 寻找,强调过程寻找,强调过程4,andbut表并列表并列表转折表转折5,someo

29、neanyoneeveryone不定代词不定代词某人某人任一个人,用在否认或疑问句中任一个人,用在否认或疑问句中每个人每个人 用在肯定句中用在肯定句中6, scary恐怖的恐怖的7,funny 有趣的有趣的8,exciting 有趣的有趣的9,really=truly adv.真实地真实地 real=true adj.真实的真实的10.learnstudy学习学习学习,研究学习,研究11, think v. 想,认为想,认为 think about sth 想想事情事情 think of sth I think+that 从句从句 I dont think + that从句从句12, on w

30、eekends 在周末,指周六和周日在周末,指周六和周日13,with 与与一起,表伴随一起,表伴随Eg, I often go to movies with my friend, Mike.14, successful adj. 成功的成功的 successfully adv. 成功地成功地 success n. 成功成功 Unit 10Can you play the guitar?2,乐器类:乐器类:piano, violin, guitar, erhu,trumpet, drumplay the piano/the violin/the guitar/the erhu the trum

31、pet/the drum 球类:球类:soccer ball, tennis, racket, ping-pong, volleyball, basketballplay soccer ball/tennis/racket/ping-pong/ volleyball/basketball play sports 做运动做运动 文艺类:文艺类:dance, swim, sing, play chess, paint2, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday3, Can you play? 你会玩你会玩吗?吗?

32、 can是情态动词,后面的动词要用原型是情态动词,后面的动词要用原型Can+主语主语+动原动原?Yes, 主语主语 can.No, 主语主语 cannot./cant.4, club 俱乐部俱乐部join the club 参加俱乐部参加俱乐部Music club basketball clubChess club football club5, little adj.少量的少量的a little of+可数可数/不可数不可数n.有一点的,少量的,强调有有一点的,少量的,强调有little of+可数可数/不可数不可数n. 少到几乎没有的,强调无少到几乎没有的,强调无少量的少量的大量的大量的m

33、any +可数名词可数名词much +不可数名词不可数名词a lot of +可数可数/不可数不可数lots of +可数可数/不可数不可数6. well adj. 健康的,健康的, Eg. Im well today.= Im fine today. adv. 出色的出色的do well in=be good at 语气词语气词,表示好吧表示好吧Well, class begins!7,help vt. 帮助帮助help sb 帮助某人帮助某人help sb with sth 帮助某人某事情帮助某人某事情help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事help oneself

34、 with sth自己随便吃自己随便吃8, shown. 展览,展会展览,展会vt. 展览,展示展览,展示 show sb sth show sth to sb 9, may 情态动词情态动词May I do ? 我可以我可以吗?吗?10,why 引导的问句,提问为什么引导的问句,提问为什么-Why do/does sb do ?-Because Unit 11What time do you go to school?1, what time引导的特殊疑问句,提问具体时间引导的特殊疑问句,提问具体时间What time do/does sb do sth?2, 频率副词频率副词alwaysu

35、suallysometimesnever总是,老是总是,老是经常,常常经常,常常有时,偶尔有时,偶尔从不从不3,get up 起床起床brush ones teeth 刷牙刷牙eat/have breakfast 吃早饭吃早饭go to school 去上学去上学go to work 去上班去上班do homework 做作业做作业take a shower 洗澡洗澡 go home 回家回家 get home 到家到家go to bed 睡觉睡觉4, bus 公共汽车公共汽车by bus= take a busbus stop 公交车站公交车站 -bus station 公交车总站公交车总站

36、5,hotel 旅店,酒店旅店,酒店 restaurant 饭店饭店6, all 全部的全部的All right! 好吧!好吧!7,night晚上晚上 day白天白天Good night!晚安晚安 Good day! 日安日安Good evening!晚上好晚上好8, love v.喜欢,爱喜欢,爱= likelove doing sth 强调长期喜欢强调长期喜欢love to do sth 强调一次性,不持久的喜欢强调一次性,不持久的喜欢 love sb/sth 喜欢某人喜欢某人/物物喜欢做某事喜欢做某事9, listen vi.听听listen to 听听10, home 家家-homew

37、ork 家庭作业家庭作业 house 房子房子-housework 家务活家务活 11,jobwork可数可数不可数不可数工作工作Whats your job/work?=What do you do?=What are you?12, am=a.m. 00:00-12:00pm= p.m. 12:00-24:00Eg: 3:00 am 3:00 pm13, letter 字母字母 信信 write a letter to sb14, around 大约大约 eg. Its around six o clock 在在附近附近 =next to eg. Its around the bridge

38、. 15, write vt. 写字写字listen speak read write16,说说tell告诉告诉speaksaytalktell a story/stories 讲故事讲故事tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告诉某人某事告诉某人某事tell sb to do sthtell sb not to do sth强调说的能力强调说的能力 speak English/Chinese/Japanese强调说的内容强调说的内容say sth 说说强调对话形式强调对话形式talk about sth 交谈交谈talk with sb 和某人交谈和某人交谈告诉某人做某事告诉某

39、人做某事 告诉某人不要做某事告诉某人不要做某事 Unit 12My favorite subject is Science.1, subject 学科,学科, 可数可数Science 科学科学 P.E 体育体育 Chinese 语文语文Math 数学数学 Biology 生物生物2,because because+句子表原因,答复句子表原因,答复Why引导的问句引导的问句 3, description n. 描述描述describe v. describe sth4, word 字字5, teacher老师老师-student学生学生-school学校学校6,who引导的问句,提问谁引导的问句

40、,提问谁7, Mr.+姓姓 先生先生 已婚已婚/未婚未婚 Mrs.+姓姓 夫人已婚夫人已婚Miss+姓姓 小姐未婚小姐未婚Ms.+姓姓 女士女士 已婚已婚/未婚未婚8, partner 合作者,同伴合作者,同伴9,city 城市城市-cities Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo注意:城市首字母大写注意:城市首字母大写10, dad mom11, busy 忙的忙的 be busy with (doing) sth 忙于做某事忙于做某事12,next 下一个下一个 next to 靠近靠近13, strict adj. 严格的严格的 be strict to sb 对某人严格对某人严格14, tired 累的,厌倦的累的,厌倦的be tired of doing sth 厌倦做某事厌倦做某事15, askask for sth 要某物要某物ask sb for sth 向某人要某物向某人要某物=ask sth from sbask sb to do sth ask sb not to do sth要求某人做某事要求某人做某事 要求某人不要做某事要求某人不要做某事



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